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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EEST

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did you want to hear what i would like to see happen or what i think will happen? second, if the second, then i think that in two weeks everyone will forget about this attempt, trump's photo will continue to be used, unless a new, better photo appears, you and i started with a list of attempts on the presidents of the united states, successful and unsuccessful ones, there were more of them, i don't remember all of them, but there were definitely a lot of them, you said a few, but it is a significant few, because both presidents and presidential candidates were attacked, and the main thing is that the attempt happened didn't mean that his...
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groups, and in that sense, maybe it's dangerous that it's about small groups. the state where the assassination took place is a good example of the fact that there are many voters, we are talking about pennsylvania, and in pennsylvania it is already generally known who votes how, so those districts are chosen where the situation is 50 to 50, and there is an election campaign, in the united states in the united states, the presidential campaign is not held everywhere, contrary to what it might seem. it is held only in those states where the scales can be tipped. usually.
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however, experts say that this attempt and its exploitation in the information plane has already given trump a few additional percentage points according to internal polls. moms joke , i can say that i am also an expert. of course, that's why i 'm asking you about it. i saw these emotions. but i'd also like to highlight a point about how the republicans are using the topic. mike collins, a member of the house of representatives , said during a public speech that joe biden gave the order to shoot his opponent in the election.
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i saw what happened in the night from saturday to sunday, i saw it in us too. let's distinguish expertise from emotions. in politics , emotions are also important, but in reality, everyone posted one photo on twitter, said that now it will all be resolved and everyone repeated the same thing. we also have our political experience in poland, for example. please share what you mean. episodes from the recent history of poland, i do not want to compare, i am talking about the similarity of only one aspect of emotions, because after the smolensk catastrophe, after april 10 , everyone thought, for example, that jarosław kaczyński will definitely be president, and bronisław komarowski became president by a good margin, so social emotions don't work as linearly as some people imagine, but that requires a little more analysis, so i get the impression that the experts are actually saying what you're saying, it may turn out that they are right, but at this stage we are not dealing with an expert.
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with analyses, but with the emotions of experts, because experts are also emotional and react emotionally, and while they all post the same photo and say it will be like this, i am skeptical, because it's in my nature to try to think critically, maybe yes, maybe no, here's my answer, because you never know what's going to happen next, that's it, for moscow, everything that's happening in the us right now is the best news, they 're rubbing their hands , how the kremlin will act now in this whole conflict, in the chaos that we see, the discussions in the...
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let's go back to the democrats, to what is happening inside this camp. the assassination attempt on donald trump diverted attention from another important news late last week, namely
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the failed speech of president joe biden at the closing of the nato summit in washington. biden looked diminished, disoriented, and president biden looked. in the last program , we talked about possible presidential candidates from the democratic party, in particular , vice president kamala harris and the wife of ex-president barack obama, michelle obama, but there are other names, and after such news , even a lot of attention is paid to them, for example , governors of several states and ... an openly gay father of twins in a same-sex marriage. even the name of the ex-state secretary is mentioned us hillary clinton. what do you think is the most realistic and interesting surname among possible presidential candidates,
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possible presidential nominees? the system is such that everything depends on the president. i guess the president is actually sick, so it probably depends on his family and friends. i think it will be, certainly the situation with trump gives the democrats an opportunity for some kind of new start, but i don't know if it will happen, it's a very narrow circle, because, as we said, in a political sense, the president of the united states shares his influence with congress, but on the other hand, personally, his position is strong, that is, no one knows it, this position is especially strong in this period immediately before the campaign, because now he himself should say that he will not run for office, maybe he will say it if to talk about the speeches in washington, if it were not for the context, i am from my own experience. you know that when you talk a lot about something, you can make obvious mistakes. it's not that every mistake is a problem, the problem here is the sequence of events that is perceived even if everything was said essentially, and biden's speeches at the nato summit were meaningful, he showed that he controls important issues, well, and then one statement at the end and everything is bad, that's how it
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works, unfortunately, so in general he can't even overcome it, judging after all, he is somewhat cornered by his illness.
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because putin will want to take advantage of trump's arrival very quickly, and it may turn out that he will not succeed, i do not exclude the scenario that trump will become more radical, because biden's policy has also been criticized not only from trump's point of view, but for example from such positions, as kasparov did, criticizing him for too little participation or late participation or for trickle-down assistance or for the fact that...
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and again i go back to vance, who is such a new character, and this was just a few years ago and even very recently, because he's young, he was very critical of trump, and now he's a supporter of trump, so i think it makes sense to talk.
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to the post of head of eu diplomacy, an important step. we see kaya kalas going to this destination and understand that in the kremlin at such moments they tear their hair out. after all, kalas known for its energy in the fight against russian aggression. there is also a part of her own history in this, because the politician remembers the soviet repressions against her family. she herself remembers soviet tanks in the cities of her country. this is the 91st year of the proclamation. independence of estonia, have you ever met kaya kalas, what can you say about her and how good news is it for
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european diplomacy and bad news for russia? i probably did not communicate with her so thoroughly, i probably met her at several conferences, for example, i think we we were together recently at a conference in munich, but i don't remember a single conversation with her, she encoded everything related to the soviet sphere and russian domination.
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it will not be so easy for her, because there will always be a suspicion that she does not evaluate the situation objectively, only through the prism of her experience. small countries with powerful leaders and huge countries with weak leaders, with weak leaders. we'll see how it goes because i think there's a huge momentum in the us, kalas is good for us, but that 's not all, it's a bit like a business, what is your strength in the morning may turn out to be your weakness in the evening, her strength is that she knows the region well, she is very immersed in it, but someone else will say, well, that's why she thinks that way, she is biased, she will definitely have to face such arguments, and it does not look like a sweet cake at all. thank you for this conversation, about politics, about. we will take a short summer break for the next few weeks, but we will be back at the end of august and you will be able
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to watch us again on espresso in ukrainian on pavel koval's youtube channel in polish and to read in eu sisters in both languages. thank you. pavel koval, maria gurska. there are discounts representing the only discounts on combigra hotship 10% in the pharmacies of travel bam and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderil 15% in the pharmacies of travel bam and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on normoven 10% in the pharmacies of travel bam and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the
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espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhii zurets. but how does the world live? yuriy fizar, it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war usendrschavka field with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of favorite presenters. cultural news, alina chekchenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell rome good evening. presenters, who became languages ​​for many relatives natalka didenko is already with me. to prepare about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. exclusively on
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the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week for nato member countries are huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that cause a resonance in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project read the entire condemnation. i thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but it was absolutely not , they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. project for caring and thoughtful. politklub, every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. journalist who joined
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the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts. in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. events events taking place just now and affect our lives. news, of course. sichka informs about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. this week, if
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you watch russian television, you will not immediately understand who is in charge in russia, is it biden or trump? well, on the other hand, he said , this american propagandist the president is the president of the universe, and this guy putin is unknown, especially since this week, this guy putin has completely disappeared from the radars of russian propagandists, he is simply nowhere to be found. not at all, as it never happened, but the american elections are all around and they are talking about it, i don’t know, the third week, probably, only about this, it’s not just the main topic, it’s the impression that it’s the only topic at all, and now russians have to learn the name, as i understand it, of the new head of russia, the new president
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of the universe, they can suddenly decide, kamela harris, it's literally now. a figure that is not forgotten, they are on all tv channels, from morning to night there is only kamala garis and nothing else. kamala garis walks confidently. now i'm here telling the americans. kamala harris evil doll. it is a complete puppet of the so-called.
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she is 18 years younger than trump, and now trump has become a grandfather, there used to be biden, now trump is a grandfather, kamala is young, and trump is old, well, not only trump is old, they have their own old man, but it is funny about a woman in politics, this means that probably these are all elizaveta ekaterinas, it will be necessary to find out now everything that they drew there somewhere, and all the portraits that were drawn somewhere as well. rub it in wherever possible, well, it's a new one, you see, now they have a new method, and, of course, the russian propagandists collected all the most despicable rumors. gossips, they made something up themselves, i say, the full impression is that the russians will have to somehow determine their support for kamle garis and
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may also vote for her, because why talk so much, well, unless it really is there this is the most important question for russia, who will become the american president, and it has already become so anecdotal that this anecdotalism is just... rolling now and on tv channels, they are wondering to themselves, me, why are they actually talking about it so much? now, of course, to our kamala and to the united states of america. do not think that our program is devoted to american politics. and we are delighted to discuss it, we are primarily discussing us. i just caught myself. what a shame we 've lived to, i already know mike johnson, kind of the speaker of some chamber, here he is, hegemon, when i, when we even know the names of their speakers,
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again an american topic, i wish i knew as much about russian politicians as i know about american ones, i will tell you what you are, then off the air , there is no evidence of disease in our culture. oh well, it would be interesting for everyone to really know more about russian politicians, and even russian citizens, not only their talking heads who come to these shows, but as for scandals, it is in vain, in vain, just as there are scandals and such quite funny, i would say, such very tight-knit scandals, where everything cracked, and the scraps cracked, and traditional values. well , the model of their family values, such a mother of many children, and also the abductor of ukrainian children, maria lvova bilova, a war criminal, left her husband,
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a priest of the russian orthodox sect, to get along with another admirer of the same sect, the oligarch konstantin malafiev, and this is actually the biggest scandal in muscovy at the moment, because they... were caught at an orthodox procession, they are so very cute were holding hands, right there they were walking somewhere in headscarves, they were all so orthodox, but you understand, well, here’s the question, she’s not some kind of, excuse me, an insta-woman or some kind of profura, unknown, after all, she’s like a manly wife, and for some reason he walks with some completely incomprehensible malafian by the hand. well, in short, the scandal is terrible, she was called the main orthodox mother in russia, and here comes such orthodoxy, again the same traditional values ​​and scraps, when
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she threw not only the pope of the russian orthodox church, but also 10 children, five of which were her own, five were adopted, but she abandoned them all, including the ukrainian boy who was kidnapped during the occupation of mariupol, and against the background of this very kind of ... novel by an orthodox russian, gundyaev, well the fact that the head of the russian orthodox sect has already taken offense at malofeeva and it is not at all clear now what will happen with it, because well, in strict traditions, now it is probably necessary to remove this white woman somewhere and expel her, well , because what, well, she is just some it's a shame, it's just that it's in vain, it's in vain with kabieva not talk about it to yourself on the air, they have a lot of fun there, but find out how fun it is. you see, it is possible only here, because the russians cannot find out about it in their own country, can we somehow tell them, let them learn the ukrainian language, that
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is the only way they will know what is happening in their country, well such a huge scandal, in fact, it really is a huge scandal and very , well, a little beyond that, you know, on the verge of a foul, well, what can i say, but this scandal. is interested, but they are very interested in what elon musk is fighting over there, about his son, who became a transgender, you know that directly, skabieva is talking about it with love in her heart, and which is also very funny, because you see, some there, well, the secular news of america, again they are interested, and in fact, some interesting secular news in the environment, i would say, high officials, they are not interested, but elon musk is more important, of course. this is very important for a russian person, and a couple more points, may i?
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madness is happening before our eyes, i think with pity about elon musk, being a mother myself, with with pity for elon musk and his son, but... somehow, 10 children of lviv and bilova and what will happen to them there, she is not interested, well, what can i say, they are such russian traditional values, very traditional, and in principle, it is absolutely clear if you remember that , in fact, unlike russia, american democracy has really become very much, it arouses admiration, sincere admiration of russian
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propagandists, because... well, what else can you admire, not your own original by the way, no, that's why they are admired on the air american movies, american books, and they believe that a real russian person should read american books, watch american movies, then she will understand the world, in principle, we can only agree with these words, because really, don’t watch this , this, this, this is all russian shit, look at the russian propagandist, you see, he will tell you now. how to watch what is right, read american literature and watch american cinema, outstanding american cinema and outstanding, once american literature, everything is described there, there was such a man as robert pen warren, an american writer, the entire royal council, films were shot, well, everything is shown like this about the american political system,
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a novel in the 50s... the film, by the way, was also shot here. in soviet times, they liked to shoot films about american life, now they don't shoot anything. everything is described there about the american system. this is the paradox of the american political system, nobody criticizes the american political system more than americans, intellectuals. meanwhile, she survives and remains stable under this criticism. this is the genius of the insidious for someone, for us, including american art, real art, because there were outstanding films, the tail wags the dog, the godfather, by and large, is dedicated to the same, and yet the americans still consider their system the best in the world, and the most democratic, b. simply the best and called to rule over everyone in the world. they
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look to the west, but the americans somehow argue, whine and flirt with everything, they look to the east to say that we have an example, well, of course, outstanding american cinema and outstanding american literature, probably it is what prompts these russian propagandists to talk non-stop all day long only about america, well, enviously, just stupidly envious, so let’s say, well, on the other hand, about ... say something else, because if , god forbid, you start talking about russia, then you can find out that they have no end of blackouts in the south. did you think it was all over there? no, it's not over there. here is krasnodar. in general, rallies were held this weekend. not for a long time there were rallies in russia and everyone said that it is impossible to speak out against the russian system, it is dangerous. but you can't speak out against
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the war, then... the russians are afraid, yes, and when there really is something terrible here, namely, there is no light, no water, it turns out that they don't have everything, so they went to the meeting and started to block the streets, these are the residents of disconnected houses, he came and died there, he started to tell them something there, well, in the end, later in this krasnodar, people were detained for these rallies, yes, and they these rallies in the end are over, the rallies are over, but you know, the power outages themselves. have not ended and are still going on, but you will no longer learn about it from the russian news, because this one has completely, completely, completely disappeared from any federal channels, but no, they have been sitting there for the whole south without light, well, let it sit and it's normal, and it will be , sit more and it will be even more normal, this is so normal for you.


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