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tv   [untitled]    August 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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republicans, this is very unusual, if trump wins, budapest will not get much, the importance of hungary to trump should not be overestimated. in addition, hungary's close relationship with china will be a problem for the incoming trump administration. i consider it a serious problem. even hungary's close relations with russia will not necessarily be beneficial. so, even if trump wins, even if the hungarian bid wins, i'm not sure that it can... bring any strategic benefits to hungary. in the meantime, if you get out of the race democratic president, hungarian-american relations will deteriorate even more. of course. i said this would be the last question, but if you don't mind, i'll ask one more: how strong is viktor orbán's position in hungary, and how long is he going to remain prime minister of hungary. country
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at least until 2026, the next parliamentary elections are scheduled for 2026, if mr. orbán is healthy and continues to work as prime minister, there is no scenario in which he could lose his power before 2026. what will happen in 2026, well, the parliamentary elections are still a long way off. thank you very much, mr. raz, for... joining us today and thank you very much for your answers, i really appreciate it, this was andra schratz, a hungarian security analyst, an expert at the german council on foreign relations, and also a lecturer at corwin university spoke to him on serious issues, in particular about hungary, about its leader viktor orbán, as well as about such sensitive hungarian-ukrainian relations, so what next?
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the conversation was interesting, the answers were interesting, i think you will like it. well, that's it i will say goodbye to you, my name is yuriy fizar, see you soon, there are discounts until independence day on valeriana bolgarska, 10% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and savings. kremgit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves the mobility of joints with dolgit cream , you can also walk doolgit - the only yellow cream for joint pain, there are discounts until independence day, 20% in pharmacies plantain, pam and save. fm, galicia.
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listen to yours! until independence day, there are discounts on gelta kremgit up to 30% in the pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene live, drone attacks, kamikaze, political analysis, objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, liberating openly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions, two hours to learn about the war and.
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and how the world lives for two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who to many, they became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property. apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the program project reconstruction and development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso.
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see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. kidnapping and illegal entrepreneurship? why did judge bondariv get suspicion? in order to solve his business cases, the judge, under the conditions of the abduction of a partner, and how unscrupulous judges avoid qualification assessment, he is too sick for the meeting and qualification assessment, but in principle he is suitable for the administration of justice. greetings, this is a program of judicial control, and as always we are talking about the main reform, from on which direction our european prospects depend. how a new judicial power is being formed in ukraine, what tricks are resorted to by unscrupulous servants of themis in an effort to avoid qualification evaluation. which will lead to a shameful dismissal, and who will play along with them in this? about all this today, but first traditionally to the news. the judge of the brover city and district court, volodymyr serdynskyi, allegedly forged documents and instead of going on a business trip, took his money on a cruise
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ship to the caribbean islands. the security service of ukraine informed him about the suspicion of falsification of documents and fraud. according to investigation materials, in the summer of 2023, he was able to illegally leave for under the guise of a business trip together with his roommate. to do this, serdynskyy used a forged letter of invitation to participate in a conference on helping immigrants, families with children, and orphans from ukraine to the eu. during martial law, the judge went on vacation on a cruise ship in the caribbean . to do this, the servant themide, in collusion with a lawyer he knew, forged an invitation allegedly for a conference in austria. on the basis of this forgery, the court issued him a business trip abroad. this is not the first time that volodymyr serdynskyi has been caught by law enforcement officers. last year, a judge was bribed with a $400 bribe. according to the investigation, the judge received an illegal benefit from the representative of one of the parties in a civil case for
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making a decision in her interests. he received part of the money in the amount of 1,000 dollars earlier, when the decision was made to extort evidence in the case. when receiving the second part. funds in the amount of 3 thousands of dollars for the debt collection decision in favor of the plaintiff serdynskyi was hotly exposed by nabu detectives. during the searches , $15,600 packed in different envelopes were seized from the judge. judge of the commercial court of the dnipropetrovsk region, eduard bonderev , is suspected of ordering the kidnapping of his business partner. according to the version of the investigation, the judge started farming in 2017, and since according to the law it is for him... he found a false person, on whom a part of the business in the sumy region was registered. for the start of the business project, the person involved allocated more than uah 3 million. with these funds , the fictitious person purchased combine harvesters, trucks, tractors and other equipment in his name. most of the profit
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was received by the judge. over time, the company expanded and money was invested in its development, including the partner of the suspect. however, the judge began to feel less and less satisfied. company with his partner. at one point , he decided to remove him from the company, blackmailing him with a million dollar loan. however, the man did not want to leave without pay affairs they failed to agree on a peaceful exit from the business, and then, according to the investigation, the suspect ordered the kidnapping of the partner for $17. the man was to be deprived of his liberty and forced to sign the necessary documents for the transfer of ownership of the farm's property. the state bureau of investigation publishes an excerpt from the conversation. the orderer and the perpetrator of the crime, the place, yes, yes, in order to understand where to take him, in which direction, well , in order for me to do this, you understand that he must be stolen, and, let's say, place him somewhere, and place him, let's say yes, well to create the conditions, let's say this, unequivocally, and
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then look at the situation, how is all this with him, beating him, breaking his goat, breaking his fingers, well, i don't understand, the judges informed about the suspicion of organizing a completed assassination attempt. for kidnapping and deprivation of liberty, he faces up to 5 years in prison. purification of the judicial system of ukraine from unworthy representatives continues. higher. the qualification commission of judges continues to evaluate the current themis officials for their suitability for the positions they hold. not everyone passes it, but everyone wants to. so in in pursuit of preserving an influential seat , they resort to desperate measures. this is maidan judge oleksandr lutsenko. he took away people's driving licenses during the revolution of dignity, and now he has been avoiding qualifying assessments for more than six months. he is a judge of the obolon court of the city of kyiv. he simply avoids the meeting, because every time the question was raised. that he is sick, he is in a hospital, and so on, in a few days we see that he is considering cases, court hearings
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are taking place, decisions in the register appear, that is, for hearings and evaluations too sick, but in principle suitable for the administration of justice, unfortunately, from the third time he was still not submitted for dismissal, no decision was made, because the higher qualification commission decided, well... conditionally to take a break and postpone the meeting. during this time oleksandr lutsenko initiated a parallel process. he appealed to the supreme council of justice with a statement of resignation and now has every chance to receive a considerable lifetime allowance at our expense, instead of a shameful dismissal due to inadequacy of the position. here is lutsenko, if they resign now, he will receive approximately 200,000 simply only upon exit. because the judge will receive such bonus assistance when he is fired and approximately. 5,000 per month he will receive for the rest of his life, and unfortunately, in this situation, the vkks obviously
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helped him in this. especially fearless, unscrupulous servants of themis go to court, for example, the judge of the economic court of the kharkiv region, vitaly usatiy. for us, for judges, commercial courts, the main thing is that in the system, the judicial system of ukraine , commercial courts remain in any modified, or as they now exist, but they must remain. vitaly usatiy specializes. bankruptcy cases and he was repeatedly accused of making dubious decisions that allowed private individuals to postpone debts. the experts had a lot of questions about the property of the usatoy family. in particular , in 2015, a retired mother-in-law bought a house with an area of ​​533 m2 near kharkov for almost uah 2 million, and an elite mercedes suv for more than uah 1.5 million. where did a woman who had no income other than a pension get such funds, i do not understand. he received a negative opinion of the public welfare council, he had valuable property, which was a question of declaration,
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the question of where the money came from, in particular to him and his wife, the second was that he received a prize weapon from minister avakov, the law provides that the opinion of the public integrity councils about a judge are reviewed by a panel of three members of the highest qualification commission, then the full commission, and at least 11 people to support this ... the decision of the panel, that is, roughly speaking, as the first and second instance, one can say, nevertheless, usatiy decided to apply to the supreme court and say that no, there should not be any review by this full composition of the supreme court, since the panel said that i am honest, it should remain so, for me the assessment is over . on june 13, the grand chamber of the supreme court recognized the qualification evaluation procedure for judge usatoy as invalid, and this is a very dangerous precedent, which... actually nullifies the qualification evaluation of almost 180 more unscrupulous judges, this gives them
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the opportunity to remain in their positions and puts at risk of cleaning the judiciary. this position of the supreme court helps another 179 judges, who in a good way, at least most of them, where the conclusions are not overturned, should be dismissed, but they remain in the system, in a system in which there are now only a few thousand judges, and they will be able to... apply for higher positions, go to the same supreme court, become members of commissions there, other bodies, i.e. decide judicial careers for others, and in principle feel at ease until the age of 65, get your good, high salary as a judge, make decisions in the name of ukraine and continue to actually buy apartments in miami, cars and so on. according to experts, this decision of the supreme court is the result of poor quality. competition to the supreme court of ukraine. this case unequivocally shows that there are problems with the supreme court, and
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the public council of integrity repeatedly shouted during the first and second contests for the supreme court that the then-qualifying commission simply turned a blind eye to the conclusions, where are the standard stories, judges , which attracted people to be held accountable during the maidan, watches for $50,000 were owned by bohdan lviv. we hope that this case of the grand chamber of the supreme court to save judge vitaliy usaaty from qualification evaluation will remain after the publicity. and the other unscrupulous servants of themis will not escape a just verdict under such a scheme. and for today i have everything. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you soon in a week. the book women at war
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is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house, a book based on the reports of the espresso tv channel host khrystyna parubiy, 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. there are discounts until independence day on normaven 10% tablets at psylslynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. national tv on megogo is it many channels, well, a lot of channels, and also movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. turn mego on a variety of devices without wires or antennas. and all this from uah 49 per
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month. there are discounts until independence day on estazifin 25% off. travel book, memory and savings. new week on espresso. weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to put your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events.
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if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see. saturday political club every saturday at espresso.
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damaged property, apartments, houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with reconstruction in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. about how to unite the country in the process of recovery, in the project program of reconstruction and
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development of cities, every saturday at 18:30 on espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. the troops of the kremlin are standing. why are young people in the occupied territories used as labor force. putin was also in the student units, was a fighter of the construction unit. but who among the pseudo-directors is preparing students for service in the russian army. the next stage of the installation of our unit. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashis. the occupier in today's edition , i continue to talk about the leaders and members of pro-putin youth organizations that the rashists create in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. yuh mala. that, the young army, the first movement, and this is a far from complete list of newly created russian organizations to which the occupiers are trying to attract schoolchildren and young people in order to promote
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the kremlin ideology. they are trying to educate or re-educate the younger generation, so that they are ready at any moment to go fight, work or simply stand en masse for the unchanging dictator of russia. in addition to organizations for children, movements for students are also being created and popularized. we are talking about the so-called stut squads, similar ones were already in the soviet union. the first such detachments appeared on the territory of the occupied part of zaporozhye in 2023. their goal is to provide students with work in state institutions during the summer vacation in various fields of activity. simply put, this is free labor for russia. deliver humanitarian aid to soldiers, rebuild schools, go to mass rallies in support of putin, hold pro-russian lectures in schools, all this... work for young people. kyrylo papazov, a native of melitopol, is one of the heads of the regional branch of student units in the zaporizhzhia region. volodymyrovych. vladimir volodymyrovych putin
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was also in the student units, was a fighter of the construction unit. volodymyr volodymyrovych is the greatest example for us. we all always watch him, his decisions and support him in everything. i want to say thank you on behalf of the entire population of the new regions for everything he does for us. to this young putin fanatic. 20 from open sources it is only known about kirill that before the occupation of melitopol he studied in the first year of the faculty of natural sciences and geography in melitopol bohdan khmelnytskyi state university. when the city was under occupation, the boy decided that now he has a new family - russia, and therefore he needs to build a career according to russian standards. i want to join the victory for us campaign and thank every serviceman who is currently serving for the benefit of our fathers. which protects us all and gives us the right to live peacefully. initially, papazov entered the makarenko university, which the russians created in occupied melitopol, specializing in
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public and municipal administration. and already later, in april 2023, he headed the regional branch of student detachments in the zaporizhzhia region. in this difficult time for the country, i, on behalf of the student units of the zaporizhia region and the public chamber of the zaporizhia region , support our president. with you in this position, the traitor is engaged in the organization of all kinds of patriotic russian actions, the involvement of students in the reconstruction of buildings destroyed by the russians themselves, as well as the provision of soldiers of the so-called svo. from our side, we support every serviceman. we take them permanently humanitarian aid, we help them. there are no suspects for this sell-out yet, but i hope that soon help will be given to kirill himself behind the bars of a ukrainian prison. ah... and this is another traitor from melitopol who runs a youth organization in occupied berdyansk. i see berdyansk as a
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developing city, in which young people will respond to all requests of our population in the same way. after all, it is always a pleasure for them to take part in the beautification of our city. as we found out a long time ago, the occupiers are often put in charge positions are not the wives of those who can be easily controlled, who... did not build a career during peaceful life in ukraine, and who are ready to sell themselves to the telbukhs in order to increase their social status. all this fits perfectly with the post of this collaborator, 33-year-old oleksandr gaponov. until february 24, 2022, nothing was known about him. his traitorous nature manifested itself during the occupation of the city, when gaponov established cooperation with the occupiers. first, he became a candidate for the so -called... youth parliament of melitopol, but flew by. later, due to the lack of personnel in other temporarily occupied territories, the russians transferred gaponov to berdyansk and
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made feykov a student at the azov state pedagogical university. all this in order to then make him the head of the local branch of the russian movement south youth, an organization governed by putin's united russia party. the youth of berdyansk responded to aid in unloading humanitarian aid. we are always happy, we always have a great attitude towards such initiatives, we are always ready our youth exists to help. in his leadership position, gaponov promotes kremlin propaganda to the younger generation, for this purpose he specially brings russian politicians, bloggers and pop stars from the bolotnaya capital. also, this traitor is the winner of the vit rosmolodzhi competition, where he presented his project school of volunteers of the heart of donbass. as we can see from the name, the project has russian military bias. we, in turn, will provide you with any opportunities to realize yourself in youth policy. now gaponov is helping the occupiers to recruit children into russian
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youth novy actively campaigns for russian peace, promotes russian culture and agitates local teenagers and their parents to go over to the side of the occupiers. we advise gaponov to shine more often in the russian mass media, so that our law enforcement agencies have more grounds for announcing suspicions against him, and the judge - a sentence. this traitor first assumed the position of rector, one of the universities in the occupied territory, and later became the head of the unarmy putin organization. at the same time, behind my back is the flag of victory, it is a symbol of traveling with me for many years. he hung on buildings of the regiment of the ministry of internal affairs of the donetsk people's republic, as a battle flag. today he is here. this chuikov andriy yuriyovych, born in 1979 from the city of lysychansk. previously, in his peaceful life, he was a lieutenant colonel of the militia and a senior lecturer at the kharkiv university of internal affairs, known for speaking at a rally
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of pro-russian activists and demonstrators in the 14th year. resigned, explaining that he could not come to terms with the use of elite ukrainian special forces against supposedly peaceful kharkiv residents who wanted to seize the oda. i lieutenant colonel of the militia andriy yuriyovych chuikov. 18 years of service in the internal affairs bodies, i ask that i be released from the internal affairs bodies until the constitutional order is established in the country. when a full-scale war broke out in the country, lyubov chuikova's love for russian... cups and ghostly prospects promised by the occupiers flared up with even greater force. he moved to the captured melitopol, as our law enforcement agencies found out, took an active part in the information war of the russian federation against ukraine, spread the narratives of russian propaganda and denied the armed aggression of the russian federation. he also called on the employees of law enforcement agencies of ukraine and cadets of ukrainian universities to stop resisting the actions of the occupiers,
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lay down their weapons and go to kyiv. after such fruitful work against the invaders, in may 2022, the rashists installed this traitor in the chair of the rector of the so-called melitopol state university, which was created on the basis of captured ukrainian universities. all our students will receive russian diplomas this year, clearly, all our applicants can enter the melitopol state university. being close to the students, chuikov instilled in the youth a positive attitude towards the occupation, illegal authorities and occupation troops. and soon decided to train students for further service in the russian army. on the basis of a russian university, the occupiers opened a branch of the propaganda military youth organization unarmy. it is there that young people are taught to hold weapons, shoot, fight, attack and eventually die. russian criminals made chuikov the head of this department in putin's youth army. dear cadets of the alpha squad. today we have
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another wonderful stage in the formation of our journey. they declared sensitive suspicion. now, his case of april last year is being considered by our law enforcement agencies at the zaporizhzhia communarsky district court. i hope that soon the seller will be detained and he will eventually join another organization of a group of collaborators who ended up in prison for treason against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin. prodenians, write to this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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probing society or preparing citizens for difficult and unpopular decisions in the conditions of a difficult situation at the front, the unwillingness of the world to put more pressure on russia, in ukraine, talks with the kremlin are increasingly being talked about, and not only the government is talking, the number of ukrainians who accept this scenario is also increasing . my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda live. 57% of ukrainians believe. that ukraine should enter into negotiations with russia to try to achieve peace. these are the results of a survey conducted by the kyiv international institute of sociology. sociologists note that the number of those who agree to negotiations with russia has increased by 15% compared to november 23. similar were the results of the survey in may 22nd. at that time, 59% of the surveyed ukrainians answered that ukraine.


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