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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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you are the maximum number of people in the army, and no one hides this, we understand all this, but at the same time, of course, the task of the verkhovna rada is to ensure, well, basic civilian control, because i still think that one of our most important tasks is to ensure the guarantee rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, despite the state of war, a state of war is definitely a reason for limiting the rights of a person and a citizen, but cannot be a reason for violating the rights of a person. citizen and when, on the one hand, we allegedly agreed that we were calling for military service service since 25 years, and actually the special changes were voted back, you remember, in may 23, they just lay there for a year, well , not a year, there were 9 months, 10 months they lay with the president without his signature, but it was an agreement , this was our internal agreement, including with the military, because we try not to fantasize in the verkhovna rada, after all, to rely on the position of the military... command, now
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in fact there are inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the legislation, which really make it possible to call conscripts under the age of 25, which is probably not very right, and it's not exactly what we agreed on, at least at the level of parliamentary groups and factions, so the national security and defense committee voted on these changes, i understand it was this week, and i have feeling... i can't speak there from my faction yet, because it hasn't been discussed yet, i think next week there will be more detailed conversations about it, but i have a feeling that these changes will be voted on in the middle of august by the plenary session and will become law , that is, this one the gap will be corrected, so we have literally four minutes, but there are still several issues that should be discussed, well, at least to understand the direction of movement and the direction of events, money for the army, the head of the budget committee a few weeks ago
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, roksana pidlasa said about what can happen, that in september there will be a lack of funds to pay the salaries of the military, which have increased significantly, we understand this very well, as a result of the mobilization law, and where to look for money, this is a question of the government and the verkhovna rada is not here now should be involved in this, it is a very ugly story, the way the government and representatives of the monomajority formulate it, because it was discussed and discussed publicly since january of this year, it was. of course, when we voted on the state budget for the 24th year, because let me remind you, last year we spent somewhere around 1.8 trillion, there was even a little more, 1.6 trillion was laid down for this year, it was clear that there would not be enough money, it was clear that inflationary moments were working there, and the need for additional purchases, and weapons, and payments military, despite the fact that the total number of military personnel in the defense forces did not particularly decrease, i.e., it is time. so we
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lost contact, but still we have one more question, if we can now restore contact with mr. masachuk, restore contact, then we would still like to listen, well, really, no less people joined the defense forces, there were more of them, but of course people are injured, people die, but those people who die, they too, their families receive payments, the wounded should receive money for treatment, we understand that... the situation, but anyway, but please continue where you left off, i won't ask the question again, please, yes, sorry, there are some problems with the internet here, so it's not news that we don't there is enough money in the state budget since january of this year, from march-april this was discussed in detail several times, moreover, the figure was clearly mentioned that we lack at least uah 500 billion by the end of this year, but... unfortunately, the government does nothing i didn't
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do anything concrete all these months and put it off, put it off until at the last moment, and now they submitted some bill about raising taxes, but i have great doubts that this bill has any prospects and that the mono majority will manage to gather votes, and then what is the option, well, that is, if not on taxes, then what is the option , look, my position is very simple, in the third year of the war, at least the opposition, at least ... i and my colleagues from the voice have said dozens, if not hundreds of times that dear friends, there are huge areas of shadow business that you do not you can control and visited import has the largest, the largest segment of shadow money, gray imports, billions of hryvnias were not paid from the gambling business, they talked about this throughout the 22nd, from the 23rd they started paying a little more, now the situation seems to have stabilized a little there, black tobacco, shadow tobacco is generally fear and horror, sorry, but
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this issue still cannot be resolved somehow, although everyone knows who and how, where customs does it, yesterday or the day before yesterday , the ministry of finance presented j7, the next draft of the customs reform. but sorry, it's embarrassing because these are the same people who for the fourth year cannot bring order there, and they constantly promise reforms of the customs, that is, we claim, i claim, that the ministry of finance did not do its job and the ministry of economy did not do its job in order to collect the money that is in ukraine, and instead they say, let's raise taxes, there is definitely time to work, mr. andriy, time, unfortunately, has flown by, thank you very much for joining, thank you for taking the time and thank you for your expertise comments, i wish you success in your work. really time there is, but in any case, if a lot of shadow money goes into the pockets and is taken out and they are used to buy some real estate and so on and so on and so on and so on, then obviously you need to accumulate this money and, as they say , channeled into the military budget, it would probably
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be right, but we understood that money for the military would have to be found, but no matter who wants it, it will have to be found, because they defend our state, thanks to them we generally... live as a state ukraine is independent, but the issue of citizens, especially those who receive budget payments and her, well , i mean the salary in the budget and social payments, here the question is posed in such a way that obviously we will have to wait and, as they say, turn on the freeze mode, andrii pavlovsky, expert on social policy , mr. andriy, i congratulate you, i congratulate you and ours... yes, you know, i will make such a cocktail from various statements of various representatives and the government, and the majority of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, absolutely not criticizing these people for this, it is their opinion, but they say what is obvious the situation is difficult, and now it is difficult for everyone, so it is probably
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not the right time to talk about raising social standards, but really for teachers, they say that there will be no increase in salaries, but no social expenses, well, there are also pensions ... i would like to hear from you, then will social benefits and budget salaries, i.e. social standards, conditionally speaking, really remain at the level they are at, despite the fact that inflation will increase, tariffs will increase for communal services and other payments will also increase, please, really, unfortunately, that's right, the government recently approved approved the budget declaration, in which he actually proposed... for three years in a row, that is, starting from this year 2024 and up to and including 2028, to freeze all social standards, it is meant that there will be
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a freeze, the freezing of the living wage, the corresponding social payments , salary. pension, that is, if this happens, the minimum wage will remain at today's level of uah 800, the living wage at uah 2,920, the minimum pension at uah 2,361, and it will remain so for the next three years, and mr. andrii, let's just for a second, we will go further now, but two... 1920 hryvnias is the living wage, and that's just to imagine, well, i go to the shops, you go to the shops, we are probably not brought home by servants and hired workers and so on, but uah 2920 is now so simple, i can say that
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even a person who will save as much as possible can live on it, and even more so if he is, say , an older person, and there is still a need for medicine, well, it's about half a week ... in your opinion, the utility bill is increasing by 2,920 for what period of the month? but here i am i understand again certain ee yes, yes, there were problems with the sound, you can hear me now, and we hear, just before the war, the journalists of one tv channel. i will say that they conducted an experiment, they tried to live on the living wage, the one approved by the government, you know, they only had enough for a week, about that, yes,
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in a week all the money ran out, and you have to live on until the end of the month, and so our pensioners, as a rule, are the poorest in our country, and they are actually making ends meet. from bread to water, you still have to pay the utility bill, and so on to reach the end of the month until the next pension, and this is despite the fact that pensioners... always pay utility bills, some pensioners pay the most disciplined ones, by the way, no matter what, a pensioner would rather stay hungry, that's the old education, like that they say, let's pay for the utility, let's, let's do it now, but in this situation, yes, these are certain proposals, maybe they will be implemented, maybe not, we don't know what the national currency rate will be, what inflation will be, it is possible to predict of course, there are predictions, but we understand that the situation can... change radically, let's say, well, as we see, even on the front line, the situation sometimes
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changes very unexpectedly, either for the better or for the worse, and what, what can be the proposals from the verkhovna rada, or the real attracting funds, well, now, let's say, they are in great demand, as pensioners say in the labor market, because we understand the situation, people are leaving, people are being mobilized, well, not everyone can work, not everyone can work in the positions that are currently vacant , not every pensioner is at a different age. physically fit to work long hours, these are people who have already earned, as they say, rest, what can be proposed by the council and what can be changed here, because well, it is simply not fair, it is possible to look for other sources for additional financing of the budget, and not to say , that it will be frozen here for three years, goodbye, forget it, and you know, that is the paradox that now, when many men go to war, it is necessary to involve in war... both men and women, as they say, i am women, and it is necessary to attract pensioners who are still able to work,
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the government limits such working pensioners, here in fact they are put in conditions where you have to choose whether you receive a pension or stay working, then you are limited by pension payments, they are not indexed and so on, yes, that is, it turns out that working pensioners also in... research on comparison with others, because these payments are limited to them, and on the contrary, it is necessary to encourage them in every possible way, who still have the strength to work, and by the way, the freezing of these social standards, the ministry of finance explains that this is being done for the sake of saving budget funds, yes, well, such wording outraged even such an odious chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada. like mr. heitmantsov, who is called the killer of fops, and then he said that these
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austerity measures are already too harsh, and you should note that all social benefits and benefits depend on social standards, namely the living wage and the minimum wage , such as the same pensions, social benefits for children, assistance. unemployment, assistance to low- income families, expenses for child care, well, all payments, their amount depends on these social standards, and if they are frozen, then all social assistance will be frozen for 3 years, that is , this freeze will hit the poorest sections of the population in the first place, and despite the fact that the government... also recently signed another memorandum with the international
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monetary fund, where he undertook to significantly increase all utility prices and tariffs in the next three years, i.e. it turns out that the incomes of the population are frozen for three years, and the increase in tariff prices, not the other way around is released on parole, but won't it be like that, let's say... well, okay, i understand that there are people, let's say, socially unprotected, there are people with certain problems, with their health, who simply live on those payments, there are large families, there are those who take care of people with certain limitations, well, that is, there are people who, as they say, are black trouble, and this is the truth, and here it is necessary, this state assistance is very important, it is critically important, vitally important, there are people who work and receive a pension, let's say that, but wouldn't it be the case that just a lot of people will... or have money, they just won't have it in the shadow, and many businesses will go into the shadow, say: well, okay, we will do everything the way
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you should be, everything will be real, will be in the shadow, that is, well anyway people will want to survive under any freezes, restrictions, nothing else, people have to live, at least at some level, and live to die, they will not want to unless there is a proposal from the government to change something, i agree with you, all the more so as these government plans, regarding... freezing of social standards for three corners, on the contrary of raising them utility tariffs, is taking place against the background of the government's wishes to significantly increase the tax burden on everyone who can work, do business, and so on, that is, during a war, sometimes it seems like some kind of economic damage against a warring country, even even notice that the government of the united states is represented by pony pinsky, who
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recently arrived. to ukraine made a remark to the ukrainian authorities that you are wrong, that it should not be done at the expense of increasing the tax burden, but at the expense of bringing elementary order to customs, in tax office, in others, by the way, mrs. pritzker is already the former, as they say, the controller of this money for aid to ukraine, even the americans turned to it, just a minute, i just need to clarify one more question, because here we are, i just said about people socially defenseless, who critically need this help from the state, i am not talking about 800 hryvnias per child, this is despite the fact that we want children to be born in our country, once again the war, i am sorry, but, is there not more teachers will not receive the increase in their pensions calculated, and there are no ideas in the government,
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maybe you just know whether medical ones will be financed to a certain extent. we know that there are medical programs that are critically important, there, it's for kidneys, and for diabetes, and for oncology, for many other things that people can't take care of themselves, this money comes from the state budget, or there there are no freezes, restrictions and so on, well, regarding the medical care of the military, the wounded, thank god there are no such government plans, but... i understand that they have a certain desire to limit in a certain way social payments, regarding health care for the civilian population, there is a threat in this. well, in any case, there will be a time for decisions, and a time for action, now we are talking about forecasts, about
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expectations, the situation may change, well, but in any case, we will wait, i want to add for the sake of it. of courtesy, that now virtually everything that goes to the state treasury goes to the issue of defense and security, and in fact the entire social system, all social payments at the expense of external borrowings, that is what we are given assistance by the united states, canada, the european union, all this goes to the payment of pensions, subsidies, social assistance and so on, let's hope that on... thank you very much, mr. andriy, thank you for your comments, andriy pavlovsky, an expert on social policy, it is quite fair that everything that the state earns, it spends in order to survive and remain a state, well, here the question is that, obviously, maybe somewhere it is necessary to get money from the shadows from wrong schemes and other such things, because again, to drag on
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the war only at the cost of restrictions for as ordinary citizens say, well, it's wrong, this it's just not fair. but honestly or not, it's news time, literally in a moment we will tell you about the latest news. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest. you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. so, the news is on the big air. unfortunately, we start again with tragic news: the russians killed
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husband in nikopol. he was in the hospital, where the occupiers targeted with artillery, they reported . police medics fought for his life until the last, but the injuries turned out to be fatal. in addition, around midnight , the occupiers fired at a house in the pokrovsk city community, a 12-year-old boy was injured. a strong border with the aggressor lithuania is starting to strengthen the border with russia's kaliningrad region, which russia seized after the second war, with defensive structures. let me remind you that this russian enclave is already in the territory of the european union began to install anti-tank fences, the so -called dragon's teeth, hedgehogs and roadblocks, lithuanian broadcaster lrt reports with reference to the minister of national defense for the project: more than 4 million euros have been allocated, previously in the capital of lithuania, vilnius, a defense policy plan was made public, which provides for the installation of concrete road barriers and
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building a network of shelters. well, really, having such a neighbor next to you, let's say russia, even if it is such an enclave, the kaliningrad region in europe, you have to be ready for surprises, unpleasant ones, it's better to prepare in advance. under pa'. a relay cabinet in the capital at the behest of the enemy, the law enforcement officers detained the young men who committed sabotage on the railway, the russian curators attacked the men via telegram, they were promised good pay for a series of arson attacks, in the end the perpetrators managed to receive only uah 1,500 in advance, the young men were informed of the suspicion of sabotage , both face life imprisonment with confiscation of property. 42 million. that's how much he gave to the red cross center for children's cardiology and cardiosurgery, which suffered due to the russian attack on july 8, the funds were directed to the restoration of operating
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and intensive care units. the cabinet of ministers also offered help, allocating uah 100 million for the restoration of okhmandyt and the children's center. in general, it will take at least nine months to rebuild the buildings, and fundraising for the center is ongoing. everyone is there. funds, all, well, needs, they really went to ahmedyt, a children's hospital, but the ministry of health did not forget that our institution is a separate legal entity, and although we were silent and not so much, we will say, advertised it everything, yes, after all, the reserve fund, this is the first, this is the cabinet of ministers, so ours included together with... there for 100 million hryvnias for the restoration of our center, during the war, the rules
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of combat operations on the territory of kurshchyna in russia were always commented on in office of the ukrainian president, adviser to the head of the president's office mykhailo podoliak said that the kremlin is reaping the fruits of its aggression, this position was supported by the european union, eu spokesman peter stano emphasized during a briefing in brussels that offensive. defense forces of ukraine in kursk region is part of the legal right of ukrainians to self-defense. therefore, the armed forces have the right to attack the enemy both on their own territory and on enemy territory. the will to win is the ongoing multimedia project under this name, which tells about the incredible willpower and resilience of our athletes despite the challenges of war. personal losses and suffering, they overcome numerous obstacles, travel the way to victory. we continue to present a series of short stories about our athletes.
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the next series is now for your attention. my name is belynyuk, i am engaged in greco-roman wrestling, i am an olympic champion and a silver medalist of the olympic games, in addition, a two-time world champion, a three-time european champion, a winner of the european games, these are probably my main sports regalia. my war began on the morning of february 24, 2022, when i heard explosions in my house. it was in kyiv, that's when i realized that the war had started. this war 100% affected the life of every ukrainian. here, and
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as much grief as the russians inflicted on the ukrainians, well, i think that every story, it is individual, and it is tragic, unfortunately. and this hall is called avant-garde, this is where i played basketball at the beginning. in march , the russians hit the kyiv tv tower with a rocket,
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it was so powerful... the impact was that it completely destroyed this hall, everything inside burned down, six people died, one child, a whole family, i remember that day and those shots, that is, after that it became clear that they did not just come to seize our territories, they want to destroy all ukrainians who do not agree to be under... the russian yoke, they want to destroy ukrainian culture, ukrainian sports, everything related to ukraine, we are fighting for democratic integrity, for freedom, the whole world, which professes the same principles, must help us, because otherwise the darkness will win over the light, and the next
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victims. .. well, the big ether continues, and i invite yuri fizer to the conversation, what happened in the world, he will tell us in detail, yuri, good evening, please, good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, today, china continues to insist on this
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on the fact that until... gives maximum effort to end the russian war in ukraine, but at the same time continues to call the war a crisis. ukraine has the right to conduct any military operations it deems necessary, the us says to the european union, and the russian propagandist from the us, scott ritter , has rambled on. my name is yuriy fizar, this is world about ukraine, and i'm already starting a blizzard. well, let me start with this: iran may reconsider its decision to carry out a massive attack on israel in the coming days, in response to the assassination of the head of the politburo of the palestinian of ismail hania's radical hamas movement in tehran. this was reported by politico newspaper with reference to american officials. according to them, the us still expects some kind of reaction from iran to the murder of hania, but they do not
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believe that this will happen in the near future. attack on israel as tehran revised its original response plan. two senior us administration officials said washington had warned tehran that a large-scale strike would only increase tensions and risk a direct confrontation between the two sides. well, they are clarified, sources imply, that the us also called on iran to review this response and not consider it part of a larger operation. well, according to the officials, iran has more and more weather. from the point of view of the american side, although at first he denied it, well, it is like it was, for example, last time, when iran very strongly threatened that, and we will wipe israel from the face of the earth, and we will not give the right to this zionist regime to exist, and we, and we, and we, well, it was good for israel then, but at least not as much as iran threatened, and now the same threats, but we, and we, and we, and we see that
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after all... common sense wins, they listen to the advice coming from washington and think, well, maybe some we will give an answer, but are we strong enough to give a powerful answer and are we stupid enough to give such a powerful answer, well, that's why they think, and we move on: the russian war in ukraine cannot be ended instantly, li hui, the special representative of the celestial government for eurasian affairs, said in an interview: "south africa". to the star newspaper and the indonesian newspaper kompas, while he once again used the word crisis, not war, and according to mr. special representative, provoking a bloc confrontation will not help to find a solution. he believes that some countries still think in cold war paradigms. lihui also emphasized that...


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