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tv   [untitled]    August 11, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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an unusual look at the news, good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin did this, he would go to prison, a special look at the events in ukraine, so no it must be said that the fish rots from the head, no, not from the head, and beyond it, who is china then, my heart hurts, all this is in the information marathon with mykola. in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. hi dad how are you i hope you are doing well, despite the conditions in which you are found himself i remember the time. how well we lived
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together with our whole family, with our dog and kittens, how we all walked together in the cold winter and made a snowman, played snowballs, how you and i sat together in the kitchen and prepared delicious dishes, got up together in the morning for a run. the man has been in captivity for more than a year.
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it was a year in august, it's very hard, the thought warms me that he's alive and more or less everything is fine with him now. yuri yuriyovych kayov, this is the russian telegram channel fsbeshny, they posted a video of the arrest, wrote that they detained. terrorist group from the kherson region, i was dropped the link, because i didn't even know what he was detained for, what are they accused of? i don't understand why you, because you did so much good for people, you drove humanitarian aid through dozens of roadblocks, under bullets, and at the same time you were not afraid for your life, but worried about... the lives of those
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for whom you did it did, they traveled in a column of the red cross, volunteers, they took people out, brought back humanitarian aid, medicine in the hospital, he could not to leave people, the home, that is, this desire to help, that people were in a desperate situation, and he said, well... i'm not afraid, i asked him, i said, you understand, well, what should i do, how will you be detained, he told me , you know what i said, don’t be silly, maybe you should have stopped at some point, but they are waiting there, they are already waiting there, people are waiting there, detention of humanitarian goods, it has become a stable practice in the temporarily occupied territories, it is like the kherson region, zaporizhzhia region, donetsk region, people, who had already been released from captivity, they testified...
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about inhumane treatment, they testified about torture, they testified about torture, this and electric current, this and beatings, with various types of sticks, clubs, and this even in plastic pipes, sand was poured so that it was a harder blow, someone was accused of being overworked military personnel, someone was accused of being correctional officers, someone was a spy, someone was not accused of anything at all... they just saw a person in the basement, thrown, people told me, from which he sat in, which came out, it's simple inhumane conditions, first of all, the light is constantly on, secondly, they were mocked, they came and there they were forced to sing the russian national anthem, well , i know how worthy it was for him, there was a grid to which someone was constantly handcuffed, tortured with electric current , fed once a day. in the best case, or even by two, or even
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by three. my husband lost almost 25 kg in the cellars. everything was already knocked out of him, that everything they needed, they gave him to sign documents, empty, empty letters that he signed, he does not even know what in simferopol's lawyer advised him to be a very obedient boy, because she did not promise him anything that he would stay alive. many people testify that they practically fell into the middle ages, when they were looking for witches there. and the testimony was taken out, the person, of course, is not told the reasons for the detention, that is, the person does not understand at all, this is a violated right, of course, that the person is forced to sign either blank documents, or is forced to sign documents, covering the content of this document, that is,
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the person does not understand at all, what is she signs, not to get acquainted with the case materials, not to come up with some kind of defense strategy, not to appeal something, there are lawyers who want to help, but... they are simply not allowed to see people, the lawyers themselves say that we have not done anything here, it's just that this is just an illusion of law, everything has been decided there a long, long time ago, i cannot prove to my state that my husband did not just go for a walk in the occupied territory, but that he is in captivity, that is, there is information, but there is no confirmation, officially they are not recognize that the russians are not fools. i don't know that they have it now i don’t have any document from lufortov, the meetings are held in a closed format, a large number of people, indeed, which we still cannot find, the russian federation does not confirm, why does it not confirm, i do not know,
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everything that could be done in ukraine, i did , it was addressed to all possible authorities. minsk and international ones, i also applied to the un mission on enforced involuntary disappearances, i applied to the international committee of the red cross, there is a video arrest, there is certain evidence that he is there, letters reach him, he sizo products are arriving, but there is still no confirmation from the international committee of the red cross, that is, now, honestly, i don't know what else can be done, we are just now going out to... the people's community. now my mother and sister and i are left alone and try to support each other. i understand that part of your responsibilities fall on my shoulders. i remained the only man in the family, although i understand that you still had a lot
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to teach me. i sincerely miss you and your advice, how you solved everything with ease problems now i'm trying to learn myself why... you didn't have time to teach me, hello, son, i always look forward to hearing from you all, it's even hard for me to imagine how you grew up, please, very, very much, support mom, help let her rest more often, it is very difficult for her without my help, i miss you so much, and i really hope... that you will come back soon, soon christmas and new year holidays, if you asked me what i want most in the world, then i would asked that you be returned to us.
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my dear dad. i am so waiting for yours return, my mother and i sent a lot of letters for you when you were exposed, i was still a 16-year-old boy, it seemed to me that
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time stood still, you were not around for my coming of age, and now your birthday is coming up, february 29th. first of the soviet union, and then it became military and served until 2000 in the ranks of the armed forces of belarus. we knew that we would not live in belarus, that we would return to ukraine in any case, because we are ukrainians, we were born in ukraine. we were afraid, it was terrible, there was flying, shooting, and it happened
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a lot of shot cars, just too many, because people were lying dead, on march 10, on march 10 there was a green corridor, everyone left here, gena and i remained in our village. took care of me, fed me, because i did not move. on march 16, he went out to feed the animals in the morning and his phone was taken away. on march 16, he wrote poems, he described this situation, what is happening here, i had a saved sms. 20th day of the war, how much? pain in the soul and in the heart, there are already so many wounds, there is no connection, and i pray again, to live even longer
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until the morning, somehow, you write, how is my blood pressure, and did i take medicine, in vain, i forgot myself, because i never get sick, because i am a doctor here, also a cook, also a commandant, the 20th day of the war, how terrible, all the houses are empty, with me only paradise, play. there are marauders here and there and everywhere, it hurts so much that i can't stop it, because i have no right to make a mistake. i gave my word to the other that i would not leave him for a moment. they kidnapped him, they came. the russians said he would return in three days. but three days later he didn't come back, and then i realized what took him away dad, i want to strongly
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accuse you and not let you go, how many unfulfilled plans you and i have, but mom and i are doing everything for your soonest return. i arrived here on april 2. after the de-occupation on the second day, i walked around these houses where the orcs lived, walked and looked for him and called him, of course, i did not find him. they immediately began to recruit him, to which the man says: i will never
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go against my people, i know that his health is quite bad, there is no access to a lawyer at all, no transfer is possible, although there is an official confirmation from... the icrc from the ministry of defense of russia, that is, the capture, they confirmed. i applied to the ombudsman's office, they applied to the coordination headquarters, i wrote a letter to the president at the sbu, and there was a reply that he is a resident of ukraine, and he has a permanent residence permit in ukraine, and he has the same right to dismissal, and it is on the trade-in lists. i don't understand why my dad was taken away. in captivity, banal simply for the ukrainian position. i
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know that dad has heart and kidney problems. during the captivity, problems with the pancreas appeared, we were told, released from captivity, who were with him, that he fell ill with tuberculosis, time is playing against us, and we need to get him back as soon as possible. ok ok ok everything? - not really, but what's wrong? well, because tomorrow is the birthday, and the child is not there. my husband in general, he is such a good person, we have three grandchildren and three children, they are there for fishing, they spent so much time together,
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and the children love him, they were not told where he was for a long time, but then they still informed, and the children ... it's hard, i know that the husband is also very worried in captivity because he didn't see how they grow up, i believe that he will return alive, our feelings, our strength of spirit, they will not break, i really want , for him to return home, thanks to him, i'm alive, i'm sure that we will succeed, that... we will be heard, you just hold on, hold on for our sake. i will continue to try to help my husband. it is also necessary to apply to international platforms, publicity is very necessary. people who did not hold weapons in their hands were simply deprived of them will and this is a war crime, about which
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you can never be silent. they should be released without any conditions, without any grounds. they are civilians, they should not be there, they should be at home. the panel of judges sentenced serhii vitaliyovych, the tsegip, to be found guilty of the crime. he was simply
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taken away at a checkpoint at one point. i think that serhii was arrested for everything, and for the fact that he was a volunteer, and for the fact that he led the information self-defense project. for his military background because he is from 2015 to 17 he served in the armed forces for a year. and of course, you can forget about the rally on the 6th. including showing their ukrainian position that we do not agree with the occupation, the column is going to the mayor's office, to the occupiers, the new kokovka is
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ukraine, ukraine. people like serhiy, who are pro-ukrainian, who are active in their actions, are simply detained on the street , at home, day and night, without informing their relatives and friends where they are being held, for what they are being held, that is, this is a deprivation of personal freedom, and how much this deprivation can last. who does not know, ukrainian civilians, they are the most vulnerable category, russia does not recognize that civilians are being held in its captivity . international law faced such a terrible situation that there are no norms that would oblige the aggressor state to take certain
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actions in order to return these civilians. people like serhii are at the highest risk, which... because they are activists, they are volunteers, they may be ex-servicemen, they are opinion leaders who can resist the occupation authorities, the russian federation does not need this, so that there were people who were against their regime. he was officially charged under article 276, which is espionage and harming his activities during the svo. the 23-year-old was sentenced to 13 years on october 6, this is simply a terrible number, at the age of 62, because
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poor nutrition, poor medical care, poor conditions, every year in his case could be his last. i miss you very much, i miss our sincere conversations with you in the kitchen, your wise advice. i often remember how you and i persuaded my mother to get married. dog like they were choosing a name for him, ice, how you and your mother went to kharkiv to pick up the dog, i remember how you and my mother filmed small video clips about ice, posted them on youtube, my mother and i recently watched these clips, they very nice, our delivery dog ​​ice yesterday carried medicine to tavrisk. today at the korsun dacha, it is about kilometer 17,
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serhiy, i remember how my mother went for a week to the courses, and you and i stayed together on the farm, you cooked palm trees and bought me various goodies, and do you remember how man... i told you that i was going to see a girl, and you gave me money for a movie upholstery. serhii, hold on, know that i love you very much and am waiting for you. he wrote a letter to boris johnson so you understand. at first i think so. as it is and now i believe, i believe that maybe a person will really take part in the fate of the reborn serhiy tsegip and
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will succeed in freeing him. the meaning is that there are birds from the sky in the cage. captured political prisoners. this project is dedicated to six such political prisoners, and one of these project participants is my serhiy. not everyone knows what people in the occupation go through, not everyone knows what happens to civilian prisoners behind bars, so this story must be told. humiliation, torture, humiliation. this is how we live in captivity. evil. laughs in the approach, eyes bloodshot in the temple, nerves, the last border of defense, and he turned gray. international law turned out to
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be unprepared for the cases that are happening now, the initiator of changes, i think... the state of ukraine should still speak, despite the third year of a full-scale invasion and still not elected a third state, which according to international law is a protecting state, which can influence the state that violates the norms of international law, must influence the international community, the donor of the international committee of the red cross. to talk about the war crimes committed by the russian federation against the ukrainian population, which in turn could find levers of influence on the aggressor state and oblige it to return
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civilians. as the wife of a civilian prisoner, i am asking the entire international community, which still maintained diplomatic relations with russia so that they would respond to our pain and help us find a return mechanism. our relatives from captivity home.
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3:58 pm
the book of women at war. a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the spirit and letter publishing house, a book based on reports the presenter of the espresso tv channel khrystyna parubiy. 20 stories, 20 fates, 20 women who defended the country. the book is dedicated to women who chose the path of fighting the enemy in the ranks of the military. women at war, search in bookstores of ukraine. with the support of the konstantin zhivago charitable foundation. in the august issue of the magazine "the country will tell about the return from captivity, how ukraine is looking for its own, will we return all the children kidnapped by russia? the country touches on painful topics for all ukrainians. we talk to experts, listen to the stories of the military, who were in captivity. ask for the country at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts on
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tablets until independence day. 10% in the pharmacies plantain bam and ochad there are discounts until independence day on citramon darnytsia 10% in the pharmacies plantain pam and ochad. dear friends, we are back and starting our next and final hour for today in marathon on the espress tv channel. lesya vakulyuk andriy saichuk. we are working for you in this studio for the next 26 minutes. and let's talk about education in these minutes, to begin with i want you to make a small summary of what we collected with you today, so 52,000 is as of now since the very morning, we have accumulated so much, this is not the best result for this week, the best was yesterday 82, and so far this is not the second result for this a week, because this week it somehow happened that you and i collected 57 thousand, but you still have
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half an hour. 26 minutes, to be more precise, that it is this...


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