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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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6 p.m., it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio at this time. now officially, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine has confirmed a successful strike on an oil depot in the kurdistan region of russia. according to intelligence , a fire broke out at the facility. the security service of ukraine struck once. with other
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defense forces. let me remind you, this morning locals reported powerful explosions. the local authorities assured that the attack was repulsed, allegedly that russian air defense shot down four missiles over the region. explosions rang out in russia. drones attacked the mozdok military airfield in north ossetia. air defense forces allegedly worked on the targets, the local telegram channels reported. as always. of the victims. and in yekaterinburg, one of the premises of the research and production association avtomatika caught fire. the fire covered more than 1.2 m2. avtomatika is a supplier of control systems and radio-electronic equipment for the russian military industry. and to the news from the regions of ukraine, it became known that in
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suffered as a result of the morning shelling of the kherson region. a 16-year-old girl got it wounded in chornobayivka, she has a cranial-moscow injury, a contusion on the head, as well as an acute reaction to stress, the regional military administration reported. we will remind you that this morning the russians fired more than 20 shells at the settlement. private houses were damaged, roofs were broken, doors and spikes were knocked out. russian troops are returning to turkey. no - explained andriy kovalenko, the head of the center for countering disinformation of the national security council. earlier, some telegram channels spread information that subversive intelligence groups entered the city. the russians are active home-made drones are used in the pokrov direction. one of them was shot down with small arms by snipers of the 47th separate mechanized brigade. it had a mine of 82 caliber on board. the trophy is handed over.
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specialists to study in order to know how to counteract them. they tried to cross the border illegally. border guards detained three foreigners in the field. it happened 50 m from the ukrainian-slovak border. all offenders are sri lankan citizens. the men tried to enter the european union outside the checkpoints. currently, law enforcement officers are investigating all the circumstances offense. ukraine should abandon large energy facilities and switch to the system of so-called distributed generation, that is, the construction of small stations, prime minister denys shmehal said. for this purpose, the government developed a program to support private manufacturers, and also allowed preferential importation of electric generators, inverters, batteries, and charging stations abroad. the use of energy is formed. group for the coordination
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of international assistance. more than 550 have already been accumulated in the energy support fund of ukraine million euro contributions. every week, we receive specific help from states, international organizations and institutions, we work with partners in ntsoi to increase ukraine's opportunities for importing electricity before the onset of winter. and it became known that tomorrow there will be no power outages across the country. - stated in ukrenergo, moreover, ukraine can do without power outages for the next three months, because the reactors that were undergoing scheduled repairs have started working, but this is on the condition that the enemy does not inflict new blows on the power system facilities. today, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi visited volyn, he inspected the construction of fortifications on the border with belarus and held a security meeting regarding the northern regions with his participation. state
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border service and military-civilian administrations. volodymyr zelenskyi also visited the light industry enterprise, which specializes in the production of textile products. talked with the workers, in one shift, in 7.5 hours, one seamstress sews 4,800 pieces of such socks, the world will not leave without socks, this exactly. china did not and does not provide weapons to russia, the prc emphasized this again during the negotiations with ukraine. ukrainian diplomats were assured in the republic that they are strengthening export controls. in particular , it is about civilian drones. enhanced cooperation between russia and north korea was also discussed. as you know, they have increased the pace of cooperation, air defense systems, weapons, in
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violation of un security council sanctions regimes. we believe that this is a serious concern for asian countries that needs to be addressed, and this cooperation does not security between russia. north korea does not bring security to asia, on the contrary, it destabilizes it. cars of soldiers and volunteers were set on fire. a 25-year-old man and a 20-year-old woman who were looking for easy money were detained in the kyiv region. criminals received orders through messenger. the extras did not receive the money they expected. the curator sent only a part and promised to pay the rest later. the perpetrators were detained, they face up to... years in prison. a serviceman's car was set on fire. law enforcement officers detained an 18-year-old youth in kharkiv oblast. he received an offer in the messenger from a stranger to burn a zsu car for money. the young man agreed to such part-time work. and a few days
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ago , a military suv was doused with gasoline and burned at the kharkiv railway station. i filmed it on video, and then sent it to the customer. for this he was supposed to receive uah 40,000 - they said. regional police. polia faces up to 10 years in prison. a modern emergency medical department will be created on the basis of the main military clinical hospital. i have already signed the memorandum on its construction charitable fund circle of volunteer iryna soloshenko. the cabinet of ministers allocated uah 40 million for the implementation of this project in july. business added even more than 3 million. the hospital has been in my life for the 11th year, and i came there and began to look and try to change something, now, during a full-scale war, we are succeeding, my dream is to completely renovate the kyiv main hospital, that is, to show on
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this very project the emergency reception department, that it is possible, more than 200 traitors and more than 600... the security service exposed of ukraine at the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, the zmin human rights center said, in march 2022, two articles were added to the criminal code of ukraine on aiding and abetting the aggressor state and collaborative activities. however, it was emphasized in the center, they have shortcomings. the researchers also analyzed that not all ukrainian media and state bodies write about suspected collaborators in compliance. presumption of innocence, we plan to have closed meetings with representatives of state structures, who are responsible for information policy, in particular, and we are honest, we really hope that
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our research, it will still have an impact, we will work with it, and we also invite the ukrainian media not to avoid lawsuits against ukrainians, but to write about it, because... that these are our people and they often need our support, especially those who are only suspected. people must clearly understand where the limit of their legitimate activities in the occupied territory is, where it is still within the limits of their survival, and where they cross this line, it must be clear be reflected in the legislation, so that a person is aware of the consequences of his actions. without this, we cannot demand that people abstain from anything in the occupied territory. this is the first, and it is a problem of legislation. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine.
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the defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood before the latter and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. termi brigades. need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. and with your help, we have already collected almost uah 300,000. remember. each of your donations brings our victory closer. you can see all the details on the screen. this concludes the issue. read more news on our website, also on our social networks. join, set your favorites. i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with me by us
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will the university of tomorrow look like. the country is immersed in the world of educational transformations. we ask experts, listen to teachers, listen to parents and children. from nush to higher school, we explore the labyrinths of educational reforms. read to understand, understand to change. ask for the country at the points of sale press or subscriptions. in travel pharmacies you and savings. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with
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the help of a phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear ones! tv viewers, an overview of the fronts, ukrainian developments in the edition of the economist, which write about ukrainian military know-how.
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the enemy was repulsed in zaporozhye, russian armored vehicles were stopped by fire in the direction of pokrovsk. they don't bite, what will we pay more for, inflation is rising, will we survive this period? bonfires and rallies in venezuela , protests, whether maduro will hold out, and the battle of life, the olympic football team of ukraine today. against argentina, will it be able to achieve an acceptable result and get out of the group, and other results of performances of ukrainian athletes at the olympics in paris, we will talk about this and other things during the next hour and 45 minutes, this program velikiy eter, my name is vasyl zemayma, we traditionally start with the section on military summaries of the day. serhii zgorets is ready, serhii, good evening, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our columns. we will review the most relevant areas on the front line, what is happening there, we will mention
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american military aid, and, of course , the fact that in the american edition of konomist they write about ukrainian defense developments, what is the sound project, why did it interest the americans so much, and nato countries, more on that in a moment. so, let's start from the front line, if from... on the general statistics, then the number of combat clashes has increased again by 149 combat clashes since yesterday, half of them precisely in the pokrovsky direction and for today half also in this... section of the front, which what is happening there? well, first of all, let's remember that our 31st, 47th, 68th, and 110th separate mechanized brigades are currently on the defensive in this area, and they continue to hold back the enemy's advance, although it is extremely difficult for our troops now, there is enemy movement after the capture
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settlement, progress in the direction of vesely serhiyivka and desired, this advance into the depths of our defense. to the west, and we can expect that the enemy will probably try to break through from the advance, further to pokrovsk, mirnograd, there are now about 14 km, these are actually significant challenges for the enemy and significant challenges for us, because this is an important agglomeration in the central part of donbass and extremely important logistical node of our defense. in general, the danger is created in several directions, this is precisely the advance against. to the pokrovsk kostiantynka track chasivyar, the enemy tried to make this advance through vozdvizhenka, but there the enemy was blocked and now the defense there is actually held quite tightly, but instead of this, the enemy is already moving to the west towards pokrovsk, this is one threatening situation, and another, that after when the enemy
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captured the actual advance and the wolf, it turned out that now... this area, where the enemy is now, it is already a little west of our line of defense, which ran from north to south along the vovcha river, along the kurakhiv reservoir, there there was progress vovche, kamyshivka, karlivka, and this line of defense, it was formed around the river and the karliv reservoir. now the enemy has advanced a little to the west, and one gets the impression that in a certain perspective our... troops will also have to withdraw to the west in order to minimize the risks of enemy actions from the north along our line of defense, so the issue of the pokrov direction remains the most difficult and we hope , that the general staff will pay attention to this direction, that's for sure, another direction is no less difficult, this is kurakhivskyi, it's the same here
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significant density of attacks, and there is a video where the enemy is trying to advance in krasnohorivka itself, there were reports actually about the capture of krasnohorivka, but krasnohorivka is partly divided there by a river that crosses this settlement, and our troops are in the north, in the south , the enemy is there, and there were several videos where the enemy is actively using armored vehicles, the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade showed a video of how it ... fairly effectively repels and destroys at least 39 units of armored vehicles that were advancing on krasnogohorivka, and today there was also a video from one of our brigades, which is defending there, the 79th crimean airborne assault brigade, literally a couple of days ago this brigade repelled an enemy attack, where there were 55 units
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of armored vehicles and tanks and battleships, and today there was a new video where actually from... there is an attack, where there are 57 samples of armored vehicles, there were 10 tanks, 47 bmps, these motorcycles are used again, different, but the same as last time 79 brigade, using drops, using mines, pturi and the like, was able to tear it off this attack of the enemy, 12 armored vehicles, eight tanks were destroyed, and this is a good result, but it is indicative that on this very... kurakhiv direction, the enemy begins to actively use armored vehicles , in contrast to other directions, where head-knife force is used, and aviation and iqaba. another difficult direction of our defense is the turkish direction, here the situation has actually stabilized in a certain way, the enemy is trying to get closer to new york,
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city battles are going on there, and opposite. but now we see the map, this is exactly the section from zalizny to the north, this is where the line of defense runs almost along the railway, along the terekons, there is no enemy advance there, there are significant losses of the enemy, our brigades 32 and 53 were transferred there, with new leadership, the brigades are now almost then a few days ago almost from the circle entered into hostilities, also operating there... the 95th separate assault brigade, so it can be said that the situation there is generally stabilized, although the enemy will continue to try to operate in this area, this is the direction for the enemy. important with from the point of view of advancing in this direction, but after, i repeat, how this direction was strengthened by new brigades, i think that the chances of the enemy in this area are minimal,
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the main thing now is to carry out measures to destroy the enemy, well, and one more direction, this yar times, certain changes also took place there, but not critical ones, there is information that the enemy managed to push through on one of the di. this is just near kalynyvka, this is actually one of the areas where the siverskyi donets-donbass canal also has such an interval within 700 m, where these pipes of the canal pass underground, the enemy has accumulated manpower there and is trying to advance further, to move to the western part of the siverskyi donets-donbass canal, there is no confirmation. that he really penetrated deep into our defense line there, i hope that the elimination of the enemy from this area is currently underway, as i recall, we
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have both the 24th separate organized brigade and the fifth separate the assault brigade, which has been going on for some time, effectively copes with this important line of defense, chasivyar is on a hill, we remember, and in in principle, the enemy has been trying to bypass the front for a long time. on this settlement with some success, both from the flanks and frontal attacks, which were carried out for a certain period of time, they caused the enemy to enter the novy district, which in the kanal district, in front of the canal, in front of the no district, this district is already completely was destroyed, but now the line of defense mainly runs right along the siverskyi donets-donbask canal from north to south, i hope that the actions of our... brigades will prevent the enemy from advancing, which now, after a certain rotation, after significant losses, is pulling up the landing units again to
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continue the fighting. in any case , it can be said that the enemy is now in a hurry, realizing that the window of opportunity, which was caused by both our delay in mobilization and the arrival of military aid, is slowly closing, and now the enemy is eager to take advantage of the opportunities associated with increasing its manpower . air force and seeks to put pressure on all areas of the front, we understand that the general staff understands all these risks, the question is that the defense should be built logically, true and, as syrskyi said, so that we do not hold on to the ruins at all costs, i hope that this statement has a practical relation to reality, and is not just words. this is the situation in these four most difficult sections of the front. and then we will talk about ours. technologies, today, or rather, a couple of days ago, the economist edition came out with an interesting article entitled, how
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ukraine's new technologies prevent russian air attacks and innovative acoustic detection with amazing success. the material is devoted to solutions that are implemented a number of ukrainian companies, and these decisions are aimed at using acoustic... sensors and processing these signals to find where russian enemy drones and missiles are in the air, whether shahed or x-101 missiles, and among these companies, first of all, foreign journalists mention the ukrainian company zuk, and now we are joined by maryan solim, who is the head of this team, the head of the zuk project, mr. maryan, congratulations, i am glad to see and hear you. i congratulate you, i would like to, well, you probably saw this publication yourself, it is definitely clear, with with this, i congratulate you, because you have already released world
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-class projects with your projects, it was not the first time, but i would like you to tell our viewers what is the special feature of the sound project, what has happened during this time, when about two years ago you started the development of this project, at which stage are we, well, what is the actual feature of the project itself? this very development, thank you sergey, i would like to note that two years ago you were probably the first to learn about our work, and this interview was one of the first public appearances, so i am very grateful to you 2 ,5 for years, we have advanced at a great pace towards the goals that we set for ourselves and that the armed forces of ukraine needed. 2.5 years ago, uh, the main essence of the project is the acoustic detection of enemy air attack means, these acoustic sensors, which
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were created at the beginning of the ... large-scale invasion, were created by our team, they are passive in their work, do not need great, great, great effort in maintenance, they are passive in their work, they do not turn out to be means of enemy intelligence, they are cheap and easily scalable, during this time, in 2.5 years, we managed to cover about 2,000 km of ukraine with them. and we started during this time also trying to invent additional additional improvements to this technology and additional modules that we could enrich, namely , these acoustic sensors and means, means of detecting these aerial means of attack by the enemy. mr. maryan, a simple question, at
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what distance are these senses? detect russian shaheds and cruise missiles and what is the probability of error and how is the error compensated by the software? detection distance, which we can see when comparing the performance of acoustic sensors compared to radar systems on military air defense situational awareness systems, it is three 5 km for shached for gasoline powered drones, it is 5-7 km for jet engines such as cruise missiles and aircraft fighters, also hydrofoils are detected at the same distance of 5-7 km, and turboprop aircraft can be detected at distances of up to 10 km due to their loudness, then
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the question arises whether there are algorithms that we allow... conventionally speaking, there to distinguish a shaheed from a moped, and there a cruise missile from a bee, because this sound is like, if a bee is close there, it will be very reminiscent of a cruise missile, how did you manage it, are there software algorithms that really allow these errors to be cut off, we used the approach of training artificial intelligence models, which were trained by us at the expense of collecting a dataset, uh, from... sound impressions of these enemy vehicles, respectively, with the first installed acoustic sensors, starting from uh, from april, from may 2022, we have been collecting these datasets all this time, training new and new models of artificial intelligence, trying to improve false positive rates for our models, and they just cope with clipping with
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filtering. possible noises, even very similar in their custom, to the shaheds, engines, such as whether there could be mopeds or some kind of civil engineering, and that was, this problem was overcome back in 22 year back in the fall, from that time, of course , there are no limits to perfection, we, we do not stop, we continue to collect, improve our models artificial intelligence, and now we can see precisely the calculation... this is precisely due to the good feedback about the work of these acoustic sensors, which are installed throughout ukraine, we are now seeing this interest on the part of foreign journalists, specifically journalists of the economist publication, so we gave i gave them an interview, i tried to share this experience , and i believe that we have a lot to tell ukraine, in that ukraine in general, not only the sound of the project about these means that we
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... use to resist this aggressor, mr. maryan , but what data it turns out in the air that the sensor hears that an enemy drone is flying, forms a certain impulse, a signal, where these impulses and signals are then transmitted, whether they are somehow related to the further actions of air defense, or some place for collecting this data, which strengthens the potential of our air defense. yes, of course, the detection of the means of the enemy attack, it is immediately 12 seconds from the moment when this sound, sound background just begins, in 12 seconds the detections are already processed and enter the situational awareness systems of the anti-aircraft defense defense, this is a bend, a delta, we made these integrations also back in the 22nd year.


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