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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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all the details of what missiles we have, what we can do, and what capabilities we have, why do you think that only after 2.5 years we are talking about the restoration of missiles of our own production, or that there will be more, why we could not to do this with the beginning of the great war in ukraine? well, first of all, i thank you for such a description, but i know that basically there are no people in the world. which knows everything about everything and everything, and now, in fact, the process of producing missiles, especially missiles, surface-to-surface, tactical, and above all non-tactical, we were engaged sometime after the 10th year, and in 2014, for example, on the sapsan program from the general staff, i was responsible for the implementation of this program. it was quite difficult,
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the krymlivsk agency was very powerful here in ukraine, and that is why these programs were opened, closed, stopped funding, and all kinds of things, so they acted in such a way that they did not advance. we had several directions, we know that they were successfully moving forward, for example, the neptune program, here are some more, and i wanted to. would like to remind that a missile program was adopted in the 22nd year, which is working and moving forward in different directions, i.e. no one shows the exams here anymore, so why not as quickly as we would like, i already mentioned this in passing, how the leaders who held ministerial positions in our country influenced it. the defense, the heads of the sbu, and so on,
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in the leadership, the pro-russians did their dirty work, unfortunately, and that is why they slowed it down for years , and now all this has to catch up with the situation, it is being done, funds are invested, when there is not enough, you see , the decision is appropriate to strengthen this, and so i think that in the near ... way, if not happen some force majeure, we will also see the consequences of such work, the enemy will also feel it directly, because such complex weapons as missile weapons require funds, time, development of the military-industrial complex, our military science, all this in a complex and difficult organizational work. is not being carried out as
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quickly as we would like, but i am sure that we will achieve our goal. well, the goal here is only one, so that our missiles fly towards the russian federation, because our western partners continue to say that we do not have the right to use their weapons on territory of the russian federation, as now the spokesman of the state department, matthew miller, stated that the presence of f-16 fighter jets cannot. the position of the united states of america regarding strikes on the territory of russia. let's hear what matthew miller had to say. my answer has not changed. we continue to look at the needs of the ukrainian military, assess the security situation and try to respond to their needs. and this is a process that has been going on since the very beginning to this day. in this way, we make appropriate decisions about weapons that we provide to ukraine, as well as regarding. restrictions,
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if any, that we impose on the use of these weapons. mr. general, how does the presence of the f-16 change our positions on the front line and in general in the ukrainian sky? it is clear that these are the latest, compared to our planes, the newest planes, although they were in use, obviously, but these are the planes that will usher in a new era of ukrainian aviation. what does this era bring to ukraine? while the situation on the front line does not change, the change of the situation is really in the air, because their pilots are being adapted to our theater of war, they must to gain experience, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is done in such a way that we do not lose these planes, such. conflict
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of interests, since this aircraft was developed as a light anti-aircraft defense fighter, but it also has a universal. the characteristics of destroying ground targets, i.e. performing the application as an attack aircraft, relative to the long-range anti-aircraft defense, it is already operational, i.e. it works, can work and works on aerodynamic targets, which include aircraft, helicopters, rockets and drones devices, but in the conditions that we currently have in ukraine. it operates on cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles, well, as there were reports from other various sources regarding the fact that it had already participated for such purposes, and this is good, because the enemy is improving and
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they have modernized cruise missiles, we remember strike 8 july ahmadet and not only around the capital, and cruise missiles were already used there. which passed through our air defense more effectively than it happened before, and if you act from above, if this kind of means air attack, as the f-16 can do, and also provide it with reporting and management information, necessary for this, it is necessary to connect the saab long-range reconnaissance aircraft. and management, then they can show very high efficiency in the performance of these anti-air defense tasks, they will gradually, well, the number is definitely not enough, but our engineering and technical
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staff at the airfields will also gain experience, and this is not one airfield, but several, it's not only airfields, that is they use everything they do, by the way, and here... on the soviet aircraft of our fleet, that is, they too, and perform their tasks in very difficult conditions, when the number and even the quality of the aircraft of the russian aerospace forces prevail many times over of the armed forces of the russian federation, and therefore it is necessary to acquire experience and pilots, the engineering and technical staff of the executive. these tasks and gradually we will approach the fulfillment of tasks directly on the contact line and beyond it is our main goal in the struggle at the present time air is the destruction of seeds in guided
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air bombs, and this can be done or taken down by medium-long- range missile systems such as the patriot and those or by improved aircraft. 4+ generations are such as the f16, but i say once again taking into account the appropriate information support, because the characteristics of the russian su 30s and 35s aircraft are better than the f-16, which means that air aviation assets also have ranges to 300 km, for example, and unfortunately, the russians have already established such a world year. a record for what the 31st could, er, used a r-37 missile and shot down our mig-29 at a range of 213 km. the medium-range missiles that are still provided to us by the americans
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and the 120 are 105 km, well, they can increase it to 180, but there is still a difference, and in order to be effective in these conditions... everything is still effective, once again i emphasize that a control and reconnaissance zone should be formed over ukraine with these two swedish planes, and even better, together with the poles, they also have one, and they are heavy in such and such zones. thank you, mr. general, it was ihor romanenko, the founder of the charity fund for the crimea of ​​the sky of ukraine, lieutenant general, former deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. throughout our broadcast, friends, we conduct polls, we ask you. about whether telegram is a source of information for you, the intermediate results of this survey: 28% - yes, 72% - no. there are discounts until independence day navizyn, 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. when you sleep on
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20% imodium discounts until independence day at travel bam and savings pharmacies. there are discounts until independence day on normoven tablets, 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. big ether vasyl. for the winter, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many , as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day two hours, the big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening at espresso that... a week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna
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yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso.
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congratulations, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, and in in this program we will talk about the following. a large exchange of prisoners between russia and the west. irreconcilable geopolitical rivals demonstrate the ability to negotiate. can they agree on an end to the war in ukraine? telegram ban. the parliament
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believes that the state has neither the ability nor the resources to regulate the work of social networks, can they close the most popular information platform in ukraine? informal parliamentary holidays, a month-long break in the meetings of the verkhovna rada. are people trying? deputies, to achieve what was promised consensus regarding the prohibition of the russian church. that's all we'll talk about for the next 45 minutes, though. i would like to remind our viewers and viewers that we are not only live on the channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether telegram is a source of information for you, it means a platform, an information platform
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telegram, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own separate opinion, please leave it in the comments. below this video, if you watch us on tv, take your expensive smartphone or phone and vote for the numbers, if telegram is your source of information 0800 211 381, not 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is viktoria syumar, people's deputy of ukraine from of european solidarity, member of the verkhovna rada committee on issues. of anti-corruption policy, ms. victoria, i welcome you, thank you, something for our broadcast. oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, chairman of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary, interparliamentary cooperation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. thank you, good evening. and yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine from the vote,
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head of the parliamentary committee on issues freedom of speech, mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening. well, ladies and gentlemen, as much as we ask our viewers and tv viewers whether telegram is a source of information for them, i will ask you this too, whether telegram is a source of information for you, whether you use telegram and whether it is for you, well, it is important, i would say so, ms. victoria, you know, i use it in order to probably better understand this phenomenon, to understand why... it is so popular, and i understand very well how convenient this messenger is, how fast it is, and how much, let's say, information is of most interest to ukrainians, in particular, information about what is flying where, and where it has arrived, well, information that should actually be controlled by the ukrainian
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security forces, the ukrainian special services, and this same information is today in telegram, and this is exactly the moment for me with... we will discuss it , please just answer briefly in blitz format now, mr. oleksandr, this is definitely what i use, i am subscribed to, for example, the new york times, the washington post and, by the way, the bbc also, i think it is very convenient, and i receive information from foreign sources thanks to telegram. thank you, mr. yaroslav, i am subscribed to bbc. new york times and washington post, cnn, and other channels in whatsapp, i removed from telegram everything that is parallel in more secure networks, and threat monitoring is now in whatsapp, i have a channel in telegram only
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to no fake channel was created in... my own so that some misinformation is not spread on my behalf. in fact, the most logical, the most logical reaction ukrainians in relation to telegram is to view accounts from this network, which is totally controlled by the federal security service of russia. well, that means you have a verified channel, right? exactly. see, that's why we 're asking about it. because nikita poturaev, your colleague, the head of the parliamentary committee on information policy, in an interview with rbc ukraine, called the government's use of the telegram platform for communication with society a mistake and spoke in favor of regulating the activities of this platform, which he says, i see no other option but lose is not that information war, and war in general, except to write a fairly simple bill,
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the essence of which will be that either networks or platforms establish a dialogue with the ukrainian state. or the state simply closes them, he says that these networks should be turned off as it was with vkontakte there, with vkontakte and classmates, ms. victoria, you have experience in closing these two vkontakte platforms by classmates, when you were the deputy secretary of radvez of ukraine, you dealt with this issue as far as i remember, and at that time these two platforms were closed, why... you can't do the same with telegram despite its popularity and despite the fact that we all use or follow uh, how they inform about... shelling or how shaheds fly uh ukraine, or we receive messages through this e-er, through this information platform, this is not a messenger, an information platform,
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please, but it is possible, in fact, it is possible to do it this way, as it was actually done through such a toolkit as the national security and defense council , since it is a russian messenger, no problems that would stand on there are no obstacles, there are none, and what nikita peturaev says... today, he says, i would say, even a liberal opinion, he says that, well, let's at least establish a dialogue and allow us to work in ukraine , well verified telegram channels, let's at least see the ownership structure of each telegram channel, yes there should be at least some minimal transparency and minimal regulation, regulation is critical actually, you know facebook, it regulates a lot of content, youtube regulates a lot a lot of content. and that it's absolutely normal if you live in an information world where fakeness is total then you can't not regulate because you'll just
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suffocate, we live in an information dump, forgive me, i just can't call it anything else, when anyone can produce any lie, and well, hundreds of thousands of people, or millions of people have access to it, and you just can't even challenge it, because this... it's just, you don't know who to report to, you don't know, who is behind this telegram channel, it's a crazy absolute story, it says about the fact that the ukrainian state generally refuses to be a subject in the information sphere, and moreover, allows to be a subject of russian rules, because the rules of telegram, which allow everything, violence, pornography, any content, and at the same time. .. well, with regard to russia, there is information
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that russian propaganda has created a network of 800 telegrams, for this it distracts from telegram channels and from the air, mr. victor. but it's great, look, russian propaganda says, created a network, and nova gazeta does not write about it in a network of 800 telegram channels to spread the influence of the kremlin abroad, but in this situation, mr. oleksandr, obviously those who are in favor of telegram, or who for whom this tool in the phone is convenient, everything comes very quickly, communicates with... relatives, relatives you see the whole picture, or you adjust this information picture day and night, as you want, compared to what
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the united states of america is doing, they say that the united states of america closed the chinese tik tok there, and the russians are now closing youtube or restrict access to google, that is, where is the line between what does not contradict democracy and the line. where are national interests and where is national security, and it must be protected? well, of course, it is necessary to solve this issue not only from a technical point of view. i, for example, do not know to what extent it is possible to do this technically, but, by the way, there are already such precedents, you mentioned, and i believe that it was done correctly, we should also, perhaps, borrow this example, regarding the telegram channel , it seems to me... it seems here, especially during the war, it should be considered the question is from the angle of national security, that is, it is not only about freedom of speech, about freedom of communication, but also, first of all, about
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national security, security, and if it is justified from this point of view, then an appropriate decision must be made. thank you, mr. oleksandr, mr. yaroslav, i know that there have already been discussions about telegram in your parliamentary committee, and that's it. the question is not new at all, because for the past six months, as far as i remember, we have been returning to this topic in our broadcasts , including what prevents us from doing something radical as you say, that is, to take and cut down, relatively speaking, this and that information platform and put an end to the existence of a large amount of content that is thrown by the russian. power in telegram for ukrainians? war is always a struggle between what is convenient and what is necessary.
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er, in fact, many leaders of military units simply forbade servicemen to use telegram, tiktok, transfer them to signal, whatsapp, as the most protected, ah, relatively, of course, yes, as far as we can tell, and social networks or networks with exchanges, exchange of messages, at the same time, actually in the rear we have a dis. that is, we can choose convenient and safe, and unfortunately, the vast majority of ukrainians choose safe, why? because safe, dangerous, and convenient, yes, now it is also used by the authorities, that is, in this case, the authorities give such a symbol that please use it, yes, maybe we have questions, but they are not critical, and it
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sounds strange, when... you and i read a telegram about that danger in the gur telegram or in the telegram to the official telegram of the service security of ukraine, and when our special services find a mechanism to block the most active russian publics, on the same day they disable the vast majority of bots built on the telegram network itself, which are used by our state structures, this is a very clear symbol that... there is no compromise between security and actual convenience in war, and if we want to be protected in war, we need to choose what guarantees security, do we have examples when social networks went into contact and opened a representation in in ukraine, they opened a property system, implemented monitoring mechanisms,
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and... there is an example of viber, in our country, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, this network was the most controversial from the point of view of the actual penetration of russian disinformation, now there are questions about the security of the data that we transfer to of this network, but the network opened a representative office in kyiv as quickly as possible and responds to our requests, there is youtube, there is meta, that is, whatsapp. facebook, which, even if not more quickly, but actually with certain questions, and from ours side, yes, here, but they are responding, there are telegram, tiktok, which are trying to work in this area, and we have, in fact, either a response mechanism at the level of official authorities, and it should be quite prompt, or...
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the so-called media literacy, when we just explain, and i thank the espresso channel itself for explaining to your listeners, to your viewers, that friends, it is very important to understand, telegram is a russian network, and therefore to give it your own private data is to put for the safety of all who know you surround, well, and you in the first place, and why are we not ready now? to make such decisions as the national security and defense council proposed at one time and took, in fact, during the times when victoria syumar and i had the honor of working in the national security and defense council, and it seems to me that we very often try to live in the reality of a non-belligerent country, and what we are periodically shelled by all cities, well, there are no cities in ukraine. perhaps
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with the exception of uzhhorod, but still, in the transcarpathian region, it flew to the volovets region, no matter which was attacked, and in at the same time, to tolerate a network that most likely has relations and has a clear subordination to the russian special services, just because it is somehow more convenient, well, in principle, this is simply a matter of a lack of desire. to survival, we now have a very popular rhetoric of recovery, we have a very popular rhetoric that we have to think about what will happen after the war, friends, we have to survive in the war, and in the information war, telegram, tiktok are weapons, which is used against us if you are subscribed and do not block sensitive in principle, important material you provide to these...
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networks, you are most likely helping.


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