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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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plantain bam and oskad are available in pharmacies. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. the sbu controlled a large-scale agency, the fsb network, which was preparing missile-bombing and drone strikes by the russian federation on six regions of ukraine. at the same time, counterintelligence agents detained nine russian agents in dnipro, zaporizhzhia, and sumy, as well as in donetsk, odesa, and kirovohrad regions. all of them were separate, but worked for one personnel officer of the fsb. the spies are now in custody, facing life imprisonment. the enemy group included two
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officials, one of them is an official of the dnipro city council, the other is the head of the department in the yuzhne city council in odesa, they established the locations of air defense systems and key electrical substations to correct russian shelling on the territory of both regions. also, among the russian agents were two managers and a university student, who recorded the movement of the echelons of the armed forces in the direction of the eastern front. another betrayal. turned out to be an ex-employee of the disbanded militia who reported to the occupiers about the consequences of the russian attack on one of ukraine's hydroelectric power plants. during the attack 3 on august 15, to the airfield of morozovsk in the rostov region of the russian air force, it will destroy a fighter, a su-34 bomber and an ammunition depot. this was reported by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. it is noted that two more russian planes were probably damaged by debris. in
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addition, four technical buildings and two hangars were destroyed. fine - uah 221,000 for negligent attitude to military service. such a sentence was handed down by a court in prykarpattia to an official of the territorial recruitment center, in which local football players fictitiously served. seven people served in the guard company men who are players and coaches of a local professional team. all of them did not show up for the service. but they received almost 15 million hryvnias from the state, the sbi reported. the court found the official guilty, but took into account the remorse of the accused and the fact that he fully reimbursed the damages caused to the state. the official was transferred to another unit. and at night, the russian invaders attacked ukraine with attack drones. anti-aircraft defense worked in kyiv, vinnytsia, kirovohrad, kharkiv, sumy, poltava and dnipropetrovsk.
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regions, as air force commander mykola oleshchuk reported, russian troops launched shahedis from the russian regions of primorsky akhtarsk and kursk. according to the air force, the radio engineering forces detected 24 targets, all of which were destroyed. in particular , the air defense forces worked against enemy attack drones in the kyiv region at night. the wreckage of the drones fell outside the population centers in the open area. - said the head of the regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko. i should note that the alarm was announced twice in the kyiv region, it lasted almost all night. and the russians a person was killed in donetsk region, three others were injured, the dead and one injured were residents of grodyuk. the enemy successfully hit the village with a fap-250 aerial bomb, destroying a private house. this was reported to the regional police. ukrainian occupiers fired smerch mlrs.
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and artillery, an injured person, damaged six private houses, a medical facility, a garage and another casualty in veselmo, the occupiers hit a forklift from a drone, the enemy dropped four aerial bombs on the razdnoe, nine houses, an institution education and administration building. during the day, the enemy attacked donetsk region almost 3,000 times. a 47-year-old man died in the kharkiv region as a result of an explosion of a dangerous object, it happened in the village of nova ivanivka, the head of the regional military administration oleg synegubov said. at night, the shahed attacked the region, in the villages of vasishchevo and kuvyagi, the wreckage of drones damaged the civil infrastructure, and in krugliakivtsi , two houses were partially destroyed as a result of rocket fire. at night in the russian city of volgograd , there was an explosion at a substation, after which... a fire started,
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as a result, part of the city was left without electricity, there was no electricity in the houses, traffic lights and street lamps did not work, the local authorities are convinced that the fire was caused by a transformer spill. amateur oil there are no dead or injured. us secretary of state tony blinken informed the leaders of the g7 countries that an attack by iran and hezbollah on israel could begin as early as monday. this was reported by the publication aasios. the secretary of state appealed to the foreign ministers of the g7 countries with a request to put diplomatic pressure on iran, hezbollah and israel to maintaining maximum restraint. at the same time, the us is deploying additional military forces in the middle east in order to de-escalate the situation in the region. took his first steps on electronic limbs. five months after the injury and amputation, defender ivan
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golyk was fitted with state-of-the-art technological prostheses. in february, he lost both legs while on a combat rehabilitation mission at the center of anbroken and dreams after. told my colleagues. ivan golyk, 41. he comes from truskavets. to full scale invasion man worked as a construction worker in poland. however, on february 25, 2022, he returned home and, despite his wife's persuasion, immediately went to the military. there he was told to wait his time. ivan joined the army in january 23rd. after 5 months of training and training, he began working in military intelligence. the man served in zaporozhye and donetsk region. he was seriously wounded in february of this year, during one of the combat sorties, he came under enemy fire. ivan and his brother decided to wait in the dugout,
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however, a tank shell exploded nearby. two 19-year-old border guards who were in the dugout died immediately. three soldiers were wounded, among them... ivan and his brother, well, it was lunch time that they were also standing behind us, and they died, which was a loss for many of them and their partner, and they were so that the medicine was already maddened, without stops and with numerous fragments in his legs, ivan put tourniquets above his knees. all the time until the evacuation, which is more than 9 hours, the man remained. conscious, poured water on his head, killed the water, because he knew that he is aware of fear in such cases, he lost consciousness already in the ship, he regained consciousness in the dnipro, he informed his wife about the injury on his own, however, he said that he had lost
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his toes, that in order to save the life of a seriously wounded soldier, whose kidneys had already begun to fail, the doctors had to to amputate his limbs at the level of the hips, after... long-term treatment in dnipro and kyiv for rehabilitation and prosthetics, ivan was sent to lviv to the anbroken center. the most difficult, the man says, was in the first days after the amputation. yes, there is something more terrible, and i am her i felt it more strongly already here in lviv in the surgery, when i had the last three operations, and there were already such painkillers, powerful non-stinging, only here, then i... heard what a phantom is. i have never been with the physical therapists of the anbroken center. ivan has been practicing for four months , they prepared the defenseman for prosthetics, and now they are helping him relearn walking on metal limbs. with ivan, we
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had essentially no difficulties in our work, that is, he is a patient who always comes to classes there, works out, i know that he will independently carry out all the instructions, he he himself knows that he needs it first of all, i only help, give instructions, instructions. he performs both of ivan's prostheses have electronic knee joints, thanks to which it is possible to reproduce the most natural movements. the cost of such modern technological prostheses is uah 1,200. they were installed thanks to the donations of ukrainians for the collection of the charity platform prostheses for the indomitable. all this time, his wife and children were next to ivan. they - says the man. remains his greatest support and support, when asked what he will do first, when will stand firmly on new limbs and return home, the man answers with a smile: i will go with my family somewhere to rest, maybe somewhere to burn. ema statnyk, roman kovalyuk,
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espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund have launched a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and radio systems. electronic warfare for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. defenders in the donetsk direction every day hold back enemy attacks, defend our freedom and future, precisely those. the soldiers stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal with you is uah 3.5 million. now on your screens you can see all the necessary details in order to donate. to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website as well as in our social networks. we will see you in less than an hour. then on to eterich. my colleagues will hear. the broadcast continues on
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the espresso tv channel. andriy saichuk and ulyana panasiuk are with you in the studio today. we we spend this morning together with you and talk about all the most important things. let's talk now about what happened in particular. in the united states, but before that i wanted to say a little about the little ones, you know, these are the little ones, the government is the little ones, they all give me peace, that they broke off diplomatic relations with us, and i think, who are they? there is a military junta that came to power in the 21st year by overthrowing the president, whoever he was there, well, somehow he was elected there by the small, you know, before that, by the way, in the 13th year they still had intervention is french, it is former the french colony, you know, everything is there, and somehow they were there, the french then in the 13th year helped them at least sort out the elections more or less. some kind of electoral system so that they can vote, choose someone for themselves, and here they are, since 2021, there are some generals who
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simply raised a mutiny, expelled the legally plus-minus elected president, and these people are telling there that they are the legitimate government and more can do something to sever diplomatic relations with ukraine, it is of course simply amazing, but there is nothing surprising in fact, because we all understand that small... to a certain extent, this is also a bit of a russian puppet, and that is why the wagnerites could drive back and forth in their motorcades calmly in them, well, calmly already in the past tense, and now the oregians have explained to them what is the difference from the tuarchs, for example, and to the passat. here, by the way, we will ask oleg rybachuk about this, the head of the analytical and advocacy organization center for joint actions and the former vice-prime minister of ukraine for european integration.
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talk to african governments to africa on tour, i don't know if you can be brief a few words to say whether it is important for us now to enlist the support of african. well , it is definitely important to surround this part of the continent, because in fact the war showed that we have completely lost it, the strongest player there is china, and china has really become a global power there, i remember that there was a time there, some 15-20 years ago , when i was in new york talking with american institutions there, they said that china is just before the eyes of the world... and africa, that it will be a big problem, now this problem has become
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a global problem, well, because african countries are the majority of votes in the un general assembly and many things have become evident, and therefore we should make up for it there, i don't think it is, i don't know how many more visits our minister will need, but it's good that we are there, mr. oleg, and russia, putin has already invited african colleagues there many times, so to speak. to the russian federation, well, it actually has its own levers of influence there, for example, ukrainian grain from the occupied territories, so what, does china really have a greater influence on african territories than russia? well, china has incomparably more, because china follows an economic path, that is, as china enters the markets, it easily combines such mild or not quite mild corruption, that is, it corrupts. government officials, he gives seemingly cheap loans, he goes for economic things, which over
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time make this country and its elite completely dependent on china, he has mastered a large part of china in this way, although russia works ideologically, russia can do much less economically, well, russia brings up a good old memory there, says, reminds... to the africans that it was russia or the soviet union that fought together against the colonizers, and that russia was enslaved, but all these slave laborers, this is europe, this... these americans, and therefore let's fight them together. russia uses more ideological things, although in wagnerivka, in particular, this is a way to make economic profit. the wagnerites appeared in those african countries where there are a lot of resources and little democracy, and they helped all kinds of military juntas and dictators to restore
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order there, but they did not forget about their economic interests: diamonds, rare earth minerals. in a word, there is also an economic component, let's go back to north america, kamala harris, or geris, i don't know how to call her correctly, maybe in english geris, that is, it would be correct geris kamala geris is already ahead in the last trump polls, not bad, probably that's all, another matter, i'm trying to understand something, and what is kamala geris' attitude towards ukraine? and before the war, and somehow it does not yet form a clear picture, that is, for biden it is certain was important, remains a very important help, he promised that if it was kamala geris, i recall, by the way, the time article, which described in detail the fact that everything was not so clear for her when she communicated with
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president zelensky, whether she was not a supporter this further along the lines of barack obama's isolationism, mr. olesh, i still think that since kamala, ah, wants to unite the democrats as a party, revive their position, the democrats have a history of supporting ukraine there, not only there of the biden period, and in general, well, at least moral verbal, political support, and what we lack now, it is possible. public statements of garis and her team regarding international politics, but international politics is, well, it's such a thing that many american presidents didn't feel very confident about, and even more so before the election. most likely, if there is this debate between harris and trump, then we
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will hear something about this policy, but now we can predict it with enough confidence. continuation of support for ukraine, continuation of the course to fight against autocracies, at the same time republicans are trying to convince their voters and us that they can do it even better, it's just that the problem with trump is his unpredictability, the problem with the democrats is precisely their predictability, which the kremlin and putin are still playing quite well on, you know. so, or trump will agree to such conditions, or simply there will be no debate at all, and maybe a little context for us and for the audience, what is the difference and why it is so important for
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politicians to be represented there, so to speak, in different media in america. well for it is important for any politician, if the media does not talk about you, well, you are like in show business, you need to attract the attention of the media at any cost, and trump makes an extraordinary effort for this, but often he harms himself, in particular, now, when it has become clear that eris is becoming an official candidate, trump has unleashed all his charm. in quotation marks and all his charm for personal attacks against harris, and there, starting from the fact that he raised the topic, it must be managed, at the convention, black or black american journalists, he began to speak about the shades of kamala's skin, she was indian, he even put up a photo where she
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is there in an indian saree and how she somehow darkened there, well, this is a very thin medicine in... in the american community, where, i don't know, more than half, probably , one hundred percent more than half of the voters, they are there with different shades of skin and try to play on it, try to screw it up somehow, but it's very, very risky, i'm not talking about gidy vance, that's another such gentleman from this club, so in there are problems with discussions, but it is for american voters. by the way, the debate itself is not decisive. probably, this failed debate by biden, it goes down in history as an example of what the debate simply showed. the failure of the candidate to be at the helm there at the helm for the next four years, for the current debate there the teams will now compete more on who is the weakling, who
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is scared of whom, and so i don't know how it will end, but it is clear to me that kamali is easier to troll trump that he is afraid, that he wants to jump on the bandwagon, that he avoids debate, this rhetoric is for kamala much more... more profitable, because trump was saying that biden, at least some sleepy joe, was imagining things, and kamala is not serious at all, she has no experience, she is incapable, i have her there smear on any air, in any studio, at any time, and kamala just now reminds me, you used to say that any time, anywhere, please, september 10 on abc. tram. recently pulled another obscene prank, as usual, at a meeting in chicago with black americans, journalists, he declared that kamala geris
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in fact, she is not dark-skinned at all, she is generally hindu, and her husband is white, and in general , she does everything to get black-skinned people to vote for her, so what is it, well, kamal geri has already said that she reacted somehow, he is in these shades of gray , it's very dangerous for trump, really. well, how he doesn't understand, but he doesn't understand, maybe because, well, because it has always been the basis of the elections, democrats, otsimigra, emigrants of different generations, and what's more interesting is that kamala has attracted a significant part of young energetic voters to her, and therefore the struggle , but again, so that we don't have a repeat of the hilary syndrome there, when we already analyzed with you here, and really hilary, or hilary, now we have to do it right. to say, she, she got 3 million more votes, and therefore kamala's problem is somewhat similar, she can get several million more votes, but they need to take these electoral committees,
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they need to win the states, but she knows plus that now she equaled trump in those swing states, if under biden there trump won in all six and seven, now the situation is fundamentally has changed, now it’s nose to nose, the last economist so far... kamala has 50%, trump has 49, but this, it’s actually less than an error, and finally i want to ask mr. oleg, i can’t do without him, no it happens without this question, since mr. oleg managed the president's secretariat, and his opinion is important to me, and i think it is also significant, bloomberg published a publication at the end of last year. week, i'll just quote the title, it's called western ukrainian allies are worried about the growth
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of the authorities of deputy zelensky, yermak is meant, and there are many articles about yermak having informal power, it is no longer clear who makes decisions at what level, even yermak himself seems to have reacted. said that he is simply an irreplaceable embodiment of the will of president zelenskyi, the hand of the president can be said to be the long arms of the extension of the arms, the extension of the arms is such a term, but the problem here is very serious from the point of view of this functioning of the state, because the voters delegate, give powers, this is how we elected zelenskyi, but we also elected... parliament, and elected political forces, and the parliament should form the government, and these are the people who passed through this purgatory of elections, the problem with all these fairs and their dreams
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is that they appear in the political firmament without passing through this purgatory of voters , because if you choose someone there, well, your eyes saw who was chosen, here ukrainians quite rightly say, we, we , we didn't choose him. who is he, and this is a huge flaw of the ukrainian and a huge risk, because this bank is some kind of black box, you never know what's in there enters and what is done there, and without correcting these risks, it is almost impossible to predict the political future of ukraine, because such people come to the bank there, and you cannot imagine where and how they will emerge, and since it is not settled for. .. dude, the western system is based on these checks and balances, on restraints, we have no counterbalances and restraints, neither yermak, nor tatarov, nor the entire office, there are simply
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none. the ukrainian branch of government and not a single such anti-corruption or law enforcement officer the body does not dare to touch this office without first agreeing with its leadership, this or that action, well, which means that we do not have the rule of law, that is one of the fundamental, literal cornerstones, on which the western, western civilization stands, and at the same time we expect, what exactly... the office, because who else, what exactly yermak, exactly the office will lead us to the european union, will conduct successful negotiations on the rule of law in ukraine, in particular. well, of course, yes. mr. oleg, thank you very much for the conversation, oleg rybachuk was with us, the head of the analytical and advocacy organization of the center for joint actions of politicians, public figure, deputy prime minister of ukraine on european integration in 2005, well, for more than two years, ukrainians have developed
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the habit of ignoring signals. alarms, however, among a dozen non-combat flights of strategic enemy aviation, one can become fatal, and therefore in many cities modular shelters are now being installed, whether these initiatives have survived, how successful it is, let's see in our material. there is an air alert in israel and all of chimduzh are heading to shelters, because danger is very close. for countries. which knows well what a protracted war is, the issue of storage facilities is actually resolved. in addition to underground shelters, in israeli new buildings, mamakas, fortified rooms in public buildings, and mamadas, fortified rooms in apartments, must be designed. a metal door that can withstand the blast wave if it is closed, even that sound.
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the concrete walls are 30 cm thick. the absolute advantage of such shelters is time, you can move there in a matter of seconds. ukraine, which is also adapting to the challenges of a large-scale exhausting war, decided to borrow experience israel, but what happened? since 2023 , modular concrete shelters have begun to be built in many cities of ukraine. mostly, these... structures are installed near public transport stops and other crowded places, so that random passers-by can hide as quickly as possible, at least from the debris. these buildings have such a thick wall that they are, so to speak, an anti-splinter partition that protects people. currently, there are modular shelters in most regions of the country, in particular in dnipropetrovsk region
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to... nechchyna, kherson region, kharkiv region, kyiv region and even rivne region. we checked several such caches in kryvyi rih, a city 60 km from the war zone. there are as many as 70 modular shelters in kryvyi rih, 10 for each district. according to data on the prozoro website, each cost a little more than a million hryvnias. compared to other cities, kryvyi rih also saved money. in principle, kryvyi rih has one of the lowest prices, but... it may be due to wholesale purchase, because on average , one, two, three shelters are bought in the country, if we have a million 100, and this is with ramps, and then in other cities 2, 3 million, 5 million, 6 million, that is the average price, there are also 500 to 800 thousand, but these are isolated cases and the size is unclear, but it seems that people
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hide here not often ... in the opinion of local journalist anton kravchenko, the situation with shelling in kryvyi rih is not critical, but there are really not enough shelters in the region. it is advisable to move these shelters, for example, to kryvirivsky district, we have the village of marinska hryushivka, which is right on the line of occupation, there this year they began to fly around them very actively with pv drones, to fire at them, a woman was injured there last month, the store is hi... i flew to the gas station two months ago, but it would be very relevant to these settlements, or the best, but we have guys all over lines, as if to buy, allocate for such things, while our situation is more logical, smarter, because in krivomuroz they are not used. our group visited three locations, talked to two dozen townspeople, but we heard essentially...


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