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tv   [untitled]    July 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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ukrainians are more unanimous on the issue of the moscow patriarchate. 63% of reviewers are in favor of its complete ban. kateryna galko, yulia belska, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. man. protesting abroad, they can't get their passports for months, it's probably due to the mobilization law, but they're told it's a technical malfunction, what kind of malfunction is it, which affects men from 26 to 60 years old, about it today in the second part of the program, and we begin by analyzing the situation that occurred in the 80th brigade, whose fighters expressed their disagreement with the dismissal of their leader and publicly appealed to the president, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta love. the unwilling commander of
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the 80th separate airborne assault brigade declared that they want to fire their commander emil ishkulov, the servicemen recorded a video in support of their leader, they addressed this appeal to president zelenskyi, the commander-in -chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky and the commander of the airborne assault forces ihor skybyuk. military personnel opposed dismissal of ishkulov, stated that commander emil ishkulov has an undeniable... authority among the fighters, said that they are ready to continue to perform combat tasks under his leadership and added that they do not understand why such authoritative commanders as ishkulov are not willing, as they said , for the top leadership of the armed forces. we are soldiers who were the first to fight the enemy in donbas 10 years ago, defending donetsk and luhansk airports. we stopped the enemy in voznesensk, crushed the russians near bilogoriyka, and took them. participation in
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the counteroffensive in kharkiv oblast, held bakhmut, released the pincer. we have never backed down and faithfully performed combat missions, but unfortunately, the time has come when we are forced to go into the public sphere. our brigade is headed by a professional soldier, a paratrooper officer, colonel ishkulov imil shemilovich, who has passed through all the command ranks from the intelligence commander. platoon to the combat brigade commander. we do not understand why commanders who enjoy undisputed authority among the personnel, who have a regular combat path and experience of a major war, are objectionable to the higher the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, because they are not afraid to voice problematic issues and report the real state of affairs, do not engage in winking and do not thoughtlessly put people on the way to the next epaulettes and orders. well, in connection with such a statement
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of the rfe/rl brigade, we asked the general staff for a comment, they said that they are currently considering the situation, or if we receive an answer from them, we will of course announce it. we also asked for additional clarifications from the 80th brigade, they said that they had nothing to add to this appeal, which we have already shown, but according to the ukrainian pravda publication, the reason for ishkulov's dismissal is allegedly that he refused to perform a task that was disproportionate to the forces of the brigade. i will only add that emilie shkulov, whose defense the fighters came to, has been the leader of the brigade since the end of the 22nd year, and for his service he has numerous awards, and after the statement of the fighters, the statement of the airborne assault troops appeared, they said, what, what is the promotion, what of the commander of the 80th separate amphibious assault brigade, emil ishkulov should be appointed to a higher position, such a statement has just appeared, maryana bezugla, a people's deputy, deputy head of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, joins our broadcast.
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maryana, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i almost blasphemed, i wanted to say that you are a representative of the servant of the people, but as far as i remember, you have already left the servant of the people, maryana, today you were among the first to commented on the possible dismissal of emil ishkulov, you said that he was being removed due to disagreement with unrealistic tasks from syrskyi, you can explain in more detail what it is about, and i was the first, you were the first, after that already. i'm not surprised, well, yes, well, actually, especially in the culture of the stormtroopers, even when it's a blatantly unfair situation, they're used to not putting up with it, and accordingly, i publicized what was going on, but i also publicized those risks are systemic, which take place in relation to vat. in fact,
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it is cheap to convert into infantry, which is now being tried to do in the higher military leadership as for this comprig, yes, the city has a situation of disagreement there. nevertheless, it is not correct to comment in more detail, now they used a typical scheme, when the situation was not publicized and there was an appeal from the team of the brigade, and such an appeal from the paratroopers, it’s just that in my memory it has never happened before, it must be really very an unfair situation, accordingly, for this they published, well, they forced, i'm sure, the command of the airborne assault troops, they forced the head to publish that this was a wreath went for a promotion, is it correct, you say, you say that this did not happen in your memory, that this is a unique situation, am i correct in understanding that maybe they applied, but not
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publicly and there was no reaction, or how is it understand, i mean, among other units, there was in the ground forces, when public appeals were made public in public. the collectives are cheap, can you correct me, this is the first thing, it means that they were really badly burned, and the question is that if you evaluate the comment from the kdshv, well the command of the airborne assault troops, as i note, i am sure that they were forced to do this, then this is a typical scheme, they were forced, they were forced to inform that ishkulov was going to be promoted, yes, well, if they were informed, then now he must be promoted, is it not mandatory necessarily? but look, i am repeating this for the third time, well, let me finish, this is a schematic, that is, a person is fired, well, the reasons, at the moment and in this situation, i have already explained, after that, for example, somewhere in the command, they find her a nominal position
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there on which has ee there which is for colonel e it is nominal, for example by quantity. financial support or there according to the rank there, as far as i can tell correctly, it is a little higher, and if they even ask, he went for a promotion, in fact, in prison, ugh, but our colleagues from ukrainian pravda say that the reason for the dismissal is that ishkulov spoke out, spoke out against the tasks that he received and which were either tasks or several tasks, or one task that was disproportionate to the strength of the brigade, and for example, and, for example, what kind of tasks could these be, you know, what is this task is this classified information, you know what i write and how, and this is not my some, my separate opinion, this is what happens in our troops, when tasks are set that are not commensurate with the capabilities of the unit, and
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then, it happens constantly, our culture of decision-making in the top military leadership does not change, but the culture does. in general, fighting and innovations and solutions accumulate below, and the conflict is growing, you see, this is one of, one of the manifestations of such a conflict, while, as i already noted, the fact that it happened already on the cheap, and i predict, i will not delve into the details, but i know for sure that it will be a disagreement, and it assumes that it was an unrealistic plan again, i apologize, i did not ... heard the last words, you can imagine that i predict , that this was another unrealistic task that would cause heavy losses among the personnel, and i will recall, let's give an example, we had
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an offensive on the flint, maybe you remember, the armed forces were attacking the krimina for a very long time, and a lot of paratroopers died there, and this one the offensive did not gain... a circle of wide publicity, like the situation with the wells, but what follows is criminal, that the maintenance of the wells, that the maintenance of the robotic and productive - these are all the consequences of such a culture, when people are not counted, but today the fighters of the 80th brigade , they made this public appeal of theirs and mentioned that they are appealing to zelenskyi, to syrskyi, to the air assault command, the troops, do you think that after such a public, public appeal, maybe they will go to a meeting in the brigade, the brigade, listen to her and the commander return, there is a fine line here, of course, no, it is not right to dismiss, appoint commanders
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through public appeals, yes, but the situation in the troops that i mentioned is such that this has accumulated. the disruption of the two worlds of how the military headquarters operate and how they fight in modern warfare, so i 'm hoping that there will be a uh... reaction, and that reaction is not what we've seen, just to shut up and publish some, what kind of reaction are you hoping for, mariana, what kind of reaction are you hoping for, it's hard for me to say what i i hope, to be honest, what i see even now, i can't tell you unequivocally, because, for example, there was a reaction in sodel, yes, well , that is, the cumulative effect already worked there, and the military applied, and civilians, and... . and there was almost the same opinion as to how he
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makes decisions, and plus these all-encompassing cases with the awarding of turkhanov, well, he was removed, he was punished, no, he was discharged through the vlk, his people remained in command, you know, you know it is certain that sodol is written off through vlk, i, for example, have not heard this, i am it stated publicly, and this is information from... sources, you can check it, for example, by using a request on, well, access to public information, yes, yes, yes, yes, this, this is not public information, of course especially his diagnosis or something else, but i know for a fact that he is currently in the vlk, and i reported about it, probably about a month ago, that is, this process is also used in our scheme, there are no examined generals anywhere, yes, therefore... here , zaluzhnyi, shaptala, and balan, as far as i remember, and ostashchenka were so commanding,
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they all signed off through vlk. and yet, maryana, what can be the reaction after this public appeal? i emphasize once again that the fighters appealed not only to their leadership of the airborne assault troops, but also to syrskyi and zelenskyi. what can be the reaction? clarification of the circumstances of the dismissal of this team leader, what were the criteria, what were the questions for him, was it his personal desire, was it true, was pressure exerted on him, was there a fact of disagreement with the manner in which the task was presented by the superior of the military leadership, whether it was justified, if such a disagreement took place, whether it was justified or not, what were the criteria for her setting this task and what was, what was the response, for example, from the commander, that... yes, well, i i would have guessed, that is, there are some, it is always possible
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to make the information objective, but our problem is that such objective research is not really conducted in our country, the maximum that is done is an official investigation, and then, sorry for the delay, nailing the battalion commander there for not restoring the position, that's it a separate story, and this culture, it is such a culture that you are making decisions from above... the headquarters are so far behind in how the battle is conducted and what is happening here that we are seeing such a manifestation, you said at the beginning of our conversation that the what is happening in the 80th brigade is actually the transformation of the airborne assault troops into infantry, explain this not exactly what is happening in the 80th brigade, but what is happening in general in the dshv, i wrote about it that the dshv corps, recently created, it has already been converted into a body, well, how
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the commander-in-chief's reserve, which brigades are going to be transformed into joint brigades, and this is only one of one of the components, i described several that are happening because of this , this is a negative trend from your point of view, look, even yanukovych has survived this vat, this is a separate brand , and... a separate culture that showed itself very strongly, particularly during the full-scale invasion, i'm not saying there in the 14th year, in the 15th, and it's quite obvious that their practices should be extrapolated, scaled, not equated them to the level of infantry, some much more problems you also said when you were commenting on the situation in the 80th brigade that this, i will quote you, is a further relaxation. the leveling of the most effective type of troops, from your point of view
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only the events of the 80s, the 80s, the brigade, i mentioned additionally what is happening, and this, in fact , i decided to publish about information about certain trends, what what and how they want turn it into a dshv, taking into account also this case with the 80th brigade, that is, we generally have the problem that i am describing: this, i apologize a little, is obvious, there are a number of obvious things that is not fixed, for example, when we have a condition. a team, a team, where there is a leader, a brigade commander, there is his team, and they can count on each other, respectively, and there is some brand of the unit, this unit performs tasks better, unfortunately, we have this one, call it a scoop, not a scoop , such a mentality, decision-making from the top, that
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on the contrary, not to support this brand, but to break these teams up to... let them form, redirect, make military commanders of the tactical level such passengers, i.e. change the ranks often, and yes, this is, so to speak, a theory so that the units are more obedient, it is false, and it is unacceptable for a democratic country and it is generally ineffective, but nevertheless it happens and... so something is wrong with us tongue in cheek, but i hear you, if the leader of the brigade is still removed, even if he is fired, i don’t know, he will be promoted, despite the wishes of the fighters, how will this affect the brigade, this is a new
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leader, even if he is there... better even conditionally and that this is a period of getting used to and reformatting the unit for at least a month, and here it seems to me that there are obvious answers for you, as now in such difficult times, at the same time, without objective reasons, ah, the state of this brigade will change, and this is only one brigade, and here the story has just gained publicity, i am here 24. i will remind you with the turkish rotation, how many of these were not publicized here, and when we even have a situation where the compriga changes after a month, then he does not have time to actually show any results, and it may simply be that some failures are attributed to him, and this culture is present, and those who are fighting here are them
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they are well aware of these problems, maryana, and you, as a representative. of the specialized committee of defense and intelligence, what are you proposing now, using the example of this situation for the 80th brigade, who should make what personnel conclusions and decisions, go away from the practice of removing brigade commanders and battalion commanders, just a permanent replacement and pay attention to the formation of collectives . in units, to move away from the obviously wrong practice, which is recognized here everywhere, the formation of new and new, ineffective units, even with a certain increase in mobilization to replenish already existing ones, i described all this, accordingly, this decision, who should make
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the syrian or to whom this manifesto is addressed, look, this decision is by an absolute majority of 80-90. at the level of the syrian and general staff and the ministry of defense, but the ministry of defense i do not even mention, because they simply agree with him everything that he says, everything that syrsky says, you still do not insist on the resignation of syrsky after this incident, i i insist, you are already insisting, of course, the crisis is over, look, the question is that i spoke about it before earlier, and we may simply have a situation, the longer he and this culture persist. the farther we are from any chance of transforming our armed forces into that, and in fact the effective organism of which we are capable, given all the experience that we now have in the tactical units, we are simply farther and farther from that chance , maryana, i literally have two more questions on other topics, on other
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topics, the first is that i am interested in donbas, i am volodymyr zelenskyi. in yesterday's address he said that the situation in donbas difficult, the military who are in the direction, in particular on pokrovsky, they say that there are a lot of assaults there, that there is almost no risk of an encirclement, what is the information there, according to your sources, and is there a risk of encirclement there, in particular on the pokrovsky direction, if you know, of course sources, i was there near the progress area, just a couple of days ago, you know, i don't want to comment on any chances of encirclement, i'm not a military expert on that, but i mean, i don't... i don't advise and i do not say which, where the unit to move, etc., and i just saw an obvious situation that is repeated in our country more than once, when
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due to obvious mistakes, we give more chances to the russians, there, for example, there was a place, again, the involvement of a new brigade, which i call ground zombie brigades, i.e. created absolutely unfired... the rose is placed in the direction of the main strike, it is absolutely natural that they will not be able to react, they will flee, for example, there, they will be killed, wounded, and we will lose territory and increase the chances of the russians that they will go further , in particular , i saw such a situation, without going into details, in the pokrov region, after that i was also in turkey. "the matoretska rotation, i described it once, there was a brigade that knew this direction well, it stood for about a year, it is taken and
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torn from there, and after that the russians enter there, because there becomes a weak spot, while the brigades are rotating, a new one enters, she was exhausted after a temporary rush, the coluse enters, well, you can, you know, here you can talk for a very long time, you can say that this..." this high military science, but now this crisis has reached the point where elementary principles of management are not being followed, and at the same time, at the tactical level, combat units have already acquired quite broad competencies, and they often leave at the expense of horizontal coordination, horizontal communications connections, and accordingly, the situation regarding strategic planning, application, it is such that... there may be more and more ammunition, but when such decisions are made, and they are repeated, they are repeated on the 22nd, 23rd, the 24th year, it's, it's a loss of lives, first of
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all, and it's a loss of territory, and it's a reduction in our chances of any kind of victory, even victory as a limp, a limp, let's say , i don't know if it's a wild guess , but, for example, the military observer bilt, ryobe , he stated that at the speed with which russia is currently moving in the pokrovsk region, that if they continue to move at this speed, in two years they can, can reach kyiv, that's it theoretically, of course, but whether you agree with it, well, look, my personal impression, a couple of days, and it is already in the dipstate, i was in this village of ivankivka, as it is called, it is the next in terms of progress, yes, and when i left there already from the flanks. well , the situation has already changed, literally in a few hours, it really is very dynamic there, but in particular, as i gave an example, there are
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obvious things that we repeat and repeat, i am not talking about fortification, guess three times that they were prepared there, uh, you mean in the pokrovsky direction, they, they were not there, you say they were not there or what do you mean mind you, there are a few of them in the pokrovsk region, but most of them are not izabelian, i also said that, that is, they are made there according to the old methods of the general staff, in particular, and there are huge trenches, you know how they fought differently in the second world war , now there is some positive, i am afraid to even overshadow the trend that when hnatov came, they began to listen more to the brigades and the new fortifications that are being made there, they are already being made a little in a new way, but this is this trend, which is very, very... well, i won't comment on it in detail, but in absolute terms most of them are all previous ones, and well, you can see it, there are also photos, various analyses,
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they cannot be applied now, and the military administration spent money on them, money was spent on them through the ministry of defense, but the problem there is not only there to what extent, how correctly the purchases were made or something else, the question is, how much was used even before... from the modern war, did methodical materials change, in general, where and how to dig? the answer is no, and this is a big problem, because with us, in particular, all this, it spills over into what y we analyze the actions taken, taking into account the experience, it is here, here i am still in donetsk region, but at the strategic level, because of this problem with the higher military headquarters from the groups to the head of the command. the ministry of defense, they rise in a systematic way, and the russians are learning, maryana, you are all yours, all your rhetoric is now
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built on, well, on a certain criticism. you notice that the same mistakes are made from the very beginning and no one learns from these mistakes. you say, you say that everything that is happening now with these dismissals or promotions, it's all a scheme, you say that you stand for the resignation of general syrskyi, the head, but for some, but it's a question of generation, but for some achievements volodymyr zelensky appreciates syrskyi, what do you think? e kharkiv counteroffensive, first of all, it was, it was the most successful operation in the history of a full-scale invasion, sudden, unexpected for the russians, which he actually defended as a follow-up project, when there were other opinions about where and how to take active actions, it should recognize,
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also this... active active actions during the attack of the russians on the kyiv region, sumy region, chernihiv region, first of all, the kyiv region and kyiv, but there is still a big question, how did they prepare for the fact that the russians could go to kyiv, and he too he was responsible for this, so here in the kyiv region he corrected his own mistakes in many ways, as the head of the kyiv garrison, but the kharkiv ... kharkiv counteroffensive is really an achievement, they did not expect that, in particular, that it would be such a success , it was then extended and almost all of kharkiv was released. maryana, it is also surprising that a lot of hard work is not taken into account now. thank you very much, i see that you have stopped and are literally tuning in to us somewhere on the go. thank you very much, maryana
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bezugla, people's deputy. and the representative of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, the deputy of the committee, more precisely, we talked about the situation primarily in the 80th brigade, well, about the situation in the pokrovsk direction, thank you, then i suggest you look at what is happening in the donetsk region on the turkish direction, where there are also heavy, very heavy battles, and the city of turetsk itself almost leveled with the face of the earth, at least that's what our colleagues who work there say, see the material: our colleagues from the present time tv channel. in army parlance , this is called "driving in on the gray". entrances, entrances. in the city, where two months ago the operator and i moved without body armor, now you can enter only at night and with full ammunition. here you can already be afraid. you can be afraid here, yes. the situation in turkey changed very quickly. it is not a military secret that one of the brigades defending the city was transferred to a nearby direction, where
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the situation was critical. the russian troops took advantage of that and now almost the best forces have been thrown to hold toretsk. these are mortars of the safari regiment of the unified assault brigade of the national police "lyut". behind them was the special operation of forcing the dnieper near energodar, the defense of bakhmut and the time ravine, and the liberation of kryshchiivka. coffee helps to wake up. it wakes up. all local volunteers since 2022, they know the pope is at war. he knows, right? and how old are the children? double seven, the eldest is 13, 13, yes, so you have three? yes of course. so you could write off i could well, i didn't decide to sit under my wife's skirt. and this mood largely determines the local garrison. the war was changing right before their eyes. there are not so much
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shooting battles as flying cabs. it happens that two or three dozen can fly there in half a day. while the coffee is being prepared, the mortars are waiting for new targets, they say, the defense line near toretsk has been stabilized. we had a lot of work, it was beautiful. it was possible to fry eggs. it is impossible to convey this with a camera, but the air in turkey smells of gunpowder and such with something burning, and on almost all the streets, it is so active here. no fighting, local mortarmen say that the enemy here has an extremely powerful counter-battery fight, and therefore there is very little time for their work. at close range, mortars fire despite russian drones in the air and bursting artillery shells nearby. ready, shot, here they are.


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