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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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however, in this sense, we cooperate with the ukrainian authorities, with the ukrainian embassy in tallinn, and we understand that there are needs in ukraine, but i think that many ukrainians who live in ukraine, they want to return to their country, they are waiting for such a conspiracy, on opportunities, return, that was one of the... reasons why we started the reconstruction so early, so that people can see the perspective of the future, we have kindergartens, our local communities, etc., to make it easier for people to come back, we usually cooperate with the ukrainian authorities in order to understand how can you help the ukrainians, but as i say, we are not... going to send them
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back if they don't want it, of course, madam ambassador, one more question, and the question can be asked from ukrainian students studying in estonia, recently, well , literally a month or two ago, there was information that, for example, in lithuania they are preparing or have already passed a law according to which benefits will be taken away from ukrainian students who study under the exchange program, or? are they going to do something like that in estonia or not? we have ukrainian students studying in in estonian universities for many years, even before the full-scale war began, and we have many ukrainian students, and we are proud of them, because they are very intelligent, they are very eager to learn. and
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so far i haven't had any information about the government's plans to end aid for the programs that are currently active, so ukrainian students should calm down, everything will be fine, thanks to our brothers and sisters in estonia of course, let's now go back a little bit to unfortunately, military theme. and let's talk about red lines, let's talk about these red lines say a lot in the west, for some they exist, for some they are clearly defined, for some they are very unclear, but for estonia, in this war, in our joint war, i will call it that, in our joint war with russia aggressor, are there any red lines? this is my favorite question,
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thanks for it. estonia has never spoken of any red lines. for us, the most important thing, one of the most important things, is integrity, territorial integrity, democracy, cultural identity of people, and we strive for this in estonia, in our country. and that's what to us is very liked in ukraine, and we do not see any red lines when it comes to the brutal war of russia against ukraine, all the war crimes, genocide that they committed, we believe that there cannot be any red lines here, and... our the goal is to preserve
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ukrainian independence, democracy, territorial integrity, so we support ukraine in everything we can so that it can achieve these goals, and accordingly, we do not ... see any red lines here as such, the government in many cases have already said that we are ready to discuss any possibility in terms of helping ukrainians, and the most important thing is to help ukraine, namely to win this war, then we are ready to discuss any solutions, ways, but since we are a small country. we understand that there is, we need
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to cooperate with other countries, to move together. then it will be easier to discuss these issues with our partners and we are ready to be a pioneer in certain solutions, so our red line, if i can call it that, or blue-yellow line, is precisely to help ukraine win this war. just wonderful words, it's not a red line, it's a yellow-blue line, and it's to help ukraine, to win in... in this war of aggression, it's just, it's just incredible, i thank you very much for that, and look, in estonia itself, i understand , you are now trying your best to help us win this war, but in estonia are they not considering, i will not say so, are they preparing,
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i will say directly, are they preparing in estonia for a possible attack by russia now, because there has been so much talk about it at the beginning of the invasion of ukraine 2.5 years ago, but are they talking about it now in estonia? of course, when we became an independent state in the early 1990s, we were always very wary of our neighbor and had no illusions. regarding the fact that... that russia has no plans for an invasion, and we have always talked in nato and in the eu about a possible threat from russia, we, we warned other countries
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about this, so we have been preparing for a long time self-defense since the beginning of the 90s, that is why... we wanted to acquire membership in the eu and we wanted to join nato. we prepared step by step for this, and every year we increased our defense spending, by defense and called on other nato countries to protect themselves individually and collectively. therefore, yes, we are preparing and we continue to prepare, i can’t say that we started thinking about it, or preparing only after the 14th year, when russia occupied
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part of ukraine, or after the start of a full-scale war, we did something step by step every day, to protect yourself from it. and you must always prepare to defend yourself against this evil, because this evil is not foreseen, this evil can attack in any wave, i witnessed this, we were in february 2022 year, so you have to constantly prepare. let's say two more words about ordinary estonians: your country is small, but as far as i know, different people live in different parts, of course, what is the attitude of estonia after 2.5 years of full-scale invasion of ukraine. to that, to your government's support of ukraine and to what is happening in ukraine, why am i asking, because as far as i know, in the north-east of estonia, in the narva region, there are a lot of russian-speaking estonian citizens living there, do they support all the actions your estonian
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government in support of ukraine? yes, a lot. years we have a russian-speaking minority living in estonia, we have been trying to integrate them into estonian society, for almost 30 years now, and of course we see that there is a certain contingent of people who do not want this integration, they still look more into side of russia, but estonia... we of course support ukraine and further it is not even a question of reducing such aid, i think that since the war has been going on for more than
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2.5 years, and the brutality of putin's regime every day. increases, intensifies, and we are ready to help ukraine in the long term, not only for victory, but also for further recovery. therefore, support is increasing, i can say, and if we look at non-governmental organizations of ordinary citizens who help ukraine, we see that every month, or even every week, support comes from ordinary estonians who collect or provide humanitarian aid. literally yesterday , i read that three estonian non-governmental
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organizations, which have been helping ukraine for more than 2.5 years, again sent a new aid convoy, and there were medical supplies and drones. and military aid for the front, for the army, for the rescuers, they help and the aid continues to come and even increases in volume, because, as i said, this fascination with ukraine is very big in estonia, and every day we are shocked by the brutality of the putin regime . that he continues, this brutality is happening, and of course,
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our support will not decrease, it will only increase, well, this is a mutual admiration, i must tell you, we admire the estonians for their support and assistance to ukraine from the very beginning, because in some countries they are trying to find some things to justify the fact that they do not want to help, and we admire the estonians, who have helped and supported us since the first day of the war. madam ambassador, i thank you very much for visiting me today and the last question for you: you have been in ukraine for a year, i understand that you have a busy schedule, you came to us after an important meeting, i mean for an interview yes, and you have a lot of such meetings, but do you have time or have you ever had one time to travel this year, travel around ukraine a little, do you have a favorite place in ukraine? oh, definitely. i came to ukraine a year ago, i told my colleagues that i am
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the ambassador in ukraine, not in kyiv, this means that i have to travel a lot and see how local communities live, i have to communicate with people, and yes, i was in kharkiv , in odesa, in rivne, in zhytomyr, of course, this is our partner partner. and the region, and was in many corners of ukraine, and i think it is important to demonstrate to local communities that we are theirs support, and we are not afraid to come to them, to come to these territories, because we understand that what they face every day, these attacks, shelling, alarms, and it is important for me to ... demonstrate that i am here, i am ready to provide adequate information to my
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capital so that they can decide that more help is needed in one direction or another , so what, i love your country very much, it is very beautiful, very wonderful, every day i see more and more, it's amazing very... at the beginning of march, i said that i you have to talk to the soldiers, see what's happening at the front, and it was during those difficult times, when foreign aid started to decrease somehow. or delay, i then said that i need to get that feedback right from the front so that i
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can take that information to tallinn so that they can make the necessary decisions as to what exactly is needed, so i will continue to travel, now want to focus more on those areas that face more than all with the energy crisis and understand that specifically needed for these regions, so of course i will travel as much as possible, a traveler. madam ambassador, we thank her for that, and we thank her for all the help and support we receive from the government of estonia and from ordinary estonians, who from the very beginning began to help us defend our country, our independence, our sovereignty and our territorial integrity . madam ambassador, i thank you very, very much for joining this conversation today, thank all the citizens of your
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country for everything you do for us, and... this there was an interview with the ambassador of the republic of estonia to ukraine, anna lee kolk, who came to us a year ago and has already done a lot in this position. the press interview will continue, my name is yuriy fizar, see you soon. dad, you see, although they say that our memory weakens with age, but i am attentive and remember everything. we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. memo effect from dr. tice improves memory and attention, helps to think. there are discounts until independence day on gelta cream dolgit up to 30% in psarynsky bam and
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see this week in the collaborators program. family treason, how a family from kherson sold out for positions? our act, a meaningful act, is absolutely decisive. but which of
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the ukrainian bloggers became a fake minister of culture? greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborators program, about traitors who are for at the call of their hearts and wallets, they went to serve the monetary occupiers. our issue today is about those who are blind in the temporarily occupied territories. is guided by the orders of the kremlin and vainly thinks that punishment will be avoided. he was a failed streamer on youtube, and became the russian minister of culture. a year ago, we already made our choice to connect the regions with russia, and now we confirm our choice. we are together, we are united, we will win. this is artem oleksiyovych lagoiskyi , born in 1991, originally from the kherson region. he graduated from kherson state university, worked as a teacher at the department'. of economics at kherson university, was the head of the educational and methodological laboratory, and over time artem left teaching and started blogging, created the good
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games youtube channel with reviews of video games. the nickname was taken by a very eloquent cattle prod. i wonder if he sees himself that way, or was he often told about it? russia, ukraine, belarus, and a number of other countries. this is all our common great motherland. to be cattle. artemko didn't want to for a long time, so he went from streaming to business. in 2019, he became co-founder of the bula-stroy company, which was engaged in the organization of construction. when a full-scale war broke out in ukraine, lagoisky fully justified his nickname. under the leadership of the russians, a former youtuber nicknamed "bydlo" began to take care of cultural issues in the region. in 2022 , he became acting first deputy of the so-called... minister of culture of the kherson region. our history continues, it's just that, unfortunately, our region had a certain period when history was changed, history was twisted, but
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current history is not forgotten. in the position of deputy, this cultural connoisseur took care of the philharmonic, libraries and museums in the occupied part of kherson region, as well as issues of the so-called true history of fairy tales about what a great country russia is. when the ukrainian... troops liberated kherson, artemko fled to the left bank of the dnieper, once again proved his loyalty to the occupiers and received a promotion in the form of a new chair, acting as the fake minister of culture of the kherson region. everything happens transparently, comfortably and most importantly - safely. like the minister of culture, lagoiskyi removes ukrainian literature from libraries, controls that schools teach history beneficial to the kremlin, imposes in every way. in god's russian culture, in addition to this , he was also made the head of the regional branch of the assembly of the peoples of russia. it was created
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on the initiative of the president as a platform for dialogue between society and executive authorities. such industrious work of the rashists did not go unnoticed by our law enforcement agencies. on august 17, 2023 , the security service of ukraine notified lagos. on suspicion of collaborative activity, he faces up to 10 years in prison. now the case is in the kherson city court. so we are waiting for artemko's streams during the convoy for grata. and this is lagoiskyi's deputy in the so-called ministry of culture of the kherson region, larisa anatolyivna kosenko, 55. dear compatriots, the kherson region is electing the president of the russian federation for the first time as part of the russian federation. chooses the future of our children, ours and yours. before becoming a zombified mouthpiece kremlin, larisa tried to build a political career in kherson. in 2020, she
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ran for the kherson city council from the now-banned volodymyr salda bloc party and fortunately did not pass. after that, she headed the kherson city department of culture and the archive of the kherson district state administration. when in 2022 the russian army occupied the city, kosen'. decided to cross out everything that connected her with ukraine and start working for the invaders. according to media reports, kosenko called cultural workers in kherson and called to go to work for the russians, but she was not seen in the public field until recently. in that year alone, 50 million books were purchased, which reached the libraries operating on the left bank, that is 110 libraries. in this video, the traitor talks about the success of removing ukrainian literature from the libraries of the occupied left bank and replacing them with so-called russian classics. this is how diligently kosenka
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is practicing his new position. now. she is the deputy minister of culture of the kherson region. in general, her betrayal is this family, because while larisa is just waiting for her suspicion, for her husband, a well-known collaborator serhiy cherevka, our fimida has already waited for the judge. the feeling of patriotism, the feeling of love for the native land, even now unites both soldiers on the battlefield and people who help restore the economy and social sphere of new regions in the rear. 49 comes from kherson. he devoted almost his entire life to politics. since 1998, he has regularly run for office. in 1998 and 2002 , he tried to get into the kherson city council. in 2015, he became a deputy the mayor of kherson and concurrently headed the regional organization of the kherson party. then he tweeted in ukrainian and took care of the education of children who moved from
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the temporarily occupied in the 14th year. territories , there is indeed a problem of accommodation and provision of modern educational opportunities for children who came to us from luhansk and donetsk regions, and later forgot their native language, and began to call the occupied territories part of the great russian empire. in 2017 , charavko leaves the post of mayor and runs for the verkhovna rada from the party in the 19th opposition bloc, but does not pass. in 2020 , charavkov ran for the kherson city council and won again. i was lucky enough to sit down only in the chair of the deputy of the ship district council of the city of kherson. in his position, he took care of the demographic problems of the region and the mass migration of ukrainians abroad. the situation is catastrophic. in ukraine, for example, the birth rate has decreased by 40% over the last 10 years. for cheravka, the murder and torture of ukrainians, the occupation of cities and villages
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became heaven. and the opportunity, which he gladly took advantage of, is our act, a meaningful act definitely determining how we will build, with whom we will build our future, when the region was occupied, cherevko joyfully went to the russian soldiers on the main square of kherson with red flags of the ussr. initially, this traitor, together with gauleiter volodymyr saldo, participated in the creation of the so-called rescue committee for peace and order, the purpose of which was cooperation with the occupation authorities and russia. the invaders appreciated such fruitful work of the seller and gave him the position of deputy of the military civil administration of the region in the illegally created occupying authority. russia is the motherland. people feel their personal involvement in the creation of history, we see how massively citizens are drawn to the polling stations. when kherson was released, the traitor, together with
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another of his kind. with fertilizer escaped to the left bank of the region, this enabled our law enforcement agencies to search his apartment. the sbi found there documents and reports on how the rashist pension system was created and the work of the post office was improved during the occupation. to this pile of symbols of the russian federation and scenario of events for victory day and russia day. it is a pity that there was no script for the day of defeat and disappearance, not for the empire, although we are now writing it ourselves. on october 19, 20 , 2022, by decree of the president of ukraine, cheravko was placed on the nsdc's sanctions list, at the end of last year he was accused of collaborating. currently, the case has already been referred to the kherson city court. we hope that soon this traitor, like his collaborator wife, will be behind bars, and they will see each other very soon. it there was a program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you want to tell us about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this
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email. address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. in ukraine, the 14th newsroom is ready to tell about the main thing for this hour. greetings to all viewers, anna yavamalnyk is with you and i will start with this. russian troops hit a supermarket in kostyantynivka , donetsk region. according to preliminary data, ten people died and at least 35 injured, reported the ministry of internal affairs. a search and rescue operation is ongoing, muscovites also destroyed the branch of the new post office in the city, the employees are alive. one of
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the employees. in contusion, according to the head of donetsk oblast.


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