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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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to provide them with the understanding that they are very important people in our society, and we owe them a lot of gratitude, to create comfortable conditions for them, now we have many barriers, and this is not only in rehabilitation, but in general in moving around the city, yes, well , for example, a military serviceman, or just a person with limited mobility who moves around in a wheelchair, and or... his daughter goes to school, it would be very important for us as a society to create these conditions so that this veteran or just someone with limited mobility can get to this one schools, without obstacles, without outside help, or, for example, toilets, can we people with limited mobility always reach the toilet, no, not always, this is a problem. and this is a problem
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not only in cities, it is also a problem in administrative institutions, in educational institutions, in medical institutions, uh, recently a textbook on barrier-free accessibility was announced, where various institutions were analyzed and specific recommendations were issued, such as it is possible depending on what we are building or what we are changing, and it is important, uh... for me, a veteran who moves either in a wheelchair or with the help of prostheses, for me this is an ordinary person, like any of us, who occupies the same niche in society, and i have come to the understanding that when i enter an institution, for the first time , what i do automatically, i check with my foot whether there is a threshold, uh, you already
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estimate the width of the door with your eyes, the passage to the coffee shop, for example, or whether the toilet is available, whether a person can get there, and which one i would like to give , probably, that advice to all of us, that we need to look around our place residence, my place of work, to understand whether it is available to our veterans, probably because i work with veterans more, because that's how i focus. most of all, of course, for people who suffered from the war, because the civilian population also suffers a lot, we see constant arrivals, constant information, the number of victims, this is also a difficult path. ola, i want to raise the topic of not only physical rehabilitation, but also psychological rehabilitation. of course, if we talk about rehabilitation, it is not only physical rehabilitation, it is also rehabilitation mental health, and its restoration, actually in... every rehabilitation program
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and every rehabilitation team has a psychologist, it is an extremely important professional unit in the team, and the psychologist is involved in working with the patient immediately, not then, when the patient enters the rehabilitation department, and also in the acute period. here it is important to understand, if we are talking... not about professional help, that is, when you are not a psychologist, about the correctness of talking to a patient with severe trauma, let's say , and there is a certain algorithm for how to conduct this conversation, and of course we receive training on communication with the patient, but there are such very simple recommendations, they now exist in various areas of the internet, other social networks, when the military themselves. they say what
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should not be done, well, for example, i understand you, it is not quite correct, we cannot understand this particular person in this situation, because we are not that person, but we can say it, i am with you, i will walk your path with you, it is also very important to involve the family and not forget that the family suffers too. from trauma that one of their relatives receives, and sometimes it is believed that when the wife or mother comes, she will provide that psychological support and help, this is not always the case, sometimes the mother, or that wife or child also needs work with a psychologist, preparation, and actually it is work with the whole family or with the whole family, not always fighters want to report about... there is a complex
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injury for their relatives, in my experience there are guys who don't want to tell their mother, and they delay this as much as possible time. inform your mother about your serious injury, that is i have a fighter, he lost two hands, and he decided that he will inform his mother and actually meet her only when he receives prostheses and learns to use them, that is, he also worries about her psychological state, of course, of course, and we respect his decision, he has a clear plan, we support him, we help to implement it. er, so yes, it's very important, and the psychologist, it's a key point, but we all need to learn how to properly and correctly address veterans or people who have been affected by war, and the mind, and
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to understand that it is important both for us and for those who receive this help or this application, well, for example, it is not correct if you say a stroller or a visa... that is, there is a significant correct concept of a wheelchair. not blind, but visually impaired. it's not difficult. it is simply necessary to inquire, and we, as ukrainians , do everything possible to be correct. yes, indeed, and this is true, because we have already said today that as we gain new experience, the experience of war, we understand that there will still be many people with... injuries, many people who will receive serious injuries, which can then lead to problems in the future, so to speak, and olo, as you can estimate, you are talking about the fact that you have been in
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military rehabilitation for two years, as you can estimate during these two years, happened some colossal changes, changes for the better, because we didn't have this experience before, that's right, this negative experience of war, and accordingly we didn't know what military rehabilitation was, i would say it a little differently here, we knew , what is rehabilitation in the military, and it's just not us could imagine it on such a scale, of course, the entire medical system is overloaded, but i can clearly say... i have experience communicating with foreign colleagues, and you yourself can assess how rapidly the development of prosthetics is progressing here in ukraine, and how much many foreigners want to come to
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us to have an exchange of experience and to find common solutions in this area or in other areas of rehabilitation. of course, we are developing, we are developing very quickly, there is such a thing as continuous professional development, and we we use it, we also know how to analyze and make decisions, ukrainians also create new achievements in medicine, including, for example, i will tell such a short story about how incredible ukrainians are. for example, there is such a fast protocol for determining bleeding in trauma, and the ukrainians analyzed two additional two points and created the fakrain protocol, which is recognized throughout
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the world, and this happened during a full-scale invasion, these two additional diagnostic points indicate... damage intestine and in this way, the surgeon receives early information that it is still worth paying attention to the damaged intestine. this is during the war. therefore, of course, we are developing not only in rehabilitation, very powerful development in the surgical direction. accordingly, rehabilitation is a consequence of surgery. and success is such teamwork. olya, there will be another question for you, probably it will be, maybe not... new for you, what experience did you get during a full-scale invasion, which you would never want to have? to lose loved ones, to lose ukrainians, because every loss is a pain
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that cannot be described, it is a universe that... simply falls in the family, in the family, in the community, in ukraine, the war takes away the best. of course, i wouldn't want this, as probably all ukrainians do, but i want to thank you for your strength, for your steadfastness and for your work, thank you, and for the fact that you agreed to come and frankly tell about your experience, thank you .
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taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv, andriy smoliy and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect ours tomorrow, watch saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. see that tuesday at 7:55 in the legal examination program on the espresso tv channel.
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see this week in the judicial program control with tatyana shustrova. competition to the constitutional court, where the candidates have valuable property. why does the state look into my life, my wallet, and for what reasons? but how did the contestant get a conclusion about dishonesty for the second time? i admitted my mistakes that were made in the previous competition. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. judicial system. ukraine needs a thorough reboot. this is one of the requirements of our accession to the european union. selection for one of the country's most important judges continues in ukraine - constitutional court. the selection conditions are strict, and even in spite of this, the unscrupulous servants of themis try to get into the body that interprets the main state document and decides on the conformity of the ukrainian legislation with the constitution. this is what we will talk about today. but first to the news. the judge of the lenin
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district court of poltava, serhiy kononenko, was sentenced to six years in prison for extorting a bribe. the high anti-corruption court found him guilty on two counts. he demanded and received uah 300 for the decision to recognize the right ownership of a self-built garage and uah 5,000 in the case of debt collection of 100,000. this is the second time that vaks has issued a verdict against judge kononenko. august 17. in 2022, he was found guilty and sentenced to seven years in prison, however , the vaks appeals chamber upheld the defense's appeal and sent the case for a new trial. the publication about the court notes that during the first trial, kononenko constantly delayed the process. he was repeatedly fined for non-appearance. he also did not pay the bail assigned to him and even tried to mobilize the armed forces to stop the proceedings. according to the anti-corruption center, there was another interesting detail in the case. according to the applicant, during a personal meeting, the judge
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offered her non-standard cooperation. we met with him. in the park, he told me that he had three lawyers with whom he worked, and he proposed to me as well, plus such cooperation should also have a sexual nature, because he said that he sleeps with all the female lawyers with whom he works. in the event that the verdict becomes legally binding before the deadline kononenko's punishment will include the time he spent in the pretrial detention center. he stayed there from august 2022 to june 2023. in ukraine , selection for one of the most important judicial bodies - the constitutional court - is ongoing. previously, judges of the constitutional court were appointed by the president, the parliament and the congress of judges. but at the end of 2022 , the verkhovna rada passed a law on changing the selection procedure. the law established an advisory group of experts that analyzes each candidate for compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional competence. and
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here is this appropriate group of experts, it should, so to speak, filter the candidates. both the president, the judges, and the verkhovna rada will choose their own, for their quota, whom they will appoint as judges of the constitutional court. the qualitative formation of the judicial corps of the constitutional court is of utmost importance, because the fate of several key reforms, in particular the reform of the land market, depends on this court right now. after the end of the war, it was the constitutional court that would consider the difficult issues of the reinte. grace of the occupied territories, and although the conditions of selection are strict, the unscrupulous servants of themis do not lose hope of slipping into the high chair. this is tamara novikova, a judge of the cherkasy district administrative court. i was not an honest judge, without various compromises, always, as my parents taught me,
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to be honest with myself and with the law, never to compromise with my conscience. in the 12th year, the supreme council of justice refused to appoint tamara novikova as a judge indefinitely. the candidate assures that sticks were stuck in her wheels. i was fired at the end of the term tenure as a judge. not for disciplinary or any other issues. of what because at that time i had a conflict with the head of the court and this is known to everyone. it is on the air, which provided unreliable information in terms of quality. consideration of cases, and this was the reason for the fact that i did not get the appropriate number of votes in the supreme council of justice when voting for the extension of the mandate indefinitely. in 2016, the higher quorum commission recognized novikova as unfit for the position based on the criteria of professional ethics and integrity. a similar decision
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members of the commission adopted it two years ago. the members of the highest-ranking commission went beyond their powers. my private life, that's why i challenged it, i have the right to it as an individual and not only as a judge, so i think it was a violation, to date it remains open. tamara novikova, like the majority of ukrainian judges, has very loving parents who saved money for expensive gifts for their daughter all her life. i was constantly, as they say, staying with very poor, humble people... that's why, to put it mildly my mother did not insist, she says, we will do everything so that you, i understand that this is an endless struggle for you, and that you are not harassed, also the owner, according to the candidate for the constitutional court , the lion's share of the money for real estate was given by her mother, who worked as a teacher, and although the apartment was intended for the judge to live in, it was also issued for my mother, the fact
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is that i did not have enough money to buy it, and to take it from my mother and say, mother, give me... money, it is not accepted in our country mother's money to use, or how to take it, from where the teacher's mother has money, tama novikova can't explain, i asked her more than once, even yesterday, she resents me, she says, i suffered a lot from your profession, and why is my life, my wallet, my state looking, well, for what reasons , if my mother had a relationship with my father, he gave her some funds, which , again, i do not know, she disposed of them as she saw fit, then what should i manage and interrogate as an investigator , where did you get the money, mom? according to the declaration, tamara novikova earned more than a million hryvnias and i didn't find money to buy a chandelier in the apartment bought by my mother, i didn't even
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run the electricity to the end, because i don't have anything, i don't have anything to even buy a chandelier . nataliya kamin, professor of the department of international law and comparative jurisprudence of the national aviation university, is also applying for the post of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine. i am ready to be open, transparent, and faithfully perform my functional duties as a judge of the constitutional court in the future. in 2007, natalia kaminska bought an apartment in kyiv on credit for $80,000. however , the professor forgot to indicate this cost in the declaration of the candidate for the post of constitutional court judge. until 2011, the husband's father, the former misvekor, unfortunately deceased, he paid the loan funds for this apartment. loan payments are monthly, but of course, after the divorce, i paid these funds myself, it was his initiative, he had
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the opportunity to pay, after the divorce, according to kaminskaya, to pay off the debt her parents helped her with a loan, and last year her mother, a pensioner, gave the candidate for the position of judge another apartment in the capital for almost 70,000 dollars. kaminska contributed a percentage of her funds to this... apartment, however , a much larger part was paid by a pensioner, where did her mother, who had no source of income since 2020, get the money. my mother received benefits, significant severance payments in 2019, when she resigned due to retirement, she also subsequently won court proceedings, respectively, for the remaining benefits that were not hers. timely paid in connection with dismissal and severance pay. the candidate for the constitutional court has wonderful relatives. the professor declared assets in gold and
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silver worth uah 140,000. and these are also gifts from grandparents. also , according to the declaration, natalia kaminska has more than uah 400,000 and $300 in her accounts. $27,00 in cash, gifts too. these were mostly donated funds. before the death of my grandfather and my father. last year , natalia kaminska received more than half a million hryvnias from various people. this interview is for the position of judge this is the second constitutional court case for nataliya kaminska. prior to that, she applied for a position under the quota of the verkhovna rada of ukraine and received a conclusion from the advisory group of experts that she did not meet high moral standards. the professor tried again, this time for the president's quota, and this time she was found dishonest. on july 31, an advisory group of experts found five out of six candidates unfit for the post of judge of the constitutional court based on the presidential quota, so
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a new competition and new ones will soon await us, we hope this time worthy applicants. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shostrova. if you know facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an excess. the idea of ​​his powers or his making wrongful decisions, write to me on facebook or to the mail, the address of which you see on your screens. all the best and we will meet in exactly one week. tired of the mess in the kitchen, all the time. you have to sort through a bunch of pans to find the right one. you need the savory pro kit. unpack the tv. savory pro pans fold into each other and take up so little
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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. four people have already been injured in kherson because of the morning hostilities shelling a 45-year-old woman went to the doctors on her own, and they are helping her. another victim is a 75-year-old man. he is in in difficult condition all four were injured in the dnipro district of the city. the occupiers dropped explosives from the drone, the head of the city administration, roman ruchko, informed the leaders. in the morning, the occupiers hit a critical infrastructure facility in kramatorsk with a rocket. an employee of the enterprise was killed, several others were injured. this was announced by the head of the military administration.


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