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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

7:30 am
kherson regional council. can we say hello to mr. yuriy already? we can so. congratulations, mr. yuri, congratulations. greetings, friends. please tell us what the current situation is in kherson oblast, what is the news for the last day, for the last time. well, unfortunately, in our country, the enemy continued to terrorize the right-bank part of the kherson region with constant shelling. and at night it was also very loud. we had tetrons and... the defense forces were shot down at night, there was also an artillery shelling on kherson, as of the evening, unfortunately, we already had one person killed there were seven more wounded, three of them were hospitalized, four were treated on an outpatient basis, now there may still be clarifications, because earlier there were calls there at night, a little later the information will be compiled, er, such interesting information also appeared.
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which, probably, you may have already heard about it, that the russian general, the commander of the landing forces, colonel-general mikhail tiplinskyi, who was allegedly wounded in genichesk, died as a result of the wounds he received as a result of the attack by haimer from the command post near genichesk, this is the information is, it appears at once in several russian sources, in particular, kakhovka siti nasha writes about it, but they also write: referring to russian sources are numerous, well, such information was indeed consequential , we can neither confirm nor deny it now, as well as the fact of the attack itself , and the defense force, if they deem it necessary, they provide such information that it was exactly training on the part of the defense forces and what the consequences and results of such training were. and also wanted to know
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what the situation is now in the occupied part kherson oblast, saldo there announced an emergency situation due to crop failure, and now they have created a relevant commission there, which is supposed to establish the facts of which farms were affected by such events, and in fact. the commission has not been formed, it has not been formed, they have not started to work, the procedure for the examination is also not clear, and it is stated there what the compensation will be, but there is also great doubt that this whole story will work at all, and will not remain only about propaganda, as in most occupation initiatives administration, because they declare a lot of things there, that they will allegedly help and... and business and citizens, but
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in fact, in relation to business, it is only redistribution, enterprises, redistribution of assets, land plots, first of all , it is very interesting now, in relation to natural persons, this is simply a recognition, a mass recognition of the loss of their property in order to nationalize it, as they call it, and redistribute it in the same way, including in favor of citizens of the russian federation, whom they are trying to attract to our territory, well, it is actually interesting what is happening now on the left bank, also with regard to whether ukrainian troops are present there, we know that ukrainian troops are still present there, dmytro lykhoviy, the spokesman for the operational group of the tavria troops, confirmed this, by the way, he said it is on the only telethon, on the only news telethon, he said that it is not far from krynu. in the kherson region,
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the armed forces continue hostilities, well, here we are very limited with the request of our military to maintain informational silence, i can say that well, firstly, the defense forces will continue to keep a very large area under fire control, constantly in order to reduce the number of shelling on our populated areas, and of course in order to destroy the enemy, and secondly, well, in fact, the activity of... the defense forces it is not limited to the kherson region and it has always been so, in which locations, which operations are carried out, of course, the military themselves will report here as well as the results of such operations, but these activities are actually ongoing, both on the islands and in other areas, this work, it was carried out, ugh, well, thank you very much for this information, yuriy sobolevskyi was with us, the first deputy head of kherson.
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of the regional council and thank him for learning about what is happening now in kherson oblast, which is also partly occupied by the russian federation, this is... dnipropetrovsk region, as well as kharkiv , will be in touch, in short, we will keep in touch with our regions, where there is, where the enemy is close, here, in the meantime, i can tell you that we will probably go on a short break now, then we will come back. there are discounts representing the only discounts on esteefing 20% ​​in pharmacies of travelers to you and savings. again these outages. did you not have time to charge your phones? sitting in the dark is not an option either.
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galicia listen to yours. there are discounts that represent the only discounts of sudokrem. 15% in travel, famm and savings pharmacies. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, what to many they became relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko from viv. on friday from 20 to 22 an unusual look at the news: good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin did this, he would go to prison, a special look on the events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, then who is china, my heart hurts, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17. 10 sunday 18:15 at espresso. dear friends, we are coming back to eter, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working in this studio for you, and now we have a roll call going on, we will be in touch with bilopil in sumy oblast, we will ask what
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is happening there now, how the night passed, this is an area that is constantly under russian shelling, bilopol city council member nataliya kalnichenko, we are waiting for her appearance in our apartment. to ask how the night went, in the meantime i want to tell you the following, thank you for yesterday's compilation, of course i expected ... a little more, a little, literally a little, but, but still not bad, dear friends, you and i collected 34 hryvnias for yesterday. we are collecting, let me remind you, for three brigades, three brigades need your help, this is the third assault brigade, this is 110 and 47, that's right, i say to andriy, well yes, yes, yes, only yes, dear friends, now on your screens qr- the code, you see it, do not ask about the card, about the card number, because there is none, such are the conditions of this assembly that we scan the qr code, and in this
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way we transfer funds, to which we transfer, transfer to drones, transfer to repsystems, for these brigades, because they were to the last one in the avdiiv direction in the spring, suffered huge losses, and of course, this qr code also needs our help. you can see throughout our ether and throughout our ether it's in the corner on the left without an announcement, you just know that it's the same build, the previous build for atvs we closed, the previous build for reconnaissance drones of the 100th armed forces brigade was also closed, both builds were on 4 million hryvnias, dear friends, so these 3.5 million hryvnias, which we have to collect for drones and children. system, i think we are with you we will also collect very soon,
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we have taken a good pace, in two days we have collected 85 thousand uah, this is only in two days, we need 3.5 million, i think that today we will reach the first hundred and move into the first hundred, and it will be 35 part of the required amount, well, well... well, in sumy, by the way, you know that they are restoring something to the transformer station, which was hit by the russians at the time, because of this there were light outages, i think, in short, they will build a new one from scratch, and i hope that somehow it will be protected for the future, there will no longer be such open spaces to put, you know, how to put such a big booth, well, who knows it, you know, in our country it happens differently, sometimes people learn from their mistakes, and sometimes they don't, sometimes. they like to repeat, so that the rake hits the forehead again.
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well, here it is. today the olympics opens, in literally there, i don't know how many hours, and it seems that the opening ceremony will begin, if i'm not mistaken, israel has already managed to warn france that terrorist attacks are possible in paris. that's it, so we'll keep an eye on it, we'll see what happens, of course. ot turkey tim sometimes extradited to russia this man, who is accused of blowing up a car in moscow with a russian officer of the general staff, the headquarters of russia, he was already extradited somehow so quickly, you know, but they could have kept that man for a while, let him rest in turkey, well, well, at least, i don't know, if russia is a terrorist state, then to commit terrorist acts against... terrorists, or participants in the russian terror, does it mean to be a terrorist,
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yes, that is, it is interesting, or on the contrary, it means that you are absolutely not a terrorist , well, in any in the case of an attempt on life - it is always not good, but detonation, yes, detonation of the machine gun, and anyway it will always look ugly, such methods themselves, it is 100%, it is this assassination, it is, it is a contract killing, it does not look well, that is, can we... would we, for example, use the methods of our enemy, this is of course an open question, well, it is clear that in such a war as we have, it seems to us that any means are good, well, but you see, in turkish they may have counted differently, but we don't know everything yet, maybe it's real not the right person at all, maybe this is some kind of special operation of the russian intelligence and so on, in short, as always, as always there are many different unknown moments here, yes, dear friends, you know what i still want to tell you, and i still want to say this very much important information, which for
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you, firstly, will be necessary, and secondly, you will be able to support the espresso tv channel in this way, because, because now because of the blackout, because there is a lot of information that muscovites do not like, our youtube broadcast has few likes. for this hour, so please support you can also subscribe to the youtube channel of the tv channel, and the more likes and comments, the more chances that our youtube broadcasts... will be offered to you as soon as you turn on youtube, so do a few small things that don't will take a lot of your time, but will do a lot of good, the espresso tv channel will be in the list of offers and it will not be so easy for the muscovites to knock us down with their strikes, this is in addition to
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donations, give a thumbs up under our broadcast, and there is already our next one . a guest natalia kalinichenko, deputy of the bilopol city council. let's talk about the situation in bilopilla. mrs. natalya, we congratulate you. congratulations, good morning, i hope that he is good more or less in everyone. what is it like in bilopil, how was the night? in bilopilla, as compared to the past few days, the morning is more or less good, shahedis were flying, flying through our city, through our community, through the region. we read the news, they caused a lot of trouble in chernihiv oblast, zhytomyr oblast, well, there is still no information about sumy oblast, to the people of bilopil, well, it was quiet, in any case , what we heard from the window, we are waiting for official information when there is silence in bilopil, how do people use this time, because silence is rare in your country, silence is rare and silence is often
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threatening here, because unfortunately, we are those weapons that are shooting at us... there are no alarm messages, because it's mlrs, it's arta, it's, unfortunately, recently a lot of drones that shoot at our cars, at peaceful people, at combine harvesters, they kill people and destroy our buildings, destroy property, so silence is a reason to listen and be even more attentive, otherwise you never know how many seconds it can take from the exit to the entrance, that is, but... a month later they appeared again, after two months in fact cabs fell on the city again, it was the day before yesterday, two cabs flew into the city, so let's listen to everything, to alarms, and to sounds that can be dangerous, ms. natalya, a little bit about , you know, the scaling of all-ukrainian events to the regions, this is very important, it seems to me
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that i am getting feedback now, now the verkhovna rada has gone on a forced vacation so called and due to the fact that he does not know how to vote for the ban of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine, here you are in the bilopol region, what is the situation, do you have the ocu church, the orthodox church of ukraine, or everyone from the moscow patriarchate there, what to do, yes, uh, a few we have churches in the bilopol region, such churches were built immediately as ukrainian churches, and several churches have already written appeals, and the parishioners have transferred to the kyiv patriarchate. but here i listened to my colleague from chernihiv and in principle i agree with what he says, and there is no discussion as such about how to translate churches and what, and with us now this whole issue is, so to speak, being discussed, and people are told, yes, all the churches in our country are already ukrainian, they are in ukraine, don’t listen to anyone, they are already ukrainian, they are in ukraine,
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and what did we rewrite, that it is ukrainian and that's all, but who says so, well, it... says, including the priests themselves, they say, and the authorities in some cities tell us, no escalate the situation, by the way, we , the deputies of the bilopolska city council, requested to ban e-e the moscow church, as the deputies did in konotop, in other cities, well, they did not find support, our group of deputies did not find support, because we were told that all the churches in our country are already ukrainian, if they are in ukraine, then they are ukrainian, and so on is carried out here. the discussion about our religious situation when there is, we just spoke in ukraine, that means ukrainian, and we spoke with maslov and oleksiy from chernihiv , and oleksiy correctly says that here we are in chernihiv, he says that there is no normal serious a conversation without insults without accusing everyone there of traitors and so on, but are there any
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schismatics, although, well, this has already been removed after tomos. so-and-so is simply removed from the agenda, even raising a question, but he says, we need to inform , we need to speak, we need to talk, we need a dialogue, we also have a problem, let's pretend that there is no problem, and then once again the opposition pushed through some decision in the verkhovna rada, because we don't want to look like some kind of traitor, but fine, let's press on the green button, and then all of a sudden the situation is that people are not ready for such a decision, for example, because it could easily be somewhere in some specific village, maybe in chernihiv? they are ready, everything went well, maybe it's okay in sum, for example, in some village there is a super radical orthodox priest of the moscow patriarchate who keeps an icon with nicholas at home.
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nikolay and i don't even have icons, we even have pictures in the church, so we don't have a discussion as such here, because no one wants, the authorities don't want to take on this discussion, why people will be affected, as they say, not at the time, but there is a public that opposes and in many discussions. in many dialogues they say that let's start by banning the church, well, i will say this, according to my survey, my own sociology, it is not representative, but it is, people often do not even understand where they are going and the essence of churches, so you see, they show our belopol church, it is the church of the moscow patriarchate, of course it was shown, but people simply do not understand, and such discussions no, but we go to god, i would understand right away. of the moscow patriarchate from the inside, because it is always made in such a very colorful and motley style, and this is also the style, it
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has no relation to the ukrainian baroque, and that too, well, in fact, it is the presence of russian, east asian culture in us, and the russians are proud because of this, they say, well, you see, there are also signs of our culture, the great russian peace, so why don't you want to live with us? we will come now and let's face it, it's like that in reality, we need to somehow communicate to people that people, the problem isn't even what kind of plaque you have on your church, the problem is that you come, and there's russian peace in your church, regardless of the plaque, in the churches of the moscow patriarchate, the service of god, in what language is it conducted, well , honestly, i don't go there to these churches, well, as they said, our language is old slavic, and we lead in the old slavic language, it's the only language... , well, that's how he explains it to me, i just think, those people who come to church of the moscow patriarchate and they say that they don't even understand where they are going, which temple of the moscow patriarchate is in chpcu, well, they
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hear that it is old slavonic, they are definitely not deaf, they do not have hearing problems, but there is something there i'm sorry, i mumble in an incomprehensible language and it is very difficult to understand the texts that are spoken there, i have been to the services several times just as they walked. out of curiosity, but we also need to talk with those people, maybe this language is understandable for them, they are our people, aren't they our people, if not ours, then it's another story, well, it's unlikely that they understood it, because it's a rather complicated language, i'm self-taught, then it's not our priests, so it's not our priests, those priests are not ours, it means that if the people are ours, then it means priests, well, someone here is not ours, it turns out somewhere, somewhere there is... some cognitive dissonance in all this communication, there are just habits, there is a church nearby, someone went to this church, because everyone went, i will go, and well, in another way, look,
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there is no other, in us, by the way, on ours on the whole large community, we have only one church, which transferred to the ukrainian patriarchate, that is, it is even a question if a person wants to take a memorial service there, he has nowhere, physically nowhere, well, it's a shame, of course, considering who is firing. that is, unprotected rights, religious, religious rights and needs of ukrainians in a ukrainian city, it is strange. despite the fact that our churches today have many destroyed churches, many destroyed churches are from russia, ancient churches are destroyed and burned, and there are many destructions on the territory of churches, despite even this. there is a difference, so i say to those residents of sumy region who say, what is the difference. i go to god, there is a difference, dear friends, and we need to understand the details, mrs. natalya, thank you for the conversation, nataliya kalinichenko, deputy of the bilopol city council, was in
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touch with us, and now kateryna nemchenko, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council appears, let's ask how this morning was in dnipropetrovsk region, how was the night, mrs. kateryna, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes, what news from dnipropetrovsk region, tonight for... regions, except for nikopol region, once again passed peacefully, because the shelling was only there, in principle, like almost every day, the last, the last few days, thank god that there were no more such very loud strikes specifically on the dnipro, in other areas in recent times, it was at least that much to be thankful for, but nikopol continues to suffer, this is no longer news, it's even... it's already business as usual, so today is no exception, it's also drones, it's also damaged infrastructure, there are several communities
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in the nikopol district. damaged infrastructure, but thank god, there are also no victims, no victims, this is basically the most important thing. this is news from dnipro, which is a little, not a little, which is shocking, in the dnipropetrovsk region, a local activist, the head of the local union of motor carriers, mykhailo tonkonogy, was killed. two male suspects have already been detained. the police say that... this man, at first there was a report that he was missing, and then they found his body with gunshot wounds in a forest strip near one of the dnipro garden societies. will this be discussed in the dnipro, and this one this man, this activist mykhailo tomkonogyi, what was he known for? yes, this is quite a scandalous topic in dnipro now. it is very
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scary that this is happening right now, right inside the country, i was not personally acquainted with mykhailo, unfortunately, but there were general mutual acquaintances, so even in my facebook feed i saw, well, let's say, information from personal friends from there that they knew him, and that he was quite patriotic, a good person, a volunteer, public ... ball, that is, the main thing now is to understand the motives of this in general crime, because these two men, who were detained, are basically from dnipropetrovsk region, one man is from dnipro, and one is from slobozhanskyi, it is also near the dnipro, the settlement is small, but in principle the investigation is finding out what exactly
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became... the motives of this murder, if in principle these suspects did it, and it is very scary that it could be some personal motives, but i don't know, mykhailo was not connected with any big businesses or something like that, but it will be very bad if it has some russian trace, because lately we have seen that... well , somehow there is such a trend , it is not a great horror even that public figures are so politically active, we are speaking of course ms. iryna farioni, by the way, yesterday the sbu also detained an 18-year-old suspect who is suspected of committing assassination attempt, by the way, very briefly, if you can respond to this event, do they believe that it could be this boy, and also in dnipropetrovsk region such a... very loud
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topic, well, i don't know that boy personally, i can't do anything about him to say, they say that as if he can be the executor, and the customers also someone else, well, maybe there is some logic in this, but it is also very strange, well, purely based on the information, it all looks strange, but the investigation really has a lot of evidence for , well, that's all, so, well, it is certain that it is possible. but the motives are also unclear and in general what exactly it is, what it was for, so we will wait for the investigation, but well, it is very difficult to believe in it, but well, i hope that it is not wrong, the conclusions of the investigation will be, and yet after all, it will be clarified, the main thing is that yes, these were not hasty conclusions and convincing, thank you, ms. kateryna, for your opinion, for your conversation, katryna nemchenko, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was with us.
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dear friends, well, we are approaching 8:00 in the morning, which means that we will watch a fresh selection of news, kateryna shirokopes already has it and will tell us about it. greetings olas, andriy, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attack on ukraine and the unfortunate bit in russia. it's news time on spressa tv channel, so don't switch. morning news on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the enemy launched a ukraine has 22 shaheds. 20 of them were shot down by our defenders of the sky in kherson region, sumy region, zhytomyr region and chernihiv region. this was reported in the air force. the invaders also hit a ballistic...


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