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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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with the help of air defense systems, but in any case, if the scenario goes in the winter, we may have a slightly different public mood in the spring, and it is not known whether it will be in the spring or in the middle of winter, and the enemy is also counting on it, well and accordingly, and donald trump, he will actively play with what will be offered to him, for example, the environment of putin-orban, it is important that what we talked about, but the printed ones of boris johnson, robert o'brien, theses expressed by valery zaluzhny, already as an ambassador of ukraine to great britain at the royal conference, followed by an interview syrsky were not analyzed as separate self-sufficient things, because they all overlap. and yes, several conclusions from this large size and large volume of voiced things. and so, firstly, it is obvious that... that leadership in security issues on
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the eurasian continent will gradually pass from the united states of america to great britain. and this phrase that boris johnson has that the american contingent in europe should be replaced by ukrainian troops is an answer to the question of what awaits europe, because the ukrainian armed forces are the only armed forces strength, as written. boris johnson on the continent, which are capable of resisting the russian onslaught. this must be remembered. the second thing is super important in this situation, which is obvious, despite the fact that london has left the european union, and london will set the tone in security issues in the nato system. and here it is very important that rütte will play a key role there. one more. the most important thing,
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this is what valery zaluzhny said in his speech at this conference, this is what gentlemen, democrats, if we want to preserve democracy, wake up, we have today's understanding of what it is to fight evil, we know how, from you, we ask for two things, the first is technology and help, because, remember, i quote, no. neither ukraine nor russia, due to known reasons, are able to do this, and the winner will be the one who provides a technological leap. there is no need to separate this, this presentation from the previous two materials, between which the difference is a flaw, because there were exactly such conclusions, and this technological leap can be made only in the case when the democratic world, as mr. zalu says...
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will wake up and understand the danger, because they, that is, evil, is going to kill, he says in the second sentence, it is not just evil that will fight, this evil is going to kill, and we have to defend it, it is important that, that even in obrayen, how because the second headline, the explanation of trump's foreign policy, contains the words that the coalition is formed by evil. it is russia, china and iran, and the leader of this coalition, thanks, perhaps, to our discussions with you, was recognized not by beijing, but by moscow, this is one more, one touch before the visit to luanzhou, the minister hesitates, i will return again in the field of euro-american, euro-ukrainian-american relations, and it is also very important in this area, what will change. that
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ukraine in the current situation can, together with london, lead the entire foreign policy, not be the object of this policy, but lead it, and valery zaluzhnyi makes it absolutely clear in his speech: you seem to be fine, you think that you are in you understand everything, in fact, what is happening in russian-ukrainian. no is only a transitional stage, and we do not really know what awaits humanity in matters of tomorrow, so either we work together we win, or we will surrender the situation one at a time. now with regard to syrsky from the subtext of this information, because it is necessary to read not only literally, but what is not written there, written, not written, but also read between the lines. this is that the armed forces of ukraine,
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the general staff, are preparing a very serious plan, whether it will be a counteroffensive or an offensive, this is known only to those who are working on it. because when you combine the first part of this interview with the thesis about the ten-year plan for the return of crimea, it shows that freud worked, well, he talked, which means that the current situation is only a tactical step in preparation for something serious. i am not giving anything away here, because in fact, anyone who analyzes such texts, seeing this contradiction and not desire. talk, actually understands that a certain step is being prepared, and this step is connected with the arrival of the necessary number of f-16 aircraft to ukraine. now, why does it sound right at the end, because
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syrsky, like zaluzhny, said at one time, if you want western partners to be partners, please fulfill your agreements. because aesop's language of zaluzhny, which actually said that you reaped in 2022, you reaped in 2023, open your eyes, wake up, assyrian, with his inherent, as a human, military, who engages in direct combat and battles on elemental things showed that here it happened because you learned... you didn't fulfill the agreements that we had in time, you didn't put the first, second and third in time, you made the development of the front line dependent on what you can or can't produce, tell the truth for that we can
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dispose of a resource that brings results. in fact, if you combine all these components, it becomes obvious that washington, brussels, and london are gradually coming to tama, they are beginning to understand that ukraine can lead them to this day . what is important in this situation? it is important that kyiv upholds its position according to the principle that ukraine is nothing without ukraine, and that the dialogue from the west leads to the fact that it will be productive, that is... agreed, decided, because the group that was created in vizbaden in nato for cooperation with ukraine has already shown that 50% of the agreements that were reached between ukraine, nato countries within the framework of ramstein by the united states of america, were not implemented
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in a timely and qualitative manner, as it was foreseen by bilateral agreements and even written contracts. no doubt, sir. roman, look, i would like to ask you more about the plans of the enemy, so speaking of the commander-in-chief, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, he gave quite a clear signal of what to prepare for, that is, the russians are trying to increase the number of their offensive offensive group up to 690,000, so it sounds extremely serious, although we understand that we are talking about an increase, well , about 150 thousand personnel, accordingly, we carried out... a proper mobilization, but there is still a population, and we understand that the enemy will put on an internal scenario, this is how they say about the suffering of the ukrainian people in the united states and in europe, as if everyone understands, but the trial bullet was the blackout of large
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cities, and we understand that there was a rather unpleasant reaction, i think that the enemy did this tested in a sociological and analytical way, and accordingly they... are preparing for a scenario that will directly hit the population, so we understand that electricity is about water and, in general, about the vitality of cities. there is an answer to this in zaluzhnyi's speech at the conference, which he says requires not just constant communication between the government and society and the readiness of society to oppose it, but also true, open communication. and communication between the authorities and society, which would be a kind of preventive step before what is being discussed language, and we must thank colonel-general syrsky for frankly and honestly saying that this is the situation, this is how events are developing
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on the front line, this is what we can expect, what is important now, it is important that from the side of the government, from the side of the president, their administration and the ministry of departments, and especially... the local authorities conducted the same honest communication, the same honest dialogue with people who were prepared morally, verbally, and especially. resources to survive the winter. thank you very much, mr. roman, for this extremely important conversation on the espresso tv channel, i want to remind our viewers that roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, was currently working for them. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the espresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. watch espresso, stay informed, and of course, take care of yourself and your loved ones, take care of each other. see you on air.
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see this week in the collaborators program. as a former ukrainian official became a fake senator from zaporozhye. i propose to approve the federal law. but why did a collaborator from crimea receive the title of minister of youth policy. this is the return of historical justice. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who follow the call of their heart and wallet to serve the russian occupiers on foot. we are working to ensure that none of the russians who helped the russians, were propaganda tools, surrendered our positions, greeted the occupiers as liberators, built careers with them, and avoided responsibility for treason. meet anton robertovych tytskyi, born in 1990. our tricolor is now flying on all administrative
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buildings in melitopol. this is the return of historical justice, and i sincerely congratulate you. i want this flag to always fly over this city. all his life anton drowned for russian. in 2004, at the age of 14, he became a member of the russian community of sevastopol. later, in 2012, he tried to get in. to the verkhovna rada of ukraine from the russian bloc party. in the 13th year, he became the head of the sevastopol city organization of the party russian unity. when russian troops occupied crimea in the 14th year, antoshka's career began to develop rapidly. it all started with the fact that tytsky was standing at the checkpoints of the illegal self-defense armed formation of sevastopol. he headed the headquarters of the ruskava international, an organization created by the russian rodina party. and the occupier helped in every possible way. for which he received several positions at once: first, he was an adviser to the fake chairman of the council of ministers arc aksyonov, then he was
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appointed the coordinator of the all-russian rodin party in the republic of crimea and sevastopol. i am sure that the rodin party will not only be the leading political force in the region, but will also be the political force that will actively fight against manifestations of anti-state and anti-russian activities. but for a long time in the nedoparty. tytskyi did not stay in bodina, he left it already in 2016 to devote himself to the youth. he became the head of the bastion youth organization, then moved to bolotya, the capital of moscow, where he joined the federal agency for youth affairs, rusk youth. we will now talk with you about what we do and what you want you. in general, youth policy is such a toolkit that you have so that you can... when russia started
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a full-scale bloody war in 2022, tytsky went to the temporarily occupied melitopol to work with young people there, although, well, how to work , rather recruit. for this, he was given carte blanche, the position of minister of youth policy in the occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region. the information front is such a place of battle where we fight for meaning, for that. for the truth to reach everyone, for people to understand why is this all happening, why and for what is the special operation going on. we all know very well how the kremlin's propaganda institute works, how the dogebels stamp fakes, trying to please the neo-fuhrer, and minister ktytskyi is now doing everything to convey the kremlin's false narratives about the war and ukraine to young people. who are interested in preserving the memory of a great victory, there are boys who are interested in developing
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and finding themselves together with russian student units. recruiting young people to join the anti-ukrainian movement, opening numerous pro-putin youth groups organizations, participation in actions in support of the so-called svo, the occupation and russian soldiers, and of course, proud attendance at all events where it is necessary... shine a mine, smile and wave a tricolor cloth, all these are the direct duties of a traitor. we and our friends from the dpr with the new subjects of the russian federation came for the message, i think it will be very interesting, we are the team of our president, we will win. tytskyi has several awards from the occupation administrations, including medals for the defense of the republic of crimea and for meritorious service donetsk people's republic of the third degree. he also received the honor of a collaborator from our law enforcement agencies. in november 2023, the prosecutor's office of the autonomous
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republic of crimea and sevastopol sent an indictment to the court. votytskyi on three articles, he faces up to 15 years in prison. i hope that these years will be enough for him to see that crimea is ukraine, and russian rags have no place in our administrative buildings. he was a ukrainian politician, but he became a russian politician. it vorona dmytro mykolayovych, 43, originally from donetsk region. i have been working in this position for a year now, where i was appointed on february 20 and... and for me, when i accepted this service, there were very significant challenges in terms of organizing the work of the service. he began his career in ukrainian politics as an assistant to a people's deputy and deputy minister of environmental protection. every year, his successes in the political arena were more and more noticeable. in 2010, he became the deputy
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minister of internal affairs of ukraine. in time work in the position received many awards of the ministry of internal affairs. then voron was pri'. designated by the head of the state migration service. in 2011 , viktor yanukovych gave him the position of deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs. he managed the work of the ministry's staff. in 2012, vorona sat in the chair of the deputy minister of justice of ukraine. and then he became the head of the state registration service. the state today strives to completely stop such a shameful phenomenon as raiding in our state. and our government directs all efforts today. to carry out an anti-raiter policy, and later this politician who tweeted ukrainian and took care of the development of our state, chose the russian mandate of the official. in 2018, information emerged that vorona works as a freelance adviser to the fake head of the occupied crimea, serhii aksyonov. in 2019 , this traitor received russian citizenship
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in order to head the so-called crimea development corporation from 2020. the structure is engaged in attracting investors to the region, promoting the peninsula in russian and foreign markets. everything that the president talked about today is all, of course, in work, and already fully prepared action plans for the implementation of the strategy of the instructions that the president gave during his message to the federal assembly. when in 2022 the full-scale invasion of... rona found himself at the feet of the occupiers, he coordinated the capture of ukrainian enterprises in the temporarily occupied territory of zaporizhzhia, helped the invaders form occupation administrations in the temporarily captured areas of kherson and zaporizhzhia regions, and was also an adviser to gauleiter yevgeny balytskyi, later after so many years of blind and devoted service to the kremlin received
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a cherished status, he was made a so-called senator of the russian federation, a representative of the executive body. authorities of the zaporizhzhia region. we have united regions, they also automatically became border regions, so we will talk about all the problems of the border areas. now this seller can often be seen in the state duma of russia, where he talks about the problems of the zaporizhia region with puffed cheeks and plays the role of a politician. such a measure will provide more legal entities united territory access to activities supported by development institutes. i suggest pour federal law. and while vorona is building a career in boloty, the camera is already waiting for him in ukraine. on march 21, 2024, the court in absentia sentenced the ex-head of the state registration service to 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property. and how we will be happy when this treacherous nature will change
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its formal costume for a prison trench. property of this collaborator. themis also recently transferred to the state income, i already told you about the traitor with the title hero of ukraine vyacheslav boguslaev, ex-president of the motorsich corporation, who was detained by our law enforcement agencies in 2022. according to the investigation , motorsich supplied russia with aircraft engines used in military helicopters of the russian federation before and during the invasion. since then , the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky , has stripped him of the title of hero of ukraine, and recently. the appellate chamber of the high anti-corruption court confirmed the confiscation of the assets of the sanctioned boguslaev from the state income. ukraine is already at the bottom of the economy, no one wants to do this. bohuslayiv vyacheslav oleksandrovych, former owner and honorary president of pat motor sich. he was a people's deputy and even a member of the parliamentary committee on
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national security and defense on more than one occasion. boguslaiv had access to state secrets and, as it turned out, had been the owner of a russian passport since 2000. in october 2022 , the security service of ukraine reported the arrest of motorsi's president. so that no one would be sad. in boguslaiv's collaborative activities, the sbu made public fragments of telephone conversation recordings of the hero of ukraine at that time. i, you know, i'm sending dozens to you somewhere, and everything is going well for us. we are ready to send you the spare parts, just think through croatia, or wherever you were. montenegro, you had good endings somewhere. that's why i want you to think quickly and we would sign a big contract with you as soon as possible. even after the full-scale invasion, boguslayiv continued to supply engines and other spare parts manufactured by the ukrainian corporation to russian attack helicopters. from the first days of the war, he ordered
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the dismantling of helicopters so that the ukrainian forces would not could use them. on october 18, 2023 , the sbu completed the investigation and submitted an indictment against boguslaev to the court on four counts, including aiding the aggressor state and collaborative activities. in turn, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy stripped boguslaev of the title of hero of ukraine and imposed sanctions against him. and a few days ago, themis confirmed the transfer of boguslaev's assets to the state, including 14 real estate objects in the zaporizhzhia region, in particular residential buildings, land plots, a fish restaurant, administrative buildings, corporate rights in several companies, financial institution motorbank, 336 firearms and funds in the amount of... uah 615 million, and all this will not cover the damage that this supporter of russia has caused in ukraine, we hope that if boguslaiv is guilty proved, themis
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assigned this kremlin agent a strict term. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin offspring, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. there are discounts representing the only discounts on edem 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. if the throat is not ok, make a snicker, make it ok. choose the taste of coffee without pain. eucalord is a sweet lord. there are discounts that represent the only discounts of sudokrem. 15% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. there are discounts that represent the only discounts at trokvas inn. 15% in pharmacies for travel memories and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is
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vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the tv channel espresso. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. to learn about the war, about military, frontline, component, serhii zgurets, and what the world lives by. yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchevka field in winter and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of loved ones presenters the news is cultural, alena chekchenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening. presenters who have become like relatives to many. with me, ready to talk about the weather this weekend, as well as distinguished studio guests. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. the events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care. espresso in the evening. a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program. clear understanding. key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoly, every monday at 20:00 on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda
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live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel, the main events of the week, the main ones trends, main opinions of our experts. we start today's conversation with serhii rakhmanin, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on national security, defense and intelligence, he is in our studio, congratulations, mr.
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serhii, congratulations, let's go. let's start with the topic of transition, because it is currently being discussed by many people, at almost every platform, they say that conditions must be created for negotiations with the russian federation, certain conditions must be created, some say that conditions must be created by force, as boris said johnson, someone says that you need to talk to putin and find out about his interests, like viktor orban, but we also see this narrative in ukrainian society, when people say, oh, we don't have the strength anymore, we need to talk. and here i am wondering how realistic is the very attitude to negotiations in a situation when russia does not look like a country that seriously wants some real negotiations, not the conditions for surrender, which it has been putting forward since february 2022, but real negotiations, well the fact is that there is so much talk about the negotiations how long has the war been going on, just now why weren't these conversations now, let's say, of a higher
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degree and wider circles? broader, let's say, it is being discussed on various platforms, because the same fatigue from the war, which has been talked about for a very long time, has actually accumulated, it has accumulated in everyone, in the military, in civilians, in ukraine, in russia, in the west, and always , when the degree of this fatigue has increased significantly enough, even a sociological survey shows that the number of people who are already in one way or another, to one extent or another ready for these porovana. of these people has increased, it is clear that conversations on this topic are becoming more and more frequent, but whether they are possible or whether there is a foundation for them, i still do not see this foundation, because at the moment we have, we have two ultimatums things by their names, one ultimatum is called zelensky's peace formula, with all due respect to what is stated there, it is not a peace formula, it is an ultimatum, another peace formula or putin's peace proposals are the
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same ultimatum. but with a different sign, it is clear that it will be extremely difficult to find points of contact it is difficult, accordingly, i still do not see the basis of the foundation in order to create any conditions, prerequisites in order to agree on something, well, the question is that ukraine can change its conditions, on which negotiations can begin, because it can be, so to speak, chained to the wall by the reality of, say, less western aid there. or the fatigue of the society from the war that you talked about, and here is russia, why should it abandon the idea that it should control the occupied territories, that it has to seek the neutral status of ukraine, and it will not refuse, that is the problem. in fact, today there may be a basis for an agreement on ending the war, on some freezing of the conflict for some indefinite or definite period, but for peace, i don't think so.
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what such a basis is will appear in the near future, just now the situation is complicated by the fact that europe is divided, the states are confused, and the last elections in europe and the upcoming elections in the united states, they force all those from one way or another or to some other extent depends on the influence on the course of events, because this war depends not only on the military who are fighting, although it is clear that first of all on them, they are trying to find some points of contact, some basis for reaching an agreement... although b about a ceasefire on one or another condition, it is clear that ukraine will not make territorial concessions under any circumstances, it is clear that putin will not, under any circumstances, let anyone, at least somehow, perceive this as his defeat, a problem only in that, i think that putin is actually willing to fight enough to...


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