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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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in another 20 years, whether it will be a traditional aircraft or whether it will still be an unmanned platform, i would say right now, really, the f-16 is the first step to a new model of air power, and that's really extremely important, that's really we have been saying for 20 years that precisely at the turn of 20-25 we should already completely switch to western aircraft, in principle it turned out that way, but under other circumstances, as far as... the psychological factor is concerned, i think that the psychological factor will be then , when we shoot down the first, the first ten su-34 f16, this will be a psychological effect, when, this there will be a psychological effect when we shot down 2 a50s, planes, a drill, the russians, who were engaged in exactly this, they provided information, targeting of the tactical aviation of the russian air force, and this then meant that the russians were a head above us, they shot down the a50 . and the psychological effect was very
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, very powerful, because the russians now mainly work with the information that is on the onboard radars of the planes themselves, this allows them to dominate the air for the time being, because we have our planes, old soviet planes, they cannot compete exactly by radar range, by effectiveness of onboard radars, which are actually on our mi-29 or su-27, especially there is no question of the su-25 at all, but the point is that if our f-16s will now have additional illumination from the avaks, or finally we will receive swedish itats of long-range definition, this will mean that we will now be a head higher, and just the psychological effect will be after we knock down a few, well up to a dozen, i will say so, su 34s, after which the use su34 will simply stop, because they only have a hundred su34x left, but this...
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for the whole huge russia, this is taking into account the threats of nato, china and so on, and that is, they cannot take risks in this way, because they cannot now produce a few dozen tsu-34s a year, they barely pull out a dozen, and then, i think , the prospect is that they will not be able to produce these aircraft at all without the help of china, for example, because in fact the sanctions are in effect precisely in high-tech areas, so they will protect their aircraft and ... this means that the first dozen su34x will be shot down and after that cabs will not actually be used, because this will be an extremely big risk for the russian air force. mr. mykhailo, i wanted to ask you about the weapons potential of russia, ukraine, and our western partners, because i read how eric eidelman, the deputy chairman of the national defense strategy commission of the united states of america, said. he talks about
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the potentials of our western partners and russia, and he says that america and its allies produce fewer weapons than russia, china, iran and north korea combined. to quote mr. eidelman: our defense-industrial base is in a very bad condition the european defense-industrial base is in an even worse state. we need our industrial base, their base and our industrial base. allies in the pacific region: australia, japan, south korea, taiwan, they all need to step up because what russia, china, iran and north korea are doing exceeds what we ourselves are capable of, as this assessment of these capabilities, countries, the conditional axis of evil and countries that defend democracy, what does it mean, does it mean? that the axis of evil at
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this stage is stronger than the axis, democratic axis? let's say this, the axis of evil mobilized earlier, that is, the axis of evil, well , especially russia, for example, russia was preparing for war for at least 10 years, that is, let's remember, after the war against georgia, the aggression against georgia in 2008, when it turned out that the russian army was in a terrible state of disrepair. they started a reform, this reform started in 2010, a trillion dollars were allocated, back in 2010, they started preparing for war, they attacked ukraine in the 14th year and did not slow down after that, after that they had a fiasco in february of '22, because it turned out again they didn't calculate the strength, but unfortunately our european partners, our american partners from '14 didn't... start preparing
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for war, they believed that you can continue the so-called de-escalation, pacification of the aggressor, let's remember, to be honest, they tried to pacify. they kept saying you can't demonstrate to russia that we are also preparing for war, so let's not increase our defense budgets, remember how, for example, trump argued on merkel, and it was, by the way, in the 16th year, when he literally said such words that you give russia more money for gas than you invest in your own defense, and this is unacceptable, it cannot continue like this, therefore what... germany at that time spent less than 1% of gdp on defense, and now we see what this led to, in fact, the german army was not ready in the 22nd year for any hostilities or for any confrontation with russia, that is, russia has been preparing for war since the 10th year,
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now that it has actually collapsed from the point from the point of view of their opc, their opc does not cope, they did it with the help of china, which acted as such. and the economic basis for this whole process, they actually created a military workshop for themselves from north korea, a kind of, if we speak by analogy, then this, if during the second world war russia created such a ural for itself, like the urals for the soviet union, this is now their north korea, they invest a lot of money there, north korea is very, very happy about it, because for the first time in history the kimchan regime received and his ancestors got it there. huge investments, now the economy of north korea is growing, because russia invests huge funds, technologies and so on, this threatens not only ukraine now, it really threatens the asian-pacific region, precisely those allies of the united states, which are japan, taiwan, south korea, directly, who
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are beginning to understand, russia is now raising north korea, and war, for example, on the korean peninsula is already a reality, because kimchi with nuclear weapons ... already looks better than south korea, which indeed, in fact, it was quite mobilized from the point of view of the armed forces, but even now it was not so ready to confront all of russia and north korea, iran, and behind them there in the shadows is china, which says that it is a peacemaker, but in fact before these since then, he has active economic ties with all these countries, so the problem for the west is huge, they are just... now they are starting to wake up, they are actually potentially much stronger than this so-called axis of evil, you cannot compare the gdp of the countries of the west with the total gdp there russia, china, north korea and iran, these are much more powerful countries, the united states
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spends under 900 billion dollars a year on defense, that is, these funds seem to be insufficient for the production and equipment and provision of its allies and so on. but we are in a state of geopolitical turbulence, we know that the elections of the united states are approaching, and there, in fact, it is not yet clear to me who is still better for ukraine, or trump, who proposes rather drastic changes in geopolitics, well, for example , dramatically flood the market, the global oil market, american oil and reduce oil prices, it is very profitable for us, because the price of $10 means depriving russia of the main source. monetary resources, financing of their defense industry, financing of their mercenaries, soldiers, whom they already pay 25 thousand dollars each for a contract signing bonus and so on, that is , or kamala harris, who seems to be quite beautiful and positive for ukraine, but
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i do not see her position with regard to ukraine, will this be a continuation of this policy of de-escalation, or will it still be possible to be more decisive leadership position, this... it is important for ukraine to understand now and be ready for any variant of the development of events, and the west, i hope that europe will become more autonomous, and maybe even in nato two divisions will actually be created, one division will deal under the leadership of the united states, asia and north america, and europe, together with ukraine, will deal more with eurasia, i don't see anything wrong with it if europe also starts to live a little like a state of war. because the war is approaching europe, it must be understood in including in european capitals. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for the conversation, it was mykhailo samus, a military expert. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube,
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please take our poll. today we ask you about the following: do you expect the f-16 fighters to change the situation at the front? yes, no, if you have a separate room. opinion, please write in the comments under this video, like this video, well, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smart phone or phones and vote if you expect the f-16 to change the situation on... on the front 0800 211 381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end program , we will sum up the results of this vote. further , we are in touch with roman tsimbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, former vlasko runyan in moscow. mr. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. greetings, serhiy, glad to see everyone. well, taking the opportunity, what us is watched by a large television audience, i urge... subscribers who follow
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how and what roman tsymbalyuk comments, join his youtube channel, it's always interesting there, i recommend it as a person who watches roman tsymbalyuk. so, roman, let's start with such a big spy exchange that putin conducted today with the ... civilized world, because he exchanged his killers, spies for political prisoners, for journalists, for public figures, 26 prisoners out of several parties who actually exchanged these prisoners, and russia in style of the soviet union changed luis karvalan to volodymyr bukovsky, well , it sounded a little differently to hooligan, yes. this is putin’s exchange fund, as i said, it consists of decent people and people
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who are, or were, engaged in political activities in of russia, or foreign journalists or public figures, what can you say about this big exchange, does it mean that the western world is starting some kind of dialogue with russia, because russia is such a country that can endlessly... take hostages, journalists, public figures, politicians, then endlessly exchange them for their killers, spies, who are caught all over the world. well, first of all, it is much more pleasant to look at this deductive history from kyiv than to participate in it personally, well, that's me, you introduced me as a former lascolorer in moscow, i remembered that it was interesting. there were moments, and when you returned home alive and well, even during the war, you understand that home
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is better than, gentle home, yes, as for this story and the exchange in general, well the fact that we see, putin once again demonstrated his strength, as he actually demonstrates in the war with ukraine, which i mean, it's easier for him and... for russians in general, because they don't care about their people, in general, and it is clear that the americans, the british, and any representatives of other countries, the governments will be drowning for them until the very last moment, well, just like the germans were replaced with oleksandr lukashenka, and this simply needs to be recorded, because their approach is such that, well, it ... the same as in the war with us, only different, different proportions,
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other number of people, he doesn't care how many of them will be there or pass away or die, and the western government does not, as for what actually concerns, whether russia has started negotiations with the west, well then i can say, or the west with russia, then and and then we started negotiations with russia, because we also exchange our people, and this is done quite regularly. although i was recently near the building of the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners, there are many women with posters informing that their sons were not exchanged, that's it we just have to record, and i think we just have to congratulate those people who... uh got their freedom, including russian citizens who spoke out and are speaking out
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against putin, we are always skeptical here sometimes, but nevertheless, a person who for his beliefs and views was put in putin's carriage, in a russian prison, i think he deserves respect, especially since all these people are categorically against the war, well, that's in general, i would miss this story thus the press secretary. well, that's it a short formula from piskov. another person who has opposed the russian regime for a long time and is in the territory of the ukrainian state is ilya panamaryov, a former deputy of the state duma of the russian federation. on this night, from july 31 to august 1, an enemy drone damaged his house in the kyiv region, and as
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the former state duma deputy himself wrote, literally last night. that is, from the 30th to the 31st, three shaheds were shot down above his house or next to his house, and he thought that it was a coincidence, what ponomarov is writing now, this thing was very upset hard, just in front of the house, i mean the drone itself, and a bunch of debris flew into me, the fire was quickly extinguished by the security guards who came, but there was a lot of blood and i had to go to the hospital quickly, thank god. and ilya ponomarov, his wife, are alive, healthy, wounded, you see, wounded in the face, and here i have a question, this, this case, it means that any person who opposes russia in one way or another may find himself pee, well under the attack of this strike
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drone, and anyone who publicly says that russia... putin is a criminal, with public figures, of course, can fall under these drones, or is there a recipe for how to protect yourself from this? there is a recipe, and i will happily answer your question, serhiy, but let's start with the recipe, yes, we must kill the russians, kill the russians and their leaders, no one has come up with anything else, those who, therefore, promote war against ukraine, that's it. the military leadership, putin, medvedev and the rest, these are all legitimate targets, and they must be destroyed, and look, look, peace and justice will come. actually, everything is very simple, as far as ilya panamerev is concerned, v his ukrainian citizenship, so it is clear that he is one of those who moved to rashi, he calls a spade a spade, exactly what i
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just said, that all these stories are about peaceful protests. and sitting on a bottle is, well , at least stupid, and at least, and at most simply dangerous, because all these people were listed by russian employees of the center for combating extremism and then transplanted in one way, so it seems to me that in this case it is clear that after all, ilya panomerov is not an ordinary citizen of ukraine war, he is a person who... makes sense and the main sense actually is weapons and resistance with weapons in hand, but let's be honest, well, it's clear that you have to earn three shahedes and a fourth for a snack, as they say, but we
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all we live in such conditions, whether you are in kyiv or in some other city, the chance that something heavy will fly to you and break, explode, he, he is not zero. well, it is worth saying that ilya panomaryov was involved in the creation of the free russia battalion and was involved in the russian volunteer movement. that is, the russians who are fighting against vladimir putin, he was in our studio, we just talked with him about all these things and that. as people now choose their freedom by fighting on the side of ukraine, it is clear that ilya ponomaryov is a big figure, and it is clear that the russian special services pay special attention to her. at the same time, roman, i also wanted to ask you about these corruption scandals that are just exploding in the ministry of defense
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of sergei shaygu, or rather, his former, his... turning, because we see how one after another, the deputy ministers, there, the leaders of the war dealers, all the other people, it seems that five or six people are already on trial in the pretrial detention center. sergey kyzhugetovych himself has a warrant from the international criminal court, he is a certified criminal of such an international level, but this corruption, it has always existed in russia, and everyone has been stealing there since time immemorial, and probably under putin. it all somehow happens centrally, or they somehow regulate there, well, everyone takes as much as they are allowed to take, does this mean that the whole environment of the shaygu now sits down to... szo, what they they took a little more and for what reason showed the situation in the army not as it was, but painted this situation, as a result
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of which they have been in this state since 2022, actually thefts, bribes and the rest do not matter, they are as they say, they disgraced their tsar, or not the tsar to the whole world, but this is the tsar... let's remember, so since 17, vladimir putin has been showing all kinds of features in public speeches, how russian missiles fly, respectively, somewhere in the united states the states, and everything is burned there, and this sick grandfather, whom we now see on the screens, he usually says, we don’t have analogues, we ’re going crazy now, we want nato to shrink, ukraine to be ours and so on and so forth, here for once and a little bit everything went differently, moreover ... on russian television, now they are showing how tamagavkas and other missiles are flying into russian cities, our ballistic missiles will also be flying, including in addition to
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the f-16 armament, and it is clear that the shoigu clan is being punished for this, he personally most likely will not be touched , but will simply send him to the pension in which he is currently in fact is present because this same body... depending on the personal is either influential or so-so, and because lately i haven't even seen the meetings of the russian security council on fridays, usually putin calls, something lately, it seems to me, even and this format somehow became not so interesting, it seems to me that the coolest news in this case is that the leaders were arrested... intorga, we remember, this is exactly what started the war, this is putin's maniac's catchphrase, weapons and the russian military uniform
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can be bought in any vaentorza, so that's it i want to say to this monster, well, what a crazy grandfather, you managed to demilitarize ukraine with modern american planes, and probably, if you had at least a little bit of restraint. then you would have already started to crawl away, and the effect will be just like this, well, that is, the creeping away of russia, only because of blood and ours, well, and accordingly, russian non-destinies. roman, another topic that was updated during the last week was zelensky's interview with the lemont publication, he said that the russians could be present at or russia could be present at the second summit. peace, which will take place in november, and what did zelensky say? i believe, like most countries, that russian representatives must be present at the second peace summit in november, otherwise we will not
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achieve viable results. i don't want them to get in the way of our joint plan. we know that the russians issued an ultimatum, an ultimatum to the ukrainian side and said that your capitulation, four oblasts, the withdrawal of the ukrainian army. denazification, what are they doing next, well, they repeat this mantra, neutral status, yes there one more thing, how do you assess the effort to give the russians the opportunity to take part in this peace summit and in what status? well , first of all, they have already abandoned this format, secondly, the president of ukraine is demonstrating to the whole world that we, we are not, we are ready to compromise, we are ready to lead. negotiations, because lately the russians have always emphasized that it is the ukrainians who do not want to negotiate, please, we want to negotiate. the only nuance that
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is much more important here, when we talk about any peace talks, is that now everyone they started talking about the f-16, because this is a preparation for peace talks, and nothing will be signed with the russians under any circumstances, the only nuance here is the most important one, what will be the decision of the western world. after the election of the united states, ah, well, conventionally speaking, giving ukraine the number of planes and bombs to freeze the war, or to knock out the russian invaders from the territory of ukraine, will depend on this much more than all this talk about negotiations, well and in order for western partners to think faster, it is necessary to create your rockets and fly around moscow, that means to the house. so panavaryova flew in, so what, can’t we kill naryshny naryshkin, he lived too, he also has a daughter, too... those
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glass windows there need to be destroyed by people who will make the appropriate decisions, well, thank you, on that optimistic note we will finish our conversation, thank you roman for the conversation, it was roman tsymbalyuk, my colleague, journalist, friends, during the entire broadcast we conducted a survey about us and asked you about the following: do you expect the f-16 to change the situation at the front, 74% - yes, 26% - no. this, my friends, is where i end it, it was the privy verdict program. serhii rudenko, i'm saying goodbye to you, until tomorrow, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye, there are discounts until independence day on carsil tablets, 10% in pharmacies psylslynyk, bam and oskad, there are discounts until independence day on estazifin, 25% in psaryznyk, bam and
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oskad pharmacies have discounts until the day of the event. in pharmacies plantain, bam and oskad. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and growth forecast. developments, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and
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the opposite. communication, you can have your say on the bad day with a phone survey, plug and play, verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reported about them, but not many knew what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the recovery situation in different regions
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of ukraine, about rights, perhaps. and personal experiences of people. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i don't waste money. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the program of reconstruction and development of cities. what saturdays at 18:30 at espresso. hello, my name is yuriy fizar, and this is an espresso interview. as always. we have serious guests and serious topics, with our interlocutor today we will talk about pains, about hungarian-ukrainian relations, ultimately about hungary and about the hungarian leader viktor orban and my guest today , hungarian security analyst, expert of the german council on international relations, professor of corvina university, andrás rats. mr. ratz, welcome and thank you for joining
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me today. congratulations, and very much. thank you very much. thank you very much for joining. today we will talk about hungary, about the prime minister of hungary viktor orbán and about the very sensitive topic of ukrainian-hungarian relations. if you don't mind, i'll start with that. consequently, ukraine blocked the transit of russian oil to slovakia and hungary. the governments of those countries even appealed to the european commission with a request to pressure ukraine to cancel this decision? how far do you think the hungarian government will go to convince ukraine to allow oil through this pipeline.
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thank you, this is a very sensitive issue. in fact, the details here matter a lot on…


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