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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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so that israel would never do this again in tehran. this is not even a request for history, but about tehran. israel could not do this 10,000 times over in qatar, where haniya lives. but they do not want to spoil relations with qatar. that is, putting qatar in such a situation. but it is possible with iran. well, but how can they answer? what can they do after one of their last attacks fails. that's also the number one question, yeah, and we'll see for sure, because depending on what the iranian strike will be, which, how effective it will be depends, and the israeli response and the further development of events, what else is the problem here, the previous and iranian attack turned out to be absolutely useless, because iranian drones and drones. destroyed without warning in
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the airspace of the countries neighboring israel, but now, will all the arab states be ready to participate in this operation, when their palestinian street, the street will tell them, but iran wants to take revenge for hania, such a hero, and you them you do not give, traitors to our cause, that is, now america will have to again... on new, i would say, foundations, to create a coalition against iran, when it comes not only to iran, but also to the palestinians, who have always considered hania as their leader there, well, i repeat again, this is the person who won the last, the first recent parliamentary elections in the palestinian authority, became the prime minister, the latest sociological polls showed that if there were elections for the president of the palestinian authority, more people voted for hanuya. 70%
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of people, by the way, this says a lot about the mood of the civilian population, though, so what's up there is a question as to how it will develop, in principle we are on the verge of a possible major war in the region, it is true, that is, mr. vitaly, if we talk about the previous massive strikes by missiles and drones by iran on israel, then, by the way, many of the analysts said that it looks like... the strike was such that it could be repelled, because at that time there was no appropriate economic situation where iran would be directly interested in inflicting a crushing defeat on israel. now this situation is the foundation for the future answers, completely changed. did i understand you correctly? the snakes think that then there will be some kind of special strike so that israel can repel it. iran, it seems, simply did not count on the fact that its missiles and drones will not reach ... will be destroyed in the airspace
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of other countries. this, by the way, is what we tell our allies about all the time, that if they shot down russian missiles and drones in their airspace or from their airspace, it would be much easier for us from the point of view of our security. that is, this happened to israel. now the question is not what the iranian attack will be, because i don't think they were specifically planned to be weak. remember the number of rockets and drones that were directed against israel, it's an unprecedented number, it's actually, i think, the biggest drone attack in human history. now it may be that iran does not have that many arsenals for such a strike, that's true, but it can count on some country or several countries through the territories. which will
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fly all this, will not shoot it down, that's the point danger, and then it will be more difficult for the israeli air defense system than it was during the first attack, and if it is more difficult, if not everything is shot down, if something hits some targets, israel will certainly carry out a massive bombing of iran, see that israel has long been looking for an excuse to, say, destroy the iranian... nuclear facilities completely, and then a big war will begin, as far as this big war in this region is concerned, and not only putin is interested here, because you and i are from program to program we discuss what exactly is in his interests arson and increasing the number of local conflicts around the world, well, it may not be a local conflict, to be honest, but he is definitely interested. because such a big
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war, even on the eve of the presidential elections in the united states, it will completely focus all attention on the middle east, completely, this time. second, he really contributes to this, you saw that the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation condemned the murder of ismail khan, right away. but what is it? khanya is the leader of a terrorist organization. this organization only in october in the 23rd year, she killed peaceful residents of israel, took women and children hostage. russia seems to condemn terrorism all the time. where is that from? and this is an attempt not even to prove to the palestinians, but to prove to iran that russia will be with him if he takes decisive action. that's the trick of this story. they are inciting iran and giving it the impression
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that they will agree with it not to do it. there is another factor - this is china. china also needs to strengthen its own. opportunities in the middle east, and by the way, you remember how many days before hanni's murder and a week later, beijing held a completely unexpected meeting of the leaders of fathi hamas, and during this meeting they signed a memorandum on the creation of a government of national unity, i think that they will not create anything, but the very fact of the appearance of such an organization in beijing alone, and this idea says: that beijing wants to play an important role in the middle east, it was not much hidden in beijing, when the last time united states secretary of state anthony blinke was in beijing, they were on the same day when he met with sydzenpin was holding parallel talks with the hamas delegation, that's all, and they too might be interested in seeing something
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happen that would reduce the influence of the united states, because the way they calculate it, if there's a war, the united states will help israel and iran will to act as an avenger. ismail khaniya, this will certainly change the configuration in the arab world and give more space to china and russia. russia needs free hands in ukraine, china just needs it to strengthen itself in the eastern part of the country. it absolutely is clearly. ugh. well, in conclusion, i would like to talk about such an effect , in fact, on the eve of these vivid liquidations, the president of the united states, joseph biden, called on benjamin netanyahu, let's say. so be restrained and not escalate when it comes to operations in the gas sector, operations of the israel defense forces, and will these successful, once again, eliminations of terrorist groups play into netanyahu's hands in the eyes of virtually
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all of his other partners, who are already calling to be more reserved, but about his ratings and about his reputation within the country, i i think we can talk in a separate conversation altogether. i think that the reputation ratings after these liquidations are in a good state, as you understand, so we see that just recently netanyahu's rating is increasing, because israel always pursues such a policy that it usually has allied relations with the united states, but he never allows himself to dictate anything, it is not in the rules of israeli prime ministers to listen to american presidents there and do as the american presidents want, israeli policy... is to convince the american president that israel's policy is in the interests of the united states. this is the approach. and by the way, that's what benjamin netanyahu said when he spoke from the congressional podium when he said, "we defend ourselves and you." from iran,
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first of all you. and this is a very important thesis. which one did the congressmen hear? and then, listen, what is of great importance to benjaminaho now? what tells him? biden, when he fully understands that in a certain time he will be talking with the new president of the united states, or with kamala harris, or with donald trump, and that is why he met not only with biden, but also with trump, and he perfectly understands that one more thing, that as soon as the power in the united states changes, it will really be much more difficult for him to act without taking into account the position of the new american administration, because it will be a four-year administration. therefore , by and large, if israel wants to achieve a final victory over hamas, it needs to act just as soon as possible, let's say, by february 2025, by march, because then it will be more difficult to advance in the direction that
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the prime minister considers everything to be more favorable for himself, so it's all quite a simple story, in principle, mr. vitaly. another interesting region and a very interesting country in the context of the fact that, well, first of all, it is also in the orbit of the interests of the russian federation and regularly, and... in the person of its leaders, supports everything related to russia, does not support resolutions , which relate to russian aggression against ukraine, well, we can actually continue to talk further, we are talking about venezuela, which is also in the electoral the process, as i understand it, is still there, although we are already talking about the post-elections, and there are people who go out to protest, there is maduro who is not ready to give in, there is maduro, what a challenge... what do you think
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the situation in venezuela and in this region in view of all the above? you see, everything is not difficult there. maduro lost this election, as lukashenko lost the 2020 elections, the opposition won, but now everything will depend on how effective the structure of the law enforcement agencies is. and how rural structures and the army will be support honey and how massive the protests will be, if it turns out that these protests are not massive, if it turns out that there are not enough people to prevent the security forces from acting, then of course the situation will simply end with maduro continuing the next term to remain the president of venezuela without any particular problems, if the protests increase, then the regime will... collapse. now, what is beneficial to putin? of course, it is important for putin that maduro stays, but not just stays, but
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stays under sanctions for a year there, a year and a half after russia's attack on ukraine, many considered it necessary for venezuela to start being an alternative to russian oil. and it was these agreements between the united states and venezuela that began to be reached, but on the condition of these houses. there were fair elections in venezuela, these elections were not held fairly, even if there were any fair elections, the votes were not fair and counted, i mean, that means that the united states may have to impose sanctions on venezuela again, declare again that they the president is considered to be the wrong person who controls the government, and the person who won the election really, well, in this way venezuelan oil will remain in venezuela, well, that's it. what does putin need, so that venezuela depends on russian support, so that it is not a russian competitor in the oil
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market, so that maduro can link his future only with him, that is, he was such a venezuelan lukashenko, so here it is a simple situation, but everything will depend in fact from the venezuelan people from their ability to respond to this challenge, and very interestingly, in fact, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi touched on this topic in his address on the x social network. the concern of the report of the presence of russian wagner mercenaries in venezuela together with government troops, wherever these thugs go, they bring death and destabilization, and i cannot help but also note a number of events this week, the elimination of the wagnerites in mali, and actually there is a report that the main intelligence agency and our military specialists could somewhat spoil russian plans on the territory of syria. and can we can we say that the hunt for russian
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influence continues in such interesting locations for russia, and to what extent is wagner's group, or what is left of it, generally about this influence? you see, this is definitely about russian influence, but the fact remains that after the defeat of the wagnerites in russia, they cannot recover as an effective military force in africa and the middle east, and that's it. what happened in mol, the death of a large number of people, after such, i would say, ambitious, let us know that now they will come to mol and there will be order will lead, i say once again that these people no longer have any real possibility of being competitors for uh, that wagner who was in prigozhano's time, that this structure has crumbled, the russians wanted to create an african corps on its basis in... a structure of the ministry of defense of russia, of course, and that is why the deputy minister of defense of russia, general yunus bekarkurov, visited african
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capitals, saying that now instead of wagner, there will be an african corps with the same people, and don't worry, this will simply mean our interaction not within the framework a private company, within the framework of the state structure, however, it turned out that it all does not work like that, so that after all, the wagner that was created, which one way or another... was an independent structure in terms of the autonomy of its actions in african countries and his own interaction with the local leadership had more opportunities, including logistical and intelligence. he left, as you say, so, of course, you have to pay for everything and for the fact that prigozhin began to scare putin with his really strengthened opportunity within this private military company, formally private, clearly there was budget money, this leadership was autonomous, so it no longer works, when it becomes part of the state bureaucracy, it does not
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right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but little of... what is happening, you have to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives. we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you. about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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politclub on espresso, my name is khrystyna yatskiv and this is our conversation with vitaly portnikov. for another 10 minutes, we have opportunities to analyze important events and important topics. one of the most important is the topic of negotiations, negotiations, the variety of peace plans, which are actually presented from many sides. but when we talk about negotiations between the russian federation and ukraine, we have to understand that... the russian federation is unlikely to be interested in them right now. perhaps mr. vitaliy will correct me in this statement now, but when i look at the map and i understand that every day they have confident advances at the front and the invasion of new ukrainian territories, this hardly indicates their desire to take some kind of break to recover. everything
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is fine with us, with them, with them. however, we understand that at the political level, our leadership must declare its... readiness for the negotiation process, because otherwise, what kind of communication can there be with our partners, and this is exactly what the representatives of the president's office talked about this week. mr. vitaly, how do you see it? well, you know, i don't think so russia's readiness or unreadiness for peace negotiations is related to the fact that it is advancing there, or is not advancing somewhere. i have repeatedly said that i am absolutely not sure that they would have held peace talks, even if we had reached the borders of 1991, because peace is a necessity. of peace negotiations of ukraine arises when it is really exhausted, but they are afraid of the occupation of their own territory, and when the entire war takes place on the territory of another country, well , almost all of it, then with some exceptions that only confirm this rule, but all the war is taking place on the sovereign territory of ukraine, all these cities where warehouses are exploding, where russian missiles,
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ukrainian missiles are flying, these are all ukrainian cities. territories, they are simply occupied, there are, of course, fortunately now cases when russian arsenals are hit directly in russia, but it is difficult to call it a mass phenomenon that destroys russia there and changes the lives of its citizens and its military potential, well, that's me it seems clear to everyone, therefore the question of russia's interest in peace, for me, it primarily depends on the level of understanding of russia. what it will not capture all of ukraine, but only exhaust itself in this capture, because all this struggle for territories, this is a struggle for a bridgehead, you understand, if ukraine... did not include some territories that russia would really consider its own, that is crimea, russian land, we must seize it, and
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this is our demand, and this is our claim, but if ukraine stops and stops claiming crimea, let it even recognize its territory as international, we immediately, we have nothing to do with fight with it, we will fight for crimea, but russia is fighting for ukraine, not for crimea, it is not... these are simply convenient territories, because from there it is easier to attack other ukrainian territories, there you can mobilize people who are of no interest to anyone in russia, and the more such regions russia seizes, the and it will be easier from putin's point of view to occupy the rest of the country's territory. so the question arises, what are the negotiations about? i have such and such a statement all the time, i can repeat it. that ukrainians believe that there are putin's conditions regarding the territory of neutrality, that we should recognize
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the russian status of donetsk, luhansk, of kherson, zaporizhzhia regions and crimea, to declare neutrality, and to carry out de-nezification, although no one knows what it is, but i think that i know what it is, that it is simply the destruction of all political parties of the organization that stand for the idea of ​​an independent ukraine and people , who are in favor of this, if not... destruction and expulsion, but we do not want to fulfill these conditions, and that is why the war continues, but as soon as we say, you know, we are ready, then take these territories, as many is already starting to speak on, let's give them these territories, let them choke on them and we will live peacefully, well, well, are you sure that this is what putin needs, this is an exclusive demand, for what, because if some ukrainian president... says: okay, i sign this agreement, i recognize crimea as part of russia's donetsk, luhansk, kherson, and zaporizhia regions. what, peace, is destabilization. some
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part of people say: hooray, the war is over. some part of the people say, traitor, sold ukraine, sold ukrainian land. if this part of people will still be in the army, and if two some of these people will be in the army, that's great. civil war. very good. what russia needs, i.e. all of russia's proposals, they are not aimed at ending the war, at destabilizing ukraine. if you look at this story through russian eyes, you will understand that this is correct. right. you have a territory that you consider your own. these are not donetsk, luhansk, kherson, zaporizhia regions and crimea. this is all of ukraine. the population there is disloyal and simply dangerous. so you need to clear this area of ​​it the population, so that it first runs away, and secondly... if it does not stick in, let it fight with itself, let them do the dirty work with their own hands, kill each other, but for this they must adopt such
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solutions that would create among themselves two armies of people who are ready to fight with each other, not with russia to the end, that is, patriots who are for an integral ukraine with traitors who just want to end the war, let's destroy the traitors at the beginning, and then with ... great, and then we enter the empty territory from which everyone has already fled, the state no, and the west is telling us, listen, well , if this is the situation, well, it’s bad, of course, but what can you do, well, the ukrainians didn’t maintain stability, but we need to somehow stabilize this region, let’s have peacekeeping forces, well, something like that, well, russians, peacekeeping forces our troops are already near lviv. well, the podkameni with podilskyi, here is the whole story for you, so they are not counting on peace, they are counting, firstly, on a long-term
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war for exhaustion, and secondly, on the fact that they will be able to draw ukraine into some kind of trap that will simply make it easier destabilization destabilization is a lot of different things, you can blow up the power plant, you can create ecological and technological disasters, you can. to create a political disaster, and if we understand all this, it's just necessary to understand that there will be no real negotiations, not because we don't want them or want them, because there are no platforms for them, uh, i'm just begging all the time ukrainians to calm down, not to look for a way out of the hopeless situation, because as soon as we stop looking for a way out, we will immediately start living a normal life in war, in a crisis, as is normal, do not expect that the war will end in two or three weeks. in 2-3 months, in 2-3 years, but just to understand that this is such a natural state of affairs for this territory for the future, well, many
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countries live like this, ukraine is not the first and not the last, if... we understand it, we will exclude the possibility of destabilization of ukraine, we will take away from russia this hope that ukraine will simply collapse under the pressure of all these circumstances, and in principle we will create conditions for the war to end earlier, because if putin knows that they will not capitulate, they will not destabilize, will not go to any decisions that he expects and will be able to get the front line. then this means that it is necessary to start negotiations on a cease-fire, and if we are all the time in hysterics and in anticipation of events that will not happen anyway, well, simply will not happen, because they cannot, then we are giving our enemy hope, that if not in the 25th year, then in the 35th, he will decorate, that is, in fact, ukrainian hysteria and ukrainian expectations of what will not come true, this is the key. to the continuation of the war,
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here in the russian pocket is the key to its end, in the ukrainian pocket is the key to its continuation, the first thing we want to do is for ukraine, ukrainians to fulfill this key from their own pockets and live with an empty pocket, knowing that we have nothing to offer our enemy, apart from peace and acceptance of this war situation as the norm of ukrainian existence for the coming years, and this creates the possibility that... the war has a chance to stop, there are no other chances in nature, this war will not end at the negotiating table. thank you sir vitaliy, a sobering analysis from vitaliy portnikov in the saturday political club on espresso, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, we will say goodbye to you on this, see you next saturday.
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10:00 pm
vasyl zima's big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, me and my colleagues will talk about most importantly, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front-line, component, serhiy zurets, and how the world lives? yuriy fizar, already with me, and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, olsen morchivka poli winter. and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chekchenina, our art watcher is ready to tell, kind evening, the presenters, who have already become familiar to many, are already with me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you.


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