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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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urges everyone to be ready for these surprises, so if yesterday you and i could talk about the fact that trump has better chances this way and biden may or may not, then today i can say with full responsibility: the trumps are in this match, they don't look like the leaders of the race, and what will happen in the final, well, i won't say today that trump,... can lead the race, but the most important thing is not that, the important thing is that the united states of america in the figure of kamala harris, about you can say whatever you want, but it's not just tough a person, as joe biden called him in his last speech, is a political shark, which, like gangs in california, nibbled at the spines. rapists, swindlers and so on,
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she will do the same to everyone, both internal and external criminals, in case of victory. actually, this is the request for a tough man that america needed. that is, this is the case when in the coming months, despite the fact that the election campaign in the united states of america is intensifying, we will have a certain one. lecture of the foreign policy course, i would not compared and did not equate the foreign policy of biden and the foreign policy of kamala harris, especially since you have to go back and carefully read her speeches, if only at all the munich security conferences, it is a smile, as experts write, not women, the way she laughs, reacting on trump's meanness. it's
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the smile of a tiger, and actually there are a lot of known things behind this twist, but even more unknown things. from here i can say that in ukraine in this situation, first of all, if the political leaders do not know what and how to do, they should at least be silent, because in the current situation, the odds have not simply leveled off, but the prospect before us is unknown. mr. roman, the perspective of the unknown, i would like you to highlight certain points now with a torch, by the way, i would like to remind our tv viewers how at one time an extremely unsuccessful part of the ukrainian political community tried to play along against joseph biden, in particular , we remember how they released to the public arena of whom, andriy derkach, yes, the son of the former head of the security service of ukraine, who is now accused of spying on... russia and work
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in the main office of russian intelligence, well, this is a lyric, now is a historical moment, really, very rightly, you also mentioned the speech of valery zaluzhny, and so was the article, the interview of commander-in-chief syrsky, this is actually about scenarios, we understand, from one on one side there is a plan, so to speak, of putin, orban, perhaps trump, which suits them, then there is the harsh ukrainian reality, because the enemy would be going... in terms of energy and in the future we will try to neutralize this matter with the help of air defense systems, but in any if the scenario goes in the winter, in the spring we may have a slightly different mood of society, and it is not known whether it will be in the spring or in the middle of winter, and the enemy is also counting on it, and accordingly, and donald trump, he will actively play with the what he will be offered, for example, by the putin-orban environment. it is important
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that what we were talking about, materials printed by boris johnson, robert o'brien, theses expressed by valery zaluzhny, already as the ambassador of ukraine to great britain at the royal conference. next, the interview syrskyi were not analyzed as separate self-sufficient things, because they all overlap. and so, a few conclusions from this large size and large volume. valuable things and so, firstly, it is obvious that leadership in security issues on the eurasian continent will gradually pass from the united states of america to great britain. and this phrase that boris johnson has that the american contingent in europe should be replaced by ukrainian troops is an answer to the question that awaits europe, because it is ukrainian. forces are the only armed forces as
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writes boris johnson on the continent, which are capable of resisting russian missiles, this must be remembered, secondly, that... super important in this situation, which is obvious, despite the fact that london has left the european union, and london will set the tone in security issues in the nato system, and it is very important here that rutte will play a key role there. another very important thing, is what valery zaluzhny said in his speech at this conference, is that... what gentlemen, democrats, if we want to preserve democracy, wake up, we have today's understanding of what it is to fight evil, we know how, from you, we ask for two things, the first is technology and help, because
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remember, i quote: neither ukraine, nor russia, by force, for known reasons, are not able to do it, but the winner there will be someone who will... ensure a technological leap, there is no need to separate these, this speech from the previous two materials, between which there is a difference, because there were exactly such conclusions, and this technological leap can be made only in the event that the democratic world, as mr. zaluzhnyi says, he will wake up and understand the danger, because they, that is, evil, is going to kill, he... says in a phrase, it is not just evil that will fight, this evil is going to kill, and we must defend it. it is important that even in obrayan 's explanation of trump's foreign policy, as in the second headline, there are words
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that the coalition is formed by evil, it is russia, china and iran, and the leaders of this coalition, thanks, perhaps, to you and us discussions recognized not beijing, but moscow, this is one more, one touch before minister kuleba's visit to luanjo. i return again to the field of euro-american, euro-ukrainian-american relations. and a lot it is important in this area to note that ukraine in the current situation can lead together with london. all foreign policy, not to be the object of this policy, but to lead it, and valery zaluzhnyi makes it absolutely clear in his speech: you seem to be fine, you think that you understand everything,
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in fact, what is happening in the russian-ukrainian war is only a transitional stage and we don't really know what awaits humanity in matters of... tomorrow, so either we work together and win, or we will surrender the situation one by one, now for syrskyi from the subtext of this information, because it is necessary to read not only literally, but what is not written there, written, not written, but also read in between, is that the armed forces of ukraine, the general staff, are preparing a very serious plan, will there be is he a counterattack or? offensive, this is known only to those who work on it, because when you combine the first part of this interview with the thesis about the ten-year plan for the return of crimea, it shows that freud has worked, well, he has spoken, which means
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that the current situation is just a tactical move preparation for something serious, i 'm not giving anything away here, because really anyone who analyzes the events. texts, seeing this contradiction and reluctance to talk, actually understands that a certain step is being prepared, and this step is connected with the fact of the arrival of the required number of f-16 aircraft in ukraine. now, why does it sound right at the end, because syrsky, like zaluzhny, at one time said, if you want western partners to be partners, "please fulfill your agreements, because the aesopian language of zaluzhny, who actually said about what you saw in 2022, you saw in 2023, open your eyes,
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wake up." here it happened because you did not fulfill the agreements that were between us in time, you did not put the first, second and third in time, you made the development of the front line dependent on what you can or cannot produce, tell the truth for that , so that we can dispose of the resource that brings result. in fact, if you combine all these components, it becomes obvious that gradually washington, brussels, and london are coming to tama, they are beginning to understand that ukraine can... to date lead, what is important in this situation? it is important that kyiv
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upholds its position based on the principle that ukraine is nothing without ukraine, and that the dialogue of the west leads to the fact that it will be productive, that is, they agreed, decided, because the group that was created in vizbaden in nato for cooperation with ukraine is already in favor. .. now showed: 50% the agreements that were reached between ukraine, the nato countries within the framework of ramstein, and the united states of america, were not implemented in a timely and qualitative manner, as it was foreseen by bilateral agreements and even written contracts. without a doubt, mr. roman, look, i would like to ask you more about the plans of the enemy, so to speak, about the commander-in-chief, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi. he gave a pretty clear signal of what to prepare for, that is, the russians are trying to increase the number of their
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offensive offensive group to 690,000, that sounds extremely serious, although we understand that it is about an increase of about 150,000 personnel, accordingly, we are carrying out proper mobilization, but there is still a population, and we understand that the enemy will rely on an internal scenario. so they say about the suffering of the ukrainian people in the united states and in europe, as if everyone understands, but the trial bullet was the blackout of large cities, and we understand that there was a rather unpleasant reaction, i think that the enemy tested this case in a sociological and analytical way, and accordingly they are preparing for a scenario that will directly hit the population, so we understand that electricity is both about water and for... about the vitality of cities, here is the answer in zaluzhny's speech at the conference,
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which he says: we need not just constant communication between the government and society and the readiness of society to oppose it, we need true communication, frank communication between the government and society, which would be a kind of preventive step before what is being discussed and... and we must thank the general - to colonel syrsky that he said frankly and honestly, this is the situation, this is how events are developing on the front line, this is what can await us, what is important now? it is important that on the part of the government, on the part of the president, their administration and the ministries of the departments, and especially the local authorities, the same honest communication, the same honest dialogue with people, who... were prepared morally and verbally and especially resourcefully for the fact that to
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survive the winter. thank you very much, mr. roman, for this extremely important conversation on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our viewers, that now roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, worked for them. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the spresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. see espresso, stay in. course, and of course, take care of yourself and your loved ones, take care of each other, see you on the air! see this week in the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova, candidates for the vrb according to the president's quota, how to save up for elite property while eating rations from the state? i am a person who knows how to save. but what new facts of judge gorbasenko's dishonesty did the ger discover. the fortunes were analyzed and a conclusion was made that there are no questions. congratulations,
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judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. about how successful the transformation is. but do the moral and professional qualities correspond? today we will talk about high standards of justice. higher qualification commission. judges continues to clean the judicial system from the unscrupulous servants of themis. recently , pavlo gorbasenko, judge and head of the economic court of the kyiv region, once again had an interview regarding the suitability for the position. consideration of this issue is taking place after, uh, it was postponed for the previous time to find out additional information. last year, the commission postponed
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the final decision on gorbasenko and waited additional explanations and documents from him. so at this meeting it was necessary to make a final decision. the question is whether he will remain in the judge's chair. during this time, the public council of virtue discovered new facts of gorbasenko's dishonesty and made a new conclusion so that the members of the commission could study it. veronika kreydenkova, a member of the state council of ukraine , filed a motion to postpone the meeting. as a matter of fact, there should have been a review and completion of the review of the issue of his suitability for the post, but the public integrity council proposed to postpone the meeting, so that we voted on a new decision yesterday. in a new conclusion. it is said that the father of judge volodymyr gorbasenko, in the midst of a full-scale war unleashed by russia against ukraine, is doing business in the temporarily occupied crimea. he lives in the territory captured by the russians and is a co-founder of two limited liability companies. sevele set up and yukhinvest, respectively, pays taxes to the aggressor country. what's more, the judge's father turned out to be a member
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of the peacekeeping base. as it turned out in february, march 22, volodymyr's mobile number gorbasenko was recorded roaming on the territory of the kyiv region temporarily occupied at the time, which may indicate his participation in russian aggression. after the capture of crimea by the russians, gorbasenko's wife gave his father-in-law a power of attorney to dispose of his property on the peninsula. then volodymyr gorbasenko granted similar rights to his son, a judge. everything points to the fact that the head of the economic court of the kyiv region maintains close ties with the father, who may turn out to be a collaborator. we also see that there is information that it supports. most likely, connections with his father, which can be a definite criterion for his being recognized as unscrupulous. the public council of virtue drew attention to the likely second fictitious divorce of judge gorbasenko and his wife, kyiv city council member hanna svyredenko. they allegedly broke up for the first time at the end of 2014. however, they remained in such a wonderful relationship that
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they went to europe together 5 days after the divorce. in february 2017, the former couple had their first child. and joint trips abroad became more frequent in 2022, the couple remarried, gave birth to a second child within a year, and divorced again, filing two identical lawsuits for divorce, presumably for manipulation of the distribution system. one lawsuit was returned, the other was accepted and considered with abnormal speed in a matter of days, with violations of all procedural terms. the divorce took place just before the opening of the register of declarations. so there is every reason to believe that the purpose of the spouses... was to hide part of the income and property. groposenko first submitted a clarification declaration for 2022, and secondly, we still have to check some of his declarations, and we see that his wife sverdenko is listed again as a wife, and he has another point, and we would also like to pay a little more attention to this in fact a lot of questions and benefits of the judge arise.
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most of the property owned by gorbasenko allegedly came to him from his mother. she gave two apartments in the capital of... 16 and 136 m2 in the summer area on obolonskaya embankment, and she built a house of more than 800 m2 in the village of lebedivka near kyiv. at the same time, the woman was not driving business, and was a housewife. the wife, or rather the ex-wife, during her stay with gorbasenko, from 2012 to 14 years, also acquired a considerable amount of real estate. house of 122 m2, two apartments of 164 and 155 m2, two parking spaces. and two plots of land, and all this with a total income for that period of 1 million hryvnias. real estate in the temporarily occupied crimea is added to the property in kyiv. there, hanna svyredenko has four non-residential premises in gaspri, near yalta. and several plots of land in sudak and a house on more than 300 m2. gorbasenko refuses to explain these facts.
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the information, which is compiled allegedly in the new conclusion, has already been investigated, has already been. to the honorable members of the commission to continue the review. after a closed discussion of the higher qualifications, the commission nevertheless decided to postpone the consideration of gorbasenko. based on the results of the discussion , a protocol decision is announced to postpone consideration of the issue. we inquired from pavlo gorbasenko about the probable intention to hide real marital relations and ties with the state. mr. pavel, please tell me what your father was roaming in the occupied kyiv region, your divorce from your wife looks doubtful. i don't want to answer you on the fly, if you want to do a good interview, then come to visit, send questions, and even about the assets analyzed by
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the public council, there will be good guesses, the assets have been analyzed and a conclusion has been drawn that there are no issues of assets, so let's not invent a report out of something that doesn't exist. we hope that after a thorough investigation of all the newly discovered facts that may testify to the dishonesty of judge pavel gorbasenko the commission will make a fair decision about him. the ethics council completed interviews with candidates for the position of member of the supreme council of justice under the quota of president volodymyr zelenskyi. currently, the vrp has 17 members out of 21. the president has to appoint two , and for more than a year and a half, the seats are empty, and the applicants are doubtful. this is nataliya panchenko, judge of the kyiv district administrative court. and she has a wonderful friendly family and. good social security, he lives in his mother's apartments, which his sister bought, he drives in his daughter's car, and feeds on rations from the state. i am a person who knows how to save, and
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i had no need to spend. since 2022, panchenko and her husband have been living in an apartment designed for the judge's mother. 64 m almost in the center of kyiv, she bought it back in december 2012. the whole family allegedly threw themselves into real estate. financing this. apartment took place, i am once again talking about the fact that at the expense of the savings of my mother, father, brother of my mother, i also said that the financing of this purchase of this apartment my sister also participated, during the interview, as a candidate for the judge's higher qualification commission, you said that the money is for the purchase. provided by your sister, her income from 1998 to 12th year totaled uah 680,28,332. maybe i
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answered incorrectly then. two years before purchasing this apartment, the judge's sister bought another 34-square-meter apartment for her mother in the capital. but the woman never lived in any of them, instead natalia panchenko and her husband used the real estate. why did you live in this apartment? your sister bought an apartment where you are lived, why so? i would not like to publicly disclose the motives for purchasing this apartment for my sister, but due to certain life circumstances, she purchased it, and at the same time, she remained living where she lived. there was no need for me and my family to purchase an apartment due to the fact that we understood that... sometimes we would receive an apartment from the state. nataliya panchenko always had a lot of hopes for the state. with the help of social security,
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for example, it was possible to buy even a new audi q7. issued for my daughter, but used the judge herself by car. in our state , such a system was introduced, the maintenance of officers and their families at the expense of the state. and i want to tell you about what exactly. now i can get confused, together with this somewhere until the third grade, these are my daughters, because i just remember how we lived, yes, and we were provided, we did not spend money on housing, because it was compensated by the state, we did not spend money on food, because the state also provided us with this, and this was the concept of rations, well, in russian, a share, well, a share, well i.e. when the officer was given and... food for him and his family members, the whole family of the judge obviously knows how to save money, her husband managed to buy a motorcycle with a market
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value of more than 7 thousand dollars 15 times cheaper, it is an absolutely ordinary motorcycle, that , what i see, as far as i can assess from the side of an outside observer, there is nothing like that at all, please explain such a huge difference between the real price of the motorcycle and the agreement of the parties, and why the price was exactly that, i do not know, because i was not a participant in these relations, why he sold it at such a price, i don't know, maybe panchenko doesn't see the problem, because she herself gives away her own cars for nothing, she sold her toyota rav-4 for uah 100, she says, the car was badly damaged in an accident. in general, questions about the integrity of the judge of the kyiv district. the administrative court of nataliya panchenko, the ethical council had a lot. soon we will find out whether the servant of themis managed to convince the experts of
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her suitability for the position of member. and for today, that's all i have, it was judicial control and i, tatiana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes wrongful decisions, write to me on facebook or to the e-mail address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. hello, my name is yuriy fizar, and this is an espresso interview. as always, we have serious guests and serious topics, with our interlocutor today we will talk about pain points, about hungarian-ukrainian relations, ultimately about hungary and about the hungarian leader, viktor
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orban. and my guest today. hungarian security analyst, expert of the german council on international relations, professor at corvin university institute andrás rats. mr. ratz, welcome and thank you for joining me today. congratulations, and thank you very much. thank you very much for joining. today we will talk about hungary, about the prime minister of hungary viktor orbán and about the very sensitive topic of ukrainian-hungarian relations. if you don't mind, i'll start with that. consequently, ukraine blocked the transit of russian oil to slovakia and hungary. the governments of those countries even appealed to the european commission with a request to put pressure on ukraine to cancel this decision. how far do you think the hungarian government will go to convince ukraine
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to let it go? so this story does not mean that the flow of oil has stopped completely, also because ukraine needs oil transit, ukraine needs the transit fee that comes from the oil pipeline. if we talk about the reaction of hungary.
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then here it is necessary to start from the events that took place two years earlier. the european union at the end of may 22, a about 3 months after the full-scale invasion, imposed sanctions on oil imports from russia via pipelines. three eu countries asked for a postponement: the czech republic, slovakia and hungary. they claimed that they did not have the funds to immediately diversify their imports of russian oil, and also ... technological reasons to continue using it, the czech republic has since solved this problem, but hungary and slovakia still use russian oil. the deferment granted by the european union has no deadline. is called on vislav and budapest to diversify the supply of russian oil as soon as possible, however, no
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deadline was specified in the text of the document. since then, budapest and bratislava will continue to import russian oil, this is not the only source of imports, but a significant one. so, if the flow of oil were to stop completely, and it hasn't, that would be a major blow to the energy security of both countries, but again, we're not there yet . as for hungary's reaction, it should be noted that budapest's immediate reaction was to announce its... intention to block the european peace fund, this fund, this amount of money of about 6.5 billion euros, which should compensate those eu countries that provide military aid to ukraine, so budapest first blocks the payment of these 6.5 billion euros, de facto it does not harm directly to ukraine, it harms european countries that help ukraine. but this is a kind of indirect
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measure. budapest actually. blocks this european peace fund already before


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