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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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on bloomberg about andriy yermak, i am quoting what bloomberg writes, he writes that, and yermak himself also does not deny his growing influence, i do not participate in every work, i only coordinate, yes, i am very proud of that the president asks my opinion, but he asks my opinion because i get results, that's how yermak explains his influence in the president's entourage, in the publication itself. and actually, what is being said, that a person for whom the ukrainians did not vote, but has very great powers and manages almost all affairs in the state, and this is probably the main thesis of this entire publication, well, the most important thing is that in the conditions when zelensky has already been in power for more than 5 years and his presidential term has already been extended, there is still this person who is constantly trying to move the chessboard.
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figure and with the appearance of the president of ukraine, this publication, in your opinion, is a big salute to volodymyr oleksandrovich from our western partners, because, just like that , such publications would probably not appear in bloomberg, well, i would not be looking for some kind of conspiracy, i think this post is evidence that our partners are fully aware of the situation that exists in ukraine and... well, they deal with it to a certain extent, well , they can't, it's only, you know, in the fantasies, short-sighted of our citizens, there can be some kind of intervention , interference and so on, in fact, it is absolutely clear to me that nothing like this can happen, but i just think that this should be a signal for volodymyr zelenskyi, because when... you can, as they say, remember remember
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this saying, when volodymyr zelensky's mandate ends, there will be people who he will be accused of illegally delegating his powers, and i am not sure that andriy yermak will take responsibility in this situation, he will rather say: what about me, i was instructed by the president, and i carried out, but here i am i don't... i don't have a lawyer's degree and i think that the responsibility may be less here, it's not funny, but let's see, we still understand that there will be no elections in the near future, that the elections at the moment well, they are a serious challenge for ukraine to carry them out, and these are all things that at the moment, well, i would say. record a not very good situation in
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ukraine. andriy yarmak is one of those who prepared the second peace summit, the first peace summit, and is preparing the second peace summit, yermak says that it will be very important for ukraine to ensure the participation of china in the next peace summit, and in his opinion, beijing is a big player , which is really able to influence russia. at the same time, as evidenced by sociology, which was published by the survey of the national democratic institute and the kyiv international institute of sociology. the majority of ukrainians believe that ukraine should enter into negotiations with russia in order to try to achieve peace. 57% of respondents were in favor of negotiations, 38% were against. it is worth noting that a year ago the results were the opposite, only 33% were in favor. negotiations, 63% are against,
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while 66% of respondents believe that ukraine should return the territory under its control by 2014, including donbass and crimea. variants of agreements, which provide for certain territorial concessions, have much fewer supporters, from six to 11%. well as mr. evgeny, can you explain what? that more than half of the surveyed ukrainians are still in favor of negotiations with russia, although negotiations with russia, about what, russia has issued an ultimatum to ukraine, what can become the subject of such negotiations? let's start with the first, with the first peace summit, whose results give us reason to count on the second, when africa is left for us. as
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yanukovych was not disclosed, well, that is, we were supported by units, as well, despite the fact that, well , diplomatic efforts were made not only by ukraine effort. in order to conduct accordingly, african countries came, representatives of african countries supported the communiqué of the peace summit, this time. second, why is the head of the president's office, who does not have the authority to do so, preparing for the position of minister of foreign affairs. this is a simple question, in fact, we have a minister of foreign affairs who passed. well , together with the country, because of quite difficult things, he is, well, he is called one of the favorites of volodymyr zelenskyi, all the more so, why, well, that is, why the head of the president's office, it seems, causes, well, certain misunderstanding among our partners, thirdly,
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you are absolutely right, and i have already paid attention, look, now there is a situation, well, that is, the well-known ultimatum of putin about... four regions, yes, if we go to this ultimatum, then we will actually postpone simply defeat ukraine is at war with russia, i deliberately say it as hard as it is, because it is a reality, because if the russians can cross the dnieper without a fight, then the further development of events can absolutely be negative for us. and why did we decide that russia would negotiate with someone when we we see that they in the east continue to press and do it quite persistently, not counting the losses much greater than in ukraine, why do we think that
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everything will be, well, in our opinion, what reasons do we have for this, there are no reasons, especially since... putin's press secretary says that there are legal nuances regarding the legitimacy of the ukrainian authorities when he is asked about future negotiations or about zelenskyi's peace initiatives, and says that, of course, these legal nuances cannot be an obstacle to the start of serious negotiations, while adding that no summit with the participation of russia is being prepared yet, but they are constantly. that , of course, we can, but with whom can we negotiate and conduct these negotiations, because zelenskyi is already the president whose powers have expired, but zelenskyi says that we are preparing a
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peace plan for november 24th, as do you think this peace plan will have these seven points that were not in the first, not discussed at the first peace summit, because i still can't understand whether it will be a separate peace plan or it will be part of the first plan peace, or will it be part of a new peace plan, and who should prepare it, because zelenskyi says: we are with western partners, well, with western partners, and what is the peace plan or plan of action in ukraine now? you know, mr. serhiy, i have to admit that i only know about 10 points of zelensky, i am afraid that i do not belong to the majority. in this matter, because i understand what these 10 points are, and i consider them important from the point of view that ukraine put them forward, but all the others are unknown to me, sorry, i do not know these plans, i do not see a dialogue with society on the topic like us to end the war, i have not seen a public
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discussion about how we should act, and this is quite an unpleasant situation in my opinion, because we actually found ourselves, you know, well, here are the famous words of zelenskyi, that the citizens of ukraine have, have, yes so to speak, to come to the solution of the question of whether territorial concessions are possible or not, we see from sociology that it is not, we have this plan, sorry, i don’t like to use medical terms, but this policy is medical, schizophrenia, we think we have, we... we can go to negotiations, but we are categorically against concessions, but negotiations will involve concessions, i will tell you more that in world politics at the moment there is a practice of putting pressure on the weaker, not the stronger, if anyone does not know, this is reality,
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there is reality, on which must be responded to accordingly, but in the current situation it is obvious that the world also needs to... understand what will happen next in russia's war against ukraine, the world is now watching what is happening in the middle east, that is where the announced events should begin. the hostilities announced by iran in response to the destruction of one of the leaders of hamas, and it is clear that everyone is watching what will happen in the united states of america. does this mean that the issue, the ukrainian issue, the future of peace or russia's termination of the war in ukraine, it is again postponed there until the spring of the 25th year. well, look, that's not even the question. the question is that... the world saw that the united states is ready to negotiate, the current administration, it is true, with
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russia, but putin got some of his colleagues, yes, in fact, in exchange for ordinary people, well, for hostages, let's say this, for hostages that i took, yes, i agree, for hostages, and such hostages can be 10, 20, new, 30, well, belarus in general condemned absolutely, as... somewhere someone from er , the organization of belarusian police officers said that there was absolutely no one, and well , lost, you know, not the kind that does not understand, it is simply clear that this exchange was carried out in order for kamala harris and joseph biden to meet the americans, and we, rico krieger is led by this german, well, i don't know from... i'm far from giving any evaluations based on appearance, but that
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propaganda film shown by the russians, you understand what it’s about, he is accused of hooliganism, and most likely it was the basis of the belarusian special services, that’s the thing, spies are flying here, one, well, some classic ones just illegal, classic, killer krasikov. therefore , what is happening is actually simple, it is simple, i think, a big moral problem for the west, and i, you know, such a triumph of real politicians does not take very well, well, yes, when murderers are released and russian spies are released, well, this... causes a very serious
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, serious perception of how the west actually also participates in this action, it is clear that it was necessary to save both putin's political opponents and journalists, but, but, well, killers and spies are on the loose, putin meets them on the red carpet, there are a lot of questions. thank you, mr. yevgeny for the conversation, it was yevhen magda, whose director of the institute of world politics, there are discounts until independence day on imodium 20% in pharmacies of travel bam and savings, there are discounts until independence day on linexport 15% in pharmacies there are plantain, bam and saver. there are discounts until independence day on normoven 10% tablets in psylansky, bam, and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts until
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independence day on troxevzin, 15% at podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. i and my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, for two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front-line, component, serhiy zurets, and what the world is about, yuriy fizer is already in front of me, and time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchuvka field with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chekchenina, our tv viewer, is ready to tell, good. presenters, who for many have become as if by my side, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio,
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mustafa dzhemiliv, the leader of the crimean tatar people, contact us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends , the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: nato member countries have huge arsenals. russia is already on the verge of running out of resources. challenging topics. in our society, this is the question of trump's victory, what it is, an analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, what else can the russians do, are they able to use, let's say, the resources of the lukashenko army allied with them, vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, read all the salting, accept my singing, thank you, it was difficult,
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but i was just curious, but it is absolutely not hers, they help to understand the present and predict the future. offered the united states to conclude a bilateral security agreement with us. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:00 at espresso. glory to ukraine, dear ones tv viewers, broadcast on espresso tv channel, west studio program. we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, we will talk about use. drones as tools for organizing political murders, but the key topic of our conversation is different interpretations in the so-called peace plans, and of course we will analyze what our enemy is preparing. today's guests from the west studio, mark fagin and daniel frith. now the legendary
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american diplomat, former coordinator of the state department of the united states from issues of sanctions policy, a person who can be called the flesh of the flesh of american diplomacy. glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador, frit, glad to see you. glory of ukraine. glory to heroes. well, the key story is the huge election drama in the united states. so we understand that there has been an extremely important replacement of the main candidate from the democrats. we in ukraine sympathize with the democratic camp, of course, far from all, and we cannot express this matter publicly, but... president joseph biden allowed us to withstand the russian onslaught, russian aggression, we appreciate it, but we just don't know what to expect from donald trump, and even if we do know, we don't like this story completely, but in any case, in the united states, the race for front lines,
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activation of the enemy, so in your opinion, what do the ratings show and what will ukrainian be like. policy of kemela geris. i don't know vice president harris very well, but i do know her national security advisor, phil gordon. we have known each other for several years. judging by her speeches and what i know about phil gordon, kamala garis will continue the us support for ukraine as president. there's no doubt about that, as the vice president. malagaris met with president zelensky a few days before the full-scale invasion. she attended the munich security conference in 2022 and met him there as well. they also had joint meetings later. i will say that this year's speech by garis at the munich security conference is worth re-reading. as
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to me, it fits in with the american tradition of supporting the free world, which president biden has said continues. from harry truman to ronald reagan, all presidents, with the possible exception of president trump, have followed this strategy, and i'm sure she will adopt it as well. dear mr. ambassador frith, do you have the feeling that everything in the world is so serious that one can seriously wait for the outbreak of the third world war. how interested is iran in what is called the next site of the third world war. we understand that some dictatorships, such as the russian one, they do not have the opportunity to change the rules of the game in an economic way, they tried to change the rules of the game of the world chessboard with the help of weapons and aggression against ukraine, and they got bogged down in war, and, accordingly, the appearance of fundamentally new additional format death sites, when we are talking about
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the middle east, it can be in the interest of those players who want to change... in general the world decision-making system, and this is not about some kind of possible new yalta, this is generally about changing what is called the post-yalta world, whether it is good or bad, but we live in it, yes, and when global disturbances begin in general, it can lead to consequences similar to those experienced by the european world humanity in 1914-1918 during the first world war. i do not think that iran is capable of acquiring the status of a global player, because so far iran is within the framework of its current political system. a theocracy, its economic development will be stunted, and industrial and business relations with the outside world will be limited, so iran will be limited
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those in the opposition will supply weapons and drones to russia, as well as help russia and itself avoid sanctions. iran will not become a serious global player due to its economic limitations. you mentioned the new yalta, that is, the international system. so, the russians and... the chinese, and i think the iranians would like to see a world in which there are spheres of dominance. russia would have its own sphere, china would have its own, iran would have its own, and countries such as ukraine would fall into the sphere of influence of one or another great power. america in its prime wisdom opposed such arrangements. roosevelt agreed in yalta with stalin, but almost immediately regretted his action. harry truman disagreed. b to the soviet sphere of domination in europe, not over poland, or anywhere, so i emphasize that the united states stands for a free and independent ukraine, capable of choosing its friends
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and its place in the world. russia wants, and ukrainians know this well, for ukraine to belong to russia, that is, to completely rule over it. so, we have a clash of two worldviews. the problem with the russian view of the sphere of domination consists in... the complete lack of stability, because russian domination over poland and ukraine would mean poverty, slavery and subjugation for these countries. the poles would not put up with this, the ukrainians would not put up with it either, and they have every right to do so. the world of empires and spheres of influence is not a stable world, it is an unjust world, it is a non-prosperous world. the usa, starting with woodrow wilson, strives and, not without mistakes, tries to advance. the idea of ​​a free world system, a system of rules, a system in which smaller countries are protected from aggression by larger ones. we simply know how
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it ended for the whole world when the united states did not ratify either the league of nations constitution or the corresponding changes on the european continent as a result of the american policy of isolationism. after 15 years, hitler came to europe, well now hitler... in one or another of his incarnations came much earlier, so we in ukraine are trying to stop him, mr. ambassador frith, at the same time there are other stories about a possible second peace summit, there are those or others plans, in particular those announced by former secretary mike pompeo and so on and so forth, that is , a certain process is underway in the russian federation, for example, they are waiting for the most, of course, the american elections, in which trump would win, and then they would start playing four eyes, yes, vladimir vladimirovich with donald fridrikhovich and so on, and we are also
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extremely worried about this in ukraine, this is a negotiating moment, how do you assess it now? it's good that you mentioned mike pompeo's plan, because you probably concluded that that there are different views within what i would call the trump world. trump himself advocates for the division of the world like yalta, for the distribution of spheres of influence, where he and putin will simply agree at the expense of a country like ukraine. however, there are other personalities in trump's world who advocate a more reaganite, so to speak, policy and greater support for ukraine. michael pompeo's article in the wall street journal, in my opinion, was an attempt to influence trump's world to support ukraine and move towards more. the reagan direction. in mike's article there are many things about pompeo that i disagree with, and yet let's ask ourselves, is his plan overall a useful and effective approach to
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ukraine? i will answer that it is quite possible. i repeat that i do not completely agree, but that is not the point. the fact is that mike pompeo is pushing back on support for ukraine, which makes him closer to the biden administration than he himself would like to admit. however, it's up to me. in trump's world, there are debates about these issues. i think it would be very good if the representatives of the ukrainian government, the polish government and all the governments in europe, turned to people in trump's world and tried to convince them that ukraine's business is also our business. the success of ukraine will also mean the success of the united states. so i think you are very apt to mention pompeo's plan, his... article is not the only one, and yet it is much better than the plan proposed by general keith kellogg, which starts with a ceasefire on the current
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front lines, plus the promise: usa that ukraine will never join nato. without a doubt, this is a much weaker position. that's why i think it's appropriate pompeo's point is much better. however, these are just discussions. trump may or may not win the election, but it's good to see that in trump's world some are still advocating for, shall we say, a reaganite road map. of course, sanctions are not enough. the key story is forcing russia to sit down at the table again. and to change some or other parameters that they are constantly aggravating, that is, all their negotiations are reduced to their ultimatums, and this means that they are not ready, and they hope that during this winter they will inflict simply unspeakable harm on our people pain and indescribable suffering, and after that, of course, they hope that ukraine will become more compliant, and different signals are coming,
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when there are many... then politicians say, well, that everything depends on the ukrainian people, and when i hear that, i understand that this is to a certain extent pharisaism and cunning, so this story is the story of all civilized humanity, the repulsion of russian aggression, with all available possible resources, but we see that it is not completely successful, i cannot understand how to explain it, yes, because we are in ukraine now the month of august has begun, and we are already living and... trying to understand what awaits us this winter. i agree that the democratic free world should increase economic pressure on russia and increase military aid to ukraine by intensifying the provision of weapons and lifting restrictions on their use. in my opinion, ukraine should be limited in the use of weapons only by the laws of war, which are
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mandatory for all civilized people. countries, but there should be no additional restrictions other than that, we should help ukraine and put more pressure on russia. as you said, this could change putin's negotiating calculations. now he is also waiting for the us elections. he may think that he can negotiate a better deal with trump. we can only assume, but it is possible that he is counting on this. if we increase the pressure on russia, if... ukraine continues to successfully defend its territory and inflict heavy losses on the russians, if ukraine is able to continue strategic attacks on russian targets and, with the help of air defense means, limit the impact of russian strategic attacks on the ukrainian energy system, then the situation for ukraine may improve. ukraine has never refused negotiations. at the beginning of the summer, she spent
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enough. successful peace summit in switzerland. russia, as you say, is not interested in serious negotiations, it puts forward demands that are deliberately too categorical to be taken seriously. but everything can change. we, in the free world, must do what depends on us, and then we will see. i do not rule out any negotiations, but certainly not the americans should tell ukrainians what and when to do. there is a t-shirt offer. pompeo, that we talked with you, well, there was a phrase about a five hundred billion dollar loan for ukraine, we understand that it sounds very convincing, especially in ukraine, there is 500 billion dollars for armaments and so on and so forth, but there is more the realities of the united states, the way you see the situation with the biden lendlease and whatever the situation would be, for example,
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with the trump lendlease or with some other lendlease, we understand that six months ago we were actually going through an extremely, extremely terrible situation, because we did not have resources and money for these resources, now the situation has improved, but this is war, war always devours and burns money. pompeo proposed lendlis, in part because trump and some of his entourage said that we should borrow money from the... country, not fund its defense just like that. now i think that supporting ukraine by giving it money for defense and giving it weapons for defense is in american interests. i support this position, but i'd also prefer to get a loan under the lendless brand than not at all have no help so i think that's what mike pompeo is getting at.


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