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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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socially, such a body was created before the ranch, two representatives of this council, mr. konotovsky and mr. horokhovsky, just raised hysterics about the government's intention to raise taxes, you know, that's a good idea actually, you know, if we were now in some developing country, trying to clean up , well, under normal conditions, when there are no obvious threats, nothing critically affects your development, it is from... it happens more or less evolutionary, well, under certain pressure due to certain problems, but it is normal, well, everything is normal, but we are not normal, we have a war, and the president signs a law about the white business club, and on the one hand, again, we once had a law about oligarchs, when we defined oligarchs according to certain points, and those people who did not even fall under half these items were for some reason simply called oligarchs, because someone decided so, you, someone so decided, but i am for the fact that this is a white business club, let...
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let us know business that pays taxes honestly, but on the other hand, let it be possible that we we know a club of white tax collectors who do not dream of business or a club of other security forces white people who do not make business a nightmare, and give it a possible opportunity to develop and work, and do not squeeze, do not nationalize, well, in quotation marks, because we have some nationalized enterprises that simply stopped and do not work, while they were private , they worked as they became the nationalized ones do not work, well, god be with him, and what will this achieve, and the second question, i read today... our good colleague and fine soldier of the armed forces, now former minister of infrastructure volodymyr omelyan, who said that we have war in the shadow was before 40% of gdp, it was just in the shadows that everything was decided there, it worked, this is a huge amount of money, taxes, customs, something else, something else, which can simply be taken outside, but it must be done, so the main question is that this white club business, how to get there, what kind of indulgence do you think he will give, and secondly,
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whether it will be possible, will the heads of the relevant bodies, under the command of the president’s office, succeed , obviously, in order to bring it to the wall, not that there is somehow a business trying to survive, a little he went somewhere in the shadows to at least somehow to breathe in order to get to the water, but the real big money, i just what is the big money for, i will say for an example, it’s simple , you can confirm now, so a tender was held in the zaporizhzhia region for road repair, a tender for... money , which suddenly appeared in this tender, well, they disappeared somewhere, extra money, 700 million uah, this is one area, it is possible one some 700 million uah, that is, money, money is there, the question is whether they will resort to withdrawing money from the schemes, will that business be thrown into the frying pan again for the 10th time, so that maybe somewhere else burn a little, please, and what are they throwing on the paten, by the way, one of peritzker’s claims was ee... about the fact that
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several american companies are ready to enter ukrainian natra, the state itself not very effectively disposes directly, i.e. peni during his last visit, yesterday and today, prisker said that even during the war, we are ready to strengthen the ukrainian economy in some way, but the government, on the other hand, is blocking these initiatives in every possible way, not to mention the absolute savagery with... the raising of taxes, what are they they want to implement, that is, well, in fact, we have a destructive effect of the government against our own state, i will ask one more question, maybe you have more information, only people's deputy zhupanin from the servant of the people, the zk began checking his declaration after his vacation, well, he was taken certain places outside ukraine, in a foreign electoral district, please tell me, is this another stage or not? after all, servants of servants,
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maybe someone's conscience woke up and decided that, well , let's check somehow, because well it's completely uncomilfo before, such a difficult period, well, it is necessary to somehow check some deputies, so that people are not too worried about the fact that someone spends a lot of money on some unnecessary things, and the question is where did he get the money? zhupan, as far as i know, was in london studying at a business school, studying in london. it is very expensive, i wonder if it is from the declared funds that this training is paid for, so the main thing here is that uh, the faction has really started to pour, now they, even those who, about whom it was announced, that of the servants left, they still remain on the faction's lists, that is, there should be a change in the composition of the faction this week, because... there were
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rumors that 15 applications were in the secretariat of the verkhovna rada about leaving the servants of the people faction, that is, there would no longer be a formal majority was, and it would be necessary to build a new one. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, thank you for participating, thank you for your comments, volodymyr tsybulko, the political commentator was in touch with us and literally in a moment the news was on the big air. greetings, this is svoboda live on the radio freedom. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no no. no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and impartial. you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. it became
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known about one more victim as a result of the morning shelling of the kherson region. a 16-year-old girl was injured in... bayivka, she has a craniocerebral injury, a head injury, as well as acute reaction to stress. this was reported to the regional military administration. we will remind you that this morning the russians fired more than 20 shells at the settlement. private houses were damaged, roofs were broken, doors and windows were broken. as of now, there are no russian troops in turkey, explained andriy kovalenko, the head of the counter-disinformation center of the national security and defense council of ukraine. before. some telegram channels spread the information that the enemy's sabotage and reconnaissance groups entered the city, but they confirm to us that they did not. the russians are active home-made drones are used in the pokrov direction. one of them was shot down with
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small arms by snipers of the 47th separate mechanized brigade. it had an 82-caliber mine on board, which, by the way, is quite a mine. and the trophies were handed over to specialists for study in order to know how to counter these homemade russian drones. systemic crime of the russians, the tribunal for putin initiative identified 5,340 civilian victims of russian aggression. the largest number of cases were recorded after the deoccupation of kharkiv region, while at the same time complete information about the disappearance of donetsk and luhansk regions are currently absent for objective reasons, because there is no access to this territory. a year ago, ukraine sent a relevant submission with evidence and facts to the un international criminal court, and now a report to the united nations working group on enforced disappearances. based on the results of the investigations , the law enforcement officers will be able to issue arrest warrants for the top russian officials who are involved in the commission of these terrible crimes. our
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prosecutor's office has the right to cooperate with law enforcement officers who... did this thorough investigation work, thoroughly form cases that the international criminal court can take into account in the future and open a separate implementation for this by determining who is the top russian official who directly led to his orders leading to the fact that enforced disappearances are taking place, to make such cases against which even the best lawyers in the world and... who will be 100% hired by russia to protect their interests, and russian officials have not been able to do anything, which means that we have to meet all international standards on 100% we cannot afford to send a weak case to the international criminal
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court, because it will be a plus for russia, it is better not to send such a case. i believe in ukrainian lawyers, ukrainian activists, and public figures who will prepare such accusations. against which even the best lawyers will not be able to do anything. clothes have long become a way of self-expression, but what to do when fashionable novelties can be found in every store, and you want something unique? this is where customization, the process of creating original things, comes to the rescue. our studio the group got to know the bilotserk craftswoman, who makes a personalized uban, painting it with paints. olena has been working professionally for over a year. customization of things, in other words, transforms them with the help of paint into unique design creations. as the craftswoman says, you can paint both old and new clothes, t-shirts, denim jackets, leather items, as well as shoes, bags and other accessories. the main goal
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is to personalize what a person will wear. olena began her creative journey 10 years ago and studied on her own. at first i painted pictures with oil paints, then... turned to digital creativity, and now she is engaged in customization. in the last case, everything was difficult, because i did not understand what paint to use and how to apply it to the material. if there is one there, if you like a piece of denim there, it has been there for 10 years, there may be a stain on it, or something has become dirty , you can't remove it, you can draw a picture on it and it's the second breath of your thing, with these paints painted, smoothed with an iron, it was absorbed into the fabric and that's all, you can wash it, it is worn for a very long time, it’s like a print, as a bilotserkiv resident says... the difficulty of customization is that there is no right to make a mistake here, because you can’t wipe the paint off with anything, and
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besides, it needs to be applied in several layers, it’s also important to correctly combine colors and choose brushes, because each of them is needed for different strokes, but it takes from several hours to a week to create a product in the village, it all depends on the size of the canvas and the complexity of the picture, but she says that she gets satisfaction from this process. because it is so distracting from everyday affairs, it is mine the first work, i made it for my nephew and you can touch it, it’s so very oaky, i ’m dirty there, it’s been lying around a lot, yes, well , when i wear it, it’s not visible, of course, these are my last works, i’m finishing them, ugh, well, there is a difference, of course, i already do it differently, the price tag for such designer things fluctuates and sometimes bites, but olena believes that this is an assessment of her creativity and
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efforts. her works are worn by stars, bloggers and fashion connoisseurs from kyiv, kherson, where, by the way, she is from, kharkiv, zaporizhzhia and of course the white church. also, one thing even went to america. the customizer is not going to stop there and has already registered on an international platform where she will sell designer clothes to foreigners. we. you know, in ukraine, even if customization is just gaining momentum, and people do not fully understand the value of such a work that she painted there, that she, who can be very expensive there, a person, when she walks in customized clothes, she is really attractive, you do you want to be surprised by this work, when this print is simply printed, well, it is printed printed, you can print anything you want, and what is really cool about painting clothes by name is that you can pain. anything, you can take, here a mug, here there, i don't know,
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a stick, here you can add coffee, here you can add an anchor there, well, you can generally compose this picture yourself, and i will draw everything you want, yes , what are your triggers, i will draw you everything, and it will be about you, and although the customization of clothes, according to some sources, originated in the 70s of the last century, even now this current is becoming popular, and the reason therefore - a trend towards uniqueness. yaroslav hopatsa, mykola digtyar, espresso, bila tserkva. and in the russian city of kazan, the streets turned into icy rivers, a storm warning was issued there, an unexpected cold covered the region, a powerful downpour with hail passed and a real apocalypse began on the roads. and not only that. kholodnoy is burning hot and powerful in russia, in yekaterinburg, it is there in the urals that one of the premises
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of the automatic research and production association caught fire. the fire covered more than 100 square meters, he noted that the factory was producing radio-electronic equipment and control systems for the occupiers' equipment. comprehensive support, protection of democracy, freedom of speech and development of civil society. the european union confirms its solidarity in word and deed. with ukrainians from the first day of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine. currently, europeans continue to help civil society organizations and independent ukrainian media, which are and remain the driver and controller of change, laying the foundation for the restoration of our state and successful european integration. together we act, together we are europatka, the name of the communication campaign about the support of the eu civil society and media of ukraine. this is the essence of our cooperation, how this partnership comes to life in... day work in our next material, the car started
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to be shot at, they got out of the car and started to run away, because the shots continued, they saw that they were civilians, a woman and a young guy, and the car exploded, along the line they tore the jaw, a splinter hit my son in the leg, this is ms. tatiana, her son was trying to leave... from buchi, when the russians tried capture kyiv region. vladyslav was then only 29. from the first days of march, the connection with him disappeared, so the mother started her own. tracking, i found a man who told me that the car was shot on march 2, 22, and on the morning of march 3, he went out to farm near the house and heard someone calling for help, my son was lying bleeding on the frozen ground, all night, it turns out that when he
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returned with bentham, and my son was no longer found, as soon as the ukrainian armed forces liberated the kyiv region, mass graves were exhumed. in particular, in buchi discovered more than a thousand bodies of innocently killed. we had exhumations, my son was neither among the living nor among the dead. we were at these exhumations. then they found isolated hiding places in the fields. there was one, two, six people buried here. and you pray all the time that your son is not among them. later, one of ms.'s nights... a released prisoner of war called tatiana and told her that he and her son were in a pre-trial detention center in kursk. later, vladyslav himself wrote a letter to his mother from a russian prison, but in addition to his own searches, ms. tetiana turned to aid and madian initiative for human rights. it was the mipu organization that gave me
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information that when we had large exchanges at the beginning of the year, a military man resigned on january 3. they did not find his contacts, who sat with my son for six months in the same cell. the media initiative for human rights is a team that has been investigating human rights violations since 2016, documenting war crimes and helping relatives in advocacy. in the beginning, we wanted, our main focus was on journalistic investigations and coverage of rights violations person in connection with the war, but over time... the mass of information that we possessed, our personal and some social capital that we had, called for the fact that we began to add other areas, well, in particular, documentation war crimes, analytics, we pay a lot of attention to advocacy, both at the national and international level, i.e. promoting some problematic issues, resolving issues with
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governments, the media initiative for human rights is engaged in by a prisoner of war. enforced disappearances, the study of quasi-legal ones systems and monitoring court processes, and most importantly, the media initiative helps relatives of prisoners to go to international platforms, strengthens their voices in the world arena of human rights protection. if i didn't believe in the power of international law, obviously we wouldn't be doing this. i believe that these rules will work, will work. but this is possible only under the condition of the determination of those in whose hands these rules are, and therefore our task is to provide maximum confidence to these institutions, that is why we document, inform, show what
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is happening, at the same time, the media initiative for of human rights communicates with ukrainian society about complex issues. the issue of human rights explains and shows how international law works and how we can use it to ensure that all the guilty are punished. right-wing topics, it is always difficult to communicate with society, especially when society is in a state of war, and the mood in society is radicalized, everyone wants quick and clear decisions, everyone wants lynch judges, an eye for an eye, well... the defense costs a little in other positions. the media initiative for human rights works in particular and thanks to the support of the european union and the renaissance fund, because independent media is the foundation of democracy and the implementation of reforms, as well as a loud mouthpiece from abroad, which debunks the myths of russian propaganda and shows the world what is
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really happening in ukraine. it's a good initiative, and we're having a good time, because yuriy fizar is joining us and will talk about what happened in ukraine and in the world about ukraine. yuri, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us in this pores today, the prime minister of georgia, it turns out, knows about this when the war in ukraine will end, the prime minister of italy today convinced xi jinping to put pressure on putin. well, trump is ready for a debate with kamela garis. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well , i'll start with troubled venezuela, it may seem to some that it's very far from... from us, but every such event distracts the world's attention from helping ukraine, so you need to keep an eye on it. in the capital of the country, caracas, there are tens of thousands supporters of the opposition are
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protesting in connection with the results of the presidential elections, in which nicolas maduro won for the third time. they believe, i.e. the protesters, that the votes given to the incoming president were drawn and do not reflect the real mood of the country's citizens. people are chanting freedom and this government will fall, some are protesting. they tore down campaign posters of nicolas maduro's presidential campaign from poles, burned them and threw stones at police officers, in response, the authorities took them to the streets many law enforcement officers in the city, between them and the protesters, there were clashes, the security forces were even forced to use tear gas and rubber bullets, dozens of protesters were detained, and the protesters also broke into the administration. tive buildings captivated them and with every hour this impression on the streets of the city becomes more and more, so now everyone is saying, what will happen next, will nicolás maduro mobilize his
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power potential, i mean, how many law enforcement officers will he be able to bring to the streets of caracas and will he not suppress it, for if he will not suppress it, god forbid that he does not suppress it, then his days will be numbered in the chair of the president of the country, and so will the government... argentina, guatala, the dominican republic, costa rica, panama, paraguay, peru, uruguay and ecuador were urged to urgently start the meeting of the organization of american states, and all because of the fact that they believe that the elections were falsified and do not reflect the will of the people of venezuela, well, i will follow this and tell you. the chinese government is an important participant in the search process, finding ways to end the war peacefully in... country, this was stated by italian prime minister george meloni during her visit to china, during a meeting with xi jinping, she said that, following her quote: china can
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become, based on the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, to which it has always appeals as a key player who will help define the elements of a just peace in ukraine. this is the end of the quote. according to her, this can be helped by the serious potential of china, with which beijing is trying to reconcile. closer ties with russia, and it is because of this, ms. maloney believes, that xi jinping's government could put pressure on russia, although at the same time she also criticized the leadership of the people's republic of china for too much support of the russian military-industrial complex. and, by the way, this is her first visit to heaven. we have reached the moment when peace negotiations can begin. about it in the interview. in the french newspaper lemonds, said the president of finland, alexander stup. according to him, now ukraine is in a much stronger position than two months
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ago, as it receives equipment and financing. and then his quote: russian there is no breakthrough either. according to our data, russia is not moving forward and its losses are even greater than before. this is the end of the quote. however, the withdrawal of russian troops from ukrainian territories, in his opinion, cannot be considered as a precondition for the start. spoke, and one more quote from mr. stup: from our point of view, the path to peace is clear, russia must leave, but you cannot consider this withdrawal as a precondition, and at the same time, mr. stup added that, in his opinion, there is a lot to stop war can be made by china because it is in strong position towards russia. dialogue channels with russia remain, they cannot be closed and bridges cannot be destroyed. the minister of foreign affairs of austria, alexander schalenberg , made such a statement on the air of the orf tv channel. according to him, in order to end the war in ukraine as soon as possible,
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the platform of the osce, the organization for security and cooperation in europe, can be used as an example. at the same time , the head of the austrian foreign policy department emphasized that, in his opinion, moscow now has no desire to start serious dialogue, that is why it is important for europe to talk to india. china and brazil, since these countries have more influence on putin and russia. and what was also interesting was mr. shallenberg's strange statement in this interview, he said that he hopes that elections will be held in ukraine. why he mentioned them, he did not explain in any way, but he emphasized that in ukraine, this is his quote: freedom of thought, pluralism and... they are discussing, there will be more elections, i hope, and of course there will be elections, well no question but why he is talking about it now is another question. slovakia is blackmailing ukraine,
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an oil refinery. the oil trap will stop the supply of diesel fuel to ukraine if we do not resume the transit of russian oil, slovak prime minister robert fico said in a video message on his facebook page, according to him, the further implementation of this senseless sanction, as he called it , i.e. the prohibition of oil transit, will only harm ukraine, slovakia and hungary, and it will practically not affect russia. at the same time, he added that diesel fuel supplied to ukraine covers a tenth of consumption. well, i will remind you that robert fitson repeatedly discussed the problem of oil supplies with our government, and the slovak authorities pointed out the importance of restoring transit. well, it scares slovakia and hungary very much, they are even the ministers of foreign affairs of these countries, they even had a telephone conversation with the minister of foreign affairs, although it is better
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to say. foreign intervention of russia by sergei lavrov and discussed this problem for them and what they will do next, but the information no more, he said, the minister of foreign affairs of hungary péter szijártó reported on this conversation, but did not reveal the details. the united states plans to deploy hundreds of satellites in low earth orbit to counter china and russia, us air force deputy commander melissa dalton said at a brookings institute seminar. according to her, the us space force is trying to ensure free and open space travel and maintain the existing us advantage in space, where competition is growing at this stage. thus the us intends deprive russia and china of the first-mover advantage. and then the quote. when we see what the prc and russia are doing in terms of developing anti-satellite weapons, it is quite provocative and potentially destabilizing. but
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the prime minister of georgia recently, well , very often talks about ukraine and points us to our mistakes, because he knows it from the experience of georgian buchim, and the day before on the air of the imedi tv channel, he stated that iraq is likobahidze , that the russian war will end next year, the truth is, why he thinks so, mr. kobakhidze did not say, i offer you only one of his unsubstantiated statements. quote: according to our calculations, at least next year, at most next year, the war in ukraine should end, this is the end of the quote. i don't know how they calculated it, maybe by the stars, although the head of the georgian government believes that even despite the war, tbilisi can start negotiations with brussels on joining the european union by the end of this year, and mr. irakli kobehidze added that everything depends on the war in
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ukraine, according to him... the sooner it ends, the faster georgia will advance on the path to european integration. however, he did not mention that the only reason why this process has stopped now is their so -called law on anuagents, which very much copies the russian one, which brussels does not like, which is what the european officials pointed out, and they wanted tbilisi to cancel this law , but tbilisi did not leave, and now they want to somehow speed it up. introduction to the european union, i don't know. joe biden proposes to amend the american law and deprive the presidents, including immunity from criminal prosecution. the current host of the white house said this during a speech at the lyndon johnson presidential library in austin, texas. joe biden emphasized that it is also necessary to reform the supreme court, because, according to him,
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it was adopted on july 1. the court ruled that donald trump has partial immunity from legal prosecution, in fact erases the framework of what is allowed to the head of state, well, here is a short quote from the american leader. this nation was founded on a simple but profound principle, no one is above the law, not the president of the united states of america, not a us supreme court justice, not anyone. well, i will end today with donald trump, i often start with... today he will be like this, you know, at the very end. the 45th owner of the white house, who has every chance to return to the main american estate for another four years, said that he is ready to hold a debate with a possible the candidate from the democrats for the main seat of the country, kamela garis. he said this on the air of the american tv channel fox news, which is associated with the republicans. at the same time , mr. trump added that he has nothing against it.


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