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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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for three months, it happened to my son that it all overlapped a little and it was probably too early for him to take such measures, but our ukrainian community was definitely present, you probably saw the ukrainian flags that supported our athletes, the ukrainian home was working where the ukrainian athletes came , they were interviewed, it was such a center of concentration of ukrainian life around the olympics, so definitely, well, if not me personally, then... the rest of the communities were very active and attended competitions and supported our athletes, probably worth it to mention also, despite the fact that during the olympics, demonstrations are generally prohibited, and we traditionally hold two demonstrations a week in our community during normal times, less, however, a flash mob was organized right in the middle of the olympics, that is, let's put it this way, simple. .. this is such a demonstration of support
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for athletes, and here it is, this is footage from the same flash mob. it is worth saying that the attitude of, let's say, the police was super lenient, literally during this flash mob, a cavalcade of mounted police passed by us, which we smiled, and in general both people and people reacted very warmly, people waved, people smiled, there is a feeling that after all we are in the country of ukraine's ally. like the french press, did the stories about our athletes get into the french media, well, at least remember how yaroslava maguchykh rested between competitions, lying on her sleeping bag or covered with it, did the stories about our athletes get into the french media? it's true, they really hit, really, well, they remembered yaroslav the mighty correctly.
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world record holder, uh, such athletes, er, it's usually noted in the media and noticed, so i can't say that it was the center lane, because the french were very much rooting for their own. france performed quite well at this olympics, it seems that they took fifth place overall , and the french supported their team very much, but i have to say that there is a large community of french people who also ... support ukraine very much, these are the , who are friends of our community, and also all the time there in social networks, the successes of the french athletes who are cheered for were literally nearby the french and the ukrainians as well, i cannot say that it is the vast majority of french society there, but it was less noticeable, as you think, but the fact is that it is still the second worst performance in the entire history, it is clear that ... war, it is clear,
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nevertheless, whether it is, well, they have, is there any fault here, for example, the olympic committee, there, i don't know, the minister of sports, is there any, some reason to think, in general , i think that it is a miracle, that there are several gold medals, that there are so many medals in general, because every medal in such conditions is simply a miracle multiplied by three, so... well, of course i want more, of course i need more, and of course, as everywhere there are questions about the organization, about the rest, it is always possible to do better, but i am not ready to consider it a failure or a generally unworthy performance, to be honest, i generally expected, in terms of gold medals, we generally performed better than last year, so i believe that we have a world record holder in jumping, we have on... for example, the performance of our
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my work colleagues sent me a saber knife, it was in granpole, it is one of the largest exhibition centers in paris, one of the most famous, it was shown there for a month, maybe four, tom cruise landed on the roof, and that's where our female sabers performed, as a team, won gold medals, and there was such an interesting moment, before that the french team lost in the semi-finals, it seems to the koreans, and all... all of france was rooting for our team because they beat the korean women in the final, and i was getting a video of it, it's a very beautiful place, the grand palais, it's an incredible sight, and people saw it, and this is a gold medal for the country, i absolutely not ready to call it a failure or a failure, i think it's a miracle and that it's much better than we should have hoped, ee we talk a lot about what happened at this olympiad, it was an incredible discovery. and there
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were also some scandals, which were mostly in russia, it's true, but they also affected us a little, we remember this interpretation of a painting by a dutch artist and... well, that's the story, but, but it's also interesting what was not on this olympiad, here at this olympiad there were no russian flags, well, here we are we are just showing this scene, in which many saw, and even i admit, at first a somewhat caricatured version of leonardo da vinci's last supper, you know, but it turned out to be a completely different story, it 's called bacchus' banquet, the picture seems to be there, you know that one. the positive blue bearded man who appears there, yes, well, that's dionysus or bacchus, well, how can he be confused, i don't know, with jesus christ or whoever, i have to say also about the reaction of the french community, mostly she was great positive, in general, france knows how
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to combine tradition and modernity like no other, well , just think of the pyramids near the louvre, you had to have some courage to put them there. and now no one can imagine how it could be otherwise, just as the french this year broke this tradition of a torchlight procession through the stadium with a bow, which was actually started by the germans in their time, that is , they, that is, the french changed this tradition, changed it beautifully, incredibly influenced through the stage, and it must be said that the french ones are extreme right-wing politicians raised this topic in exactly the same tone as the russians, which is not surprising, because these countries are right-wing... politicians are financed directly by the russians, i was a little surprised when some ukrainians, for example, reposted it under the guise of public opinion in france , here is marion le pen, the niece of marine le pen, so her fellow party members are talking about how terrible it is and so
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on, well, sorry, these people are on the payroll of the kremlin, these are not people worth quoting, and the rest of society is very positive about it perceived, the french are proud of how they are dignified met olympics, i think they have reasons to be proud, and as the russian community, which is large in france, how does it behave during this olympics, considering that russia is forbidden to participate in the olympics, they performed there under neutral with these flags, well, some russians acted as citizens of other countries, they still managed, contrived to take part in the olympics, which was behavior. how are they with the ukrainian fans, have they warmed up, have there been any skirmishes, in fact the russians have been behaving very quietly the last few in fact, after a full-scale invasion, there is generally no water, no grass. indeed, there are
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many russians here, but there are no russians here . the only time a year, this is probably the third year in a row, when you can see them, this is the eighth celebration. may day, the celebration of the victory over germany, there's nothing you can do about it, it's an official public holiday of france, and well, they just can't ban it. at the end of the day, and it's not numerous demonstrations, it's that fewer people come there than we do on wednesday, in a normal week at a ukrainian demonstration. at the end of the day, honestly russians behave very quietly, you still water for grass. moreover, if somewhere near, say, our demonstration , a russian prak appears. we point it out to the police, it is considered a provocation. what is being said about the war in the french press now, because the participation of our athletes, despite the fact that there may not be such an incredible result, is also an attempt to remind us that
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athletes from which countries are at war, even borchyna herself , are participating , iryna kolyadenko, who won silver, her story is just... a story, this is a girl who got an apartment in irpeni for participating in the olympics in tokyo, and who got out of the russian occupation, and when she got out of this occupation, she says that she does not remember the road, how you left, how you took your family, then she found out that the russian the army destroyed that apartment of hers, and for her it's such a, now such a gift, again, of course, that she's chosen by her strength, her... training, but it's, it's lucky that she's alive, and lucky that she has the strength to fight and still won silver, i absolutely agree with this point of view it is very important that our athletes, when they arrive,
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are living people who survived all this horror and despite this, show their sports achievements, it is very necessary, and this is exactly... the way these stories should be told, that these are those , who survived, but imagine how many did not make it, that is why, for example, you showed this video from our flash mob, people in t-shirts... 450, there is a number there, there is a full inscription of 450 ukrainian athletes who were killed by russia during of this war, that is , we have reached it, so for ukraine, apparently, this the worst performance in the history of ukraine's independence, but because there is a war, because there are physically killed athletes, how many more athletes simply do not have the opportunity to train, have to run all the time in bomb shelters, and every success shows that how much they are capable and how much was stolen at this time, it's very important, i think it's maybe the most important thing, what
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our athletes who win medals and also those who just occupy some places that show this will, that's exactly how it should be communicated this infamy of the ukrainian people to the french, and to the whole world, because the eyes of the whole world are now fixed on the olympics, but is this story, like the example of iryna kolyadenko, or did it sound in the media space? france, i won't say that i saw it, but, for example, we have in the ukrainian community the same couple from near irpin, whose house was also destroyed, they have been living here for several years, actively volunteering, and when they talk to, for example, the french, they can say, well, look, even olympic athletes are in the same situation. these are such examples, it's great it is important, i am sure that somewhere, because there is really attention
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to ukrainian athletes, well, but less so, after all, france is the first to cheer for its own, but, let's say, the second line is all the time news about the war and about the athletes , and about everything that concerns, because this is the position of the state, and it is very noticeable, you know, 28 ukrainians are still hanging on the paris city hall. flags and during and already at the beginning of a full-scale invasion are hanging, this country has decided that it will be an ally for ukraine and is actively preparing public opinion for this, so no, this topic is not i forget, this is not 2014 or 2015, when , unfortunately, the theme of the attack on ukraine was just a ploy for the metino, unfortunately, and now, now everyone has problems with it, because... the situation is different, now the topic sounds constantly and the attention is herself
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chained to ukraine, too. mr. mykola, thank you for participating in our broadcast, thank you for talking about how the olympics went, about the behind-the-scenes and about the ukrainian voice at this olympics and how the ukrainian community supported our athletes, mykola khandoga, representative of the ukrainian community in france, was with us, now we will continue to talk about the olympics, with us is a people's deputy of ukraine and an athlete who won. won the bronze medal zhan belenik at the olympic games, we are adding him, yes, is mr. zhan already there, please tell me, they are setting him up, actually he, in addition to winning the bronze medal at the olympic games, also announced the completion of his sports career , what is interesting is that i was somewhat unpleasantly surprised that the head of our national olympic committee... mr. gutsait, when he congratulated the athletes participating in the olympic games, for some reason missed
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the name and surname of zhan beleniuk, and maybe it is because zhan beleniuk criticized mr. vadym gutsait, now we will ask whether, i can't believe that our head of the olympic committee, a participant in the olympics, a famous athlete himself, well, what about me so trivial, but let's ask zhan beleniuk how he is... i do greco-roman wrestling, he is an olympic champion and a silver medalist of the olympic games. besides, a two-time world champion, a three-time european champion,
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a winner of the european games, these are definitely mine the main regalia are sports. my war began on the morning of february 24, 22nd, when i heard explosions in my house, it was in kyiv, that's when i realized that the war had begun. this war 100%... affected the life of every ukrainian, that's how much grief the russians inflicted on ukrainians, well, i think that every one. history, it is individual, and it is tragic, unfortunately.
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and this hall is called avangard. i played basketball here, and at the beginning of march , the russians hit the kyiv television tower with a rocket, the impact was so powerful that it destroyed this hall was completely destroyed, everything inside burned down, six people, one child, died. the whole family, i remember that day and those shots, that is , after that it became clear that they did not just come to seize our territories, they want to destroy all ukrainians who do not agree to be under the russian yoke, they want to destroy
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ukrainian culture, ukrainian sports, everything has something to do with... ukraine. we fight for democratic values, for freedom. the whole world, which professes the same principles, must help us, because otherwise, darkness the light will win, and you may be the next victims.
2:48 pm
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listen to yours. dear friends, let's go back, let's continue, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, and andriy saichuk already has some exciting, incredible story for you, and we will all listen to this story now, and listen, well , the story is like this in short, now i will show you one picture, a photo , a photo, here it is, this photo shows who, yes ronald reagan, this photo was taken exactly 40 years ago, that is, 11. until august 1984, ronald reagan, his residence was in texas or somewhere, he was speaking there, and he had to have some kind of
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on-screen inclusion, you know, there is the espresso marathon tv channel, well, relatively speaking, that is, he was there at the microphone , all the sound check was going on, well, how do you know, how do they say, they say there, count there, talk there, say something, count, because we need to check the sound, mr. president, well, he was, you know, an actor with a sense of humor , he was bored, you just know, and he says something like this: a dear americans, from today, from this minute and forever, i declare the soviet union and moscow outlawed, the bombing will begin in 5 minutes, he said it, everyone laughed, and then somewhere there was already this zeiter there and so on, it did not make it to the live airwaves, but someone told about it, there was a big scandal and everyone said: what, what kind of populism, the kremlin began to react to this, the politburo of the central committee gathered to consider this situation, the american president threatened a nuclear bombardment of the soviet
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union, russia, that he will destroy it. well, america generally liked it. and you know what i liked was that when there was this moment in front of the microphone, and not like there yulia tymoshenko, for example, said that everything is gone, or no one will give you money there, make at least a boring face and so on. he talked about what he actually believed and jokingly, you know, jokingly joking, uh, but in every joke, but that was a president who could also shake his fist, you know, and say no, it's not going to happen, and eventually nixon such was the president, even they say that he called brezhnev when there was a story about israel, and said that he was a shoemaker . and said, i just drank half a bottle of whiskey this morning, i just now opened my suitcase, and now there will be no moscow, well, that is, they were presidents who were not
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afraid to take responsibility, we also have such a president, the truth is in ukraine, who is not afraid to make decisions on the basis of judgment, only i am not sure that he takes responsibility for them, for the past, for the past summer , in my opinion no, well, no less with that, but but i am i lead to the fact that now... there is a lack of politicians, such politicians, of such a scale, and certainly not biden, then not reagan, and certainly not even kamala geris will be the new reagan, well, somehow it is so, probably we ourselves have just changed , but look at the muscovites, they have also changed, but they have changed even for the worse, that is, they are now closer to the tatar-mongols of the 13th century than they were 40 years ago, and this is a negative evolution in them, in them capacious evolution, they are being purged. literally, first of all , their own intelligentsia, that is, they have them now such a bit of a cultural similar revolution like that negative, well yes, well, what
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mautzeon faced then in china, that the chinese intelligentsia presented the facts, were his enemies, because what he needed were stupid half-slaves of people who would believe in delusion called communism, the chinese version, and in principle they did not pass. were not prone to some serious reflections and did not have great needs, i.e. they were given bread, the laborers were discharged and they are happy, you know, they are happy, well , this is also the way, i.e. listen, more 2 00 years it is, it is a big big big battle of different systems, that is, the slave system and the system of organizing a free society, that is, i have not known war since the time, for example, with... with the persians and when athens fought first with darius, then with sers and so on, well, that is, this whole story continues from there,
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i don't really hope. i thought that thermopiles would be here in ukraine, once, as they say, we didn’t sign up for it, but gentlemen, if we didn’t sign up, we probably did, dear friends, our espresso marathon continues, i let me remind you that we are working with andriy saichuk until 4:30 p.m., and you still have time, and this time can be used in such a way that, in addition to talking about important things, you can also do an important thing for donating. to our army, let's now show our viewers the qr code by which they can do it, we have collected with you this day, now i will tell you exactly how much 4400 uah, dear friends, but we want to collect more, now on your qr screens code, you see it, scan the qr code, who doesn't, doesn't know how to do it, just take a picture of this screen and then ask someone to help you
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do it. collection for three brigades, the third separate assault brigade, 110, 47, we collect for them, we urgently need to collect for drones and rep systems, this is what helps save the lives of our military, rep systems and drones are what help make the lives of muscovites hellish and to shorten it, these are drones , please join us, you and i are already, in fact, we are from 1 million, from our first million we are separated by... some less than uah 170,000, less than uah 170,00, imagine, dear friends, today is not bad result, but i won't say that it is the best for the whole week, the best result between you and i was yesterday, because we collected a record 82,000 hryvnias yesterday, i don't know if we will be able to repeat that record today, but nevertheless i really hope , at least for the second
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place... we will go to the meeting today, and there will be a second result, this is how we will have our olympic meeting, so to speak, dear friends, join us, let's listen to those for whom we are in the end - we are finally collecting this money, good health, dear ukrainians, we are fighters of the first assault battalion, the third separate assault brigade, who will defend our native land on the front line, we urgently need your help. we need means of radio-electronic warfare against the enemy's small bpola and komikatsa drones, we are very much asking for your help, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, so you have heard and seen those for whom we are collecting, please join us, let's not stop at the 46 hryvnia mark already , oh, thank you, that's how our viewers react, we just can't wait. was, we
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started this our third part with we collected 4,000 hryvnia marks for the morning before lunch. and while we were on the air from 2:10 p.m., wait, that is, while we were not there, more than half were thrown, that is, they finally left, maybe, i hope not, maybe someone and, even if someone threw money for such reasons , for god's sake, the most important thing is that this money will go to our military, what steve woznyk threw away after all, you think, well... how steve wozniak threw it, it's a little bit, as for steve wozniak, it could have been more, 20, but considering how i update the bank, you know, i am i see that sometimes 50 hryvnias fall there, 10 hryvnias, 100, and this is definitely not steve voznik, these are our ordinary simple ukrainians, for whom that money is a lot of money, but they understand, it happened that both 20 fell and 30,000 for once, it's also true, there are no bad donuts, it's bad when
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those donuts aren't there, that's how. i remember something like 2 million fell, well then, by the way, we remember who threw it, so dear friends, we are approaching the 15th, which means that we are watching a fresh selection of news, annayeva melnyk is already ready to tell us about it, annaeva, you have a word, congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news editor will continue to work, we will tell you about the main thing, in particular , about how many rockets and rockets were launched in our country this night, muscovites, muscovites, stay with us. this week, russia launched more than 30 missiles and more than 800 guided air bombs over ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy reported. the president also thanked our partners for the air defense systems and combat aviation and noted that the lifting of restrictions on
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defense is important for ukraine.


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