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tv   [untitled]    July 28, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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here are the names in the media space, and you know why recently a person was detained for some comment on social networks, it happened in melitopol, well, we can say that as before, it’s just that there is a terribly scary, crazy pressure on people, and together at the same time, they create all the obstacles so that people cannot leave, leave, besides the fact that they closed the checkpoint in vasylivka, they closed it a year and a half ago, and now they are all... timidly trying to resist the people who want to leave even through and annexed crimea and through countries through third countries, because people are forced to go through crazy filtering, and often this is the obstacle, why people do not leave, because they understand that they may simply not go through it, because the reason for the minimum to remain in the occupation , the maximum is to go to the basement or somewhere further to a russian prison, it can happen... and
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any contact with people in the unoccupied territory, some activity there in social networks, or even banal, if a person wants to know information and tries through your phone to read ukrainian news and watch what is happening, people are detained there for that, in berdyansk, meanwhile , a large youth facility for youth, the central youth center, was opened. the center, the center, the beacon, and himself, uh, the so-called governor of the zaporizhzhia region, yevgeny balitsky, a collaborator and traitor, says that it will be a facade, a facade of russia in berdyansk and an outpost of russia and the russian world, i quote, i quote the original, that what kind of lighthouse is this, what children will be there, they said that he will be there... to work non-stop all year, what is
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this? ms. alice, have you heard of this story? i'm sorry, a little bit, there was a problem with communication, you know, when you said that they opened in berdyansk, at first i thought that you were talking about this top event that was announced, and then the occupiers announced that they opened a bus station in... regarding this center, well, unfortunately, also, if we talk about the news from the occupied territories, we understand that the only thing they spend on, indeed, is money and strength, the only direction of development that they talked about. this is precisely the washing of the cities of our young people, and now the summer is going on and it is possible to say that abduction of children, and this... in
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principle, it exists, it continues, because the russians send a significant part of children from the occupied territories to their so-called camps on the territory of continental russia, and there were cases when the children of sunny primorsk were sent somewhere there in the murmansk region, and that's why we understand what the discovery is, about which you said that it is completely, well, it is completely expected, because the work with children's bags, unfortunately, it continues. and we can say that the russians are first of all, they are trying to raise their children from our children, well future soldiers, because the total militarization of children is what they have been doing for 2 years. do we have to understand how we respond to this danger to the russians, because, well, that is, the fact that the russians do this is understandable, they do not do it in principle and with their children in the same way, we have a year. and one day, when there is no minister of culture,
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even, that is, we do not even have an understanding, an awareness of how important it is to work with children now, when i hear in kyiv, or sometimes in lviv even, that children, children, teenagers, speak russian, or listen to russian music until now, watch russian tv series with their values ​​and so on, which... which are opposite to those values ​​to which we all aspire, yes, that is, against human dignity, against rights of a person, against freedom as such, not against the rule of law, then against democracy, then simply the question is whether we, whether it is important, the russians understand this, the russians are not as funny and stupid as we would like, are we so funny and stupid to not even to realize how important it is to work with...
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with children, i completely agree with you here, if, of course, we should not underestimate the enemy, and indeed, if we see that this is... this is exactly the reflashing of the consciousness and brains of children, this is the first , which the russians undertook, of course, that in our country there should be a very clearly established line of youth education, patriotic education, even on the example of zaporizhzhia, and i can see that until recently, of course, such programs existed, there are youth centers, centers of patriotic education, but usually it's more about what concerns... mazi, for example, in zaporizhzhia, one of the directors of such an education center of a communal enterprise, by the way, well, she went abroad from the first days of the full-scale invasion, and she was there literally until the last months , let's put it this way, it was counted, she received a salary,
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but of course, there could be no work there, and of course, it should be completely vertical, the children there should be interested, it should not be some... old methods, when the program is written on paper, the children were gathered, they were shown some kind of film, and of course everyone agreed that no one is interested in it, it is a really huge problem, and even on the example of front-line zaporizhzhia, we can see it, and we really want this situation to change, were these 30 years the lessons of patriotic education, did the children come to the lines, those soviet terrible ones in vyshyvankas, were there those doubles. to the sounds of the national anthem of ukraine, and patriotic poems were read, and shevchenko's quotes, all this happened, but it doesn't work like that, i remember, i found the soviet end of the scoop the 1980s, the end of the 1980s, when there was already
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perestroika, there was already a little freedom, but they tried to tell something about lenin and so on, and it didn't work at all, the children were already having a hard time , as they say, they were actually laughing, and it doesn’t work, in principle it doesn’t work, one, it seems, is a man from odesa who moved to lviv, he says, me, me, i was fed up with all that, in ukrainian, i was fed up by this shevchenko, we twisted those patriotic poems in a funny funny way, and only with the war, having already found himself in the ukrainian-speaking environment in lviv, he suddenly... discovered everything for himself from a new angle, and this means that there must be a different approach here, it does not work, it only works in totalitarian systems, so bend everyone and, because then they shut down any other information, and immediately have such a huge whip with which to beat them, and in democratic countries
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, propaganda does not work like that, here you have to work for something else, to educate people in freedom, dignity, this is a completely different order daytime, then it will turn out that it is more important than the language in the lessons, even but it is much more complicated. teach than just reading shevchenko's poems, in which, for example, the teacher herself does not believe, which happens very often, i just wanted to touch on one more moment, if very briefly, from melitopol, a military chaplain spoke before her congressional committee of the united states, and cool , right in the hearings of the us congress, more precisely, on july 24, it happened, pastor from melitopol, sergiiv. and he actually reported that the churches and priests of the moscow patriarchate in the occupied territories of the zaporizhia region are loyal to moscow, and not god, that is a strong voice, indeed, a strong
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testimony, thank him for that. and i wanted to say, are the parishioners and the parishes ready? of the moscow patriarchate in the unoccupied territories, in zaporizhzhia itself, for example, to the point that this church may be outlawed, what actions will be taken, what will be the reaction, if the verkhovna rada still dares to ban the moscow patriarchate, and unfortunately, on unfortunately, the moscow church is still functioning in zaporizhzhia, and it is one of the largest churches, and parishioners continue to go there, regardless. on that that there are specific examples when the leaders of these churches in zaporizhzhia were involved not only in some ethical scandals, but also in criminal ones, but unfortunately, in zaporizhzhia, this topic is advancing very difficult, for two years local councils have been trying to accept
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appealing to the authorities with the demand to ban the russian orthodox church, and, for example, in the city council, it was very, very difficult, of course, not for the first time. and when we see that the authorities even block these appeals, what can we say about ordinary ones people, but at the same time , new ones are constantly arriving from the occupied territories. that precisely the priests of the moscow churches, they not only cooperate with the enemies, but also help them to commit atrocities against ukrainians, precisely the priests of the moscow church-occupied territories, they helped kidnap people, they can be said to be involved in these tortures that were carried out there with people, and you don't even have to go far, just a week ago they published a photo like this one in the berdyansk district. a moscow priest who is there worked for years, blessed russian soldiers for exploits in the name of the motherland, well
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, of course we understand that this is no longer a matter of faith, it is a matter of politics, and i really wanted as many people as possible to understand this, but so far these churches are working and people see that there is support for these churches not only in russia, but even among representatives of various political forces, among representatives of local governments who... do not want to vote for these appeals to the authorities, and then they turn on the news and see that again not in the verkhovna rada voted for the moscow church, and of course, in the minds of ordinary people, they may have the idea that maybe they are not so good, that they should continue to go there, so this is of course a very, very painful issue for zaporozhye, because, well, my personal opinion , which should not be in the russian church at all, even more so in ours. in our country, in our cities, where we constantly see the burial
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of our soldiers, and well, it's actually terrible. thank you very much for the conversation, alisa sisoyeva, she was with us, a journalist, deputy of zaporizhzhya of the regional council, on behalf of the district council, i apologize, we wish the residents of zaporozhye a peaceful day. lesya vokolyuk joins us. good morning, dear friends, now we will go for a short break, then we will continue our roll call, we will visit kherson region with you. i quickly want to tell you our huge thanks for the way you donated yesterday, it's simply incredible, the biggest result this week, dear friends, 62 thousand, yesterday was added, yes, then you are showing the wrong collection, we have already closed this one, then i tell our directors, dear friends, something not what you put on the screen, we are currently collecting for three brigades, also for drones and also for rap systems, this is what is needed now on the front line, a third separate stormtrooper. 110-47 need your support and yesterday you
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heard our appeals, on average this week we collected 40 00, yesterday was 62 00. hope that today will be no less, then the directors will find the appropriate, appropriate requisites and you will scan the qr- code. everyone complains that their income is falling, that it is very difficult to collect even 100 uah, well , ugh-ugh-ugh, there is no such thing, our the audience, they're like... stand ready to work as hard as you need to win, it's actually really cool, there should actually be some kind of award at the end, some kind of medal, some kind of, i don't know, a loyal viewer from the press who donated cupodon, some kind of badge , something like that, especially since the end of the war is near, and this is reported by tsn, which is always impressive, this time they have a very reliable, verified source, it is an enlightened one. elder evdokym? i don't understand, an enlightened old man is an official title, it's
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where they give it, i don't know if it's true or not the ministry of culture, also, a badge, an enlightened old man, an under-enlightened old man, an over-enlightened old man, there are three categories, you know, first degree, second degree, maybe he was enlightened on an x-ray, like who was enlightened on an x-ray, maybe so, an x-ray, old man, and so on , let's go, let's go, well, tell me how long that enlightened old man said that the end of the war is near, the war will end when trump is elected, and there will be more to it, he saw a vision about this, what will happen a series of powerful cyberattacks, he has seen this, so with cyberattacks, he knows what cyberattacks are, of course i know, he is an enlightened old man, yevdokim, dear friends, we are going to a break, during that time our directors will find a qr code so that you can... please stay with us, there are
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, topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what it is, analysis. processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaliy portnikov and the guests of the project, read the entire presentation, accept my story, thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but it was absolutely not, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude bilateral security with us agreement, project. for those who care and think politklub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. yes, friends, we are coming back, continuing our work
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roll call, we have already solved our technical problems, due to which we could not show you the qr. the move by which you can attack our army, drones and repsystems, and while we are talking with oksana pogomy , a member of the kherson city council, whom we are adding to the conversation, you can scan the qr code and rewrite as much as you don't mind, and i hope that today we will definitely donate no worse than yesterday, we collected 62,000 for yesterday, oksana pogomiy is already with us, ms. oksano, good morning, although i know that in the kherson region in... near kherson, he is definitely not good, the russians fired from the very morning, today in front of kherson, what are the consequences of this, they are still alive this morning, it’s already good, uh, they fired hails and so far we know about three wounded people of different ages, 17 years old, there, on - in my opinion, something around 30 and 75, but
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i think, unfortunately, i think that these are not all the victims, because they were shelled with hail and now there will still be results of the consequences, because it was only about an hour ago, an hour and a half ago that's why they fired, well, you can see it on the footage, well, it's terrible, and they're in this area, i won't to name, this is another area, not antonivskyi most, they have been haunting it for the third week, well, this area is generally well-equipped. oh, i see that people continue to live in this area, yes, they continue to live, yes, we have
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people living in almost every village near kherson in the kherson territorial community, regardless of the shelling. how, how, what does this life look like? yes, i can see your face, i know what you're thinking, how is that possible, right? in fact, after all, we have become fatalists, i judge by myself, you think whatever happens, whatever happens, it happens, that there in the universe, in the book of the judge, it is written, for you to live long until 120, in fact, we are, well, a very wounded city. but the suburbs are even more injured, because it is very close to the water, and they are adjusting to it, and they go to the shops, and they go to the city, and today i read that even... they launched a new bus, a new flight, let's say once a day , except for saturday and sunday, just over there, well
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, because people, we are used to it, we move around, hide, try to go through the streets where it is difficult for the katsav drone to fly, we we try, if we go out, we quickly go to the store, to the bazaar and run, run home or to... if we are at the volunteer center, we just have to be more careful, before we didn't really look at the sky, now we look at the sky, because the russian drones are already flying a little further, this is how we live, but still i want to tell you, yesterday we only mentioned that emotion, when we were freed from the occupation, it still wins over everything else, this fear, it wins, and we, i am talking about myself and those who are me. surrounds, we still feel in to ourselves such gratitude, and we will feel, we simply feel the need to stand next to the armed forces and
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help, if they will not see the civilian population, if they will have no one to tell them to come back, we are waiting for you, and can we help you, or do we need you like this or that, and it's not about food, not about socks, not about something like that, but here we are doing disguises. nets, and it is necessary, we bake bread, and we practically have a bag now, the further we go, the more rumors about us, well, we have been baking it for the second year, and to us guys come, buy bread, our girls bake goodies and they take them with pleasure, because they are not store-bought, but it’s like home, as they say, that’s why we have our own mission, and we live here, you know, i wanted also to say about what i read, well, i am just a carrier - in funny information, well, so funny, so tragicomic, this is mr. saldo, i don’t know if you can call him mr. comrade saldo, although he is a friend from the other side, traitor
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balance yes traitor balance this is my main supplier of funny comedy news he wrote that he met with the commissioner for human rights in the kherson region, with sergey georgiev, it is interesting that there is even a commissioner for human rights there, so that you understand, everything is not just like that, and he reported to him. alarming information coming from the right bank of the kherson region, where the kyiv regime follows the instructions of the anglo-saxon masters, violates the rights of the residents of the kherson region, you just read it and think, motherfucker, but that’s clowns, well, that’s just a slipper, but what is really happening with human rights on the left shore? and the left bank? so far these are rumors, i cannot confirm them with evidence yet, but
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it was a long time ago, that from the first, a long time ago, they accused the russians that from august 1 they will be those who do not have a russian passport, either deported, or in except me as a chancellery. i don't know what they call it, i call it a concentration camp, and at least there is a 15-kilometer zone along the coast, it will be possible to get there only with special certificates, these special certificates that they issue say that there is a queue and they are not they manage to issue them on time, but in principle, well, you are sitting on the vikakhovka, it would be possible to sit on the banks of the dnipro without this certificate. and wait for the zsu, but all services are located either in radensk or skadovsk, it is generally 100 km to go there and even more, that is, a person, if, and
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the services are such, someone died, you have to go to skadovsk, the body even has to be taken to skadovsk, and then returned, where do you want to bury, ah, someone got sick, you have to go somewhere else, because these services are not available here, that is, the most elementary ones are not there, and therefore people... people just eh, well, not to take that certificate, it’s simply impossible for some, there are very long queues, but that’s all, well, it’s not so important, as much as what i already know, well, i know this, for sure, these fires that i talked about and two weeks ago, and a week ago, people put them out with their own strength, and the russnia sets fire, the russnia mines everything, there are all the villages along the coast, and they say we... we will leave, we will not leave you here, if we leave, we will we will blow up everything, and this is not just a violation of human rights, it is a genocide of our ukrainians, but rusnia will not say about it, that
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georgiev or something like him, that fat, my god, christmas trees, oh, and i only have, you know, why didn’t he die earlier, that fat, why did the israeli doctors take him out, first, then some russian doctors, this is such a bastard, who sat here in kherson for three terms as mayor, and you know, when the last elections were held, people voted for him and said, but he is handsome... yes, and this handsome landlord is now killing people in ukraine with his actions, eh , and there is such a thing among ukrainians, a large part of ukrainians, that they choose beautiful flower beds, and some neutral street names, and a well -laid road, and also something incomprehensible, like that, something in the middle, and neither russian nor
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ukrainian, but how is the street friendly or about... perfectly breaks through the road, tries to hold on despite everything , even the vote we saw in the verkhovna rada on banning the uocp, and i read that a new head of the diocese... of the russian orthodox church, dmytro havrin, was sent to skadovsk. and it is interesting that he himself is from the kalina region of the russian federation. and before that, he served in the tver region. but, uh in addition to religious education in russia, dmytro havrin graduated from the kyiv theological academy in 2009 with a degree in candidate of theology. and i suspect that he was simply studying, so to speak, the ukrainian
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mentality. characteristics of ukrainians and sent him, will he check the believers on what they believe in russia or in ukraine, do you have any news about what is happening in skadovsk with this new ruler, as well as with the orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate in the very kherson, in the unoccupied kherson region? we have many of them churches, you know, when we were just released, a man from lviv came with his own and a volunteer woman, and it just so happened that they unloaded in one of the churches, and they had to bring some of it to us for the sake of the communities, and we went went there to the church, and i tell them, do you know that this is the church of the moscow patriarchate, they tell me, there are no more churches of the moscow patriarchate, i say, well, it’s yours, maybe it’s not there, or they told you on television , they have, they have,
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you know, the ones that... they have such narratives now, they say, we will not to transfer to the ukrainian patriarchate, because why, god is one, the church must be one, it doesn't matter what we are called, we, we are good people, we pray to one and the same god, and here they are now, this is one of the popes, so, i told my husband that it's not...
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a deputy of the kherson city council was with us at the funeral, dear friends, and at 9 o'clock there was a moment of silence, let's remember all those whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's observe a minute of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war unleashed by russia.


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