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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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problems with national minorities, well, they were, in 1939 it was clear that the state actually did not exist, that the national minorities did not perceive this state as their own, that the so-called rebellion of the ukrainian population was real, and because poland did not perceived this population as loyal, as equal to the population of polish ethnic origin and... catholic stories, well , these are all facts, all these percentage norms, all this mistrust, of course, there were people who believed that this could be fought with political methods, by the way, this is also a beautiful story, i was friends with ibrahim rugova, the first president of the self-proclaimed kosovo, well, he believed that it was necessary to fight for the freedom of albanians politically by methods, but the serbs continued, continued the repression, a generation of young people appeared, this as with the ukrainians in poland, who believed that it... was not working, they
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created a liberation army, kosovo, and now one of the leaders of this army, and then the president of kosovo, hashim thaci, is in the hague in the international court. well, but the question arises, what if there were no serbs at all they arranged a policy of segregation for the population in kosovo, which was 90% of the population of the territories, it is roughly like eastern galicia, i apologize for, surely you serbs can convince the kosovar kosovars that hashim taiche is a terrorist. i am not sure how, by the way, ukrainians, well, ukrainians respect andriy sheptytskyi, how kosovars respect ibrahim rugova, ibrahim rugova was never in his life a supporter of forceful actions of any kind. but this does not mean that we should close our eyes to the fact that bandera, shukhevych, melnyk, other leaders of the ukrainian national movement, figures who created an organization of ukrainian nationalists, they believed that nothing can be done politically with this discriminatory policy, who is to blame? the first one,
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the one who reacts to the discriminatory policy, or the one who introduces it, well, this is also a good question that could be asked to all of us and to our polish friends, because it is not only the activities of the oun and the upa that need revision. revision is necessary for the two decades when ukrainians, poles, and jews lived in this one state, which did not happen at all, whether there were any divisions in it, well, that is good question, but this is a question for the future, that's for... i told you the framework of our negotiations with poland, when we will have to solve the issue of historical memory before joining the european union? well, we have what we have, unfortunately, a difficult situation, and unfortunately, it is rising again at a time when ukraine is fighting for its independence.
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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news story reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts are sober evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. if china is not going to the peace summit, then kuleba is going to china. the visit of the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs came as a surprise to many. in june, china defiantly ignored an invitation to the peace summit in switzerland. nato openly accuses russia of supporting russian aggression, and the united states threatens it with sanctions. however, in ukraine they understand that china is too big and influential. to him
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take offense or ignore him. the visit of a ukrainian official at this level is the first in many years, and this is good, it is a clear signal that china will support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine. and it was also confirmed what chinese leader xi jinping had told me that china would not supply weapons to russia. dmytro kuleba was invited by the minister of foreign affairs there, wang yi, the second person in the chinese hierarchy after xi jinping. the conversation lasted more than three hours, the prc continues to call russian aggression the ukrainian crisis, but once again expressed willingness to help achieve peace, precisely peace, not a truce, - emphasized dmytro kuleba. i spoke about the importance of a just peace, not just any peace, and... my
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chinese colleague himself added that a just and lasting one is very important, because usually it is we who constantly say that the peace must be permanent, well that is long and... fair. but what does a just peace mean for china? the cause of the war is officially named by pakin as the expansion of nato to the east. his peace proposals essentially equate the victim and the aggressor. the russian federation is not going to give up its strategic partnership with russia. however, china is not the only country that has real influence on the kremlin. and that's why ukraine and the west would like to see people at the second peace summit, preparations for which are already underway. negotiations will not make sense if the russians conduct them as they have done before, putting forward terms of surrender. but there really will be no peace negotiations without russia and china at the table. china could play the role of a major global player, which it undoubtedly is in
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the economy, in finance, but perhaps no longer in policy of coercion to peace. china's position as a potential mediator is further strengthened against the backdrop of dramatic and unprecedented events. the notorious american elections, which weaken the usa and frighten its allies. president joseph biden's refusal to run for office, although it added enthusiasm to the democrats, further confused the prospects of american support for ukraine. on the one hand, vice president kamala harris. it is expected that if she wins, the white house will generally continue the current course with regard to ukraine. but haris herself is a person without experience in international affairs. and likely to rely entirely on his advisors. andriy yermak, the head of the president's office, has already had a telephone conversation with one of the key diplomats, philip gordon. according to the wall street journal,
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president biden's top appointees, including secretary of state anthony blinken, defense secretary lloyd austin and national security adviser jake sullivan, are unlikely to find a place in the garis administration. whether the level of support will be at least the same as under president biden, who had a special attitude towards ukraine, there is no question answers on the other hand, donald trump. he promises to end the war in 24 hours and claims to have his own peace plan. the publication politico previously reported that his team is apparently seriously considering the option of an agreement with the kremlin, which provides for territorial concessions to ukraine and. its refusal to join nato. after a meeting with trump on the sidelines of the republican party convention , ex-prime minister of britain boris johnson published his version of the peace plan in the tabloid newspaper the daily mail. there is an increase in military support for ukraine, intentions
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push russia to the borders on february 24 and measures to protect the rights of russian-speakers in ukraine to help putin save face. finally , the us secretary of state in the trump administration , mike pompeo, and david urban, the head of a lobbying company close to the republicans, presented their version. they claim: the way to peace lies through force, which means that it is necessary to strengthen military support for ukraine, remove all prohibitions on strikes deep into russia, lower world oil prices in order to weaken the economy of the russian federation and, in the end, accept ukraine. to nato which which of these plans is really trump's plan? it is unlikely that even trump himself knows this today. he is an impulsive and unpredictable person, which means that his victory will create both new opportunities and great risks for ukraine. president
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zelenskyi called me, we had a good talk, and i said that this war must be ended. you're dealing with the russian war machine, all they do is make wars. they defeated hitler, they defeated napoleon. the spring offensive never happened. the russians have millions of shells and thousands of tanks. many russians were killed, but many ukrainians were also killed. this should not have happened. are ukrainians themselves ready for possible negotiations? a survey by the razumkov center conducted in june on the order of the publication dzerkalo tyzhnya confirmed that 44% of ukrainians. believe that the time for peace talks has come, while 35% do not agree with this opinion, but this is the opinion of tilu, what the front thinks, sociologists do not know, the defense forces continue to make incredible efforts to restrain the enemy so that ukraine, if it is time for negotiations
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will really come, was as strong as possible positions a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent... taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to understand alarming news and distinguish the truth from the hostile and false. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, i am a big star on the spresso tv channel. two hours of air time, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhii zgurets. but what does the world live on? yuri fize? in front of me and time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours
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to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchavka in the field with me, and sports news, i invite to yevhen pastukhov's conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chechenina, our tv viewer, ready to tell, good evening, presenters, who for many have become as if they are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliev, the leader of the crimean tatar people. we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso, let's go around the city, look and well, people, so that they are not older 50 years, but people can be stopped for checking military registration documents, people had 60 days by law. to join the military service from 18 to 60 years old,
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two employees of the rtc of the dsp of the guard company and two police officers work in one crew, we leave in the morning, we work all day in the city, well, in the district, have a good day. many people have not updated their data, so we stop all people, check if the person is all right with the documents, the person can go about his business, if not, the oberi database is working, which we call and... find out more, more precisely, people must update their data every six months,
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good afternoon, romskata, video recording is in progress, they saw that the person physically looks lively, this is already the first signal, they left, according to the order, accordingly tolerant, polite, approached the person, i... i ask who i am, what i have authority, asked to transfer the account document box according to the current legislation, the person was lost at first, but then came to his senses and agreed to cooperate, showed the military account document, he has a delay according to the current legislation until a certain period, they thanked us, we understood and we continue to work, always to us they ask why we don't go there? we explain to people that all employees of the rtcc in
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the guard company, all our comrades who travel even in other regions, are guys from combat operations, simply by law , a decision was made to transfer those of limited suitability to the guard companies, people think that we are in combat operations we haven't been and we just walk here. and we want someone to take their place, they say so, but this is not true, we have all the ubd, good afternoon, brobytska and sp soldier mastyler are being videotaped, could you please provide a passport that confirms your identity, now many people already have reservations, postponements, but more people already have some documents, when at first people went without documents, then... now people go with documents, everyone has something, well, it is rare
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that a person i could run out to the store and forget the documents at home, but i emphasize once again, there is a charm base for this, the drohobytskyi ksp, a soldier of maskali, it is being carried out, well, the person is a little afraid, but from the document... everything is fine with him, he is disabled of the third group, where he updated his data in the rtcc, registered and has now adjournment. for six months, here you have to be with people, culturally, politely and tolerantly, we treat people, we want to treat them like that, eh, how you treated us, with
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respect, but not everyone understands this, and thinks that we are all eh, well ... we stop some, we don't stop others, because there is a cooler car, he is a pedestrian, or he may look different, people have different comparisons, between people, they came up to me, and you don't go to that, we check everyone, maybe not at the same time, it seems to me that in general you have to become a man first. have you know, to be ukrainian, if you live in our country, to be ukrainian, to do simple things, it's just to go and register with the rtcc, to be registered, this is
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a small step, and if you are suitable, then go and protect your... family, first of all, family, family, then the state, because there is something that says a lot, well, me, the state did not give me anything, the state never gave me anything at all, you understand, then go for the family, you have to be a man, there is a war and great trouble in our country. are discounts represent single discounts on neprobam 10% in travel pharmacies bam and save there are discounts represent the only discounts on
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entrogermin 15% in travel pharmacies vam and save there are discounts represent the only discounts on normaven. 10% in travel, memory and savings pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhii zgurets. but what does the world live on? yuriy fizar it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchivka field with me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news, alena chechenina, our tv viewer is ready to tell, good evening, presenters, who for many have become like a day
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already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests studio, mustafa dzhemilov, crimean tatar leader. who is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening for espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals, and russia already has them. on the approach to exhausting the resources of the topics causing resonance in our society, this is the question of victory trump, what it is, an analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read the omniscience, accept
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my singing, i thank you, it was difficult, i was just interested, but it was absolutely not, they help... in the present and predict the future, they offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us . a project for those who care and think. political club every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the reconstruction program project. and urban development, every saturday at 18:30 at espresso. she saw something that is hard for
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even a doctor to remember. she knows what it is a lot of pain and a sea of ​​children's tears. in the first days of the occupation of buchi, she and her husband provided medical care there. now she helps wounded fighters to recover. and get back on their feet, is engaged in their rehabilitation. today i have as a guest the national legend of ukraine, doctor, pediatrician, and today rehabilitator, olga svyst. olya, i congratulate you, today i have a guest. congratulations, irina. a very interesting path and very, probably, difficult, because if you imagine it from a pediatrician, a private clinic to a mobilized military medic. i want you today shared with our viewers their experience, the experience of war that you already have, and
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i want to start precisely from february 24, 2022, where you were at that time and how you ended up, in fact, in buch. on february 24, we were at home, we lived in the city of irpin, this city is located next to the city. and my daughter was sick at that moment and had a high temperature, and accordingly i did not sleep at night and probably heard for the first time how a rocket whistled over our city and about 30-40 minutes later in the medical community in one of the chats i read that the first rockets we landed at boryspil airport, and my first words when i woke up my husband were that the war had started, wake up, and of course, as a mother, i wanted to protect my children first and give them safety, but i am a doctor, so accordingly in the morning a nanny came and my husband and i went to their workplaces. it
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was a difficult way to the city of kyiv, because the city was already being evacuated, it was a long road, and at that moment i took on such a shared responsibility to receive children at the reception department of our clinics, because... polyclinics were closed and, accordingly, the flow of children was in the reception department. and here at the pediatrician's appointment, probably on my last working day at my previous place of work, i looked through the window and realized that all these children were going somewhere, it is not known where, they were all sick, and i had to make a decision then, how should they to plan treatment, or with an examination in a few days, or it is not known when, and already at that moment... i understood that it is not known when, that is why the treatment was prescribed a little more than usual, sometime around lunchtime i received a call from the military headquarters that i was being called for
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mobilization as a military medic, i had to show up with my things within a day, i asked for time, a day to take the children to a safer place to their parents, that's how my first the day of the full-scale invasion, but in the evening, when i got to... already home and entered the house, shelling began, accordingly , for the first time, my children and i went down to the basement from the 12th floor, it was too noisy, and i wanted to protect the psyche of my children, and when they asked me, my son, mother, what is it, i found it i decided that it was a game of who would be the first to go down to the basement, and when we went down to the basement, i realized that my children were in pajamas. i only have their documents with me, which i managed to take, and i understood that it was a basement, it was cold, and i should have gone home to get some things, this is the first mistake, because
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we were basically preparing and knew that something would happen, and i should have packed that anxious suitcase, now i am analyzing it, what should have been done, but at that moment i calmed down and went up to the 12th floor, no using the elevator according to the recommendations of... the previous ones, which were given to the civilian population, we collected those alarming suitcases and the next morning we tried to evacuate the children from the city of irpinia, from the kyiv region, we succeeded, it was a long way, and already on february 26 we returned to the city of irpin, and literally in an hour they decided that we, once again in the medical community, will join the doctors who receive the wounded first civilians and soldiers in budsha. that's how we ended up in bucha, can you tell us about these the first days in buchi, what did you do there and who exactly did you help. i had
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the idea that this is a gray area, that is, there is a front line where active fighting is going on, and there are hospitals, and no one will touch the medics, that is, it is a safe place, the wounded will just come to us, but later we understood that this not at all, because when they first heard automatic rounds under the windows, convoys of heavy equipment were passing through the nearby streets. and we could see it and even count it, fighter jets flew over us and we saw landing of enemy helicopters, of course, this concept was immediately dispelled, we were engaged in providing help to all those who needed it, both civilians and from the tro group, and with the armed forces, who came wounded from during the defense of the airport, there were also wounded
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children . since the hospital did not work with children, because it was not a children's hospital, accordingly, i dealt with children, both injured and those who simply had an illness, and they needed medical help, and they ended up in this institution, and i first encountered gunshot and explosive wounds in children, and i had no experience before that, so we were looking for some kind of network, i called my colleagues, i was interested. how to act so as not to harm, how to make the right decisions in the treatment of children. it was the first time i saw the amputation of limbs in children, and i had to find the words to talk to the children, to explain, it was difficult. i remember one girl, sofia, she lost her mother and her cat during the evacuation. her upper leg, lost
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her hand, she was in the ward where there was a window, and the first thing she asked for was to close it window, can i go to a smaller room, of course we arranged it, moved to a smaller room, blocked the window, the children were afraid, we explained that the armed forces of ukraine are working, that they are protecting us, i am trying... to protect them from the terrible truth in which we all found ourselves, from this reality, and in one of the conversations with sofia, holding her hand, she was crying and said that i was riding, i want to continue it, and at that moment i promised her that you will, you will continue, we will leave here, you will have a prosthetic arm, and you can do it, i know for sure that you
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can. and so looking ahead, everything really worked out for sofia. sofia survived, evacuated with us from butchi, and she received prosthetics abroad, and even dreamed of writing a book, and she wrote it and published it, it's called don't be a disaster. there were also other children, you continue to communicate with sofia, yes, of course, we keep in touch. with everyone who was in bucha at the time, and whom we evacuated, especially with all the children, and together with their relatives, accordingly, we are very proud of their achievements, there were also children who simply had various acute conditions that required medical assistance, and i am proud of those parents
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who... despite the fact that it was extremely dangerous to move around the city after 5 o'clock, made a decision to save their health i have children and they got to the hospital at night, but this is something that probably everyone experiences in ukraine, when one part of your relatives is at home, and with the other you have to go to another city, and at this time you are in danger, bullets are flying , now i... the rockets are flying, and here we have given them emergency care, the child's condition was stabilized, and they cannot be left, they don't want to, they want to go home, because other relatives are waiting for them, they are worried about them, this family was also evacuated a few days later , they wrote back to us that they had left, everyone survived, for us, this was very happy news, of course, although we were still under occupation at that time, also by...


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