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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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it is necessary to explain, it is necessary, it is necessary to deal with it. so. mrs. khaterina, thank you very much for this conversation, the deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council was with us, well, we have good news. yes, the 7th hour is coming to an end, and the 8th hour will soon begin. and this means that kateryna shiropoyas is ready to present a new news release. katya, well , i am most interested in whether anything new has become known about the battles in the kursk region, will there be anything in the issue about it? i congratulate ulyana, i congratulate andria, already for. in a moment, i will tell our viewers about the consequences of the night attacks in ukraine, as well as about the results of the border breakthrough in the kursk region, wait! greetings, it's news time at spresso. mozkova
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again attacked the territory of ukraine with attack drones, that night the residents of sumy and sumy oblast, as well as various settlements of khmelnytskyi, kherson oblast, mykolaiv oblast, dnipropetrovsk oblast and kyiv oblast heard the explosions. we are waiting for details from the local administration and the air force. and two men were killed, another was wounded due to the attack of the russian federation in the pologiv district of zaporizhzhia. over the course of the day, the occupiers struck nine times more than 550 times populated points of the region. aircraft intercepted three times in gulyaipol and dolynka. the russians destroyed at least 14 buildings and infrastructure facilities. this was noted by the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. the spresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate storm brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. defenders in the donetsk direction. of the day deter enemy
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attacks, defend our freedom and future, it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended avdiivsk direction in the spring. the brigades urgently need drones and modern means of countering enemy drones. our goal is 3.5 million hryvnias. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. you can now see all the details on your screens. good health, dear ukrainians, we, the fighters of the first assault battalion of the third. of the assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front lines, we urgently need your help, we need the means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpola and komikatsi drones, very pro we are asking for your help, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, another 1,230 occupiers were forever buried in the ukrainian black earth, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the armed forces of ukraine , more than 580 russian mountaineers have been eliminated. over
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the course of the day, the ukrainian defense forces destroyed eight tanks, 29 armored fighting vehicles and 67 artillery systems. also, the russians did not account for 78 units of automobiles and 21 units of special equipment. defenders of the sky landed 54 drones and one cruise missile. shot down in kursk region helicopters are not included in the summary. a reminder at the general staff. data are approximate. and drones attacked the voronet region of russia. the air defense forces of the occupiers allegedly shot down all the drones, but the debris damaged the facade of one of the residential buildings and the window. this was noted by governor husiv. according to the ministry of defense of the country, the terrorist air force shot down 11 drones over the belgorod, kursk, voronet and rostov regions. and they appeared. footage of the consequences
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of the ukrainian operation in the rostov region, where ukrainian intelligence and the sbu destroyed it enemy sud-34 at the russian airfield morozovsk. two more planes of the same type probably damaged the wreckage, and ammunition depots were also hit. this was reported in gur. border breach in the kurdish region, minus a russian k-52 aircraft and two tanks in the suzhan district. also, according to the russian media, they allegedly eliminated enemy infantry in the nikopol monastery and took prisoners, deepstate reported. according to the information of the ministry of defense of the country , the terrorists are fighting in the territory of the suzhan and korenevsky districts kurshchyna ended, but the governor of the region denied it. also at night , powerful explosions were heard in the kurchatovo district near the nuclear power plant. the details are currently being clarified. and in sumy oblast, the only checkpoint on the border with russia was closed.
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the volunteers of the atmosfera aid point told about this, it is about the humanitarian corridor kolotylivka-pokrovka, which people used to return from the occupation of territories not controlled by ukraine. it is currently unknown for what time and why the checkpoint was closed. it should be noted that the sumy region is suffering due to intense storms during the day russian shelling. and ukraine and zambia signed a memorandum on political consultations. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, announced this on the x social network. yesterday in lusaka, the minister held detailed negotiations with his zambian counterpart, molambo khaimbe. the parties discussed ways of developing relations between the countries, as well as cooperation in international organizations. let me remind you that on august 4, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba went to africa. this is already the fourth african tour of the ukrainian minister, it will last until august 8. after 25 years cooperation, the african country niger
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breaks diplomatic relations with ukraine. the new military government explained its decision by the fact that kyiv allegedly supports terrorist groups. and since two days ago. the so-called transitional government of the republic of mali announced a break in international relations due to its support for the tuaregs, who recently crushed a column of russian wagnerian mercenaries. cosmic mystery of life. an exhibition of the legendary ukrainian artist ivan marchuk opened in kyiv. more than 180 are presented in the exposition works, paintings for display were provided by seven museums of ukraine and more than 20 private collectors. the exhibition project includes early paintings. 60s of the last century and new watercolor compositions created by the artist in the last two years during forced emigration due to the russian invasion. you can get acquainted with the exhibition at the museum of the history of kyiv, it will last until september 29. this exhibition
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presents 15 cycles, absolutely all creative cycles of ivan marchuk, some have a beginning and no end, some have an end, and here they presented are very unique, we have seven works from different museums here, and we also enlisted the support of 20 private collectors who provided very unique items from ceramics, when mr. ivan was still trying himself in ceramics, this speaks of the huge popularity and the fact that in people have good taste, who have such a collection, i can even envy, so what can i say... well, i am extremely happy, today is a big day for ukrainian art, for ukraine, for kyiv, for all of us, we have gathered, beautiful reason, a recruiting center has been operating in frankivsk for two months, there they provide information about vacancies in the army and how to join the defense forces, there are many willing, experts say,
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our carpathian colleagues know more about the work of the center. the recruiting center in ivano-frankivsk works on the basis of tsnap, they provide consultations and help candidates. there to find vacancies and contact military units, people who are motivated, who see that the war is going on, go on, go and choose positions, professions, those that are very, very close to them in civilian life. in almost three months of work , about two hundred job seekers applied here, several dozen received letters of recommendation after the interview and are undergoing training. there are many vacancies, experts say. we have many not only combat positions, shooters, grenade launchers, bpl operators, not only that, there are newly created units that need specialists, for example, two days ago a vacancy appeared for an expert in the field of intellectual property, psychologists, lawyers,
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so to say that only grenade launchers or tankers are needed on the front lines, you can’t do that, it can be said that combat and rear positions are equivalent. clerks are very much needed, riggers and boat commanders are very, very much needed, the marine corps mainly asks for them, there are many vacancies for each category of conscript or reservist who is interested individually, according to the categories, a decision is made to the criteria, i.e. whether it is suitable or not suitable, whether it receives appropriate training, there is an interview with psychologists, with other employees in order to... determine the degree of necessity such a candidate will already work in the defense sector in the future. the salary for those who manage to get a job starts at uah 2,000. taking into account the military rank, the location of the military unit and other
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conditions, - they say in tsnapa. currently, 28 recruiting centers are operating in ukraine. from prykarpattia. ivan kharuk, volodymyr voloshchuk, espresso tv channel. that was the news at 8 o'clock, see you at 10 o'clock. later , my colleagues ulyana panasiuk and andriy saichuk will be waiting for you on the air, and to find out more interesting and up-to-date information, follow updates on our website., as well as on our social networks, take care, see you soon.
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well, well, let's go back to our telethon and let me remind you that andriy saichuk of ulyana ponattk is working for you today and we are actually all working for our audience. for you, well, you accordingly work for the victory of ukraine, i am sure of this,
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because probably not many people on the front lines look at us now, although it is also quite possible, people look at us when they have the opportunity at the front, where there is internet and so on, but everyone who is not at the front, everyone who is in the rear, is simply obliged to work and support our armed forces, our defense forces, because it is more than even the armed forces, it is more than the army, more than the army, it's the defense force, it's something, it, it, it's already, it's already kind of a state within a state, you see a qr code on your screens, it's a qr code that you can scan and donate to our collection with the vesna fund, we are collecting for three brigades, three elite units of the ukrainian army, units, which protect ukraine in the most difficult directions on the front, are... 10, the third oshb and the 47th brigade, these are drones and rebs, which are necessary in order to preserve
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the lives of our fighters, you yourself understand, we repeatedly told, and the fighters joined us from these brigades, they also told about the fact that drones and rebs are what saves their lives, this is that consumable material that is simply necessary in a modern war, well ... when we talk about those children that we collect, it's not just drones, it's not it's just that everything there is completely expendable, this is what is needed, of course, this is what covers from blows, because now even evacuation from the battlefield has become a very serious problem, because there are so many fpv drones, drones and the enemy , they obstruct, finish off, kill medics, injure, maim, that is, they do all this without a rebo station, of any kind. create an obstacle in order to work in the enemy’s half,
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it is very difficult to do all this, so we collect first of all to save people a and b, again drones are not easy, we collect such specialized, cool, cool, expensive drones, because this is something that is not supplied, maybe just there through state channels, relatively speaking, so our support as volunteers is also necessary here. we continue to roll call from the regions, viktor duduka. the deputy head of the berdyansk district council is in touch with us. mr. viktor, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, mr. viktor, as the summer continues in berdyansk, temporarily occupied by the russian invaders, i read the news, in the village of beristov, they opened, so the russian invaders pharmacy uh, they made a huge event out of it, as if, i don’t know, an amusement park was huge, some kind of opening, or
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at least something so grandiose on a state scale, but no, it was just a word pharmacy, which also works from eight in the morning to 12- day only on weekdays, it seems to me that this shows the general situation in the territories occupied by russia, that... in berdyansk, how, if at all, they managed to at least somehow provide for the lives of the local residents, i'm not talking about the tourist... the season that should be open in berdyansk, actually regarding the village of berostove, i note that before the full-scale invasion it was not just a village, it was the center of a united territorial community of its time, that is, a rather serious subject on the map of ukraine, and today the occupiers have info drives - this is the opening of a pharmacy, which works four hours
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a day, there is really such trouble and such sadness in berdyansk. what to scale, well, this is a city of a hundred thousand once, it is clear that life is a little simpler and a little better, but i remember that before optical history, when in the beginning in the 24th year, there was an epidemic of influenza among children, people had to go to melitopol for pills, which were in pharmacies there, that is, in berdyansk, even in pharmacies at that time there were no normal medicines, you know, such markers that you can , which can be used to determine the standard of living in the occupied territory. and regarding the really resort and tourist season, today, literally from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. , there is no water supply in bytenska vitsa, and the occupiers say, please be understanding, but our people have had to deal with it for almost 2.5 years understanding that it is a complete mess, and it still remains, well, this is a total
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catastrophe that is deepening, access to some elementary basic functions, basic services for people. the essence of rights and freedoms, as they were not, and are not, and life, well, more and more resembles survival, where to wash, where to eat, where to buy some normal food, normal medicine and so on, that is, we understand that our territory has entered depression, into a deep depression, quite quickly, and this is a great pity, such are the standards of the russian world, you know, only recently they said about the fact that in dnipro there is a lot of thinking about renaming streets or not . the 152nd guards division, which was liberated from the nazis in 1940, some fifth year, should the street remain like this or not, mayor filato says that it should remain, because what is so bad is that the russians have no such doubts, they came suddenly everything they renamed all the streets that existed, somewhere there was something that was not soviet,
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not russian, everything was renamed back and now they even reached all kinds of enterprises, example. and azmol, which for 30 years was called azmoll, i.e. at the beginning of independence, now it is called the factory and enterprises, now it is called, no, and bonmze, the berdyansk pilot oil and oil plant, it is simply that the soviet name was returned, absolutely, and they did not return the work there, they did not return the production there, this is playing on nostalgia. they have, i don’t know, they probably have it installed on some, some basic firmware, we once laughed when they renamed the streets back, it was a curse according to them decommunization, in the framework of which historical names were returned, for example, lenin avenue was once called azov avenue, it was called whatever
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lenin avenue was by the occupiers, instead of leaving the beautiful name and which is really our identical there... the identical name is azov avenue, they returned lenin avenue, and today they returned bonemze, it was such a familiar abbreviation for locals from soviet times, bnmz, but they did nothing to make something work there. i recall that the occupiers, first, their first serious action, for which they lost quite a lot of strength, was the destruction of soft signs from all inscriptions where berdyansk was written. installations, signs and so on, they really fought with soft signs in full seriousness, and today's bonemze, it means that nothing else happens there, they have no accomplishments, they have no intelligence, they have everything , is to return some name or remove a soft sign. imagine at what level life is really there, there,
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the entire social elevator that exists, it goes exclusively down, during these two. half of the years of occupation, so, well, it didn't help anyone, renaming it to bunemese and everything else, and they just put a smile on people's eyes, trying to play on their nostalgia. well, one more piece of news is that in occupied berdyansk, the transfer of the property of the port of berdyansk to the federal property of the russian federation was completed, that is, it now seems to belong to the russian state, at least according to the occupation papers. and what is happening in the port now, is it working, are cargoes being shipped there and so on further? but it would be nice if the occupiers , together with the transfer of property, would transfer... duties to someone, so that someone would pay a normal salary to the port workers, as at one time the occupiers promised them mountains of gold there, everything would be fine, and a social package and so on further, then they soon cut almost
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half of the workers, and then real wage delays began, which continue to this day, as in other utility companies. in general, the port is used as more of a military facility, as before, the export of looted grain, today, well could be tracked on certain days. queues of grain trucks right at the entrance to the port, and when necessary, the occupiers bring ammunition and equipment through the port by sea, and as part of that transfer of property, they have already legalized what they did a long time ago, which is the seizure of 33 watercraft, various ships that stood, it seems, not only in berdyansk, but also in mariupol, which belonged not only to ukrainian legal entities, but also to foreign beneficiaries, who, by the way, committed their war crimes, looting and bringing ammunition, and accordingly today they are already put it on an official basis, confirming their next war crimes, but
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let's go back to the port, in the port there is a management that receives money, profit from all this, and there are simple workers who do not get anything, who are only promised, but the port, i repeat, it a 100% military, military object, the occupiers are not... interested in civilian life, they are not interested, they are not interested in civilians, they are only interested in war, so they use everything that helps them in this war, so what? also, what do we know about the fact that there are again problems with water supply in berdyansk and and, as with communications in general, tell me in more detail, they heard that the occupiers raised tariffs, and at the same time, well, if... the quality of the supply of these or other communal services has obviously not increased, and the city is even faced with problems with water supply, a lack of
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communal services workers and pollution? yes, the problem is really only getting worse, as i already said, today there is no water from 80 to 17, this was warned before, this is such an unpopular case that they warned, in fact, there is no water supply in the 24x7 mode. in certain households, or in entire districts, or the whole city, constantly, that is, it is easier to say when there is water, eh, the number two problem is electricity supply, against this whole background , the occupiers are really raising tariffs, they announced the increase of gas tariffs the other day, strangely enough, well, a kind of gas state that cannot provide the occupied territory, at least with inexpensive property, inexpensive raw materials, they retroactively raised gas tariffs. i note here that the heating season is ahead against the background of practically destroyed infrastructure a huge question will be how our territory will enter the heating season and what
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will happen in general in the houses of an ordinary ordinary citizen, regardless of his support or not of the occupier, today everyone suffers from the occupiers, including pro-russian citizens, because there is really no water, the sixth to eighth floors never pressurize the water... well, at all, that is, there is no pressure, and people go to neighbors, to relatives, looking for somewhere, where to wash, where to take a shower, these are the sad realities of our life in the occupation, so it is better not will happen, the occupiers are not doing anything with the infrastructure, the infrastructure is already khan. for information, for your work, mr. viktor, viktor dudukalov, deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, was in touch with us, told us about the situation in berdyansk, which is occupied by the russians, i will leave. to talk about zaporizhzhia, unesco will help ukraine with archaeological research of the territory of the kakhovsky reservoir, which
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was destroyed by the russians. many historians mentioned that it is necessary to study the left bank of the dnieper, which is under occupation, and excavations of the kakhov reservoir, which can hide a lot. treasures that have not yet been found, and a specially created military unit will be involved in the excavations, which will protect the object from robberies and clear the territory. we remember when the tragedy happened on the kakhovskaya dam, there were cases of looting of the territories that were under the kakhovsky reservoir, black archaeologists were looking for... treasures that have not yet been found and if they had not been recorded in the ukrainian cultural heritage, moreover, various finds .
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demolished both the occupied territory and the moreover, even there something reached our ukrainian odesa, and then it was caught in the black sea, well, in a word, there will be a lot of work for archaeologists and historians after the deoccupation of the left bank, and it is good that unesco will help, we will continue to communicate with the military, but a little pause first. education is the future of every country, which is changing in ukrainian schools, what the university of tomorrow will look like, the country is plunging into the world of educational transformations. we ask experts, listen to teachers, listen to parents and children. from nush to high school, we explore the labyrinths education reforms, read to understand,
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are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. "verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from
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20 to 20". watch this week's program judicial control with tetyana shustrova. competition for the constitutional court. where do the candidates get valuable property. why is the state looking into my life, my wallet? well, for what reasons? but as a contestant for the second time received a conclusion about dishonesty. i admitted my mistakes that were made in the previous competition. watch thursday at eight. august at 5:45 p.m. the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. well, gentlemen, we are going back to our marathon and will now speak directly to the military who are at the front, this is viktor petrovych, a serviceman of the 77th separate air mobile brigade of the airborne assault troops of ukraine, if there is already one, there is already mr. , mr. victor, we welcome you, kind. we know
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that you were in the kharkiv direction or something has it changed since then? no, nothing has changed, this is currently the south of the kharkiv region, the districts, well, the borivskyi direction, the borova district, what is the situation at your front there now? in fact, not much is changing in terms of the fact that the pressure from the enemy continues, constant assaults and for now... the enemy uses less equipment, more, it is assaults on foot with the use of artillery, well , there is currently no special equipment such as bmps, armored personnel carriers use you know, this week the head of the kharkiv ova fired his deputy who was responsible for construction protective fortification structures. so i
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ask how? are you up to it or do you have enough forts.


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