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tv   [untitled]    August 8, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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child tracing services in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are looking for six-year-old sashko hrytsenko. i have already told the story of this boy, also from the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region, in previous programs. the child was abandoned by his mother. and now sashka is trying to find his father, who is in an uncontrolled part of ukraine. we talked with the man and now i will tell all the details of this frankly shocking. so, when the full-scale war began, little sashko lived with his mother and his husband's grandmother in the city of lysychansk. this one the territory was occupied almost from the first days. at the beginning of last year, the child's mother left home and left her. with his old
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great-grandmother, with my own grandmother, yes, this is my great-grandmother, with my grandmother, it was a long time ago, probably somewhere in the 23rd year for sure, it is the beginning of the 23rd year, i found out because of this, maybe she left him earlier at the will of my sick grandmother, she left the house, the boy was taken care of by his great-grandmother for a long time, and soon the elderly woman died and the child was taken away by the social services in the occupied territory, sasha was immediately taken out of lysichansk, this... everything happened about a year ago, the service came and took the child away, after that i knew where he was, what he was, well, i relatively knew what he was there, based on rumors, gossip, well, such that he was somewhere in alchevsk , then he was transported to luhansk, and then his whereabouts are unknown, so i will look for him, is the child still in the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region, or has the boy been taken to russia, so far it has not been possible to find out the father, man, of course went to the police, but so far... has
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no leads to find out where he is six-year-old son. i'm looking for my child, hrytsenko oleksandra oleksiyovych, i'm asking someone out there who cried for him, if anyone can tell by the omens, who will be suitable, boy, please be a weasel, i will be very grateful to you. i appeal to everyone who sees this video, especially to the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look carefully at the photo of sashko hrytsenko. the guy looks 6-7 years old. he is thin, about 110-115 cm tall. he has straight light blond hair, an oval face and brown eyes. he is very kind, child, he is very attracted to people. if there was anything he liked, it was to play there, well, like all children, but this child has the status of cerebral palsy, he could not pronounce such wordings there , if that makes any sense. sashko has a medical
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diagnosis of cerebral palsy, which is why he cannot always formulate his thoughts clearly, but he is very sensitive and reaches out to people. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, immediately call the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the offender. stopcrime ua. there are discounts until independence day on
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detoxyl 15% tablets at psyllanyk bam and oskad pharmacies. the book of women at war is a joint project of espresso tv channel and duh publishing house and letter the book is based on the reports of khrystyna parubiy, the tv presenter. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, looking for. 10% at the pharmacies psylszynyk, bam and ochad, there are discounts until independence day on troxevasingel, 15% at the pharmacies psyslynyk bam and ochad. big ether.
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my colleagues will talk about the most important thing, airtime, two hours of your time, me and two hours to learn about the war, about military frontline, component, serhiy zgurets, and what the world lives on. yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money, in wartime. oleksandr morchavka field with me and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news. alena chekchenina, our art viewer, is ready to tell, good evening. the host, who has become like a dream for many, is already ready next to me talk about the weather this weekend. and. distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. see
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this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. contest to the constitutional court. where did the candidates get their valuables from? the state is looking into my life, my wallet, for what reasons, and how did the contestant receive a conclusion of dishonesty for the second time. i admitted her mistakes that were made in the previous competition. on thursday , august 8, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers. on the air of the espresso tv channel, the west studio program. we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular we will talk about the use of drones as tools for organizing political murders, but the key topic of our conversation is the different interpretations in the so-called peace plans, and of course we will
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analyze what our enemy is preparing. today's west studio guests are mark feigen and daniel frith. now the legendary american will be on the air of the tv channel. diplomat, former coordinator of the united states state department on sanctions policy, a person who can be called the flesh of american diplomacy. glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador, frit, glad to see you. glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. well, the key story is the huge election drama in the united states. this is how we understand that an extremely important change has taken place the main candidate from the democrats. we in ukraine have sympathy. to the democratic camp, of course, far from everyone and we cannot express this matter publicly, but president joseph biden allowed us to withstand the russian invasion, russian aggression, we appreciate it, yes, but we just don't know what to expect from donald trump, and even if
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we do know, we don't like this story to the end, but in any case, in the united states, the race is on the front line, activation. enemy, so in your opinion, what do the ratings show and what will ukrainian be like? kemela politics, i don't know vice president harris very well, but i do know her national security advisor, phil gordon. we have known each other for several years, judging by her speeches and what i know about phil gordon, kamal garis in the position of president... will continue the support of ukraine from the us. there is no doubt about that, as vice president kamala garis met with president zelensky days before the full-scale invasion. she took part in the munich security conference in 2022 and also met him there. they
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also had joint meetings later. i will say that this year's speech by garis at the munich security conference is worth re-reading. it seems to me that in the... fits into the american tradition of supporting the free world, which president biden said goes back to harry truman and ronald reagan, every president except maybe president trump has followed that strategy, and i'm sure that it it will also take over. dear mr. ambassador frith, and you have a feeling that everything is in world is so serious that one can seriously wait for the third world war to unfold. war, to what extent iran is interested in what is called the next stage of the third world war, we understand that some dictatorships, such as the russian one, they do not have the opportunity to change the rules of the game in an economic way, they tried to change the rules of the game of the world chessboard with the help of
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weapons and aggression against ukraine, and they got bogged down in the war, so, accordingly, the emergence of fundamentally new additional format platforms from... death, when we talk about the middle east, it may be in the interest of those players who want to change the global decision-making system in general, and this is not about some possible new yalta. this is generally about changing the so-called post-yalta world, whether it is good or bad, but we live in it, yes, and when global disturbances begin in general, it can lead to consequences similar to those experienced by european and world humanity in 1914-1918 during the first world war. i do not think that iran is capable of acquiring status global player because as long as iran remains within its current
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political system, a theocracy, its economic development will be stunted and its industrial and business connections with the outside world will be limited. so iran will limit itself to what will be in the opposition, will supply weapons and drones to russia, and will also help russia and itself avoid sanctions. iran will not become a serious global player because of its economic. limitation, you mentioned the new yalta, that is , the international system, so the russians, and the chinese, and i think that the iranians would also like to see a world in which there are spheres of dominance, russia would have its own sphere, china would have its own, iran would have its own, and countries like ukraine would fall into the sphere of influence of one or another great power . america, in its years of wisdom, opposed such agreements. roosevelt went to yalta with stalin, but almost immediately regretted his action. harry truman would not have agreed to
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a soviet sphere of dominance in europe, not over poland or anywhere. therefore, i emphasize that the united states stands for free and an independent ukraine, able to choose its friends and its place in the world. russia wants, and the ukrainians know this well, for ukraine to belong to russia, that is, to completely rule over it. so, we have a clash of two worldviews. the problem with the russian view of the sphere of domination is the complete lack of stability, because russian domination over poland and ukraine would mean poverty, slavery and subjugation for these countries. the poles would not put up with this, the ukrainians would not put up with it either, and they have every right to do so. the world of empires and spheres influence is not a stable world, it is an unjust world, it is not prosperous. the usa, starting with woodrow wilson, strives and not without mistakes, tries to promote the idea
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of ​​a free world system, a system of rules, a system in which smaller countries are protected from aggression by larger ones. we simply know how it ended for the whole world when the united states did not ratify either the league of nations constitution or the corresponding changes on the european continent as a result of the american one. policies of isolationism, after 15 years hitler came to europe, well now hitler in one or another incarnation came much earlier, so we in ukraine are trying to stop him. mr. ambassador frith, at the same time, there are other stories about a possible second peace summit, certain plans are being heard, in particular, voiced by former secretary mike pompeo, and so on and so forth, that is, a certain process. is going on in the russian federation, for example, they expect the most, of course,
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the american elections, in which trump would win, and then they would start playing four eyes, yes, vladimir vladimirovich with donald fridrikhovich and so on, and we are also extremely worried about this in ukraine, this is a negotiating moment, how do you assess it now? it's good that you brought up mike pompeo's plan, because you've probably come to the conclusion that... there are different views within what i would call trump world. trump himself often advocates the division of the world like yalta for the division of spheres of influence, where he and putin will simply agree at the expense of a country like ukraine. however, in trump's world there are other personalities who advocate a more reaganite, so to speak, policy and greater support for ukraine. michael pompeo's article in the wall street journal. my opinion was an attempt to influence trump's world to support ukraine and move in a more
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reaganite direction. there are many things i disagree with in mike pompeo's article, and yet let's ask ourselves, is his plan overall a useful and effective approach to ukraine? i will answer that it is quite possible. i will repeat that i do not agree with everything, but the point is not that, the point is that mike pompeo is pushing back from supporting ukraine. which makes him closer to the administration biden than he himself would like to admit. however, it suits me. in trump's world, there are debates about these issues. i think it would be very... good if the representatives of the ukrainian government, the polish government and all the governments in europe would reach out to the people in trump's world and try to convince them that ukraine's business is also our business. the success of ukraine will also mean the success of the united states. so i think you are very apt to mention
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pompeo's plan, his article is not the only one, and yet it is much better than the plan proposed general keith. the starting point of which is a ceasefire on the current front lines, plus a us promise that ukraine will never join nato. this is undoubtedly a much weaker position, so i think pompeo's starting point is much better. this is just a debate, though: trump may or may not win the election, but it's good to see that in trump's world some are still advocating for, shall we say, a reaganite road map. indeed, the sanctions are not enough. the key story is forcing russia to sit down at the table of changes and change them or other parameters that they constantly sharpen. that is, all their negotiations are reduced to their ultimatums, and this means that they are not ready. and they hope that during this winter they
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will cause our people simply indescribable pain and indescribable suffering, and after that, of course, they... hope that ukraine will become more compliant, and various signals are coming, when many politicians there are saying, well, what everything depends on the ukrainian people, and when i hear this, i understand that it is to some extent pharisaism and cunning, yes, this story - this is the history of all civilized humanity, the repulsion of russian aggression with all available possible resources, but we see that it does not succeed to the end, i cannot understand. how to explain it, yes, because we are in ukraine, now the month of august has started, and we are already living and trying to understand what awaits us this winter. i agree that the democratic free world should increase economic pressure on russia and increase military aid to ukraine by intensifying the provision of weapons and lifting
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restrictions on their use. i think, ukraine should be limited. in the use of weapons only by the laws of war, which are mandatory for all civilized countries, but there should be no additional restrictions other than that, we should help ukraine and put more pressure on russia. as you said, this could change putin's negotiating calculations. now he is also waiting for the us elections. he may think that he can negotiate a better deal with trump. we can only speculate... but it's possible that this is exactly what he's counting on. if we increase the pressure on russia, if ukraine continues to successfully defend its territory and inflict heavy losses on the russians, if ukraine can continue strategic attacks on russian targets and, with the help of air defenses, limit the impact of russian strategic attacks on the ukrainian
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energy system, then the situation for ukraine may improve. ukraine has never refused negotiations, at the beginning of the summer it held a quite successful peace summit in switzerland. russia, as you say, is not interested in serious negotiations, it makes demands, which are deliberately too categorical to be taken seriously, but things can change. we in the free world must do what depends on us, and then we will see. i do not rule out any negotiations, but certainly not the americans... they should tell the ukrainians what and when to do, there is a proposal by mike pompeo, which we discussed with you, and there was a phrase about a five hundred billion loan lease for ukraine, we understand that it sounds very convincing, especially in ukraine, there are 500 billion dollars for weapons and so on and
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so forth, but there are also the realities of the united states, yes? how do you see the situation with the biden lendlease and whatever the situation would be, for example, with the trump lendlease or with some other lendlease, we understand that six months ago we were actually going through an extremely, extremely terrible situation, because we did not have the resources and the money for these resources , now the situation has improved, but, but this is war, war always devours and burns money. partly because trump and some of his entourage have said that we should lend ukraine money, not fund its defense just like that. now i think that under... detention of ukraine by giving it money for defense and giving it weapons to defend american interests. i support that position, but
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i'd also rather have a loan under the landless brand than have no help at all. so i think that's what mike pompeo is getting at. there is an additional source of support for ukraine, it is about 300 billion dollars of frozen russian assets. many europeans oppose the transfer of these funds, so they agreed to use the interest on this amount, which will accrue in 20 years, which is almost 50 billion dollars to help ukraine, and that's pretty solid, that's a really good step, and i think the details are being worked out right now, even though ukraine doesn't currently have access to the rest of these frozen finances, i'm sure the pressure will gradually increase. ultimately, i believe that us and european support for ukraine will continue, as it should, because it's in the interest of freedom, it's in
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the american interest, and i think it's in the european interest as well. plan b, in any situation there should be a plan b and a plan s. i do not believe that, for example, donald trump will become the president, but i cannot rule it out, and we understand that our... friends on the european continent are also seriously preparing, but we understand that one france or one germany , their willingness to support ukraine will not be enough, because this is a story not even only about money, it is a story about human resources, and we would really like to make the project successful, which 100 years ago in 1920 put the bolsheviks literally on the verge of survival. it is about the polish-ukrainian security alliance, in simple language, the pact between petliura and pilsudski. yes, unfortunately, it was
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not brought to the end, and we understand that the fault in this is not even only one or another political elites, it was a great fatigue after the first world war, everyone wanted to end the wars as soon as possible, and the polish national - democracy is also active. implemented her other plan. i believe that polish-ukrainian friendship and union are of crucial importance for the security of both countries and for europe as a whole. we can go back to the 17th century, when the inability of poland and zaporizhia's desire to cooperate ultimately played in favor of moscow. poland was and is a faithful and consistent friend of ukraine. the poles persistently push the american government and administration. biden to provide aid to ukraine. they do this both publicly and privately. the special ambassador of poland to ukraine, pavel kowal, is a long-time supporter
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of polish-ukrainian friendship. he has been friends with ukraine for many, many years, and there are many such poles across the political spectrum. there are historical issues between poland and ukraine, but you are absolutely right that pilsutskyi and petliura understood what was necessary. this need remains relevant to this day, and not only in the name of our own national interests, but also in the interests of european security and the entire free world. that is why i think that this tradition should be remembered and followed? and the last question, dear mr. ambassador, do you generally see the light at the end of the tunnel, as they say in ukraine? how this war will end is unknown, but there is a well-founded prospect of relative success for ukraine. if ukraine can keep its territory,
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to limit russian gains to a minimum and achieve very high losses for russia, this would indicate the potential for success. if ukraine can continue and intensify its strategic attacks on russian military facilities, and if it can limit. effectiveness of russian strategic attacks on ukrainian facilities, this will also indicate the potential for success. ukraine manages to practice successful attacks, especially on russian facilities in crimea. if she can maintain this momentum and if the event gives her necessary support, there is a reasonable prospect that russia will not be able to continue its war in ukraine. the minister of foreign affairs of poland said that ... in two years, the potential of russia may decrease, although this is a long time and not an easy prospect, and yet it is a potential outcome, you are asking about the light at the end of the tunnel, so it
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is not easy. expensive, but it is there. are there other options? yes, there is. we in the west, the united states and europe, have the opportunity to influence the outcome if we do our job and support ukraine as much as it's possible. if we put pressure on russia and give ukraine the weapons it needs, it could make putin either unwilling or unable to continue the war. it is not for me, as an american, to dictate what ukraine should do, instead, it is ukrainians who will have to make these decisions. by the way, i believe that the future of ukraine should be in nato, in order to prevent russia from agreeing on a ceasefire, and then regrouping its troops and attacking ukraine again. it is quite possible that ukraine will emerge from this war as a free, independent country, part of greater europe and a member of nato. russia
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may be…defeated in its attempt to conquer ukraine, which may have a profound and beneficial effect on russia itself. so, you ask if there is light at the end of the tunnel, the answer is yes, but there is a thorny road ahead. the tunnel is long and difficult, and you, without any experts, know that. however, i see a reasonable prospect of success. thank you very much, mr. ambassador frith, for this extremely important for us. i would like to remind all the conversation to our tv viewers that ambassador daniel frith was currently working on espresso, ex-coordinator of the united states state department on sanctions policy, a prominent american diplomat. there are discounts until independence day on karsil tablets 10% in psylslynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. in
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the august issue, the magazine krania will tell about the return from captivity, how is ukraine looking for its own? will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts, listen to the stories of soldiers who were captured. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts. to on independence day on valeriana bolgarska 10% in pharmacies plantain bam and oschadnik began to overcome allergies citrelev citylev neo protects against the most common allergens there are discounts until independence day on pills 10% in pharmacies psyllium bam and oschadnik verdict with serhiy
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rudenko from now on in the new. in an hourly format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on malice day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m., hundreds of thousands of square meters of damaged property, apartments... houses that need to be rebuilt, about the situation with recovery in different regions of ukraine, about people's rights, opportunities and personal experience. this is what olga's house looked like last year, and this is what it looks like now. i am not spending money at the moment. however, how to unite the country in the process of recovery in the project of the program of reconstruction and development of cities. every saturday at 18:30 at espresso.
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mark fegin, a member of the russian opposition to emigration, a well-known video blogger, ex-detat of the state duma, glory to ukraine, mark, glad to see you, glory to the heroes, glad to welcome all the viewers, congratulations anton, will be working on the tv channel now. the assassination attempt on ilya ponomaryev, so we understand that the enemy used shakhet this time, well, accordingly, this immediately raises many questions, and perhaps hints at many answers, when we talk about the so-called strange arrivals, and this, of course, can apply. not only the current situation, the near future, well, but in the kremlin in in any case, they added a note of water and do not say anything about it. as for the assassination attempt on ilya ponomarov, it was completely predicted, among the people whom the kremlin would like to destroy and the help of russian emigrants, oppositionists, ilya ponomarov occupies an honorable place, and he is not the only one, there are several others, and there is operational information that provide services
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that provide who are actively looking for ways to...


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