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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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the question, well, as far as the ukrainian rebel army and the organization of ukrainian nationalists are concerned, there is generally a deadlock here, because these are people who fought for the right of their country, their people, for us to have our own country, including now, they fought for the right to that we should now be called ukrainians, that we should now be called citizens of ukraine, that we should have our own language, our own culture, our own traditions, in general. were not finally destroyed by the russian empire, or at that time by the soviet union. mr. vitaly, what is this from poland, for why do they do that? moreover, can it become a certain cornerstone for us to block ukraine's entry into the european union? but less than that, after all, i am interested in another question, why poland, with an absolute, not even an absolute, but practically 100. percent
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number of votes in the polish parliament approves such anti-ukrainian attacks, which often do not even have any a real historical base, well, they have, but this base is clearly different for each of the parties, and it is clear that the polish the position is historical in this matter, it is very... often not objective, why exactly now and what is happening at all, i think this is part of the internal politics of poland, and we must clearly understand that the attitude to the history of our neighbors and our attitude is different, one way or another, the country that is a member of the european union will always dictate certain conditions of attitude to its own historical policy to the country that wants to join the european union, because otherwise this country will simply remain outside the european union by the union, by the way, i keep saying this, if you remember, even when i started... this
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negotiated process, they will say that we will have to, we will have difficult conversations with our neighbors, there is no need for any illusions, now it all looks not very serious, simply because we, we are at war, uh, a country that is at war, nobody will accept into any european union, our task is to continue these negotiations, to close one chapter after another, what will happen after that , how these negotiations will not end, i do not guarantee you, republic north macedonia submitted an application to join the european union in 2004, negotiations began in 2000, which, well, practically, not on the 22nd, 21st, because the neighbors of north macedonia, initially greece in connection with the constitutional by name, and then bulgaria in connection with the north macedonian idea of ​​history, blocked this process, a macedonian journalist can in a television studio in...
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skopje make exactly the same speech as you made now, it's simple in bulgaria , no one is spared, if you want to speak your speech, you can gather and give a speech at least on this, at least on the highest point of your country, on the hoverla everyone gather and talk about what is wrong with your sejm, what is wrong with us, we voted, we told you how we see it, you don't see it that way, goodbye, we can't influence anything, if we want to join the european union, then... what should we do? the first is to understand that neighbors may have different views on our history of our world, especially those neighbors with whom we were in the same state, uh, our territories were part of pre-war poland, and before that were part of austria-hungary together with, part of the territories, together with those territories that are now part of the republic of poland, or were part of pre-war poland, and there are painful pages. the polish-ukrainian peoples
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have different ideas about these pages, if you think that you will be able to impose a ukrainian idea of ​​history on the poles, you are very mistaken, you will not be able to, as, by the way, the poles are always offended by the jews and israel, which they cannot impose their own vision of history on them, and that's where diplomatic ones come in incidents, to scandals, but israel stands by its position, israel simply does not want to join the european union, and how can poland impose its own on us? historical vision, that is, this is also a rather difficult question, because, well, what if at some point the polish parliament says that it will not ratify the agreement on ukraine's accession to the european union without solving ukraine's historical issues, then for ukraine, yes, ukraine and it will wait, or the hungarian parliament until the issue of the education of hungarians in transcarpathia is resolved, then ukraine will not join the the european union, you won't do anything to them, they are in the european union, we are not, well they are not... we cannot force them to vote,
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as the issue with the negotiations from macedonia with the european union was resolved, there was mediation. other countries of the european union, germany and france, france, first of all, i think, who met with the bulgarian delegation from north macedonia, discussed what the complex of actions would be, right up to changing the constitution of north macedonia. north macedonia has to change its constitution in order to join the european union, and not only once again name, ugh, and let's say, introduce, ugh, the point that there are bulgarians. uh, the same, so to speak, a factor of north macedonian history, an ethnic minority, as it is called, one of the peoples of north macedonia, like the macedonians and albanians, and there in north macedonia they developed a whole series of ideas, let us not only bulgarians let's remember all
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the national minorities, so that it doesn't look so offensive, and let's remember the bulgarians too, but now the macedonian electorate voted for those parties that were in the opposition and for... the president who was in the opposition, spoke against this, because the macedonian voters do not like it, and they are not going to change the constitution, well, until they change it, join the european union, ugh, or they will be forced to sit down again at the negotiating table with the bulgarians, to agree on something with them through the mediation of france, well, it could be like that for another 10 years, don't you think that it might be a consequence of the upcoming presidential election campaign in poland, i think it's not just about the elections. campaign, but in bulgaria no one did this during the election campaign is engaged, in bulgaria, as you know, elections are held every three months, and no one even mentions it, there all the political forces, like in poland, are of the same position, there is no party there that will say, listen, let 's not be them don't worry, there are no such
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parties, and in poland, as you can see, there are no such parties, no, well, in poland there are political forces that oppose ukraine in principle, for example, by the way, according to the latest polls, the confederation has 13%, it already has, well you see that there is complete unity of all political parties here of poland, so what will it look like after our negotiations are over, ugh, most likely we will have to look for mediators again, ugh, depending on who will be in power in poland at the moment, there will be such liberal forces, which means in germany we will look for mediators, there will be some conservative forces, so somewhere else we will look for mediators in france or there in those countries that will not frighten poland, we will sit down. there is some kind of joint congress, well, we will decide how a common policy of historical memory should look like, well, all this will be decided, there may be decisions that a part of ukrainian society will not like, or there may be decisions that a part
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of ukrainian society will not like, parliamentary elections will be held, ukrainian voters will vote for those forces that they will say, we are patriots, we are not going to make concessions to the poles, and ukraine will simply wait there for eight extra years. what about joining the european union, is it possible like this, well, maybe we will just sit in the same room with north macedonia, well, but again, this is on the condition that if the war ends, that's right, but here we have another problem, north macedonia can sit in this room, in this waiting room, it can also fall into the russian zone of influence, by the way, yes, but it still has no borders there, it will not be occupied, it will not be occupied, there is serbia nearby, but everything is like that, not so dangerous, but we can , you know, in these eight-eight years, return to the radnay harbor , that's what the danger is, and i don't understand why the poles don't understand it, why for them, that is, the possibility of losing ukraine, so that ukraine once again becomes part of the russian sphere of influence, it is real even after the war, both after it is lost and after it is won, so
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ukraine is not the existence of the ukrainian state is not a constant, it can disappear as a result of the war, and the existence of ukraine outside the russian sphere. they are a constant, ukraine can return to russian influence, so that now people do not think that we will never be with the russians, this is not so, the public mood can change in despair, well, if no one takes us there and does not want to see us, here they tell us, listen, we made a mistake, you are our brothers, we did not want to, we will now help you restore everything, and you now understand that there was no need to deal with these measures, they instigated you, and we can do everything in russian, well, that’s all, but listen, and even now i think... that you can find people in ukraine who are ready, maybe they are, maybe there are not so many of them, but at least it seems to me that even compared to the 22nd year, now their number, just that number, who will not want to, will go to poland, hahaha, i am the number who will vote for patriotic parties, which will not change
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the constitution, the conditional constitution, but which will not change the historical policy, she will eventually go to poland and curse poles there, these will remain here. who will be ready to go to russia, this can be an anecdote, so again, it is necessary, i believe that it is necessary to work with the polish political elite not from the point of view that... you know, here we are right and you are wrong , and from the point of view of what if you raise these european historical issues, you may simply not understand their implications, that any ultra-patriotic force you wish to bring to power by its actions here, which will block ukraine's european integration, will ultimately facilitate ukraine's return to the russian sphere of influence, you don't need it, because the ukrainian national university and upa are the history of ukraine, but... russian influence on ukraine is the future of ukraine, if you behave so idiotically. that's what i'm talking about, i'm
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not even going to discuss historical ones some topics, understand? because this history can be discussed forever in every nation, if we talk about the 20th century, there is a national history that other nations do not like. why? because in general, the story is the first. this is the story of terrorism, i apologize, who was i, you know, as in this popular novel by ilf and petrov, popular in soviet times, who was panikovsky, our monument to panikovsky is still standing on this, on the gap, isn't it, well, i don't i know, did they decommunize panyakovsky, who was panyakovsky in kyiv, was he blind, who was marshal pilsutsky, may i? before becoming a man, was he engaged in political terror? an uncomfortable question, well, somehow we respect
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him not for that, and when you say whether stepan bandera was involved in terrorist activities, i saw a book in polish, it was called stepan bandera the terrorist, well, of course he did, who doubts it, but it is part of the activities of the national liberation movement movement, he national liberation movement very often in the absence of political prospects gives... to terrorist activities, which are not very are liked by those against whom this is happening, but the russians, austrians, or the germans there did not like the activities of pilsudski, and the poles did not like the activities of bandera, i remember that i no longer remember in which one a long time ago during one of my on my first trips to israel, i was in the theater and was a neighbor of such an elderly man. who was once prime minister of israel itzha kashmir is
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itzhamir even a terrorist don't you even doubt did i feel any oh i'm sitting here he's a terrorist no i was very proud that i was put here, yitzchah shamir, a legend of the zionist movement of the jewish people, this person actually blew up the hotel, who david, this is a hotel, not a barracks, so... what, but it was a national movement, which was connected with the need to uproot the british from mandated palestine and give the jews the opportunity to create their own state, that's how they saw it. now the question is, if i were british, i wouldn't be thrilled. the british wanted yitzhak kashamir, even when he was the prime minister of israel, did they not remove this warrant? nelson mandela, who was he anyway i wonder if he was a terrorist at all. the leader of the militant wing of the organization of the african national congress, and the african national congress can still
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be called a political party to some extent at that time, but it was a militant wing, a militant, well, of course, this is a terrorist who was preparing some terrorist acts, but what was the method of struggle with apartheid, and of course the people who ruled south africa at that time, a large part of the population, especially white people, believed that this person should spend his whole life in prison, and i can name such examples a large number, this is otjalan, who is currently in prison on one of the islands in the aegean sea, in the aegean, it seems, in marmurovo, in marmurovo, he is an absolute terrorist for the turks, he is a terrorist, and for the kurds a hero, well that is , how to agree on this, not to agree on this... maybe. it can be said that we do not accept terror in our modern world, but
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at the same time we cannot erase it from history. do you understand? and while researching this story, just throw out the pages that are unpleasant for us. of course, the poles would like to pre-war poland looked different than it did. so that there were no problems with national minorities in pre-war poland, well, they were, in 1939 it was clear that the state actually did not exist, that the national... minorities did not perceive this state as their own, that the so-called rebellion on the border was real of the ukrainian population, and because poland did not perceive this population as loyal, as equal to the population, of polish ethnic origin and the cathoric faith, well, these are all facts, all these
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percentage norms, all this distrust, of course there were people who believed that it could be fought. by political methods, well, by the way, this is also a beautiful story, i was friends with ibrahim rugova, the first president of the self-proclaimed kosovo, well, he believed that it was necessary to fight for the freedom of albanians by political methods, but the serbs continued, continued the repression, a generation of young people appeared , it's like the ukrainians in poland, who thought that it was not working, they created an army of liberation, kosovo, and now, one of the leaders of this army, and then the president of kosovo, hashim thaci, is in the hague between. to the people's court, well, but the question arises, if in general the serbs did not arrange a policy of segregation in kosovo for the population, which made up 90% of the population of the territories, it is approximately like eastern galicia, i apologize for you, surely the serbs can convince the kosovans that hashim thaci is a terrorist, i am not sure, by the way, ukrainians do not
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respect andrii sheptytskyi, as kosovars respect ibrahim rugov, ibrahim rugov never. in his life, he was not a supporter of any forceful actions, but this does not mean that we should close our eyes to the fact that bandera, shukhevich, melnyk, other leaders of the ukrainian national movement, activists who created the organization of ukrainian nationalists, they believed that nothing can be done politically with this discriminatory policy, who is to blame first? the one who reacts to discriminatory policies or the one who implements them? well, this is also a good question that could be asked. all of us should ask our polish friends, because not only the activities of the oun and the upa need revision, but also the two decades when ukrainians, poles, and jews lived in this one state, what happened in it at all, whether there were any divisions, well, this is a good question, but this is a question for the future, by the way, i told you the framework of our negotiations with
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poland, when we will have to solve the issue of historical memory before joining the european union, well, we have... what we have, unfortunately, is a difficult situation, and unfortunately, it is rising again at a time when ukraine is fighting for its independence. there are discounts, the only discounts are on pe'. 15% in pharmacies, plantain, you and savings. national tv on megogo is many channels, well, there are a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. enable megogo on a variety of devices without wires or antennas. and all this from uah 49 per month. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on enterogermina of 15% in travel pharmacies for you and
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savings. there are discounts that represent the only discounts at trokvas inn. 15% at travel pharmacies. new week on espresso - a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation on current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. conduct a summary with us. monday evening and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do laws
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change our lives? what to prepare for? on these and other questions, which worry ukrainians, answer. leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that in... cause resonance in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, let's say. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project read everything, accept my union,
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i thank you, it was difficult, but i was just interested, but it was absolutely not, they help to understand the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us . a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the air of espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular , we will talk about the extremely important international negotiations that took place at various diplomatic tables, at the same time we will talk about the new concept of war and the new doctrinal ones announced. approaches, our guests today are roman bezsmertny and glen grant. our first guest is retired british army colonel, renowned military expert glen
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grant. glory to ukraine, dear mr. colonel, gatsaivzeken. glory to the heroes, god, protect the king, thank you. extremely important speech london speech of ambassador general valery zaluzhny. so we understand that he... outlined a strategic perspective and very clearly indicated what things we should change and what we should prepare for in the event. he called the russian aggression against ukraine in the current phase a war of transition . i would like to ask you now to analyze the most important messages that general zaluzhny gave and how they were read in the west, in particular in london. it is important that people understand. that this speech was of great importance, as it was delivered in the royal united the institute for defense studies, which is the british government's
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defense think tank. this institute plays a similar role in great britain as the rent corporation does for the american government and the pentagon. the speech was important and the hall was completely filled. numerous high-ranking officials from the ministry of foreign affairs were present. and the ministry of defense, as such performances are quite rare. therefore, since this was his first such speech and since it took place immediately after his arrival, what he said, will be received with enormous attention. what he said, first of all, he outlined the challenges of war at this time. he went on to touch on the topic of transition, stressing that while current warfare is similar in many ways to world war ii and world war i, modern tools such as drones and electronic warfare are changing the way we wage war directly . we fight on the battlefield. the essence
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of war does not change, people still die and will die, and there will always be a bloody battle between the warring parties, but the general structure how the war will be fought is changing. now the significance of this will be whether people will believe it. this is the first thing, do people really believe it, even though the former head of the defense department says it, there are many people in the west who still think that the way the west conducts military operations now will remain the same in the future, in other words, the use of tanks , the use of armored vehicles and other uses of drones, but not like now and not in the same amount as now in ukraine, because people will see what will happen from the west... much more aircraft, combat helicopters and artillery than can be from the ukrainian side. this will change the balance towards how the west would like to fight. but that's a big but, if zaluzhny
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is right, and i suspect he is largely right, maybe not 100%, but even if he's only 60% right, it still means that most western armies are very, are very, very behind in their change processes. in terms of how they think war should be fought. this has serious implications for military training and selection staff for example, great britain does not select it specialists for battalions, while, as in ukraine, each battalion is looking for its it specialist, its engineer who will manage drones and other technologies. we don't do that in the uk, and what i'm wondering is, after this conference, are people going to go away with... saying, we need to change our thinking, or are they going to go away and say, no, he doesn't understand how strong we are and how are we going to fight, i agree with... with you, this is
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an extremely serious challenge, on the other hand, i do not want to draw parallels with events that took place 100 years ago, so we understand that we are talking about the so-called little entente, and we are talking about the polish-bolshevik-ukrainian war, so in 1920, so we understand that poland was also then 100 years ago wanted to receive more help, so unfortunately, a lot of things turn out to be incomplete, unrealized, well, accordingly... we need to understand this way, whether the story about a powerful military, central european power will be supported by the appropriate amount of resources, i.e. not only with these or other political statements, but with concrete military resources, yes, if we will wage war until we win, that is, regardless of what will happen in the united states, whether trump comes, whether geris comes, kamala comes and so on, we must...
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understand different scenarios: war is also about resources, human resources are currently being processed by the personnel department of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, this is when we talk about mobilization, but a long, long war that would work for the entire depth of strategic defense the enemy, it requires very clear coordination, it cannot be something that we were promised and not given. there is a lot in your theses. points of view, if the history of the last two years has taught us anything, it is that we will not get all that we are promised, and i am sure that will continue to be the case, the promises will often be greater than what is actually done, but let me dwell on one point, f-16. everyone is talking about delays with the f-16, these delays arise exclusively from the ukrainian side, not from the west. the problem is
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lack of pilots who know english. language to conduct training, there is also a shortage of technical staff and engineers who can master the necessary skills. i know from my own experience that there are engineers in the armed forces who do not get into the program and that is because the personnel system in the defense forces is not working, not only is it not working, it is broken, despite the efforts of the ministry of defense to change the situation, myself the general staff has not changed its approach to work with personnel, this can be seen from the work of the tsc. let's consider these questions separately. ukraine will not get everything equipment that wants. some will come, but much slower than expected. this means that the general staff has to start planning in advance what exactly will not arrive and why, as well as how we can cope on our own. the biggest problem, in my opinion, is the front. it is on the front line that we lose people. there are retreats. this happens because the units are not properly equipped, there
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is no. no doubt, they don't have everything they need, i understand that there is not enough 155 millimeter ammunition, no one could to expect that there would be such a great need for them, no one in the world expected this, it is a problem that needs to be solved, but we knew that the soldiers on the front line needed drones, armor plates for body armor, new boots, food, there are hundreds of necessary items, which they don't get properly and yet they still have to... fill out a huge amount of casualty paperwork and that's done by the battalions, so we're wasting the time of officers on the front line who should be spending time with their soldiers, fighting, they actually spend time filling out paperwork. soldiers spend time digging trenches that should be ready by now, because money has already been spent digging them. this is all due to the fact that the system does not work properly, that is, the system does not foresee
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these problems. why it's very simple: the general staff deals directly with the introduction of battles, instead of planning for tomorrow. the war should be conducted by the joint staff, not the general staff. this is the job of the joint staff, to be responsible for the battles directly, and not the chief of the general staff, who runs around the brigades and helps them, not the general staff, which spends its time on today's concerns. so there's a big problem area here that you talked about at the beginning. these systemic issues need to be addressed if we want to move forward because we're not going to get all the equipment we need, so how are we prepared to provide mortar ammunition, mortars, grenades, anti-tank ammunition and anti-aircraft ammunition. not all of these things will come from the international community, we have to find ways making them yourself requires careful planning and…


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