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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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thinking about everything is the most important thing, iro, we give you the floor and hope that you will actually continue what we have already mentioned, about the arrest of the murderer, the alleged murderer of iryna farion. thank you, marta, yes, i will tell you about the details of the arrest of the suspect in the murder of iryna farion, as well as how a series of terrorist attacks were warned, so wait for more details in the issue. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. so, they detained the suspect in the murder of iryna farion. he turned out to be an 18-year-old resident of dnipro. it was he who was recorded by video cameras. surveillance
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during the preparation of the crime, the suspect rented at least three apartments in lviv - reported the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko. according to him, the shooter is most likely only the executor of the murder. the customer will be searched for the same. let me remind you that linguist iryna farion was shot on july 19 near her house. the bullet hit her in the head, the woman was hospitalized in critical condition. four hours later she died in hospital. for the first time, the occupiers hit the kupyansky junction with a high-explosive aerial bomb 1500. one man was injured, the national police reported. in general , fap-1500 bombs are very powerful and have a larger radius of damage. they are launched from the su-34 aircraft. the enemy's possibilities are limitless. in a month or a half, the russians will not be able to conduct active operations. assaults in many directions
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at the same time. the occupiers will be on the defensive, said national guard commander oleksandr pivnenko. the enemy is constantly suffering losses, so the defense forces are necessary adapt, gradually change the management model and look for enemy weaknesses. belarusian dictator oleksandr lukashenko flew to russia on a working visit. he already met with the russian dictator putin there, propagandists reported. media it is known that the parties plan to discuss regional security and the promotion of alliance projects. according to lukashenka, the russians are ready to sit down at the negotiating table and negotiate. khachuk started his project under this name in ukraine. this is an online database of information about convicted russian agents and traitors. it is coordinated by the main directorate of intelligence, the security service and the office of the ombudsman of ukraine. program. the exchange
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of prisoners and the return of ukrainian citizens to their homes. information will be published on the site only with consent. you can fill out the questionnaire yourself, having gone through several stages of authorization: from technical verification over the phone, to the verification of questionnaires by law enforcement agencies. further, information about those willing to go to the aggressor country will be passed on to the representatives of the armed state structures for the organization of the exchange. about 500 people provided consent to carry out an exchange for their participation in this program, more than 200 people out of these 500 agreed to publish their data in this project, that is, currently these people are counting on an exchange in the russian federation, but you can make sure that russia is in no hurry to take their own. on the website , under each case, there is a countdown of how long this person is waiting for the exchange. this project. can become
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the very tool for accelerating the return of civilians, and that is why we appeal to all citizens who do not want to live in ukraine, but want to live in russia, leave applications on the website, and we will do everything it is possible for you to get to russia, and ukraine returned as many of its citizens as possible, returned everyone. the international register of gas losses has become operational, so ukrainians can... submit an application for compensation for destroyed housing as a result of russian aggression, - said the minister of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov. the service can be used even if the victims have not applied for the rehabilitation program, or the house is located in the temporarily occupied territory. a chemical plant owned by a russian oligarch was nationalized. higher anti-corruption officer the court satisfied the corresponding claim of the ministry of justice. during the martial law
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, the company tried to illegally export products from ukraine, using the symbol of the red cross. 100% of the vinnytsia company's shares will be transferred to ukraine. life chem. the total value of industrial facilities and bank accounts reaches over uah 2 billion. a series of terrorist attacks in ukraine and the european union were prevented. the security service of ukraine and the national police neutralized an fsb agent group that was preparing to set fire to shopping centers in poland and the baltic states. to its composition included 19 people. they lived in ivano-frankivsk, dnipropetrovsk. poltava and zaporizhzhia regions. participants recruited candidates for money. the burning of palia objects had to be filmed for a report to the sfsb. those arrested for treason face life imprisonment. the organizer of the group
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of recruiters turned out to be a 39-year-old resident of the city of ivano-frankivsk, who recruited several other townspeople as accomplices, having direct contact with russian employees. special services, recruiters on a permanent basis received orders from their curators, according to the plan of the russian special services, set fire to the centers providing assistance to ukrainians or objects near critical infrastructure, were supposed to destabilize the internal situation in the selected countries, inflame international enmity. the spresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third. separate assault brigades of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back enemy attacks every day. defending our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades
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urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is 3.5 million hryvnias. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion of the third separate assault brigade, who are defending our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small vehicle and drones komikasi, very pro we ask for your help, glory to ukraine, heroes, heroes, glory, by the end of the summer the netherlands and denmark will send 14... leopard tanks to ukraine, - informed the ministry of defense of the netherlands. the used tanks were repaired by the german company rhine metal, and the first 12 armored vehicles will be with us very soon. this weapon will play an important role in defense against russian troops, the ministry emphasized. hungary and slovakia
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failed to involve the eu in the dispute with ukraine over russian oil. it is about kyiv's ban on the transportation of oil by the luk company. oil through the druzhba pipeline. the european commission did not support the request to call on kyiv to lift sanctions on lukoil - the financial times writes. brussels said they would need more time to make a legal assessment of the situation. in return, bulgaria offered hungary help in solving problems with oil transit. a taxi driver was killed in odesa yesterday, the regional police reported. kermanych refused to transport five. people, as the car is designed for four people. one of the passengers forcibly pulled the driver out of the car. a fight broke out. the intruder struck a taxi driver fatally stabbed in the chest. the figure was detained. currently, law enforcement officers are investigating the circumstances of the murder. sold
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trophy weapons. the security service kidnapped five organizers of illegal business in several regions of ukraine. a volunteer uniform representative was detained in kyiv region. the figure kept 4 kg of explosives, more than 20 grenade launcher shots and 16 grenades. the product was sold via the internet. in donetsk region , two criminals were kidnapped at once. they tried to sell machine guns, sniper rifles and anti-tank missile systems for $32. more two dealers were caught in the dnipro. one of the detainees is an ex-employee of the disbanded so-called militia. to all participants. scheme is punishable by up to seven years in prison. catch with a surprise: 600 packs of cigarettes in boxes with fish, a ukrainian tried to take them to romania, the state border service reported. customs officials found tobacco products among seafood. after a detailed inspection
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, the cigarettes were seized. and that was the news at that time. you can read more on our website espresso tv. subscribe to our in social networks, you will find a short one there presentation of the main points and wait for the next news release already at 5 p.m., followed by my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin barkovskyi. during a round table held in the capital the other day, representatives of the forestry and woodworking sectors, as well as civil servants and people's deputies, summed up the three-year work of the raw market. wood as early as july 1, 2021 , new legislation came into effect in ukraine,
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according to which raw materials must be traded on licensed commodity exchanges. participants before the introduction of stock trading in the market, only 50% of concluded contracts were executed. today, the average percentage of contract fulfillment has grown to almost 90%. as the participants of the round table said, this is the result of the work of commodity exchange teams, in particular monitoring departments. system. monitoring is such a component of various particles, and this gives us the fact that today the level of implementation is close to 90%, that is, in three years we have done, well, with the efforts, let's say, both ours and our colleagues, this is what we got the market used to the fact that contracts must be fulfilled. from the level of additional income of the state depends on the level of execution of contracts, so representatives of the exchange say that they are doing everything possible to ensure that contracts are not interrupted and are executed on time. if we say that even in these three very, very difficult years, which differed in expectations
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between how we planned it and how it happened, but still i think that actually, why does a person come to the market now , because a person knows that, firstly, if he is told that he is supplied with wood of such a class and such a quality, it is thanks to the exchange trade, the wood market in ukraine became... transparent, regulated and began to bring profit. before the reform, the industry was unprofitable, that is, it had a profit of about 200 million and received another 150-300 million in state subsidies. ah, today, even in the first year of existence, we received 3.5 billion in profit for the 23rd year. 3.5 billion in profit, completely abandoning state funding. during the round table. buyers and sellers appealed to the people's deputies with a request to indicate exactly the exchange mechanism
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of resource realization in the profile law on wood market. well, we continue to work for you and inform you about the most important things, new details have appeared regarding the arrest of the suspect in the murder of iryna farion. the prosecutor general's office reports that they are preparing to notify him of the suspicion. currently, under the procedural guidance of the lviv regional prosecutor's office , a notice of suspicion of premeditated murder is being prepared for the detainee, part one of article 115 of the criminal code of ukraine, and the question of choosing a preventive measure is being resolved. it is known that during the preparation for the crime he rented at least three apartments in lviv, his identity was established. it was possible with the help of smart cameras, and it is also known that he was preparing for this murder since may, came to lviv, then. and also went back to dnipro by train, these are the latest
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news, yes, what, we will wait for additional information on this matter, and now we will talk about the situation with our defense, defense system, somewhere from minute to minute a representative will join us defense express agency, valery ryabikh, we are waiting, waiting and continuing you to inform about everything is the most important thing, if you have just joined our broadcast, then... this information is specifically for you: the suspect in the murder of iryna farion was detained, ihor klymenko, this is the minister of internal affairs of ukraine, he even provided detailed information, he says that there is enough evidence for now to assert that it was the detainee who shot the linguist 139 hours of continuous work of a huge team of operatives, investigators, criminal, analysts, experts, other police services, employees of the security service of ukraine, checked every corner of route of the shooter's departure and searched approximately 100 hectares of forest, in the end
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the suspect was already arrested, he was detained and, as it turned out, he is now acting in the case only as an executor, and during his stay in lviv, he rented at least three apartments, this is the information from the minister of internal affairs, well, people's deputy of ukraine yaroslav zheleznyak stated that the minister of energy herman galushchenko lied when... he stated that the accidents at the southern ukrainian nuclear power plant were a russian fake. according to zheleznyak, he received an answer that directly opposite to what the minister stated. yes, according to... zheleznyak's information, on july 15 , 2024 , an extraordinary event took place at the south ukrainian nuclear power plant, as a result of which the current transformers were damaged, which led to the destruction of the single-distribution device, and as a result, the first power unit was turned off, so here it is here is the story from
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people's deputy yaroslav zhelezniak. valery ryabyk is a military expert, director of intelligence at an information and consulting company. defense express. glory to ukraine, mr. valery. first, glory. greetings from the studio, greetings, dear viewers. well, colonel-general of the general commissar of syr, in his interview with the guardian very clearly hinted, so to speak, unequivocally, that the enemy should tighten up with the crimean, kerch bridge. yes, and we see that the enemy began to actively carry out the instructions of our commander, yes, well, the enemy is preparing for some irregulars. scenarios in the vicinity, or in particular related to this illegal construction, yes, and strengthen its defense, yes, currently military and technical means are massively directed in the direction of the strategic crossing, and they are trying to block the construction of this illegal bridge with a special structure, you have a word:
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well, it should be noted that the enemy understands that now from... the armed forces of ukraine are implementing a scenario that no one does not keep it a secret, he just confirmed with his head that one of the main tasks that may be faced by the defense forces of ukraine is, of course, the creation of conditions for the deoccupation of crimea and its further deoccupation, and here it should be noted that the enemy is preparing in all directions, and this preparation... did not start today and not even yesterday, and it is connected with the gradual cutting off of the enemy's logistical capabilities carried out by our defense forces, and here it should be remembered that what was first destroyed, for example, the same series of amphibious vehicles that were included in
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the enemy's military logistics system, we have already seen the second one in a row. an attack on the caucasus- crimea ferry crossing and the destruction of the last railway ferry that was moving in this direction, which significantly reduces the enemy's ability to ensuring the logistics of the troops stationed on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and operating on the mainland of the occupied territories of zaporizhzhya and kherson. regions, and in the essence of the matter, the enemy understands that one of the next ones, it may be the kerch bridge, which will already play a more significant role against the background of the destruction of the ferry crossing, so the enemy is preparing for that complex operation, which has been discussed for a long time and in
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the information space of ukraine, and thus strengthens... its capabilities in the area of the kerch bridge, in addition to the fact that the enemy, currently, as the same atesh partisans say, is concentrating the available means of air defense and transferring them from different parts of the peninsula to its eastern part, in the kirchi region, also indicates that this bridge is the enemy can be seen as the road's last hope. and which, in addition to the fact that it can provide the logistics of the enemy's military group itself, can also provide and it is necessary to quickly evacuate, well, those whom they want to evacuate in the first place, well , in short, yes, the last way for the enemy to escape, and
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if we talk about the structure itself, the reinforced concrete structure itself of this illegal kerch-crimean... bridge , yes, if we take approximate scenarios, what should be baked into it so that it turns into some kind of non-working format, as we remember at one time , that they staged an extremely effective sabotage there, yes, explosives, a truck, all of it was very powerful, so to speak, it stopped russian traffic, but we understand that now they may have started to conduct counterintelligence measures more actively, and speaking, for example, about the sea and the sky, that is, what kind of power would the blow have, so to speak, to destroy the whole thing, well, if not to completely demolish it, well , at least to make it stand idle for a year, well, well... this could be exactly what we are talking about about a complex operation with the use of a number of means that would inflict damage, and it may have to be
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a combination of both cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, and in addition to the task of strikes by the same naval drones, we saw that even the first strike, which was the most powerful in connection with the fact that a lot was involved. explosives that exploded on the road part, damaged the railway part as well, so that even two years after, almost two years after this incident, the enemy cannot use the entire railway branch of this bridge, and now we can say that it is used only by 25 percent , therefore, calculated strikes on key points, in principle... they are known, in particular, those supports that are located in the area of ​​the sea passage, where
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ships pass, he, they are the most vulnerable and the concentration of strikes and use special missiles with a concrete-breaking part, well , with the correct calculation, several dozen such means can significantly... damage the bridge and for a long time prevent the enemy from using it as long, of course, as it would allow our defense forces to de-occupy the peninsula and thus, of course, secure it is precisely this bridge from the possibility of recovery from the eye of mr. volerius, see last year in november of the edition for washington. a post with a reference to the interception of the ukrainian special services, made the information public that russia wants to build a tunnel under the kerch
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strait with the help of china, which would connect crimea and russia and protect it from ukrainian attacks. well, but, journalists write that this object can be built for a long time, we are talking about years, and it will cost billions of dollars, or now military experts see certain signs. the fact that the enemy may still be in the process of implementing this project, well, similar projects, they are implemented primarily for commercial purposes, and we have seen this the construction of similar crossings in different parts of the world, and to talk about the fact that this is a project for the implementation of an underwater tunnel in the conditions that currently exist in the temporarily occupied crimea. to be implemented, well, it must, well, have many reasons, and there are none at the moment, there is no economic feasibility, which
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could, among other things, attract the same contractors and partners who could join in the form of the same china, for example, to construction of this tunnel, there are, let's say, no extra funds in the russian federation to raise this... multi-billion-dollar such a building, let's say yes, could play this important role, but it should be noted that a tunnel like this, it can be no less vulnerable after its construction, but it can be most vulnerable during the construction process, so i think it is more, let's say, a project, than real ones. plans for the construction of such a tunnel, so extremely interesting, and accordingly, mr. valery, we would like to ask you, we don't have much time,
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another unidentified long-range russian kamikaze drone has been shot down, what do they imagine with themselves, so briefly, well here it should be noted that this is the second drone of an unknown format in the last four days that has been shot down by our defense forces, and of course the activity has been suspended... what kind of new wonderwaffe is being launched by the occupiers, and it should be noted that the experts have already conducted a preliminary analysis of the design of this drone, it is a drone of such artisanal production, and this may indicate that the occupiers are trying to attract already artisanal manufacturers in order to experiment with drones in order to expand the possibility of their production. a drone with a wingspan of about 2.5 m, with a fuselage 2 m long, made of foam plastic, well
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, it has a... simpler interior, which should enable it to move according to the given parameters, but it is interesting that it is equipped with a modem, precisely , in which a ukrainian sim card was used, and this can be used both for, let's say, the positioning of this drone, but it is not excluded that it also transmits data, so in principle it can be said that it was such an experiment... talny flight and at the same time this drone could perform the function of well overloading our anti-drone system , providing a kind of massiveness on this drone, it is not determined that it was filled with the main part of some kind of combat and say, but in the plans, most likely , the purpose of this drone can be as a shock
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, where a cheap shock drone, and now they can be carried out exactly precisely the test of a similar model in combat conditions, which is called thank you, thank you, valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting agency defense express. now we go on a short break, ours we remind tv viewers that the suspect in the murder of iryna farion was detained, a resident of dnipro, he changed in lviv, he changed three apartments in lviv, well, he is under investigation, all the officials have informed about this... there will be a pause, after that we will continue. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on steel foams, 15% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. again these outages, and you didn't have time to charge your phones? sitting in the dark is not an option either. unpack tv has a solution for even the toughest blackouts. solar batteries energia plus. energy plus - innovation. on
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this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. a year of operation of the updated vkk. does the commission work effectively? this is a very important body, which direction depends on who our judges are. but how does the commission save unscrupulous representatives of themis. four months have passed since the promise, nothing is being done. watch on thursday. on july 25, at 5:45 p.m., the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict from serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey.


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