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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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not only small, but simply, no one even knows what they believe in, but in general they are quite militant, they fight a lot in israel in such special forces and there is such a border force who fight, these are not the druze who are in the golan, that's right, these are the druze who live in the vicinity of haifa, well, in general, they are warlike, i just read the history of this people, they used to attack everything nearby. east and before that
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they once ruled egypt, that is, it is interesting no, i was just me, i was in drutka villages, which are located on the internationally recognized territory of israel, and one of them even has a museum of military personnel who participated in israeli wars, was in majal champs, and there is a syrian flag, sorry, in the central square of majority, well, they, well , the fact that they somehow ... expresses his belonging to the syrian citizenship, it’s one thing, but the fact that they, well, killed their children, and it’s not just there for them, well, it’s not an insult to israel, but it’s an insult to friends, as a religious community, and therefore this is a very personal such insult, and you understand that this rocket, which, that hit this village, it is not highly accurate, it is just that they let it go somewhere there.
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the rocket, well, it's not a rocket, the side is somewhere, they have something there, some military facility nearby, and somehow it managed to fly right into this stadium, in which some football competition was taking place, and they even started lying, saying that it was the anti-missile missile is israeli, although everyone knows that anti-missile missiles have an indicator there, that it self-destructs if it does not hit the target, and this is just what it is... video footage of just a 50 kg explosion there explosives, and there would not have been such victims, if it had not been a high-explosive bomb so strong, here they are, now it is such an interesting message that the american special representative amas hochstein, who is currently dealing with the middle east issue, lebanon, he told the israeli defense minister mr. gallant in so that the united states is concerned about a possible israeli military strike on beirut in response to the hezbollah attack because... that
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it could spin the situation out of control, could israel really strike beirut? well, if israel decides to escalate, then can hit, there are very fat targets there, there is a whole area of ​​these people, where this hezbollah is such a bullet from it, there was recently information that at the airport of beirut there were warehouses of weapons and ammunition, and there was a scandal for the whole of lebanon that lebanon. there christians and such mentioned this explosion of ball power, it is necessary, such others, well, don't be shy, they were indignant and if you remember, in the port of beirut, when half of beirut was destroyed there, they are afraid that something like this will happen again, if israel strikes at this weapon, there the other half of beirut can be demolished, but what about the politics of the united states, you see, they are everywhere trying to somehow keep the conflict within... some frameworks that
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they consider safe for themselves personally, and the same in ukraine and in israel, let's stick to this kind of framework , at least until the elections, and then we'll see, well , you see, it's somehow not very successful to keep it that way, because it's the logic of war, it escalates independently of the wishes of the participants, by the way, about bedyamin netanyahu's visit to the united states, if we are mentioned the united states, do you think it was a successful trip considering this speech in congress, meeting with biden, kamala harris and trump at the same time, well the speech was really brilliant netanyahu, you note it, you don't even like him, he is very good speaker, he knows how to convey his opinion, somehow ignite the listeners, in general, well , having met, there would be... hope that he
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would somehow coordinate the operation against lebanon, and we will see from further actions whether this coordination took place, as if there was information , which is in agreement, and with biden, well talked biden, you all understand that he is leaving and to what extent he will dare to leave some glory for himself, whether he will drag this reluctance of any escalation further to the end, whether he may want to go down in history, which is a more determined politician, it is difficult to say, because he has already i don't understand to what extent he manages himself and understands what kind of world he lives in, i've really heard the same here... that he is such an experienced politician that he can lead without coming to some kind of consciousness, but everything has its limits . that the president right now, biden is interested in the election campaign of kamala harris, if he will take any drastic steps in relation
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to this middle east conflict, he can fail her election campaign by upsetting the mood of the democrats and their electorate, politician biden. she can still be considered, although he cannot say that he is a great friend of israel, but still in the equation with kamala harris, he is more, let's say , a suitable person, kamala harris, she is known for her anti-israel politics, and here is a candidate for vice - the presidents are there, uh, the governor of arizona, he is considered even more so, an anti-israel politician, so they can run their companies even more. some more anti-israeli rhetoric, mind you, taking into account especially the fact that the state of michigan, where a lot of arabs, muslims live, is one of those states whose, well, whose votes influence the election results, and about trump, well,
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you see , there were rumors that trump was offended by israel, they congratulated biden there because of the czech republic, well, it is not israel, but netanyahu himself, netanyahu, yes. well this meeting showed that the offense, if there was one, then it passed, after all, these are not children, people are so grown up, to be offended by politics, it is generally somehow uncomilfo, well, in general , trump is considered more pro-israel in israel and therefore hopes for his victory, and his vice president vance, he is considered pro-israel, so... well, let's work, it will work, whoever is elected, but of course, the desire is that somehow the position of the united states, especially with regard to iran, will change, and because to drag on is somehow to pacify this
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aggressor, well, in the future it is no longer possible, because it already takes completely such bizarre forms, i understand that the same problem of hezbollah is primarily a problem of iran. and it is interesting how iran will react to this now, you understand that they, too, may not have expected such a blow as was iran, well, they usually immediately start threatening, use some epithets, you know, there is a brilliant answer so brilliant, you know, i don't know what they 're going to show off, but they're really threatening, look, don't do it, well israel, will israel get scared, here rather than... it is calculated for the american reaction, you see, because they will try in any way to avoid any further escalation, i will be very surprised if they say, well, let's decide with football. because they will start to deal with hizbollah, well, it
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will somehow start to spin up so much that it will be necessary to deal with iran, because they are all the same, well , the same links... well, you see, there is still the problem of yemen, it was already like that a serious attack from yemen, which even led to the landing of a drone in one of telavi's residential buildings, so by and large this is a whole circle of these proxies of the iranian army already taking actions against israel at various distances, well , you see with yemen, a little bit, a little bit , they provided him with fur coats and the same in other ports there the americans had already struck. british aviation, well, there is still an opportunity to tighten his capabilities a little, although they are actually holding hostage these yemeni people, who are starving there and all the poor people there in this country, and they threatened
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they threaten that, as you can see , they bombed our port here, now there is no way to send these products to these starving people, and he immediately rushed to restore something there. well, it is actually the same as in gaza, this hamas keeps these arabs there as fodder, as well as in yemen, the technology is the same everywhere , thank you. thank you for these comments, mr. vadym, vadym polishchuk, a historian and political viewer from israel, was on our air, and now the legendary polish dissident, one of the creators of the new democratic poland, the founder of no less legendary.
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was done, maybe not to the end, but most importantly,
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the polish-ukrainian security agreement was finally signed, we understand that maybe it took too long, it is all obvious in the shadow of the war, now at this moment is the time to define the world in which we live , the world in which we live is a world that exists.
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of course, maybe they could not have behaved differently, but in any case they did it
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well, and we in ukraine appreciate it very much. the meeting of zelenskyi and duda and the subsequent signing of this agreement? what do you think it was? at that moment, why it turned out that...
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and we must do everything to explain it to europe, that this is not a whim, but this is an elementary law for existence.
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we understand that we have no chance to correct any mistakes, because the war is going on, as it was defined in the kremlin, an existential war, against ukraine and against nato, and of course against poland. perhaps now they are not ready to hit warsaw with a missile.
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in the shadow of moscow's domination, there is no place for free people, there is only room for bound people, this is the maximum offered by
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the kremlin leaders, this is finlandization, but this the first stage, after finlandization, it is time for the soviet kerelo-finnish republic, this is the logic of that imperialism, and it is the same turning point. or against him with hitler and mussolini or against them? that was the point, and today everything is the
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same. today, there are still many things that can be pointed out to democratic countries. spain has a problem with catalonia, in italy the prime minister is a post-fascist. france and germany also have their own issues. scotland. obviously. on this side we have viktor orbán, a very dangerous figure, very dangerous because he behaves as if he was, he is a messenger, a hungarian liaison, a very dangerous figure, so we have more than one problem. is that do we want to build a democratic world?
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ukraine is consciously building its new national identity by paying the highest price in blood, sacrifices, and suffering. in fact, ukraine has already won this war, has already won, if within two years putin is unable to break ukrainian resistance, i thought he would do it for...
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but the most important thing is the demonstration of maturity by the political elites, and maturity is the same means responsibility, right? and the most important thing is the readiness of the ruling mouths in poland, the same tusk, go to the end. tusk goes far. but the most important thing is the demonstration of maturity by political elites, and maturity means responsibility, right? ordinary in the sense we have today. he is deeply convinced that the matter of ukraine is the matter of poland. he is convinced that the entourage of the coalition will allow him. i do not know this, of course, but i believe that he has no illusions about putin or orban. and for full understanding of the situation, he is a high-
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class politician.
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ukraine is none of our business. ukraine is none of our business. sometimes they speak louder, sometimes quieter. they don't say it very loudly, but they do. and these are putin's messages. contempt for gays, for jews, for like-minded people, for lgbt people, all that putin rhetoric they use.
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there will be problems, but if we look at the long-term perspective, it becomes obvious that ukraine's victory is a chance for poland. if they say in poland that we will have problems with the victory of the country, i answer. ukraine from poland will have trouble, because we have other interests when it comes to farming and so on.


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