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tv   [untitled]    July 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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directly what, the adoption of the declaration on state sovereignty, so what is the historical role of the creation of this union of officers, to which you joined with the declaration of independence, my god, what am i telling you, the declaration was a year before that, wisely, mr. andriy, wisely, yes, yes, ee, in soviet times, the leadership of the pre-bureau, the military, had such, such, such, such a postulate, such, such a principle, it separated even in... in the sphere of responsibility, jurisprudence, civil and military, if, for example, it was necessary to prosecute a civilian, then they gave five to 10 years there, a military man was usually shot, and this all follows from their slogan: protect the unity of the red army, like the pupil of the eye, that's why, why i wrote:... this is not only my conviction,
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this is my life path, because really, as mr. andriy said, that the officers' union, which held its first congress three weeks, not quite, more than a little, three weeks before the gkchp, frightened the kremlin leaders, especially general yazov, the minister of defense , kryuchkova, because they were closely following her preparation... the congress took place for at least a year, and these issues were overseen by the movement in ukraine, the movement did a lot of positive things for ukraine, there was a military collegium, and it was led by the deceased today, but no less in their your majesty, lyvko lukenenko. and volodymyr molyava, and
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certainly dozens of officers, patriots, such as vitaly lazorkin from lviv and a deputy of the regional council, volodymyr pylypchuk, and many, many officers, several dozen, who, despite the somewhat undesirable evaluation from management side. especially the military counter-intelligence at that time of the special departments of moscow and to some extent the kgb, the ussr, the parties of the communist political administration, went and created a theoretical base, because the congress is the culmination of this work, and i can say that in ukraine... and to the extreme for me
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personally, we felt that something was about to happen, because in the territory, especially in western ukraine, emissaries, scouts from the pskov landing division came, they were looking for places to place military units and so on, and therefore the union officers of ukraine created this organization. by the way, which according to the then existing legislation was legitimate, because colonel marteresyan, velena ratyunovych, a deputy of the verkhovna rada of the soviet union, and the leader, his deputies were the second stage, the armed forces headed by the minister, were elected as the head of this union. defense of morozov was built by the union
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of officers also in the future, if you have time and you ask me a question, i will tell you what happened in the future. mr. oleksand, mr. general, if i may, it is business as usual time is short, i would like us to just maybe come back to this in a different format of the conversation, i would like to ask you one more question in the time we have left, are you done? the kgb higher school, you were trained, you know this kitchen well, you know people like putin, who, what is in his head now, what is his plan for the war, what is the meaning of this desperate offensive with great losses in donbas , what do you think about it? putin is a person who carries the ideology of the stalinist regime. he has er
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consciousness, he is not looking for anything new, he searches her archives, you see all his performances and so on, this is basically a link to various archives. documents, starting from the time of the russian empire, the tsars, the revolution, and especially, therefore, all his activities and this announcement, the so-called operation, but the war, this is a repetition of the offensive united together with germany at that time, unfortunately, after the liberation western ukrainian territories. the partition of prussia, ukraine, and certainly poland, which molotov, a politician known to many in history, called the end of the state and called it in bad terms. sir
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oleksandr, you are from the village of vyshgiv, this is a farm, a farmstead, a farmstead, from a farmstead, can you imagine what a farmstead is, it is greens, or rye, it, it, it, it is plants, it is nature, i am a child of nature, it is almost on the border with poland, yes, uh, and at the same time you were in the soviet army, and, voly, on the border with poland, this is the volyn region, somewhere far away in volyn , the upa army was born, did you have any more during your service in soviet? army, didn't you have any such, i don't know, episodes when you were not trusted, and in the end the fact that in 1991 you created a union of officers of ukraine, also if such a step was taken that said that you are not quite a man of the soviet army, well
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, unfortunately, i have not written about myself yet, but in october of 1990, in october... i left the party for my political beliefs of supporting an independent ukraine and creating my own security service of my own armed forces. i did not serve in the soviet army, i served in the soviet kgb, border troops before that, the kgb, then the kgb, military. development and served partly at the request of the minister of defense morozov, konstantin morozov, a respectable person, a patriot, when he invited me to help from the post of chief of military to help develop military
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intelligence, and judging by today's activities of military intelligence, i think that the foundation was laid by me, my colleagues, officers, because we were building from scratch, instead of reforming the old barrel of pickles, now there are still many soviets in the ukrainian army, as there are soviets in the ukrainian army, despite the fact that we now have a year of independence, and despite the fact that we have a full-scale invasion, and instructors are already coming from abroad, but still... there is still this disdain for life, there are such reproaches, there are posts from commanders that, well, traditions, we have, on unfortunately, there were no decisive steps towards the formation and ukrainization of the army, so the officers' union did its job, and yes, already in 1993
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, the officers' union was included by the ukrainian security service among destructive structures. as well as other pro-communist organizations there, exactly the same as the officers' union and started to destroy with specific methods, limiting, breaking up, discrediting, well, the first operation of the security service of ukraine, led by the head of the sbu in 1992 , was the removal of general martirasyan at the time from the position of head of the officers' union, and... there were a lot of such operations against the officers' union in the future, the union of officers, i will tell you, is a single structure, and if you find time, invite vyacheslav bilaus, he was there for about six years, how actively he fought against
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embezzlement, we fought all the time as a union, but we could not win , we were able to win in the struggle then with... but we could not defeat our presidents, whom we all elected, the ukrainian people elected, and they, in particular, did not understand many things, what the army is. what is their own armed forces, but they understood how to make money, how to squander the army, which we are only now beginning to understand, you know, mykola ryabchuk, a well-known ukrainian intellectual, writes and said that the current war is a postponed war of 1991 , to a certain extent, the efforts of ukrainian patriots at that time managed to postpone that war, for better or for worse, as far as we were able to use the won... time, well, we all now get the answer to all of this, in some ways they were able, in some ways they were not able to, but
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an unappreciated contribution, in fact, but we believe that it should be appreciated by those people who in the 90s, under very difficult conditions laid the foundation of ukrainian statehood, mr. oleksandr, thank you for this conversation, for joining our broadcast, and let me remind you, and once again, we congratulate you on the creation of the union of ukrainian officers, thank you, i also congratulate my colleagues and good luck to you , thank you, oleksandr skiipalskyi. sbu, chief of the main of the intelligence department of the ministry of defense in 1992, 1994, and the head of the union of officers of ukraine, was with us, dear friends. the russian su-34 bomber crashed in the volgograd region during a training flight. listen, one day it is well reported that it is russian tas. recently, by the way, mi-28 recently crashed the day before yesterday, do you remember the koly region, i'm just. i'm already watching the video , it was filmed by local villagers, or christians, i don't know how to call them correctly,
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it's russian, and uh, well, i have the impression that he flew in full combat gear, because there was such a normal one that blew everything away with an explosion, that is, i don’t know if it was a training plane, the volgograd region is not so far away, and there are more and more confirmations from various sources that the attack was successful in the past but read, if i'm not mistaken, a russian military airfield, a russian airfield, which is 1,800 km from the ukrainian border, it's really possible, well , it's amazing that somewhere in elenya, well, that elenya, elenya, the same elenya, do you remember where it's from tu-22 m3 take off, well, actually they write that one tu-22 m3 was destroyed as a result of this bpalaa attack, we are waiting for more official confirmations. so far they are not there, but more and more sources are reporting and already solid such media are writing about it with reference to
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gurmo, and i have one more good news for our viewers: uah 885 is not enough for us to have as of today 50,000 hryvnias donated, dear, and there golikov dropped it, golikov tackled, a naked barefoot wreath is walking somewhere in vienna, you understand, and where is the naked, naked , so that it does not make a donation, but one of our viewers wrote about the fact that... i pensioner and i am constantly reminding and it is necessary to involve other pensioners in general. well, if golikov is naked, barefoot and has nothing to eat, then let him drop video proof that he is naked, barefoot in vienna, somewhere in vienna, and then we will also organize some sort of gathering for him, well, no. let's donate a couple, a showdown for him, ugh, a showdown for him before he is there, a ticket, for a ticket to ukraine back on the return trip, well, to at least get there, here, in principle, he might have some... splash, balalanda, what there he is not yet drawn to ukraine, he is not drawn,
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he is drawn from ukraine, but he is not drawn to ukraine, as there the stirlitz threw up on the family, well, so did the golic, probably dear friends, jokes are jokes, but uah 885 is what we lack in order for us to have uah 50,00 in donations for today, so here is this qr- code, if we collect 50,000 with you every day, then in two months. we still have 45 minutes left of our marathon, so be sure to catch up. ilyana shkadovskyi, head of the analytical direction of the ans network, director of the institute of socio-economic transformations, appears on our air. mr. ilya, we congratulate you. good day. yes, mr. ilya, they say that we avoided default. whether it's good news or not, yes, in short. well, definitely good news, the only thing, i would say that the information about
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the default was premature, that is, in other words, it was more of a kind of pressure on our negotiators about, let's negotiate as soon as possible, because there will be a default, there will be some terrible situation, and this information was picked up by the russian and ukrainian media, which began to write about ukraine's default. soon, although, after understanding this situation, first of all, what ukraine had certain technical defaults, this is the first point, and the second, it was a negotiation process, and in the process of these negotiations, we achieved. e for myself certain positive results regarding the fact that, firstly, a significant part of the debt is written off, and the previous 37%, and 12% conditional write-off, to be honest, are these the indicators that we insisted on, no, we wanted 60% write-off of the debt, but the position
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of our creditors was only 25% write-off of the debt, and here we are... we came together approximately somewhere in the middle, this is the first point, the second, we postponed the payment of interest, reduced interest payments, and plus we also, shall we say, improved the way we return these funds, so in that context i think it's very good news, although fitch is a rating agency that did not wait until the end of our negotiations already. rated us that the default is imminent, ugh, yes, we lost sound, panel, for a second, we see you, but we do not hear you, now we will try to debug, now we will restore contact with mr. ilya, in the meantime, our viewers are super fast, and what i can say dear friends, more than 50,000, by several hundred,
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but you and i did it today, this does not mean that... it's time to stop, you can actually do it before the end of our participation on the air on the espresso tv channel, join with your hryvnia, we work until 5:00 p.m. on the air with andriy, so scan the qr code while you see it on the screens, in the meantime, galina yanchenko, who could not join us today, is a member of parliament, so there is no elina sodovskyi, we have problems with. .. i want to say that she was at the social yesterday she also spoke about economic mobilization, she said that a balance must be sought, the draft law is already completely ready, it could be brought to the voting hall to find a compromise, how to ensure the needs of the front and not destroy the economy. there are, by the way, the calculations of dmytro natalukha, another deputy also from the servants
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of the people, says natalukha, that the shadow booking market is, in other words, bribes. this is how much we lack in ukraine to finance the defense forces until the end of 2024 how many half a trillion hryvnia half a trillion hryvnia is 500 500 billion divide it by 40 that's about how much we lack then, so it turns out to be 10 billion dollars. that is, the fifth part could be covered, for example, with the same, for example, economy booking, well, of course, these are a little speculative calculations, so no less, mr. ilya, we return you to etor, yes, yes, we see already, we have already touched a little on another topic, the topic of economic defense, the deputies will say that the draft law is already completely ready, but the ministry of defense opposes it,
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and the ministry of defense, it is guided accordingly by its own interests, but... precisely the need to replenish the ranks, and therefore here we must, let's say, find a certain compromise. for example, i don't quite agree with the very logic, let's say, which is laid down in economic booking, namely whether someone has money, and accordingly, it will be booked for such people, it's not entirely correct, you have to understand that the logic economic management is a working logic. in other words, we do not book those who have money, but we book those on whom the activity of specific enterprises depends, that is, we book the main engineers, chief technologists, heads of departments, we reserve leading specialists, i.e. those people, well, if they
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are taken, relatively speaking, mobilized, then in this case it becomes questionable, only a specific enterprise will be able to work further away, because it may happen that that a specific person leaves and dozens of people lose their jobs there, who were specifically related to the fact that this person could organize and solve certain technological issues that exist at the enterprise, when such a logic is established, i think a lot of things will be lost, because, for example, the government is now submitting a bill on raising taxes, and this is precisely more pressure on... business, here workers are still being taken away, the inability to work, then you can, in a combination of these two moments, and mobilization and increase in tax pressure, get the opposite effect. namely, a decrease in revenues to the budget, then the question arises as to what our army will be financed with, if it can be financed, exclusively from our taxes, well, actually half a trillion hryvnias
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is not enough to finance defense forces until the end of 2024, will this money be found, mr. ilya? well, regarding the question to our government here again, i just heard, or rather read. the speech of the head of the budget committee of the verkhovna rada of podlasie, who says that already in september we will not have salaries for our military, firstly, i believe that this is a bit of a manipulative statement, and secondly, what kind of leadership is this, which suddenly, almost in fact , august will soon begin, it turns out that you have no money, where you were in march, where you were in april, that is, you did not see what you don't have enough money, you contribute. in fact , leaving the tax increase bill for discussion for only one month and blackmailing the people and directly the deputies that you should now accept
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this bill in any case, otherwise there will be no money for the army. i believe that this is appropriate speculation on the part of the cabinet of ministers and the ministry of finance. will this money be available? if you consider, a significant part of these funds are borrowed funds. if these are funds raised, then in this case, and the funds raised... if i am not mistaken, there are 340 billion, 340 billion you can already have, as you will not have funds , respectively, to finance the army, if you attract 340 billion, and there are accordingly certain savings due to external payments, this is the first point, and the second point that i want to say , this is an increase in taxes, why is the focus only on these 128 billion hryvnias, which, in my opinion, are the most important for you, despite the fact that the proposals made there, well, they are absolutely incompetent, this is the introduction of a tax from turnover, by the way, they were called military fee, but there is no need, let's say, to hide behind
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the name, in fact these are completely different taxes that, for example, do not exist in any country in the world, this is a tax, for example, on turnover, this is an increase in the tax burden on wages, the government we made from think tanks, 15 leading think tanks signed up, and from... regarding the statement about the consequences of this very initiative of the government, to offer an alternative, the government replied, more precisely, the ministry of finance was subjected to a speculative, by the way, manipulative position, that here you want a raise taxes, yes, i'm sorry, you want to increase price inflation and so on, so in other words you have a proposal that is negative, which is not true, because what you are proposing, the tax, is a gate, it... will increase the price, that is, you offer a price increase, you take an additional 3.5% from each person. imagine, where else in
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the world is there a country that has a minimum wage that people actually get $200, and $46 is taken from it, leaving a person with $154 to live on, that's a little more than that minimum, which is currently established by the international monetary fund regarding a person should receive in order not to be considered poor, here a working person will receive $154, that is, in other words, well, i don’t know what to call such a proposal of the government, which actually takes the last funds, well, who can live on such an amount, with because you don't reduce, for example, a lot of budget expenses, you don't reduce the salaries of officials whose... salaries are above uah 100,00, you don't reduce many other expenses, you're nowhere not reduced, a lot of officials from the occupied territories do not work there at all, but
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they continue to receive wages, you did not look at the number of working people, well, there are a lot of opportunities for savings, but you do not do it, you take from business and take from people , leaving them below the amount below that set by the international monetary fund, which is considered the poverty level, you know, on biulin, the head of the central bank of russia, there said that there are very bad forecasts, stagnation of the economy, stagflation, and they raise the constant rate, because there is also a credit boom and an overheated economy , the most in the last 16 or so years, and that in the long run it will all be stagnation, well, in a word, there are many such bad things, and now the real situation in the economy in the last the year of the russian federation from... salaries increased by 25% on average, the economy shows serious growth, yes, it rushes into tanks, the tanks
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then burn at the front, and russia does not become. i'm getting rich because of that, but nevertheless, russians just live better now than a year ago, that's it all the same, it does not correspond to reality, regarding the fact that they live better, but there is a certain manipulation, including with statistics, and when there is manipulation in what, relatively speaking, there is moscow, there is st. petersburg, there are big cities and there is the whole of russia , so they actually, equalizing all the indicators, get average indicators. better, but in general, most russians, well, they frankly live in very such conditions that do not provide even some basic offers, they are now compensating with these payments, and if you are in the army, you are already paid 2 million rubles, 2 million rubles are paid, or you just signed a contract, and there is money, there is simply money for this, dear, well, as for the money
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, it is precisely because they pour in this money. there is inflation, by the way, a comparison with the soviet union, the soviet union responded with such a policy, why, because if you do not have a market economy, it does not respond, accordingly, people have money, but goods disappear, because it is impossible accordingly, to buy, then there is a market economy, it is precisely manifested in prices, but the growth of the discount rate, which they did, will suppress economic activity, because you will not attract funds from the outside, internally only if you are friends and can get some government contracts, and attract from banks, then you won't succeed anymore because your rate of return has to be much higher, so to speak, it's set up for a standard non-military economy, too many problems and no corresponding economic growth, and over time it will definitely work, it can't go on for so long, calls for
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remeasurement, which is constantly heard from their dwarf, they are precisely aimed at stopping, reforming, and the machine that started, continued to develop the corresponding potential, review the work of the entire economy and there conditionally in 3-5 years to carry out a new attack from a more powerful army, ready to go not only to ukraine, but also to poland, europe and so on. mr. ilya. if you ask about us, are we not living well due to the fact that the new purchase tax will be introduced new cars, all the cars were raked out of the ukrainian showrooms, the showrooms are empty, ukrainians rushed to buy these cars en masse, are we not living well during the war, or at least a part of society that runs and buys a new car? well, for our understanding, a significant
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part of the economy is in the shadows. a lot of people receive either wages in an envelope or in another way by minimizing the corresponding payments, here we are collecting there now for the army, and many simply do not pay taxes or the army could receive much more by the way regarding the tax initiative of the government, there is actually no proposal to combat the schemes , in fact there is none, conditionally, you can call it advance payments of income tax, but it is a pittance. of wages - this, in my opinion, is something opposite to the fight against detonation, which is what the business claims? business says: here are people trading without checks, without paying any taxes, please, you just need to work for law enforcement agencies and the tax office, but the tax office, customs, bep do not work, let's take from those who have a transparent financial reporting, who pays all taxes.


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