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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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populism regarding the fact that we will have anti-oligarchic laws, well, let's introduce anti-flower laws now, or some anti-sniffing laws, well , the same situation today with this law about, excuse me, white business club, well, this is just business racism, someone is white business, someone is a black business, there is no need to write about it in the laws, such laws do not exist in other countries of the world, this is a real logical and... one hundred percent political populism, there is no need to say about it, it is solved by the fact that the tax authority itself direct in itself, with its internal regulatory documents , it decides who it will check in every way, whom it will help, who it will provide some advice to, give the compliance manager in a video conference, anywhere, well, this is all done by internal documents, it is not done by the laws of ukraine, because the laws such... as this law
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is trying to adopt is just populism, such laws do not exist in the world, and if it is populism, then it is for the purpose of, you know, populists, what they do and when they do it and how they do it, populism in order to or get power, and after that to keep it, and at the same time , not a single, not a single good result from populism in any country in the world, and what worries me most of all is that this populism, unfortunately, is too big... mixed with the one hundred percent incompetence of the , what do they do, well , why do i say to accept such things, well , the first thing you ask yourself is if a person gets up in the morning, he brushes his teeth, brushes, well , that’s what you ask, you get up in the morning legislators and ask, you make laws , whether other legislators pass the same laws other countries of the world, if they accept it, ukraine should too, and if they don't, well, probably, if in 500 years of democracy in other parliaments they don't pass such laws, well...
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why should populists accept them and show everyone that they are incompetent populists? thank you very much for your participation, thank you for your professional comments, konstantin zhivago was with us, an entrepreneur , a philanthropist, we discussed several important, well, these are economic and political topics, and the initiatives are all good, as they say, advertising, but if it everything worked for good ukraine, it would be good and there would be profit from it. well, now i offer to your attention. overview of international events, yuriy fizerin has prepared the most important thing for you, let's see and listen. us president joe biden admitted that he asked other countries to go against their own interests in order to exchange prisoners between moscow and washington. the current owner of the white house told reporters at the andrews military base near washington after a meeting with the americans.
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especially difficult, says the current owner of the white house, it was for germany and slovenia. it's worth it to remind that a large-scale exchange of prisoners took place the day before at the airport of ankara, the capital of turkey. in general, according to the american president, 16 people were released from russian prisons, including seven russian citizens and five german citizens. the consensus of china and brazil on finding ways to end the war in ukraine peacefully has received support from more than 110 countries. this was reported in the ministry of foreign affairs of the celestial empire. they specified that beijing is ready to strengthen contacts and strengthen coordination with the brazilian side on this issue. the representative of the ministry emphasized the need for joint efforts to finally end the war by political methods. the european commission has advised hungary and slovakia to abandon russian oil and look for alternative sources after the countries complained about kyiv blocking supplies from... russia,
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the financial times newspaper reports with reference to a letter from the vice president of the european commission, valdis dombrovskis. in particular, he called on budapest and bratislava to actively diversify, to abandon russian blue fuel. in addition, he said that a significant number of eu representatives asked themselves why hungary and slovakia have not yet studied alternative options. the european commission formed a special working group to... prepare for the possible return of the former president of the united states of america, donald trump, to the white house, which could lead to drastic changes in washington's policy towards ukraine. this was reported by the financial times newspaper with reference to its own sources. brussels is worried about what trump will do if elected president, could impose painful tariffs on imports from the eu, end military and financial support to kyiv, and force ukraine to agree to end the war on russia's terms. the eu is also
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alarmed by trump's ability to implement his threats to withdraw the us from nato. the usa did not recognize the victory of the current president of the country, nicolas, in the elections in venezuela. maduro, secretary of state antony blinken said that in washington , the candidate from the united opposition, edmundo gonzalez, is considered the winner of the race in this south american country. in anthony blinken's published statement says that venezuela made mistakes during the processing of the ballots, errors and the announcement of the results of the presidential election, due to which the result of the vote did not reflect the will of the venezuelan people. his salary has not been raised for a long time. the self-proclaimed president of belarus oleksandr lukashenko jokingly and with a smile said this during the ceremony of awarding state awards to employees of enterprises and organizations of the case management system. a video fragment of the solemn ceremony was published close to the press service of the self-proclaimed telegram channel
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pul pervov. presenting the award to the chief accountant of the department of affairs, hryhorovych literally said the following: "why don't you raise my salary? in one place - 5 years? a journalist who joined the armed forces, a political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front - this is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments from leading experts. how to distinguish the truth from the enemy and... the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, an analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts for the development of the situation for
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the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion. spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhii zgurets. but how does the world live? yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two o'clock. to keep up with economic news, it's time to talk about wartime money. oleksandr morchavka field with me, and sports news. i invite yevhen postahov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news, alena chekchenina, our art viewer, is ready to tell, good evening. presenters who have become like relatives to many. already next to me,
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ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa dzhemilov, leader of the crimean tatar people. we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two'. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, we continue, and now it's time to sum up the economic results of the week, a lot of interesting things happened this week, well , maybe we will also hear some forecasts from oleksandr morchak, he is already with me, good evening, oleksandr, please, good evening vasyl, i greet the audience , so the most important thing from the world of money is energy, it's taxes, it's international support, everything is in detail, find out for... wait. i am olsandrchak. greetings, this is a column about money during the war and i really want to start with a specific important figure of international support. in the near future, the state budget will receive a grant from the united states. we are talking
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about almost 4 billion dollars. minister of finance of ukraine serhiy marchenko and the regional director of the world bank signed the relevant agreement. the funds will be used to pay wages. to teachers, rescuers, employees of state bodies, as well as for social benefits, our ministry of finance reported. this is the first share of grant support from the states, and in general, we are talking about this initiative worth 8 billion dollars. well, if we talk to vasyl, about international support, it is really important and we are promised it, but it is interesting, the special representative of the united states for the reconstruction of ukraine, peni pritzker, was in ours this week. the state, and it says that there is money, and we are ready to give it, but how to explain to the american people to the taxpayers in the states that this money goes specifically for specific purposes and specifically for certain tasks, and to account for every penny, by the way, we
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too , journalists voicing these numbers of grant funds, or loan funds or other financial programs, we are voicing the numbers, but i still want to see from the authorities. calculation, i repeatedly talk about it in my releases, where a dollar went to here, and where two went here, report, report to the states, please, because penny pritzker says, the money will be delayed. to start already, thank god, they somehow extinguished this story, but if the story had not
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gained publicity, but from the start people appear who want to steal from the start, and the americans will look, think, oh, yes, what is wrong with our sinners, we are already afraid to ask in general, well, these are really stories, vasyl, but all the same, we thank the international partners, not only the united states, the european union, all the countries that participate in the reconstruction, in the financing of important expenses of our country. let's go further. ukraine should give up. large energy facilities and switch to the so-called distributed generation system, i.e. build small stations, prime minister danys shmyhal said. for this purpose, the cabinet of ministers has developed a program to support private producers, and also allowed concessions import of electric generators, inverters, batteries of charging stations abroad. let's listen to what the head of the cabinet of ministers said this week: president volodymyr zelenskyi signed the law on the removal of import duties and vat. for energy equipment, now citizens and businesses can import electric generators, inverters,
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batteries, charging stations under a preferential regime, that is, vasyl, here in the cabin they talked about saving yourself in winter at your own expense, i really thank the government and thank the president for really simplifying the import of energy equipment in ukraine, now i am sure that it will keep its price, there will be no crazy crazy costs. and it will go to the domestic market faster, but this is for those who have money, well, but many ukrainians do not have money, not even to pay utility bills, more than 700,000 debtors for utility bills, these are the numbers, the open data service open databot cited, the most people do not pay for storage in dnipropetrovsk region, in kharkiv and donetsk regions, most often people do not have money to pay for heating and water supply. and electricity. let me remind you that after the beginning full-scale war, the government introduced
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a moratorium on foreclosures and disconnection from debtors' networks, but this year this ban was lifted. and here we see, the figure of 800 thousand debtors for the utility company is precisely the figure that is in the executive service. this is an official figure, but it is clear that so far the enforcement service has received those debtors who... are somehow trying to pay for the warehouse, but have certain delays, certain amounts of debt, are trying to settle somehow. let's go further: the increase in the cost of fuel after the increase in excise taxes, consumers almost did not will notice serhiy kuyun, director of the a95 consulting company, made such a forecast this week. according to him , there are now much more conversations about this in the country than the expected real consequences. a higher price increase will affect liquefied. gas, but the use of this type of fuel will still remain profitable. in addition, the price of oil on
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world markets has fallen below 80 dollars per barrel in recent days. let's listen to the expert's predictions. in fact, we can confidently talk about the increase in the price of liquefied gas only. there is a tax on it increases the most, it increases by uah 5 per liter, accordingly, i think that this price increase will be. but this does not mean that liquefied gas will lose its attractiveness for users, i.e. it will still be profitable compared to gasoline and even profitable for those who drive a lot, and accordingly can install new gas equipment, for gasoline-diesel it is not so clear , since the tax on it on them increases not not not so significantly by 1.5 hryvnias gasoline 2 hryvnias diesel and accordingly if i say so, for example, what if it were implemented today. on august 1, and not from september 1, we did not feel these
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changes at all. moving on, the ministry of defense this week unveiled the online platform "partner mod goa". it is designed to facilitate cooperation with manufacturers and suppliers of rear assets for the armed forces. on this site, suppliers can apply for an inspection of a tangible property sample in order to obtain a certificate of conformity or conduct pre -testing of their product. all appeals submitted through this portal are considered official accepted let's listen to the direct speech. ours. the goal was to eliminate all corruption risks and increase the efficiency of the use of cash funds. what advantage is there in this? when there is a portal, it gives access to a wider range of suppliers, increases the quality and diversity of the property, and if it is automated, it ensures
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the timely delivery of all goods. all purchases in the ministry of defense, which we'. were not only effective, but also transparent and understandable for society, for the armed forces of ukraine, for our main customer, let's say so, and for all the public, who observe how effectively we work. a great initiative indeed, let's see how it will work, what results it will bring for suppliers to... the armed forces. in the meantime, businesses can complain to officials. this week, the ministry of economy started testing the pulse online platform. on it , entrepreneurs will leave their feedback on interaction with the state. now it is possible to evaluate 22 state bodies. their number will gradually increase. based on the posts, they will form the following the so-called satisfaction index of entrepreneurs.
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after filling out the form, the businessman will track his status and review of the complaint. in your personal account and will receive an answer. the property worth almost uah 400 million of ex-people's deputies traitors serhiy medvedchuk and bohdan kozak was transferred to the state this week. the court seized land plots, enterprises, factories, cars and real estate, the sbu reported. let me remind you that in june, law enforcement officers exposed both brothers of former people's deputies for financial fraud. according to the investigation, the accused used controlled enterprises for stealing. funds due to non-payment of taxes to the state budget, thereby causing losses to the treasury of more than uah 75 million. both suspects are currently hiding abroad. kyivstar vodafone and lifecell report that
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it is difficult to ensure 100% autonomy of mobile communication and the internet for 10 hours during power outages. this is stated in the joint statement of the companies. they continue to work now on. increasing the energy stability of their networks, however, this requires significant resources and time - top managers say. recently, the national center for operational-technical management of telecommunications networks obliged operators to ensure complete autonomy of communication within 10 minutes after turning off the lights, but the business says that there are no people, it is necessary to rebuild the infrastructure, all this must be coordinated with energy companies, therefore, purchase generators for everything this... it will take some time, well, we will monitor, there is a recommendation from the regulatory body and there are concrete movements from the business side, from the mobile operators side, as far as they manage to provide such an uninterrupted service to us simple consumers, well, we will find out from our phones, let's move on, critically important agropolitics asked for reservations for
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enterprises that grow vegetables and fruits, turned to the regional military administrations, asking them to review the criteria for attracting industry workers to the ranks of the armed forces. the sphere is now of critical importance for the economy. previously, about 70% of vegetable production was grown in the south. today , part of this business has been destroyed or moved to work in other regions. all this affected prices - experts say. so that consumers have enough vegetables and fruits, the workers of such agricultural enterprises, the ministry of agricultural policy. asks to reserve from mobilization. and the last is also agricultural news. due to the heat , the harvest of grain and oil crops will be smaller this year. the ukrainian grain association updated its forecast and noted that expectations are almost 3 million tons lower. they hope to collect approximately 72
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million tons from the fields, they say, the indicators had to be revised due to the drought, it hit maturation itself. grains, well, the situation will actually slightly undermine the potential of agrarians, reduce foreign exchange earnings, but for the domestic consumer, there will be plenty of grain and oil crops this year. this is how i saw this business week, i will say goodbye to you until monday, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us! well, now for your attention... review of sports events prepared for you by my colleague oleksandr vashchuk. let's see, let's listen. it's been a week in the world of sports, the number one topic is the olympic games. about victories, defeats and scandals in our review.
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the women's high jump qualification took place at the olympics in paris. ukrainians yaroslava maguchykh and iryna hiraschenko successfully overcame the qualification barrier, taking a height of 1 m 95 cm. for iryna, it was the best result in the current season. unfortunately, yuliya levchenko could not conquer the bar at a height of 1 m 83 cm and ended the competition early. the final will be held on sunday at 20:50 kyiv time. also, on sunday evening, we are waiting for the final of the hammer throwing competition, where mykhailo kohan confidently won. at the previous olympics he stopped a step away from the podium, taking fourth place. saber athlete olga kharlan was recognized as the best athlete of ukraine in july 2024 according to the expert commission of the national olympic committee of ukraine. it was olga who brought ukraine the first medal at the olympic games. 2024 in paris. we really hope for another award in the team women's saber fencing tournament. ukraine will be represented by harlan, alina komashchuk, olena krovatska and yulia bakastova.
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meanwhile, heated arguments are raging in social networks about the gender of algerian boxer iman khelif, the reuters agency published an article that clearly argues that khelif is 100% female. the international olympic committee also made a statement. iman hilif and lin yuying are women. and everyone who criticizes these athletes is engaged in discrimination. everyone has the right to play sports without discrimination. as in the previous olympic boxing competitions, the gender and age of the athletes are determined by the passport. not just the olympics. dynamo kyiv confidently overcame srpski in two matches partisans 6:2 and 3:0. that is the way to punish those who go to bolot to fraternize. in the next qualifying round of the champions league, dynamo will play the scottish glasgow rangers for the sixth time. and august 13. it didn't happen as expected. zhytomyr polyssia made an unsuccessful debut in the eurocups. slovenian olimpia from ljubljana lost twice 0:2
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and 1:2 in the second qualifying round of the conference league. usyk did not play, but he sang. don't look for red rue in the evenings. on saturday, the new season of the ukrainian premier league begins, this is already the 34th championship of ukraine with football and the third since the start of the full-scale invasion. the central game will be a repeat of the ukrainian cup final between vorskla, poltava, shakhtar-donetsk. but oleksandria with dynamo and rukh with polissia have postponed their matches. we will remind that in the 2023-2024 season donetsk shakhtar became the champion of ukraine. silver and bronze medals were chosen by dynamo kyiv and kryvyi rih kryvbas. full sports weekend, cheer for yours! thank you
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oleksandr for the sports news, we are still waiting for more awards from ukrainian athletes at the olympics, but we see that it is not easy, well, let's start with the fact that these olympic games are not easy for ukrainian athletes, we wish them success, and despite everything else, we understand very well that the most important thing for us now is... we can do it at the front, and for this we will cheer and support and donate , as we can to our soldiers, well, athletes of success, well, but our life does not particularly depend on who will win or lose there, of course, but our immediate life depends on what the weather will be like, so what should we expect this weekend, ladies natalkadenko is ready for us tell me, congratulations, please, congratulations, congratulations vasyl, congratulations, our dear viewers, of course we will talk about the weather, about the summer, what can be done, what can't be done. well, in general, about the nearest synoptic perspective literally in a second. we
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will start our meeting today with swimming. let's swim together, those who haven't made it yet, in a river, in a pond, maybe even in a lake, in other words, summer, when it's hot, when the air temperature is high, well, it's just a great time for swimming, but apart from pleasure, what... can give useful swimming and there is already, as they say, a place to go for a walk. well, first of all, the whole body and muscles work. when we are in the water, the load on the spine decreases and the vertebrae relax, so for those with back problems, this is just the perfect additional treatment. the internal organs also work, thanks to the constant movement and pressure of the water, there is even a massage of the internal organs and, accordingly, digestion, the work of the cardiovascular system, etc., improve, swimming is very suitable for people with disabilities and injuries, it is the most suitable for them a safe way of such restorative training classes, they say that it is a wonderful
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m... swimming is also a way out for asthmatics, the benefits are very, very great, priceless simply because swimming increases the volume of the lungs and reduces the symptoms of the disease and generally has a positive effect on the respiratory tract in general , well , burning calories, that's clear, the benefit of swimming for climbing has already been proven by millions, you can say, because as i already said, during swimming in the pool , all muscle groups and attention are actively working, in 30 minutes you can burn. 360 km, well of course, swimming helps to cope with stress, we all need it now, and if there is the slightest possibility, we should go to swimming pools, because it reduces emotional tension, anxiety, and, by the way, improves immunity, well, in general, psychologists advise going to the pool not only, when, as they say, it has been fixed, even with a preventive purpose, and such pleasant and useful classes, it is simply
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a real panacea for organizations. from stress and depression, swim and swim for health, who can where, whether in the river for the time being, if possible, or in the pool, well, we move on from swimming to magnetic storms, now for your attention is a prognostic diagram and together we will see whether there will be powerful magnetic storms tomorrow, which by the way were observed yesterday and today, well look, tomorrow at the end of the day already in the evening there will be a strong activation of the earth's magnetic field again, that is, tomorrow again... magnetic storms, if you feel bad today or tomorrow, well, don't worry, magnetic storms are so strong, they come quite quickly, but to associate your not very comfortable state with increased geomagnetic activity is possible, well, in the end, we move on to the weather forecast, we will see what the weather will be like for the next day, traditionally we start from the western regions of ukraine and see what,
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for example, the air temperature will be, not you... high 20-25° and also tomorrow in the west , short-term rains are expected in places thunderstorms, in the northwest it is volyn-rivnenshchyna, tomorrow there may even be heavy rains, and as i said, it is not hot at all. in the north of ukraine tomorrow , the air temperature is also expected to drop, that is, it is not it's so cold, of course, 23-25°, but it's clearly lower than, for example, today's +28 and for... there will also be short-term rains and thunderstorms almost everywhere, it's more likely in the afternoon or in the second half of the day, well, in sumy oblast, there is the least possibility, i'll be honest, hot weather is expected in the east of ukraine tomorrow, who would doubt it, 29-32°, in kharkiv oblast tomorrow there is a possibility of local short-term rains with thunderstorms, luhansk oblast and donetsk oblast will have dry, sunny and hot weather, let's go.
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in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow, sorry, in the central part of ukraine, tomorrow there is also a chance of short rains with thunderstorms, the air temperature is 24-29, vinnytsia is fresher, dnipropetrovsk region is hotter, and in dnipropetrovsk region, rains are the least likely tomorrow, so to speak, and in the southern part of ukraine, with which i wanted to be ahead of the center, no, no , everything in turn, heat 30-30. 30-33° without precipitation, dry, sunny, hot weather with high fire danger, be careful. citizens of kyiv, please take umbrellas with you tomorrow, because tomorrow it will rain in kyiv not all the time, not all day, but none the less it will be possible to get caught in the rain and hear how thunder thunders, and the air temperature will drop tomorrow in kyiv, at most it will be only +24-25°. well, here's the actual near-term
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outlook: on sunday, the weather will level out, the rain will move a little further east, meaning the east, center and south may experience some of that increased humidity, and the air temperature will level out and be somewhere around 25-29° in the south, in the south it will traditionally be higher in the east, but as always, the weather forecasts are updated, the best weather forecasts are on the channel espresso, keep a close eye on the development of the synoptic situation. thank you very much natalka didenko for the information about the weather, i wanted to say that this story is about the tender, well, with the ohmadit tender for the reconstruction of uhmadit, we have already clarified the situation, a new tender will be held, and those who wanted, as they say under ...


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