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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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you dozens of su-34 because of the prohibition of the united states of america to strike on the territory of the russian federation. how do you assess the deployment of these hostilities on the territory of the russian federation, but the special operations that we are conducting, how successful are they, how sufficient are they, how much are they being improved, how do you, as a professional, look at it? well, look, it is clear that they are improving, because we saw what happened in morozivka, we saw the quality of the strikes, and that not only equipment was destroyed there, but also ammunition, i hope that the strikes we are carrying out on the oil refineries of the russian federation are also being improved, the last information was that we could fly there already 200 km away, so everything possible... with
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the help of our military equipment, which is exclusively ours and based on our developments, to do something, then we do it, as for the other permission to use military equipment and ammunition against the ammunition of our partners, well, unfortunately, i think that sometime years after the end of this war. uh, one of the historians put it valid questions, i don't know if there will be answers to them, why they did exactly that and why we came to what we have. in your opinion, why do our western partners still restrain ukraine, they want to conduct a dialogue with the russian federation, as we see during the exchange of russian oppositionists for killers and spies, and this dialogue is visible.
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is conducted between the interstate or between special services, they do not want to lose this dialogue, they are afraid of the ungovernability of the russian federation, they are afraid that the russian federation will use nuclear weapons, or is there any logical explanation why ukraine is not allowed to use western weapons for strikes on the territory of the russian federation? they do not want the complete destruction of russia, they fear the destruction of russia, they do not understand. what will happen after russia starts to fall and they really fear that the nuclear weapons will be out of control. if somebody from russia took responsibility, said i'm in control of nuclear weapons, and i'm not going to let them spread over there, i don't know, to other newly independent states, i think the west would bet on that person, and the collapse of russia and the completion of all these processes.
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which began here at the beginning of the 20th century, ended peacefully, and yes, the situation will go on such a rapid, heartbreaking, and it is not known how it can really end, until the west understands that russia in the form in which it is , this is not a partner and not a negotiating party, uh, it ’s not even a state, i don’t know, a conglomerate until... from then on, we will have such a situation, two steps forward, four steps back, two steps to the side, and so on the dance around russia will continue. these dances, mr. general, continue, and i don't know whether you believe the information spread by the russians, in particular through deputy foreign minister serhiy ryabkov, that the ukrainians were preparing an assassination attempt on vladimir putin on the day of the russian navy.
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of the federation on july 28, but on july 12 belousov , the minister of defense of russia, called lloyd austin, the secretary of defense of the united states of america, asking him not to beat ukrainians during the military parade in st. petersburg and not to arrange an assassination attempt on putin, a fragment of what ryabkov said , now we will listen, могу казать, что... i can say that according to some signs, the signal directed from the russian side to washington, and as i understand it, reached not only washington, but also some other capitals controlled by washington, we avoided a new round of escalation, mr. general, can we trust what the russians say? listen, well, this is
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an information operation of the russian federation, which was based exclusively on their information, and exclusively on what they say, well, listen, who cares. in the security system and understands who is responsible for what, well, which one the meaning of talking to the minister of defense austin, who what, what he can, he can call umerov at his level, and what about umerov, umerov supplies the armed forces with potatoes, not even always weapons, you understand, if it were a conversation, i don’t know gerasimov there with the head of the joint staff of the united states, well... understood that it would be a conversation with sirsky and sirsky was warned to listen, well, somehow stop something there, and you just know it, about nothing, this is confirmation of their narratives, that ukraine is under complete control of the united states, and for every call
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she makes any inquiries of russia there, which can affect the united states, this is all bullshit and definitely not true, so i am calm. he was totally indifferent to that, especially to the fact that someone there was going to beat him with drones, well, those are his personal problems. mr. general, i have already mentioned this exchange that took place between the russian federation and the western countries last week, this backdoor diplomacy, or these backroom negotiations, do they indicate that... russia and our western partners still conduct many negotiations behind the scenes and they are in contact with moscow, and the main thing is that those who sit in the kremlin, they can, if they need it, agree on something with our
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western partners, and this, this also then gives answers to the questions, what, what is happening in general, and why... russia constantly, well , plays, roughly speaking, crazy and constantly talks about the fact that we will destroy the whole world, we will use nuclear weapons and we will destroy ukraine until then until we destroy it, that is after all, this exchange shows that the western partners and the russians can conduct a dialogue and agree on something, it does not mean anything, you understand, we... with the same, with the same things, we can recall the exchanges, which started in 1952, still under stalin, you know, and then they continued on the exchange of spies, on the er bridge between the zones
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of west and east germany, it does not prove anything, it just shows that there are contacts , they really exist, there is a telephone connection, they even contacted each other the hottest uh... these phases and uh , it was unpleasant that there were no ukrainian e-prisoners there, but this just proves that no one talked about ukraine without ukraine, that is, everything is happening there, no, no, they did not contact putin , what putin expressed a desire is his desire, the intelligence agencies contacted, contacted from one side of syru, the mediator was the turks, and they went to... the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation to the gur of the russian federation to the fsb and agreed that they had agreed , yes, this was an unprecedented special operation, because for the first time since the disappearance of the soviet
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union, not citizens of the country were exchanged for citizens of other countries, but political prisoners were exchanged, no matter how they were sentenced there. who had no citizenship other than russian, it was such an interesting situation, but it always happens in the world, and i believe that this is one of the elements of the fact that there are contacts, yes, there are contacts, well, what should we do, we are on them we cannot influence. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, this was major general of the sbu reserve viktor yagun. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and on ... for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, like this video and vote in our poll, today we ask you about this, do you think there are good russians useful for ukraine, yes, no, it's on
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youtube, or yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv , pick up your smartphone or phone and vote by numbers. 0 800 211 381 if among good russians you think are useful for ukraine no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers. are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have volodymyr tsibulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, mr. volodymyr, kurshchyna is on fire, and the ministry of defense of the russian federation and putin are simple frightened by what is happening. on the border of the sumy and kurt regions, suzhan district, 11 settlements, suja, ukrainians
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are moving towards kurchatov, where the kurdistan nuclear power plant is located, the gas distribution station located in suja, which in principle controls all exports of russian gas to europe through ukraine is under . control of the defense forces of ukraine, in your opinion, can such raids and similar operations change the attitude of the russians to the war and influence the course of events at the front. well, actually, the only one the unifying idea of ​​the russian population is russian television, and if russian... television has now begun to lose its position very much, then what remains is a set of
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telegram channels, and a completely defragmented post-russian empire, relatively speaking, because taking into account demographic changes in the population of the current russian federation, we can say that almost a third of the population of russia. there will be citizens of non-slavic origin, so to say that there is some unifying idea in russia is obviously putin and his ideologues it was expected that the attack on ukraine would unite the feeling of victory and great power, create a new russian identity, but now, in the third year of the war, the population is starting directly. to get, so to speak, all the goodies from this war, we have the fact that they
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are being robbed by russian troops, there is so much evidence that russian troops, fleeing from the territory of kurshchyna, manage to enslave their own population, and the government also behaves in such a way that it is essentially abandons these people arbitrarily, without coordinating the opportunity for them to leave, to leave the territory before the offensive ukrainian well, sometimes it seems to me that the russian government behaves the way the ukrainian government behaved in the kyiv region in february 22. well, but to me, but actually i suspect that she behaves much worse. but here is the reaction of the russian authorities, the russian leadership led by putin, who wanted to take kyiv in three days so much that they are now surrendering their own... villages and cities, and this war has already spilled over the border of ukraine, into the territory
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of the russian federation, about what does this show? this shows the failure of putin, the complete failure of putin, because he is talking about some as he says, provocations on the part of the ukrainian side, although these are not provocations, it is a war that would come to the territory of the russian federation, and he probably had a terrible dream... he could not imagine such a thing, well, the peculiarity of the current, current the offensive of the kyiv nasuju on the suzhansky district, because it is no longer a russian volunteer corps, but ukrainian troops, and this is a direct reaction, that is, a war, well, no, you can't tie some armed forces to the territory, and others will still be walking around on the territory of ukraine in... conventionally speaking, like a buffet, that means ukrainian troops will walk around the territory
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of russia as if on a buffet, after all, that is , the situation with the replenishment of ammunition, with the ordering of troops, the finding of serious weapons, the latest ones, allowed the ukrainian army to create tension in a completely unexpected direction, and the most important thing is that this is a similar mirror situation with a gift of energy, because... there are some 20 km left to the city of korchatov, and there is a prospect that ukrainian troops will surround the kurdish nuclear plant. and this means that then an object of trade is created novkola energodar, that is, in essence, what is the seizure of the kursk nuclear power plant and the blackout of the south of russia, this is, in my opinion, from, for example, this kurdish magnetic anomaly and the entire
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pond smelting industry, which is ... the novolypitsk metallurgical plant is the plant that currently supplies the most steel to the russian army, so the suppression of such production will lead to a super effect of such a domino effect, where not only the population will be without electricity, but most importantly, most importantly, the industry the russian defense finds itself without ... electricity and stops, this is a very strong move, to be honest, here is the reaction of john kirby, the head of the white house national security council, to what is happening in kurshchyna, he says that the united states the americans have not changed their policy on allowing ukraine
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to use american weapons to counter immediate threats arising on the other side of the border. and that they will contact their ukrainian colleagues for a better understanding of the situation in the kurt region, but absolutely it is obvious, mr. volodymyr, that without its own missiles, without its own capabilities, missile capabilities, it will be difficult for ukraine to strike at military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, destroy ammunition warehouses, strike at russian airfields, zelenskyi. last week announced that there will be even more domestically produced missiles in ukraine, because yesterday he held a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and, according to zelenskyi , additional funding was directed to the missile program by the decision of the party. let's listen to what zelensky said.
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also today, a decision was made at the pond regarding our missile program. to increase funding, and separately the minister of defense reported on the provision of weapons to our brigades and the corresponding negotiations with partners. i am grateful to everyone in the world who is really ready to support us in exactly the way it is necessary to achieve results both at this time and in the future. i would like to say, it is good that in the third year of the great war, everything... such a rate of the supreme commander-in-chief made a decision regarding ukrainian missiles, but these missile programs, they started back in during poroshenko's presidency, but were suspended in 2019, why do you think such decisions were made then, and if they are wrong, then who should be responsible for these
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mistakes? well, the military-politician should be responsible for that. the leadership and the commander-in-chief personally, the fact is that during poroshenko's time, ukraine produced 600 missiles a year, 600 missiles, well, these are ptursy, these are aviation missiles, they are quite well-known (r27, in my opinion, r-10, such missiles). that is, the line was quite wide, and we have two design bureaus, who were engaged construction, it is of course our southern, pivdenmash factory, and there the design bureau is responsible, and it is , of course, the promin design bureau, or as the term luch is used. so, i want to remind you that in the 19th year, uh, more precisely in
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the 20th year, purchases and state orders for... the luch prom enterprise were completely stopped, already on the 20th in my opinion, on the fourth of december 23rd the bankruptcy of the ee promin enterprise was announced, and in my opinion, criminal cases were opened against the chief designer at the same time korostanyov, how it correlates now with zelenskyi's statements, i don't know, but... "if zelenskyi is sincere, then all the criminal prosecution against korostelov should at least be stopped, and all those who organized the persecution of korostelov and the ban, well, they will give up." er, make state orders for products, er, beams, they should all be brought to criminal responsibility, i want to remind you
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that among these products the neptune rocket is famous, and now, by the way, it was korostelov and his designers who turned an anti-ship missile, a cruise missile for strikes on ground targets and... the last strikes that took place, for example, in the kuban on objects and in the voronezh region, well, the enemy claimed that ukraine used neptune missiles, i.e. obviously they are starting to appear, because when you analyze different publics, well, well, i counted more than 20 cases of the use of neptune missiles, at least, maybe it is not confirmed by something, but ... there were mentions in the media, that is, it is obvious that, that some the spoiling is happening, i believe the real inspiration for kb promin is the very
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deployment of production of anti-ship missiles neptune together with romania. romania agreed to cooperation, romania became interested in this type of weaponry, which showed itself, so to speak. not far from the territorial waters of romania, and they realized that this type of weapon is quite suitable for them, and they are ready to cooperate in the production and equip their armed forces with this type of missiles. mr. volodymyr, another topic that will be relevant in the next six months is the presidential election in the united states america, on august 7, kamala garis should be officially nominated by the democrats. party for the elections, she has already decided on a vice president who will fight
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for the presidency together with her, and accordingly for the vice presidency, this is tim walsh, he is 60 years old, he grew up in nebraska, served in the national guard for 24 years, and after the start of a full-scale invasion, tim walls supported ukraine and declared publicly that he was ready to help ukrainian refugees. at the same time , the candidate for vice president of the united states of america jay divens, who is from trump under during a pre-election event in pennsylvania, said that ukrainians do not have enough soldiers who can fight, and also repeated trump's thesis that russia would never invade ukraine if he were president. let's hear what vance had to say. if you want to bring peace to this region, you... is there anyone here? obviously, we're among a biased crowd right now, but does anyone here think
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that vladimir putin respects kamala garis? she is afraid of all of you, and she will definitely not be able to sit down with vladimir putin and promote an acceptable peace. mr. volodymyr, too much talk about who will sit down at the transition table kalagarish or donald trump and who will be more... more successful in negotiations with the president of russia, if these negotiations take place, but i am interested in the attitude of kamala harris and donald trump towards volodymyr zelenskyi in this situation, because with coming to the presidential chair was already a scandal, when volodymyr zelenskyi spoke with donald trump on the phone, then this phone conversation became the reason for the impeachment procedure against trump to be announced for the conversation. on providing assistance to ukraine in exchange for investigation into the burisma case involving biden's son, joseph biden
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hunter. zelensky also has a difficult relationship with kamalo garis, if you believe the publication in time magazine and simon schuster, because at the munich security conference in 2022 , before the large-scale invasion, zelensky and garis had such a tense relationship. as simon writes, a conversation about how ukraine should respond to threats of an attack by the russian federation. in your opinion, to what extent are these personal, personal misunderstandings that zelensky once had with trump and garis can influence the relations between ukraine and the united states of america. well, after biden , none of the politicians. will not be a good grandfather or a good grandmother for zelensky, this is an obvious fact, the fact is that trump
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in general is so sick of the mention of zelensky, he defeats himself at the same time, but he perfectly understands that zelensky is the one, well that story with the impeachment, and he, well , trump definitely has no trust in zelenskyi and his entourage, i want to remind you that at one time, giuliani, the former mayor of new york and trump's lawyer, came to kyiv and organized. the criminal case against mr. biden and mr. poroshenko because of a coma, two people suspected of treason, derkachi dubinsky, who made public the falsified tapes, now dubinsky is an investigator in an isolation cell, the nuclear master is generally running for the federation council of the russian federation, the upper
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ward from astrakhan, and this burden lies on the administration of zelensky, do not trust trump, let alone harris, kamala harris, she, well, what is special about her, her whole life is connected with the case with the prosecutor's office, she was the general prosecutor, and during the conversation with her zelenskyi in munich, she spoke as her prosecutor... and as a defender of her president, with the person who organized the criminal prosecution of her president, that is what is special, because zelensky organized the criminal prosecution of biden in ukraine , together with petro poroshenko, i.e., these fake tapes were organized against the two of them, and
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the story with these fake tapes... did not end, because neither dubinsky was convicted, derkach was somehow released from the country, well, i i remember other characters who also, let's say , poisoned the relationship between ukraine and the usa, but now zelenskyi finds himself in a situation where he will have to answer to kamala for all his and... and she, she looks like a prosecutor at zelenskyi, like a prosecutor at the criminal, that is, the accused, or rather, well, you know, she looks not only at zelensky like this, but also at trump, because trump has a lot of criminal cases, in fact, so it is a very interesting situation here, because the vice president is obviously ours will be the curator of ukraine, as biden was at one time in
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obama, curator of ukraine. and this is very good, because there is a danger of lowering relations, and then the curator of relations with ukraine can be the secretary of state, we have, mr. volodymyr, we will monitor this, we have to finish our program, we will continue in other programs about the elections in the united states of america, which is still ahead a lot will be interesting, thank you for the conversation, it was political expert volodymyr tsibulko. friends, during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about this, whether there is a medium. good russians, useful for ukraine. let's look at the intermediate results of our survey: 17% - yes, 83 - no, these are the results of a television survey. in 15 minutes we will return to the studio, we will have viktor boberenko and igor reiterovych, viktor boberenko from sumy. he will tell what is happening in sumy oblast next to kursk oblast. bbc news ahead, don't switch, wait for us.
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fighting on the territory of the kurdish region of russia. the russian authorities declare: "repelling the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine. but ukraine does not comment on this. what is known, this is on the bbc live broadcast. london, i am yevgenia shedlovska. second day in russian fighting is taking place in the border region of the kursk region. moscow assures that they have stopped, as they claim, the advance of the ukrainian military. such a video from eyewitnesses appeared on local telegram channels. it shows aircraft and burning equipment further down the road. the bbc verified this video and translated it.


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