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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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india to kyiv, we said, well , let's watch now, let's take a short break, and then we'll watch a very interesting story, this story continues, and unfortunately, it's not over yet, i'm talking about an enemy agency that hides itself in the name of the church, but that's about it in a few minutes. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on magnesium. 10% at travel pharmacies for you and the saver, these blackouts again, and you didn’t have time to charge your phones, sitting in the dark is not an option either, unpack tv has a solution, even for the most severe blackouts, solar batteries energy plus. energy plus is an innovative development, many options for use in one. a portable solar station, a reliable flashlight, a source of full-fledged light and, of course, a power bank. order now. while
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rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day by... with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives ? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how legislation changes our lives. to what get ready on these and other questions that concern ukrainians. the leading
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lawyers of the aktum bar association will respond. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. with the law on the prohibition of slavery. metropolitan of kyiv of all ukraine epiphany compared it to the bill on the banning of the uoc-mp, because he believes that this is the only effective way. to protect freedom of religion, but the question is whether those on whom it depends will adopt the law or not, that is, our people's elected officials, about a long and thorny road of the same opinion our correspondents will tell you about this draft law, the ban on moscow churches and future prospects, let's watch together. a little more than a year ago, the russian peace was expelled from the kyiv-pocharsk lavra. i will remind and emphasize, in ukraine. capital
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prayed for putin and the russian military in a ukrainian shrine. nowadays, in the lavra, they already pray in ukrainian for ukraine and for ukraine. defenders, however, a year later , russian churches still exist in ukraine, and the clashes regarding their ban under the dome of the council are no less active today than a year ago under the dome of the lavra. the struggle with the moscow church in ukraine began in 2022. in november of that year , more than 30 people's deputies from various factions , led by mykola knyazhytskyi, registered draft law 8221. however, the majority rejected it. in december 2022, more than 20 deputies of various factions, led by iryna konstantev, registered another document under number 8262. however
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, the servants of the people did not like it either. and finally, in january 2023, the cabinet of ministers submitted its draft law 8371 at the request of the nsdc. i would like to emphasize that all three initiatives were supported by the humanitarian committee. however, even the mildest of all government draft laws took almost six months to get to the first reading. then he won 267 votes in favor. on march 5, 2024 , the committee of the verkhovna rada on humanitarian and information policy recommended the parliament to adopt it in the second reading. and finally we are here. july 23, 2024. the draft law 8371 on amendments to some laws of ukraine regarding the activities of religious organizations in ukraine wants to be seen in the hall. but not all. according to
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the people's representatives in the discordant council it is blocked by the monomajority. glad servants merged with two former groups. current groups and former poses. previously, it was assumed that it was not considered because there were not enough votes. for, however , the parliamentarians assure that there is support for the initiative, even among the servants of the people. there are enough votes for this draft law, the only question is to put it in order, on the agenda, and since the servants are blocking its introduction on the agenda, unfortunately,
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we cannot consider it. i am sure that if this law is in the hall, then at least 250 deputies for him. in addition, people's deputies could be frightened by conditional anathema. already have threats that they will receive personal western sanctions if they support the initiative. according to the people's deputies, the relevant letter came from an american law firm that acts on behalf of the ukrainian orthodox church. in contrast , others say that 8371 turned out to be completely democratic. the law prohibiting the activities of the russian orthodox church, as an organization that poses a threat to... the national security of ukraine, requires this the convention on the protection of human rights, article 9/1, this is required by the constitution of ukraine, article 35-36, where it is directly stated, there is an explanation of the constitutional court, which directly obliges the ukrainian government, the ukrainian authorities, each of us, to protect the national security from
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the interference of hostile organizations, there will be no closure, these are court procedures, these are scientific examinations, these are collegial decisions. however, no matter what the problem was, as soon as the parliament decided not to consider church issues, its work stopped. people's deputies of the european solidarity faction, the voice of the trust and future group blocked three'. in addition to the military bills, which are directly related to the state's defense capability, our political force, and called to join our initiative, other political forces will not be allowed to vote, after the conciliation council with
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the leaders of the factions, the head of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stepanchuk, announced a pause in the meeting. on the sidelines, they say that such a break will probably last. at the end of august, and if the document is not brought to the hall, the rostrum will continue to be blocked, and even if will start to move, the process will still be slow, there... or 200 amendments, at least, which will be submitted for confirmation by the representatives of the former opkz, now, actually the remnants of this structure, and that is why it is such a long process. the chairman of the verkhovna rada later announced that parliamentarians will not rest, but will work in committees, in particular, on the draft law banning the uocmp. the latter will be put to the vote of the parliament after collecting 240 votes in its support. at the same time, according to the data of the last april survey of kyiv city institute of sociology, ukrainians are more
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unanimous on the issue of the moscow patriarchate. 63% of reviewers are in favor of its complete ban. kateryna galko, yuliya belska, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. together with us, metropolitan eustrati and the spokesman of the orthodox church of ukraine watched this story. we welcome him. glory to jesus christ. praise be to god forever, i congratulate you and the audience, but we are already in this series with the postponement of the final vote on the ban on the activities of the agency with its center in the country of the aggressor, which hides itself in the church, if not i know, like a shield, we already have a callus on our tongue about it, and our ears are already hurting from the speaker's promises, but will such a small handful support it? different news can stop this issue on a national scale with
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such, even with such moods, which sociology shows? er, the problem is much more complex than what concerns the actual situation, as we can see it here in the middle of ukraine, and the lobbyists. during all this time, the moscow patriarchate worked very powerfully on the international arena, intimidating the international community with stories about violation of religious freedom in ukraine, and it is not about the fact that russia actually destroyed everyone in the occupied territories. the entire possibility of religious activity, which is uncontrolled, no, is dependent
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on the occupation administration, it is not about the fact that more than 600 religious objects have been destroyed either completely or partially as a result of russian aggression, and these destructions continue , priests, pastors have been killed. faithful religious communities of various denominations, russian propaganda itself, its assistants in ukraine, constantly they are trying to convince that the government of ukraine, ukraine as a state is committing some violations of freedom of religion, specifically against the jurisdiction of the moscow patriarchate, which they call the ukrainian orthodox church. and in the international community, and this is all
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perceived very painfully, because, well, we see on the example of such institutions as the united nations, osce, etc., which generate deep concern on a cosmic scale, that it is much easier for them to express this concern. regarding in particular issues of religious freedom than to actually act, let's say, in the same occupied territories, protecting the real freedom of religion, and this is what russian propaganda uses, and the bill submitted to the verkhovna rada is constantly being undermined, its acceptance by our partners to a certain extent, which ... they do not fully understand what it is about, and this is
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a problem that we all need to solve together, even at the level of definition, because even the poll that was just shown is not about banning the uoc mp, it is about banning the russian orthodox church, as well as any russian religious centers in ukraine, it is not about a ban. of ukrainian religious institutions, not about the prohibition of ukrainian religious activity, it is about the fact that the activities of the russian state, which is covered by religious slogans, should be prohibited in ukraine, as well as prohibited informational activity, prohibited economic activity, political activity, diplomatic activity, any -what russian activity in ukraine is prohibited, but on unfortunately, in addition to the religious one, because they use the concern of the international community about the issues of religious freedom to their advantage. lord, why is it so difficult for us
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to convey this information to the west, as they do it themselves. russians, that is, separate the flies and the meatballs separately from the sinners and the righteous, and in the end, the combative metropolitan kirill, he was well in the center of attention was also confirmed in the western media, they understand that this organization, the russian orthodox church, is part of the military machine and aggression against ukraine, and simply explain to them that the sign the opc, even without the letters mp, is not the same at all. is it so difficult to convey it to us? it's actually difficult, believe me, i've talked, in particular abroad, with people who professionally deal with religious issues within the framework of international institutions, such as the un and the osce, believe me, it's very difficult to break
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through the wall of pink ponies and... such ideas, which, you know, people who live in completely different realities, in the realities of religious freedom, in the realities when religious institutions are religious institutions, they are simply not given an understanding of how priests, metropolitans, not really priests, not metropolitans, but just functionaries of the russian civil service, like this... hierarchs who perform their service in ukraine, in fact they are russian agents, as they are taken, one of, for example, common ways answers, yes, if someone violates them, please specifically for specific violations, you punish them, but why do you want to impose any
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restrictions on the entire institution, specifically someone... violated something, and you specifically and punish without realizing that it is well roughly the same as talking about the russian army or russian diplomacy or russian journalism, but if someone in particular kills someone, then you punish him, and until lavrov came out and shot someone live on air or gundyaev, well, supposedly there is no reason to react, because there is freedom of speech, freedom... of religion, there is also freedom of economic activity, etc., that is , it is actually very difficult to break through the wall of pink ponies, the reason for that wall, bishop, is simply a lack of understanding of those processes and that of everything that has happened in ukraine, historically, is the agency just working undercover, and the west is already
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so networked with this network of russian agents that it is just a warehouse. through them to reach those who can understand, this is all in a complex, that is, on the one hand, it should be understood that russia has been building its networks of influence for dozens of years, and built it consistently, feeding it with appropriate material incentives, and the second problem is that russia successively on... the moscow patriarchate also tries to blow itself up, in particular, as supporters of, let's say, conservative, christian or traditional values, and in this field they quite successfully exploit the visions, complexes of those
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who are committed to what is truly christian or traditional there. or conservative values ​​in other countries, and they present to them that what is happening in ukraine is actually the struggle of the left-liberal, godless west there against russia as the last outpost of traditional values ​​in europe or eurasia and so on , and they play quite successfully on these complexes. plus it should be understood that many people simply do not try to delve into this situation, it is much easier for them. to accept some easy phrases, easy information, like this in a twitter style, 140 characters, because when even
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the ukrainian orthodox church, the orthodox church of ukraine, who is banning whom and what, they start to get confused , it is very difficult for them, and moscow offers very simple explanations, there, the ukrainian government or the ukrainian state organized a persecution of christians. who chased whom, where they chased, few people are interested anymore, it is used simply as a certain element, even in internal discussions, because we saw how it worked, in particular in the united states of america, which had to spend many months of work, in particular the ukrainian religious community, to educate the conservative component of the american congress, to convince that... er, that in fact the ukrainian state does not persecute religion, christianity, on the contrary, that it is necessary to protect, protect, help
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ukraine to protect itself from the evil russian empire, and that only this is truly protection of christian, traditional, conservative values, we have literally two more minutes, this story repeats itself, i even had the opportunity to see it at one time. with their own eyes, what the moscow priests created in the kiev-pechersk lavra, where moscow jeeps with license plates from this region of russia were always parked, now similarly established that the same thing happened in the pochaiv lavra, rebuilt, demolished, something completed, it can somehow be stopped, even without this law, are there any mechanisms to stop this destruction? very difficult, very difficult, actually... why should decisions be made at the level of the law, because when trying to regulate point by point in certain specific cases, it is much more
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complicated than making a certain specific complex decision, and that is why the actual idea of ​​this law, it is absolutely it is necessary, it must... be implemented, if there is a discussion about the details, the details can all be settled, there are no absolutely perfect laws, the actual law-making process provides for the possibility of making changes, corrections, additions, if something is not correct to work as intended, but in any case in order to protect ukrainian religious space, ukrainian religious freedom, our a spiritual legacy from the aggression of the russian world and its use by the russian world against us, for this a law must be passed, we are sure that it
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will happen, we thank you, we hope for it , that it will happen, great, metropolitan eustrati was with us and zorya, the spokesman of the orthodox church of ukraine, this is what we managed today, unfortunately, not much, but we will continue tomorrow, you stay with by express, our colleagues literally in a few minutes. will continue to broadcast with the latest news, have a peaceful and safe day. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price of everything. uah 149 in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only uah 149.
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12:00 pm
it's 12 o'clock in ukraine, and for your attention , a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. let's start with the situation in donetsk region, where the russians killed four residents, five more. injured enemy shelled toretsk from aviation and artillery. three locals died, how many were injured? an apartment building and four private houses were damaged. one more person died in grodivka, three houses were destroyed. the occupiers dropped a fap-250 aerial bomb on the village of rig. there is one wounded. there are 12 private residences in nivech region. one more injured in siversk - the police reported


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