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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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what does this mean that this attack, you know, it has a certain and prolonged effect, it is difficult to imagine how many small patients will not receive qualified care, just because a russian missile destroyed the equipment that can provide this care, the premises where this help can be provided, and we understand that now other medical institutions and specialists of our country have taken over this burden, but less so, ohmadite is... a phenomenon, unfortunately, in recent days we have been talking about this phenomenon not even in in the best context, and fresh the ministry of health still cancels all the tenders announced by the ohmadit clinic for technical supervision of construction works, let me remind you that these services could cost crazy, crazy money from the money that was collected by those who cared. ukrainians and, as
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we understand, not only private individuals, but also businesses, have collected large, colossal funds for the reconstruction of khmadita, and the hospital can really be quickly, as we understand, put in order, if, if, after all, we turn to some adequate contractors, in which interest do not apply to adequate contractors, well, here the question seems rhetorical to me, although it is also about him... the answer may be obvious, perhaps this money is a piece of candy for those who are engaged in the reconstruction of ohmadit. well, let us remind you that the tender for the reconstruction of the okhmadit children's hospital, which was damaged by the russian attack , costs more than uah 300 million. the little-known zaporizhzhia company bood technology won. the anti- corruption center was the first to report this, despite the fact that 10 other applicants offered a lower price, or... the technologists, in
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principle, do not have the appropriate equipment in sufficient numbers so precisely to talk about the reconstruction of such a tall and voluminous object, well, i suggest listening to the minister of health oleh lyashko, mentioned already with you, andriy, what he actually thinks, how he was the first to react to the results of this tender, please. we write out the criteria and proceed according to the procedure provided for by the current legislation, because the funds become exclusively state funds and we dispose of them as provided for by the relevant regulations, and we announce ourselves transparently through the procedure, the criteria of the announcement, who can apply, what should be, the criteria for the contractor, will be indicated there, agreed exactly with this supervision. audit council and plus we
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involve in this our process our purchaser, the state enterprise medical procurement, of course, of course, we are talking about viktor lyashko, the minister of health, actually, this is how our money reports that in addition to these 300 million for reconstruction , also ohmadit announced new tenders for engineering consulting services and technical supervision. for the repair of the facade and interior equipment of the building for uah 14 million, well, of course, the mind is already canceling this story, i don’t know how it is for me, more demotivating, fairy tales about ukrainians who want to help sick ukrainian children, it would be difficult to come up with and imagine what this is about is history for you? you know, on the 8th of july, when
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this terrible attack happened, and when they started to collect funds, i remember that day, and the days when later they got involved, well, just, a huge number of people, a huge number of businesses got involved, and in me then already such a thought crept in, i began to think, well , god forbid, god forbid, they already collected half... a million there, then i remember 700, 700, then a billion, well, god forbid, well, really, well right, and it will be the same here, well , this is not the first time when we will simply get the same thing, when there is some amount of funds in some area of ​​our country, and some companies, gaskets or some newly created companies appear, by the way, a similar situation with... the national, national
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cemetery for our defenders near kyiv, when the company was created, here just, just, the story is factual. almost one to one, but to be honest, i didn't even imagine, well, i thought, well, really, well, here, well, here, well, this can't happen here, well, this is a story, this is, this is a terrible event , to which millions of people reacted, millions of people in ukraine, millions of people all over the world, eh, this is what, as they say, is on the table, everyone sees it, everyone watches it, well, it must be accurate here.. . everything is clean, it shows that, unfortunately, some officials, probably some government officials, i don't know, not even now. a certain instinct of understanding that where it is possible, even, and where it is not possible, that
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no matter what, well, well, no matter how funny it sounds, well, well, unfortunately, it is so, well, we say frankly, it's sad, but here already, well, on the children, well on... and i believe that everything here should have been sterile and clean, and here the government officials should clearly come out and demonstrate to the people, look, now we have a billion there or billion 300 mln . tenth, 20th, to people, we demonstrate and show that we are your money, you we... we use business money for its intended purpose, so that there is not even the slightest question, well, what is it, even if this company is the best, but still it must be explained here, because this is people's money, and this really shows that,
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unfortunately, corruption scandals continue in our country, this selective corruption continues, this selective corruption continues, there is no responsibility, there is no responsibility, i... no i want to say, there should be responsibility if government officials, if any officials, if they have such a streak or have such a situation, they should resign, they should be summoned, at least to the verkhovna rada, they should present a report there, not simply, if journalists are grabbed by the hand somewhere, as they say, leave and then to cancel, that's good, you canceled, well , canceled, but if they had noticed all this, if the cpd had not noticed, yes, the cpk, sorry, well, relatively speaking, but you said that the instinct of self-preservation seems to be absent, i remember how in fact, it was already the second year since the start of the large-scale invasion, and i had a rather interesting conversation with a rather interesting
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person, who noted that in his opinion everything will be fine, and the war will end and everything will be okay with ukraine, due to the fact that... stealing and building schemes and manipulation have already begun as before, they have already started as before a large-scale invasion, that is , they no longer feel a direct threat, but we remember how it was at the start, we remember how selflessly everyone worked, even from those from whom you would in no way did not expect this in a normal situation, instead they return schemes, returns to... there is a feeling that really someone higher up there knows that everything will be fine, and there is no need to worry and there is no need to selflessly invest in the cause of victory. well, i will remind you that the reconstruction of such
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strategic objects as, for example, okhmadit without crossing, is a strategic object, when we are talking about the future of our children and the health of our children, this is a matter. not just ethical, moral, it is a matter of survival of ukrainians in a certain context. well, andrei, i suggest moving on to the next component of our conversation with you, and all of us observed the exchange of prisoners between the civilized world and the russian federation itself, it is clear that putin got his killers back, on... full, let's say, he sent, well, except for the fact that citizens of other countries, human rights activists, journalists, political figures of his own state, but also, as we can see, at liberty outside, he got people who will lobby for the lifting of sanctions from
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the russian federation, will lobby, such an unclear version of sovereignty and it is unclear whose sovereignty over the occupied. ukrainian territories, to for example, at the press conference in bonn , oppositionist andriy pivovarov, who from khodurkovsky's orbit called for the easing of sanctions for ordinary russians and could expose the opposition. it is not necessary to associate people in russia with this policy, which it pursues, there are many citizens of our country who may not be seen, who think differently, who do not agree. i would like to use this opportunity to appeal to the world community, to western countries, so that they turn to the people of russia, to the people, and not to the authorities.
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today we present to our viewers, by the way, this is me explaining why exactly this question , continue to vote, do you think that the russian people are to blame for the war as well as putin, phone numbers, i remind you 0800-21. 381, if you think that they are all guilty, and if not, then 0.800 211 3802, join, commenting on the statements of russian oppositionists, the lithuanian minister of foreign affairs, gabrielus lansbergis, noted that russian society is sick and it will be possible to cure it only after a military defeat against ukraine . i hear talk about the innocence of ordinary russians, but then i see how ordinary russians are are killed ordinary ukrainians, i see how ordinary russian mothers say goodbye to their ordinary russian sons and
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wish them success in their ordinary russian war crimes, i see how ordinary russians celebrate a murder, and i will continue a little that i see how russian wives give good to their for russian men to rape ukrainian women, but only to defend themselves at the same time, so i will remind you that it is actually russian. cotton balls, in whose hands ukrainian children deported from their homes fell, directly shout about how these children are killing them, how they want to just flay them, this is what has been identified, these are stories that have been brought to light and have already been shown, having been checked before this by both our special services and our journalists, this not difficult, and yes. for some reason the russians, and these are the liberals who now,
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lord, i do not know whether they will form some kind of government in exile or something, but for some reason they do not see, do not see the fault of their own great russian people, in what is happening, i, i, andriyu, was waiting for our program in order to direct ours viewers and listeners for a wonderful, wonderful material, from an art manager and a person who knows about art, olesya ostrovska, she wrote this material for hb at the start of a large-scale invasion, myroslava barchuk reminded about this material on her page. already in the first weeks of the full-scale invasion , the behavior of russian intellectuals and cultural figures, their silence, their self-justification, their request for self-compassion, was a big surprise. this behavior was so whimsical... for the ukrainian perception that it encouraged to the analysis of key texts of russian literature, precisely from this perspective: what
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can classic russian literature teach us, what are the models of behavior, what are the images and metaphors? let's look at three outstanding texts of russian literature, between which, as it seems to me, there is a strong connection. it is about dostoevsky's crimes of kara, nabokov's lolita and turgenev's muma. all three works were written either on behalf of, or with great sympathy for , the main character. hero who commits a crime, murder or rape, and this is a search for justification, a search for a feeling of sympathy, some even pity on the level of admiration for the inner rich inner world of criminals, one of whom killed not only this moneylender, such an old moneylender, but her pregnant sister. well, sorry, well, it’s just an atrocity, and the other killed his beloved, the most precious
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creature in the world, here we are talking about turgin’s muma, well, what about lolita nabokov there in general, well , that is, the author constantly excuses the main character for what he, well, that is so normal, this is it, it was impossible not to like this young girl, and this is actually a very cool illustration of how it seems to me... they think now these are liberals, oppositionists, human rights defenders, very often from russia, who were released, that is, they are the main murderer. the russian people are the main killer, in my opinion, they are looking for, they are looking for some human face, and i don't know what, what kind of detachment from reality this is, your opinion, there is really no detachment from reality here, there is only one explanation, it is the russians, when you, khrystyna, quoted an article, yes,
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which i also read, and which i consider... a guide for many of our citizens, well, again, this is an article from the year 22, but this what we see now with these so-called liberals, this is an example not of the 19th century, not of the 20th century, not an example of creatures, this is a clear example, as of august 2024, who are the russians, what are their names and what kind of people are they, so i many. for many years and many months, many days, and i always said, even when a bunch of people were indignant and told me that, listen, this cannot be, there are good russians, i always said that there are no good russians, there are no bad russians, there are russians, everything is there, of course there are certain individuals there, whom i even
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i would not call them russians in this case, because they are probably not russians, they are probably people who belong to... some other civilized choice, dimension, those people who adequately evaluate russia, well, they are definitely not typical russians and not russians in general , and these are the russians, the position of the russians was, is and will be one, they will defend russia, they will defend the russian peace, they will promote this russian peace with putin, without putin, before putin and after putin, and it does not matter who will be there later . ivanov, petrov, sidorov, there, last name there, we pick any, this absolutely unimportant, this is the indicator of all these people, and i said a long time ago that it is far from putin, putin is only such a small personification of russians, and nothing more , if there was no putin, they would invent him, they would invent stalin, they
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would invent another catherine i, they would invent another... brezhnev or anyone else, they would invent him and put him on the throne. the russian system, the system of the russian people, the system of these views, she would do it, and we should not be surprised and should not, as they say, someone there doesn't understand, my god, how can it be like that, how come these people were in prison, they were released, and they continue to think like that, someone says that they received some kind of manual from... the fsb, someone there says that they were specifically sent to the west in order to promote, these are the narratives that they promote, anything can happen, i do not exclude such a thing, but we have to understand one thing: their narrative, it is one, it is whole, and it does not depend, in principle , on whether there is putin, there is no putin, there is a putin
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regime, or there is no putin regime, this the narrative will always be that russia is an empire. russia is above all, ukraine, there is not only ukraine, latvia, lithuania, estonia, there is moldova, georgia, other states should not exist, well, ukraine is their number one, because without ukraine, without our territory, without our people, they are not is a full-fledged state in general and is not a full-fledged nation, if you can call it that in general, that's why they will promote this narrative, people are good, that's how many times i say, forget about good russians, forget about bad ones. russians, forget about the fact that someone there can realize something, forget that they are changing power, forget that russia will fall apart, let's forget all about it, let's think and proceed from what we have now, there are russians, and it is the russians they are killing ukraine, they are killing ukrainians, there is a government in russia that, no matter what it will be,
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it will be, its main task will always be the destruction of ukraine and... this clearly once again confirms that russian narratives, russian in ukraine, russian toponyms, russian monuments, russian. culture has no place in ukraine and there can be no place, because if it is at least in one corner, even in one area, and even worse in many areas. and in the minds of many of our people, until that moment, these people, there are oppositionists, the authorities, anyone, fsb, intelligence officers, anyone, will climb here and
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think that russia is here, and here is this one, by the way, here this situation, a shameful situation and a very sad situation, which, unfortunately, once again arose in odesa, with trukhanov, with renamings, with this scandal, it once again demonstrates how strongly how powerful russia settled in ukraine, it settled in ukraine through its agents of influence, through its narratives, through its culture, and unfortunately, through the influence on many of our people, and therefore the task of our state, and our society, and us, as leaders, as journalists, as experts, to do everything to wipe out russian from ukraine, away from moscow, away from russian, away from everything that... can connect us with the russian world, with the russian empire, with anything russian , this is number one for us, what we have to understand in the rear, first of all in the rear, because
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if we are in the rear, then we must help to hold this rear and help to fight here with the same difficult challenges, important challenges, vital challenges, which concern russia's struggle against our state. that's all, but the fact that these, these people are behaving like this, remember once and for all, nothing will change, nothing will change, they will come, kill us and destroy our country not only at the front, they will destroy the country and all over the world, they will try to make their russia a great empire, regardless of surnames and it doesn't matter from the opposition or power status. these people, i just want to remind our viewers that 432 names of streets, squares, alleys were renamed in odesa, 85 of
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them in odesa itself, the relevant order was signed by oleg kiper, the head of odesa ova, in particular dumska ploshcha, babel, paustovsky, zhvanetsky, etc., well , the odesa city council does not agree with ova's order regarding the renaming of the city's low streets, oleg kiper, the head of ova , is not going to change the decision to change us. and not far away is dnipropetrovsk oda within the framework of the decolonization process , 292 objects of toponymy in populated areas of the region were renamed, 135 in kryvyi rih, but the head of the defense council of kryvyi rih, oleksandr vilkul, also opposes it, or maybe he opposes it more cautiously, but he also opposes it, and i will please andrii, if, if the process of decolonization is actually in odessa. around odesa , the decolonization process will stall, or do you think it will stall in other ukrainian regions as a chain reaction, where there is still a large
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field for work on the elimination of russian, i would say, toponyms, please, well, it will not fail if there is a principled position of the central government, that is , we must understand that now there is a decision of the regional military administration, this is a decision. took place exclusively within the framework of the current legislation, by july 27 the regional military administration had to make the following decisions, if the city councils, if the mayors did not make such decisions, everything within the framework of the current legislation, if the regional government does not back down, if the central government does not back down in the implementation of the law , it is not possible to slip, but really, if there will be any concessions, if there will be sabotage, this will be the return of our country to the situation that existed during decommunization, i will remind you of the 16th, 17th, 18th years, when in odesa the city authorities were sued for not renaming the streets. but
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let's now talk about one more thing: how can people who have been carrying russian narratives in ukraine all their lives speak anything in ukraine at all. do you know why this happens? and so it happens, because, unfortunately, we lost the chance to fight in 2022-23. here, in fact, with those persons who would not should have been deputies or mayors as of today, in our odesa city council, the majority is made up of the trukhanov party or the faction that trusts the affairs and the opposition platform for life, well, the opposition platform for life has disbanded there, but the deputies have remained, no one verkhovna rada ukraine did not deprive these deputies of their mandates, you understand, well, this is a consequence. this is a consequence of unpunished evil raising its head once again, and if there really is such sabotage, then i see the only correct solution, we have such. such
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authorities must be dissolved and military administrations must be introduced then, well , if they sabotage the law, if they promote russian narratives in ukraine, which russia is happy with today. i would like to remind you that what trukhanov is doing is on the front pages of all russian news outlets today. thank you, thank you andrii, and you are absolutely right here, unfortunately, i also have to monitor what exactly the russians are saying, and i will remind you that today we asked you whether you think that the russian... people are also to blame for the war, as and putin, and this is what the results of our survey look like: 94% of those who called us believe that yes, they are as guilty as their leader, and only 6% believe that no, not everyone is guilty. for this, i thank you, andrei and i spent this new week for you in order to monitor what exactly it will be crowned with for us and to discuss the prospects as early as
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next monday. andriy smoliy, khrystyna yatskiv, project new week, see you soon. thanks, bye, stay tuned. now i have a toothpaste that does more. lacal active++ with plus actives ingredients i use it to overcome problems with clear and unpleasant smell. lacquer activ++ with two-phase technology actively overcomes bleeding gums and gives fresh breath. lakalut aktiv+ - an action that you feel immediately. there are discounts until independence day on bionorm detox. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. national tv on megogo is many channels. well, there are a lot of channels, as well as movies, cartoons, series and favorite shows. enable megogo on a variety of devices without wires or
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plantain, bam and oskad pharmacies. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become their mother tongue for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, west studio program. we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular let's talk about the use of drones as tools for organizing political assassinations, but the key topic of our conversation is different interpretations in the so-called peace plans, and of course, we will...


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