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tv   [untitled]    August 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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the east something tells me a lot, a lot more time, i say goodbye today, tomorrow we will definitely see each other, and we will see each other, and it will be, we will try to surprise you with something tomorrow, all is well, thank you for your attention. i welcome you to the tv channel, a special edition of the urban development reconstruction program. my name is lesya vakulyuk, and in this project we will objectively discuss the situation of restoration of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities in different regions of ukraine. in this way, we want to increase citizens' awareness of their rights and opportunities related to renewable initiatives, as well as create a platform. to share experiences
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and ideas, we really hope that this will help improve the conditions for the recovery and development of each individual region, as well as unite the entire country in the recovery process. and today in our special issue we will talk about the reconstruction of the de-occupied cities of the kyiv region. the guest of our program is ruslan nychyk, head of the recovery service in the kyiv region. mr. ruslan, i congratulate you. yes, good afternoon, very nice. and i want to offer you before we will move on to our conversation so that together we can watch the material of our correspondent dmytro didora about how irpin, irpin and bucha are being rebuilt. we were very scared, because there were many tanks, they passed our windows, and we were afraid to even go out on the balcony. zinaida anatolyivna tells us about the beginning of a full-scale war, a woman with a man. live in buch, the first weeks, when
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the russians were actively advancing towards the capital, the couple was at home, the woman remembered well how the occupiers killed the inhabitants of the town and destroyed everything around. it was very cold, and as soon as we lay down, the bombing started, and we got up, sat down in the corridors, because we were afraid that the house would collapse, and that's why we were already hiding. here in the entrance, in the corridor. zinaida anatoliivna's house on yablunska street was also damaged, it was a direct hit, several floors and more than 10 apartments burned down. the windows in her apartment were broken, now the building is undergoing major repairs, the elevators and elevator equipment have been completely replaced, the facade of the building has been updated and replaced all windows. now, when they were installed, we can already compare that... nothing runs anywhere
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, water, the rains that came, nothing leaked anywhere, the guys did a good job, conscientious, the work will continue until october of this year, of the current year, at the moment, the work has been completed by a percentage of 70 to 80. more than 2,500 objects were destroyed or damaged by the russian occupiers in buch, in general, the damage to the city was estimated at more than 5 billion hryvnias, now the state agent... for the restoration and development of the infrastructure of ukraine engaged in reconstruction two objects in the city, one of them - a house on borys gmyra street, which was almost completely destroyed by a direct hit by a shell. here, the builders need to restore the entire section of the building, they say, the work is progressing briskly. yes, we literally did it in 10 days, insulated 280 squares. i think we are working fast enough. by now we can already see that completely. everything
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has been driven out, like a five-story box, interior work and facade insulation work are underway. the neighboring town of irpin was damaged more than a thousand buildings. here, the agency is currently restoring four objects, one of the buildings is already completely ready, the work lasted 8 months and cost 61 million hryvnias. two apartments were completely destroyed, these two apartments have been restored. the entire building has been completely heat-sanitized, all engineering networks have been replaced, on the first floor to the apartments, in the first entrance to the apartments, people have refused to replace the engineering networks, the second entrance has been completely replaced, this is the hvp hvp, in the basement all the engineering networks have been replaced, replaced elevators the entrances have been completely decorated
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already in the house and replacement of windows. about 100,000 people live in buchi and irpin. during the hostilities, the russians damaged a lot of infrastructure here. objects, the bridge that connected irpin with kyiv at the beginning of the great war was blown up by our defense forces in order to stop the advance of enemy equipment. due to the already destroyed crossing here, in early march 2022, local residents fled from the occupation. they decided to leave the destroyed bridge as a memory of the tragic events of the beginning of the great war, and a new one was built next to it. before construction of this bridge, the state agency for reconstruction and development was involved. the onur company has already built this bridge in almost a little more than a year, and last year in november we already opened traffic on it, that is, it was fully launched, currently works are still being carried out on the installation of communications, and by the end of february
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and summer, we plan to fully hand over this object. in 2024 , 106 volumes are planned to be restored in the kyiv region. objects in the amount of more than 3 billion hryvnias. in particular , 18 high-rise buildings, five will be overhauled schools and one stadium. dmytro didora, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. so, we talk in more detail about the reconstruction of kyiv region with ruslan nychyk, head of the reconstruction service in kyiv region. mr. ruslan, actually, how many objects within your competence are you currently restoring in... kyiv region after they were destroyed by the russians and in which settlements? yes, good afternoon once again, work is currently underway on almost 50 objects that are being carried out in the kyiv region, this is separately
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the restoration of the cities of borodyanka, irpin, bucha and well, adjacent territories there, which were de-occupied, which were occupied. when... do you plan to complete these works? well, we plan to complete almost all the works by the end of this current year. ugh. to what extent are local self-government bodies involved in the reconstruction process? yes, we are really fruitfully working with local self-government bodies, with the kyiv regional military administration, that is, when the reconstruction process began. we did the examination together, there was, there was also a procedure that allowed us, well, by which we chose objects, approved the objects, i.e. we, each movement is a joint movement that takes place for reconstruction, you say that
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you selected objects, how is this selection carried out, local self-government bodies, well, they conduct an inspection of objects, choose, for example, to date , only the first phase of reconstruction has been approved, then they hand over these objects to the kyiv regional military administration, which in turn approves and submits to the ministry for consideration by the commission, after which the commission considers all these objects, evaluates funding, which to date approves and transfers already before the implementation of the service of the recovery agency. people who apply for their housing to be restored, what problems and challenges do they most often face? well, the main problems are during
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the period when there was already de-occupation, an inspection of demolished housing was carried out, and in some, and in many apartments, there were no apartments. access at the time of this survey, i.e. later, when people returned, they already gave access, there were various cases, for example, some refused to repair and people wanted to stand in line, to queue for restoration, well , compensation in monetary compensation, huh, and there are many such people who refused restoration for... decompensation of this? not very many, there are tens, well, there are 10 or 15 apartments - that's very few, well, the main ones are such a mass - of course, they want to be rebuilt as it was, i understand that
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these are the ones who applied , those whose housing was completely destroyed, so how is the tender procedure and selection taking place in a row? well, there are two two options, according to which the recovery service worked, this is the first option, it is when the local self-government body. prepares the project documentation, hands it over to the service, the service examines whether everything is done in accordance with the current legislation, in accordance with all building regulations, then we wait for financing for this object, after which we announce a tender, choose the cheapest offer and sign the contract, well, when the tenders went offers for almost all objects, this is a saving... 15-20% of the primary cost of the project
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documentation, that is, for each object , there are very significant savings , or are you facing such difficulties that now it is actually more difficult to find a contractor due to the fact that we know that in construction, as a rule, men work mostly, and we we have mobilization, we have war, that's how we do it. today there is a big problem, because there is a mobilization of contracting organizations, well , the employees of the contracting organization, that is , the central committee can visit the construction site, issue summonses to people, that is, that problem, but we help some contracting organizations there with the issue of booking, that is , well, we are moving, we are moving. are there any professions that are most in short supply right now, construction, i mean? no, so that, well, there are simply no
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such things at all. building materials that were, well, somewhere in ukraine, in one region there was, i don't know, clay, somewhere, somewhere tiles were produced, and some other building materials, and now we have part of the territories partially occupied. the territories are under hostilities, has this affected it? in fact, for the prices and for the construction materials market that is currently present in ukraine, is it necessary, or are there any materials that have to be imported from other countries? almost, there are almost no materials that we involve in the restoration, that is, the preference is of course for materials that are produced in ukraine, if, for example, there is a factory for the production of materials... located in the occupied territory, we are looking for what, what is there, that is, a preference we provide, well
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, ukrainian material of our ukrainian production. i thank you, mr. ruslan, for the conversation, i will remind the audience that it was ruslan nychyk, head of the recovery service in the kyiv region. and we continue to talk about reconstruction, we include the mayor of irpen, oleksandr markushin, on our air. mr. alexander, i congratulate you. good day. please tell me how the reconstruction of destroyed houses in irpen is going? well , today we are rebuilding high-rise buildings according to various programs, we are doing capital repairs, this is of course from the fund for the liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression, we are building high-rise buildings, we are repairing them according to united 24, and now we have started work on our central stadium. andriy shevchenko is the ambassador of these fundraising efforts, the funds
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have been collected, united 24 has announced a tender, carried out and works are already underway, plus we have various other programs, well, for example, the international organization for migration has already renovated one multi-storey building, and now major repairs are underway for two ten-story buildings and the international organization for migration will. to build a new high-rise building on a destroyed city, the first aerial bomb flew into this building and it was destroyed, plus we have complex reconstruction of the private sector as well, this is a capital repair, plus new construction with the help of the kyiv regional military administration, this is the chairman, ruslan kravchenko , who helps us very powerfully, plus various funds, this is undp and... jem, jem puts in windows, undp gives materials and some of the funds are also provided by
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the ordinary ilpinsk city council. plus, such donor organizations, the international mission of the red cross, unicef, nefko, caritas, we cooperate with all of them, and the work is going on, and today people are actively receiving certificates for purchase of housing, or for housing construction, or for major repairs. how many more. objects in the region need help in reconstruction? unfortunately, yes, a lot, because irpin is the most damaged city in the kyiv region, the main blow to ours. the city has arrived, but we are doing it, we are doing it within the framework of the budget that we have, that we are given, i want to note that, unfortunately, all these funds are not enough to quickly and completely rebuild everything, we are moving and looking for donors and partners , because we understand that the state funds are the main ones, they go
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to the armed forces, to our victory, and we also understand it, and people understand it, but... it is difficult for people to explain when a person simply has nowhere to live, then accordingly we try and make every effort to return the person to his home . what difficulties, problems, challenges do irpen residents face, what do they most often address? well , now they are very active and often come to me for the reception of the mayor, with a question, and this needs to be settled. at the state level, if one of the family members is in captivity, or went missing, the action simply does not let people continue to be paid if the owner is in captivity, or as we had yesterday people came, went missing, he cannot, until there is some
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certificate that he died or some other notification, he cannot , his family. to repair or arrange an inheritance, and today these houses are just standing, it is impossible to do them, accordingly, we have already submitted letters to the action that we ask, if one co-owner is in captivity or missing, and there is a second co-owner and wants to repair the apartment or house, to provide this one opportunity, because to date, it has not yet been settled by law, what would you advise citizens? to us about what rights and opportunities they have, which are actually related to the restoration initiatives, well, today we have made a complete inventory of the destroyed housing, to us, we have commissions that conduct constant inspections, we have experts, who decide whether a house is completely destroyed or partially destroyed, plus
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you and i, well, people, when they come to us, we... register in tsnapa, we immediately write, when will you, well, the departure of our group of experts, if it is necessary to do it with, well, conventionally speaking, with the help of a drone, we also provide it, it is free for a person, and then we already put it into action and the action already determines when the payment will be , that's all, if we talk about the terms, in your opinion, how much more time is needed to withdraw completely everything that was destroyed during the russian attack, during the occupation? er, the question here is not even the timing, but the financing, if there is enough financing, everything can be rebuilt in a year and a half, the question is more it depends on funding, this reconstruction, it
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is happening, well, a person had an apartment there, it was destroyed somehow. is it completely destroyed or partially, is everything being restored the same way it was before, is there any counting of time, because after all, time is passing, some new technologies, some changes are appearing? well, today they only take a certificate and, for example, a person was given 500,000 hryvnias for a private house, and they decide what is included in the enema, what works, and they will restore it, they will re-apply wiring, re-heating. already in a new way, but the furniture is not included, and the person buys it himself, well, how is the cooperation of the local authorities with the agency for restoration, well, for today, the agency for restoration, bye-bye, yes, yes, yes, on unfortunately, yes, yes,
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unfortunately, now we are waiting for a leader and we are waiting for a new minister, and this is very necessary, because now... many processes have stopped a little, i would also like to ask you not only about housing, private homes, but also about infrastructure objects, you already said, you mentioned the stadium, how many other objects infrastructures need to be restored and how much, well, look, if we take these objects, which ones do we need to rebuild? these are , of course, cultural centers, and of course du usa, and we are currently rebuilding kindergartens, and other institutions, that is, we have a very large destruction even today. unfortunately, uh, everything completely at once, we can’t cover it, we made projects, made examinations, then we apply for financing, now it’s a very big
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project, we hope for cooperation with azerbaijan, memorandums were signed, and the state signed on the reconstruction immediately of four objects, this is a cultural center, a children's and youth sports school, a creative center and a residential, ten-story building, or what... everything is becoming more expensive now, in principle, and building materials, and we have problems with electricity, and air alarms so itself, to what extent it slows down the pace of reconstruction, slows down many indicators, of course it is the working hands, when the guys are taken to the army, the second is of course the increase in prices and power outages, it slows everything down, but these are today's realities that exist and with which have to fight mr. oleksandr, thank you for participating in our broadcast, it was the mayor of irpen oleksandr markushin, we talked with him about the reconstruction of the city of irpen,
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which is the most destroyed settlement in the kyiv region, we also thank you, our viewers, who were with us, you watched the special edition program of urban reconstruction and development, see you next saturday at 6:30 p.m. national tv on megogo - for many channels, well, a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows, turn on megogo on various devices without wires and antennas, and all this from uah 49 per month, there are discounts until independence day on carsil tablets. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. education is the future of every country. what is changing in ukrainian schools? what will the university of tomorrow look like?
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listen to yours. there are discounts until the day. 15% in pharmacies plantain bam and oshchad. if china does not go to peace summit, then kuleba goes to china. the visit of the ukrainian foreign minister dow came as a surprise to many. in june, the prc defiantly ignored an invitation to the peace summit in switzerland. nato openly accuses russia of supporting russian aggression, and the united states threatens it with sanctions. however, in ukraine they understand that china is too big and influential to take offense at it, or to ignore it. the visit
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of a ukrainian official at such a level is the first in many years. and this is good, there is a clear signal that china supports territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine. and it was also confirmed that... chinese leader xi jinping told me that china will not supply weapons to russia. dmitry kuleba was invited to guangzhou by the foreign minister there , wang ye, the second person in the chinese hierarchy after xijin ping. the conversation lasted more than three hours, the people's republic of china continues to call russian aggression the ukrainian crisis, but once again expressed its readiness to help achieve peace, specifically peace, and not... a truce, dmytro kuleba emphasized. i spoke about the importance of a just peace, and not any kind of peace, and my chinese colleague himself
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added that... lasting and long-lasting, this is very important, because usually it is we who constantly say that peace must be permanent, that is, long-lasting and just. but what does a just peace mean for china? the cause of the war is officially named by pakin as the expansion of nato to the east, his peace proposals essentially equate the victim with the aggressor. the russian federation is not going to give up its strategic partnership with russia, but china is not the only country. which has real influence on the kremlin, and therefore ukraine and the west would like to see the pucks at the second peace summit, preparations for which are already underway. there will be no point in the negotiations if the russians lead them as they have done in the past, putting forward terms of surrender, but without russia and china at the table , there really will be no peace talks. china could play the role of a major global player, which it undoubtedly is in the economy, in
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finance, but perhaps... china's position as a potential mediator is further strengthened against the background of the dramatic and unpredictable american elections, which weaken the united states and frighten its allies. president joseph biden's refusal to bog down, although it added enthusiasm to the democrats, further confused the prospects of american support for ukraine. on the one hand, vice president kamala harris. it is expected that in her case. victory, the white house will generally continue the current course on ukraine, but haris herself is a person without experience in international affairs and will likely rely entirely on her advisers. andriy yermak, the head of the president's office, has already had a telephone conversation with one of the key diplomats, philip gordon. according to the publication the wall street journal, the garis administration is unlikely to find a place for the top
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appointees of president biden. in particular, secretary of state anthony blinken, secretary of defense lloyd austin and national security advisor jake sullivan. so will the level of support be at least the same as under president biden, who had a special attitude towards ukraine. unanswered questions . on the other hand, donald trump. he promises to end the war in 24 hours and claims to have his own peace plan. politico previously reported. that in his team seems to be seriously considering the option of the agreement with the kremlin, which provides for territorial concessions to ukraine and its refusal to join nato. after a meeting with trump on the sidelines of the republican party convention , former british prime minister boris johnson published his version of the peace plan in the tabloid newspaper the daily mail. there is an increase in military support for ukraine, the intention to push russia to the borders on february 24, and
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measures to protect the rights of russian speakers in ukraine to help putin save face. finally, they presented their version the us secretary of state in the trump administration , mike pompeo, and david urban, the head of a lobbying company close to the republicans. they claim that the way to peace lies through force, which means that it is necessary to strengthen military support for ukraine and remove all prohibitions. struck deep into russia, to lower world oil prices, to weaken the russian economy and , ultimately, to accept ukraine into nato. which of these plans is really trump's plan? it is unlikely that even trump himself knows this today. he is an impulsive and unpredictable person, which means that his victory will create something new for ukraine opportunities as well as great risks. president
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zelensky called me. we had a good talk and i said that this war must be ended. you are dealing with the russian war machine. all they do is wage war. they defeated hitler, they defeated napoleon. the spring offensive never happened. the russians have millions of shells and thousands of tanks. many russians were killed, but many ukrainians were also killed. this should not have happened. are ukrainians themselves ready for possible negotiations? the survey of the razumkov center was conducted in in june, commissioned by the weekly mirror of the week , 44% of ukrainians believe that the time for peace talks has come, while 35% disagree with this opinion, but this is tilu's opinion, what the front thinks, sociologists do not know, the defense forces continue.


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