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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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pray, we didn't give up, because we knew you were somewhere nearby, half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are in... home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you, the saturday politics club, we are back on the air and talking now about the united states of america. it's been a little less than a week
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since the president, the current president of the united states of america, joe biden, withdrew from the presidential race. he stated that that sacrifices personal ambitions, for the sake of democracy, for the sake of unifying american society. he also outlined certain priorities for his administration for the next five months, which he will lead, and he stated. that among such priorities, of course, there will be, including, putin's stop in ukraine. during the first day, presidential candidate and current vice president of the united states of america, kamala harris collected almost a record amount of funds. at first it was more than 50 million dollars, later it was 81 million dollars, state back. now this figure is already
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far above 100 million dollars, and of course, it is worth mentioning the ratings that we have seen in the last few days, they indicate that in fact kamala harris is breathing down the neck of another candidate for the position of president of the united states of america, trump, and their ratings have practically equalized now and are 50 to 50 in where... categories of age, kamala harris even defeats the former president of the united states of america, and gender, that is, according to various such stratifications, yes, social, we we see that after joe biden's withdrawal from the election race, the ratings of democrats and democrats in general have increased. how do you assess
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the general consequences after joe biden withdrew his candidacy and whether kamala harris really has a significant chance of defeating donald trump as of now. well, i have already told you many times, andrei, and now i will say it again, that i generally believe that this election is a referendum, a referendum on whether donald trump, whom we all know, has. it's great, what kind of person and what kind of politician is it to lead the united states of america, from his point of view supporters, this question doesn't even need to be answered, from the point of view of his opponents, this question doesn't even need to be answered, these people are split in america 50/50, and i believe that joseph biden also had a chance to win the election for the president of the united states, but it would be solely a referendum on donald trump, when the democrats nominated kamal khairis, they turned the referendum into an election. because now there may still be some
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number of people who will vote not so much against donald trump as for camelo harris, but imagine people who will vote for joseph biden out of conviction for biden, after these debates it was difficult, really, because each person had to ask himself the question, well, biden, he is in such bad physical shape, he is already 81 years old, it is obvious that he has given up a lot physically. but it is good, but not trump to be the president of the united states. now these considerations may look different. i want the president of the united states to be kamala harris, she will be the first woman, she will be the first african-american president, the first indian-american president. it's just a set of completely new qualities. she is a young person, not this old man who claims to return to the white house, what does he do there at all, he was already the president, he is no longer... can say 10 words normally:
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shut up, go away, grandfather, play golf , and this, by the way, you can quote donald trump himself, what he says about people of the same age as him, because they are the same age as joseph biden, and this is the oldest. i will also remind you that donald trump is the oldest candidate for the position of president of the united states, and that's not all this person at a not so mature age could not somehow say five words in english, so that someone would understand what he meant, so now he still forgets these five words, well , of course, in this situation it looks different , but this does not mean that donald trump cannot win the election, because again, you and i know what the election of the president of the united states of america is, it is a few states that... determine the political map of the country and the number of elections, voters on in the electoral college, and from the likes of camila harris and donald trump will play out the key states, a lot will depend, i think i told you last time that for many
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states that are strategically important for the democrats, joseph biden was what is called their guy, for the so -called irjago chain, he was their guy. but i don't rule out that kamela harris can play her game with other states in states that biden lost last time and trump won them, uh, joseph biden won states that hillary clinton lost, but lost certain states, in which she won if kamela harris manages to win back these states and win in one or two of the rest. biden's states, so-called, she will defeat donald trump. this is arithmetic. but it is necessary to conduct a perfect election campaign in these states. it is necessary to become a real icon not only for those who believe that the election of donald trump as the president of the united states will be a disaster on a national and global
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scale, and this may really be the case. but even for those who do not see anything special in donald trump, they see him simply the next republican candidate and thinks first of all about... er, what kind of president he would like to see in the white house from the point of view of his own economic interests, and this is not an easy story, not easy, but if we are talking about the choice of vice presidential candidates, yes trump is being criticized tremendously right now is that he chose divens, and even from a republican point of view, some of them are saying that this one is... is actually turning off some of the voters, and it's not just democrats or independents who are saying that, it 's republicans, that is, that is, that is this vice-presidential candidate, he can essentially chop the election campaign of
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trump himself. but let's go back to kamala harris, she is currently choosing from seven candidates, but i have the list in front of me, and there it is. various candidates, this is the former attorney general of the usa eric golder, this is there and the governors are in office, this can actually be one of the senators or one of the congressmen, that is, there really is, relatively speaking, a large number of people who can potentially be of high quality. for the democratic party, yes, which can qualitatively present including and kamal harris. so, if we're talking about this election, how much of a role can a potential vice president play in leading either
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kamala harris or donald trump to victory. well, see why some republicans don't like it. because they believe that he is not expanding donald trump's electoral base, that donald trump needs to work with the undecided voters, because again , he does not need to work with the undecided voters, they will vote for donald trump for any conditions, and even if he chooses a horse as his vice president, like the roman emperor and says that this is the person he will introduce into the senate, the vice president already presides over the senate, then it is absolutely obvious that they will vote for trump anyway and will calmly watch. on trump's horse, who will preside over the senate, but there are people who are undecided, and the figure of the vice president should say that trump, relatively speaking, can offer them a certain kind of normality in politics, and therefore, by the way, such
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the figure of mike pence was important for many voters in 2016. mike pence, typical a republican politician is an ultraconservative, but he is a politician, he is a representative of the political establishment, the very presence. mike pence in the white house told these people that nothing extraordinary will happen, that this person, she is a businessman, she is a tv presenter, i mean trump, she has never been involved in politics, but she is inclined to cooperate with politicians. mike pence objectively expanded trump's electoral base, and jay divens did not expand anything, but trump is the kind of person who does what he likes for what fits in some way political-technological reasoning, and by the way, no one said it was wrong, because quite often, it's when you make some unexpected move that you beat the calculators, on the other hand, i don't think we you and i can know who kamela harris will choose. partner on the ticket, because by and large she also needs
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a person who will expand the electoral base, and they will now be democrats sitting and counting, which person, say, can be important in those states where kamela harris is not enjoys the same, let's say, obvious popularity as enjoyed by, let's say, joseph biden, relatively speaking, biden let... add something to each other, now biden is not on the ticket, relatively speaking, camila harris needs someone like biden, and they will watch it, while kamela harris, she is not such an authoritarian personality as trump, and she did not privatize the democratic party like trump-republican, she will somehow pay attention to the point of view of the democratic establishment. who she would like to see in the position of vice president united states? who will be a more successful
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candidate who will demonstrate that the democrats listen to different views, to different segments of the population, from where this person should be from a moderately democratic circle or, on the contrary, from a more radical one, in order to attract, let's say, another part of the voters, that is, they now it will be counted, i think that in a few weeks we will understand it. if we analyze the position of kamala harris regarding ukraine, this is also one of the subjects of discussion, many say that kamala harris does not have some of her position, she didn't talk much about ukraine, yes, but it is clear that she was and is a component of joe biden's administration, and it is clear that her position is more likely than anything else. is the position of the white house as of now, that is, support for ukraine in the
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form in which it is now, in which it was, and it is likely that it will remain so, but still, can it change, well, of course , which is possibly for the better, possibly for the strengthening of aid to our country, the position of kamala harris, and again ... uh, will during the election campaign, she focused her attention on ukraine, on the victory over russia, on the victory over putin and everything related to this important international track. ukraine is not part of the american election campaign. of course, kamela harris can talk about it, as well as trump, but in passing. is the middle east part of the american election campaign? a visit to yours? and ukraine does not have such an influence on this
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situation, regarding the views of kamela harris on ukraine, you see, the vice president of the united states has a specific role, he is responsible for the directions assigned to him by the president, that is, the vice president of the united states, joseph biden, was responsible for ukraine, so we knew very well what his position is on the ukrainian issue, because he is generally in charge of it. and he came to kyiv as the vice president of the united states, and he spoke in the verkhovna rada of ukraine as the vice president of the united states, remember? well, that's why, of course, when this person became the president of the united states, she didn't entrust ukraine to her vice president, that's why that she believed that this was the direction she herself knew. well, in such a situation, as we understand, kamela harris will have to one way or another if she becomes the president. to the united states, er,
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to form its position in relation to ukraine with the help of this team, which it will select, and this will also be connected with who will be part of this team, who will be the assistant to the president for national security issues, who will be secretary of state, you do understand that this entire team, she is leaving the white house, and more than that, she would leave it in any case, because the president of the second term, as a rule, also changes the team, well, someone would stay, someone would leave, and... but you know, i don't see at all in any president of the united states that kamela harris, that donald trump no significant real opportunities for maneuver. from the point of view of the russian-ukrainian war, any president of the united states will proceed from the fact that he must help ukraine in russia's opera, and that this help must exclude the possibility of a direct conflict between the russian federation and the united states america. can donald trump cross
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those red lines to some extent yes and then the third world war will start. can kamela harris get past three of these? red lines, more likely no than yes, so in principle, i think that the question of what the situation will look like will be decided generally by the following convention, four years, taking into account the whole meaning of this war and this whole style of war , is very little, so that we at all expected a decision after november 2024, november 2028, a more likely date that we you sat here and talked about how the war could end, but now only, i would say, given that this is a long-term war, these are only the first years, we keep saying that this is a syrian-type war, the syrian one was a low-intensity conflict, as long as it was eight years, eight years, now the conflict
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of high intensity is 2.5 years, how long can a conflict of high intensity take place, well , until 6-7 years calmly, taking into account... then it has already passed, we have already passed the station where the conflict of low intensity will begin, this it was possible to somehow stop it, you just have to be realistic about it, to the extent that ukraine and russia have enough economic, social, demographic and political potential, no united states will be able to influence it, the united states does not have the tools to influence putin now, because again after all, we talked about it for a long time, because putin feeds off. china, india, and not from the united states and the european union. putin does not have the opportunity to bring ukraine to his knees, because we are being helped. and before that time, as long as they help, there is no chance that we will agree to its terms. so. what can the president of the united states do. well, well, trump will try, if he becomes president, to try some kind of negotiation
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process. to organize, either from the point of view of those advisers who say that it is necessary to put pressure on ukraine, or from the point of view of pompe there. who says, we need to put pressure on russia, but also put pressure there, and there are not many opportunities there, well, he gathered trump, putin and zelensky in camp david, like begin and sadat, well, i'm sorry, begin had to give up egyptian territory for the sake of peace, and we have to give up our own for the sake of peace, as far as i understand it, so imagine the peace summit between israel and egypt, when anwar sadat says to manachim begin, mr. prem 'is. and here you are occupying the sinai peninsula, well, maybe you can also occupy aswan with luxor, and immediately there will be peace between us, a great idea, mr. president, come on, withdraw your troops, well, that’s how it looks, right, and the meaning of peace between egypt and israel was in that
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menaichen begen told vanwar sadat, we control your vast territory, but we are not interested in controlling your territory, in peace with egypt, and if you agree to recognize our right to exist, if you guarantee us peace with security guarantees for us and for you from the united states, we will withdraw troops from your territory, this is the nobel peace prize, putin comes to the white house, sees zelensky and says, "oh, you know, we are worried about the security guarantee, we don't feel safe, you know, we withdraw russian troops from donetsk, luhansk, kherson, zaporizhzhya " . otherwise, and there will be eternal peace between russia and ukraine, but putin is not
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proposing that, he is proposing completely opposite things, we occupied a part of your territory, you give us the opportunity to take out more parts, get out of these four regions where you are, disarm declare neutrality, no security guarantees for you, and there will be peace, of course, it’s like in soviet comedies, i ’ll kill you like a texan, russian peace, russian peace, yes, oh, well, what kind of donald trump will agree to such conditions, such a donald trump , not yet nations, not yet born, because what is our role? in this, your role is to play golf, grandpa, in maralaga, why did you come here, to make us worry, then go to the country, well, this is what it looks like, so of course there will be no peace ... there will be no opportunities to finish the russian-ukrainian war does not exist, there is no political solution, that is, it exists, i have repeatedly spoken about it so that no one says that i did not speak about it, i make it clear: the war between russia and ukraine
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can end if countries that are members of the north atlantic union, will invite ukraine to nato and provide security guarantees, either for those territories that are currently under the control of the legitimate ukrainian authorities, or in the extreme case for those territories that are not... claimed by the russian federation, i.e. it claims donetsk, luhansk, kherson, zaporizhzhia regions and crimea. these areas are not covered by the security guarantee. ugh. spread to all other territories. here are two options: either to a controlled territory, or to a territory that does not cause them to fear a direct conflict with russia. if they choose one of these two options, the war will end in 48 hours, or it will be localized only in these territories, where there will be no guarantees of security, there will be no shelling, there will be no destruction. infrastructure, nothing will happen, but most likely, there will be nothing there, because putin will not understand why he needs all this, it is a bridgehead, and if the bridgehead has nowhere to move, well, then there is no point, then
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there is no point in getting it, so i think that the territorial integrity of ukraine will be restored in a couple of years, if this decision is not adopted, well, the war will continue as long as i said, as long as we have enough strength, as long as the russians have forks, which means another 5-6 years of war high intensity, then 8-10 years years... of all intensity, well, well, well, well, unfortunately, well, well, there are no miracles, you understand, there are no miracles in politics, a miracle could happen if the war ended in 3-4 months, and that the russians would be so scared that they would be ready for the end of the war, for the conclusion of peace, without conditions, not like in istanbul, disarm, de-nazify, shoot, give us the condition to occupy you, but really we want a real ceasefire , but the miracle didn't happen, we scared them... a lot then and putin just changed formatted this war from blitzkrieg to a multi-year war of extermination, we live in it with her, and we will live in it,
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we need to survive in this war, i have already said that now it is important that the state itself does not collapse, such a danger exists, it will increase with each new month and year of the war, and if ukrainian society behaves honestly, we will say in 2027, 2028 that this danger, it was not as serious as it seemed, but this... means that we will not speak with you in 2027, 2028 a break between big air alarms, it will be like this, it will be like this, there will be no other way, because there are no platforms, and that’s all, well, you have to adjust to it and just build your life in an endless war, well, we can’t invent it so that, let's say, our audience will like it, what do you know, everything will go smoothly, two, two or three weeks and i went to america. it is so to say to grow flowers like a former adviser to the office of the president of ukraine. i have no ability to lie.
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otherwise, i would probably already be at a very high level position well, we have many experts. with abilities that, unfortunately, we were told about. yes, at the same time, i would still like to say that i allow, maybe, if, whatever. not a cease-fire at any moment, the russians may simply believe that they, that they cannot stand it, they will, that they temporarily need to leave and simply to maintain the cease-fire without conditions, well, it may also be a transition to , relatively speaking, of the hybrid war that we had there from the 15th to the 22nd, it can happen, you just have to always remember when it happens, that not means that the war is over, it can break out at any second, at any second. then i will tell you even more, the russians may need a ceasefire, because they themselves will be interested in restarting the ukrainian government, they will believe that if they cease
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fire, uh, then the ukrainian government will not be able to hold elections, and they will have a chance, relatively speaking, to fight for such a ukrainian government, which is already capitulating against the background of public disappointment, if they see great public disappointment, they themselves will strive for a ceasefire with... for the sake of starting a political process, and the government will be reformed, and then when the new ukrainian president says: never mind, i will not do this, then they will resume hostilities, then they will resume hostilities, absolutely right, yes, well, yes that such a formula, many different options, well, we live with you in such an interesting time, unfortunately, well, for journalists, maybe not unfortunately, but for us, those who watch us, unfortunately, i would not for anyone. .. would not wish to live in such times, if he is not a journalist, let's put it that way. one more topic netanyahu in the united states of america on...
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we see that the prime minister of israel addressed the congress of the united states of america, where he stated that iran is the main threat to the world, and we need to join forces to to stop him, yes, also, in general, in fact, we saw that kamala harris missed this performance, well, of course, she has an election going on. company and in principle she should not have been there, if we talk about it, yes, but she met, but then she met, so the next thing i wanted to say, and she stated that she would not be silent like this, and the gas situation, but it is clear that the united states of america will also support israel, these statements were also made, and of course, the prime minister
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of israel met. with donald trump, er, they held a conversation, so to speak, held a meeting, and what they agreed on, we will also talk now, actually, this visit, it is being carried out against the background of the election campaign, the republicans are trying to use it for , to remind that they are true friends of israel. actually, why now? has benjamin netanya arrived? why didn't he, why didn't he come for two months, three months, he was invited by the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, that is, before that we saw a situation that, after all, they didn't really want to see him, yes, the republicans wanted to see him too, but i think , that they wanted to invite him , this is exactly the moment of the beginning of the election campaign, it is important for mike johnson, it is not important for donald trump, it is also important for benjamin netanyahu, because he was not invited to the white house, he has difficult relationship actually with joseph beden and... and
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of course he was always interested in such trips. in addition, one more thing must be understood: benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister of a warring country. it is also not so easy to leave a warring country for a few days in the midst of events. this is a question for the prime minister, where did you go? and this is the prime minister of israel, i don't know how to explain it to you, he doesn't fly on saturdays. well... he wanted to come back on thursday, uh, he left on tuesday, uh, so then, so he had a meeting with biden, meeting with kamela harris, separate, he had to meet with trump, but if you meet with trump on thursday, you can no longer fly on friday, so he met with trump on friday, i think in the morning, and then shabbat begins, and you can only fly out on saturday evening.
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so how many days are you leaving israel? five, well, that's in general, if you also need to travel here, that's right, you also need to fly for a day, well, not a day, but it says 15 hours there, so there is still such a problem, you understand, that is the prime minister of israel is interested in arriving on monday and leaving on thursday, it is difficult to arrange all this when you have so many interlocutors. and if you sit there, they start telling you: i went to the united states, this is happening here. that is, it means that there needs to be a moment of at least some respite on the front line so that he doesn't listen to it, i have important business in the united states, it's also important, it's part of our war, and it's also time. then it is very important from the domestic political point of view. ranking netanyahu grew up in israel, before all other competitors for the position of prime minister
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of the country. at least... there was a moment, although it fell before that, although it fell before that, but again, i don't know, did you see netanyahu's speech at the congress? well, itanyaho is a brilliant orator, i cannot call myself his political supporter, but if you watch this speech simply and let's say as a political observer, or as a jew, if you like, i watched it as a jew with a great sense of pride, since watched zelenskyi's speech, which i watched, of course, in ukrainian citizen, that is, it's just a brilliant, brilliant understanding of the audience, both american and israeli, and the people who before that wrote the congressmen that benjamin netanyahu is the worst leader of israel in history, they stood up and gave him a standing ovation because he addressed the military on galleries


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