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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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because other relatives are waiting for them, they are worried about them, this family was also evacuated, after a few days they wrote to us that they had left, everyone survived, it was very happy news for us, of course, although we were still under occupation at that time, patients, civilians, wounded who tried to find food or water also came in, and they were shot into the water. they either threw grenades under our feet, we had a mechanism worked out over time, who receives patients at the reception department, who calls the team surgeons who are collecting information, whether there are relatives or not, and we worked in this format for about two weeks, did everyone manage to be saved, who exactly did you save and ask for this evacuation, what it was, it was... from
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the first time, that is, we were told the first day of evacuation, but eh, i took care of the children in the vast majority, and my understanding was that on the first day you shouldn’t go, and this evacuation probably won’t happen, there were a lot of people gathered in the square, eh, and the planned one route, green corridor, it did not happen, that is the buses did not come and it was terrible, we did not collect the children because we suspected that it would not happen, we did not drag them, for that day they remained in the hospital building, but many people were around, in the square, and of course they wanted to stay here, or in the hospital, or near the city hall, few wanted to go back to the cellars for the night, well, such a big disappointment when you've almost survived and left, and you have to go back to that cellar again, but on the next...
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day, after all, the buses are late arrived, we managed to have our own bus for the wounded, that is, we had two buses with the wounded, and we started moving in a column with everyone, of course we instructed everyone that if there were any shelling, then we should bend as low as possible to the floor of the bus. understand that it may not save us, but glass is glass, and open windows, increased danger, we had such a package with medicines for each patient, because we did not know how long the evacuation would take, and each of these patients received serious treatment with antibiotics, accordingly, everyone had their own prescription sheet and these medicines, and we also managed to prevent hypothermia, that is, we had blankets, because there was no... even suitable clothes for
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everyone, but we dressed from what we had, took blankets, in principle, no one froze, except for me, because i must have had adrenaline, i was very cold at the evacuation, and then turning to the first turn at the intersection on the bus, as if an automatic queue passed, such a sound, accordingly, we all fell to the floor, but then it exhaled, it a cargo car, a military car, and so on were on fire glass or the remains of some other parts simply passed through the seam of our bus, and we continued to move in a column, once again we were stopped on the zhytomyr highway, our route was changed, because the route that was supposed to run to the left was destroyed, there were explosions . cars, fire was burning,
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so we stood for some time on this road, on the open road, it was scary. at that moment, i was making a list to send to the welfare clinic who could accept the most difficult patients for evacuation. we had seven of the most difficult patients. i will i am grateful all my life to my colleagues, who immediately responded and said: "mo all the hardest, and that is, when we were standing, when we were driving, we had a clear plan, where we would take these two busloads of wounded, to which hospital we would send them, and who would be able to to take care of them, and actually, who will take care of the wounded children, enemy tanks passed by us, we really didn't know how it would all end, but we still got to the west, we reached the country under the ukrainian
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flag, you you know my first feelings are that i was getting off the bus, i was in a white coat, although i understood. that this does not give any guarantees at all, but it still defined me as a medic, and when we actually arrived home at the e-evacuation point, i approach her ambulance, the ambulance brigade, they say that i have 20 wounded people there, i 10 cars are needed there, at least to evacuate them, you have two here, i say, take half, they say, we cannot... this is our aid station, we cannot move, and we had to move quickly, it was already evening, they are tired, they need to administer medicine, it's cold, it's march, and i approach a policeman, i say,
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can you help me escort the buses so that we go through kyiv through roadblocks, freely and quickly, they are waiting for us in the city of kyiv in such and such hospitals, they agreed on everything. our route and we, accompanied by the police, drove through the entire part of kyiv, where we were already at the point of transfer of patients from our regular bohdan buses to specialized medical transport, in fact, this is how we got with the patients to various hospitals, and to the regional hospital, the patients were admitted, and they were admitted to dobrobut, they were admitted to the 17th hospital. olo, this is your experience that you just talked about, the experience that you got already during the war, how did it help you now in the rehabilitation of the military? uh, i would say that it was the beginning, uh, the beginning of forming me
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as a different doctor, at that moment, having a call with the military and having the experience of the occupation in buchi. with all kinds of injuries and making quick decisions, that was the beginning of why i'm in rehab, i first saw children with amputations, i saw people with amputations, spinal cord injuries, chest injuries, combined injuries, and i understood that i want to be in this direction and help them, that is, you yourself chose this direction of rehabilitation, did you decide that? yes, but i didn't get there right away, at first i had a place of service in a military unit, as the head of the medical service, and my work there was a little different, i had experience in providing emergency care in civilian conditions, we went through it every
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six months at our clinic, it was a rule that we had the skills to provide emergency aid, but in military medicine it is completely... and one of my areas of work was also to master the provision of assistance in tactical medicine, according to military protocols, but over time, my fate turned out to be such that i got into the field of military rehabilitation, and i have been working in this field for the second year, and it seems to me that i am in my place, so you have been working for the second year? and what can you say about this direction in general, what are the main challenges you face every day, so to speak about rehabilitation? the main challenge is our soldiers, these are ukrainians, these are our boys and
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girls who defend our borders and our freedom, and the main challenge is how quickly to restore them, how to return them. society, or how to return them to the place of service, however , the vast majority of injuries are quite complex, and the rehabilitation process is long, and given the nature of the injuries, not all boys can return to military service, accordingly, one of the main challenges, not only mine, but globally for us, as ukrainians, this is integration veterans not only veterans, but people who suffered from the war in ukraine, into society, and to ensure that they understand that they are extremely important people in our society, and we owe them great gratitude, to create comfortable conditions for them, now we have many
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barriers , and this is not only in rehabilitation, but in general in moving around the city, yes, well, for example, a serviceman... or just a person with limited mobility who moves in a wheelchair, and or his daughter goes to school, it would be very important for us to create. .. society, these conditions, so that this veteran or just someone with reduced mobility can get to this school, without obstacles, without outside help, or, for example, the restroom, can we, people with reduced mobility , always be able to get to the restroom, no, not always, it is problem, it is a problem not only in cities, it is also a problem in institutions, administration. in educational institutions, in medical institutions, er, now
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a textbook on barrier-free accessibility was recently announced, where various institutions were analyzed and specific recommendations were issued, as possible depending on from what we're building or what we're changing, and that's important, to me, a veteran who moves around either in a wheelchair or ... with prosthetics, to me, it's a regular person like any of us, who occupies the same niche in society, and i have come to the understanding that when i enter an institution, the first thing i automatically do is check with my foot whether there is a threshold, you can already judge the width of the door with your eyes, the passage in... coffee the kitchen, for example, or whether the toilet is available, whether a person can get there, and which one i would like to give,
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probably my advice to all of us is to look around where we live, where we work, to understand if it is available to our veterans, probably because i work with veterans more, because it is more focused, of course for people who have been affected by war, because the civilian population also suffers a lot. we see constant arrivals, constant information, the number of victims, this is also a difficult path. ola, i want to raise the topic of not only physical rehabilitation, but also psychological rehabilitation. of course, if we talk about rehabilitation, it is not only physical rehabilitation is also the rehabilitation of mental health, and its restoration, actually. a psychologist works in each rehabilitation program and in each rehabilitation team. it is an extremely important professional
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unit in the team, and the psychologist is involved in working with the patient immediately, not when the patient enters the rehabilitation department, but also in the acute period. here it is important to understand, if we are not talking about professional help, that is, when you are not a psychologist, about... the correctness of talking to a patient in case of severe trauma, say yes, and there is a certain algorithm on how to conduct this conversation, and of course we receive training on communication with the patient, but there are such very simple recommendations, they now exist in various spaces of the internet, other social networks, when the military themselves say what not to do , well, for example, i understand you. miyu, this is not quite correct, we cannot understand this particular person in this situation,
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because we are not that person, but we can say this: i am with you, i will walk your path with you, it is also very important to attract family and do not forget that the family also suffers from the trauma that one of their relatives receives, and... sometimes it is believed that when the wife or mother comes, she will provide psychological support and help, but this is not always the case, sometimes it is that mother, or that wife, or child also needs her work with a psychologist, training, and actually this is work with the whole family or with the whole family, fighters do not always want to report their complex injuries to their relatives, in my experience there is boys who don't want to tell mom, and they
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they delay this time as much as possible to inform their mother about their severe injury, but i have a fighter, he lost two arms, and he decided that he will inform his mother and actually meet her only when he receives prostheses and learns to use them , that is, he also worries about her psychological state? of course, and we respect his decision, he has a clear plan, we support him, we will help to implement it, so yes, it is very important and... the psychologist, this is the key point, but we all need to learn how to properly and it is correct to address veterans or people who have suffered from the war, and to understand and understand that this is important both for us and for those who receive this help or this appeal, well, for example, it is not correct if you say:
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stroller or a cart, that is, there is a defined correct concept of a wheelchair. not blind, but a person with visual impairment, it is not difficult, it is just necessary to ask ourselves, as ukrainians , to do everything possible to be correct, yes indeed, and this is true, since we have already said today that while gaining new experience, experience of the war, we understand that there will still be many people with injuries, many people who will receive serious injuries, which then... may lead to problems in the future, yes, let's say, and oil, as you can appreciate, you are talking about that you have been in military rehabilitation for two years now, as you can estimate, during these two years there have been some colossal changes, changes for the better, because we didn't have this
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experience before, that's right, this negative experience of war, and accordingly we. .. didn't know what military rehabilitation is? i would here a little in another way, we knew what rehabilitation was like in the military, and we simply could not imagine it on such a scale, of course, the entire medical system is overloaded, but i can clearly say, i have experience communicating with foreign colleagues and. .. and you yourself can assess how rapidly the development of prosthetics is progressing in ukraine. and how many foreigners want to come to us to have an exchange of experience and find common solutions in this direction or in other directions, rehabilitation. of course, we
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are developing, we are developing very quickly, yes such a concept as continuous professional development, and we use it, we also know how to analyze and make decisions, ukrainians also create new achievements in medicine, including, for example, i will tell such a short story, and about how incredible ukrainians are, for example , there is such a fast protocol for definition. flow in trauma, and the ukrainians analyzed two additional two points and created the fanion protocol, which is recognized throughout the world, and this happened during a full-scale invasion, these two additional diagnostic points indicate
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intestinal damage and thus the surgeon... receives early information that it is still worth paying attention to the damaged intestine, this is during the war, so of course we are developing not only in rehabilitation, a very powerful development in the surgical direction, accordingly, rehabilitation is this consequence surgery, and success is such a team effort. olya, you will have such a question, it will probably be the most difficult for you. what experience did you get? during a full-scale invasion, which we would never want to have, to lose loved ones, relatives, to lose ukrainians, because every loss is a pain that cannot be described, it is the whole world
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that simply falls in the family, in the family, in the community. in ukraine, the war takes away the best , of course i wouldn't want that, like probably all ukrainians, but i want to thank you for your strength, for your indomitability and for your work, thank you, and for agreeing to come and speak frankly about your experience. thank you, events, events that are happening right now and... affect our lives, of course the news feed reports about them, but little is known, what is happening must be understood. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly
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assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who... became a special agent of taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to deal with disturbing news and distinguish the truth from the enemy and dog. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso.
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watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. a year of operation of the renewed vkks. does the commission work effectively?
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this is a very important body, which direction depends on who our judges are. but how does the commission save unscrupulous representatives of themis? four months have passed since the promise, nothing is being done. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. institutional reboot and personnel renewal. judiciary on the basis of norms professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine, its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. today we will talk about how successfully the transformation is taking place and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet high standards. a year has passed since the complete reboot of the most important body of the judicial system of the higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine. prior to that , the vkks had not functioned for almost four years and that
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was a big challenge for the functioning of the country's judicial system. with 16 members, the supreme judicial council is responsible for the formation of the judicial corps, the transfer of judges from one court to another, as well as ensuring their proper level. in particular, it conducts qualification evaluations of judges and submits them to the supreme council of justice. the recommendation on the appointment of a candidate for the position of a judge, the career growth of a judge from one instance to another, also takes place through the higher qualification commission of judges, i.e. it is a very important body, which from which direction it depends on who our judges are, in which judicial positions. the powers of the previous members of the commission were terminated in november 2019 after amendments were made to the law of ukraine on the judiciary and the status of judges and other provisions on the activities of judicial bodies. government, and only in july 21, president zelenskyy by a new law resumed work at the bkc, however , due to the full-scale war of russia against ukraine
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, it was possible to start the competitive selection of commission members only in the fall of 2022, and only on june 1, 2023, the bkks was fully formed with the help of a competitive commission, which included three ukrainian judges, a prosecutor from the netherlands and two retired judges from canada and the united states of america. within the scope of its activity, avtomaidan contributed to the competition commission in the analysis of candidates. we analyzed a huge number of candidates. we are glad that most of the candidates were not even invited to interviews. however , lyudmila volkova, for example, got into the bkks, she is a former judge of the kharkiv district administrative court. to the integrity of volkova in the experts there were many questions. lyudmila volkova was a member from 2015 to 18 years old. by the council of judges of ukraine. then, as a member of the working group, she did not find any violations in the actions of the head of the court of appeal of the cherkasy region, volodymyr baben, who systematically pressured judge serhiy
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bondarenko. the latter did not make the decision that the head of the court demanded from him in the case regarding the office premises of the azot plant, which belongs to the ukrainian oligarch dmytro firtash. the history of the conflict between serhiy bondarenko and volodymyr bobenko, who was the head of the court, in which bondarenko worked, is known throughout ukraine. and so serhiy bondarenko turned to the council of judges to the body which, in fact, could protect his rights, but... ludmila volkova, as the person who could make the appropriate decision and really stand up for the judge, signed as part of the group, made the conclusion that there was no pressure on the judge, mr. babenko is such a classy head of the court, therefore there is no right to defend in fact. the explanation of this story by volkova herself was specific. i directly conducted bondarenko with the judges
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three, well, maybe three hours. i think it was extremely long in general, that is, we just talked, that is, the two of us sat in his office, for about three hours or more, just talked, talked about everything, about this situation, he told there his vision, his, well, well, it was just a conversation. in 2019, lyudmila volkova received a loan for the purchase of an apartment with an area of ​​107.3 square meters in the elite residential complex alter ego in kyiv. her friend svitlana mukha gave her more than 2.5 million hryvnias, but volkov did not give the money back was in a hurry my friend, even after receiving a higher education, she began to form her own business. moreover, in the 17th year, she married a man who has a powerful business in kharkiv, kharkiv region and cities of ukraine. this family, they are always engaged in private business, and the origin is their own work. i really have to pay it back, but i don't have any
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interest, for example. whether or not the loan was small, this did not stop lyudmila volkova from concluding a preliminary contract for construction during this time house in belogorodka near kyiv. where the vkk members got the money to repay the loan and build remains unknown. and for a year of her work in the higher qualification commission of judges, experts still have questions about her competence. mostly, because of the decisions made by lyudmila volkova. for example, she voted against the dismissal of maidan judges olena izovitova vakim, as in 2013 she banned peaceful gatherings in kharkiv in support of euromaidan and andrii klyuchnyk, who in 2014 threw into custody the activist of the revolution of dignity oleksandr kostur. first the year of the commission showed that this commission really needed crisis management, both at the beginning of its activities and when, in fact, we in the kkks were left without leadership, but ms. volkova worked calmly for herself.
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did not apply such new skills and therefore these claims still remain, and not only lyudmila volkova's decisions affected the efficiency of the work of the higher qualification commission during the year. on march 27 , roman ignatov, the head of the committee of the communist party of ukraine, resigned at his own request. in december of last year , information appeared in the mass media that he allegedly has russian citizenship. the head of the vkk himself denied this. at the beginning of this year, the commission came to the conclusion that it will be established or received. roman ignatov, citizenship of the russian federation in the 90s is impossible. the state bureau of investigation is conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov under the article on high treason under martial law. the chairman's duties are currently performed by ignatov's deputy, ruslan sydorovych. elections of a new chairman have already been held twice, but he has not yet been elected. during one of the round tables , sedorovych talked about his plans, about the way the commission is doing now and
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said what they want. to create an analytical center, this analytical center should be created by the end of the year, and in fact the employees of this center will help the commission members in conducting candidate evaluations, the judges will collect all the necessary information there from open data from the same registers, however, four months have passed since the promise, nothing is not being implemented, and it is unlikely that such a center will actually be created by the end of the year. therefore, there is now a very urgent need to elect a new chairman. one of the priorities tasks from the beginning of the work of the renewed higher qualification commission was to complete the qualification evaluation of judges from the big cities of kyiv, odesa, dnipro, and lviv. but the assessment has not yet been completed, and even more so. the qualification evaluation of the judges of the most scandalously liquidated district administration of kyiv has not even begun. most of the judges still haven't passed the tests. as a result, serves.


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