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tv   [untitled]    August 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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if we compare the types of aviation with football, then the attackers are attack aircraft, those who play on the flanks and can be said to cover the attackers, these are fighters, those who play in defense can be said to be bombers, air defense can be classified as like... the goalkeeper, she flies, you shoot at her, everything is too simple, well, that's it, until the full-scale one, no one paid any attention to us, especially... attention, no one even knew
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that we, our, now everyone has seen, everyone has felt our work, no one in the world has shot down such targets, ballistic missiles, we often, with what, with such work. the air force was the first to receive a blow in the back, or whatever you want to call it, a sneaky blow by the russians, command posts, radar units that we have throughout the country, anti-aircraft missile units , strike positions, aviation, airfields of the air force, everything was attacked by missiles different class, it was a powerful missile strike.
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our work begins not during the alarm, when you go to shelter, the work begins even earlier, even before the alarm sounds, because, well, if the same aircraft takes off there, something else, we see it all, and accordingly everyone is put on alert in advance, our enemies are trying. especially at night, so that those small units that are armed with anti-aircraft artillery or portable rocket launchers are less effective in destroying the target. here i see a target, there is not one, there are several of them, they fall quite beautifully. and they disintegrate,
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we like to shoot it very much, i am the battery commander, remove the missile division, our main task is to cover important state facilities from air attack the enemy, well, we are constantly working, the main task is to see it, at least a few seconds of stable work, so that we can see at least a little, at least some dot, we will get it, our dad's little radar from the senior. having these conversations, in the beginning she was usually told that forever, you know, dad is at war, dad is in the military, i tell her, dad shot down planes, and she says, my dad is a superhero, and she still says, my dad is a superhero , we protect the country of the people, but also our family, and you understand that that... all the body marks on the radar, they
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have the goal of destroying not only our state, but also people, relatives, loved ones and at any moment the irreparable can happen, and therefore it gives an incentive to work better, check the indications . normal combat work, nothing special, during the search, the target is detected, the detection operators are passed, to me, i see that here the target as a target, ordinary on this operator, here i see the target, it is unusual, it is very fat like this, very.. . i had not seen such markings before, and
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i captured the target, the missiles hit, but the target the escort did not disappear, here the mark became a little less, and then we realized that... there is not one, there are several of them, we had an application at night, today the guys worked, we need to provide some list of awards that we can encourage them , and call it, well, if the bullet is not empty, then, in principle, marriage, we start with the third and continue to go, yes, i suggest to the shooter to file a marriage of the third degree, the commander calculates a marriage of the third degree, in the future... drivers and the rest of the calculations of strong guys falling for exemplary service, i have been working in the air defense since 2014, and until now the commander's fate is such a fate that he has to worry about the entire squad under your command. we're all here for each other, we all support,
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we're all happy for each other, well, it's really like a real, real family, you know, and if i may say so. but for me, we are, as they say, whole cardinals, sometimes there were moments when when there was a threat, you could see that a missile was already flying right at you, there were cases when the commander simply kicked everyone out, said, i i will do everything myself, and it's well, such actions are really inspiring, and i think that it's not for nothing that our guys get heroes, the system is not separate divisions, it's a single organism, where there is only one division. relies on another, it is a single system, a single organism, of course we trust each other, because we understand that our backs are covered by our comrades-in-arms, and we cover the backs of others, my service experience is 5 years, i joined
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the army, young, and before that i studied at a university, not a military one, my father is from... also a military man, he used to be a peposhnyk, he served for a long time, now he is in the composition, ordered to serve, in the air force, so the three of us are representatives of the main branches of the air force. air defense is not only popular missile troops and aviation, there is more. radio engineering troops are those who see the air force inside the country and far beyond its borders, it is the second largest type of armed forces after the ground forces, only in peacetime it is 50 00 servicemen, now they are much and much more, in 2018
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after returning from toos and the end of the contract, i decided to dismiss from the ranks armed forces to go to civilian life, which i succeeded in principle, found myself in the it field, worked very well, everything worked out for him, but unfortunately, fate made its adjustments, i had to return to the ranks of the military, on february 24, i received the news, four in the morning . reported that she was giving birth, at 6 in the morning she ran into the room and screamed, it has started, and i tell him, i know what started, it started at four in the morning, he tells me, no, he says, the war has started, and
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the first , what i did was, when everyone was leaving the city center, leaving kyiv, then i went to the center of the city, took his wife to the maternity hospital, on the 25th he... took me home, he had already collected his things, he said, you understand that i have to go, brought them home, kissed me, gathered himself, says, a week at most, he says, i will be at home, and i had to get behind the wheel, take him out, it happened like this, some point on the map, a meeting with my brother, we are going, he only directs where to go, he says stop here, we stop, he pulls up busik, the military come out, he kissed me, i say goodbye, he gets into the busik and drives away and that's all, and i saw him for the first time only two months later, remembering the first days of the war, you have to remember the eve, or two days before this war, because the tension was enormous,
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people were already getting weapons, people were already, well , ready for what might happen attack made. on the night of february 24, everyone was already at the control points, they are calling from kyiv, four ballistic missiles are coming for you, you are hiding, well, that is , 5 minutes and they are with you. they tried to put our povov system out of order, so the first morning, the missile units met with a powerful fire impression of their own units, but thanks to a timely maneuver , part of the units still survived and this part entered the fight against the enemy in the first days, everyone understands. in the air commands that losing control over the sky will be a collapse, it will be a loss, and they
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will simply destroy us from above, and it was, well , a decision was made the day before, how we will react, we from the mobile groups were the first to meet a direct attack from the air enemy, flew near us, at us, around us. they wanted to destroy the air force, they wanted to deprive us of our eyes, aviation is powerful, 450 planes, 400 and 350, or rather helicopters , were at 40 airfields at that time, i.e. in readiness for departure, readiness for amphibious landings, readiness for bombing, in the first days of the war we destroyed three enemy targets and... helicopters there of different types of mi8 and 24, i.e., one of the newest
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igla-1 manpads, according to the soviet models, we showed that we can destroy them in this way, according to the occupier, no one even thought about how many there were, i had a task, the enemy's goal was to destroy everything, fighter takes over distracts a group of russian planes, the beech sits quietly in the bushes and receives the command, turns on. it turns on and launches four rockets at once and could even four planes at once, those were really so tragic for the russians, and heroic for us, the combat days of the first weeks of the war. you understand that if you don't do this work, no one will do it for you, and you don't want to return home, to the house, from which only fragments remained, we had no other choice.
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until april, we didn't leave the cabin, let's put it this way. we slept in it, and spent the night, and 24:7 we were in kavin, it was precisely the active period when the enemy's aviation tried to seize the advantage in the air, and then there was no time for rest or anything else, very early in the morning, we are raised according to readiness, that is, the calculation comes to the workplace, of course, people are very tired, their people can't sleep, but we know that we have work to do, we come, we turn on... they give us a direction, after literally a few seconds of nightfall, we lower the rockets, harvest
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the target, calmly report, we are told, thank you for work, turn off, everything, that is, it took for sure, well, 10 minutes, and we left, you came to sleep, and then when i woke up, and what was it, it was the sun, it was reality, during the time when they started to beat enemy helicopters, anti-aircraft defense immediately became an enemy number... that's it, that's it, that is, if there was an open hunt for us, my guys were on the positive side, because i said what i'm saying, if we die, we'll all die together, i say, no one will not be jealous of each other, my main task was to preserve the lives of the personnel and to complete all combat tasks, as in we would have succeeded in principle, we were able to win back our... sky in the war with the enemy, we destroyed the enemy of our
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master, our motivation, with our support , the fact that the people supported us, i asked my wife that in case she sees something, or hears some plane so that it sends this information and even one of them worked, well, i just hear a hum outside the window, an unreal hum, i write to him, wow, something is flying there. he does not react at all, i text him to his brother, literally 30-40 seconds pass, and his brother already texts me on the phone that don't worry, your dad has already... already shot down planes, they were just planes, but it was so bad that i don't know what they shot down with, but half a district was shot down, my husband wrote to me, they flew over, there's nothing to fly with my girls, i have guys in mobile groups on trips,
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so it turns out that some guys left even before... full-scale, so they are still sitting in the fields, well, of course, we take vacations there, but still most of the time it is still like at the beginning , as they left, so far, so far in the fields, but they do not want to return, what else do we have here, yes, sugar, coffee, yes, very often the boys say that i am their mother, and yurii volodymovich is their father. that's how it turns out, well, you know that there's another family, i don't have my own children yet, but i already have more than 60, and it's like sons, they listen to my mother, of course, they listen, and they listen, and they come for advice, and
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they come to confess, and they come to speak out, so it's really like going to my mother. during combat work , we try to be in constant contact with each other, to help, if there is such an opportunity , to suggest something somewhere. we are a real fighter family, because there is no other way. your team is everything. i'm a shooter, i'm a scholar, friends are already starting families. yes, we have all our family here. yes, we see it very rarely, i would like more often, well, this is the situation in the country, we choose, the ppu chose who did not become a pilot, he went to shoot down the air defense, i don’t fly myself and i don’t let others, we all try to joke, in our there are groups of people who
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have beaten more, everyone is counting, and sometimes i transfer guys from one group to the other group, and the guys think, so it's you our pond was taken away. group, visually there is an explosion, every day we stood in combat formation, our work consists in timely detection of the air enemy, but now everything is calm, there are days when the entire indicator is completely red, the result of combat work depends on how quickly i give information our aviation and air defense. drones are the easiest to shoot down, because they go on the same course, they have a low speed, come on, come on, it's harder to shoot down cruise missiles, because they have more, more speed, and here there is less
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you have time to react, and of course, it is more difficult to shoot down aircraft, it is more difficult to shoot them down. to work, but, let's put it this way, this is povoshnyk's most desired goal. our boys not only protect our sky, but also have time to build new families, families, that short period of time is a kind of liberation. yes, in me, well, where, probably, almost half of the guys got married. they are somehow all so cut off. on august 19, 2022, my husband and i got married, at the beginning of the full-scale we thought that it would all wait, then it would be later, but closer to on this date, we decided that after all, life goes on, we don't know what will happen tomorrow and why postpone those moments of joy and happiness for
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later, the commander let us go for a couple of days, well, let's celebrate, we found each other here inside. it has actually been two years since the great war, and of course everything has changed to the original, people have changed, first of all, who learned to shoot down cruise missiles only on training grounds, they have gained a lot of experience. and the technique has changed. nasams definitely. this is a complex that has already proven itself in the world iris is one of the most modern complexes that we have in
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service today, it can work in cooperation, well, with different systems, that is , it is possible to issue information from the iris radar even to soviet systems. the radar there is excellent. now we already have patriot, we already have sampti. do you prefer to work on c300 or patriot? and no, it's impossible to compare, what? well, because strysia is like, if petrio is a grandson, then strysia is like a great-grandfather, that is, they are different generations of missile systems, petre, but it is much more effective. world i realized that you can't fight a war with planes alone now, because if there is a massive missile strike, it all has to be shot down with something.
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the decision of the united states and other countries to provide western systems to ukraine, these are the first two nasams batteries, was a turning point, in the end, this was the moment. after the nasams of the two batteries came the irst battery. the provision of these systems showed the western partners, firstly, their effectiveness, it... instilled confidence in the fact that we will stand. it happened that when the boys went, well, to study as patriots, that's it indeed, how many 3 months they had to study there, after a month they said that we already know everything, let's go to work. our people studied in the united states, and in germany, and in norway, and in other countries, where there is an appropriate base, where there are specialists, instructors who can. americans and germans said about the patriot that it would take 3-4 months to do it quickly, well, our specialists prepared for 3-4 weeks. welcome to ukraine, to our
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native land. thank you. when patriot arrived, the commander always met people from abroad. greetings in ukrainian land, he always says, i don’t see empty-handed, we’ve come, so what, let’s try, that’s what he said then, sitting in patriot, they said, let’s try and... after a while, they knock down the first dagger, the first dagger he was working on calculation, this calculation, at first did not understand that it was kinjal, because there were so many fantastic stories about him, so it is a difficult target, we have a high-speed target, but it is possible to shoot it down, we did it, then we already understood that it can be knocked down, it has been knocked down again and again and again. shot down on the approach to the borders of ukraine in the bryansk region, and they were shot down by patriots. the commander conducted a brilliant
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special operation involving patriot systems. they were flying two su 34-135 planes, in fact they had already flown to the border of ukraine and released guided aerial bombs. their work was provided by two helicopters, plus a third helicopter, it just fell under the handout, and thank god. first. i counted the targets, but then at a certain moment i lost count and now i have already destroyed more than 50 targets as part of the combat calculation, planes, helicopters cruise missiles, drones, ballistic targets, well, the whole spectrum. there are moments when one of the managers calls and says, well... now you will have news and already by the sound of your voice you can feel that it is good, that something so badass has fallen, that is what i like most about our work, it is the directly destroyed goals and
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the reaction of our people for our work, for our successful work, those who know me write when it was loud, thank you for not sleeping, but thank you for being alive! yourself, when you write, you tap on the keyboard, and you are happy that there really is such a result, but how the people who do it, our anti-aircraft fighters or pilots, and so on, are happy there, it's really an emotion, sometimes i hear there with mothers and all, well, but it can be seen, how people sincerely rejoice.
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spark accepted. after the first two in a row. the target is in the zone. spark accepted. second, two in a row. readiness two. turn off the equipment. thank you all for your work. well done, the chevro of our brigade, on which there is no writing, sanctified by fire, this is the newest chevron, which was introduced after the beginning of b. actions, because
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if we beat air defense, we were the first targets that were, we were launched, and we as sanctified by the fire, because we were the first to pass through the fire, recovered and continued to work, that is, we carried out the task, i am very proud, i am proud to have found such a chevron, the enemy is hunting for the patriot and other systems, even three-pointers, they will not spare missiles, systems to hit them, now and a year. therefore , air defense has taken a huge step forward, we can 100% say that our polo is the most experienced in the world, and this combat experience gives us the right to believe that our polo is one of the best in our world. we studied at...
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there on patriot, on iris, on nosoms. western partners have a unique opportunity to test their weapons on the battlefield. this is the best advertising for manufacturers: give us more weapons, we will definitely test them on those who need them. we also add the ballistics that shot down the patriot. this is about 20 iskanders and about 15 daggers. well , air defense is, first of all, a shield of the sky, because if we... it is a protection that it falls from the sky, we will destroy everything as much as possible, our sky is protected, of course, everyone has families, these are women who are pilots they wait, well, to get in touch after each combat sortie, the anti-aircraft gunner is also followed, the combat work is going on, he destroys the missiles, but those missiles may be flying over him, and the wife, who is sitting at home, is waiting for her daughter, also knows this, when i when i get to the city and see... when
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mothers with small children walk in bundles on playgrounds, on the streets in parks, then i get satisfaction from the fact that i understand that we are doing something right, and people trust us, they can live their everyday life, so in the war, but this well, this is life anyway, i was nowhere to be seen.
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