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tv   [untitled]    August 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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there will be such offensive actions, active actions, trying to regain lost positions, displace our defenders there, the same applies to the quieter direction, because the enemy, well , relatively yes, we are now, if we compare with donbas, and the kherson direction, here, let’s say , again the specifics, the river, there are the remains of bridgeheads on the left bank, but the basis is now duels. artillery and combat operations on the islands located between the right and left banks of the dnieper, where, by the way, the enemy is advancing little by little, trying - capture all the islands, take them under control, and if he does that, well, then there may be a threat that, theoretically, the enemy can create a mirror, well, try to create bridgeheads somewhere on our territory in that area. cossack or in the area of ​​other
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settlements, this task is now up to the command, which is located here, to prevent this as much as possible, and as always , to do all this in conditions of limited resources, first of all artillery, there is aviation, everything, unfortunately, we have all commanders perform combat operations the task in the majority of conditions is a limited resource. mr. colonel, is russia ready for a protracted war, is it meant to be? they have enough opportunities to increase the pace and in the conditions of the war economy to create more tanks, more armored vehicles, more weapons, or after all they also have a ceiling above which they simply cannot jump and everything will develop in the way that they will have enough resources , finances and opportunities that are one way or another tied to international sanctions. there is a ceiling, of course, but
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russia is a resource country, and you know how it is economic, as a rule, markets can be irrational, more than we are solvent, so the situation there can worsen, but for example, russia can reach the edge there, and our situation is because we have fewer resources, less money there as well there situations happen inside. countries, then of course russia has more opportunities to wage a protracted economy, well, a protracted war, what are we, if our partners will not help us, no matter what, we have to speak directly and look at things realistically, that we are in the majority of help and conduct war we depend specifically on partners, even the fact that they are giving us aid now, even when those 60 billion were voted, we say, it started to go... aid, artillery, shells,
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there is a variety and different nomenclature, i constantly look there every week the ministry of defense reports to us on what comes to us, but you see a lot of it there, but when you start to look at it in parts, well, let's say, it would be 50% more, then if you are talking about a war of such a scale, about those possibilities, which are in russia, they build up they build up, well, as a rule , they build up at the base of theirs. ammunition, well, of all calibers, they enlisted the support of their, let’s say, satellites, partners, there is iran, north korea, which gives them ammunition, data of that quality, but it gives them, they leave the equipment at the expense of repairs, which are removed from storage bases , but they are there, they still have, you know, if they are there using t-72, they have a lot of them there, yes, they are needed.
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to repair, but not to do it from scratch, yes, these are not modern tanks, but they are tanks, so then in there are still 62 of them, and then already where at some echelons they even see 55-54, and they still have this nomenclature, they can use it, so russia can wage a protracted war, the question is whether it is necessary it will happen to her when we inflict losses on her, she will understand that she is losing her combat capabilities not just in the war. with ukraine, and it is weakening not in front of ukraine, but in front of the whole world, which is watching it, and what will happen to russia when it loses its combat capabilities, yes there are nuclear weapons, but everyone understands that this is a game, let's say, that has no winners, so once again, russia has the opportunity to wage a long war, will it have a negative effect on it, yes, are they willing to tolerate, well, we see what they tolerate , i think they are ready to endure for a while, so we should... we should also not talk now
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and not, let's put it this way, not put our hopes on the fact that here we have autumn and that's all, there the war is over, we should prepare for a long the way in the fight. to independence, to raise the defense-industrial complex, to train soldiers, to prepare our own, our replacement, let's say this, a resource that will continue to ensure that ukraine remains a sovereign, independent state, because i say once again, we are fighting a strong enemy, with whom, well, i don't know, a country that could deal with him, let's say, get it done quickly, thank you, mr. colonel, for the conversation, it was roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, colonel of the security service of ukraine, we are friends... we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who who is watching us live there now, please don't forget to support our streams and broadcasts likes, and most importantly, take part in our survey, today we are asking you
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about whether you are ready for a tax increase in ukraine, well, it seems like a rhetorical question, hardly anyone is always ready for a tax increase, but this is the story about the increase. taxes could be literally unfolding before our eyes in the near future, so yes, no on youtube, are you ready or not? if you have a personal opinion, you can put it in the comments under this video, well, you can vote on the air if you watch us telecasts by smartphone or phone 0800 211 381, you are ready for a tax increase, it does not scare you and 0800 211 382 you are not ready for a tax increase. vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have ivan stupak, a military expert, a former employee of the security service of ukraine. mr. ivan, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, congratulations, thank you very much for inviting me today. well, first of all, let's talk about the participation of ukrainian special services or
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special forces in the territories of other states, against the russian occupiers, because apart from a small story that is literally already alive. a few days and the possible participation or involvement of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine in the special operation to destroy the wagnerites on the border of mali and algeria. there was also information today that gur hit the russian base in syria, and kyivpost learned about it today, they refer to sources in the special service, meaning in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, special unit gur khimik. at the end of july another blow to the positions troops of the russian federation in syria, this time using russian equipment at the kuveres airfield east of aleppo. according to the publication , the strike was carried out on july 25, the day after putin's meeting with bashar al-assad,
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the president of syria. ukrainian sources say that the russians use the airfield to train and send foreign mercenaries to the war against ukraine. so, mr. ivan, please tell me that the ukrainian special services have more opportunities to work on foreign territory against the russian occupiers, and we are now watching how gur and other special forces of ukraine can fight against the russian occupiers on the territory of other countries, what is this connected with, a little more time appeared free, i 'm joking, of course, we have something to do, of course, let's do it, that's what showed now... the video is the only verified confirmation that ukraine is present, well, for the last, let's say, six months, it is present outside of ukraine. last year there were reports about sudan, where the special agents of the gur used dirty towels to drive
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the wagnerites away, but somehow it was there not very strongly confirmed. just this week there was a video, sorry, a photo from mali, which seems to be happening there. these toarags with the ukrainian flag, but literally yesterday, this version was shot and it was found out by fact-checking that this ukrainian flag was added artificially, by photoshop, that is, it was unpleasant there, but now syria has a hundred percent verification that the group's appointees were there , here is this piece of paper with the gur logo, that is , it does not allow ambiguous interpretation like this. there were larvae, clearly there were, here they show clearly, at least one piece of equipment was destroyed, it was called a radio-electronic warfare system, after which the destruction of equipment began at the airfield, at the airfield, and there is a video on the network where it seems that
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the military is marching through the airfield, then the sound of a drone, an explosion, and the video is interrupted, i don’t know how much the flight was successful, but it was definitely possible. there tomorrow , the day after tomorrow, we will see or hear the first results, but in any case, the work is being done, everything is being done so that the russian mercenaries do not feel at ease, even. distance from ukraine, this is done in order to reduce their political presence on the territory of syria, by the way, bashar assad has been the president for more than 12 years, 13, i apologize, in his position, thanks to the intervention of the russian federation, in fact he should fall, fall back in 2011. well, by the way, the same story with the wagner family took place four years later. after the special operation to detain the wagnerites failed, well, it
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all happened around these same days, and andriy yusov, the head of the press service the ministry of defense, the main department of the ministry of defense of ukraine says that ukrainian intelligence is checking the statements of the tuareg rebels of izmali regarding their readiness to hand over captured mercenaries of the russian pmk wagner to ukraine, let's hear. what mr. yusov said, the fact that the rebels received the necessary information and not only the information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against russian war criminals, well , the whole world has already seen it, in principle it is possible to comment, details, details, well, we certainly will not talk about it for now, let's say there will also be a continuation, mr. ivan, can we say that wagner, after... after the leaders of this private military
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company, prigozhin and utkin, were killed, simply turned into another unit of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, and it is no longer the same wagner, who was before, most likely yes, look, before wagner was much stronger, it was his leader, evgeny prigozhin must be given credit, he as an organizer, he as an orator, he was really incredibly strong, yes, a bastard, but a talented bastard , and wagner was strongly in favour the account of money, money that was allocated without measure from the russian budget, i will remind your respected viewers that the concord company, which was part of the structures of yevhen prigozhno and earned money by feeding the military, children in kindergartens in schools, in the 22nd year earned 980 million us dollars, just think, 980 million us
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dollars, this is purely catering, and a billion plus on top of that amount, this is a billion us dollars, not rubles, from the russian budget of direct subventions, that is , only 2 billion us dollars dollars, everything was in cash, and it was because of this that he was strong, so after the liquidation of prigozhin, there are no organizers, well, cool ones. neither utkin nor prygozh, they are gone, there is no money, wagner began to complain, at first he stayed there for a while in belarus, then he was also asked from belarus, a small group remained there, it trains belarusian soldiers so that they do not look like complete clowns bang their heads, burning slate, jump through rings, burning, in the circus salei, and their last refuge is africa, they earned money there, let me remind you that this group is in mali, ot... held back monthly from i don't know the malian budget, earned 11 million us dollars, well, not bad
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, let's move from mali, from syria, to the territory of the russian federation, the alenia airport, the airfield known to all , we know that tu-22m3 and tu-95 planes take off from there, and in principle we know that this airfield is located. in the murmansk region of the russian federation, there in one of the northern points, actually near murmansk, and the same andriy yusov, the representative of the main directorate of intelligence said that at a long distance our special forces damaged two tu-22 m3 strategic bombers, but we can see this distance on the map, 1845 km, maybe i 'm assuming. that the impact may not have occurred at such a distance, perhaps at a shorter distance,
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they were working somewhere on the territory of the russian federation, but it is about the fact that two sides of the tu-22 m3 were hit, and it is about sides number 33 and side 31, and that , how serious the impression was there, they don't know yet in gura, but beforehand, as he says yusov. it can be said that bort 33 has holes in the upper part of the fuselage, and bort 31 also has some damage to the hull. the fact that ukrainian military intelligence is already up to... chosen at such a distance of 1,800 km and can do it, does this mean that the russian federation will sooner or later be forced to transfer all its strategic bombers to the european part of the russian federation? unfortunately, i will be grandma yaga and the devil's advocate here, there is no confirmation of this information,
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gur reported about it and there is detail, but your colleagues are journalists, they... pixel by they looked at these photos, aerial photos, of this territory, locations, they looked at all the deer, this whole airfield, they say, there are no traces of a hit at all, from the word absolutely, that is, if a drone that covered 1,800 km and brought a few there, well 10- 20 kg of swelling, then the traces should remain, at least now they are gone, of course there remains the option that the russians damaged the plane, for example, they dragged it somewhere... to the hangar, hid the traces there, some kind of fire, i don’t know, wreckage, they washed it, cleaned everything everything is just with brushes, brushes with soap, and there are no traces, this is indeed an option, but so far there is no confirmation, so i really ask your viewers not to live in a pink bubble that hooray, oh, it is destroyed there, destroyed there,
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somehow these planes continue to fly in and bombard us, please remember the 22nd year of the statement that the russians from... had missiles left for two or three massive missile attacks, well, after that, no less missile attacks it became, therefore, once again, the devil's advocate, here is such a woman yeha, but i want to see a clear confirmation, then we will talk about it, so as not to live in an informational pink bubble once again. we will wait for confirmation from the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense and will return to this conversation when there will actually be clear evidence, at the same time we see how the russian federation is trying to work on the territory. of the ukrainian state, we are talking about the burning of cars of ukrainian soldiers, only in kharkiv and the region there have been recorded about 40 cases of burning cars of ukrainian servicemen committed by teenagers, who are being recruited by russian special services through telegram channels, and this was reported in the kharkiv regional military administration, according to
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andriy kovalenko, the head of the counter-disinformation center at the nsdc, sabotage with the burning of ukrainian military vehicles. in the body - this is the work of russians, a russian hero. the main logic of the actions of the russian federation, now they cannot win at the front, so they are trying to create tension in the body, strikes on energy, information warfare, scaling up the topics of division and sabotage, this is all the work of their special services, from the point of view of the work of our special services and counterintelligence, is it now... about the work of specialists who work in the field of cyber security, because since there are telegram channels, there are obviously other messengers or other groups that lead or try to lead the russian special services and to recruit teenagers, because there is no other, other way, as i understand it, is this work being carried out sufficiently in ukraine, in
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your opinion, and if there are so many arsons, does this not mean that... maybe this work should be strengthened and prevent such things because today they burn cars, and tomorrow they will be there under the command of the fsb or the game to do some other actions, to gather in some groups, to protest there about against the government, against mobilization, well, other things, uh, great question, look, security service it really works without a doubt, once again, it's not rose-colored glasses, but recently there have been such problems. eyes in odesa, in kyiv, lviv, in dnipro, if i am not mistaken for the last time, and there are already sentences, that is, for a second, 8 years in prison for such arson, and if there is proved, well, completely, completely, not what has been proven, or rather, with certain circumstances, certain facts, one more addition, then you can
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get it for life, that is, these are the moments that, rather, moments of detention, moments of court sentences. they should gain more publicity, show that for such actions they can't just go there, yay-yay-yay, well, don't do it anymore, no, eight years in prison, that is , in 20 he sat in 28 he got out, or he didn't get out at all, indeed, it is a very difficult thing to document such crimes, no doubt, because they go one-on-one in a direct message, write in telegram, in messenger, on facebook, or i don’t know on instagram where... in general , you can simply write: all regional offices of the federal security service of the russian federation are working, starting from moscow, ending with vladivostok, because... what's the difference, you're writing in the messenger, you're talking to a person, for example, i also got an email, i open this spam once, i see from the 95th region of the fsb,
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the chechen republic, joins us there, kill the nazis, we guarantee anonymity, that is, they do such mailings and hope that one out of every 100,000, one out of 200,000, someone will come out and work, help make those arsons, by the way, they open up to the darknet an announcement, an application for $200 for carrying out such arson, you perform, show, report and receive a part of the reward, because very often fsb officers, i apologize, but they throw money, promise $2,000, pay $100 and say, be satisfied that they even paid you such money , thank you, mr. ivan conversation, it was military expert ivan stupaak. former employee of the security service of ukraine, friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are now watching us live on youtube and
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facebook, please join our pages, participate in our survey, today we ask you about whether you are ready for a tax increase in ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your personal opinion, please write if you have a different opinion, please write it in a comment: below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote on 0800 211 381, if you are ready for a tax increase, if not - 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. further, we are in touch with oleg rybachuk, head of the public organization center for joint actions, ex-vice prime minister for european integration. well, since mr oleg, you know american
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politicians quite well and how the wheels of this american politics spin, let's start our conversation with the beginning of the beginning of the presidential campaign of the united states of america, and it is clear. on the one hand, trump, on the other hand , harris should now enter the presidential campaign, but here is a phrase that, or words that donald trump, the candidate of the republican party, said during a speech at a christian gathering in florida, somewhat confused, at least for me personally , because he said that after the 24th election, they will no longer have to vote. let's hear what trump said. christians, go and vote, just this once. you won't have to do that anymore.
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four more years and you know what, it will be fixed. everything will be fine. you will no longer have to vote, my beautiful christians, you must go out and vote. after four years, you will not have to vote. we'll make it so good that you don't have to vote. mr. oleg, you understand what good trump will do to stop christians from voting in the united states of america. trump is trump, in fact, he bathes in it, he is a showman, and as his close associates wrote in his memoirs, he did not really want to be president, their team was not ready for him to win the election, he just wanted to be a very bright showman. happened to be the president, but a showman does not come out of him, well, in ukraine it is also an understandable phenomenon, but he, he cannot
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be taken literally, what he wanted to say, well, from the point of view of common sense, well, this is just complete nonsense, but he this show is held in to his own, to his own in his bubble, and in his bubble, his voters from all of this simply really prevent them. that he is like that, that he grimaces, that he bullies, that he insults his opponents, this is such a mixture of trumpian culture, and at the same time, he also took as his vice president a person who is still trumpian for him, that's why they have such a wonderful team the republicans now, but they actually have a serious challenge if we're talking about the election race, because the opposition now has a woman in her prime. her strength is young in comparison with trump, and the whole trump campaign was built because this sleepy joe, he
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barely walks there. he can barely move, he no longer knows what to do, and a campaign was built around his eyelid, and now there is a double challenge, not only is trump the youngest candidate, trump remains the oldest candidate, but the company has already gained momentum, he has convinced the americans, that age is a big problem in terms of mental health, and the mental health of the candidate is important, the second is that she is a woman and the third is that she is a dark-skinned woman, and here trump simply has his vice president, gee ivans, they're both floundering, they're admitting already, they can't help themselves and they're making mistake after mistake in terms of how to uh, how to debate this woman, first of all, trump has now given , and and and it seems
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that he is trying to avoid the debate, which is for him. there will definitely be a downside, even though his cult will vote for him anyway, but in terms of expanding the electoral field, they have a serious problem, they really have a very serious problem with expansion, because vance instead of expanding the electoral field, he narrows it down to maga, to the most concentrated trumpists, who are fewer in the republican party, because in fact , maga, trumpists, they are active, aggressive, but a minority of republicans. because the republicans are the party of reagan, this is the party of mccain, this is the good old conservatives, and there are a lot of them, and that's why they have problems now with those challenges, not only that, they still don't know who to fight, who will be the vice president in the at kamala harris, but it seems to me that the democrats will not repeat this mistake, their vice president will expand field for the democrats, but already now young, black, educated americans, those
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who have... college behind them, they are becoming and and leaning towards the democratic party, not only that, there is a certain record there with 200 million that kamala collected for there in the first week of their campaign, more than a million unique voters, that is, those who contributed for the first time and contributed a little, it is very telling for the campaign itself, of course there are still almost 100 days to go, we will hear a lot, but the campaign... in the united states is becoming more and more interesting. by the way, in twitter i see kamala harris reached out to trump and texted him donald i hope you will consider meeting me on the debate stage again because as they say if you have something to say say it to my face i mean she already has him trolls, and what we saw in trump's performance on biden is now coming back to trump, and really that's the whole story of the age bashing. for
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forgetfulness, for something there, for various things that look very strange, now everything is back to trump, because she is 19 years old younger than him, and of course, obviously this whole pre-election construction, which was supposed to work against biden, will now work against trump, but in short, mr. oleg, in the case of kamala garis' victory, will we see the same politics of the union.. states of america, with regard to ukraine, which was also the case under biden, will it be a different policy, because trump promises to end the war there in 24 hours, well, there are a lot of such harsh statements, and in the event of kamala gary's victory, what will we get? well, we definitely don't get exactly the same one, that is there are certain principles that kamala will adhere to as a candidate from the democratic party, there is overwhelming support, because sociology
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shows. that everything being equal, the number of american voters who support ukraine and their willingness to support ukraine in the future and to increase this financial aid in the democratic camp is more than in the republican one, but at the same time in the republican one too, despite the fact that such an orthodox vice president appeared , like a vet who declared that he does not want to know about this ukraine at all, and it is not his at all is interested in, the number of american voters who share the politics of these inveterate trumpists and magists is not increasing, which is good for ukraine, because the vast majority of republican voters still equally support ukraine from the point of view of foreign policy , well, listen, it is a great rarity in both ukrainian and american politics for presidents to be particularly strong or to feel free in foreign affairs.


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