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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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mr. sergey, well, answering this question, first of all it should be noted that this is written by simon shuster, and his love for himself is so great that he sometimes subordinates what he writes to only one goal, so that his popularity, the relationship with him grows, and he very often does not take care of the extent to which these problems and these statements correspond to the realities that happened. as for the conversation in question, it did happen, and fortunately for us, unfortunately for schuster, it did not have the content he described, who zelensky himself told him about this conversation, but the president of ukraine or kamala garis, well, she told him, only he can say, but it was really about a high probability of an attack, but, for example, garis did not...
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she told the president of ukraine, because he already knew about it from the reports that came to him from and including after meetings with the heads of the central intelligence agency. now, as for the relationship between haris and zelensky, as you know, for four years haris represented the united states at the munich conferences, and every once the president of ukraine, kamala garis ... met, because their dialogue was constantly ongoing, because as you know, despite the fact that the main issues of foreign policy were accepted and accepted by president biden, but the vice president, including kamala garis , she has powers related to international relations and foreign policy, therefore she was always present at the dialogues held about ukraine, therefore she is very well informed about... the development of events in
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ukraine, secondly, her dialogues were constant for with the president of ukraine zelenskyi. now more one thing, and certainly the current election campaign, it provokes many to write aa: and that's why he said this, and that said that, all this should be compensated by the system of relations that are being built between states. if we take the relationship and what... is said between, conditionally speaking, and what is conditionally, realistically, between candidate trump and candidate kamala harris, then approximately the same relationship is voiced in international politics, when one president talks about another president, but simon schuster said it, and we all paid him dearly we understand, the price for it is what it costs, it is informing the society. about how he
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imagines it, what he knows about it and so on, what kind of relationship between kamala garis and president zelensky is determined by the constitution of one state and another state, of course, there may be some individual disputes, there are emotions and so on, but believe me to me, from the point of view of the experience i have, they are in a distant drawer. and in most cases between washington and kyiv, whatever the relations between them are, forgive me poroshenko and trump or zelenskyi and trump or zelenskyi and biden, they are doomed to cooperate, just like zelenskyi and haritsy, or zelenskyi and trump, because today the russian-ukrainian war completely shapes the national agenda of the united states of america in most cases . therefore, cooperation between them was, is and
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will be, and as for, say, certain information messages, they should be treated, including, as information. you and i have already analyzed some theses once simon schuster before the release of his book about mr. zelenskyi, and i can tell you that in this case, as you remember, we were right, because the words were only used to advertise. your book, no more, no less. well, yes, we remember the stories about how it all happened in the presidential bunker, he was not there in the bunker later, well, that is, there were a lot of such components in this book, but nevertheless, this book , by the way, is quite active, read and sold all over the world, and no only in the united states of america, another statement made by another. candidate for
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the presidency of the united states of america, donald trump. he once again promised to bring kyiv and moscow to the negotiating table, he said this during a conversation with streamer edin. let's hear what trump said. if i win the elections, first of all i will contact putin, i will contact zelenskyi, i know them both very well, and i will get them to start peace talks. in short, mr. roman, is this just trump's pre-election bluff and rhetoric, does he really believe in his communication skills? in a day. before that, the wall street journal quoted trump, who said at a rally that when i become president, i will not offend ukraine or zelenskyi, that is, one must understand the peculiarity of donald trump’s temperament and speech,
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that is, he does not think about words sometimes, but the words fly out ahead of his thoughts, therefore, from the point of view of the election campaign, he is simply filling up with information. the space with its phrases, and not, takes these words into development. by the way, as for the issue of coercion, it was revealed later because of the thesis that it would provide ukraine has as many weapons as will be necessary in order to defeat the enemy and force him to sit down at the negotiating table, so let's look more calmly at the rhetoric that is being heard. election campaign in the united states. another circumstance that will affect the world in the next six months, and maybe more, is what is happening in the middle east, after the assassination of hamas leader ismail hannia by israel in iran, iran
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is threatening to start hostilities against israel, russia is trying to restrain, well judging by the from this information. which comes from various media sources, again, because iran invited russia for modern air defense systems, and sergei shoigu flew a mission from putin to iran and conveyed putin's request, the iranian government is restrained in its response to israel's assassination of the hamas leader, advising to avoid attacks on israeli civilians, according to reuters , citing sources in the iranian government, what are the consequences of a war in the middle east, mr. roman, for the middle east and the world? well, what concerns the warriors russian-ukrainian and iranian-israeli, and
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what is happening now in the confrontation, the war between hamas and israel, between hezbollah and israel. between the houthis and israel, this is something other than the components of the iran-israel war. so, let me repeat, these two wars, they actually shape the answer to the question of world order today. and until the democratic forces form a coalition of democracy and freedom and defeat the axis of evil, the confrontation will increase. it is appropriate to talk about when iran will attack israel, the tension there is growing, and it will grow, well, you just have to open the constitution of iran and read it, the goal of this state, as stated in the constitution, the laws of iran, is the destruction
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of the state of israel, well, in russia, this is not written in the constitution, but it is written on the forehead of the führer of moscow, the destruction of ukraine as... so it is obvious that israel and ukraine today stand on the side of democracy and freedom, and this requires the actual unification of the coalition of democracy and freedom, if there is no such unification, the voltage will increase, c including in the middle east, not only individual movements in the states will be involved in this war, and such as the islamic state there, as well as other virtual states , real participants will also be involved, well, pay attention to the recent visit of the minister of foreign affairs in jordan to tehran, which they did not meet at the ministerial level for 9 years, he had to come there and explain that if
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israel is shelled again, then jordan will be forced to shoot down these drones and missiles by force. circumstances, because they will fly through the territory of jordan, as well as many other participants in this process, like iraq, like egypt, and so on, they understand very well that... iran will strike from different sides on israel, forgive me, one way or another, the territories of neighboring states will be involved, which means that the tension will increase, the probability of the fall of these ballistic missiles or short-range missiles or drones in any place is confirmed by the events of april 12-13, when iran was already shelling the territory of israel, so it is clear that this will ... lead to an increase in tension, from my point of view point of view, what
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israel is doing today, it is doing absolutely the right thing, it is eliminating these proxy forces like hamas, hezbollah, the houthis, in order to show iran that it should not escalate the situation regarding ghana and so on , then people like yahyasinvard, like deif and gania, were directly involved in the preparation. the organizers of the events of october 7 made decisions and gave commands to the militants who committed this terrorist act, and it must be understood that they directly participated in the preparation for october 7 russia, iran and china, and this is not only at the level of funding, this is also at the level of training militants and supplying the appropriate equipment and weapons, so this issue and this problem in the... middle east is far from exhausted, which means that the tension there will constantly increase. thank you, mr. roman, for
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the conversation, it was roman bezsmertny, a politician and diplomat. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please join our platforms, like our pages, and like this video, and also... participate in our survey, today we ask you this, is telegram a source of information for you, meaning telegram platform, yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have a different answer, please write in the comments under the video, if you watch us on tv, take your smartphone or phone and vote, if telegram for you are the source of information (0800-211-381, no), 0800, 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote for... at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with ihor romanenko, founder of the charity fund
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"close the sky of ukraine", lieutenant general, former deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. mr. general, such contradictory information has been coming throughout the day from kursk oblast, which is adjacent to ukraine. the russians report the alleged the cross-border raid of ukrainian forces and border battles in the border regions of the region , there are talks about three hundred ukrainians who entered the territory of the kurdish region. a video of the consequences of the shelling of the russian village of suja, just across the ukrainian border, is being published online. nv informs with reference to sources in gur that these actions did not involve fighters of the russian volunteer corps, who fight as part of the armed forces. andriy kovalenko, head of the center for combating disinformation, called the statements of russian
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propagandists about preventing a breakthrough a lie of the russian border, what andriy kovalenko says: russian soldiers are lying about the control of the situation in the kursk region, russia does not control the border. from the point of view of military affairs and strategy and tactics, this is a breakthrough for the ukrainians and for the ukrainian army. and entering the territory of the russian federation, because the fact that there are military personnel on the other side of the border is evidenced by the videos that are shown by the russians themselves from the kursk region. well, first of all, you probably need to answer the question of how much they will trust it, what is happening there, and how to be here. well, you are right, you have found the key to understanding whose interests are being acted upon, and therefore, if someone is interested in this case in
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the region, then most likely she accepts it, it is another matter that the main intelligence agency says that there is no rdk, it is possible that there is no rdk, but there is a force, and it takes part in this, but one way or another it is in the interests of ukraine, except if the hur is characteristic. this situation, the intelligence officers have this rule, i would like to remind him now, that a fact that is confirmed by three sources is reliable, so you have to use it. our, foreign, others, see who you trust more there, and draw the appropriate conclusions, since i do not represent an official, that is, a state source, as an expert i can say that in my opinion it is, if the enemy is worse off, if he carries losses if he
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is forced to take action. transfer of forces, gathering, reserves and everything else, then ukraine is better off because of this, that is, because these forces are not used where it is most difficult for us, well, for example, on the eastern front, in other cities, that is, i think to start this kind of action, the leadership of the defense forces of ukraine. the defense forces are not only the armed forces, there are also gurs, the sbu, and the power structures, as we know, they measured many times in order to cut off once, and this kind of actions began, that's one thing, secondly, it has not yet been revealed to the end how much it will benefit us in general,
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because, for example, the actions of the rdk, which were ... successful, the enemy suffered losses, the enemy was then forced to gather forces and did not have the opportunity, moreover, he transferred part of it from the area of ​​the introduction of hostilities and so on, but the russians, for example, used it to argue that they had opened another section of the front north of kharkiv, that is, in connection with the fact that such a thing had happened. well, they came up with it, if they somehow, we remember, our guru again spoke about plans, and actions in the direction of kharkiv and sumy, so if there was no such kind of argumentation , we would have found another, but all the same actions these sorrows , therefore, it is necessary to see in this the interest of ukraine, in
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what, how it turns out for russia, well look... what kind of information is given from sources that are foreign to us, well, something like that. mr. general, yesterday russia attacked the kyiv region with four iskander m and kn-23 ballistic missiles, two kh-59 guided air missiles and 16 strike drones of the shachet type and the air force reported this. two ballistic missiles were shot down. missiles and two guided air missiles and 15 attack drones, today the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy, conducted the supreme commander-in-chief's speech and spoke about the fact that we will produce more rockets of our own production, and he says that the decision of the bid directed additional funding to the missile program, let's listen to
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what zelensky said, the same today... at the bid, a decision was made regarding our missile program, to increase funding , and separately the minister of defense reported on the provision of weapons to our brigades and the relevant negotiations with partners. i am grateful to everyone in the world who is really ready to support us in exactly the way it is necessary to achieve results at this time and in the future. sir general, you are a person who knows about domestic missiles, probably everything, because you served in the air defense and you know exactly all the details of what missiles we have, what we can do and what capabilities we have, why do you think only after 2 for 5 years, we have been talking about the restoration of missiles
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of our own production, or that there will be more of them, why couldn't we do this with the beginning of the great war in ukraine? well, first of all, i thank you for such a description, but i know that fundamentally there is no person in the world who knows everything, about everything and everywhere. and now in fact, we were engaged in the process of producing missiles, especially ground-to-ground, tactical, operational tactical missiles, sometime after the 10th year. in 2014, for example, under the sapsan program from the general staff, i was responsible for the implementation of this program, it was quite difficult. the kremlin agency was very powerful in our ukraine, and that is why these programs opened, closed, stopped funding, well
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, in every way, so they acted in such a way as not to advance, we had several directions, we know that they were successfully advancing, for example , the neptune program, and more some, and i would like to remind you that... a missile program was adopted in the 22nd year, which is working, moving forward, in different directions, but no one is showing the tests here, so why not as quickly as we i would like to, i already said about it involuntarily, in what way it was influenced, and the leaders who held the positions of the minister of defense, the heads of the sbu, and so on, in the leadership, the pro-russians did their dirty work, unfortunately, and therefore, they slowed it down for years
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, and now all this has to catch up with the situation, it is being done, funds are being invested, when not enough, you see, the decision is appropriate to strengthen it, and so i think that in the near future, if not. some force majeure, we will also see the consequences of such work, the enemy will also feel it directly, because such complex weapons as missile weapons require funds, time, development of the military-industrial complex of our military science, all this in a complex and difficult organizational work, is carried out on. .. as quickly as we would like, but i am sure that we will achieve our goal. well, the goal here is one, so that our rockets fly in the direction of russia
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federation, because our western partners continue to say that we do not have the right to use their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, as now state department spokesman matthew miller said that the presence of f-16 fighters does not change the position of the united states. of america regarding strikes on the territory of russia. let's hear what matthew miller had to say. my answer has not changed. we continue to look at the needs of the ukrainian military, assess the security situation and try to respond to their needs. and this is a process that occurs with from the very beginning to today. in this way, we make the appropriate decisions regarding the weapons that we provide to ukraine, as well as the restrictions, if any, that we impose on the use of these weapons? mr. general, how does the presence of the f-16 change our positions on
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the front line and in general in the ukrainian sky? it is clear that these are the newest, compared to our planes, the newest planes, although which were in use, obviously, but these are the planes that will start a new era of ukrainian aviation, what is this era? carries ukraine, while it does not change the situation on the front line, it really changes the situation in in the air, because their pilots are being adapted to our theater of war, they must gain experience, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is done in such a way that we do not lose these planes, such conflicts of interest. since this aircraft was developed as a light air defense fighter, but it also has universal characteristics in terms of
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destroying ground targets, i.e. it is used as an attack aircraft, in relation to the long arm of air defense, it is already operational, i.e. it works, it can work and works. on aerodynamic targets, which include airplanes, helicopters, rockets, missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles, but in the conditions that we currently have in ukraine, it operates on cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles, well, as other various sources have reported regarding that already for this kind of purposes took part, and it is good, because the enemy is also improving cruise missiles, they... modernized, we remember the strike on july 8, ahmadet and not only around the capital, and cruise missiles were already used there, which
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passed through our air defense is more effective than it used to be, and if you act from above, if this kind of air attack means, as can be done by the f-16, and it is also necessary to provide it with reporting and management information, for this it is necessary to connect saab aircraft for long-range detection and control . then they can show very high efficiency in performing these air defense tasks. they will gradually, well, the number is definitely not enough, but it will happen , and our engineering and technical staff will also gain experience warehouse at airfields, and this is not one airfield, but several, it is not only airfields, that is , they use everything that, by the way,
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pilots on soviet planes do. of our fleet, that is, they too, and perform their tasks in very difficult conditions, when the number and quality of aircraft of the russian aerospace forces and the armed forces of the russian federation are many times greater, and therefore it is necessary to acquire experience and pilots, engineering and technical composition of the performance of these tasks and... we will get closer to the performance of the tasks directly on the contact line and beyond it , our main goal in the fight for the current time of the air is the destruction of the seeds of guided air bombs, and this can be done either by anti -aircraft missile systems of medium, long and long range, such as the yakriot and those themselves, or
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with improved 4+ generation aircraft such . as is the f16, but i say once again taking into account the relevant information support, because the characteristics of the russian su-30s and 35s aircraft are better than the f16, which means that their air assets also have a range of 300 km, for example, and unfortunately, the russians have already set such a world record in relation to... the fact that their mig-31 used a r-37 missile and shot down our mig-29 at a range of 213 km, missiles that are still provided to us with an average the range of the americans, and for them 120 is 105 km, well, they can increase it to 180, but there is still a difference, and in order for everything
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to be effective under these conditions, i emphasize once again that a control and intelligence zone must be formed over ukraine , by these two swedish planes, and even better, together with the poles, they also have, and they are also interested in such and such background. thank you, mr. general, it was ihor romanenko, the founder of the charity fund for the crimea of ​​the sky of ukraine, lieutenant general, former deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. throughout our broadcast, friends, we conduct a survey, we ask you about this, whether telegram is for you. the source of information is the interim results of this survey 28% yes, 72% no, in 15 minutes after the bbc release, we will return to the studio, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, viktoriya syumar, oleksandr mereshko and yaroslav yurchyshyn, let's talk about domestic and foreign policy, stay away from espresso.
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stores were set on fire, police cars were smashed. street riots against migrants have been ongoing in britain since last week. riots fueled by misinformation on social media are the first big challenge for the new british government and prime minister keir starmer, how to stop the violence? we are talking about this on the bbc broadcast live from london, i am yevgenia shytlovska. street riots have been taking place in britain for a week in various cities, not only in england, and also in northern ireland. here's what happened in belfast on monday. the rioters were shouting at the police.


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