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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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and whatever the situation may be, for example, with the trump lease or with some other lease, we understand that six months ago we were actually experiencing an extremely, extremely terrible situation, because we did not have resources and money for these resources, now the situation has improved, but but this is war, war always devours and burns money. pompeo proposed the lease, in part because trump and some of his entourage. declared that we should lend money to ukraine, and not finance its defense just like that. now i think that supporting ukraine by giving it money for defense and providing it with weapons to protect american interests. i support that position, but i'd also rather have a loan under the landless brand than have no help at all. so i think that's what mike pompeo is getting at. there is an additional source
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of support for ukraine, it is about 300 billion dollars of frozen russian assets. many europeans are against the transfer of these funds, so they agreed to use the interest on this amount, which accrues in 20 years, which is almost 50 billion dollars, to help ukraine, and this is quite solidly it's a really good move and i think the details are being worked out right now. the fact that ukraine currently does not have access to the rest of these frozen finances, is convinced that the pressure will gradually increase. in the end, i believe that the support of ukraine from the us and europe will be continued, as it should be. because it's in the interest of freedom, it's in the american interest. and i think it is in european interests as well. plan b, in any situation there should be a plan b and a plan c. i do not believe
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that, for example, donald will become president trump, but i cannot rule it out, and we understand that our friends on the european continent are also seriously preparing, but we understand that france or germany alone, their willingness to support ukraine will not be enough, because this story is not even just about money, this is a story about human resources, and i would really like to make successful that... project that 100 years ago in 1920 put the bolsheviks literally on the verge of survival, it is about the polish-ukrainian security alliance, in simple terms, the pact between petliura and pilsutsky, yes, unfortunately, it was not brought to the end, and we understand that it is not even the fault of these or other political elites, it was a great fatigue after the first world war. and everyone wanted
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to end the wars as quickly as possible, and the polish national democracy also actively implemented its other plan. i believe that polish-ukrainian friendship and union are of crucial importance for the security of both countries and for europe as a whole. we can go back to the 17th century, when the inability of poland and the zaporozhye sich to cooperate ultimately played in favor of moscow. poland was and is a faithful and consistent friend of ukraine. the poles are persistently pushing the american government and the biden administration to provide aid to ukraine. they do this both publicly and privately. the special ambassador of poland to ukraine, pawel kowal, is a long-time supporter of polish-ukrainian friendship. he has been friends with ukraine for many, many years, and there are many such poles across the political spectrum. between the fields and ukraine there are historical
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issues, but you are absolutely right that pilsutskyi and petliura understood the need for close cooperation between poland and ukraine. this need remains relevant to this day, and not only in the name of our own national interests, but also in the interests of european security and the entire free world. that is why i think that this tradition should be remembered and followed. question, dear mr. ambassador, you generally see the light at the end of the tunnel, as they say in ukraine, how this war will end is unknown, but there is a reasonable prospect of ukraine's relative success. if ukraine can hold its territory, limit russian gains to a minimum, and achieve very high losses for russia, this would indicate the potential for success. if... the country can continue
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and intensify its strategic attacks on russian military targets, and if it can limit the effectiveness of russian strategic attacks on ukrainian targets. it will also indicate potential for success. ukraine manages to practice successful attacks, especially on russian facilities in crimea. if she can maintain this momentum and if the west gives it the support it needs, there is a reasonable prospect that russia will not be able to continue its war in ukraine. the minister of foreign affairs of poland said that in two years, russia's potential may decrease, although this... it is a long time and a difficult prospect, and yet this is a potential result. are you asking about the light at the end of the tunnel? yes, it is not an easy road to it, but it is there. are there other options? yes, there is. we in the west, the united states and europe, have the opportunity to influence the outcome if we
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do our job and support ukraine as much as possible. if we put pressure on russia and give ukraine the weapons that... it needs, it may make putin either unwilling or unable to continue the war, it is not for me as an american to dictate what ukraine should do, instead it is the ukrainians who will have to to make these decisions, by the way, i believe that the future of ukraine should be in nato, in order to prevent russia from agreeing on a ceasefire, and then regrouping its troops and attacking ukraine again. it is quite possible that ukraine... will succeed since this war, a free, independent country, a part of greater europe and a member of nato. russia may be defeated in its attempt to conquer ukraine, which could have a profound and beneficial effect on russia itself. so, you ask if there is
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light at the end of the tunnel, the answer is yes, but there is a thorny road ahead. the tunnel is long and difficult, and you, without any experts , know that. however, i see the mind'. thank you very much, mr. ambassador frith, for this extremely important conversation for all of us, i would like to remind our tv viewers that now in ambassador daniel frith, ex-coordinator of the united states state department on sanctions policy, a prominent american diplomat, worked on espresso. there are discounts until independence day on doloxen strony 10% at psylshynic bam and ochad pharmacies . there are discounts until independence day on magne b6 10% at psylshynic bam and
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ochad pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on vyzin 20% at psylshynic pam and ochad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of broadcast time two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component. serhii zgurets. but what does the world live on? yuriy fizar is already in front of me and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchavka field with me, and sports news. i invite you to talk. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chenina, our art viewer, is ready to talk, good evening, the presenters, who have become like family to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, with
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us on the phone yazka, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening on espresso. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, a representative of the government of poland from restoration of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestri eu. mark fegin, an activist of the russian opposition to emigration, a well-known video blogger, ex-detat of the state duma glory to ukraine mark, glad to see you, will be working on the air of the tv channel now. glory to the heroes, glad
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welcome all viewers, congratulations anton. the attack on ilya ponomarev, so we understand that the enemy used shakhet this time, and accordingly, this immediately raises many questions. and perhaps alludes to many answers when we talk about the so-called strange arrivals, and this, of course, can refer not only to the present situation, to the near future. well, in any case, the kremlin has added water and they are not saying anything about it. as for the attempt on ilya ponomarov, it was completely predicted. among the people whom the kremlin would like to destroy, and among the russians among emigrants and oppositionists, ilya ponomarov occupies an honorable place, and he is not the only one, there are several others. moreover, there is operational information provided by the services that provide the project, which are actively looking for ways to destroy some effective part. of russian oppositionists abroad, regarding a certain number of people, this is known, it is not a secret, especially since the house
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of ilya ponomarov in the kyiv region, drones have already arrived, it is difficult for me to say anything about the technical side, it is possible that the kyiv region is more difficult to cover with air defense means, kyiv himself yes, and to prevent attacks on the kyiv region, the means may not be enough, and the danger is higher there, but ponomeryov's address was not a secret, drones, shaheds, or gran-2, as they called it, had already flown there. therefore , this is not news, there is something else: as far as i understand, he came to kyiv, spent the night at home, they could have informed some agency that he was in the house, i know that he was in america, and the drone is sent when they want to kill a specific person, and not destroy a building, so they receive some operational information from some agency, maybe in kyiv, ilya ponomerov is writing to me just now, so i think, most likely, such attempts will continue in the future, wherever possible, at a distance? with the help of drones, and somewhere there will be assassination attempts, some people will be sent, what is important here, it would seem,
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why would you kill him, what is his danger or the same, this is a completely wrong assessment, they do not assess from the point of view of specific dangers arising from a political leader, they need to demonstrate to everyone that you will not be engaged in such a way, to support ukraine, to contribute a russian connection, to oppose putin as his enemies, to spread information about what... moscow is doing in ukraine and not only, it needs to be demonstrated, this is the main goal, not a specific danger from an individual, as well as from navalny there was no danger, especially when he was in prison, but he had to be killed, there it was connected with the exchange, there you still have to show everyone what will happen to you if you join any activities at any level against the regime in moscow. well, ukraine is the enemy, they are ukraine they kill simply. and the russian opposition are the same enemies and the same targets, very important conclusions need to be drawn from this, therefore
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the defense of ukraine, as i often say among my colleagues, russian oppositionists, this is the redoubt before your death, it is necessary to defend ukraine, in addition to your own ideological attitudes against the war and against putin, also because you will be next, it is very important to understand, therefore, the country for the russian opposition, for all those who are against putin, the possibility of its protection. this is an opportunity to postpone your death. incomprehension this leads to the very sad attempts of some of the russian opposition to play the game imposed by the kremlin, that it is impossible to support the military resistance of the russians on the side of ukraine, because it is a form of treason against the motherland. it's a very misleading, very criminal link, and people who buy into it will be recruited sooner or later. this is very important to understand. list options, mark and to whom specifically in your opinion. wanted to demonstrate something with this assassination attempt, yes, because strange murders happen in ukraine, the
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strange murder of iryna farion, yes, no one he did not take responsibility himself, there is a suspect, but the question of motives is the key story, yes, and when these or other assassinations, political attempts take place, someone should take this responsibility or, the second option, maybe, really, if it is the work of the kremlin, well, then they can... simply prepare some kind of wider scenario, that is, cascading deaths and, accordingly , then try to reformat the same, i don't know, public discourse, or simply adjust it in this way, they always did it. adjustment of consequences physical elimination of some public elements that interfere and create problems for the discourse, yes, this is part of this program, this work, and pso and the rest. many people do not understand the connection between these things, for example, the discourse that in ukraine opposes the negotiation process as such, because
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they have their own considerations, this is a right-wing discourse mainly, but not only, it consists in the fact that one cannot stop at the binding conditions of the agreements, at the ultimatums that moscow puts forward, it is necessary now to create as much as possible a comfortable situation, so that it is not a defining thesis in public opinion for ukraine, that is, if you, for example, put a lot of pressure on the radicals, let's tentatively call them that. from the side of moscow, this public opinion will be able to be swayed in the right direction. moscow needs negotiations, it needs a ceasefire, a truce, etc., because there are conditions, both external and internal. internal we do not fully understand, perhaps moscow's reserves for the continuation of the war are running out, and it is increasingly difficult to fight further, for many reasons and people decreased, who seek to go to war, industry, defense, it is not known how it works, all this is a secret, but what nabibulina, the head of the central bank, declares, already gives a reason to say that there is a lack of money for the war, there are also external factors, they consist of because
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moscow cannot remain under the sanctions and pressure that is building for too long, besides , moscow... submitting to these factors, seeks quick negotiations, who is against negotiations in ukraine, it is important, in ukraine it is the right, these are nationally oriented forces, i.e. the majority, some effect is needed to have an influence of these forces, their radical position had less influence on public opinion. i also believe that negotiations now on the terms put forward by moscow are absolutely unacceptable for ukraine, because they will not end the war, at best they will postpone it, at worst they will prolong it. that's all in my opinion. because if we agree to moscow's conditions, we can talk about this in more detail, then this means not just a concession, but programming and seducing the aggressor to take new actions to occupy the territories and end the sovereignty of ukraine. a signal will be sent to moscow that it is possible, that it works, and from this point of view, it is necessary , of course, that people like farion, although i do not think that she was too influential, probably had
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detractors inside ukraine, she and the army cursed, especially in russian. yes, i think, mark, that you are also in it , taking into account the sentence or the accusation drawn there, so to speak, how many years are there seven or eight years for you or 13 for me, they gave 11, yes, 11 years for the lawyer feigin, yes, i was already convicted in the first instance, it has been coming up for several weeks, nothing... they issue a motivational letter part of the sentence to my lawyer, it will be very interesting to read it, there are three episodes, i think, and three interviews where i said that there was a genocide in buch, that ukrainians were killed by the russian military, that's why i was convicted, that's why i'm on this list, but i am guarded by the french police and my safety is ensured in this way, i don't know if a drone can
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fly to france, i don't know, but from a security point of view, yes, i am on this list, but there are many people on it, i am not the only one ... it is too presumptuous to believe that they chose me as their only target. again, i repeat, they are efficiency is not evaluated for the degree of significance, to what extent a person influences the russian audience or not, although i have a large channel, i have been known in russia for many years. no, this is still a necessary demonstration, even the attack on ponomaryov's house is also a demonstration for the rest, be afraid, kneel down and do not interfere, let us do what we want, and generally from the political field. yes, this blast contains people in ukraine, it is more difficult to do it in ukraine, it is possible only remotely, at the level of drones, although contract killings are also possible, there are specifics here, this is a question for the ukrainian special services, how they work with it, they probably have secrets about it. if this is really the case, then it means that there is a revival, that is
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, the activation of such things indicates some other parallel processes, you very correctly said that the key story is the kremlin's interest in getting what it wants, yes , in particular in a diplomatic way, but if we talk about the parameters, the first parameter, yes, the kremlin immediately announced the story that it does not want and will not communicate with our authorities, which it considers it illegitimate, well whose cow mooed, so to speak, and it is clearly not the kremlin's, but this is one moment, another moment, the situation in the states, we understand, it will be hot in the states, and the kremlin hoped that... it would take power from biden and after november, accordingly , the kremlin scenario can work in one direction, that is, with the ultimate imposition on ukraine of what they say, so to speak, they want in the kremlin and will agree on this matter, perhaps with the trump administration, well, i am grossly oversimplifying, but the situation is complicated for the kremlin can
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put the autumn scenario, so to speak, in a certain so-called long drawer, and therefore they will count on... what, in the spring, that is , the energy scenario, shaheds, missiles and a set of measures, yes, and after that, as they say, the immeasurable suffering of the ukrainian people, that's how my american friends formulate it, but then the kremlin would like to, so to speak, impose, i don't know, there is istanbul-3 or abu dhabi 5, or some other site there, as you see it, i believe, negotiations or some direct action which will contribute to this, we will not see. by direct action, i mean action by the united states. the first and most important factor is that there is no certainty, that is to manage. country, will it be the same democrats, their line or trump? it is quite obvious that this is possible, even diametrically opposed positions, because the uncertainty creates
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the uncertainty of the settlement plan, what the parties will agree to: i mean the democrats or trump? kamala harris, if she becomes a candidate and wins the election, will of course continue the biden line. it is moderate line, subverting ukraine's negotiations, but at the same time with a firm position to support. ukraine, providing it with military and financial assistance, etc., without making it a condition, assistance in exchange for participation in negotiations, in trump's - this, i mean what he himself stated, i will now say separately about mike pompeo's plan, but after all , what he says, and what we hear from him or from senator vance and some others, up to his son, can rather be interpreted as that he is ready to negotiate with putin himself, no formats are needed, no swiss , no in jeddah. the saudi formats, nor the chinese, and why, he says: i will meet with putin and come to an agreement, that is, any shuttle missions of orbán and others, this is all the quality of action that
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serves the position of trump, who are trying to draw him into some kind of peace process, some istanbul format, for example, he doesn't need it, he says: i will personally agree with putin, why can't they agree? we heard the parameters of the plan closest to trump, according to which he does not refuse assistance to ukraine, but puts... in dependence from the readiness of ukraine to participate in peace negotiations, that is, we will help militarily, but ukraine must agree to peace negotiations, whether it is a parallel or a substitute process, but it is quite certain. i want to say that this cannot happen before january 20, because trump will be inaugurated if he wins the election only on january 20 , 2025, and then, closer to spring, he will hold meetings with putin and something will be decided. whether they can agree or not, in principle, all the remaining arguments that the ukrainian government is not recognized, because after on may 20, president zelenskyi is not legitimate, all this is done by moscow through ipso
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in order to lower and dump the authorities in ukraine, but no more, realizing that in reality this is not an argument, after all, they will talk with the authorities in kyiv, of course, they will negotiate if such will begin, which concerns all these formats, and the swiss one about the peace formula, and the previous one in istanbul. and the initiative of saudi arabia, which took place on august 5, 2023, and the next one is planned, and the chinese initiative on a peace conference with the mandatory participation of russia, i it seems that this is just a smoke screen, in fact, it is still a game that both sides play, and the usa plays, and kyiv plays, somewhere there it says, well, we are ready for negotiations, understanding that in this format, for which moscow puts forward as preconditions, and putin has put forward his three important preconditions before the summit in switzerland. which he believes should be implemented regardless of the start of negotiations, the lifting of sanctions, the non-aligned status of ukraine, and the liberation of the unoccupied territories of four regions:
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donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia and of kherson. these are unacceptable preconditions. theoretically, moscow can somehow not put forward these conditions, enter the negotiation process without these preliminary conditions. what does moscow demand? it needs a cease-fire, it needs preambles to an armistice, because this is different. just a cease-fire, a truce always has guarantors, the parties can cease fire, but the guarantors must contribute to the truce, albeit temporarily, then negotiate directly about the details of some agreements, agreements, etc. at the moment i don't see any conditions for resolution this problem. kyiv and moscow simply cannot meet somewhere without mediators, and such a mediator is not ready, there is no one in the usa, and erdogan has already lost his position as a mediator whom kyiv trusts. first of all, the usa and... the west does not see erdogan as such an effective mediator, because he would get too close to moscow, we see that, so erdogan's platform can hardly be effective, in relation to
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china, it is more tempting, because china has an important trump card, mutual relations with moscow, the ability to influence it and bring it into negotiations, to force participation, this is a format that china itself will approve, but it faces the problem that the us is not going to give china such trump cards. they do not want china to act in this conflict on the territory of europe as a peacemaker, mediator, guarantor, someone else there, strengthening its international authority, like, now china decides when to start and stop wars, the usa will never agree to this, never. trump is generally anti-chinese, and even the current biden administration, following obama, continues to call china not a superpower, but a regional state in southwest asia. and moreover, does not recognize his claims to some kind of binary world, bipolar, in which there is washington and beijing, so the usa will not agree to this. in my opinion,
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the probability of the start is very high. of negotiations right from the meeting, if trump wins, trump with putin, if trump does not win, then it is very likely that some quadrilateral will be formed: usa, china, russia, ukraine. such a quadrilateral may arise if kamala harris comes to power and trump loses the election. then yes, this configuration has bigger ones chances, but it cannot happen before spring . well, in any case, mark, we understand that putin announced those conditions for a reason. are unacceptable by definition, no matter how you treat putin, well, he is not a clinical idiot, and he is quite experienced in this, that is, he could not voice certain parameters, in particular, when we are talking about the annexation of still unoccupied ukrainian territories, and for by calculating aviation, the f-16 component, we understand that putin's plan, well, even for his generals, is unrealistic, but he went for it, and here you can to assume that these or other environments are possible,
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i don’t know... what mandate did abramovich have for istanbul, yes, but he represented someone, well , accordingly, putin wants to cut off these or other alternative to his position, ideas, accordingly, we understand pompeo's plan, it's good, but there is also no stamp on this plan with the name of president donald trump, because it is not a fact that he will become president, but always in any case trump can say, well, it's a fantasy. pompeo he's a cool dude i respect him we drank 4l of whiskey but it's not my idea so accordingly, here we may also have unpleasant surprises, yes, because trump, the guy is also experienced, but his experience, well, not the fact that he will benefit us, as for pompeo, we promised to talk about it, yes, it is quite effective plan, there is one caveat, which can be very painful for ukrainian public opinion, that
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ukraine may... lose part of the territory, i mean the plan that i printed from the wall street journal, for the rest, it is an ideal plan from the point of view of sovereignty of ukraine, this membership in nato and the rest of the things that are repeated, as in boris johnson, in his plan, which we also saw in the daily mail the day before, yes, to cede some part of the territory, but what exactly, four regions plus crimea, or only part of these four regions, it is a question of the negotiating position, which , pompeo hints, will be trump's position on the... negotiations, namely on these parts. the trouble is that precisely the first part of the plan, the absolute sovereignty of ukraine, is unacceptable to moscow. these plans of both johnson and pompeo are unacceptable for moscow. they maybe will be acceptable to trump, but moscow will never agree to a change in non-aligned status. so, presumably, in these three preliminary conditions, which putin mentioned before the summit in switzerland, provoking the summit in switzerland to some sharp reactions, there are conditions for the withdrawal of parts of the armed forces from unoccupied areas. the territory
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of four oblasts, but maybe he can give up on this, here they can move the administrative border, maybe. the condition of lifting the sanctions is important for moscow, because the sanctions are painful, painful, but still , they are sanctions imposed by third countries. ukrainian sanctions are not the most principled for moscow, but the american, european, australian, canadian, japanese, and other countries, it is necessary for them to make this request, why kyiv, if it declares an agreement on the previous terms. should be concerned with the cancellation of these sanctions, these are sanctions of third countries, but regarding the non-aligned status, i.e. preventing ukraine from joining nato, moscow will never back down. and on the ground, on the ground, how are they going to return the territory, so to speak. so are we we understand that this is a symbolic story, well , because putin is with him, they voiced and, so to speak, made changes to the russian constitution for a reason, as well as with...
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non-aligned status or nato membership, well, we understand moscow's position, yes here is the whole fable about the indivisibility of security and so on on the continent, but the story about the territories that must be returned, no matter how they could sell them, or they could not, and they will simply stand on that. indeed, the constitution of the russian federation, which included these new subjects in its composition, provides, in including the laws that will follow from it, that it is impossible to change that in general, in no way can we talk about rejecting the territory of the russian federation, if they included them in their constitution. captured and turned on. yes, it was already occupied and included. on the other hand, the russian constitution is toilet paper . no one will pay attention to the constitution, simply.


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