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tv   [untitled]    July 25, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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will provide an additional 2.5 g of energy, which is also necessary for accelerated industrial development. today, we are designing two hydropower plants in the far east, in the amur region on the tributaries of the amur, the lemdzhinsk and the nizhnyozeysk. well, only here you can see, but where is this beautiful hes, which they are projecting in the far east. let's see, it is near the chinese border. this is the area that you see on the map, where it will all take place, and who needs it there, well, clearly, the chinese, that is, they specially additional gas stations are being built to provide china, the growing economy of china, electricity, why is it in the south of russia, when there are more important things to do here, it is more important to provide china and the chinese people, it is more important to provide energy, and not some there...
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or nowhere at all, how much was there that summer in the end, well, well, what can i tell you, well, apart from that, it is clear that an even worse situation was not even there, in principle , it was on the territory. occupied territories, because if the same krasnodar region is there and this, at least in them somehow it is in the occupied territory, no one cares about anything there, and there has been no energy or water since the 22nd year, and you know, this also led to the fact that this week some people there went on rally, they tried to block the road, because when they were told about the wonderful life in russia, they somehow forgot to say... in russia
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, electricity is for the chinese, not for some russian-speaking residents of the occupied territories. that's why the residents of the occupied territories, in particular, donetsk, what kind of people are they for him are fighting, but for some reason they are fighting in such a way that since the 22nd year there is no electricity, no water, nothing, and now they have come and are asking them to turn on the water, well , at least three times a week, because... .. yes, you know, once there for two weeks, it turns out to be a bit small, they did not expect this, you know, the residents of the occupied territories, they somehow thought that somehow everything would be different in russia, but no, it will not be different, it will be like this, because it is clear that for the moscow authorities these are chinese, they are important people, yes, they are people of the first class, russians are second-class people, well , there are already some residents of the occupied... occupied
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territories of ukraine, well, they are not even people at all without any class, maybe not even people from the point of view, well, they are the russian occupiers, so why do they have any more to give water there, electricity, why spend on them, it is not clear, that is why they have not spent since the 22nd year and have not spent, well, that is why they are sitting in donetsk, but you see, somehow they must have looked a little, what if in the krasnodar region somewhere there you can go to some pickets, well, they can go out on... it is not known how it will end for them, how long they will go on that picket, most likely they will be raked and everyone will be sent to the front, since in principle this happens en masse in the occupied territories, everything that sticks out there is immediately rowed and to the front, and they dispose of it there, so that’s the story, you know they have it, but the residents of russia, as well as the occupied territories, can only find out about it again from the ukrainian army, moreover, the residents for example, rostov... only we can
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find out the outage schedule that they have there it is still going on and it will continue tomorrow, and we can show it to them, the federal tv channels won't show it to them, but we will show it to them, so here's rastovan on the danuzhitel, watch so that you know when you will have light and when you have it it won't happen, well, you see, in the end, little by little, something even starts to get through to someone there, they start to write there that maybe it wasn't necessary to somehow attack the ukrainians, so that this... this didn't happen later, but so far , not much is getting through, i i don't know, maybe it also means that they have too much electricity, they need it was a little less, maybe then somehow it will be more understood that maybe it was not worth attacking the ukrainians, so that they could live on after that, that’s how it is, so that such a story is happening with them, well, but there is also good news, yes, there is good news, and 60 minutes from kabiev will also tell you about it, but very specific. which
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also somehow do not sound very strong, because we constantly have people here who for some reason believe that historical names cannot be renamed. and they always shout a lot when there are some communist names here they are trying to change so that there is no otsia, you know , this is the russian world, this is this, this is this, this is russian , this is this, but if we have hearings held there for six months, someone somewhere votes, someone persuades someone, then you know, in moscow everything is not like that in moscow, you can see how it happened in the past. in this studio, one of the participants of the program
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guessed, did not say, that it is strange that the square at the kyiv railway station is called europe and they are hanging. i thank the moscow leadership, mayor sobyanin, for listening to opinions of ordinary, albeit native residents of moscow. today, it was renamed eurasia square, instead of europe. it would be logical to rename the square eurasia square to kazansky station. the square near the kyiv railway station is now a square. well, to be honest, i believe that this old marismatic still has a lot of ideas, and you can see how renaming happens, well, you can, it turns out,
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it’s nothing to worry about, somehow it turned out that when something is renamed in ukraine, it’s terrible, terrible, and there in three days, someone appeared in the program. 60 minutes said something like that and then in one day they didn’t ask anyone anything, they renamed it, i just don’t understand what to call these half-measures of eurasia, but call it the square of the horde, then everything will be right, finally everything will be tight and the way it should be, then what's more, there is a new story right there now, which they will teach in schools, which will tell that in fact everything comes from the horde, and it is the golden horde that is, you know, the basis of the dew. which statehood, well, it was rightly called the square of the horde and everything was fine and we would finally return to sources, and it’s even better to call it a swamp, well , it’s not, it’s probably that they’ll save it somehow for the red square, somehow it’s already there, or , well, there, so that there will be a place for frogs to populate later,
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so what is it, well, since there’s no more good news about the americans, well, what can i say, they have already talked about everything there, so for today... that is probably all, and we will meet with you in a couple of weeks, so wait, there will be, there will be, there will be some interesting ideas and interesting stories from muscovy, a book of women at war - a joint project of the espresso tv channel and duhi litera publishing house a book that... commented on the reports of the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores
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espresso in the evening. how are the tactics of the kremlin changing in the russian-ukrainian war? will putin work to destabilize ukraine from within? are political assassinations among the methods and is the murder of linguist iryna farion one of them? the most important thing, today at 21:15 in the project, velikiy speaks. lviv, a platform where everyone has a say and everyone is heard. on the air of espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. in...
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work, go for a walk, even drink coffee, now you can only with such sound accompaniment. turning off the lights for 12 hours forces the business to run purely on fuel for such machines. can small entrepreneurs make coffee and break even? 2024 has become certain for ukrainian businesses harder than the winter of 2023. abnormal heat and , as a result, even harsher power outages. in sumy, the work of small establishments has been turned into survival. it is very difficult to work now. our lights are turned off for 7-9 hours. it happens that during the whole working day there is only one and a half to two hours of light. and we have to work on the generator all the time. any ukrainian entrepreneur, because today without him it is literally like
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without hands, at the same time , huge funds are needed to maintain this wonderful machine. the generator consumes about 10-15 liters of fuel per day. this roughly costs uah 2,000 per month. and it is very difficult to say now, because the days are different, and most of us work somewhere at zero, now we are working to save ours. customers, all products have become more expensive because there are no deliveries, everything spoils, you can't buy products, but thank god everything works here, our generator is pulling, we prepare food, prepare coffee and cold drinks, refrigerators work, everything is fine, so small businesses become a real oasis for residents of nearby buildings, because when there is no light at home, it will probably be in cafes, and there will also be... food, internet and maybe even air conditioning, a lot of people come to work, charge their
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devices, also come to get hot water, cook food, store their products, we have a freezer that works, bring meat. this summer demonstrated that ukrainians should not be frightened not only by frost, but also by heat. children and adults all over the country are coming up with creative ideas to deal with the scorching sun and the lack of electricity. and they also sincerely and more than ever rejoice in rain, and at least sometimes they are indignant and understand that they are such inconvenience is definitely not the biggest problem. no, i somehow control this process, well, i charge before the light comes on, well , everything is fine in this sense, well, like, okay, we survive, well, we try to live, not survive, so what saves me the most now is silpo, in which has a cafe area, respectively... crowded, but you can use a charger, and the wi-fi is stable, that is,
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for example, there was no light yesterday, i was working from there, no, i don't want to charge my phone, nothing , two hours are enough for me, i i charge power banks, then i charge phones and everything else, but that's enough for me, i don't need it, because i've already gotten used to it in the 22nd year and that's why i have a power bank that keeps, it's bad that there is no connection, it's not mine, it's hard to calculate. with a map, and so everything is relative, the main thing is that it is not like in my native place bakhmut. however, despite the positive perception of today's challenges, rationally. also think about winter, encouraging forecasts are given only by fortune tellers, specialized experts, officials and people's deputies who are quite skeptical and already hint at what to expect there is no need for a miracle, and everyone needs to prepare independently. we think about it every day, but we will hope for the best, we thought about putting panels, batteries,
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but the heart tells us that everything will be fine. in the verkhovna rada. this week, people's deputies adopted at least two important laws that affect business: the first is positive: duties and taxes on the import of generators, batteries, equipment for wind and solar generation were canceled, but the excise tax on fuel, on the contrary, was increased. we assume that the increase in gasoline excise tax will take place somewhere within 1.2 hryvnias, gasoline and diesel, and... this is the contribution that all of you and i will make to finance the army. supporting defenders is clearly the single and most important task of every ukrainian. but time will tell how long the entrepreneurs will be able to balance on the edge of bankruptcy and continue to pay taxes for the benefit of the country. kateryna galko, andriy varstyuk,
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espresso tv channel.
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watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. a year of operation of the renewed vkks. does the commission work effectively? this is a very important body, which... which direction depends on who our judges are, and how does the commission save unscrupulous representatives of themis? four months have passed since the promise, nothing is being done. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway
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in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for us. further path to the eu, about how well it is going transformation and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet high standards, let's talk today. a year has passed since the complete reboot of the most important body of the judicial system of the higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine. prior to that , the vkks had not functioned for almost four years and it was a big challenge for its functioning. judicial system of the country. with 16 members , the supreme judicial council is responsible for the formation of the judicial corps, the transfer of judges from one court to another, as well as ensuring their appropriate level. in particular, about... conducts the qualification evaluation of judges and submits a recommendation to the supreme council of justice on the appointment of a candidate for the position of judge. the career growth of a judge from one instance to
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another also takes place through the higher qualification commission of judges. that is, it is a very important body, which direction depends on who our judges are, in which judicial positions. the powers of the previous members of the commission were terminated in november 2019, after amendments were made to the law of ukraine on judiciary and the status of judges and other provisions regarding the activities of judicial governance bodies, and only in july 21 of the year , president zelenskyi restored the work of the supreme court of justice with a new law. however , due to russia's full-scale war against ukraine, the competitive selection of commission members could only be started in the fall of 2022, and only on june 1, 2023, the vkk was fully formed with the help of a competitive commission, which included three ukrainian judges and a prosecutor from the netherlands. and two retired judges, from canada and the united states of america. within the scope of its activities, avtomaidan contributed to the competition commission in the analysis of candidates. we analyzed
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a huge number of candidates. we are glad that most of the candidates were not even invited for an interview. however , lyudmila volkova, for example, got into ubks, she is a former judge of the kharkiv district administrative court. experts had a lot to say about volkova's integrity. from 2015 to 18, lyudmila volkova was a member of the council of judges of ukraine. then , as a member of the working group, she did not find any violations in the actions of the head of the court of appeal of the cherkasy region, volodymyr babenko, who systematically pressured judge serhiy bondarenko. the latter did not make the decision that the head of the court demanded from him in the case regarding the office premises of the azot plant, which belongs to the ukrainian oligarch dmytro firtash. serhiy bondarenko's history of conflict. with volodymyr bobenko, who was the head of the court in which bondarenko worked, is known throughout ukraine, and serhiy bondarenko turned to the council of judges, to the body that actually could
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protect his rights, however, lyudmila volkova, as the person who could accept the relevant decision and really stand up for the judge, ah, as a member of the group, she signed the conclusion that there was no pressure on the judge. mr. babenko is such a classy head of the court, that's why he has no right to defend himself. the explanation of this story by volkova herself was specific. i directly spent three, well, probably three hours with judge bondarenko, it seems to me that it was extremely long in general, that is, we just talked, that is, we sat in his office together, for about three hours or more, just talking, talking about everything, about this situation, he. told there his vision, his, well, well, it was just a conversation. in 2019, lyudmila volkova received a loan for the purchase of an apartment with an area of ​​107.3
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square meters in the elite residential complex alter ego in kyiv. her friend svitlana mukha gave her more than uah 2.5 million. she was in no hurry to give volkov money. my friend, she, even after receiving a higher education, began to form her business. moreover, in the 17th year she got married. who has a powerful business in kharkiv, in the kharkiv region and in the cities of ukraine, this family, she all the time he is engaged in private business, and well , the origin is his own work, i really have to return it, but i do not have any interest-bearing obligations, for example, a loan or a small one, but this did not stop lyudmila volkov during this time from also concluding a preliminary agreement regarding construction of a house in belogorodka near kyiv, where did the members of the vkk get the money to repay loans and construction? and it remained unknown, and during the year of her work in the higher qualification commission of judges, questions about her competence remain among experts, mostly due to the decisions she makes
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lyudmila volkova, for example, she voted against the dismissal of maidan judges olena izovitova vakim, who in 2013 banned peaceful gatherings in kharkiv in support of euromaidan, and andriy klyuchnyk, who in 2014 threw into custody the activist of the revolution of dignity oleksandr kostur. the first year. showed to the commission that this commission really needed crisis management, both at the beginning of its activities and when, in fact, our vkks was left without leadership, but ms. volkova worked calmly, did not use such new skills, and therefore, ah, these claims still remain, and not only lyudmila volkova's decisions affected the efficiency of the work of the higher qualification commission during the year, the 27th. in march , roman ignatov, the head of the vkks, resigned at his own request. in december of last year , information appeared in the mass media that he allegedly has russian citizenship. the head of the vkks himself denied it.
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at the beginning of this. in 2015, the commission concluded that it is impossible to establish with certainty whether roman ignatov received russian citizenship in the 1990s. the state bureau of investigation conducts a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov under the article on high treason under martial law. the chairman's duties are currently performed by ignatov's deputy, ruslan sydorovych. elections of a new chairman have already been held twice, but he has not yet been elected. during one of the round tables, sedorovych talked about his plans there. about how the commission is doing now, and he said that they want to create a think tank, this think tank should be created by the end of the year, and in fact the staff of this center will assist the members of the commission in conducting evaluations candidates, judges will collect all the necessary information there from open data from the same registers, however, four months have passed since the promise, nothing is being implemented and it is unlikely
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that such a center will really be created by the end of the year, so now there is a very urgent need to choose a new one heads one of the priority tasks at the beginning of the work of the renewed higher qualification commission was the completion of the qualification evaluation of judges from the large cities of kyiv, odesa, dnipro, and lviv. but the assessment has not yet been completed, and even more so. qualification assessment of judges is the most scandalous the liquidated district administrative court of kyiv has not even started. most of the judges still haven't passed the tests. as a result, the servants of themis do not carry out judicial proceedings, but still receive millions of funds from the budget. the supreme council of justice does not consider complaints against such judges, as a result of which we can have dismissal, and here we have such a warm bath for oask judges, when doing nothing you can receive such a high judicial remuneration. 1,884 judges, local and appellate courts had to pass the qualification assessment.
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during the first year of work. vkks managed to conduct only more than 130 interviews, there were boards that found out the source of funds and the acquisition of property and even certain decisions made by candidates, however, unfortunately, there were some boards that did not take such information into account, they could simply read such an address, the candidate could give a formal answer in one or two sentences. for example, the second panel of the higher qualification commission of judges, apparently , is very tired. ruslan sydorovych, lyudmila volkova and roman kidesiuk are virtuosic manage to conduct the fastest interviews with candidates. for example, one of them lasted only 7 minutes with olena mikhalyuk, assistant to the head of the northern commercial court of appeal. please briefly describe your motivation for becoming a judge? first, how convenient will it be for you to move? mr.
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roman, yes. there will not be too many judges in one family. these are all questions from the commission to mykhalyuk. so, without further clarification, the members of the ccc decided that the candidate was suitable for the position of judge and recommended her to lyubashivskyi district court of odesa region. the composition of the higher qualification commission, which was updated within the framework of the judicial reform, was entrusted with titanic tasks and responsibilities, however , all members of the vkk went to the high position consciously and of their own volition. so we hope the commission. will be able to restore a high level of efficiency. and for today i have everything, it was the court control and i, tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the e-mail address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet
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in exactly one week. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. the suspect in the murder of iryna farion was detained. he turned out to be an 18-year-old resident of dnipro zinchenko vyacheslav , born in 2006. such data was found on the website of the football association of the dnipropetrovsk region.


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