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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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that in some countries they are trying to find some things to justify the fact that they do not want to help, and we admire the estonians, who from the first day of the war uh helped and supported us, madam ambassador, i thank you very much for visiting today i have one last question for you: you have been in ukraine for a year, i understand that you have a busy schedule, you came to us after an important meeting, i mean for an interview, and you have many such meetings, but do do you have time or have you had time this year travel, travel around ukraine a little, do you have a favorite place in ukraine? oh, definitely, when i came to ukraine a year ago, i told my colleagues that i am the ambassador in ukraine, not in kyiv, which means that i have to travel a lot and see how local communities live, i have to communicate. with people,
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and yes, i was in kharkiv, in odesa, in rivne, in zhytomyr, of course, this is our partner, a partner region, and i was in many corners of ukraine, and i think it is important to demonstrate to local communities that we support them , and we are not afraid to come to them, come to these. territory, because we understand that what they face every day are these attacks, shelling, alarms, and it is important for me to demonstrate that i am here, i am ready to provide adequate information to my capital, so that they can decide that more help is needed in in that direction or in another direction, i really love your country, it is very beautiful, wonderful, every day i see
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more and more surprisingly very beautiful things, and i really like the resilience of ukrainians, and by the way, i am also on the front line was on early march, i said i needed to talk to the soldiers. to see what was happening at the front, and it was during those difficult times, when foreign aid began to be somehow reduced or delayed, and i then said that i needed to get this feedback from the front itself, so that i could pass this information to tallinn so that they can make the necessary decisions about what is specifically required. so i
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will continue to travel, now i want to focus more on those areas that face the above all with the energy crisis and to understand what is specifically needed for these regions, so of course i will travel as much as possible, traveling lady ambassador, for that we thank her, and we thank her for all the help and support we receive. from the government of estonia and from ordinary estonians, who from the very beginning started to help us defend our country, our independence, our sovereignty and our territorial integrity. madam ambassador, i thank you very, very much for joining this conversation today, pass on my thanks to all citizens of your country for everything you do for us. it was an interview with the ambassador of the republic of estonia to ukraine annelijko. who came
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to us a year ago and has already done a lot in this position, the essay interview will continue in the future, my name is yuriy fizar, see you, a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smoly, every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. legal right to protection. international allies of ukraine will not object. against
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the transfer of ground hostilities to the territory of the aggressor's country. how the successes of the kurdish operation can affect kyiv's negotiating positions. zelenskyi's peace plan in the president's office confirmed that at the second global summit hope to hand over the peace formula to the representative of russia. why did lukashenko talk about the possible consequences of the collapse of the empire. kamala harris is gaining momentum. polls indicate an increase in the advantage of the democratic candidate over the opponent from the republican party. like ukraine. the government builds relations with both candidates. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. in the next two hours
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, we will talk about ukraine, the world, and our victory. well, of course, let's talk about events taking place in kurshchyna, as well as the united states. america is preparing to elect a new president of the united states of america, kamala harris and donald trump are applying for this position, and of course we will mention orban, china, dmitry kuleba's tour of africa, all this will be in the first part of our program, the topics of international politics, we will discuss with diplomat and politician valery chaly in the second part of our program, which will begin. in exactly one hour, we will have a journalism club with my colleagues larisa voloshyna and andrii yanitsky however, before starting our big broadcast and our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how tonight ukrainian drones attacked a military
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airfield in russian lipetsk, targeted a warehouse with guided aerial bombs and a number of other objects in the letovysh area. there... several fires broke out, the detonation continued until the morning, the results of the damage are being clarified, let's see how it all turned out, knock it down, it's necessary.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout everything we conduct surveys on our broadcast. we are asking you about this today. do you think ukrainian diplomacy is effective? yes, no. please vote for us on youtube, either with the yes or no button, write your separate opinion under this video in the comments, if you watch us on tv, call us by phone if you consider ukrainian diplomacy. active at this stage 0800 211381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will tally up our vote and we should be in touch
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valery chaly, valery chaly, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center, mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you. that you are with us today, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. valery, let's start our conversation with the kursk breakthrough of the ukrainian army, we can already speak of the ukrainian army, because literally today a video appeared where soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine say that the city of suja , kursk region is under the control of ukrainian troops, video from soldiers of the 99th mechanized battalion of the 61st separate mechanized steppe brigade, they claim that they control the strategic facility of gazprom, they mean the gas distribution station located in suja, let's watch this video, hello, from the city of suja, the news is as follows, the city is under control
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by the armed forces of ukraine, in a place of peace, all houses, all cities, targets, the strategic object of gazprom. in the city of sudja, it is controlled by the 99th mechanized battalion of the 61st separate steppe brigade. peaceful heaven to all. glory to ukraine. mr. valery, let's talk about reaction at the event from our western partners. apparently, the russians counted on the fact that, according to the traditional scheme, they would now begin to pump up the western information space and talk about the bloody tyranny that invaded the territory of the russian federation there. how, how did you observe this reaction, what can you say, what is the reaction of our western partners and whether this... is not a reaction one of the steps to the adoption of a decision on granting
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the right of the ukrainian state to strike with western weapons on the territory of the russian federation deep into the russian federation? well, for starters a few such basic things: firstly, ukraine has the right to self-defense, according to article 51 of the un charter, and the very fact of russian aggression allows ukraine to react. in this way , armed with protection, that means it is possible to carry out operations, military operations, on the territory of the aggressor or on the ground, on water, in the air, that is, the second weapon that is transferred to ukraine, it is ukrainian weapon, even what you call give the right , no one gives anyone any right, these are gentlemen's agreements, in fact, so political, from a legal point of view, all weapons... which bought or transferred to ukraine, it is ukrainian, and
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there is no need to ask for the right to use it, the only thing that is sometimes stipulated by partners in the supply of weapons, they stipulate these nuances in the political plan, nothing more, ukraine is a member of all regimes of control, export control , the missile technology control regime, that is, that is why, from the point of view of international law, we must absolutely... not ask anyone, well, but politically , we have such agreements when we sometimes receive some kind of weapons, as with the americans, for example, there is far, well, what do they call long-range, in fact it is a replacement for our tactical weapons, which here, well, no more than 300 km, 500, we already had and have such weapons, that is, it is not necessary to talk about long-range here, but... there were such agreements, that is why ukraine has the full right to this defense and self-defense, in this context
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all the comments were basically made, and on this right on the territory of the adversary, the aggressor, it is important here that russia is the aggressor, that is, it is important that ukraine can not be called if only russian propagandists, such as antonov, were not getting out of their pants there. the ambassador in washington began to tell that how come the americans do not criticize, well, if you are an ambassador, if you are already a general under sanctions, but you already dress in the coat of this ambassador, no matter what rules you follow, besides the fact that he called the ukrainians thugs, this despite the fact that there are criminal crimes of the russian armed forces, which have been confirmed just like that, well, it's simple. they cut off the heads of ukrainians, that is, i am simply this cynicism, it is already so extreme, that's it
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you won't be able to tell where the diplomat is, where the thief is, where the criminal is, that is, they are all already smeared with one, well, it's emotional, in relation to the essence, then no one will answer him except for what the washington official said, there will be no other way, it's all within the framework of absolutely within the framework of international law, and the reason for all this was the aggression of russia, the reason for this was the occupation of russia, the only thing that is interesting in this whole situation, when russia entered the sumy region with columns of tanks, they did not notice the borders between states, ukrainian-russian, all of a sudden they noticed that there is a state border, it turns out, so this is an interesting observation, so i think it will have consequences, because they may notice that there is a border that... goes from donetsk region on the border with russia and with that as for luhansk itself, such a time will come,
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such a time will come, therefore, in principle , the international reaction is adequate, it is in relation to this part, well, and then there is a reaction in relation to the weakness of the racist regime, in relation to putin's weakness, confusion, lies, uncoordinated assessments, that is, and well, that's it interesting. that despite such conversations for months, and even more than six months, that everything is already going in one direction, all the layers in this are in one pocket, ukraine seems to be losing, russia will still win, let's somehow push ukraine to give her territory, capitulates in exchange for peace, as they say, in fact, simply to stop further occupation, well, now this scheme is collapsing, it turns out that not everything is over yet, so
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this situation will have a lot of consequences, including regarding all these plans. peace without ukraine, and will even have consequences in ukrainian society itself, because in a total war, motivation is also important, although i would warn against some kind of euphoria, i see that there are such calls here, let's go to moscow, or the kursk nuclear plant is ours, i think that this is unnecessary, because it is already more or less clear where the situation is going... the main thing is that this defense operation, this same anti-war operation, should be completed successfully, and that further steps should be as effective, not spectacular, as it was before, remember you see, we plan to break through there everyone was told there, everyone was told, here i
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like more than anything that it is conducted in a very correct style, few people know what is happening. and we receive, and god forbid , we receive some positive news. well, by the way, here is this regime of silence, about which you say that this special operation is carried out in, well , in such a good atmosphere, a secret atmosphere, when there is no announcement of a special operation in the kursk region for three or four months, so what about this silence , as it turned out, and according to a spokesman for the state department. matthew miller of the united states of america, that even the united states of america did not receive any warnings from ukraine about any operations in russia's course area, let's listen to what matthew miller said. ukraine does not inform us about its exact tactics before its implementation. there is nothing unusual in this. this is the war they are waging. we give them
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the tools and we advise them, but when it comes to the daily tactics, when it comes to the daily strikes, sometimes we... communicate with them, sometimes we don't, and it's up to them to make their own decisions. decision. well, european commission spokesman peter stano, commenting on the events in the kursk region, said that ukraine, according to international law, has a legal right to defend itself, including striking an aggressor on its territory. how do you, mr. valery, evaluate the reaction of moscow, putin, gerasimov, everyone . of this power bloc that putin was gathering, how much for them this is an unusual special operation that is being conducted against them, because all international agencies, all world media write about the fact that starting or ending with the second world war on the territory the foot
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of a soldier of a foreign state and this foot of a foreign soldier did not step on the russian federation. became ukrainian, well, if it is history, then it is not completely accurate, because the chinese foot stepped there at the time, but nevertheless, i think that everyone saw the anger, confusion and such a very sour face of putin, because when he received the report of his own, yes, gerasimov... the commander, and everyone saw it, this is a facial expression that cannot be hidden somewhere, i think that probably everything is already with gerasimov, and it is only now that they will most likely hang it on him, all these failures, and i think we will see not immediately, but after a while there changes, that someone has to
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be responsible for this, and it is a very serious failure. which, from putin's point of view, hits him personally, well, it is so, it hits completely at the tsar, the same tsars are called to protect him, but the tsar turned out to be not exactly what they thought, although in fact, corruption is also here huge, they allocated 15 billion rubles for the three lines of defense, it turned out that these went into the pockets, these billions into the pockets of generals and others, well ... don't be alarmed, you see, yes, it can be seen on on the face, fright, because it is 500 km to moscow, the wagnerites were already there at that time, rostov, a city of a million people, went... they went and just occupied, just like that, it’s the same, the same story, the people are actually , there in these cities, they also either ran, or even
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someone was waiting for the ukrainians, so they perfectly understand what it is, that it is a different situation in the war, moreover, i will tell you, there was a very strange story before this, it is not the secret is that in such cases... when the russians learned about the plans for such operations of various kinds, they they immediately ran to call washington, they called washington to stop kyiv, do not give them weapons, but washington has leverage, of course, the provision of weapons, the provision of financial support, and here is what happened in the last month, that the situation, and i claim that the situation has changed. these are not just the statements that you heard are isolated, the situation has radically changed. i don't want to go into the details of why, let everyone analyze what
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happened in the last month, but we have, in principle, a window of opportunity to act more actively, more actively. i don't know how long it will be, but for today it is. therefore, everything that is not prohibited by international law is international humanitarian law. right, now it is allowed, and in the future, of course, we must insist that our partners reassess the situation and see that the effective actions of the ukrainians, if this is indeed confirmed, after all, there is no such official statement, these effective actions, they also need effective support weapons, including long-range weapons, well, i said that they are... until we talk about them, i am talking about tamag missiles, for some reason, they are planning to place it in germany, not in ukraine, but this is tomorrow, and today is the taurus, the german
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taurus missile, i have a question, if the germans expect an american tamahawk, which is 200 km away, then what are the explanations in principle, in what escalation, if the germans give us taurus, that is, shorter distances, which are more... will be here in the tactical, operational-tactical theater of military operations, that is, it is logical, in general , i see that there are fewer and fewer arguments why not to do it, recently the leader of the socialists, social democrats of germany said that look, not the leader, but one of them, said that ukraine is not very active, not very effective, so why continue to give weapons, well , please, give it, mr. valery, one more question in connection with what is happening in kurshchyna, this is the suja gas distribution station. back in soviet times, it worked and
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controlled the entry of gas, gas, russian gas into the territory of ukraine, which then exited there in uzhhorod, and there is also such a station there. and now, in connection with the events in kurshchyna, the russian gazprom is saying that continues to supply gas to europe through the suja station. but the transit flow through ukraine decreased by 12%, well, that is, after all , these transit routes that existed before the great war, they continue to be used by russian gazprom, but on the other hand, we do not hear concerns from european consumers, because, well, if hostilities near the gas distribution station, there is also this path, and there are hostilities, why are european... consumers or leaders of european countries not saying anything about it now, well, because they they know the situation very well, if we talk about
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the first emotional reaction, then there was a certain price, even such a small increase in gas on the market, but they understand very well, well, let me explain it to you like this, and you have heard at least once that the russians... they bombed a gas pipeline there, just a meter, well , there are more strategic gas pipelines, or we, for example, blew it up, you heard about it during the war, there was no such thing, so transit, well , you know, it’s such a story, transit is transit, me personally, well, not only me, but many experts in this energy sector believe that we need to finish this story, and i understand that the government has decided to stop all these transits by the end of the year, because we have a profit there from the nose , that is, the nose, and the russians have 2 billion on
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this that is why they finance their army, and in our country, if you calculate what we will receive for this transit, it is generally a trifle, and those countries that receive it, they would have had enough time already, as brussels and the european commission tell them, offering alternative sources, for some reason they don't want an alternative, slovakia, hungary, why don't they want an alternative, it's not that they closed it there and they spend the winter and are cold, nothing like that, they offer them, don't take it from russia, well, we say, well, ours... he made up another story , and we will do this, let's say that the european union buys it on the border with russia, and it is no longer our gas, let it be sorted out, but it transits through us, we need to end all these games and barriers, just stop this story, pay the russians for all this, that is, i think that the time has come for it, because of the excitement there points, well, i'll tell you, this is good news, but
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this... this is a kind of story, because there is the same crane from our side, which is called. well, yes, i asked, in fact, what goes in at one part and leaves at the other, and we have gas storage facilities in western ukraine, or in the west of ukraine. mr. valery, on the eve of these kurdish events , serhii shaigu complained that ukraine did not react to the dictator's ultimatum demands, meaning this plan of the capital. that putin voiced regarding the four regions, the withdrawal of the armed forces of ukraine from these four regions, and regarding the conditions, as shoigu says, for the start of peace talks, which were announced by putin in mid-june. let's hear what shaygu said. almost two months have passed since then. there is no reaction. i am not talking about all these geneva
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formulas of zelenskyi and others. that is, this is shoigu's reaction to the future of the second peace summit, and yesterday andriy yermak in an interview with european pravda said that a representative of russia may take part in the second peace summit, who will be given a plan for implementing the 10 points of zelensky's peace formula, let's listen yet. fair as for the participation of the aggressor country, the president, everything, the representatives of the team there always say the same thing: the possible participation of a representative of russia at the second summit, to whom this plan can be handed over. such a possibility exists. this does not mean, one should not treat the second
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summit that the second summit will be... some kind of beginning of changes with russia, no, that is not what we are talking about. the meeting at which this plan can be handed over was held not between ukraine and russia, it was held in the presence of all those responsible countries that go with us in this way, who supported our plan, and who are at the table. mr. valery, does the representative of russia have to sit at the table? for the peace summit, given the position of shaigu and putin, should he simply send them these 10 points of zelensky's formula by e-mail? well, the first part is the ukrainian government, its leader andriy yermak , and president zelenskyi, they have, let’s say, to act as they are now, they are responsible, personally, responsible for...
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establishing peace, and for the situation in the war and inside the country, that is, that is why i do not want to talk about their path, as far as that is concerned, they will go their own way, and the only thing we have to do is still help the victory of ukraine, help a just peace and do everything so that we mistakes were avoided. in this sense, i will say that... uh, it is clear that the first peace summit ended in nothing from the point of view of establishing, if there was a truce, or the establishment of a lasting peace, there were diplomatic successes, diplomatically gathered the countries, this very well, but this is not about, not about zelensky's peace formula, let's say, there de-occupation of all territories, the border of 1991, that is...


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