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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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a long, long war that would work to the full depth of the enemy's strategic defense, it requires very clear coordination, it cannot be something that we were promised and not given. i think there are many points in your thesis, if the history of the last two years has taught us anything, it is that we will not get all that we are promised, and i am sure that will continue to be the case. the promises will often be greater than what... what is actually done, but let me dwell on one point: the f-16. everyone is talking about delays with the f-16. these delays arise exclusively from ukrainian side, not from the west. the problem is the lack of pilots who know english to conduct training. there is also a shortage of technical staff and engineers who could acquire the necessary skills. i know from personal experience that there are engineers in the armed forces who did not get into the program. and this
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is because the personnel system in the defense forces does not work, not only does it not work, it is broken, despite the efforts of the ministry of defense to change the situation, the general staff itself has not changed its approach to work with personnel, this can be seen from the work of the shopping center. let's take a look at these question separately. ukraine will not get all the equipment it wants, some will arrive, but much more slowly than expected. this means that the general staff has to start planning in advance what itself. will not arrive and why, as well as how we can cope on our own. the biggest problem, in my opinion, is the front, it is on the front line that we lose people, there are retreats. this is because the units are not properly equipped, there is no doubt about it, they do not have everything they need, i understand that there is not enough 155 millimeter ammunition, no one could have expected that there would be such a great need for them, no one had expected this in the whole world. it's
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a problem that needs to be solved, but we knew that soldiers on the front lines need drones, armor plates for body armor, new boots, food, there are hundreds of essential items that they're not getting properly, and yet they still have to fill out a huge amount of paperwork about casualties, and the battalions do it, so we waste the time of officers on the front line who should be spending time with their soldiers, fighting is actually a waste of time. to fill out the papers. soldiers spend time digging trenches that should have been ready by now, because money has already been spent digging them. this is all because the system does not work properly, that is, the system does not foresee these problems. why? everything is very simple. the general staff deals directly with the introduction of battles, instead of planning for tomorrow. the war should be conducted by the joint staff, not the general staff. this is the work of the united. report to the battles
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directly, and not to the chief of the general staff, who runs around the brigades and helps them. to the general staff, which spends its time on today's concerns. so there's a big problem area here that you talked about at the beginning: all of these systemic issues have to be addressed if we're going to move forward because we're not going to get all the equipment we need. so how ready are we to provide mortar ammunition, mortars, grenades, anti-tank ammunition and anti-aircraft ammunition. not all of these things will come from the international community. we have to find ways make them yourself. this requires careful planning and organization. and i don't see that happening the way it should. we spend too much time thinking about big f-16 projects, naval drones, attacks on the kerch bridge. and we don't pay enough attention to ensuring. that
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every soldier of ours will be alive and properly equipped to fight tomorrow, this war will not be lost at sea or in flesh, it will be lost on the front lines when soldiers die and resources run out. we simply cannot to cope with the mass of soldiers coming at us from one place or another. we are doing well so far, but how long we can maintain this level of performance depends on whether the soldiers on the front lines belong. trained, equipped and commanded by the best officers. i took a lot from what you said at the beginning, but we are in a transition period. i suppose you might want to know my thoughts on syrsky's recent article, but we still have a lot to do, and most of these tasks require careful planning, in some cases even legislative changes. planning is very... important, but there is also
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such a concept as the general concept of war, and you are very good that you mentioned colonel-general syrskyi, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and he very clearly warned about the plan. he decided not to talk publicly about the enemy's plans for ukraine, so we understand that what you said should be done, and even more, but there is still the question of what the enemy is preparing, and syrskyi gave very specific figures, yes 690 thousand offensive contingent, that is, an increase of 150 to 170 thousand, maybe at least, yes from the point of view of public relations, it was probably effective... however, i, and i'm sure many others, are concerned about the question of what specific actions stand according to these words. it is clear that russia will continue to send people to fight as it has done in the past. there is no sign that they are running out of men, or that they
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have trouble recruiting new ones, since most of the new recruits die, russia doesn't need to pay them. society in russia yet did not fully realize the scale of what was happening. perhaps there may be some changes every month, but for now russia is focused on a long war. putin is in talks with china, north korea and iran to secure arms supplies. they're trying to rebuild their own defense industry, but it's not as effective as it could be because they've already taken many of their best people and sent them to the front, effectively ruining some of their plans. but i don't think it's worth it. pay a lot of attention to it. i think we should focus on what is happening on our side. if syrsky says he has a plan, the question is what kind of plan it is. if his plan is to continue fighting as we fought, a small soviet army,
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against a large soviet army, we will not win, because we cannot cope with the enemy's numerical superiority. the number of equipment and people will always be on their side. and this requires a change in approaches to waging war. if we plan to change tactics and strategic approach today or tomorrow, we must teach people to fight differently already today. this means that our best officers must be trained in new ways of waging war, the best, and we need to find more officers who can implement these new approaches, because fighting in the same way, i would call it the syrian way, simply pushing people forward and telling them to stay there and die that's not a winning tactic, a losing strategy, that's not going to let us win, we 're going to keep losing people, killing soldiers on that side, okay, we're killing
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1,200 a day, has that made a difference, one and a half years so we were killing thousands a day, that made a difference, the answer is no, we're still in the same situation, but we... we ourselves are now weakened because we're losing people. so i 'm back to planning again. we need to plan and change tactics so that syrsky's words turn into reality. this will not happen without fundamental changes in the system. new doctrine, new prescribed methods, elimination of meaningless bureaucracy everywhere, better training of personnel, all this must happen. then we will be able to win because we will be better than them. dear colonel grant, look, well, the enemy's plans plus or minus have been clarified and become clear, so that now the enemy will be pulling in additional manpower, and will try to achieve very specific results during the end of the summer campaign, the beginning of
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the spring campaign, the second point will be the destruction of our energy structure, that is , they have already gone for it, and we understand that until additional systems of ... air defense are put in place, our population will experience additional suffering. the enemy also counts on this, hoping that it will happen intra-ukrainian scenario. i hope that it will be possible to hold the situation, but the enemy is counting on it. well, and the third point, yes, it is the uncertainty associated with the american election campaign. if we talk about russian plans. how do you see them? let me go back to your first point about what russia is doing. bet that energy issues can divide ukrainian society, this month, when i was in ukraine for several weeks, i did not welcome any tension on this issue, on the contrary, many people treat the situation with a certain irony and joke about it. i went to a bar in
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kyiv, where the head waiter informed everyone: "we are on generators, so you will not be able to order french fries, but everyone can have a hot dog." and everyone laughed. this shows that ukrainians... do not allow energy problems to affect their spirit, so there is a certain level of acceptance that ukrainians will not be overcome by something as insignificant as electricity. or candles or whatever, and i haven't noticed any significant complaints or negatives reactions, but in the spring moods can change, that is, if it goes through the winter, the winter can be very, very difficult and harsh. of course, the situation may change in the winter, but there is an important point: ukrainians are a strong people, difficult times did not break britain during the second world war, and i do not... see that difficult times have changed or broken ukraine now, i do not feel it and i do not hear such conversations from
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people, on the contrary, i hear stubbornness and determination, people say that they are ukrainians, and such trifles will not defeat them, this is what i heard in kyiv and sumy. last week, when i was there, maybe the situation in lviv is a little different, but i heard exactly the same conversations in kyiv and sumy. one way or another, let's return to the topic of russia. i don't think that russia has a problem with willow'. as we imagine, it may have difficulty finding people, but the large sums of money offered for the service attract tens of thousands of russians, because these sums are too large to be ignored if they are offered money for a year, two, or three jobs for one month of service, many people are ready to join the army, so i don't think putin is yet faces an acute shortage of men, but its real problem lies in leadership and a lack of qualified officers. many of those who were needed to manage the troops have already died. in the early days of the war, we
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killed many of their generals and key commanders. now putin has to shake it off, replace them with new people, look for new commanders for battalions and other units. and i suspect that many of these new battalion commanders are not capable of effectively commanding their units, and are there simply because they are somebody's friend, and not because they have experience or. skills, that's the problem that putin is facing, but i think with russia you always have to be careful, about possible surprises, as i mentioned before, they are not predictable, they came through kharkiv, we didn't expect it, nobody seems to have expected it , grast, and what are they going to do next, they will do something unpredictable again, this is russia, can the war escalate again because of belarus? they will decide to attack elsewhere, who knows, but they will definitely try something new. the main problem is
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in the fact that russia continues to build up its resources and exhaust us step by step. they have more resources than we do, if they decide to move their forces elsewhere we can stop them, but every time we stop them it also prevents us from developing counterattacks and training our battalions and brigades. methods, so we risk remaining the same as we were from 2014 to 2022, just a defensive army in the trenches, instead of being an army capable of offensive actions, and that is very dangerous. thank you very much dear colonel gran for this extremely important conversation on espresso tv channel. i would like to remind our viewers that glen grant, a retired colonel of the british army, is currently working for them. military expert god save the king, glory to ukraine,
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glory to ukraine and god save the king, may he live long, may he live long. vasyl zema's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, me and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, for two hours, to learn about the war, about the military. front-line, component, serhiy zurets, and what does the world live on? yuriy fizar, with me already, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchavka is next to me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. alena chekchenina, our art watcher, is ready to talk about cultural news. it's a good thing about the presenters, who have become like family to many. kadenko already with me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend. and. distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good
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day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. your place is waiting for you, the light stays on, what you love for dinner. a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, they are waiting for you on your streets, at school, in your church, because in your homes dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you. we
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were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win. and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. so when you are at home. when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you.
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a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation on
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current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final evening with us. monday and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. now the iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny will work on the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. roman, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, good day, mr. antin. visit of the minister of foreign affairs, mr. kuleba, to the chinese people's congress. the public understands that some of it was public, some of it was not public, the meeting with the chinese foreign minister one lasted more than three hours, i think that there were possibly some accompanying conversations, we understand that this fits into the general process, this is how the world conspired in anticipation of trump and corresponding changes, trump's plus-minus concept is clear,
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so he wants to force, in one way or another, if not russia, then ukraine. he too will need a result. roman petrovich, how do you evaluate the present? well, i won't say historical, but extremely important negotiating point. the first thing to pay attention to in the story surrounding president coleba's trip to goanjo is the place itself, the form, and the content, because here only from the fragments of the first, second and third one can understand that in... the information field got somewhere wrong more than 10, well, a maximum of 15% of what happened there, well, you don’t need to be too prepared there to understand, for the sake of even a three-hour conversation with the minister, you don’t need to go to gondjova, let’s first, what kind of city is this, this is the city where there are on one of the highest
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level diplomats and officials, as the united states of america. and great britain, first, i do not mean the first by chance, this indicates that if there was a bilateral meeting, it would take place in beijing, which means that meetings are taking place far beyond the boundaries of bilateral dialogue. now let's move on to what can be done for three days, three days, because you can hold, let's say, three meetings and then go back and... what can you count on? well, first of all, if the calculation was for a sweet candy and result, mr. kuleba would not go there, but the head of the office would go there and... and everyone is writing about it now, talking about it, and it is true, that is, it is technological work that is carried out there. now, which is the subject of this work, why
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it takes three days, and such a multi-echeloned, multi-layered cake. let's pay attention to what has been happening in the last two weeks in order to realize how much it has affected ukrainian-chinese, ukrainian-american. ukrainian-british, ukrainian-european relations, because the answer must be sought here. and yes, the first thing, you remember, and we all we remember orban's journey, moscow, beijing, washington, kyiv, moscow, beijing, washington, and as a result of the decision of the ukrainian government to stop the transit of oil, through the oil pipeline friendship, because as revealed. and orbán did not just drive around, but renewed the contracts related to the supply to russia of components and components
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of missile and space weapons, which hungary and the enterprise hungary purchased from the netherlands, france, germany and great britain, and through third-fifth companies, through china, it was going to russia. reaction of the ukrainian government to these actions of orban. was a castle, just stop the oil pipeline friendship. second, the information that president biden delegated the authority to introduce and control sanctions against china, in matters related to russian aggression against ukraine, to finance minister yelen. it's a very interesting piece of information because it says that these issues have been taken to a technological level, meaning they're being monitored 24 hours a day, that's the second thing, and it's clear that it's driven by
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the previous information that i said and the conversations that were held during the summit nato in washington, where it showed itself rather strangely, strangely, i will say so, for the nato environment, the same orban. the third thing that should not be overlooked is how information from the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine regarding minister kuleba's trip to china was returned to moscow. pay attention, there the emphasis is made, cut out, copied the phrase that ukraine is already ready to sit down at the negotiating table tomorrow. and one more important thing, if china did not behave, but... but when it got into the eyes of the bully, it has an extreme need to maintain relations with ukraine, because these are 9 million tons of grain, because these are things related to titanium,
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supplies, titanium sponges, these are things related to rare earth metals, that is , this is a whole range of technologies related to bilateral relations, therefore... this can even be seen from the rhetoric and tone of rhetoric between kyiv and beijing, but as we see, the meeting is taking place in guangzhou, i once again noted that this is a free economic zone, it is the capital of china's relations with the whole world, and when and as we remember, the meetings took place with the secretary of state blinken, there and helen, they happened. not in beijing, they took place in guangzhou, it is very important to understand, and so what could happen to the city of these negotiations, certainly the issue
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of bilateral relations, certainly a topic that related to china's initiatives, but in this case, topics that relate to the so-called of the negotiation process, i would put it not in the second, not in the third, even in the fourth place, if it was about this... then it concerned, if only just basic things, and yes, first, the un charter and the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity , and it sounded quickly and covered everything, the second is the principle of conducting negotiations, as was defined by the ukrainian side, with a certain mediation, and whether china can count on such a status in this case, china cannot in such a case count on its... mediator status , because he is no good, he is on the side of the enemy, he is a satellite of moscow, and kulema very tactfully made it clear, however... in this
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situation there is a certain coincidence of information, which is now repeated quite often by president zelensky, about the so-called negotiation process, about the summit peace in the meeting of the russian side, which needs such a meeting and also guangzhou, i will explain why, because i am convinced, guangzhou, in addition to the contacts that i have already mentioned, including, obviously, that there was a dialogue at the technological level. with a certain representative of the russian side or an authorized representative, who could be the same vanya regarding the conditions and possibilities of the russian side's participation in such a summit, otherwise such a coincidence of the informational and concluding phrase that was voiced by the president of ukraine regarding the negotiation the process and format of the peace summit
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was second to none from my point of view to date, including what mr. kuleba did, what was done by boris johnson, the famous article, what was done by robert o'brien in the famous article , these are the so-called touchstones, right away, mr. antin, i want to say that they are not worth paying attention to, because it will not be possible to launch any negotiation process in the current conditions, not because they do not want it. washington, brussels, beijing, this will not happen for the simple reason that moscow is considering any negotiation the process is like a trap, and not only for ukraine, but also for those who are talking about it the most today, and this makes it clear that in his article the already cursed and already completely enclosed in quotation marks these words are not a hero, borys johnsonyuk, because
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for by what he writes there... it's plain to see, you can think anything you want, but there's only one way to put the führer in his place, and that's by force. i agree with you, mr. roman, well, look, there are two more very important signals, one signal came, not surprisingly, from the kremlin, that is, they reacted right away, to kulebe's meeting with vani, and accordingly they said that it was not the time, let 's say, to conduct some negotiations, and again they hesitated. the legitimacy of our government, that is , they are already finally betting on some other scenario, perhaps, in addition to the force, the force scenario plus, and you very rightly noted the visit of johnsonyuk to trumpanpanyuk, and we understand that trumponyuk can be a very unpleasant surprise, yes, i do not urge there to argue with him and so on, but we understand that he will have a solution generated by donald's office of simple solutions
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trump, and these... can be our money, no matter what we want, and this case, which accompanied it, extremely high activity of the so-called gray diplomacy, here i completely agree with you, gray diplomacy begins to draw certain scenarios , but everything rests on the one hand in the ambition of the führer, who says no, and, accordingly, china, who says yes, yes, negotiations are possible, but not now, not at this moment, from my point of view in the nearest... the next weeks sociologists will show the dominance of garis in relation to trump what can trump resort to, realizing his weakness and the need for a change, a radical change in the strategy and tactics of the election campaign. he will start hurrying, he will start answering all these questions in a hurry, and we will get a lot more surprises. and i urge everyone to be ready for these surprises.
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therefore, if yesterday you and i could talk about the fact that, yes, trump has a better chance, and biden may or may not, today i can say with full responsibility, the trumps, in this match, they do not look like leaders of the race, and what will happen in the final, well, i won't say today that trump can lead the race, but... the most important thing is not that, the important thing is that the united states of america is in the figure of kamala harris, about whom you can talk about everything anything, but this is not just a tough person, as joe biden called her in the last speech, this is a political shark, who, like bandyugam in california, bit the spines
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of rapists, fraudsters and... and so on, the same thing she is. ..


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