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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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in the border regions to russia, how is it now with electricity and water and are people starting to return, or how is evacuation working, in short, how is life going on there now? well, when there were power outages in the past weeks, there were indeed problems with water, such as the towers not being pumped up, we helped some communities that it would not be possible to urgently find, find, lease. in debt generators in order to provide the population with drinking water, about, well now if, thank god, the situation has stabilized, there is light, therefore there is a water supply, well, it is possible in some populated areas, where it has been unburnt for a long time, such as there, in principle, like ryzhivka there, where it physically cannot eliminate these impulses due to the very close proximity to the border, that's where we are. .. kilometer where 2 km to
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the border, so that snipers can get snipers, shoot them, so in such settlements it is possible, well , there is no water supply and electricity, unfortunately, uh, well, and so on in general, in general it is good, relatively, if you can call it that, it is said that last week some explosions were heard in sumy residents, is it possible, that's how it was, our air defense system was working, everything is fine, no damage... to my great joy, there is no damage in the city of sumy, it works, as in the song, air defense system works. ugh. well, very good, and another piece of information that should be of interest to our viewers actually, because it is necessary to warn about such things in sums of pensioners were scammed for 33 00, promising monetary assistance in tiktok and unicef. fantastic story. listen, older people go to tiktok to look at various posts, where there are.
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chinese pandas gnaw bamboo, and they are pushed there some unscrupulous advertising and they transfer their money, our dear pensioners, we respect you very much, love you very much and understand that you want to keep up with the times and subscribe to tiktok as our grandchildren do and see interesting pictures there, but much it is better to transfer the couple of hryvnias actually just here, you see this code now, because we continue to collect funds for ours. military and it is much better than their 5-10 hryvnias abroad, unfortunately, they always existed and, unfortunately, all this is that if people did not these divorces, and they would not exist, so we have what we have, but mr. volodymyr, i am actually very grateful to those people who look at us, including pensioners, because very often i know a million stories when a pensioner with 4-500 hryvnias of their pension are sent there, 100-200 hryvnias every month, every month. on those accounts that we
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show on the screens, and thanks to such people, thousands of such people, we collect millions of hryvnias, which are used to buy those drones that are sent to the front or are bought atvs to transport our wounded boys and girls from the vanguard, and we are very grateful for this participation in the war, for this contribution to victory, which each of our viewers makes, thank you, thank you, mr. volodymyr, for your work , volodymyr bitsak, deputy chairman of the sumy district council was. during the call, they talked about the situation in sumy oblast, and we would like to remind you of the details of our collection . so, this is a collection of drones and means of electronic warfare for the third separate assault brigade. you all know this crew. we, the spresso tv channel, together with the vesna charitable fund, are opening. collection, and this collection is not
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only for the 3rd shb, but also for the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, these are extremely well-known brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, which perform tasks, well, without exaggeration, in the hottest directions, you all know that they are thrown , we can say, to the place where the situation is most unstable in order to actually stabilize it, and that is why these drones. and slaves for those who really needs, our goal is uah 3.5 million, please join, you see the qr codes on your screens, little by little we will collect the necessary amount, and drones and slaves will go to the front for our defenders where they need it most, every donation, remember, brings our victory closer, and this tradition of donating in the morning, let it be a good tradition, how
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to start your day together with coffee, together with our ether. let's hear what the fighters themselves have to say. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion. from the third separate assault unit brigades who will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need means of radio-electronic warfare against small bipoles, the enemy and drones of the komikat, we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to heroes, glory to heroes, glory to heroes, this is the message from our defenders for you, in order for you to drop the excess. a penny for kids and drones, don't be indifferent, be kind, join our collection, you, as we know, as you know, we will report everything, and all the money will go on an important business, you can not worry about it, so we are moving on to odesa,
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to our indomitable south, serhii syzonenko, a deputy of the odesa district council, is in touch with us, good morning, glory to ukraine, heroes. slava, good morning, studio, good morning ukraine. mr. serhiy, how was the weekend in odesa, tell me in more detail, and how was tonight. the weekend was more or less calm, thank god. we have already seen our new f-16 fighters in the sky over odeshchyna. the people of odessa were happy about this, of course, as well all ukrainians, seeing new planes in ours. simple european lithics of the western format, not european, american, but, let 's say, the weekend came normally, it rained a little in odesa, but that's also good, because after this extreme heat, everyone was very difficult
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and everyone was able to relax a little, regarding air threats from the russian federation, thank god, there were no intense rocket attacks, as they like, so... we can say that the weekend came successfully, well, it's good to hear that and it's joyful, in odeshchi they detained two manuals of the russian federation, who set fire to cars for money, in general, this is some kind of amazing story, i read that these are mostly some kind of kids 12 and a little older, that is, they are literally children, who were also recruited by the russians somewhere in some telegram channel or tiktok, and for money they set fire to army cars. and i'm trying to understand what's in these children's minds? i'm just trying to understand, and similar stories, by the way, were also in the dnipro and i'm scared, just scared, well, i just don't know, but it works in the other direction, and we can to recruit some teenagers in moscow so that
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they simply burn cars all in a row, we can, probably not, but why can they, i know that, unfortunately, there are other such stories about... all over ukraine and in the kyiv region, the same thing happened and in the city of kyiv, and yesterday they also spread information about leaflets, which seem to be about employment for a job, for a high salary, but in fact it is also this propaganda of the fsb, with which they try to recruit people, for the most part, unfortunately, they fall under this influence especially children, minors, and there are 14-16-year-olds, ah, probably their parents in the field of upbringing, and possibly our special services, are not finalizing the possibility of earning a living for these people in the territory of ukraine, but we will hope that we will say
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so , first, there will be more information work, both from the regional and central authorities, there will be some normal explanations. what to do about it, how to do about it, how not to become a victim of this scam, so that parents will work more, the main thing is our counterintelligence, which will, let's say, counteract it, and yet will reveal this chain, and we will be able to see more such videos, but the detention of not the performers, but those recruiters, who and the agent network, which is located inside the country, because we understand that... that the whole country is reset, will constantly inform on for these cars to be bought, we also do this and give the cars to military personnel for pickups, and when some rascal burns this car, it hurts extremely,
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let's say this, in the soul, the heart hurts, so let's hope that such cases will become less , they won't be better at all, and after all, all of us together somehow... we will work it out and neutralize the possibility of the russian federation to do such disasters in ukraine, well, that's just it, it raises some such questions, and surveys show that among there, for example, odessans are now the most in .. in the regional centers of people who, for example, allow some kind of unification with russia, or, for example, oppose ukraine joining nato, and you think so, people, what, what, what to do, just like us we can convince the russians that odessa is a ukrainian city, if such a city exists cases usually happen, they, they, they are painful, that's why, but we also understand that we need to work here for sure, not only the security services. in ukraine , the ministry of education, the ministry
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of culture, which has not even had a minister for more than a year, needs to work here, because there is no way they can find someone who would sit on the splits both ours and yours, and who was also a friend of zelenskyi, well, they don’t find such a person, it doesn’t work, well find it, sweetie, because trouble, here it is worth mentioning another scandal, it flared up there and on the weekend in including the fact that odesa was renamed. 432 streets, squares and alleys, for which we are very grateful, actually to the regional military administration, among them 85 in odesa itself, to which the mayor of the city, gennady trukhanov, reacted, one might say, wrote that, well, i will say in my own words that he does not support it, they say, what did he blame, for example, for... paustovskyi, who lived in odessa, blamed it, this is a quote, paustovskyi,
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a sailor who worked for a newspaper, wrote a number of the best books about our city, such as, for example, the time of great expectations , finally isaac babel and everyone else, others, others, - the mayor noted, well, this is a good question actually, because you know, i remember, on the eve of the 14th year, somewhere in the year of the 12th, the 13th , on the eve, actually... of the revolution of dignity and all the events, the beginning of our war with russia. i was in odesa, i met with kopatek, a sociologist, i say in odesa, i say in donetsk, and there was such a court sociologist of the party of regions, and he told me that phrase that i remembered, he said that you want to take our heroes and plant yours, and they are alien to us, you do you want to take our gagarin, i really don't know what gagarin had to donetsk, probably that he was there on arrival, or how that paustovsky drove by, he wrote. note, or do you know how in poltava peter the first, who came there
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, sat somewhere, and then in his honor, in honor of this seat, a memorial was erected, and on the one hand, we understand that it is only in the construction, it is a mark in fact, this is not some kind of historical reality, because the russians actually, well, they took someone else’s name, someone else’s history, and there is essentially no such people, but it still clings to this heap, because people believe in this, and in fact it is very important what people believe in, what do they believe in odessa, this is an important point, what in what in odessa? they believe, here is another language scandal, the owner of the cafe kicked out a customer after asking to serve her in ukrainian and did not even shout at her that because of people like her, this place is called burger z, i'm not even kidding, burger z, yes, i know about this one case, already this owner of the video with his apology, caring patriots have already come to him, talked with him, in fact, unfortunately, we still have such, let's say, greedy people. but i am sure that there are much more of them than there were before the 14th year and before the start
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of a full-scale war, they, i hope, are still just a minimal number, but unfortunately, let's say this, communication, there is no normal communication between the central government, the regions, the local government also communicates very poorly with... this renaming of streets, you understand, the authorities are like ostriches, they hid their heads in the sand and did not communicate with the people at all, that is, they pretended that this issue was not theirs exists, as opposed to kyiv, for example, in which great communication took place, when metro stations were renamed, there was the same zvirnetskaya, people were talked to, people's opinion was important, there were some public discussions, that is, people were prepared. before that, firstly, secondly, they were asked their opinion there, some kind of normal
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communication was established, in odesa this communication was completely absent, unfortunately, that is, the local authorities somehow distanced themselves as much as possible from this issue, and now it appears question, and why it happened, and when the regional state administration renames streets, so for some people there is a misunderstanding of the situation, because you don't ask for them. they didn't communicate anything with them and just took them and renamed them, in fact, they can also be understood to some extent, because... in our time of technology, it is normal to communicate - it's not some kind of miracle, but it's a normal course of events, which is not took place, unfortunately, so we will hope that our government will spend more time, energy and money on communicating with people and establishing some kind of connection for mutual understanding, and not just on some obscure own pr. well, this is my
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personal opinion, that's why i also want to add that we don't need to... convince the russians, because odessa is a ukrainian city, odessa is, was and will be a ukrainian city. it is important for us to work internally with our population, establish this communication and raise all issues, communicate, perhaps make some infographics, presentations, come and tell opinion leaders so that they can work, but this is not done. well, ma'am, we still have a couple of new products, in particular, you know what if i was an employee... tsc, do you know where i would like to work? in odesa trade center? in odesa tsk, because there, i understand that everyone is mobilized and even busified, it just happens by failure, failure, people are fighting for, for the last, there was a story, they wrote about the fact that some man was mobilized, well and ,
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they probably busified, i don't know if this is a violation of human rights, it probably is, if it's possible to do that, i don't know. well, less so, they dragged him to the tsk, but then his wife or someone else came, and that, probably, and more all kinds of people, in a word, entered the totsk and fought back their husband or someone, well , in a word, that's it, in fact, such situations are not isolated either, but we understand that again, we are leaning on what, on communication, instead. in order to stimulate people to go to the army, to somehow motivate them, so that a person understands that it is honorable, that by passing through the army, when a person passes the front, he will become a veteran, that he will have social benefits, that the state takes care of him, that there is some plan of action, its vision, people, unfortunately, do not have it they see, because communication in this direction
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is also a failure, but, but people see how someone is being pushed into the bus, something else, negative... i don't understand why this happens, because they are, in principle, professionals, communicators, a lot some of them worked in the media sphere, they understand well what people's opinion is like there, as well as...
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where is the war, well, there is a problem with the important thing now, so a very simple maxim: if you don't know what to say, tell the truth, here in the comments in they write us on youtube: there is no need to worry, in odessa they believe in the armed forces, odessa is ukraine. oh, we really are we are glad that there are such people who write this, and that is why we know that everything is fine, and there is mr. serhii syzonenko, who joins us, and many normal people, activists, volunteers, and yes, odesa is ukraine. thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy sizonenko, forgive me, we have to let you go. a deputy of the odesa district council was already in touch with us, a short pause and we will move to kharkiv oblast. do you want to wake up as if you were a child with your grandmother, full of strength and energy? then the new product from mattress market is just for you! meet the perina dreamlight mattress. perryina mattress dreamlight smooths out all the unevenness of old
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listen to yours. there are 10% discounts for valeriana bolgarska until independence day. an unusual look at the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin did this, he would sit down prison, a special view of events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond its borders, who is china then, me, my heart hurts, all this in informational marathon. with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. the russian federation steals access to the accounts
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of the ukrainian military through, guess what, a newsletter with a vote on the choice of weapons, allegedly from the general staff. ugh. so, they are sending a message about this, among other things, to otu, kharkiv, they have informed, they are warning, they are actually sending their soldiers about this. message in various social networks, they say, vote for the choice of the main shooting weapon, what do you like more, gunsmith z or volcano m, and or some other types of weapons there too, here, and in this way, when a person votes, their data is stolen and they get access to social networks, so they inform the military and not only the military, but also civilians, don't get involved in such things. stories, these are all fakes, lies and spam, thanks to which the russians, as they say, in osa, that is in kharkiv, are trying
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to gain access to the accounts of the ukrainian military, which is very dangerous, but we in general, we call the brain tement, the russians, because you know, the russians are too much honor for them, they are already in touch with us. halyna kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, ms. halyna, we welcome you, we know that there were shellings, please tell us how things are in kharkiv after that, last night was a little restless, somewhere around 1 a.m. a series of drones, there were explosions, someone says that it is in the suburbs, someone says in kharkiv, someone says, but no, it is our sub-regional air defense forces. they bailed us out and shot, i will say that the enemy does not leave kharkiv, the shelling began to be a little smaller than, but somehow they periodically
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alternate, sometimes very strong, then smaller, that is , the enemy specifically keeps the city under tension and methodically destroys it, realizing that it is not possible to create panic among kharkiv residents, just methodically destroys the city to show that you don't want to live here anyway, er, at the same time, the city lives, er, and i will also say that... um, the kharkiv authorities began to report less about explosions, about the consequences of explosions, with on the one hand, this is true, because if you notify immediately, then somewhere later half an hour later, the flight arrives again and the rescuers are dying, doctors, rescuers, er, on the other hand, people have become less interested, everyone has already seen in their area where the flight arrives, runs, helps, and they understand that there is no need to report too much. that is, the people of kharkiv are already turning into people with a safe mindset and a frontier mindset, because only such people will survive here, we understand that this is for a long time, and kharkiv itself, it was being formed.
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like a fortress, like a cossack fortress, like a regimental cossack town, it was formed like a fortress in the wild field from the horde, and now those skills are all coming back, well , of course there are battles in our region, the vovchan direction, the kupyan direction, shelling also in the chuguyiv region, that is, of course the enemy does not stop here, and now about the accounts, they say correctly , who inform kharkiv... military personnel that they should not, allegedly, vote for some type of weapon, so that their accounts are stolen, but in kharkiv , the same messages are also sent out among civilians on telegram channels, i received a message from an allegedly very similar patriotic person in telegram, which i have in vkontakte, and she writes something like this version that my niece is winning in such and such a talent contest, please vote, i started
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to check what it is, and... then it turns out that many patriotic such citizens the following messages came from the kharkiv region, and you also have to register, and when you vote, you have to enter your phone number, your email, and then the account is hacked, that is , the parallel technology is running, my god, such a dangerous thing and everything, because social networks are not regulated, and the police in social networks, well, they cannot cope with such an influx, mrs. galina, they talked to odesa region, they asked... there are whole scandals with the renaming of streets, you also have them in kharkiv region, how about this, i ask, what about decolonization? well, we also had such small scandals, because again, especially such large avenues, there are such very large avenues that stretch for many kilometers in kharkiv, there was once such a moscow avenue, it was renamed after the heroes of kharkiv back in 22, although all they said, let's go
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we are renaming it to... zyumsky road, because we have poltava road, it would be izyumsky, as it used to be, and another very large avenue, but now there was a scandal before it, everyone asked to rename it to zmiivsky road, well, it is the town of zmiivoroga, they renamed it to aerospace, imagine, we already have a space street in kharkiv, there is an aerochemical street, now there is an aerospace street, and we also have all kinds of friendly alleys and so on, that is , a little bit like this situation, when no... this the uniqueness of the city itself. and this moment is very stirred up the public a little, well, there is such a thing. i want to return to the problem of housing restoration a little more, if i have a little time. we literally have a minute, mrs. alina, literally a minute. see when russia used the iskander with cluster fragments on july 24. i was just talking to a pensioner that he has an old house, his grandfather and great-grandmother are there, he lives there in the kharkiv district in
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the private sector. his roof was also blown off, the windows were broken, the police came, everything was recorded, everything, well, now it is very difficult to arrange, to apply for the restoration of that roof, although he already made the windows there somehow, because of what they say to pensioners, well, you have to do it in action, well, imagine, we have much less young people in kharkiv than in kyiv or lviv, we mainly have pensioners have many push-button phones, well they have to register in action, that is, it is not organized for people just in snaps. to do it somehow separately, but the question is what, it may be organized, but the problem is that they are told, well, by 2013, you should have entered your private buildings in the register, and now they are not in the system, they do not see their actions, you are to blame, but my grandfather's and great-grandfather's people live there, they did not know this, and in the end he has been walking without a roof for the second week, he is afraid that when it rains, everything will get wet, he has nowhere to go to go, and he is not the only one there, because those cassette shrapnel, he
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says, when they flew. in broad daylight, he says, just all the cats and dogs that were on the street, just corpses, he says, are lying, and he says, and this has worn him out, now people are helping him to somehow close the roof, and this problem is bureaucratic, you understand, that kharkiv is a city of older people, and this action does not always work here, to meet in a different way, to simplify the procedure, this is a big problem, of course, thank you, mrs. galina, galina kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was in touch with us, well we still have new ones. yes, we have to move on, our colleague, kateryna shiropoyas, is ready to tell the details, katya, good morning, what will this issue be about, tell me? ulyan andrii, congratulations, i will tell our viewers about the consequences of the night attacks in ukraine and why mali took offense at ukraine.


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