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tv   [untitled]    July 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. he set fire to electric substations in cherkasy region. the security service detained a russian saboteur... the 20-year-old attacker tried to destroy eight electrical substations and one relay box in the uman district, thus planning to cut off electricity in part of the community and block railway traffic in the region. the stuntman broke the transformer substations in order to pour gasoline on the equipment. for this, the occupiers promised the boy money. the perpetrator was caught red-handed, he faces life imprisonment. the russians hit energy facilities. in
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zhytomyr region and chernihiv region, people were left without electricity, this was reported to ukrenergo. currently, power supply has been restored in some areas of zhytomyr oblast, but repair work is still ongoing. and one person died, seven more were injured due to enemy shelling of the kherson region. the occupiers settled in the residential quarters of the settlements. there are eight high-rise buildings and 24 private houses in nivychchyna , oleksandr prokudin, the head of the regional military administration, said. also an invader. hit a medical facility and administration building over the kherson region, air defense forces shot down 10 shaheds. the russians used kamikaze drones in dnipropetrovsk region. the occupiers spread across nikopol, marganetska and chervonogrigoriv communities. the infrastructure was damaged, serhii lysak, the head of the regional military administration, said. fortunately, people were not injured. and at night , the russians shelled the kramatorsk industrial zone in donetsk region. on one of the pods.
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a fire broke out in the premises, oleksandr honcharenko, the head of the city military administration, noted this. no one before suffered and he offers to convert all our losses due to enemy shelling into donations for our defenders. the spresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have launched a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back enemy attacks every day. they defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. there is a lot of loss in these brigades and resources need to be replenished. they are urgent need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. these technologies are critical to protecting our soldiers. our goal with you is uah 3.5 million. please remember that each of your donations, even the smallest, brings our victory closer. together we will be able to protect those who... fight for us.
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it was a restless night for russia as well. drones attacked the rostov region. this is reported by the local media. as a result of the collision , a fire broke out in the village of nesvitai. at the same time , the russian ministry of defense announced the work of air defense. they reported on the alleged destruction two drones over kursk region and four over rostov region. and in russia, there was an explosion at the eastern urengoy gas field. as reported by the local media, it is previously known about one person who died, seven others were injured, information about the destruction is currently being clarified. the us made a $2 billion mistake when calculating military aid to ukraine, roits news agency reports. the allies incorrectly estimated the cost of the sent ammunition and equipment, after the reassessment, the pentagon will be able to transfer additional aid to ukraine for 2 billion dollars directly from warehouses. heroic professions,
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angels of war. on the eve of the day, the ukrposhta doctor presented charity postage stamps. the block of stamps was dedicated to medics, civilians and military personnel, who evacuate the wounded from the battlefield, save their lives in ambulances and operating rooms. all proceeds from the sale will be sent to help hospitals in the frontline areas. are social facilities accessible to people with disabilities ? tested in kirovohrad oblast, among the activists, people with limited mobility and blind people are the biggest obstacle for their full-fledged life is physical barriers, our journalists know how many shortcomings were found in the village of kompaniivka, the most pressing issue of accessibility, activists say, is in the villages and villages, so we went with... an inspection
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to kompaniivka, which is 40 km from kropyvnytskyi, monitoring was started from the village council in the same building of the tsnap. at the entrance there is a ramp and a call button. then you have to go up the stairs. the toilet is on the second floor, the door is too narrow for a person in a wheelchair, there are no warning signs or directions for the blind, you can walk in and immediately understand, that the toilet is not accessible to people with limited mobility, first of all, the width of the door, and here even an adult person cannot enter the toilet, the social security administration checked. the ramp here is too steep, the railing is too wide for a person to hold on to, the approach to the ramp has an emergency, damaged surface, there are no direction elements and tactile tiles, the call button does not work. andrii kishavar says accessibility is the ability
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to do without outside help and feel fully capable. no need for pity, he says man, it is necessary to create conditions for people with disabilities. first, speed. how can i go home, to work sooner, how is there a tactile tile, a voiced traffic light, i will repeat myself once more, it is more convenient, no outside help is needed. the conclusion of the monitoring is disappointing. the companionway for people with disabilities is uncomfortable. activists submitted their recommendations for improving the situation to the local authorities. what we saw was deep sadness. absolutely the facilities are not adapted so that people with disabilities can come and get certain things services, get quality, affordable education. now it hurts when people come to war without limbs, but in kirovohrad oblast, little has been done for people with disabilities and for our heroes who came
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from the war in wheelchairs. therefore, right now, this is a glaring issue that the government should do for us. with conclusions of activists in the village council. they agree, they promise to work on the shortcomings, there have never been such cases when someone did not get into our premises, sometimes babushka comes, give me a hand, i can't leave, please, we don't have such problems there were no appeals in this regard, that someone was not given help, so that there was no appeal to the leadership of the village council, there was no, and there will be no, in six months the monitoring group plans to... return to kompaniivka, the activists hope that their recommendations will be taken into account. according to the regional military administration , more than 36,000 people with disabilities live in kirovohrad oblast. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. the murder of iryna farion.
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the law enforcement officers organized a briefing to tell all the details known at that time business, so let's watch it live. ivan bakhivskyi, first deputy head of the security service of ukraine serhiy andrushchenko and deputy prosecutor general of ukraine anton voytenko. we are working as usual. first, information from our speakers, then you can ask questions related to the topic of the briefing, please observe the principles of mutual respect and do not overwrite each other. thank you, please, good day, dear colleagues, i want to say here that we have a leader here. head office of the national police in lviv oblast, the head of the department of the main directorate of the sbu in lviv oblast and the deputy head of the national police of ukraine, i.e., these are the persons who supervised and led this investigation during this week,
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today, the week since the terrible murder of iryna farion was committed. and all the forces of the national police, the security service of ukraine, the prosecutor general's office and other services were directed precisely to the disclosure of this crime, and considering and looking at the fact that this terrible crime is very important for its disclosure is very important for our state, for the public, therefore, on behalf of the president of ukraine, we are all in lviv today. carefully prepared, at the same time we are in front of you today and ready to society, to the public, and of course to the family
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present here, to report on the previous main part of our work, work, so that there are no posts, so that to not be insinuations, all... spots that were voiced to us on the second, third, fourth day of the investigation, to which we then could not give an answer, or could not procedurally, or could not. to give, because we did not yet have this information, this information, so today we are ready to give the society complete answers to almost all the answers, to almost all the questions, i would like to start first with the information that will be provided by the deputy prosecutor general of ukraine, this is current information one second, anton vaytenko, please, good afternoon, dear journalists, thank you, dear community, dear journalists, dear attendees, i would like to inform you that
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during the pre-trial investigation, the prosecutors analyzed a large array of information contained in the materials of the criminal proceedings, and at the moment a notification of suspicion has been agreed to the person who was detained yesterday in the city of dnipro, for the first part of article 115 of the criminal code of ukraine, this is intentional murder, in addition, the prosecutors submitted to the court of the halytsky district court. of the city of lviv , a petition was filed to challenge the preventive measure in in the form of detention without the alternative of bail, this is the preventive measure that the prosecutors will insist on in court, so at the moment i have the following news, thank you, thank you, we will now show you the film first, we will dwell on some fragments and we will clearly explain that happened and how the investigation progressed, and the head of the national police will comment and... the deputy head of the security service, other officials, that is, everything that happened during these 6.5
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days of the investigation, which took place on only in the territory of lviv region. please. colleagues, please have two screens, one on the right, one behind you, on the left. as for the cameras, we will provide you with the video separately, so i advise you to write the speakers how they will comment on the video, we will then pass it on. please run. we need 5 minutes of video, okay 5 minutes of video, 5 minutes of video we need video, let's go back then, no, let's go back to the question, we'll go back to the day of the murder, how did the police get the report, what was going on, how left hand in hand to the place and the first reaction, including management, i would like to say a few words to the police. i left after receiving information about the murder , the head of the regional
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police department immediately reported to me, and i immediately reported to the president of ukraine on the instructions of the president of ukraine. at night, i was already at the scene of the crime . of this crime, who committed it, how he committed it, and we... can talk about it in more detail a little later, because we were also at the scene of the crime, we saw where the body was lying, where the criminal was, and this week we established a complete timeline and timing of the life of this suspect during these 10 days, that he was preparing to commit the crime, you already know his name and surname. you know that he was detained in the city of dnipro yesterday
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at approximately one o'clock in the afternoon, this was done by the special forces that worked in the city of dnipro, and of course, that we did everything to ensure that this detention took place in a sufficiently professional manner, so that a given person, a given suspect in front of the court, and the public could... understand what a colossal work was done by all the law enforcement agencies represented here, which means that today there will be figures on how many law enforcement officers there are hundreds of law enforcement officers who were involved in these measures, 100 hectares of forest, populated the points we checked, we checked every apartment, we checked every house, we checked all the paths that go in... the forest, of course, a huge number of witnesses, a huge number of cameras, both cameras of the safe
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lviv region and private cameras, and i will say that a lot of cameras were down, we said that the first night we met with you and it was very difficult to get that information out, but we're ready, yeah, so please screen, attention, and then we'll talk. the crime scene was found. a bullet was found at the scene of the crime, a 9x18 bullet, a sports bullet, a casing, a casing, yes, a sports casing, and it is currently under examination, but we know that this casing entered ukraine on 17, these bullets, cartridges entered ukraine on 17 - in the 18th year in
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the amount of 1 million pieces, and therefore specific a bullet, not a combat one, so we are not now we... we have to establish where this bullet was purchased, maybe on the black market, or it was purchased earlier, well, we just started with that, please continue, uh, please to stop, that means we, a woman, a witness who is on the fourth or sixth day, when it is given, when the suspect was at the scene of the committed crime, from the entrance number six, where she lived. ms. farion, it is approximately 30-35 meters, you were at this place, this is how this person came and was there, pay attention, you have already seen thousands of times this photo, but notice the glasses that cover half the face, and how hard it was for us as our analysts to do the work to detect,
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to identify the person, the most important thing for us was to identify who it was. but thanks to this photo we were able to move on and you can see the photo on the left, it is a photo from the back, this person was in this position, he did not go anywhere for two to 2.5 hours, did not eat, did not chew gum, did not at all reacted, even on the eve when he saw mrs. farion, who was walking back to her driveway, he saw her walking, but he didn't even... turn his head, and we know for sure from witness testimony, uh, pay attention to this panama, patagonia right away, because we're now back to and on the blazer and on the glasses we 're going back to that topic now please continue these are the things he was wearing, socks,
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nike, uh, uh, well, it's what, what about. .. they said, yes, witnesses have been questioned, how many witnesses have been questioned, ivan mykaiovych, please, yes, good day, dear journalists, dear community, i will continue what i am presenting minister, 900 witnesses were questioned, as part of this criminal proceeding, then, please, the maximum forces of the national police of the lviv region were involved, more than 900 camera images were collected. 22 forensic examinations have been appointed as part of the criminal proceedings, i want to say right away that we use certain technologies in our work, we have criminal analysis units, and we had a photo that you all saw, and we made a reproduction with those witnesses , which were actually in
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the moment of committing this audacious crime, and clearly understood that it was this person who committed this crime, that is, to ... remove the possible moment that this person was a distraction, someone else committed this crime, this shot directly. with the help of appropriate analytical programs, there were coincidences, we worked out a huge mass of people, there are thousands, but 80 people who were similar in appearance, there the percentage is determined by the argument and eh... we can say that it was not some one specific person , which we took and led and then detained, it was a large volume of people. next, please. that is, i want to add, the lower part of the face, which was not covered by glasses, these are the 80 people whom the witnesses pointed out to us, whom we have also identified,
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and everyone had to be checked, this was last sunday and this last monday such routine work around the clock. so we didn't give any information, it was too much for us, we involved the specialists of the central apparatus, the corresponding programs, respectively, the software that allowed us to quickly install involvement or non-involvement, that's not how i'm going to say whether this part of the face is similar or not similar to these citizens, so there was a 40 to 62% match, it's important, and we immediately rejected one and checked each one. of course parallel to the place of residence, place of study, staying for 10 days during this time, especially when the crime was being prepared, please, yes, then a huge volume. video and the main thing is that this video is also from private cameras, and thanks to which we establish the identity of our attacker, he is a resident of the city of dnipro, who has already been seen here
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it is important, in the middle this is a photo from the passport of this person, on the right side is a video already taken during the week of preparation for the crime, as well as the left video, which we also extracted. it is one, in our opinion, in the opinion of the investigation, it is the same person, we will continue further. as for the photo on the left, er, it means that you all saw this person at the scene of the accident, at the scene of the crime, wearing those clothes, but before he committed this crime, of course, he was conducting intelligence, he was not in the city of lviv one day, next this we will show, and here one of the days when he established his residence, he was dressed exactly like that, again. disguised himself, you see a blazer, you see glasses, which he does not wear in principle, just in such everyday life, and the photo is
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an image of him from a video camera in the city of lviv, when he is already walking around the city in different clothes, and he does not understand that may get caught on camera, further, this fragment precisely on july 9, when he comes to the city of lviv for the hall'. by train from the city of dnipro, then he settles in one of the apartments, the minister of internal affairs noted in his previous comments that three places of residence in lviv were changed, this is the first address, you can see a receipt that confirms that this particular person rented this place of residence, through booking, this is a woman who is a housekeeper, who led to place of residence the residence was chosen quite specific, where there are balconies, this is already the second place of residence, the second residence and also the residence receipt, and
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the third place, which means the ninth number, when he arrived, this is the first place of residence, the 14th - it was a weekend, this is the second place of residence, and on the 18th, the day before the murder, the third place of residence was changed by this person, in all these cities there is photo confirmation. images, including in his mobile phone, which we seized, there is confirmation that he booked all this, and also confirmation of the realtors who provided these services with payment directly by him to this person, then you see a fragment where after arriving at the train station in the city lviv, he goes to the new post office, where he receives the parcel, a receipt is received from the new post office, it is the list of property that he sent to himself from the city of dnipro here in lviv, arrived without these things in which... he is dressed further, please, now we will show, according to the data from the new
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post office, and he received these very things in got involved, he wants to tell you that these things were purchased from the fifth, starting from the fifth month of the 24th year in the city of dnipro, from different regions of ukraine, we set up requests, there were requests from his account, from his phone to... . the relevant business entities that provided the glasses and there, in principle, all of these accessories that he received at the new post office in the city of dnipro, in preparation, the investigation thinks in advance, in preparation for the commission of other crimes, in this case we see the patagonia in which he was wearing a red blazer, we see the cycling glasses in which he was also on crime scene, and before conducting. i found a shoulder bag in which we think weapons were stored, we will come back to that later, and of course shorts, please note, we also tracked the
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shorts he was wearing in dnipro, the shorts he was wearing in lviv, the shorts in which he returned from the dnipro and the shorts in which he conducted reconnaissance are different shorts, that is, you can see that the shorts in which he arrived here with a white stripe above the knees, the shorts in which he conducted reconnaissance, they are without a white stripe, and there are hundreds of them, we will not draw your attention, please continue, he used a beard, no, in this case no, and here we , the security service of ukraine, will continue to carry out our work, operational work, perhaps, please add, good day, dear representatives of the media, dear community, service security from the first time joined the investigation of the specified high-profile crime, i want to... thank my colleagues for the fruitful cooperation that made it possible to detain the criminal. regarding the involvement of the specified person, a set of measures is being carried out, and we are studying his connections
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to the territory. of ukraine and abroad, and one of the versions is the involvement of the special services of the aggressor country in the organization of the specified crime, at the same time, the use of a beard, we look at different situations and different crimes that were committed on the territory of ukraine and possibly involvement of the specified person. thank you. please continue. the next slide, we see the video, this is the figure just in the changed. the clothes are already moving along the route of the passage, and here this fragment is important, so you look at it, please stop it, it was in principle, these are the features of the gait, the features of human anthropology, and when we compared, this is a huge array of video that was processed, installed in in one location on a private camera, where at one point he moves first in one outfit, then goes out in
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another, they began to superimpose the route of movement, of course, on already on the person who moves in the wrong clothes that were at the scene of the crime, then please pay attention, the first, left and right photos are the first days of stay in lviv, the middle photo is about the fourth day of stay, when he has already started to change, you can clearly see how his hand moves towards him, how he throws his leg. well, but the corresponding examinations will be carried out later and so on, this is already directly on the day of the murder, in fact in the yard, i would like to draw attention to the fact that the murder took place around the corner of this white selikat house, there where the green car is standing, and the camera did not capture the moment of the murder, we want to say right away, but the camera captured the approach.
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the approach of the suspect to and preparation directly in one minute, even half a minute before the murder was committed, in fact you see him moving, please turn on the road, or rather the corner of the house, or rather right there was the place where this crime was committed, now you you see him in red gloves, and so long, he is already directly in front of him a few seconds before the act. to kill before the shot, putting on these gloves, he went into the cooker, sent the cartridge cartridges, came back, and this proves it, a completely investigative experiment, came back and approached mrs. farion, who was waiting for a taxi, with a suitcase and a small handbag, it was we who did the relevant work with a taxi service, with a taxi driver who arrived later.
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er, she was just in a static er in such a steady state, she was just waiting for this taxi and calmly er and calmly behaved absolutely, not expecting that someone could approach her, because we can to say that practically this attack and this murder was a surprise for ms. iryna, he came very close, yes he came close, practically no more than 2 m, we think beforehand, but the examination is still being prepared and... we will know one and a half meters was it a meter, colleagues, let's ask questions, questions later, and here you see a typical video, when after committing a crime he runs away, he actually runs, that is, before that he was walking, immediately after committing the crime he runs away from the place and only then the next video is a train station, after 2 days, he leaves lviv for the dnipro, it is the 21st, the day of memorial service for ms. iryna, on the day he leaves on the train, we see it. at
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the railway station, we can already see the backpack behind, with which he came to the city of lviv. the next file is that he arrived in the morning in the city of dnipro, also a video station in dnipro. well, then the moment of detention. it was yesterday, the first hour of the day, it was activated by special forces, he lived on the eighth floor of a building in the city of dnipro, lived. is there with his mother, when his mother left the apartment, special forces rushed in to the apartment, the main thing is that, as i have already said, that this suspect should be alive today, that he should be able to capture him, that is why the special vehicle also worked professionally, i think there were two doors, the first door led to the vestibule, the second armored door led to the apartment, and therefore
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within literally... 10 seconds this delight took place.


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