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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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people will be categorically against any negotiations with russia, any, in this case 50% will not be enough, this is my belief, the maximum that can be agreed on is only a cease-fire, along certain contact lines, nothing territorial concessions will not be discussed, absolutely, this is simply unacceptable, and i think zelenskyi understands this perfectly, and when sociologists ask this question, it is... an indicator of readiness for peace, by the way, here is another study, there are more strict there were questions, what zarkala ordered of the week of the razumkov center, there, please note, the relative majority, not the absolute, relative majority is for peace negotiations, but there is an active minority that will act against, against these negotiations, and what to do in this situation, well , perhaps, here they mentioned the cliché, it is possible, although this is an idea of ​​zelensky himself... on the 22nd
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in march of the 22nd, well, maybe if there are some unpleasant options, for example, some concessions will have to be made, well, for example, there is a rejection of nato, zelensky does not wants to do it, and most ukrainians too, but so what to do, war, continuation of the war, or such a concession, he will say, ok, let's stop hostilities, yes, let's hold a referendum, and let the people decide whether they want to abandon nato or not, that's it. we have written in the main law the movement towards nato, this is firstly, and secondly, you know very well, the referendum of 1991, march and december, there are already one-meter ones right, right, but what am i talking about, no , the referendum in this case will not be a decision, but rather a legitimation, he zelensky will not want to take responsibility for some unpopular decisions, and this may be a form of refusal. from
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some, let's say, compromise option, it's simple, so far a theoretical model, but public sentiments are now ambivalent, at the same time, people are tired of the war, the relative majority is already ready for negotiations, the absolute majority does not want negotiations on russian terms, does not want, but unfortunately , a large part of ukrainians is not ready to fight now, and this is also a harsh truth, and all this is combined at the same time. and that's why zelensky will be to maneuver, he has no other way out, now he is forced to take into account military factors, resource and diplomatic, regarding the idea of ​​ending the war by the end of the year, well, i would say yes, somewhere it is a slightly idealistic desire, somewhere, let's say, a tactical game, well here is a representative of the vatican, telling him what he wants to hear, so far i do not see any objective in... military,
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political prerequisites for the end of active military operations by the end of the year, i do not see such prerequisites, well, i only have one remark, regarding referendums, we only have one decision of the referendum was implemented, this is a referendum on the independence of ukraine on december 1, so we did not have only two referendums in bulgaria, there was a referendum under kuchma, which was a long one. i also have one remark to mr. volodymyr's words that we have historical analogies, when a revolution against britain began in ireland in 1919, and then in the 21st year the british said: okay, but let's hold a plebiscite and six northern west north-eastern grad. expressed a desire
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to remain part of britain, yes, and this was shared by irish society, and those who fought together, brothers who fought against britain together, started a civil war among themselves, because some of them said, well, if someone doesn't like living in ireland, then a suitcase to the london station, yes there like, and vice versa. the social upheaval led to the civil war, so i absolutely agree with my colleague, i absolutely agree that even going to the borders in 1991, some heads will not cool down, because they will say there, we must destroy russia, we must leave, drive them to zamozhaisk, it is necessary to take away the kuban, the southern and northern slobozhanshchyna, that's it belgorodsk, there voronizsk region and so on, that is, even this option.
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will not satisfy anyone, especially if there is an attempt to cede territories, this is definitely not the right option, thank you, these are just historical analogies, we don't have much time. remains, i would like us to comment very briefly on the murder of iryna farion in the center of lviv, the show execution, the murderer was not arrested, it is not clear who, who shot her, who in your opinion is behind the execution of iryna farion, mr. volodymyr , well, i have already said about it more than once, in different places other broadcasts, i am convinced with a high probability that these are russian special services. the customers could be found, or rather, the executors could be found in ukraine as well, but they saw this murder as a trigger for the escalation of conflict within ukraine, that is why iryna farion was chosen as a symbolic
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victim, who very actively and aggressively advocated not just for the defense of the ukrainian language, and there is the criticism of russian speakers, and that's why we decided, yes, if we... remove it, then it can stir up galicians, ukrainian speakers, anti-russian speakers, etc. russia wants to divide us among themselves, wants to provoke an internal war among themselves, unfortunately, we already have manifestations of internal conflicts, but russia wants to add to this, so irina farion, according to the kremlin, was suitable for this role, and they expected that it might work, but i think ukrainian. society reacted very wisely, and here are the appeals that were made, and respect for irina farion, no matter how someone treated her before, and appeals that we cannot clarify relations among ourselves now, we must maintain unity, and so
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the reaction was responsible, balanced, and i think that this is how we should react to various complex and tragic, dramatic challenges that may appear. or which russia can throw at us, so i am convinced that the russians did it. thank you, mr. volodymyr, mr. viktor, i don’t even know what to add, i completely agree with my colleague, not only that, when someone put forward the version that, well, it was not beneficial for russia, because they used, including farion, she provoked very often internal conflicts, so why kill a person who by himself provoked a conflict in ukrainian society, but absolutely... i agree with my colleague that this is precisely the russian method, because it was assumed that it would drive us into an even bigger clinch, and whatever someone says there, that there is no tragedy in this, someone will be fiercely defensive and it will come up again, and
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those who say that ukraine is not ukraine forward, but ukraine forward, but are fighting for ukraine under ukrainian flags, who will say that if you speak russian, you are a muscovite, there is such a thing and what will happen, but nothing started, this death did not divide the nation, but probably even united it, because everyone, even if someone does not understand with their mind that the russian federation is behind this, then at the level of intuition, at the level of feelings, people felt it, probably, yes, gentlemen, we will wait for the investigation of this case and... and that our investigative bodies will simply put the dots of hope and maybe, maybe, this case will still be considered in the context of a terrorist attack, because it is a terrorist act and is intended to intimidate or to sow fear or hatred there in ukrainian society, i hope that
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it will still happen and all the dots in this story will be placed, because it is necessary for ukrainian society. thank you gentlemen for participating in the program, viktor boberenko and. volodymyr fesenko were guests of our program today. throughout our broadcast, friends, we conducted surveys. we asked you today whether you consider it realistic to liberate crimea by military means. let's look at the results of the poll that we conducted on tv. 75% yes and 25% - no. we also conducted this survey on youtube and the ratio we have on youtube on. next 73% yes, 27%, no. friends, this is where i will put an end to our program. let me remind you that we work every weekday evening at 8:00 p.m., except monday, there will be a new broadcast tomorrow, please come to the verdict, there will be new guests,
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there will be new topics, and don't forget that you can watch us on youtube and facebook. and there actually support our broadcasts with their preferences, which run parallel to the telecast. this is where i end it, i wish you all the best, take care and their relatives goodbye. there are discounts , they represent the only discounts on entergermin 15% in the pharmacies of travel to you and savings . pike discounts. 15% in pharmacies for travel memories and savings.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them there? vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, have read the entire explanation, accept my article, thank you, it was difficult, i was just interested, but it is absolutely her, they help to understand the present and predict the future. offered the united... concluded a bilateral security agreement with us, a project for those who care and think political club every sunday at 20:00 at
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espresso. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. well, we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to turn into... countering the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to... have: antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze
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them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. see this week in the collaborators program. how did a former ukrainian official become a fake senator of zaporozhye? i propose to approve. why did the collaborator from crimea get the title of minister of youth policy? this is
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the return of historical justice. greetings, i'm olena konunenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who went to serve the russian occupiers at the call of their hearts and wallets. we are working so that none of the zaprodanians who helped the rashists, were propaganda tools, surrendered our positions, welcomed the occupiers as liberators, built. their career did not avoid responsibility for treason. meet anton robertovych tytskyi, born in 1990, a native of sevastopol. our tricolor is now flying on all administrative buildings in melitopol. this is the return of historical justice, and i sincerely congratulate you. i want this flag to always fly over this city. anton all his life died for... russian in 2004, at the age of 14 , he became a member of the russian community
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of sevastopol. later, in 2012, he tried to get into the verkhovna rada of ukraine from the russian bloc party. in the 13th year, he became the head of the sevastopol city organization of the russian unity party. when russian troops occupied crimea in the 14th year, antoshka's career began to develop rapidly. it all started with the fact that tytsky was standing at the checkpoints of an illegal armed formation. the very defense of sevastopol, headed the headquarters of the ruskav international of the organization created the russian party rodina and helped the occupiers in every possible way, for which he received several positions at once. at the beginning of the adviser of the fake chairman of the council of ministers arc aksyonov, then he was appointed the coordinator of the all-russian party rodin in the republic of crimea and sevastopol. i am sure that the rodin party will not only be the leading political force in the region, but will also be the political force that will actively fight against manifestations of anti-state and anti-russian
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activities. however , tytskyi did not stay in the rodina sub-party for a long time. already in 2006, he left in order to devote himself to youth, he became the head of the bastion youth organization, then moved to bolotnaya, the capital of moscow, where he joined the federal youth agency rusk molodyozh. we will now talk with you about what we do and what you want. in general, youth policy is such a toolkit that you have so that you can develop. in 2022, russia started a full-scale bloody war, tytsky went to the temporarily occupied melitopol to work with the youth there, although, well, how to work, rather recruiting. for he was given carte blanche, the post of minister of youth policy in the occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region. the information front is
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such a place of battle where we fight for meaning, for the truth to reach everyone, for people to... understand why it all happens, why and for what purpose the special operation is going, we all know well how the institute works propaganda of the kremlin, how non-goebbels stamp fakes, trying to please the ofuerer, and minister ktytskyi is now doing everything to convey to young people false kremlin narratives about the war and ukraine. is boys who are interested in preserving the memory of'. victory, there are guys who are interested in developing and finding themselves together with the russian student squads. recruiting young people to join the anti-ukrainian movement, opening numerous pro-putin youth organizations, participating in actions in support of the so-called svo, occupation and russian soldiers, and
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of course, proud attendance at all events where you need to shine a mine, smile and wave the tricolor. rag, all these are the direct duties of a traitor. we are with our friends from the dpr, with new ones subjects of the russian federation came on a mission. i think it will be very interesting, we are our president's team, we will win. tytskyi has several awards from the occupation administrations, including medals for the defense of the republic of crimea and for services to the donetsk people's republic of the third degree. he also received an award from our law enforcement agencies. collaborator. in november 2023, the prosecutor's office of the autonomous republic of crimea and sevastopol sent an indictment to the court against tytsky on three articles at once. he faces up to 15 years imprisonment. i hope that these years will be enough for him to realize that crimea is ukraine, and russian rags have no place in
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our administrative buildings. he was a ukrainian politician, but he became a russian politician. this is the gate. and dmytro mykolayovych, 43, originally from donetsk region. i have been working in this position for a year now, where i was appointed on february 20, and for me, when i accepted this service, there were very significant challenges in terms of organizing the work of the service. he began his career in ukrainian politics as an assistant to a people's deputy and deputy minister of environmental protection. every year, his successes in the political arena were more and more noticeable. in... in 2010, he became the deputy minister of internal affairs of ukraine. during his tenure, he received numerous awards from the ministry of internal affairs. then voron was appointed head of the state migration service. in 2011 , viktor yanukovych gave him the position of deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs. he managed the work of the ministry's staff. in 2012, vorona sat in the chair
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of the deputy minister of justice of ukraine. and then he became the head of the state registration service. state today. not to completely stop such a shameful phenomenon as raiding in our state, and today our government directs all its efforts to the implementation of anti-raiding policy, and later this politician, who tweeted in ukrainian and took care of the development of our state, chose the russian mandate of the official. in 2018 , information emerged that the crow works as a freelance adviser to the fake head of the occupied crimea, serhiy aksyonov. in... in 2019, this traitor received russian citizenship in order to head the so-called crimea development corporation from 2020. the structure is engaged in attracting investors to the region. promotion of the peninsula in the russian and foreign markets, all that the president spoke about today, this is all, of course, in the works,
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and fully prepared action plans for the implementation of the strategy of the instructions that the president gave during his message to the federal assembly. when the full-scale invasion began in 2022, the crow found himself at the feet of the invaders, he... coordinated the seizure of ukrainian enterprises in the temporarily occupied territory of zaporizhzhia, helped the invaders form occupation administration in the temporarily captured areas of kherson and zaporizhia regions, was also an adviser to gauleiter yevgeny balytskyi, and later after so many years of blind and devoted service to the kremlin, he received a cherished status, he was made a so-called senator of the russian federation, a representative of the executive body of the zaporizhzhia region government. in the seed. we have united regions, they also automatically became border regions, so we will talk about all the problems of border areas, now this seller can often be seen in the state
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duma of russia, where he talks about the problems of the zaporizhia region with puffed cheeks and plays a politician. such a measure will provide a greater number of legal entities in the united territories with access to measures supported by development institutes. i propose to approve the federal law. and while he is building a career in the swamps of the gate, a camera is already waiting for him in ukraine. on march 21, 2024 , the court in absentia sentenced the ex-head of the state registration service to 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property. and how we will rejoice when this treacherous nature will change formal suit for a prison trench. ukrainian themis also recently transferred the property of this collaborator to income. i have already told you about the traitor with the title hero of ukraine vyacheslav boguslaev, ex-president of the motorsich corporation, who was detained by our law enforcement agencies in 2022. according to the investigation,
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motorsich supplied russia with aircraft engines used in russian military helicopters before and during the invasion. since then , the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi , has stripped him of the title of hero of ukraine, and recently the supreme court of appeals anti-corruption court. confirmed the seizure of the assets of the sanctioned boguslaev from the state income. ukraine is already at the bottom of the economy, no one wants to do this. boguslaviv vyacheslav oleksandrovych, former owner and honorary president of pat motor sich. he was a people's deputy and even a member of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense on more than one occasion. boguslaev had access to state secrets and, as it turned out, was the owner of the russians since 2000. passport. in october 2022, the security service of ukraine reported the arrest of the president motorcy so that no one had any doubts about boguslaev's collaborative activities, the sbu
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made public fragments of recordings of telephone conversations of the hero of ukraine at that time. i, you know, i send dozens to you somewhere, and everything is going well for us. we are ready to send you the spare parts, just think through croatia, or wherever you were. montenegro. "you had good ends somewhere, so i want you to think quickly and as soon as possible we would conclude a big contract with you. even after the full-scale invasion, boguslavov continued to supply engines and other spare parts manufactured by a ukrainian corporation for russian attack helicopters. from the first days of the war, he ordered the dismantling of helicopters so that the ukrainian forces could not use them. on october 18, 2023 , the sbu completed investigation and submitted to the court an indictment against boguslaev on four articles, among them aiding the aggressor state and conspiracy. in turn, ukrainian president volodymyr
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zelenskyy stripped boguslaev of the title of hero of ukraine and imposed sanctions against him. a few days ago, themis confirmed the transition boguslaev's assets into state ownership, including 14 real estate objects in the zaporizhzhia region, in particular residential buildings, land plots, rydny restaurant, administrator. buildings, corporate rights in several companies, financial institution motorbank, 336 firearms, and funds in the amount of uah 615 million. but all this will not cover the damage that this supporter of russia has caused in ukraine. we hope that if bogoslaiv is proven guilty, themis will give this kremlin agent a strict sentence. it was the collaborators and i program, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about kremlin sellers. to this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine.
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the 882nd day of the war, the 882nd day of our heroic resistance to the russian invasion. until the end of this week , i, yuriy fizar, will be working for you on the big air, there will be a lot of interesting things, both during the week and today. today, in particular, there is a lot about pre-election races in united states of america. i'm talking, but if the fiber optic networks of the world will allow, with people's deputy of ukraine ivanna klympush tsintsadze, who is with her colleagues in the united states of america, well, and the rubrics you are all familiar with, well, as always, we start with the military results of the day with serhii zgurets. sergey, i congratulate you and i have a word for you. yuriy, i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers. today in our
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column we will talk about the new be. spare plant for ukraine, about the interview of commander-in-chief syrskyi for the guardian and other details of the war on exhaustion in conversation with our leading experts, more on that in a moment. so, there is good news about ammunition for ukraine, the german defense giant rain metal officially announced today. about receiving a firm order for the construction of a plant for the production of ammunition in ukraine, it will be a joint venture where 51% of the shares will belong to rheinmetall, the rest to the ukrainian government. rheinmetall will be responsible for the complete technical equipment of the enterprise, for putting it into operation and for supporting its work, from the start of construction to the start
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serial production. passed 24 months, the estimated price, as stated by the representative of cranmetal, is in the three-digit range in millions of euros. the production volume of 155 mm ammunition is not disclosed, but it is estimated to be no less than 100,000 ammunition per year, despite the fact that the optimal need of the defense forces for large-caliber projectiles is about 200,000 per month. it is also extremely important that this new plant should produce not only projectiles, but also powder explosive charges, that is, the projectile and the charge are actually a finished product, which is called a shot, it is extremely important, because now there is a significant shortage in the world of both explosives for equipping shells and gunpowder for charges, and this has just significantly affected
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the cost of artillery guns, which... initially the wars of russia against ukraine increased from 2,000 € per shot to almost 5 00. we also know that in addition to agreements with red metal, we have an agreement with the american company northern gruman, which promises to build a plant in ukraine for the production of ammunition of medium calibers, that is 20-50 mm, and there are also reports that , which is a czech company will... build a factory in ukraine, this is a company that is part of the colt group, and there should be a capacity of about 150-200 million cartridges per year. of course, projectiles and cartridges are extremely important consumables that are needed in a battle, and it is quite important that they are manufactured at our enterprises, and not only supplied by our foreign partners. and then to another topic, about what
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is published today. the guardian published an interview with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrsky entitled "i know we will win" and i know how to do it. presumably, this interview does not rule out the jealousy of our vyshovo political leadership, as was the case with the publications of general zaluzhnyi, and general syrsky announced a number of theses that are quite interesting, in particular, there is an analysis of forces. of the enemy, sirsky says that the enemy now has a significant advantage in forces and means and has increased the number of troops and weapons that are involved in hostilities. the occupation forces now number 520,000 with plans to increase to 690,000 by the end of 24, an increase of as much as 170,000 by the end of this
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year it also talks about russian equipment that...


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