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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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in order to study for a master's degree and avoid mobilization, the head of the department of kharkiv university was kidnapped for a bribe. he demanded money for the unhindered admission of a man of draft age to a higher educational institution. at the same time, the head of the department warned that in case of refusal to transfer the money, the applicant will not be enrolled. the scientist was detained immediately after receiving the bribe. questions regarding the selection of his preventive measure are being resolved. and yet another scheme for the escape of men abroad was stolen by law enforcement officers in sumy oblast, four organizers were looking for those willing to go abroad of ukraine, escorted them to the specified place, provided them with housing and transported them to the territory of hungary, which is neighboring ukraine , outside the established checkpoints. in this way, those involved transported four men while preparing for the trip of the fifth, and they were detained. your post. estimated
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from 5 to 12 thousand dollars, those involved were declared suspicious. drugs and psychotropic substances were sold all over ukraine. in odesa, law enforcement officers detained a criminal group. the organizer is a 29-year-old woman in the drug business, who did not involve four acquaintances. buyers were searched on the internet, and the so -called goods were sold through the mail or bookmarked. monthly profits reached 1.5 million hryvnias. the detainees were informed of the suspicion, they face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property. law enforcement officers conducted a series of authorized searches, during which they seized almost four kg of various types of drugs and psychotropics, the total value of which at black market prices is more than uah 2 million. everything removed was sent to expert research. well, what are we going to do? time to talk
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about events that happened outside our borders state yuri fizery is ready to talk about the most important things in detail. good evening, yuriy. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. today, in particular, about this. the usa insists that russia should pay for the post-war reconstruction of ukraine. iran can deliver a direct blow to israel and an explosion of household gas in russia, which destroyed an entire entrance. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, i'll start with an event that is not the most important, not the most important, the most important one in the world right now is the large-scale exchange of prisoners, which was conducted by russia and the united states of america. 26 prisoners were exchanged at the airport of ankara, the capital of turkey. the exchange was shown live in turkish. ntv channel. and the journalists
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said that two planes from russia arrived in ankara for this. in total, there were seven times eight planes together, the others were from other countries. ntv also reports that there are two children on the list, the television company emphasizes that the operation was carried out with the assistance of the national intelligence organization of turkey and turkish intelligence confirmed the exchange in ankara. it is also interesting what about these... two children - these are two children of imprisoned russians who were accused of espionage abroad, they spied, having argentine passports, pretending to be completely different people, and they had children, children together with them returned, by the way, the wall street journal journalist evan hershkovich, who was detained without grounds, accused of espionage, is finally returning to the united states of america, and the russians also returned vladimir karamur. this is a russian
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oppositionist, ilyu yashina is a colleague navalny, and also alsuk kormashevo, she is a journalist of radio liberty, well, in return they get, i mean the russians, killer, who killed, for example, zalimkhan khangoshvili in berlin, they also get back a hacker who is there a very... strong tool with money laundering in the united states of america, in a word, now experts will evaluate how complete this exchange was, while the americans get more people, the russians get less in return. experts will now look at how much it was fully, but it is good that people are returning, i mean those who were illegally detained and convicted in russia, are returning home. we're moving on: a cease- fire agreement. in ukraine will not be closed until
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the presidential elections in the united states of america are over, turkish foreign minister hakan fidan expressed this opinion in an interview with the sabah newspaper. according to him, after the american elections, there may be a certain easing of tension on the fronts, but there will be no agreement on a complete end to the war, and further quote the head of the turkish foreign policy department. this war has been going on for 2.5 years, everyone has begun to see their limits, it has become clear how far one can go without using nuclear weapons, and now an account of possibilities will be kept. well, these possibilities are being discussed very strongly right now, everyone is talking about the fact that somewhere on... over the mountains there may be a negotiating table, at which the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and the leader of the terrorist country vladimir putin will probably sit, and by the way , what else do i want to say, i personally think that today's exchange is such a prelude to the fact that the first step to then further
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go to this round table, well, let's see, the 45th president of the united states of america , donald trump, who again claims to be naive. that in the event of his victory, he again promises to end the russian war in ukraine immediately after the elections in november, without waiting for the inauguration in january 2025. the ex-owner of the white house, who is trying his best to return there for another four years, said this during a meeting with supporters in the state of pennsylvania. at the same time , he has already added that in case of his defeat , the citizens of the united states of america will face the third world war. into which they will be drawn by the washington democratic administration. another interesting statement was made by trump during this meeting. he said that the vice president of the united states , kamela harris, who may one day be
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the only candidate nominated by the democrats for the presidential elections, was sent to butim at the beginning of a full-scale invasion to prevent war, and... donald trump in his usual self style said that but she did not cope with this task, she still did not do what she wanted to do and then trump's quote: can anyone imagine that she is negotiating with the leader of the prc, siddienpiin, he is a fierce person, he knows that she was sent to negotiate with vladimir putin to prevent him from invading ukraine, but she could not do it - says donald trump. well, he knows how to say, well, in a sense he knows how to say, he says what he thinks is worth saying, whether it is worth saying it is another question. the main one the share of financial responsibility for the post-war reconstruction of ukraine should fall on the shoulders of the russian economy. this was said the day before, the special representative
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of the united states of america for the economic recovery of ukraine, penny pritzker, during a thematic discussion at the brookings analytical institute. according to her, the short-term financial needs of kyiv must be covered. at the expense of revenues from sovereign russian assets frozen in the west and further her quote: these funds can be directed to military and economic needs, as well as the needs are related to the recovery of the country in the short term. well, one more such interesting opinion was voiced by ms. prytsker, she said that in the united states of america it is becoming more and more difficult to find funds to provide assistance to kyiv, that is, she... says: these funds are available, but it is becoming more difficult to extract them, because it is more difficult for the payers taxes to convey the expediency of allocating these funds to ukraine and transferring them to ukraine. well, it's a pity, of course, which is more difficult, but thank you that these funds are still
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given to us. the dialogue with the vatican regarding the end of the war in ukraine continues. about this - she said in an interview to the propagandist , i'm sorry, lord. to the news agency ria novosti, masha zakharova, who calls herself the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign intervention of russia, she emphasized that russia is ready to interact with all those who seek to end, here is her quote: the ukrainian conflict, and at the same time she said that one more quote: " taking into account the importance of the figure of the secretary of state in the hierarchy of the roman catholic church, we certainly take his statements seriously, the dialogue with the vatican continues, our country is ready to interact with everyone strives to contribute to the peaceful settlement of ukrainian, and again this is the word crisis, that is , they are looking for everyone who can settle, and they can end this war quickly, they simply withdrew the troops and forgot about everything, asked for
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an apology, reparations, reconstruction, and that was the end of it, but no, they don't want to just end this war, unfortunately, and what about russia... probably before negotiations, because valentina matvienko even said about it in the title of tyutina, a native of the ukrainian city of shepetivka, and she, by the way, is the head federation council, this the upper house of the russian parliament, that's what she said, this is a direct quote from vali matvienko. we are ready for negotiations taking into account the situation on the ground and what is called reality. we are ready for negotiations taking into account the national interests of the russian federation and the achievement of tasks and goals set within the framework of the so-called, i add, a special military operation, that is, it repeats those narratives. which putin said for several weeks that ukraine should withdraw its troops from the temporarily
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occupied zaporizhia and kherson regions, even give zaporizhzhia and kherson, and give dzuske to you. well , the security situation in the middle east may worsen. the supreme leader of the islamic republic of iran, ayatollah ali khamenei, ordered a direct strike. across israel in response to the assassination in tehran of one of the leaders of hamas, ismail haniya. this was reported by new york times journalists with reference to three sources. according to the information they received, on the morning of july 31 , alikhami held an extraordinary meeting of the supreme national security council of iran and ordered ayatollah gave a blow to israel at this meeting. the newspaper cited three sources, including two corps members. supporters of the islamic revolution, their names are withheld because they are not authorized
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to speak publicly. what exactly will be the retaliatory strike, unknown sources of the new york times, suggest that the iranian military may strike with the help of drones and missiles at military facilities in the area of ​​tel aviv and haifa. well, before the elections in venezuela, the pro-government coalition of venezuela, a great patriotic pole. ready to provide all protocols on the results of the country's presidential elections, the current leader of venezuela, nicolas maduro, said this the day before after a visit to the supreme court, in which he asked the venezuelan officials of femide to conduct an audit of the results of the presidential elections. he expects that the court will request the results of each candidate from all 38 parties, and further, his quote: i am appealing to the highest judicial authority of venezuela so that it is within the framework. of his competence requested data on voting from all state authorities.
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immediately after the end of the voting on sunday, citizens of the country began to take to the streets en masse, and in this way they tried to show the authorities that they do not agree with the election results and consider them falsified. and by the way, after these protests, which took place for two days in a row, it has somehow quieted down there. more than a thousand people were detained, and this is a lot, where they are now, what their fate is, it is currently unknown, but they were scared anyway, the estonian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate agreed with the ministry of internal affairs country, a plan for a further break with the moscow patriarchate. the results of this meeting were published in a press release on the epc website. it describes the agreed plan for the future breakup. first, by the end of august, the epc will propose changes to its charter, removing all references to the connection with the russian orthodox church, which
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will unilaterally put an end to the legislative referral of the affiliate status of the russian orthodox church. and secondly, the next stage will be consultations with the estonian apostolic orthodox church, which has communion with the ecumenical patriarch to find a way to unify all estonian orthodox under a single church jurisdiction. well, only the moscow orthodox church in ukraine is destroyed, but they will not agree to this at all, they still have not given a clear answer about whether they have any relations with the russian orthodox church, or not , they would do as estonians, but they don't do it, because there are some such relationships, because this is a church that is connected to the fsb of russia, well, in conclusion, yes, i understand that , unfortunately, such cases can happen in... the country , but when you have billions of oil and gas dollars, you can
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throw them so that such cases do not happen in your country in your cities, but instead, putin throws such money into the war in ukraine. in the lower tagil in the urals, one entrance of a five-story residential building collapsed. the previous reason is an explosion of household gas. at least six people were injured, including children. rescuers are clearing the debris, as there may still be people under it. because the house was built back in 1974, the last time local gas workers checked it was on july 19 this year, and then the conclusion was as follows: the house gas network works. it's working, it's not working, well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all only for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our next broadcast, so don't switch.
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your place is waiting for you, the lights are left on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings, and swimming, you are waiting for you on your streets, in... school, in your church, because in your home they dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, behind they cry for you, they pray for you, we did not give up, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby.
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half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do our best to embrace you as soon as possible. therefore, when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you. the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion of the day with a phone
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survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, we continue, and today i again announced important topics from oleksandr murchuvka, because it directly concerns our money with you, our expenses and profits with you, money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, please. thank you, vasyl, i congratulate the viewers, so you will find out how much fuel prices will rise, the new excise tax will start working in september. also traditionally, i monitor the situation with taxes, what the entrepreneurs and the cabinet of ministers have agreed on , you will find out in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. i am starting a graduation with the financial support of international partners. in the near future, the state budget will receive a grant from
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the united states in the amount of almost 4 billion dollars. minister of finance. serhiy marchenko of ukraine and the regional director of the world bank signed the corresponding agreement. the money will be used to pay salaries to teachers, rescue workers, and workers state bodies, as well as for social benefits. this is the first such tranche of direct budget support from the states this year. in total, almost 8 billion dollars of aid is planned. the ministry of finance is ready for further tax discussions. but expects that a joint decision to meet the needs of the armed forces will be adopted by september, - said minister of finance serhiy marchenko after a meeting with representatives of the council for business support in martial law. consequently, business harshly criticized the draft law of the cabinet of ministers on fiscal changes and initiated it discussion of alternative ways of filling the treasury. let me remind you that
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the country's main budget currently lacks 500 billion hryvnias, a special shortage of funds specifically for the army. consumers will hardly notice the increase in the cost of fuel after the increase in excise taxes. this is the forecast made by the director of the a95 consulting group serhii kuyun. according to the expert, there is much more talk about this in the country than the expected consequences. a higher price will affect liquefied gas, but the use of this type of fuel will still remain profitable. before the price of oil on world markets has fallen in recent days. than 80 dollars per barrel. this essentially adds to the optimism in price formation for end consumers of fuel in our country. let's listen to an expert. in fact, we can confidently talk about the price increase only for liquefied gas, the tax on it increases the most, it increases by uah 5 per liter, accordingly, i think that this
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increase will happen, but this does not mean that liquefied gas will lose its attractiveness for users. that is, it will still be profitable compared to gasoline and even beneficial for those who drive a lot and accordingly can install new gas. cylinder equipment for gasoline-diesel is not so clear-cut, because the tax on it increases not not not not so significantly by one and a half hryvnias for gasoline, 2 hryvnias for diesel, and accordingly, if for example, i would say that if it were implemented today from august 1 and not since september 1, so we did not feel these changes at all. but ukraine's sanctions on oil transit to luk oil do not violate the association agreement with the eu, and the reaction of the slovak and hungarian parties is extremely politicized and manipulative, about said prime minister denys shmyhal during a telephone conversation with executive
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vice president of the european commission valdis dombrovskis. ukraine is always open to constructive cooperation with eu countries. the real threat is posed by russia, which is trying to avoid fair sanctions through energy blackmail, the head of our government added. well, really. right now, there is a lot going on around the transit of russian oil, in particular from lukoil to slovakia and hungary, and peter szijártó, the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, accuses the european union, which could already react, but for some reason is silent, although i will remind you that nafta lukoil is under the sanctions of ukraine, and we are simply implementing the legislation, yes, before that, let's say, hungary blocked it. the allocation of money in ukraine, before that hungary blocked the transfer of aid to ukraine, now hungary has blocked the decision regarding the elections in venezuela, that is, you do as you see fit, or
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as your partners from moscow tell you, where you constantly go, but your interests everyone for some reason should argue, on the question of why, and you are the largest donor of the european union, or not, in my opinion, do these countries want to know about the sanctions on lokoil from the side of ukraine for a long time, so let's move on, we will ask the critically important ministers of politics. reservation for enterprises that grow vegetables and fruits. the government officials appealed to the regional military administrations to review the criteria for the involvement of industry workers in the ranks of the zu. the sphere is now of critical importance for the economy of ukraine. previously, about 70% of vegetable production was grown in the south. today part of this business is destroyed. someone moved to other regions. all this affected the prices, experts say. so that consumers have plenty of vegetables. the ministry of agrarian policy advises employees of such agricultural enterprises to be booked against mobilization. but kievstar
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vodafone and lifecell report that it is difficult to ensure 100% autonomy of mobile communication and the internet for 10 hours during power outages. this is stated in the joint statement of the companies. they continue to work on increasing the energy stability of networks, but this needs considerable resources and time. recently, let me remind you, the national center for operational and technical management of telecommunications networks obliged operators to ensure complete independence of communication, autonomy of communication within 10 hours after turning off the lights. the business notes that outage schedules make it difficult for equipment to operate. in order to fulfill these requirements, it is necessary to completely rebuild the infrastructure, agree with the energy industry. well, it is quite difficult to fulfill all these requirements, lack. there is staff, shortage of staff, as well as impossibility install generators, for example, on the roofs of buildings, that is, there is a solution from the regulator, and
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mobile operators are currently trying to solve this situation, but it is necessary to rebuild, it is necessary to work and it is necessary to change, as vasyl often says in his publications, it is necessary to change, of course, there are certain the circumstances that exist now, the question is different, isn’t it... it was clear why it was not possible to prepare in advance, because the issue of doubling the tariffs, you and i discussed just outside the ether, we said that it is already being talked about, but it is always very, very easy and very easy to raise tariffs, and actually you don't do anything about it, you just receive new bills, you have to pay them, but the question was why not prepare, well, even though there are problems with the mobile phone with the internet, in particular with telephone communication, there were such long blackouts much earlier than now , and these problems are about these mobile problems. knew, maybe it was necessary to prepare in advance, and not wait for such a radical decision from the market regulator, absolutely, well, the discussion is really going on now
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important tax changes. there was a meeting of the government with business representatives, but so far there are no such results, and i will remind you that the representative, the special representative for the reconstruction of ukraine, peni priskr, emphasized that now is not the time to raise taxes, it is necessary first of all to carry out customs reform, and from there you can get significant income to the treasury, well , absolutely, it's just that the easiest method is always to absorb more from the people, well, you have to understand that the people... well, now we don't have the kind of income that we had, let's say, before the full-scale invasion, those that have real incomes, they are hidden where you cannot get them, neither the ministry of finance, nor the tax office, no one, because they are generally hidden outside of ukraine, and those people who have saved something for themselves somewhere there, they will not give more than they can, they will close the business , they will sit at home to eat buckwheat, they won’t give it back, they just won’t give it back and that’s all, so look for those who steal, or who build schemes in which very huge flows go into their pockets, well, you mentioned such scumbags, about certain
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misunderstandings . in economic models, and indeed you discussed the issue today tender for the reconstruction of ohmadit, and there is already a reaction from the ministry of health that they have invited to conduct an audit of this tender, how transparent it was, well , i have this impression, and this is the question, if you are talking about transparent tenders, what kind of audit, what kind of transparency, well, what's more, it's people's money, it's business money, money of ordinary citizens who are not from business, money of western partners. and then suddenly, well, we did not fall from the sky, we all understand very well that there are setbacks in ukraine, there have always been, there are always certain percentages, but this is not the question, and it is not done so, well, it is not so openly done, when the company that built it says 179 million, a company that is unknown when they appeared on the market with two kamaz and in one man, he says 307 million, what, the situation is really difficult now, it is necessary to monitor this, and indeed political scientist taras zagorodnyi said today that it is necessary not only to conduct
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such... well, such an analysis of this tender, but there are indeed bodies that would anti-corruption bodies, which always have sufficient financial support, had to react to this, they have increased expenses for their activities, that is, what's stopping them? well, this is the situation in the world of money as of today, i will add up the following results tomorrow, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more to come, watch us! thank you very much, serhiy, oleksandr morchivka, we had such a good conversation that was emotional, well, actually, the situation in the ukrainian economy is such that without emotions there is nothing, but we can be emotional in the studio, as they say, and decisions should be made with a cool head and with a clear perspective as these decisions have to affect the economy, because in a war situation wrong decisions, emotional, wrong decisions, they can lead to
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very negative consequences. therefore, we hope that our officials, on whom these decisions depend, will make them without emotions, well, we can give these emotions a little freedom somewhere, i suggest joining the collection, the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have opened a fundraiser for the purchase modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault unit brigades of the 110th and 47th legendary brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction are holding back massive enemy attacks every day. our freedom and future, actually defending our lives. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction this spring, when it was very difficult, due to the lack of ammunition and the absence of many necessary things, they still managed to hold back and get out. and there were a lot of losses, and resources must be replenished. they urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones, which is also very important it is necessary to knock these drones out of the way and,
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as they say, prevent them from reaching their goal, these technologies are critical for the most important thing, to protect the lives of our soldiers. our goal is ambitious, but realistic - 3.5 million hryvnias. it is quite real for us. we have already collected tens of millions of hryvnias during the entire period of the full-scale invasion. you, the viewers of our tv channel. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. together we can protect those who protect us. and don't think that money is small. all that you can... give today, it will play its important role. well, now i will bring the plot to your attention, and then, by the way, wait, because anatodenko will talk today about whether the great heat will return to ukraine. and since the beginning of summer, ukrainians have been paying 4 hryvnias 32 kopecks per 1 kw for electricity. in addition, the lack of electricity for 6 hours or more forces us to look for alternative solutions for energy independence.


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