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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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deputy of ukraine and secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada on fuel and energy complex, nuclear policy and nuclear safety, all this is of the eighth convocation, on this too we have to say goodbye to roman, we wish you a peaceful and safe day, take care of yourself, do not neglect air warning signals and for opportunities to donate to any gatherings that call, that ask to support our advocates at meetings. we summarize the informative morning across the country on the air of the news, khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. in the morning, the occupiers struck with a drone of a bus with people in the dergachiv community in the kharkiv region. injured - one man
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is currently in a serious condition - reported the head of the regional military administration oleg synigupov. three people were injured as a result of an enemy attack on donetsk region, the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin, announced. one person was injured in selidovo. six private houses and a power line were damaged there. one more wounded in ivanopil, there are three houses in nivdchyna. there is also a postro. long in ugledarska community three people were injured as a result of an enemy attack in the kherson region. the russians aimed at the residential quarters of the settlements. 19 private houses, a gas pipeline, an outbuilding, a garage and cars were damaged, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the regional military administration, announced. and russia was attacked by drones at night. powerful explosions. nals in several districts of the kursk
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region. russian air defense allegedly shot down all the drones , the propaganda media reported. according to their information, two uavs also attacked an electrical substation in the krasnodar territory. they say that the winding of the transformer caught fire there and four switches were damaged. he worked for the occupiers. the sbu detained a resident of vinnytsia. according to the investigation materials, the man from... was passing on information about ukrainian units of the defense forces, as well as fortifications in the region. the suspect personally observed the objects and searched for information on the internet. he transmitted all data to the enemy through a messenger, he was chosen as a preventive measure in the form of detention. over the past 24 hours , 127 combat operations took place along the entire front collisions, the hottest in the pokrovsky direction. there, the russians stormed
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the positions of our troops 53 times. fierce fighting continues in the novooleksandrivka and zhelany areas, and the situation on the turkish side in the severnoy and zalizny areas is also tense. the armed forces of ukraine stopped 24 attacks by invaders. the russians stormed 11 times in the siversk direction and six times in the kramatorsk direction. kharkiv region is also restless. seven times the enemy attacked in the kupyansk direction. more in the areas of pischannoy and stelmakhivka, our rocket launchers and artillerymen struck for four enemy control points, air defense equipment, radar stations and two areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers. and the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades. armed forces the defenders in the donetsk
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direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. brigades urgently need flying weapons and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. and with your help , we have already collected more than uah 4,000. remember, each of your donations is important. so down. before the collection, you can see all the details on the screen. good health, dear ukrainians, we are the fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpolas and komikaji drones, we really ask for your help , glory to ukraine, heroes glory to heroes. the minister of health
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asked the law enforcement officers to check the tender for the reconstruction of the ohmadit hospital. viktor lyashko wrote about this on the social network, explaining that the announcement will be defeated. caused a negative response and the competition should be analyzed for transparency. the agreement with the winner has not yet been signed, the minister added. journalists of the our money project drew attention to the fact that one of the most expensive proposals won the tender. tove bood technology offered to perform work for uah 307 million. then, like a dozen other participants were ready to do it from 42 to 286 million. at least seven applications contained fully filled-out documents indicating prices for various types of work, wrote our money. in istanbul , the corvette, hetman ivan vegovsky, was launched. first lady olena zelenska and minister
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of defense of ukraine rustem umirov took part in the solemn ceremony. this is the second ship that was built in turkey on the order of ukraine. now another corvette, hetman ivan mazepa, is passing you. sea ​​trials, it will become the flagship of the naval forces of ukraine. this corvette will become a guarantee of the security of our common region with you, the common sea of ​​our countries. because we, ukraine, are now defending not only ourselves, but the very principle of moderate coexistence. so, this ship is another step on the way. before this. a case that has been going on for six years. today , a court is sitting in kyiv regarding the murder of kateryna handzyuk, a public and political figure from kherson. our correspondent, kateryna galko, knows what is happening in court. she is with us
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live. katya, i congratulate you, so did famida manage to sentence everyone involved in crime? greetings khrystyna, greetings to the viewers of the tv channel. press, so today we are in the kyiv court of appeals, where the appeal in the case of the murder of kateryna handzyuk is being considered again, because the panel of judges has actually been renewed, but first of all, six years ago, on july 31, 2018 , public activist kateryna handzyuk from kherson was doused with acid. she was an active participant of euromay, opposing attempts to start the russian spring in the city, as well as generally against attempts at corruption and... bavil in kherson. as a result of the attack, she then received more than 30% of skin burns. she was in intensive care for 96 days, survived 14 operations and more than 100 anesthesias. however, unfortunately, on november 4 , 2018, as a result of all the postponed operations
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, she died in a hospital in kyiv. the case did not have a great resonance among the public, but the search for both the organizers, the customers, and the perpetrators of the murder lasted for several years. in... in 2019 , five perpetrators were sentenced to imprisonment, and as recently as last year, on june 26, 2013 , the dnipro court in kyiv sentenced the masterminds of the murder to 10 years each the dnipro district court of kyiv convicted the former head of the kherson regional council , vladyslav manger, for ordering the attack, and his assistant, oleksiy levin, for organizing the crime. however, the court's verdict still has not entered into legal force, because the lawyers, their lawyers filed an appeal, they started considering it on february 4 this year, and on july 19 they started considering it again, because one of the judges from the colleagues resigned. so
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they replaced him with another one and started all over again. i want to emphasize that munger and levin are to blame still do not recognize, and their lawyers are asking to cancel the verdict and in general for... the case, and the problem is that in july 2028 the ten-year statute of limitations on the case will expire, that is, they will be able to close it, and thus, the actual customers and executors will be able to avoid punishment, and it seemed that four years is quite a long time, however, considering how the case progressed before that, if in six years they could not, could not find, could not convict the guilty, then in four years it was quite you can... tighten it, so now the public is trying to become more active again, so that neither the customers nor the executors could avoid punishment, so this is the situation, we will follow how the review of the appeal proceeds, khrystyna, i pass otert to you. thank you, katya, our correspondent kateryna halko told about the new details of the case regarding the murder of
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kherson activist kateryna handzyuk. mykola loptsov from kropyvnytskyi went to the front to protect his family, he had no military experience, but he became... a unit commander. it is difficult for a warrior in kherson region wounded, but fate gave mykola a chance to live. our journalists will tell the story of the volunteer. the last thing i remember is that a small rectangle flies into my eye and a loud ringing in the right, everything started with the left, i heard everything, i remember that i'm going up, and i have a walkie-talkie here, and i'm right in saying that the terrace is 300 and i'm falling, this is how the battle ended for mykola luptsov in december of last year in krynyky, in the kherson region in... in peaceful life, the man worked at a metal products factory, joined the army voluntarily, began his service by
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being on duty at checkpoints, then hot spots. the motivation, he says, was one: to prevent the enemy from entering his home. like any conscious citizen, that they will not stop there, as i saw how it is in donbas, i felt that they will not stop there and will go. and so he went. and then we already went to the south, when the counteroffensive began, and we are standing in the kherson region, and we are still defending it. soon mykola was appointed the commander of the division of the rifle battalion, for him, as for many other soldiers, everything at the front was the first time, but he had to set an example for his subordinates and go go ahead, even though it was scary myself, they want to beat us, but not today, today we will be better than them, and i have machine gunners
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, by the way, he is 56 years old, i have a subordinate, it was less than 19 years. in the battles , mykola received several contusions, in the kherson region he came under artillery fire, due to heavy fire, they could not evacuate him during three days . mykola lost the sight in one eye, underwent dozens of operations, despite this he hopes to continue to be useful to the army. trenches are trenches, but nobody has documents canceled, with them it is necessary to work with them as well, with their part, yes, to make it easier for their brothers, so that they do not give up and do everything, well, how everything will make everything easier for them. mykola's aunt. remembers how it was not easy for the family when his life was in danger, it is very hard, hard, you
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understand that they are there, they stand on our protection, they, well, in a word, it is hell, and that they came, and after the injury, what they endured, they are very good, they are holding on, guys... it was very difficult for us, as close people, because we are not understood, we tried to help, but we could not do it. now the man is undergoing rehabilitation, he says, the state will have to develop this direction for a long time, there are many wounded, and they all want to return to a full life. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. the kyiv zoo received a pair of owlets from the main intelligence directorate. birds areya and
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magura were evacuated from kharkiv region. they were found during a combat mission near the village of liptsi by military companies of attack drones of the achilles air complexes of the 92nd assault brigade. the owls sat locked in a cage in one of the destroyed buildings. they were hungry and exhausted. after the evacuation, pernatykh was presented to ukrainian scouts, because it is an owl. a symbol of military intelligence of ukraine. now the regular birds will live in a special aviary of the aviary. with this i conclude the issue and bid you farewell until tomorrow, stay tuned. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. f-16 in ukraine. western sources confirm
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the first use of american fighter jets in ukrainian skies, but the official kyiv keeps silent. can fourth-generation western aircraft change the situation at the front? broke at the threshold of the house. an enemy drone injured russian oppositionist ilya ponomarev with shrapnel. it will be in the yard. in the kyiv region, is putin's regime still capable of getting its enemies abroad? restoration of territorial integrity as a precondition. zelensky insists on the presence of russian representatives at the second peace summit. who and how will be able to convince the aggressor to return the seized ukrainian territories. glory to ukraine. it program verdict. my name is serhiy rudenko.
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i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next hour, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and. about our victory. today we will have valentin nalivaichenko, mykhailo samus and roman tsimbalyuk as guests. however, before starting our big conversation with our experts, let's watch a video of how ukrainian paratroopers repelled another russian assault. the fighters managed to destroy three armed tanks and several infantry fighting vehicles. let's see how it was.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout our broadcast we conduct a survey, today we ask you about this, do you expect the f-16 to change the situation at the front? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube: either yes or no, the button, if you have your own opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv and on the air, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. on 0800 211 381 if you expect f-16 fighter jets to change the situation on the front, no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, literally in 55 minutes we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first
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guest, valentina levalchenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the parliamentary committee on integration of ukraine with the eu, chairman. of the security services of ukraine in 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2015, mr. valentin, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. valentine, let's start our conversation with a great exchange that took place in the world today, i would he said so, because russia, germany, the united states of america, turkey and a number of european countries took part in this exchange. countries, so 26 prisoners held in the united states of america, germany, russia, slovenia, poland, norway and belarus participated in this exchange, in a big exchange. it is known that walst journal reporter evan hershkovich,
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united states marine paul whelan, german citizen rico krieger, imprisoned in belarus, were released. russian oppositionist ilya yashin, publicist volodymyr karamurza, as well as fsb officers, including the murderer vadym krasikov. well, traditionally, of course, russia exchanges political prisoners, because among those i listed, most of them are political prisoners for those who work in the fsb or work in other special forces of the russian federation, there are killers, there are spies, there are people who... work for the russian state, what does this exchange mean? does this mean that the west is slowly starting to talk to russia, or is this conversation purely professional and only related to this particular case? it means that actually the american government has made an unprecedented
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effort, i think and i know, in the last two years to bring back really first and foremost the journalist. i myself know him and his colleagues and i know that for several years, but without results, they appealed to the kremlin, to putin, even personally, and the russian side always refused. moreover, they refused not just like that, but constantly inciting, raising the price and using the detention of a journalist, an american, fairly well-known publication, for political pressure, manipulation and actually for his propaganda. intimidating with inhumane conditions, intimidating with possible torture in a russian prison from all american journalists who tried or were in the territory. russia, i think that this was the main issue for the american side, and the fact that for almost two years, even more, it was not possible to solve this issue, by the way, this is not the first attempt, this time it was
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successful, in ankara, in turkey, 26 people were actually exchanged, 10 were returned to russia, 16 were returned by several countries, primarily the united states, three citizens and so on fourth green card holder. but i would like to return to the main point, that the first failed attempt was when even a russian government plane arrived in washington, remember, many bloggers, non-professionals asked, why is this russian plane standing empty at the washington airport, then there was the first attempt when he american side thought they had an agreement, but the russians at the last moment on the last day actually disrupted this exchange, and at the highest level, at the level of putin, who began to ... put forward, put forward additional such, you know, blackmail, even demands on the united states, and then the president of the united states and the white house also refused, but did not cancel, but continued
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the preparation. why was there such an unprecedented and this time successful exchange even in terms of the number of people? i will tell you two reasons. the first one is really, you know, a remarkable effort by the us state department, it's the very body in the united states that's... the main one to negotiate and coordinate others to exchange prisoners, whether it's prisoners or those who who is illegally detained in russia, and the state department involved the us department of justice, which resolved those issues that related to prisoners and not only in the united states, in germany, and attention, germany was essentially the country that helped, especially german, german prosecutors to the united states and ... countries to carry out this exchange and do you know why? because it was in germany that he was sentenced to a serious term of imprisonment, the murderer, you
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said correctly, mr. sergey on the air, a high-ranking fsb officer who carried out a political assassination on the territory of germany, the so-called killer on a bicycle, he was even called in the german press, the same fsb colonel krasikov, and it was thanks to such german help that this exchange took place, moreover, russia and putin personally, the kremlin even returned three quite significant russian opposition figures who served very volodymyr karamurza, ilya yashin, and andriy pivovarov have serious sentences, so these are figures of a serious, serious russian political position. this is in my opinion and according to mine, according to my information. why did such an unprecedented event become possible? the exchange of prisoners illegally detained on the territory of russia and prisoners and
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prosecuted on the territory of other countries, the usa, germany, poland, you correctly called norway, even slovenia. mr. valentin, but another russian oppositionist who has been in ukraine since 2016, ilya ponomaryov, who is... a citizen of the ukrainian state, tonight russian drones attacked his residence in the kyiv region, before that he wrote, on the night of july 31 they had already arrived three drones and shot down somewhere near his house with house, he wrote on social networks about what happened to him, that today is his second birthday, i will quote: the fifth attack attempt was the most unconventional and successful, against which it was difficult to defend. to what extent does russia now have the ability to kill its political opponents on the territory of ukraine, and
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how can they guard against such a situation in this situation? first of all, i congratulate liu and his wife for surviving, this is another attempt at such a political assassination, this time really with the help of drones, and the most important thing is that to avoid and ensure, in my opinion, the work of ukrainian counterintelligence, russian oppositionists, others, well, this is known information, who is on the top list of the kremlin regime for the destruction of us ukrainians and those people who are on the territory of ukraine, such people have long been required to be consulted by the procons, b- to change phones, ip addresses, places of temporary residence and many other things to be professionally advised, then... it is a person's choice whether to do it or not, but this is the first such circle of safety , on my view, and moreover, according to my professional assessment, which should have been created from
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the very beginning. war, the second circle of security is definitely to destroy and strengthen anti-aircraft defense, and here is air defense and the destruction of drones, because any citizen of ukraine, anyone on the territory of ukraine, must be protected, regardless of whether they are position holders or not, and the third question - this is definitely a question of suppressing the capabilities of modern electronic warfare systems, suppressing the capabilities of russian terrorists. missiles and drones so that they cannot be targeted and hit people and targets on the territory of ukraine. here are three things that i think are very important. mr. valentin, today and yesterday, the world media wrote about the fact that ukraine has already received f-16 fighter jets, bloomberg was the first to write about it yesterday, then some photos, some videos appeared on the network, they
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are not verified, from the ukrainian side. is bloomberg's information about the f-16 true? i know that the f-16s are in the number that we need, that is, several squadrons, which is 30 or more fighters, have not yet arrived. this is the first part of my answer. the second part of my answer, as soon as the general staff of ukraine. such information that shahed and russian missiles and f-16s are working and destroying in the skies of ukraine, but with ukrainian pilots, then you and i will be able to make such information public, moreover, tell the citizens of ukraine about it, and thirdly, i would ask for understanding tv viewers to take such an approach, because ukrainian f-16 pilots are now a very unethical
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thing that we need to protect. of course, valuable military specialists, and i would not rush to do pr and tell where and how they fly and in 16th, we need to preserve the lives of both the pilots and the planes themselves, so that they bring more benefit to you and me, that is , to destroy more russian terrorist missiles and drones in the ukrainian sky. mr. valentin, this week there was information that thanks to the ukrainian special services and... the tuareg people in mali, on the border with algeria, set fire to a convoy of the private military company wagner from russia and already struck our special services, in particular, a group of chemists in syria the airfield where the russian occupation troops were stationed in syria, and this time the target of the attack was military equipment of the russians,
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namely. at the kuveris airfield east of aleppo, which they occupied, it was at this airfield that personnel were being prepared for an attack on the ukrainian state, how much the capabilities of the ukrainian special services have changed now after the start of the great war with the russian federation, and how true all this information that is in the public space is ? the most important thing. that the ukrainian special services are now, and this is true, searching all over the world for the murderers of ukrainians from a terrorist organization, this firstly, what i confirm, secondly, from those sources that i know, including from the american special services, american specialists, really all over the world and the cyber capabilities of the ukrainian special services and, first of all, the military military intelligence and our other cyber specialists seriously
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not only. detect, but establish where and how to find and destroy terrorists from wagner's group. third, with the french and american counterparts, including the last successful operation, which was actually carried out militarily by the tuareg, there was a success work in this operation and the participation of ukrainian special forces in it, and i think that these are not the last. special operation, i think that every terrorist from wagner's group, especially those who have the blood of ukrainian citizens on their hands, now and already understand that there will be retribution, and they will be deceived in spite of everything in any part of the world, the world is really very small . mr. valentin, zelenskyy in an interview with the french publication lemond again stated that russia should be present at the second peace summit that is planned. on
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november 24th, that'


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