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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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the fact is that the politically motivated mobilization, which was started last year, if you remember, under zuluzhnoy, and then under syrskyi, has just now taken place, and the soldiers have to go through five-week initial training courses, there are two left. three, sometimes four weeks, the russians know this, and all their advantage that they have in numbers, 550 thousand years, and complete dominance in... the wind and a tenfold advantage in projectiles, they now threw so that in these two three weeks to break through our front. due to the fact that my brothers are under pokrovsk, the front passes 14 km from this key city, the route from pokrovsk is for hours, well, through konstantinivka, the enemy is 5 km away, so now is a critical moment, and from my point of view, the president should not be addressing with peaceful wishes. and
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address the nation with serious words, for example, on monday, all the children of my team, deputies, ministers, all equal, must be at the tcc, 10:00, all deputies on the list must be at the tcc at 11:00, the list will go up, i understand that this will not increase the strength of the armed forces, but it will increase the spirit of the common cause, when the politician, the political class... and the army are united in their tasks and live the same life and the same problems. i believe that those who remained in the civil service in the ministries, 50% have armor from mobilization, should receive the minimum salary. not enough for the front, there is 100 00. if you don't want to go to the front, 700 is the minimum wage. i apologize, because serhii leshchenko, a member of the supervisory board of ukrzaliznytsia, who has 242 hryvnias. it seems to me that he does less than
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any soldier at the front, or the head of ukrposhta, who receives, according to the latest data, 2 million hryvnias per month, or a prosecutor who receives, well, such an average level who receives 560 00, a soldier in the rear 30, let me remind you, or a people's deputy who receives 50 thousand, and two more assistants 50 each, it also seems to me that this not quite correct, and not because this money will save the budget. and because then the war will be for everyone, and pasky should drag out the political class, and not go on vacation, on the second day the minister of finance declares that we do not have half a trillion money to finance the armed forces of ukraine, and it seems to me that the president now this is what i should be doing: social mobilization, real mobilization, spiritual mobilization, when everyone is fighting, without exception, and in the end, putting an end to... the problems that have arisen now. i
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often visit my siblings, well, after all, my loved ones. and they say, listen, if the army lived by the laws of the rear, we would have lost the war in the 22nd year. well, look, it turns out that it is possible, the law of the servants was adopted that it is possible, in a case of corruption for someone caught for a bribe, to simply pay the amount of the bribe and redeem yourself. and... but, but after giving up no, without handing over, that’s exactly what was removed, before, it was the correct mechanism, i returned the state governor a thousand bucks, because one of the members of an organized criminal group handed over all the schemes, how the money was spent, who was behind it, and that is why his apartment was taken away , a car and a small deposit in the bank, he received three conditionally, but the state received 1.5 billion dollars, is it zlochevsky or who? no, this is a little-known character, he was the accountant of 500 enterprises that... took
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money out of ukraine and knew where it all lay, and that's how we returned this money, and now we don't have to don't surrender anyone, you just have to pay one bribe for which you were caught and live peacefully, and now transfer this rule to the front, that is , a soldier does not want to attack a landing or defend his landing, he simply pays and goes to the neighbors, whatever it would be the war, aren’t the conditions the same, in fact, the war in the rear, and well, isn’t there enough principle, or , for example, no one here... wants to ban the branch of the fsb, which is called the russian orthodox church, well, they just lie down that it was developed a year and a half ago by the green by the cabinet of ministers, on the instructions of its president , the law, not to vote in the second reading, if we go by this analogy, then soldiers, for example, can calmly legalize the fsb at the front and say that there is no need to eliminate them, well, in principle, we are all people, what was it like b war, or take it. any other manifestations,
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for example, bribery, which servants please us with this show every god's week, the bribe is constant, and at the same time the deputy calmly comes. goes to the hall on the second day and says: well, others also take, but i am a deputy, as without me they say that even under poroshenko also took, also took, and moreover, the head of the temporary investigative commission on fortifications, took a bribe, was caught, returned to the hall, but refused to carry out now, all now, it is necessary to check the quality of fortifications, and once again transfer this situation to the front, if the soldier , who left his section of the front, calmly on the second day...
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otherwise it is impossible to explain what is happening. i am probably already repeating myself a little on the air, but this question does not give me rest, here i am coming, and i am a junior officer of one of units says: yuritalivych, don't you understand that the lives of my soldiers do not depend in any way on the decisions of the supreme commander-in-chief and the simple commander-in-chief, i say, how is it? he says that in fact we do not receive anything from them, except for orders and a pile of paper reports. their lives depend on whether i am the company commander and my platoon commander will ask my compatriots, relatives and fellow villagers or my community for money for fpv and slaves, because i will not receive it from the state, and their lives are protected only by them. i tell him, look, i saw how from the ministry of statistics
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one division passed 50 fpvs, they are not of very good quality, we still need to work with them, but i see, he says yes, i know it, they come there, but i can't buy. then it is because they read only victory reports, and my heart also warms when our drones drove the black sea fleet to read the sign somewhere in the corner of the black sea. yes, i am pleased when russian oil depots are burning, but it seems to me that at the same time
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the question must be asked, what is the set of troops, and if it is, well, let's say this, incomplete, i will put it so mildly, then there is no need to tell from a single marathon, that we have 14... manned new brigades that do not have weapons, so maybe just fill the existing ones, especially since there are fired guys who will train the young, if you have a billion for drones, 1.5 billion dollars for drones, then please buy just for 20 million dollars a reb that will close the entire front, the entire front, bukovel, ipet, it doesn’t matter, and then it won’t rain on our soldiers’ heads, well, these are simple things that you can to ask in the end, ask what state defense order is needed of the army, well, everyone knows that, it is developed at the end of each year and executed the following year. who is responsible for this schedule? where is this schedule, who are these individuals, how, what is the percentage of fulfillment, someone is punished, someone
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is rewarded, but it is moving. it's all chaotic with us, it all depends on how the engineers will develop some cool new type of weapon, find a cool unit. who is ready to test it, then they will find a businessman, a sponsor who will finance it, and all this between all the barriers that the ministry has built of defense in terms of documenting these weapons, well, this is the third year of the war, well , you can’t do that, conclusion, at this moment we have a separate armed forces, which to me more and more reminds me of an armed square, this is the same square that is itself... i do not mean the revolution, everyone knows that i am a staunch opponent of any political actions, especially during the war, during the war, but this is the atmosphere of the maidan, when strangers
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gave their lives for each other and gave everything they could , so that the maidan would achieve a common goal, the same is absolutely the case now in the war strangers became brothers and sisters, yet all their acquaintances mobilized. shared tasks, and it all happens horizontally, and separately there is a vertical, that vertical, which has enormous money, sets huge fantastic tasks, which does not control the income. not the ninth, 29th wave of papers and reporting, these tasks to the trenches, which created a paper, separate life. fortunately, the armed maidan is such a self-sufficient, fighting unit of the ukrainian people, which has always survived without its state, that even in these conditions wins, but if we really want to win with less blood, then the state must eventually stop. the pathos of the victory party and coffee in yalta in a month, the government, because the state
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is a broader concept, the government agrees, and must mobilize the state to serve the armed forces, with all the resources of the state, with all the help of international partners, to help the armed forces. so far, unfortunately, these two worlds rarely intersect in military practice. if this does not happen, and these two worlds will not intersect. how does this threaten ukraine? we will win, but with much more blood, all of it the problem of this war, because sooner or later we will win, sooner or later we will restore our territorial integrity and sovereignty, but from the coordinated work of war management, i dare say so, the price of war depends, and if i'm sorry, someone can't find 20 million dollars at ... they simply disappeared and did not protect the energy industry, and this could have closed
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the entire front line with a reb, so that all these fivishkas, drones, halls, disputes and all this cholera would not snarl over our soldiers, well, the price will be higher, but we will still win , yuriytovych, i wanted to ask you more about the case of iryna farion, because you were once the minister of internal affairs and the prosecutor general of ukraine, so in... the suspect in the murder of iryna farion was caught, they said that vyacheslav zinchenko is the person who is suspected in the murder, that this case is solved, the suspect in the murder farion himself denies the guilt, let's listen to what he says, i did nothing, no, i did nothing, you can, well, a little more interesting questions, what do you want to hear from the question, what? nothing, it's not me, he says, it's not me, they caught him
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boy, he's 18 years old, he says it's not me, in your opinion and in your opinion from what you know, what you can say about this case and about the suspect, in the first hours of this murder i believed and until today i believe that this case was organized by the fsb, it is in the same vein as the case. the murder of the journalist gangadze, right, sheremet, by the way, her anniversary was literally the year after the murder of ms. fryon, the murder of a former journalist in kherson, the murder of the russian deputy voronkov, if i am not mistaken, in kyiv, etc. and despite the fact that some of these revealed murders were carried out by the hands of ukrainian, often activists of the ato, right-wing movements, it was. ordered by the fsb, why? russia cannot
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seriously advance on the battlefield. well, i'm sorry, yes, i 've been out of the army for a year and a half, and the fighting is going on where i left off. kordyumivka, oleksandrivka under the timekeeper. they walked from bakhmut to the temporary ravine 14 km, that's all. and from avdiivka this year, they traveled as much as 30 km. that's why they can't beat us on the battlefield and that's why they try to blow us up from within. they are counting on the fact that... the assassination of political figures, whom many love and many hate, will start a domestic ukrainian war, which has always led us to lose military victories. fortunately, ukrainian society has become so mature that it understands this, and even those who had a very difficult, to put it mildly, relationship with feyon, expressed their sympathy and certain positive statements about her goals in life, one can agree with the methods, one can not , for example, i do not agree, but the goals were ukrainian, now in terms of specifics, er, i think that
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a good word can be said about the lviv resistance fighters, it was the lviv operatives who conducted the interrogations, took video cameras, and understood from the evidence that the boy was sitting in the yard, dressed like a parrot, so bright, but they were evidence that he left the yard and changed into a black t-shirt. then he was calculated by video cameras, the bus, the exit at the terminal, the entrance to the housing estate where he lived, apartments for rent, real estate. the phone from which the apartment was paid, from the same phone, as far as i know, the gun was paid for, sports, converted into a combat one, and the police did their job, they took the person and the main phone, now it is up to the investigators to do their job, the investigators have to find the gun
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and tie it to the one who shot, because today it is really not a fact, that this guy was shooting. it may be that he was just distracting with his bright clothes, and now they are talking about it in such unkind words in court, or maybe he fired, dropped the gun, knowing that he would not be found, and is playing this game. how it will be depends on the actions operatives and detectives. but, it was not for nothing that i said about the phone, in the phone, from what they show us, the ministry, there is an active activity inside it. i inform you that after the start of the war in ukraine, about two hundred similar sites were created by the efforts of the fsb, and when i speak of good words about the lviv opera houses, i cannot say the same
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about the service that is supposed to monitor these electronic ones. points of recruitment and zombification, let 's say so, of immature individuals, this is the task of the security service of ukraine, their cyber intelligence i had to figure them out, if i couldn't close them, then introduce my agency there, and know everything that is being prepared by these fsb recruiting and zombification centers. unfortunately, this was not done. if sergey, you will ask me why? so you know that answer because that unit was busy following up with reporters. anti-corruptionists, for filming female journalists in saunas, for other things, and a little let go of his main state task, and from this we must draw serious conclusions, that's what i can say, yuriytach, well, on my in the memory of such political murders in ukraine there were many, if you take it, i don't know if it is possible to qualify the death of chornovol, it is not completely
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clear whether it was a murder or not, you know it for sure, i am sure that... you all everyone saw these cases, and you know the details of these cases, hetman, chornovol, the same yury kravchenko, and gongadze, and sheremet, and varankov, this former member of the state duma, that is, we seem to have some executors, and all executors receive either terms, and the version with sheremet had a history when the executors were apparently not those, or there was not enough evidence. in regard to that, antonenko and duke kuzmenko were hanged all this, and there is no evidence that they did it, why do we always have a problem with the investigation of political murders? well, political murders are one of the most difficult, for the reason that a politician always has many enemies, dozens of versions
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of a possible customer immediately arise, and secondly, as a rule , such murders are generously financed. and is preparing well if we are dealing with the psb, and i am personally convinced that the gangadze case, the shermet case, the voronenkov case, the i can't remember now, a journalist was killed in kherson before the war, and in the case of fayon, it 's the same handwriting, one of the murder bureau located in moscow, in the premises of the former korb, it's always difficult to reveal it. after all, we found executors, and in the chornovol case, the executors were established, and the organizer was established, well, she is adze pukach, that’s for sure, this is the organizer, that is, the customer is not kuchma, the customer is not my deep convictions, the federal service of russia, the fsb, well at least because in order to
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bind kuchma, yes kuchma, who declared about the fact that ukraine should join nato in just two months. got this murder hanged on him, yes, he is guilty of creating a regime where his opponents, or critics, were persecuted by the power vertical, but, well, at least there is no evidence anywhere that he ordered him killed , the fact that he spoke badly about him in various procorative situations, and, but, i apologize, major melnychenko eventually appeared in moscow on... the square and demanded kuchma from kupny for his tapes and received them several million dollars and refused to come, the russians paid him for these pi'. and when we invited him to testify after the victorious maidan, he categorically refused and appeared only in yanukovych's ukraine, in order to continue
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his business. i am absolutely convinced that it was beneficial to the fsb, because kuchma was politically isolated all over the world, people like you, probably, and i, went to rallies, to film the dictatorial regime that kills journalists, you were the leader of the protests. and then kuchma was cornered by isolation in the west and protests here, went to moscow and got a looker with the surname medvedchuk, after that the path of ukraine through yanukovych's power was simply a highway, such was the result of the murder of journalist gongadze. we can talk about others, we just probably won't have enough time, we can also mention the attempt to kill yushchenko. because this matter was somehow also, absolutely rightly, forgotten by everyone, it is necessary to understand that there is yushchenko's case, and everyone there too, what was established, tevachenko told me that everything
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was established, even where this deacon is from was there, it just remained in court, dioxin, no, dioxin was brought from moscow by plane, it was established by whom, but knowing and proving are different things, and that is why there is a large group, mrs. halyna klymovych. well, she collected hundreds of volumes of documents, expert reports, etc., but evidence on a specific person, and even so that she was in ukraine, was not obtained, but again, politically, it is absolutely clear, they did not want to kill yushchenko, they wanted to make yushchenko difficult, so that he became incapacitated, like the person who worked for viktor andriyovych for the first few years after the pomirancho revolution, i will tell you that the first year he was very weak. it was very difficult for him to get out of this terrible state, and for a long time i could not understand it, why, if they wanted to, why didn't they poison him? because
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they didn't want to kill him, but to make him an incapacitated vegetable, but the body, well, they rushed to the doctors in time, if, if only one more was available, but the doctors worked in time and yushchenko was able, well, to come out at least in a living state, and then already able to work, that's why there was, uh, and... i'm sorry, if it's not political orders, but constantly when on the maidan it somehow quieted down, provocateurs were already appearing here, who were commanded by a group of the fsb, which was sitting in the kozatsky hotel. and when the bloody shooting began on the maidan, there are, if i'm not mistaken, 20 or so phone calls between yanukovych and putin, as well as the ministers, russian and ukrainian security forces constantly called each other, and this completely... coincides with the waves of violence, which took place on the maidan. putin just pushed, kill them, chase them, seize power. so, look, we live near a country that considers
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any methods are acceptable, from terrorism to war. if you and i talked about this whole topic, for example, in 20, well, like, say, in the 13th year, you would say that i am a fantasist, but after the 14th and after the 22nd, well, it all adds up to one scheme another question, of course, everyone who is watching us now will ask, why didn't you catch them, who the fsb? well, even the british special services, which established exactly the people who tripled, the refugee on the territory of britain, the ossified, yes, all this is there, but they cannot establish either of them, because they hid in russia, by the way, they also worked in ukraine at the beginning of the war, and they cannot name the exact customer, because... this is the essence of a political order, the order itself is spoken in a room where one or two people are, but
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we have forgotten, let's say according to her according to kravchenko, but about kravchenko, until now, until now, it is not clear how he shot himself twice in the head, but there are such cases, well, there are such cases, look, the question is not how many. it happens that a person stabs his heart with a fork five times, there are convulsions, there are special ones, well, how can we say, such an extreme situation, anything happens, that is, he was not killed, but it does not happen, when a person shoots a second time, there is no blood in his lungs, even if he had to inhale blood once, there is no blood in his lungs, what does this mean? imagine the shots, there was the first and control, he was helped to leave this world, it was... not murder, it was suicide, but with an assistant, well you, you never found those who helped him, i have a version about this, because this person very quickly after that left
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for... from ukraine, a person from his close circle, and who immediately after the funeral left, but again, to prove something, well , first of all, this matter was not in the hands of the ministry of internal affairs, but in the hands of the security service of ukraine, which is also very strange for me, but look, there is another story, for example, about that zhonagadzi, yes, a lot of characters were also tied there, but dagaev died from poison, and there, there were a lot of people, after that... and several more poisonings, that is , a system of sleeping and open agents worked with impunity here, absolutely calmly , including fsb residents. and mr. livanchenko, what can i be right about, that that everyone knew these residents, and official residents in the embassy, ​​and not so official ones, who simply openly recruited our employees, including for terrorism, in
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the ukrainian sbu, attention, it was... it was officially forbidden to recruit any citizen of the russian federation before the orange revolution, it is forbidden, despite the fact that everything in us was permeated by their agents, so now we are simply coming out of this comatose colonial state in which we were, i think that our special services have now become 10 heads stronger, the russian agents is known 100 times better, we must conclude, and this means that ukraine. becomes a full-fledged state, which can now know who their enemies are, who their friends are. thank you, it was yuriy lutsenko, don't switch. there are discounts representing the only discounts on enterogermin, 15% in pharmacies of travel bams and savings. its discounts represent the only discounts on eurofast softcaps, 10% in pharmacies for travelers and savings. there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderil 15% in plantain pharmacies. you and
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savings are discounts represent the only discounts on troxevs inn 15% in travel pharmacies for you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war. two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka next to me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chechenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, is already next to me,
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ready to talk about the weather for this... weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us. mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant. themes of the week of member countries nato has huge arsenals, and russia is already on the verge of exhausting its resources. topics that resonate in our society. this is the question of trump's victory, what is it? analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. what else can the russians do, are they able to use, say, the resources of the lukashenka army allied with them there? vitaly bortnikov and the guests of the project: have read the disclaimer, accept my song, thank you,
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it's yours. was, but i was just curious, but it was absolutely not, they help to understand the present and predict future, the united states proposed to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think. politclub every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with restoration in various. regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project program reconstruction and development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso.


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