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tv   [untitled]    July 31, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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the body that, from which direction depends, who are our judges, and how does the commission save unscrupulous representatives of themis? four months have passed since the promise, nothing is being done. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement. for our further path to the eu, about how successful the transformation is and whether the moral and the professional qualities of justice officials are of high standards, let's talk today. a year has passed since the complete reboot of the most important body of the judicial system, the higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine. before that , the vkks had not functioned for almost four years, and it was a big one. a challenge to the functioning
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of the country's judicial system. with 16 members , the supreme judicial council is responsible for the formation of the judicial corps, for the transfer of judges from one court to another, as well as for ensuring their proper level. in particular, conducts qualification evaluation of judges and submits a recommendation to the supreme council of justice on the appointment of a candidate for the position of judge. the career growth of a judge from one instance to another also takes place through the higher qualification commission of judges. that is, it is a very important body, which... which direction depends on who our judges are, in which judicial positions. the powers of the previous members of the commission were terminated in november 2019, after amendments were made to the law of ukraine on the judiciary and the status of judges and other provisions regarding the activity of judicial governance bodies. and only in july of the 21st year , president zelenskyi resumed work at the vkks with a new law. however, the competitive selection of commission members is due to the full-scale war of russia against ukraine. to begin only in the fall
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of 2022, and only on june 1, 2023, the sccc was fully formed with the help of a competitive commission, which included three ukrainian judges, a prosecutor from the netherlands and two retired judges from canada and the united states of america. as part of its activities, avtomaidan contributed to the competition commission's analysis candidates, we analyzed a huge number of candidates, we are glad that... most of the candidates were not even invited for an interview, however, lyudmila volkova, for example, got into the bkks, she is a former judge of the kharkiv district administrative court. experts had many questions about volkova's integrity. lyudmila volkova was a member of the council of judges of ukraine from 2015 to 18. then, as a member of the working group, she found no violations in the actions of the head of the court of appeal of the cherkasy region, volodymyr baben, who systematically put pressure on judge serhii bondar.
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the latter did not make the decision that the head of the court demanded from him in the case regarding the office premises of the azot plant, which belongs to the ukrainian oligarch dmytro firtash. the history of serhii bondarenko's conflict with volodymyr bobenko, who was the head of the court where bondarenko worked, is known throughout ukraine. and so serhiy bondarenko turned to the council of judges, to the body that actually could protect his rights, but... lyudmila volkova, as the person who could make the appropriate decision and really defend herself before the judge, as part of the group signed, made up the conclusion that there was no pressure on the judge, mr. babenko, such a classy head of the court, therefore he actually has no right to defend. the explanation of this story by volkova herself was specific. i directly conducted three of bondarenko's judges, well, probably three.' it
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seems to me that it was extremely long in general, that is, we just talked, that is, the two of us sat in his office, for about an hour, three or more, just talked, talked about everything, about this situation, he told there his vision, his, well, well, it was simple conversation. in 2019, lyudmila volkova received a loan for the purchase of an apartment with an area of ​​107.3 square meters in the elite residential complex alter ego in kyiv. her friend svitlana mucha gave her more than uah 2.50, volkova was in no hurry to give the money. my friend, even after receiving a higher education, she began to form her own business. moreover, in the 17th year, she married a man who has a powerful business in kharkiv, kharkiv region and cities of ukraine. this family, they are engaged in private business all the time, and well origin is own work. indeed, i have to pay it back, but i don't have any interest. for example, the loan obligations
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were considerable, but this did not stop lyudmila volkova from concluding a preliminary contract for the construction of a house in bilogorodka near kyiv during this time. where do the vkk members get the money for repayment? and the construction remained unknown, and during the year of her work in the highest qualification commission of judges, questions about her competence remain with experts, mostly due to the decisions made by lyudmila volkova, for example, she voted against the dismissal of maidan judges olena izovitova vakim, who in 2013 banned peaceful gatherings in kharkiv in support of euromaidan, and andriy klyuchnyk, who in 2014 threw into custody the activist of the revolution of dignity oleksandr. the first year of the commission showed that this commission really needed crisis management, both at the beginning of its activities, and when, in fact, our vkks was left without a leader, but ms. volkova calmly worked for herself, did not
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use such new skills, and therefore, a- and, these claims still remain, and not only that ludmila volkova's decisions affected the efficiency of the work of the higher qualification commission during the year... on march 27 , the head of the vkks, roman ignatov, resigned at his own request. in december of last year , information appeared in the mass media that he allegedly has russian citizenship. the head of the vkk himself denied this. at the beginning of this year, the commission came to the conclusion that it is impossible to definitively establish whether roman ignatov received russian citizenship in the 1990s. the state bureau of investigation conducts a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov for article about treason under martial law. mandatory. ignatov's deputy, ruslan sydorovych, is currently the chairman. elections of a new chairman have already been held twice, but he has not yet been elected. during one of the round tables, sedorovych talked about his plans, about how the commission is doing now, and said that they want to create an analytical
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center. this analytical center should be established by the end of the year, and in fact the employees of this center will assist the members of the commission in conducting. evaluations of candidates, judges will collect everything necessary information there from open data, from the same registers, however, four months have passed since the promise, nothing is being implemented, and it is unlikely that such a center will really be created by the end of the year, so now there is a very urgent need to elect a new chairman, one of the priority tasks at first the work of the renewed higher qualification commission was the completion of the qualification assessment. of judges from the big cities of kyiv, odesa, dnipro, lviv, but the evaluation has not yet been completed, moreover, the evaluation of the qualifications of the judges of the most scandalous liquidated district administrative court of kyiv it hasn't even started. most of the judges still haven't passed the tests. as a result, the servants of themis do not carry out judicial proceedings, but still
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receive millions of funds from the budget. the supreme council of justice does not consider complaints against such judges, which may result in dismissal. and here we have such a warm bath for the judges. oaxaca, when doing nothing you can get such a high judicial reward. 1,884 judges of local and appellate courts had to pass the qualification assessment. during the first year of work, vkks managed to conduct just over 130 interviews. there were boards that found out the source of the funds, the acquisition of property, and even certain decisions about which candidates. adopted, however, unfortunately, there were some colleagues who did not take such information into account, they could simply read such an appeal, the candidate could give some formal answer to one or two sentences, for example, the second panel of the higher qualification commission of judges, apparently
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, very tired ruslan sydorovych, lyudmila volkova and roman kydesiuk expertly manage to conduct the fastest interviews with candidates. for example, one of them lasted only seven minutes with assistants. head of the northern commercial court of appeal , olena mykhalyuk. please briefly describe your motivation for becoming a judge? first, how convenient will it be for you to move? mr. roman. that's right. there will not be too many judges in one family. these are all questions from the commission to mykhalyuk. thus, without further clarification, the members of the supreme court of appeals decided that the candidate was suitable for the position of judge and recommended her to the lyubashiv district court of odesa region. on updated within the framework of the judicial reform, the composition of the higher qualification commission was given titanic tasks and responsibilities, however , all members of the supreme qualifications committee went to high positions consciously and of their own volition, so we hope that the commission will be able to restore a high level of efficiency. and for today i have everything, it
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was judicial control and i, tetyana shustrova. if you know facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report about... an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the e-mail address you see on the screen. all right, see you soon. in a week. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhiy zgurets. but how does the world live? yuri fizer is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine. two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money under time of war, morels in the field with me, and
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sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chechchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to tell, good evening, presenters who have become familiar to many, next with me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events. a day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people those who care, in the evening for espresso. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. we are countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00.
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congratulations, in this video we will talk about three children from the kherson region, whom we are trying to find, and i sincerely ask you not to be indifferent and look into the faces of these children and if possible. provide us with at least some information about them. so, in kherson, when it was still occupied by the russians, this girl disappeared, her name is amanda, she is 16 years old. unfortunately, it was not possible to find the girl after the de-occupation of kherson. there is no news from her since october 24, 2023. of course, it is not excluded that the occupiers could forcefully take the child to russia, but it is also possible that the girl... together with her parents, forcibly left for one of the european countries. so
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if you're living in europe right now and you're watching this video, look closely at amanda's face. report any information you know to the number 116.30. 1163 is the only european missing children hotline available in 28 european countries. and this is artem berezh. date of birth - august 3. in 2008, before the war , the boy lived in the village of syvashchivka, this is the heniche district of the kherson region, but on february 24 , 2022, the connection with him was cut off. since then, nothing is known about the fate of artem, we do not know where and with whom the boy is now, but we really hope that he is alive and that everything is fine with him, so we ask you to inform us of any, even the smallest information about artemmus. if you know anything about him, call
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the magnolia children's helpline. our number is 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. if you are in the occupied territory and you do not have the opportunity to call, you can contact us by writing on facebook or instagram, or by chatbot, the service for tracing children in telegram. he also disappeared in the kherson region. 13-year-old vlad sokolov. we know that before the war he lived in the village of gornostaivka. now this village is occupied, and therefore the process of finding a boyfriend is very difficult complicated. actually. because of this , it is not known exactly when and under what circumstances the boy disappeared, but the official date of his disappearance is january 19, 2023. unfortunately, there is no more information. therefore, we hope for your attention and care. if you recognize 14-year-old vlad sokolov, or know
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of his possible whereabouts, do not delay and call the magnolia child tracing service hotline. by short number 116 30. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. overall, after a full-scale invasion, we got a very there were many missing persons appeals and the vast majority of boys and girls disappeared precisely during the occupation. of course, for obvious reasons, the search process in territories not controlled by ukraine is extremely difficult. however , general advice if you have a missing child in occupied territory is as follows. if possible, by any means available, contact the police or magnolia children's services and report any known information about the child's disappearance that may assist in the search. collect data about the child, write down his full name, date of birth, circumstances and place of disappearance. of course, if possible, find photos of the child and
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inform about his special signs and social circle. in the future, follow the instructions. the police or the magnolia child tracing helpline. i also ask everyone who sees us to go to the website of the children's tracing service. if you recognize any of these boys and girls, please immediately call our hotline at 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we've created a resource for you to report about any crime against a child in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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congratulations, the oreal front program is on the air, and i, taras berezovyts, am with you. today in our program. joe biden withdrew from the election. what 's next? donald trump urged not to believe that his victory could be beneficial to russia. victory over the enemy. the murder of iryna farion shocked the whole country. and also the results of kuleba's visit to china. july 21, the president joe biden of the united states announced
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his withdrawal from the presidential election. according to politico, respectively. biden made the decision a day before the announcement, namely on saturday , july 20. subsequently, the us president called on the democrats to unite around the candidacy of the current vice president, kamala harris. more details about the event in the united states can be found in our story. on july 21, us president joe biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race. he will no longer apply for... election to the position of the head of state, he explained his decision by the fact that he was acting in the interests of the country and the democratic party. it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve you as president, although i had intended to run for re-election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party and country that i should decline the nomination and concentrate solely on
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fulfilling my duties as president for the term that remained former. ordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the usa to ukraine john herbs said in an interview with the public that biden's decision was not a surprise. i would said that momentum within the party for president biden to withdraw his candidacy had been growing, so in that sense it was not a surprise. biden supported vice president kamala garis while filming, as it should be due to the normal course of events. biden for... proposed the candidacy of vice president kamala garis, and she agreed to participate in the presidential elections. state democratic chairmen also endorsed the vice president as the party's new nominee. upcoming elections. for i am honored to have the president's endorsement, and i intend to serve and win this nomination. over the past year
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, i have traveled the country talking to americans about making clear choices in this important election. and that is what i will continue to do in the coming days and weeks. i will do everything in my power to unite the democratic party and our nation to defeat donald trump. gerbs's opinion and harris's policy will not be too different from biden's. the us vice president condemns the occupation of crimea and the russian army's invasion of donetsk and luhansk regions, after the full-scale invasion, she called on congress to help ukraine when there were delays. also, when harris led the american delegation to the peace summit in switzerland, she indicated that america would continue to defend democratic values ​​and oppose dictators, and announced aid. in ukraine in the amount of 1.5 billion dollars. already in the first day after biden's exit from the election race, garis' election campaign collected 81 million
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dollars. on july 23, this amount increased to 100 million dollars also, according to the reuters poll, which they published on july 23, kamala garis is ahead of the presidential candidate from the republican party, donald trump , by 2%. garis is supported by 44% of trump respondents. 42. the difference is within a three percent static error. about 56% of survey participants agreed with the statement that 59-year-old kamala garis has a sharp mind and is able to cope with difficulties. this opinion about 78-year-old donald trump was shared by 49% of respondents. 91% of polled democratic voters expressed positive attitude towards garis. as the associated press reported, they are ready to vote for garis. about 2,700 congress delegates, 1,976 votes are needed for presidential nominations, voting will take place from august 1 to 7. in
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the event of the victory of the current vice president of the usa, kamela harris, in the presidential elections , the secretary of state blinken, the head of the pentagon, austin, as well as the assistant to the president for national security issues , salevan, will resign. this was reported by the influential american publication the wall street journal. at the same time, a key position in its administration the assistant to the president for national security issues can be embraced by the current advisor of camila harris, phil gordon. the wall street journal reports that he is a hawk with a pronounced anti-chinese and anti-russian stance. if harris wins, gordon will shape the agenda and... not only the foreign, but also the domestic policy of the united states. it is expected that if he takes the position of national security adviser,
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new difficult times await china and russia. in particular, gordon has repeatedly expressed positions in the past, that the russian reich must be defeated. it also means that kamela harris, who has been in the shadow of the current president for a long time. biden will be able to start implementing his foreign policy agenda. most of the surveyed american experts agree that, in general, the foreign policy and domestic policy of the administration in the event of garis' victory will be a continuation of the current policy of president joe biden, which is true, and there are certain differences here. in particular, garis, as a former state attorney general california will take... tougher and principled positions in relation to the kremlin. kamalagaris was a key official who represented the interests of the united states at
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various international platforms related to the end of the russian-ukrainian war. thus, kamalagaris was present at the peace summit in switzerland organized by ukraine, and she also represented the american delegation at the annual munich security conference. as the influential american publication the atlantic writes, the nomination of kamela garis as a candidate for the president from the democratic party mixed up the cards of the republicans. now the staff of donald trump will have to completely rebuild the election campaign, which was built on criticism of the current president, joe biden. and now, as the journalists of the atlantic write, for the first time since 2020, donald trump is not in control. agenda of the presidential campaign. instead of taking a more favorable position in relation to joe biden, who turned 81, donald
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trump himself. finds himself in the position of the oldest candidate in the presidential elections, because he is almost 20 years older than vice president kamela harris, and now donald trump will have to answer uncomfortable questions about his readiness to perform the duties of the president in connection with his respectable almost 80-year-old age. several political technologists of donald trump's staff interviewed by the atlantic also said that in... the choice of jd vance as vice president may not be final. the nomination of garis will force trump's staff to completely reconsider the campaign a strategy that vance just might not fit into. in addition , the question remains open: who will be the vice-presidential candidate in connection with kamela harris. and this is also the answer to the question: who
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will have the best chance, harris or trump. to become the next 47th president of the united states of america. this week, the details of the telephone conversation between the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and the us presidential candidate donald trump became known. during the conversation, trump urged not to believe fake news, namely that his victory in the elections can be beneficial to russia. alarming analytical conclusions, which trump calls fakes, are primarily caused by numerous plans for possible agreements with putin. about the next peace plan, which was proposed to trump, further in our story. the former prime minister of great britain, boris johnson, after meeting with the us presidential candidate donald trump, published in the column of the daily mail his step-by-step peace
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plan between. ukraine and russia. johnson also said that he believes that donald trump can end the war in ukraine. i believe that trump can put an end to it, that is, to the end of the war on the right terms for ukraine and the west. i emphasize that i cannot be sure exactly what he will do if elected, but this is what he can do. so, according to the ex-prime minister of great britain, trump's plan consists of the following steps: putin will have to retreat to the borders that preceded the invasion in 2022. ukraine will join the eu and nato. the ukrainian military will replace about 70,000 american soldiers stationed in europe. protection will be guaranteed in ukraine of the russian-speaking population, so that putin could declare that the goals of the special operation had been fulfilled. ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertnyi says: "it should be understood that this is not a peace plan, but opinions written on the basis
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of theses from trump's headquarters." one of them says that the problem can be solved by force, and this phrase removes negotiations as a tool to end the war. boris johnson understands that the most important thing in the current situation around ukraine is to assemble a certain coalition of freedom and democracy, first. the second, he understands, exists in europe, as well as in the world today alone there is one army, one, not two, which is capable of resisting evil, it is ukrainian. it is no accident that he writes about the one hundred thousand contingent that is in europe, because there the number should not be 70, there should be 110 00, it should be replaced with a ukrainian one, and this one should be sent to the united
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states. he continues to write about america: because this is the nearest dream and plan of donald trump. and this interweaving in the article of real visions, programmatic things and trump, dreams and impossible plans is the content of this material. if to this material, no adding valery zaluzhny's performance, burying at times. at the royal conference in london and sirsky's interview, it all comes out of this. mr. democrats, you either wake up and help, because we do need real help, or prepare your population for war. at the same time, in order to end the russian-ukrainian war, it is necessary...


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