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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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shrapnel, he says, when they were flying in broad daylight, he says, just all the cats, dogs that were on the street, just corpses, he says, they are lying, and he says, and this has worn away, now people are helping him to at least somehow close the roof, and this problem is bureaucratic, you understand that kharkiv is a city of older people, and here this action does not always work, to meet it in a different way, to simplify the procedure, this is a big problem, of course, thank you, ms. galina, galina kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional advice was in touch with us, well, we're still here news, but we have to move on, our colleague kateryna shiropoyas is ready to tell the details, katya, good morning, what will this issue be about, tell me? congratulations to ulyan andrii, i will tell our viewers about the consequences of the night attacks on ukraine and why mali took offense at ukraine.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russians launched attack drones from the north and south. the work of air defense was reported in many regions. supposedly after midnight explosions rang out near kharkiv. the soldiers were called to live. to be in shelters, in the morning sounds similar to explosions were heard in the kyiv region near the city of bila tserkva. the consequences of the night attacks are still being clarified. and the russians wounded two people in the dnipropetrovsk region. the enemy attacked the nikopol district with drones and artillery in the evening and at night. residents of the pokrovsk community were injured. a 26-year-old man and a 70-year-old woman will be treated at home. eight private houses, six outbuildings and garages were damaged. cafe,
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trade pavilion, car, as well as po nivychchyny, solar panels, power lines and a gas pipeline, reported serhiy lysak, head of the regional military administration. in nikopol, a private enterprise was hit, and the enemy also shelled chervonogrigorivska, marganetska, and myrivska communities. two people were injured due to russian shelling of the kherson community, the enemy dropped explosives from a drone on the village of sadove. a 76-year-old man has an explosive injury and a shrapnel wound in his leg, he is in the hospital, the city's military administration reported. also the russians from the drone attacked antonivka, a 35-year-old local resident suffered explosive and craniocerebral injuries, contusions, chest injuries. a large-scale fire in the rostov region near an oil storage facility, the fire is 500 km away, the fire can spread to neighboring objects from... in particular, to a warehouse of fuel and
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lubricants, local authorities warn. the column of black smoke is so high that it can be seen by residents of nearby settlements. allegedly, first the tires caught fire in the open area, and then the flames spread to the territory of the warehouse. reasons ignition is currently unknown. at the same time , residents report on social networks that the fire started as a result of a drone attack. the so-called transitional government of the republic of mali announced the termination of diplomatic relations with ukraine. kiev is accused of allegedly supporting the toareg rebels, who recently defeated a column of russian mercenaries from wagner's pmk. the statement was published by the ministry of territorial management of the african country. ukraine is accused of violating mali's sovereignty. in addition, the text of the communique echoes the kremlin's narratives about the alleged nazi regime in in the country, democratic candidates
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kamala harris and republican donald trump have equal chances to win the presidential elections in key states. this is evidenced by the cbs news you go poll. the level of support for harris trump in michigan is 48%, in pennsylvania 50% and in arizona - 49%. the republican has a slight advantage in wisconsin, georgia and north carolina. the democrat is slightly ahead of her rival in nevada. in general, 49% are ready to vote for agaris, and 2% fewer voters for trump. in the dnipropetrovsk region in a village a truck and a car collided in serhiyivka. as a result of the impact, the truck overturned and caught fire, the state emergency service reported. a 26-year-old truck driver was injured. he is in the hospital, there was a fire.
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extinguished by rescuers. to support mets with disabilities. a charity art fair was held in the capital, just like me. 20 presented works were completed. people with down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders, all proceeds from the sale of paintings and merchandise will go to help artists and activities in the studio, in which they are engaged in. you can see the exhibition and buy canvases at legit. we all go through war times, we worry about our relatives, we always ask, how are you? and this is actually the answer, probably to this question of each of the artists, you can see a different one here. right here and abstractions, and landscapes, and still lifes, but also a combination of different colors, which also reproduces the state of each artist and some of his reflections that he lives in our time, we have a lot to learn from each other, as people with disabilities, in normative, as well as for us, people with
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disabilities, i am very glad that i am engaged in this field and work with them, people are interested to hear about these children in general, and we have a kiorkhodik next to each, next to each picture, where you can look. .. how this or that child draws this picture, or there are a few words about it, well , that is, we tell, show the page in social networks at olina's studio, again, and introduce people to it, it's really interesting. took his first steps on electronic limbs, 5 months after injury and amputation defender ivan golyk was fitted with state-of-the-art technological prostheses. in february , he lost both legs during a combat mission. about the rebels. at the center of anbroken and dreams after recovery, he told my colleagues. ivan golyk is 41 years old and comes from truskavets. before the full-scale invasion , the man worked as a construction worker in poland. however, on february 25, 2022, he returned home and,
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despite his wife's persuasion, immediately joined the military. there he was told to wait his time. ivan joined the army on january 20. after five months of training and preparation started working in military intelligence. the man served in zaporozhye and donetsk region. he was seriously injured in february this year. during one of the combat sorties, he came under enemy fire. ivan and his brother decided to wait in the dugout, but a tank shell exploded nearby. two 19-year-old border guards who were in the dugout died immediately. three soldiers were wounded, among them ivan and his brother, well, it was a shame that they were still standing for them and died, our legs were torn from our comrades, but not so that
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there, the medicine is already out of power, almost paralyzed and with numerous fragments in his legs, ivan put tourniquets on himself above his knees, all the time until evacuation. for more than 9 hours, the man remained conscious, poured water on his head, killed the water, because he knew what to consciously lose in such cases. he lost consciousness already in the med evacuation, recovered in the dnipro. he informed his wife about the injury on his own, although he said that he had lost his toes. however, in order to save the life of a seriously wounded soldier, whose kidneys had already begun to fail, doctors had to amputate him. after long-term treatment in dnipro and kyiv, ivan was sent to lviv to the anbroken center for rehabilitation and prosthetics. the most difficult, the man says, was in the first days after the amputation. yes, there is something more terrible, and i felt it most strongly already
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here in lviv in surgery, when i had the last three operations, and here already such powerful painkillers, not stings, here. there is such a thing, but then i felt that such a phantom would be prolonged with the physical therapists of the anbroken center. ivan has been working out for four months, they were preparing protector for prosthetics, and now they are helping to relearn walking on metal limbs, with ivan we had essentially no difficulties in our work, that is , he is a patient who always comes to classes there, works out, i know that he will carry out all the instructions on his own, he himself knows that he needs this first of all, i only help, give instructions, instructions and he fulfills them. both of ivan's prostheses have electronic knee joints, thanks to which it is possible to reproduce the most natural movements. the cost of such modern technologies prostheses 1 uah 2,000 they were installed thanks to
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the donations of ukrainians for the collection of the charity platform dobro ua prosthetics for the indomitable. all this time, his wife was next to ivan. and children, they, the man says, were and remain his greatest support and support. to the question of what he will do first, when he stands firmly on his new limbs and returns home, the man answers with a smile: i will go with my family somewhere to relax , go fishing, go fishing, maybe burn somewhere. ema stetnyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel and the vasna charitable foundation have opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. the defenders in the donetsk direction hold back every day. borozh attacks defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended
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the avdiiv direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is 3.5 million hryvnias. for now, that's all the news i have as of this hour. see you with you later. another morning time is 8:11 on the clocks, ulyana panasyuk and andriy saichuk are spending this morning with you today, friends, join our gathering, as soon as our colleague announced it again, you see qr codes on your screens, this is an opportunity to donate to the armed forces of ukraine for three... and extremely powerful teams, so join us, we will report on everything,
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we promise you to see the qr code on your screens again, you can point your phone, your smartphone camera at it, go to collection and pay how much you want there, how many you can afford it, 90,000 such mavics were produced by russia. defense industry last year for the needs of the russian army of occupation, which works in ukraine, this means that 90,000 of these deadly drones flew to kill ukrainians, ukrainian soldiers, and in our country this burden is largely on the shoulders of volunteers, on the shoulders of ordinary people, but without these mavics being expendable we can't really stop the enemy without paying an even higher price. well , of course, this is our task, our goal
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to work for the front every day in the rear. well, gentlemen, the next guest will be with us soon, in the meantime i will say that i was pleased with the reaction of the authorities of mali, mali declared that there is such a republic, a people's democratic one, of course in africa, they declared that they were severing diplomatic relations with ... the country because it supports so-called terrorists, we are talking about this episode with the tuoregi rebels who bombed and shot the convoys of bagnerites, yes, 80 casualties, their losses are huge, the commander, their chief, the top blogger of the telegram channel, in a word, everyone is like that history, and dmytro petanchuk is already with us, spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations. the studio welcomes the audience, mr. dmitry, the russians have increased the security of the crimean bridge,
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which still exists, the naval forces inform, what are they afraid of? but in principle, the situation remains unchanged for them in this sense, they are afraid to lose their symbol of imperial possessions and ambitions, as well as a logistical tool, because... what if with military logistics are quite difficult there, but civilians, despite the fact that this bridge is periodically closed there, despite the fact that you have to cross the bridge there periodically, the procedure is not very different from the front of the state border, nevertheless it works, nevertheless illegal russian tourists move to crimea. according to him, for the most part, therefore, of course, for them it remains a rather important object, if not
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to say, one of the most important, because they themselves sacralized both crimea and this city, too much in the information space of the russian federation, this bridge was presented as a great winner, and of course it acquired such meanings, you know, it is not just there... a technical building or some kind of evangelist, no, for them it is a symbol, first of all, of the destruction of the russian submarine in the crimea. rostov, this is a big event, how it was done and what it means for the russian fleet. as your colleagues said in one of the articles, destroyed in a square. because in fact he was seriously damaged last time, but then again
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propaganda machine, it cannot stop its wheels, and they began to betray. rubbed her information about how they 're going to restore now it's a submarine, in fact, right at that moment, i thought it was strange, because to advertise their actions there, you see, propaganda is key for them, as a result, they got a second slap in the the same object, because no one will risk it, and if possible, so that for sure, as they say... to disable this object, a decision was probably made to repeatedly damage this object, its was moved from the place where it first received very serious damage, we said last time that we did not think it was possible to restore it, but nevertheless they patched up the outer holes to keep it buoyant,
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hauled it up, covered it and began to supposedly repair it, i i think that later there will be a little more. regarding the nature of the damage, but nevertheless, to leave at least some probability that it will be repaired, no one probably risked either, well, on the other hand, it is a submarine, you can say that it just switched to combat duty, so to speak non-stop, well, in principle, they already have a large company there on that duty, well, it would be interesting to know if there was a full crew on board, but... but in the end, we are waiting and more information, there are five military airfields left in crimea, by the way, mr. dmitry himself said this in one of the broadcasts, what is the current situation at these military airfields, do they have planes, are they functioning, are there many russian planes there , there are not five left, in principle
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there were five, and that's quite a lot, and i always... wondered why they don't move around it, don't leave it at all, like with the fleet, but as you can see, it's easier for them to play this game of tug-of-war, to periodically try their objects to hide, protect, but nevertheless, like those muscles with a cactus, they continue to eat it, prick, cry, but there are, and accordingly, probably for everything they... chose this tactic due to the need to further use these objects, well, as a result impact on these objects, two of them were not destroyed, but the amount of composition, that is, the amount of equipment on them remains so small that in fact it can be
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said that they are almost not used, in principle, all five of them are officially in service. but nevertheless, two of them already have a very, very low level of activity, and how often the russians use them now, the low level of activity, what we are talking about is how many times a week, they use the airspace of crimea 24x7, there aviation has actually replaced surface ships , and so in the air you can see such a park there, which... actually the whole the list of aircraft that they only have in their inventory is there, starting with all the models of helicopters that only exist there, including those of the black sea fleet, these are various models of camo, there are 27 and the rest of them, these are mi helicopters and the eighth and
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24th, i.e., the drums are used primarily. to fight, to detect and fight against surface drones, they use them, to control, to control the water area, that is, to patrol, this and the patrol planes are various, you can also see them there, starting with the be-12, this is such a twin-screw rather large aircraft and is still quite old, there are an-26-khe-200s, which, by the way, do not seem to be from the crimea at all and... and ending with all types of aircraft of the dry family, starting from the 24th and ending with su-50 launchers. therefore, in principle, there is something hanging there 24/7, huh, mr. dmytro, you mentioned naval drones, but today, well, if that’s not the only thing that
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the ukrainian navy can show off at the moment, the ukrainian corvette ivan vegovsky was launched into the water in turkey the other day, you it has been reported to have 50% more weapon systems than other ships in this design, how can it be used? in ukrainian realities now? well, to begin with , it must be brought into service completely, that is , accepted into the naval forces, this is, if we are talking about the first, because the second will now only begin to be equipped with weapons, and after that, according to the established order, the crew must also undergo coordination , and full-fledged training, full-fledged assessment, including internal and external, in relation to compatibility with... the nato protocol, and only after that it will be possible to talk about the completion of tasks. for now, this is a process that is only ongoing, it continues as planned, without disruptions, and
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even though the situation in the country was already extremely difficult, the contract for the second unit was signed in the fall of 22, it is actually very important that there is an understanding on the part of the state of the need to build up the fleet here and now, because in order to have a fleet you need to... you need to start doing something, it was yesterday, but yesterday they started conditionally, so yes, it process for years, and the result, of course, will be felt by every ukrainian, because it is impossible to overestimate the maritime interests of the ukrainian state, the critical dependence on the sea routes of communication, er, the dependence of the budget, the economy, and therefore, accordingly, we have a way... more one is the development of a full-fledged fleet, this is a very long-term process, especially when you switch to new weapons systems, f16 aircraft, you see how much time has been delayed, and
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this is in fact, there is not the factor that is on ships, there is a one-man crew, and it is necessary to retrain one specialist, plus a team that ensures the operation of the machine itself, equipment, there are a hundred crew here, and they must work as one person. well, austrian aircraft expert tom cooper believes that the f-16 will fully become part of the ukrainian armed forces of the ukrainian air force in 10 years, 15, or at least 10-15 is the number of years needed for ukraine to have a full-fledged fleet, as you say, and what should be in this fleet, how many units should there be, what planes, god, ships do you think after... 10-15 years, in fact, my opinion does not matter here, because there is a concept, it was developed by relevant specialists of a high level of training, these are both
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military and scientific specialists, er, who have already drawn up this concept a long time ago, it, as far as i remember, was painted before the 35th year, and there it is clearly indicated step by step with specific numbers what the development of the naval forces should be, and we should not forget that... the army, the naval forces are not only ships, it aviation, this is artillery, this is the marines, many components, and so this development continues according to of this concept of development, and it continues exactly the same terms that were indicated there, well, thank you very much for the conversation, dmytro pletenchuk was with us and we talked about the situation in the fleet, in particular, also in crimea, and a small pause on the espresso broadcast and... we will continue to talk about the most important things, we will communicate with the third assault unit, by the way, the collection for them, in particular for two more brigades,
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join us, we are going to take a short break, drink coffee and continue our broadcast, there are discounts until independence day on dekatel, 15% in pharmacies psyllium, bam and oskad. education is destiny. of each country, what is changing in ukrainian schools, what the university of tomorrow will look like, the country plunges into the world of educational transformations, we ask experts, listen to teachers, listen to parents and children, from the needs to higher school, explore the labyrinths of educational reforms, read to understand, understand , to change, ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online, there are discounts until independence day. ski on tablets carsil 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oshchad. the book of women at war is a joint project of espresso tv channel and duh publishing house and letter a book based on
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the collaborators program. family betrayal, how a family from kherson sold themselves for positions. our act, a meaningful act, is absolutely decisive. but which of the ukrainian bloggers became a fake minister of culture? russia, ukraine, belarus are all our common great homeland. watch the program on tuesday, august 6 at 5:45 p.m collaborators with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdik with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. well,
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gentlemen, we are coming back, i must say that today, hezbollah and iran can attack israel every minute, said anthony blinkin, our beloved secretary of state of this, this administration, so to speak , and there is such data in the developments of the american, which is preparing a retaliatory attack against iran and hezbollah. do you remember that the head of hamas was probably killed by the israeli special services with a jewel-like precision strike, and after that there was another escalation, here we are also monitoring this information, izrai, that is, the head, you know, that is, of the terrorist organization, was in iran, in some hotel or something , and that ok, but when the tuaregs, i’m sorry,
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shot a few russians... mercenaries from the wagner pkk, that’s on their territory, they didn’t go to shoot the wagnerites in moscow or rostov-on-danu, so you see, this is support for a terrorist organization, and from of ukraine, and now mali is breaking diplomatic relations with ukraine. listen, people from mali, do you have mali or somalia, we are already starting to get confused in the shows, we are adding oleksandr borodin to our broadcast, he is the press officer of the third separate storm. glory to ukraine, good morning. good morning. the thunder of words. let's ask from the kharkiv direction, let's start. near borova, there are hostilities taking place there, what can you say as of this morning? well, at the moment, assaults by the enemy continue, the situation is generally under control. the enemy tries to advance often
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with non-standard methods, there are different... fast cars, motorcycles and so on, in order to get in, their main goal is to get into the positions, but in general it is all sorted out, such an important element now is fpv, with the help of which in general any vehicles, let's say, are so impressed on the approach, so this is now changing the tactics of warfare, if you compare, for example, with bahmut with our experience. but they also have developed this link very much at the moment, well , let's put it this way, you can say that we have a relationship with them, well, cabs, what they bet on, they work with them regularly, and what about cabs , how to counter them, how to counter in your direction, we understand that this is a very dangerous story and not once fighters from various other brigades are also there.


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