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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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all of us, throughout the country, bow our heads, observe a moment of silence, and honor the memory of those who are no longer with us, through russia. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. occupants of the morning. hit a critical infrastructure facility in kramatorsk with a rocket, an employee of the enterprise was killed, several others were injured, the head of the military administration of the donetsk region announced vadym filashkin also added that the facility's buildings were seriously damaged. eight of the 14 victims of the enemy attack on kostyantynivka in donetsk region remain unidentified, among them there may be three children, however , law enforcement officers will be able to find this out only after dna
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examinations, as the bodies of the victims are badly mutilated. this was noted in the office of the prosecutor general. the day before, the occupiers hit the supermarket with air strikes, hitting them first with an kh-38 missile. so far , 14 dead and more than four dozen injured are known. one and a half year old boy was injured by an enemy drone attack in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region. the child was hospitalized. in a state of moderate severity, among the injured there is also a 21-year-old girl, she will be treated on an outpatient basis, the head of the region, serhii lysak, said. he added that the russian drone also damaged the five-story building. and six people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. during the day, the russian invaders set fire to almost two dozen settlements in the region, the head of the region oleksandr prokudin informed. among. among
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three residents of kherson and the suburbs were injured. all of them suffered due to the dropping of explosives from drones by the occupiers. russian shells hit critical infrastructure facilities and residential areas in the region. a high-rise building and more than 20 private houses were damaged. also on the night of the car. destruction of a column of the russian army in the kursk region. the institute for the study of war told the details of the event. analysts note. that 14 ural and kamas trucks were moving along the road. they probably transported personnel of the 44th of the army corps of the northern group of russian troops or the so-called brigade of five. the military was supposed to reinforce the troops of the occupiers in hostilities in russia. the occupiers were destroyed in the rila district near the village of oktyabrske, kursk region. the attack happened during the stop of the convoy. analysts did not specify which system was affected. ukraine officially. did not comment on the incident. and in
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the russian city of kurchatau, where the kursk nuclear power plant is located , the light completely disappeared. this was reported by the regional government. they say the cause was a fire at transformer substation in the village of oktyabrske, allegedly due to the fall of fragments of an attack drone on the object. in addition to korchatov , there is no electricity in five districts of the region. fighting has been going on in the region for the fifth day. the russians claim. that ukrainian troops allegedly breached the border and took control of a number of settlements. also, the authorities of the kursk, bilhorod and bryansk regions, bordering ukraine, announced the regime of an anti-terrorist operation. kyiv does not officially comment on the situation. russian invaders the day before for the first time used new aerial bombs for strikes on sumy oblast. it is a certain hybrid between a bomb and a missile. they have an engine, so they are capable.
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fly almost twice as far as ordinary cabs. the head of the regional military administration , volodym artyukh, reports that in total the russians released 11 new bombs and added that... the tests of combating weapons are the same as in the case of cabs, shooting down planes, carriers, or using means of radio-electronic warfare. during the war in ukraine, the russian army was reduced by another 1,160 soldiers, and from... at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , ukrainian defenders destroyed almost 590,000 invaders. enemy losses are reported at the general headquarters of the armed forces. also , yesterday ukrainian defenders eliminated seven tanks, nine armored vehicles, almost 60 art systems and two anti-aircraft vehicles of the enemy. it was possible
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to destroy more than a hundred units of special equipment, and the defenders of the sky landed 47 russian drones and winged aircraft. the data added by the general staff are indicative. ukrainian scouts showed a video raid on the occupied kinburska spit in the mykolaiv region. there destroyed dozens of russians and their equipment. this was reported by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. the special forces attacked the fortifications of the invaders in their positions, the kinbur fortress, the sea station and the suvorov monument. during the raid, the fighters managed to eliminate about three dozen invaders and six enemy armored vehicles. on kosiro otniks set up the gur battle flag. iran plans to transfer hundreds of ballistic missiles to russia in the near future. this is written by the roits agency with reference to sources from european intelligence. they note that tehran has already taken dozens of
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russian soldiers for training. they master the skills of using the face 360 ​​short-range ballistic missile system. the installation launches targets at a distance of 120 km, that's it. as a result of the agreements between the russian ministry of defense and the iranian authorities , december 13 marked a year, the journalists write. the united states announced a new package of military aid to ukraine worth 125 million dollars. it included air defense equipment, as well as multi-functional radars for detection and countermeasures of enemy artillery, stinger missiles, for hymers, artillery shells of various calibers, anti-tank systems, missiles and armored vehicles, washington will also transfer equipment to protect critical national infrastructure to kyiv. president volodymyr zelensky thanked the us for its help and noted the importance of their continued
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support. a man who works in breweries in the kyiv region will spend more than nine years behind bars. threw a grenade at a policeman. the decision was made by the local court. the incident happened on the 11th may late in the evening, law enforcement officers arrived on call due to the hooligan actions of a local resident in the city center. during the arrest, the attacker threw a grenade in the direction of the law enforcement officer. as a result of the explosion, the policeman and the offender himself were injured. a 37-year-old law enforcement officer was wounded in the legs and left arm. currently, he is still being treated. the charitable foundation turned 10 years old together, from a small american-ukrainian organization created in 2014, it turned into a huge charitable foundation, as the director of the foundation evelina kurilets says, for this decade managed to help hundreds of thousands
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of people who needed support during the pandemic and the great war. we will still have the opportunity to talk, if earlier at the fundraiser, it was more about it education, about... supporting children in their education, about the exchange of experience, we transported many scholars to america, we brought surgeons from america to ukraine in order to to train our surgeons, that is, it was more about education, about sharing experiences, now we understand that we cannot afford this luxury to remain the same, what does together and what other charitable foundations are doing now, this is probably a manifestation... of the best features that exist in world ukrainians, we ukrainians very often look critically at ourselves and criticize ourselves, that we are doing something wrong there too, these are examples of how we we can do things together at the highest global level. the espresso tv channel and the vesna charitable fund
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have opened a fundraiser for the purchase of modern drones and electronic warfare systems for the third separate assault brigade of the 110th and 47th brigades of the zso. defenders in the donetsk direction. enemy attacks are held back every day, defend our freedom and future. it was these soldiers who stood to the last and defended the avdiiv direction in the spring. brigades urgently need drones and modern equipment. countering enemy drones. our goal is uah 3.5 million. remember, each of your donations brings our victory closer. you can now see all the details on your screens. to find out more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you in less than an hour. next, they are waiting for you on the air my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk.
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the court of appeal of kyiv refused to satisfy the complaint of the lawyers of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant. defenders of the enterprise say: in january of this year , law enforcement agencies renewed pressure on the plant due to the blocking of assets. investigating judge. the pechersk district court of kyiv issued a decision to seize all movable and immovable property as part of the investigation by the national police of ukraine, including the seizure of funds in bank accounts. the company believes that this is the solution illegal however, these funds were neither determined by material evidence in the case, nor procedurally and physically cannot be material evidence in this case. there is no ruling on the recognition of physical evidence. but for some reason the court of appeal did not pay attention to it at all. i would also like to point
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out that we focused on unlocking a number of necessary company accounts. in july 2024, the kyiv court of appeal held a hearing regarding this arrest. the panel of judges refused to satisfy the representatives' appeal enterprises. unfortunately, we could not find her. to really achieve and receive the proper administration of justice, even in the presence of all indisputable evidence regarding the unreasonableness and illegality of imposing the specified arrest, in this case, after the appeal review , the enterprise will continue to be considered blocked , there is no possibility to make a number of utility payments, the poltava gzk and its board are systematically pressured by law enforcement agencies , lawyers believe. the national police of ukraine incriminates the chairman of the board of the enterprise for alleged illegal mining
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minerals, namely unfractionated screening and empty rocks. during 2015-2021, this allegedly caused losses to the state budget in the amount of uah 157 billion. as the lawyers emphasize, the poltava gzk extracts only the minerals specified in the special permit, namely ferruginous quartzites. as a result of the processing of these ... sieves , the enterprise received the so-called non-fractional screening, which is a waste, not a useful mineral. the company's lawyers emphasize that they will continue to fight for the cancellation of the arrests. at this stage, the only one way to cancel the specified arrests, this is an appeal to the relevant pechersk district court of the city of kyiv with a request to cancel the specified arrest. currently , about three petitions are pending in the pechersk court. the company itself notes that such pressure on production can lead to the shutdown
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of the plant, which in turn will stop the payment of customs payments, services of state enterprises, assistance to internally displaced persons, as well as the inflow of foreign exchange earnings to the ukrainian economy. dear friends, we return, the next hour of our marathon, we begin it. and lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, i would like to remind you that today we are working for you throughout the day, not only in the morning, and i also want to remind you that the collection is ongoing, important and necessary, and we hope you will support it, we have already with you, we crossed the mark of 7,000 uah, we already have 71,000 uah, 748, 500 uah were collected this morning, but don't stop, i'm thinking whether we will be able to reach the mark in these two days, saturday and sunday in 800 00 hryvnias. we would very much like to, dear friends, we would be so sure
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were already approaching the first million. the qr code is now on your screens, the card number is not, unfortunately. i know some are asking, there is only a qr code. these are the realities, but you know, it 's not that difficult to scan a qr code, it's more difficult and difficult out there on the front, and especially when there are no drones, especially when there are no rap systems, actually, that we're collecting, so join in, whatever affection. don't know how to scan now, just take a picture of this screen with the qr code, and then you can do it with someone's help. you will have three brigades thank you, 110, 47 and the third separate assault one, because it is for the three of them that we are with... and listen, well, the fifth part of our assembly is already there, four more to sort out, and drones and rep systems will already fly to our guys on the front line and will help them, join us, we will continue the marathon in the corner of the quar-code, those who did not make it now will be watching over it here, oh, you see, it is already there, and in the meantime we are talking
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with serhiy bratchuk, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army afternoon, good morning, mr. sergey. glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces congratulations, colleagues. what is this morning like in the south of ukraine? well, you see, i'm smiling because it's comforting, we haven't been shelled, so we can talk about the fact that, thank god, plus good news, another russian boat is destroyed in crimea, you know, and about the events on kinburskaya kosi, that is, all this is, of course, the south, first of all, we need to talk about it, well, actually , right? we were interrupted by or someone interrupted us, but we can show, by the way, that it is already with us, mr. serhiy, yes, so we can talk about the fact that there is usually the news that above all, they motivate, stimulate and directly talk about the need to join, including your gathering, other gatherings in support of the armed forces of ukraine, because all this is what actually not just forms, but
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creates those positive news, which we can share quite often today , and actually this is the most important thing, i will say now, it saves the lives of our boys, so for now in the south we have 4:5:0, in the morning sky over odesa, our ukrainian military aviation, of course it's quieter, it's those pleasant sounds that, well just some steering symphony, actually about the boat you are talking about, it is the huryv people hunting russian tuna in the crimea, this is the video, what kind of tunnel is this? and how many of those tunas are there in russia, will they have anything to make a salad with? i think the most important thing is that there should be less of these tuna in our black sea, at least we can see, and the defense forces, in particular the main intelligence agency, the ministry of defense is working to hunt such tuna, it is a patrol boat, it is so multi-functional, there are enough, enough
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a beautiful thing, but if it is russian tuna, then it must be destroyed. the most important thing is that the activity of our magurs continues, quite a lot of gatherings are also going on for them, these are our sea drones that have shown their effectiveness, and these tunas, and not only tunas, they are trying to hunt these naval drones, but for now in this duel, i hope, in the future, we will only consolidate success, after all, our naval drones, they turn out to be superior, as they say, and stronger, and the development of this technology does not stand still, technology are developing are just taking such huge steps forward, and i think that i will not jump ahead, because it is not correct for me to say , the mountain spokesmen will say about this that pleasant news, i hope, will be expected, especially ahead in any in any case, the liberation of our crimea, the liberation
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of our temporarily occupied southern regions, this is not an announcement, this is what we are all going towards. and naval drones play a very important role in this, well, the day before , the hurivets also landed on the kinburd spit, which is true, for example, the balance said that there in their data differed somehow, some russian media said that there were two boats, some that there were three boats, some that 20 boats, in a word , everything is somehow complicated in them and, but they said that all ukrainians were destroyed, mr. serhiy. do you know anything about this spice, well, i'll say yes , i know a little, but i can't say everything, let's talk as you can, yes, of course, russian mathematics, it always pleases me, because in principle, it always shows in reality , and to their credit, shows, in fact, that quite a lot is enough easy calculation, it shows who is right and who is telling the truth,
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i will take the sin on my soul in the morning and refer to a certain russian pope. military, he is rather modest, but they have enough information just to the south, and the day before a few hours before our message, guru's message about the landing on the kinbur spit, they said that everything there was destroyed, that is, they repeated in fact what said saldo, and actually even the video was shown, so of course we were all waiting for what would happen next, then there was repentance, then there was quoting again, how is it there... the minister of shame of the russian federation is talking about the fact that you can't lie, well, somehow, you can make mistakes, you can't lie, this is literally their hashtag today, so they repented of the fact that, for them ... it's strange, but i think that this includes the events in kurshchyna, they also influence it, they said that look, they lied again, again as a balance, including
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they are trying to lie, and i'm sorry, chubatiya they post in a few hours, and a completely different video, he says, and i don't believe it, they write it indeed, the military, it seems that in a few minutes there, they wrapped that flag of our intelligence with tape, and put it... there near the monument, the so-called monument of the strict, so of course they don't like it either, of course what tears scraps, a huge thanks to the guru, and of course a huge thanks to everyone involved, well, by the way, this minister is their new defense minister, you can’t make a mistake there, you can’t lie, he ’s the same, everyone there is laughing now at this loss story in the kursk region, he reported to putin on the first day that 300 had arrived ukrainians, huh, on the second day he said, well, 1,000 came in, but already 700 were destroyed, on the second day they destroyed 280, that is, in principle , there were about 20 left, but here 20 ukrainians can grow, but they will not be eliminated soon
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it will be successful, so it will be for a long time, maybe these are the 20 who have now published a video from the rural villages of the belgorod region against the background of a local club, and i will refer to this public again, well, you are already accumulating sins in the morning, they are talking about it, i don’t know, well well, it's a village. what will happen next in belgorod region it will continue not only in the south of our country, but also in all directions, although, of course, unfortunately, if we talk about the front very briefly, the donetsk operational zone is extremely difficult, difficult, we understand why, and well, this is war, and i i think, in any case, the measures that are being carried out today, they should affect the course of the war, moreover, i hope that in the coming weeks they will still change the situation and... god forbid that we seize the strategic initiative, i wanted more to raise one topic briefly, if i may, it seems to me that it is important to talk about it, yesterday i saw that there is some scandal
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related to the fact that funds were allocated for the commemoration of the heroes who died, and accordingly they developed some and already developed those tombstones there, which should be the same for everyone, but this is how they look, you know, and i and i just... thought, and there are already some corruption scandals, some company connected with the authorities, which , by the way, now does not want to make them, because it is something it turned out to be not very cost-effective for the price, well, this is what i leave aside, this is what i think that odessa and law enforcement agencies with that i'll figure it out, i don't have any there now, moreover, i'm really a little tangential to this topic, not specifically, of course, to this one, but to honoring the memory of our fallen heroes, and as a representative, including the public, i think that we will understand the issues that arise, that is why we will report, i hope, on a positive solution to all these points, if we allow, i will also say, just if it is possible to show those tombstones again, i
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just looked at them yesterday, and i am more than even this corruption story, this is ukraine, it's normal, more or less, they are just some graves, ordinary random graves from any cemetery, and when i look at it, i just think, in 100 years , children will also come there, there... will come history teachers, local odessans will come to remember those who saved the republic then, and therefore it must be something big, it must be like arlington, here we can simply compare, it must be even something like , that in the end there was this eagle cemetery and eagle cemetery in lviv, we have a different attitude towards him there and so on, but they fought for this, their own version of polish lviv, and they... could have made an exemplary example of commemoration there, and here we were yesterday in lviv in lviv the same
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problem, a pile of graves, a field of mars, just ordinary wooden crosses, there were some little ones there, and ivanka dymit, who was an artist whose son died, volunteered, and she discussed with the chief architect lviv, and he also says that we asked for it for 600 more... people who died families to give their opinion and she was right i think she said who they are they are landscape designers they are art critics they are just burnt out parents and what do you want from them now actually said what i wanted to say , in odesa the situation is the same, but one to the other, and i hope that over time something may change, but this is a human factor, but here , in fact, what you said is exactly the same, the situation is the same, it's just that ivanka advises. everything seemed very appropriate to me, to stop arranging all those alleys for now, we just hide, and let's make these proper walks of glory when the war is over, and let's do them
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right. so that it would stand forever, that is why our wall of memory at the cathedral of the nativity of christ of the orthodox church of ukraine, we have our own wall of memory there, it is dedicated to the fallen residents of the odesa region, and now we do not touch it, we do nothing at all , that is, what was done in the 20th year stopped, despite the fact that the relatives of the dead, they appeal, take offense, i say, good people, let's wait for the end of the war, for our victory, and then... let's do it the way it should be, because this is a commemoration for eternity, it's not for one day to just stick a picture there, well , that's wrong, they stuck what was left, they burned out that someone wants to make money from it, well, we can't allow it , thank god, by the way, about the memory for the ages, you know, i was looking for news from odesa, and such an ordinary news, it is there that complex works on
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tolbukhin square begin on august 9. and i think, what kind of nonsense is this, and considering the fact that people in odessa react badly to this decommunization, and someone he writes there, i even read a comment by a woman from odesa that seeing how the identity of her hometown is being emasculated, how the culture of odesa's dna is being erased, is unbearable for me, a third-generation odesa woman, i think, well, i 'll google that tolbukhin, and i'll google it, and it turns out that he is a soviet military leader, a marshal of the soviet union, people... i think maybe he has some connection to odessa, but no, he was born in the yaroslavl region, he is a muscovite, but it turns out that he liberated moldova, romania there, and it turns out he is led some kind of southern front, that is, when we already know the history, not the propagandistic one, according to our, our vision, then the liberator, it turns out, he has some relation to the dna of odessa, mr. serhiy, does
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he have a relation. relationship, you know, in general, when you speak, you refer to the opinion of those people, i am a democrat, of course, and tolerant of other people's opinions, but when i hear, i am an odessan or i am an odessa woman there in the first, second, third, tenth generation, then i immediately interrupt the conversation, well, that's all, because then they will immediately throw it in my face that i, having panicked, well, you know this, this is the boundary of distribution, which, by the way, the muscovites are currently trying to keep it, trying to expand it. and in this direction, including, and when the streets change and we, the names of the streets change, we begin to study our own history, well, who knew such a change, yes, and this is the chief intelligence officer of the ukrainian people's republic, he turns out to be directly related to odesa, chief intelligence officer of the ukrainian people's republic, and i want to thank our guru for the fact that they supported and, let's say yes, theirs, their roar, their voice was
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heard. and here there were no problems with decommunization, decolonization. mr. serhiy, thank you for this conversation. serhii bratchuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south , we talked about what is happening in the south from a military point of view, and we also talked about the affairs of odesa, about decommunization, we are going for a short break, we will return, we will continue, we will have oksana korchynska, a volunteer, let's talk about medicine on the battlefield, stay with us. my name is oleksandra pascal, i am 8 years old, i do rhythmic gymnastics, a russian rocket flew into my house, sashul
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fell asleep completely. building materials, when we took her out from under the blankets, she had an open fracture of her arm, a floor plate fell on her, four ribs were broken, there were very strong blows to the head, and her little finger was torn off, then when we took her to the hospital, then the doctors provided all the necessary medical assistance. when we were discharged, we immediately went to rehabilitation, there we set up her first protest, on which she already started walking, after rehabilitation, we already returned home to ukraine, to odessa.


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