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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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energy workers, to the deputies, to everyone, and it will be managed, this flow of emotions will be managed unequivocally, well, always in such informational wars, this campaigning, ideological front is very, very dangerous, oleksiy kucherenko smoothly passed the question to viktor boberenko, i noticed, i noticed, but before mr. viktor takes the floor, i want mr. oleksiy's confirmation. to say that russia has practically completed preparations for a new massive strike, this was reported by sources in the defense forces to the left bank newspaper, and in on our airwaves, we also talked about this with our military experts, and they also say that russia is now showing readiness to launch the next massive strike. mr. viktor, this is actually your element of political science, so you, as a political scientist, can assess which, you know, those rivulets... precisely those
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levers of influence that russia can use in order to unbalance the situation in our country, because not only the situation at the front affects our brains, but also the way we live even here in physical cities. well, yes, the front is the main thing, they want to spread the front, they don't succeed, but they shake up the society as well, creating additional difficulties for us, it is uncomfortable to live without light, and therefore it affects us and the russians. think that we will soon begin to demand from our authorities reconciliation for any at any uh, well, reconciliation at any price, yes at the cost of losing territories, uh, and we will demand that the society gets tired of war, it is objective, but let's put it this way, there is still a big subjective one the factor that the corrupt government helps the enemy very much, that's because now any evasive person asks why you don't want to go
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to fight there, why don't you go to fight there like this, because i don't want to fight while they get rich, and i have to die for the fact that they will get rich, zhenya , zelensky's godfather, will go, and then i will go and join his battalion , that is , russia itself will destabilize society, but it has great hopes for us, because the ukrainian people, the ukrainian mentality , if he didn't like corrupt officials, it's... russians there, well, all of them they know that they are stealing, but putin is still a successful president, why? because everyone thinks to themselves: vanko, if you weren't in putin's place, everyone would steal, well, yes, i would steal there, but our tolerance for corruption is much lower than in the russian federation, that's why it freaks us out, especially in the conditions of war, why someone has to go and die, someone steals there, yes, and then there's something like that... the case with mykola zadorozhny, who
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is still the head of the temporary investigative commission there, are they stealing we are under construction there fortification facilities, in particular in sumy oblast, and the person to whom it was entrusted, the person who was caught for corruption, that's about the situation for you, russia is taking advantage of the internal disorder and inefficiency of the ukrainian government, and therefore we must state that... will win in war, despite the weakness, ineffectiveness of the government and its very often corruption. yes, oleksiy kucherenko, we are on the phone, people's deputy of ukraine, we are discussing what is called the material part of what is, yes, mr. oleksiy, what are you showing us, the end of the era of poverty, sir, yeah, it's already here, it's already that time, so, well, we're working live, so... so thank god, if
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we talk about all the complexity, we understand that the script of the enemy, yes, yes, see , the enemy’s scenario is simple, they will try to completely cut off our power system in one way or another, or in general centrally, they will not be able to do this, or regionally, and after that they will try to use it in their political, in particular, maybe geopolitical purposes. mr. oleksiy. what's up with this one stability? let's look at the situation realistically, well, you and i understand that we have the most dangerous enemy today, the most insidious, which is essentially the world over there today, well, let's face it, unfortunately, putin's russia and putin himself is a very dangerous and difficult enemy , and probably we will understand that it was not by chance that he chose this one... if
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we remember when the last wave of strikes was, even after the winter, you know, it started on march 10, six strikes, massed, concentrated on everyone. that is possible in facilities of generation and network transformers substations, except for the atomic one, yes, he does not touch the atomic one, because it is generally a geopolitical, global agreement not to touch the atomic object, and he has achieved his goal to a certain extent, and in recent months you and i are under pressure, we are nervous with this emotional pressure without light, no water, no heat, its inconveniences, elevators. well, what i 'm telling you, we all understand, i understand that it's difficult, but we have to force ourselves as calmly as possible in this situation to relate to such, well, inconveniences, they are all equal inconveniences, if you compare them with the one in which
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the situation of our soldiers on the front line, there is the same, well, the main front, this is the same as the soldiers, our stage, and because, uh, what can i here... add, i showed you about this lie by accident, in why i agree with my colleague, if today people had confidence in the government, that it does not lie, and this is over the past 5 years, and we are in a different situation, that there will be no lies, then we would really have a different attitude, probably to one or another situation, there is no trust, we... expect, unfortunately, lies from everything, from budget programs, fortifications, shelters, scandals, every day bribes, corruption, it is clear that we treat news in the energy sector, and any other, with the same distrust, what to do with it next, this is
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a very serious test for you and me, i do not i'm going to give lectures now, all grown-ups should probably turn on their brains and find a way out of this situation, but we can't... we can be forced under the pressure of shutdowns to ask for peace talks, well, this is a categorically unacceptable position, well, look , mr. oleksiy, zelensky in japanese told the journalists that we are preparing a plan in november, this plan should be ready, what kind of plan it is, what kind of plan will be discussed in this plan, but no one shares this plan with us, we don't even know what may be in this plan, and will there be any conditions acceptable to us at all, or not? there will be any conditions at all that russia will be ready to accept, because, well, russia shows absolutely no readiness for any agreements, no matter what, no matter what, no plan can be implemented without the verkhovna rada and without the adoption of relevant decisions in the verkhovna
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rada, we like or dislike the deputies, most of them hate them, but one way or another , we cannot do without the verkhovna rada, we do not have enough powers of the president, so if ... honestly, i am not even particularly worried about this, i understand myself, and i myself worry and model the situation myself, why should i still think that there is something in someone’s head, it will all be the same, you and i will have a moment of truth, we all have it and we will have to make responsible decisions, mr. viktor we want to give you another word, we still have 2.5 minutes with you, please respond, er... this plan is stupid, because let them tell us the concept of this plan, that is, what is at the heart of the plan, our solution to the borders, we agree with the russians when we go to the borders in 1991, because there can be no peace otherwise, because in our penal code it is written that
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whoever offers to surrender our territories to the enemy is a separatist there, it is from 10 years to, well, to russia for life in... the russian federation , a similar inscription, that is, we can to state that a peaceful agreement between the states, what we are negotiating, a peaceful agreement, an eternal peace, as was once the case in muscovy with the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, yes, there are many treaties with the ottoman empire, such a peaceful peace cannot exist, it can be only an armistice, in fact, that is, a suspension of the war, which they will push for, but russia... will definitely not go to this armistice until march, even on its own terms, because it is putin who thinks that he will freeze us with eats that the front will fall apart, society will fall apart, why, because they will blackouts and so on and the like, that's what he hopes for, he hopes that he will
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then negotiate with trump and sidzinpiyin, as trumin and churchill once negotiated with stalin, for example, about the borders of poland without poland, that's about it. that's what he's counting on, so zelensky said to the delusional person, i don't know why they're fencing, it's again, it's like with kebabs, you know, to say later, well, it didn't work out for us, or... well, it's not him will say, and they will either remain silent, they will have to be reminded, so you said in july that in everything will be peaceful in november, the war will be over, what do you have a plan for, i imagine he will say something like this, but in our plan it is written, read it, and putin will throw up his hands, oh my god, this is a proposal, i can’t give up on it, peace at will, and we will see peace in putin's eyes, so it was already, as the classic said, stop in the middle, come to an agreement in the middle, that... it was already, well, and what's the point of all this, it's all nonsense, no peace, not even conversations, which
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, unfortunately, we have to move on, thank you for this analysis and for an honest assessment of the situation, oleksii kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, viktor boberenko, expert of the bureau of analysis and policy, let's go now for a short break, after which we will continue to talk about important things. education is the future of every country. what is changing in ukrainian schools, what will the university of tomorrow look like. the country is immersed in the world of educational transformations. we ask experts, listen to teachers, listen to parents and children. from nush to higher school, we explore the labyrinths of educational reforms. read to understand, understand to change. ask for the country at the points of sale press or subscribe online. national you on megogo - too many channels, well, too many channels, as well as movies, cartoons,
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of ukraine, with the support of the konstantin zhivago charity fund. there are discounts presented, the only discounts on mikrolaks, 20% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program. a clear understanding of the key events of your past. analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the current situation week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 20:00 at espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. the troops of the kremlin are standing. why are you young people in the occupied territories? used as labor force. putin was also in the student units, was a fighter of the construction unit. but which of
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the pseudo-directors prepares students for service in russian army? the next stage of the installation of our unit. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso channel on tuesday, july 30 at 5:45 p.m. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, it's 15:6 and now we'll talk about difficulties. and eastern affairs, in particular about our beloved president recep tayyip erdogan and not only about him, he began to engage in such rather harsh rhetoric, although he had not previously been noted for, so to speak, too liberal statements towards israel, but erdogan's last remark regarding the readiness in case of something, so to speak, to enter the territory of israel, well, it stressed many, ihor seven-haired. director of the center for middle eastern studies. glory to ukraine. mr. igor, we congratulate you.
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glory to the hero, i congratulate you. well, netanyahu went to the united states, yes, he held certain consultations, this, in principle, indicates quite serious prospects for the situation in the middle east in general. well, it doesn't matter, even from the results of the american elections. i think that netanyahu has found interlocutors and among. republicans and among democrats, here and there parallel, as if parallel to that, of course, this is a separate story, but president recep tayyip erdoğan voiced what in... in principle, well, he could not have voiced, but no, he quite took a tough position, and accordingly, if they do not listen to him in jerusalem, and continue to implement their military actions in order to appease the arab terrorists, then how will erdogan behave, well, let's start, probably with
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erdogan's visit to the united states of america. yes, no doubt he met many politicians, held talks with republicans, with democrats, met with kamala harris, met, respectively, with the president of the united states of america biden, paid him a lot of compliments, met with trump, trump criticized the position of kamala harris during the meeting, and i can say that in principle, well... the situation has not changed, in fact, the current administration and the democratic presidential candidate are telling netanyahu that the war should be ended, and trump has taken an uncertain position, the key is actually resumption of contacts between trump and
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netanyahu, at one time they beat the pots strongly after. biden, when netanyahu rushed to congratulate biden, and trump took offense at him for it, so basically, i don't see any serious agreements there that can radically change the course of events. as for erdoğan's statement, he, this statement should be taken seriously, and this, well, how about you... a country with the second largest army in the nato bloc with a powerful navy and air force, a country that has serious combat experience, declares such an option, then it is not
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just words, it's not just anger, it's not just emotions. israel's reaction to this, in principle, is his, when he is called, well , compared to hussein, the minister of foreign affairs of israel, made such comparisons to himself, well, also frivolous, and why i think so, because, in principle, turkey is starting to play into strategic uncertainty for israel , that is , it is not known now what will happen when israel starts a war against lebanon. then i understand, of course, well, it cannot be, and there is no possibility of a land invasion of the territory there israel, this is absurd, it does not exist, but there is a fleet, and a significant part of the turkish fleet is also in the mediterranean sea, and the fleet can approach
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the shores of lebanon with the same success and approach the shores of israel, and... what will happen when the israeli armed forces react, they will attack the turkish fleet? well, i have big doubts about something. and by the way, it's strange here, look, well, turkey is a nato country, can't erdogan decide such important things himself, because he can, can, actually can to decide such, well, what do you think, and how will nato allies react to this? well , in different ways, in different ways, as you understand, nato allies also do not have a common opinion regarding... israel, palestine, gaza and the like. nato allies do not have a common opinion on many issues. simply by the logic of things, nato is now trying to avoid the third world war, nuclear conflict and so on. but this is erdogan's statement, on the contrary, it speeds up this process. accelerates. you mean that because of a possible clash
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between turkey and israel, the third may begin world war well, this is one of the conflicts that can arise in... and this, i say once again, in this case we are talking about strategic uncertainty, it is the same when another factor appears in the reasoning of the israelis, which was not there before , that is, the possible actions of turkey in the event that they start a war against lebanon, that is what we are talking about, the actions of turkey itself, this is a secondary matter, that is, what it is, what they will be, maybe they will not be in... maybe it will be limited to these the whole story, well, we know that's how it is in politics often happens, remember macron of the strategic uncertainty that he... caused and intensified in the conflict between russia and ukraine. but it was said, it was said, and it becomes
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the subject of many discussions, it becomes part of the agenda of many politicians, and we are discussing it with you, so these words have weight and serious weight, without a doubt, mr. igor, and in addition, simply in order to clarify... how acute mutual misunderstandings can be, well , literally, i won't say on the verge of war, but well , it wasn't far away when we're talking about turkish-greek relations, and this story is not the first year, and everything was literally balancing, balancing, especially at sea, so mr. sivymolos did not for nothing mention the story about the turkish fleet, how this situation, if everything escalates, well... as far as i understand, netanyahu also cannot afford , excuse me for the slang, to give back in history with the lebanese hezbollah, yes, well,
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he has his own political tasks and it was not for nothing that he tried to consider how he should act better, with both american political camps, yes, and on the other hand, it is a reserve for the future, at one time it was donald trump who supported israel in returning the capital. to jerusalem, although it was ambiguously perceived, for example, by the same part of the european allies, well, this is a violation of international law in general, so to speak. well, but donald trump supported israel in this anyway, right? and accordingly, how dangerous this track can be and how much it can, so to speak, prick what is called the euro-atlantic community in the approach to of the russian aggressor, yes, because this is... aggravation on an additional chessboard, of course it already sounds a little cynical, because it may be about the lives of tens or hundreds of thousands of people, but we in ukraine are primarily
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concerned with russian aggression, so it can be dangerous , it can be dangerous, and you know, i don't think netanyahu got carte blanche to invade lebanon from the americans, i don't think, i think the americans are continuing... active negotiations with lebanon, trying to find some option option for to avoid this conflict, well , the classic option, which, in principle, probably suits everyone, not everyone, but the majority, is a retreat to the north to the hezbollah units, that is, to the litani river, that is, in accordance with the resolution that was adopted at the time, and which one, which hezba... is not carrying out now, well, but then this, it is a blow to hezbollah, it is a blow to the positions of iran, and here already tehran has to consider, and either
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there, conditionally speaking, decide how far they are ready to go for such step. much will depend on israel itself, you understand there is no unequivocal opinion among the military. because war is a war on two fronts, if you haven't finished the war in asia and you start a war in the north, it's very exhausting, and if you understand hezbollah has a strategic depth, that is, this war can start, but it will be too difficult to finish this war , you understand very well that someone can start a war, but cannot end it. separately, that is why these risks exist, and the military in israel perfectly understands them, and as far as i have read and heard, the discussions have not
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ended, there is no clear solution, there is there are a number of politicians who would like to start this conflict, and there are military personnel who objectively say that there are big problems with this, and significant ones. that's what's holding netanyahu back, not some, you know, desire not to back down. mr. igor, who is the ultimate beneficiary? we understand that, well, the russian-ukrainian war is called by putin in order to achieve some of his imperialist goals, yes, but on the other hand, this version that this war is also beneficial to china is also not excluded. weaken the west, but how... if we tentatively assume some new conflict in which israel and turkey will be involved, who do you think will win from this? well, i know
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who will lose this, american-turkish relations will lose very seriously, they are not easy anyway, and there are many contradictions, but at least they supported some modus vivendi, and there was interaction, and they tried to agree, in this case, well, this there will already be, relatively speaking, one, one strategic ally fighting against. strategic ally and the united states of america, believe me, i don't, i far from thinking that a war between turkey and israel will start there today or tomorrow, this is absurd, that is, not absurd, the probability is so small, because all we see now are precisely games, strategic games, and that is until they
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came out beyond these strategy games. we can only observe and look at the reactions, but if the reaction is like that of the israelis, it will convince turkey even more that it is necessary to increase the pressure on israel, including from the military side what kind of power is that military, that is, the increase of the same turkish fleet near the eastern, eastern mediterranean and the like, it is clear that... everything will not be limited to this, and you absolutely rightly noted that the greeks will appear there, and there will be the americans, the french will appear there, and the eastern mediterranean will be teeming with various armies there, in such conditions it is really very difficult to keep a clear head and understand what and what depends only on
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you, on your will, ah. .. there is already the will of many partners, but it complicates any israel's attempt to resolve this issue. thank you, mr. igor, igor samovolos, director of the center for middle eastern studies, about the seriousness of the situation, well, i would like to say more, but unfortunately, we have to move on. tonight is gradually coming to an end, well, there are a lot of events, we will try to inform you right now. good news, at least. it is previously known that scheduled shutdown schedules will not be applied tomorrow, the press service of detku reported this, and this was confirmed by ukrenergo, and on july 30, light restrictions will not planned, but follow the updates of your oblenergo in order to really understand if this situation will change, first we have good news for tomorrow, well , and monitor, of course, air alarms, yes, because the russians have taken to the black sea for the first time
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at once. three submarines (i am now quoting the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine) dmytro pletenchuk. for the first time, pletenchuk put it bluntly, the enemy launched three cruise missile-carrying submarines into the sea at once. in fact, these are all submarines available in the azov-black sea region. sometimes the black sea fleet is called a submarine fleet. now this is true, but in any case there is a serious threat. well, according to other information, the enemy. is about to launch another massive strike, so dear tv viewers, be vigilant, be vigilant and be sure to respond to air alarms, remember that first of all we have to take care of our own safety, this is important, well for today antin and i will say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, today we worked a little longer for you and the closest for a few weeks, we will work a little longer for you, because our colleague olga lyan went on a short vacation, but i will be with you...
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always at this time, so take care and see you tomorrow, in ukraine at 6 p.m. and for your attention. .. in the studio of iryna koval. the russians shelled kherson during the day. residential quarters in the ship district came under attack. the enemy attacked from the temporarily occupied left bank. damaged houses and cars. roofs, walls and windows were destroyed in the houses, the local military administration reported. psychologists work with residents social workers. fortunately. there are no casualties or injuries.


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